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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1935, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN mir AAIANThM ATFMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 2th, 1935 Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn, Mrs. Sid Morris and Mrs. J. Gibson. repres- ented Beehive Lodge at the Rebekah Assembly at Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto, this week. Sensational Clearance 0F WOMEN'S COLORED CLOTH COATS Save plenty this week by buying your new coat now. Buy for fal in this sale which means plenty of sav- tngs. $3@00 - S5.OO OFF EACH COAT. Colorf ul Gingkam FROCKS A wide selection of smart cool frocks for summer Wear. $2.75 each Seersucker FROCKS The season's favorite material in new seas- on's styles, Special $2.95 each Attend Lions Club Show Friday. Couclu, Johnston &Cryderman, Ltd. Phone 104 Bowmanville CLEAN FOUNTAIN SPECIALS SATURDAY SPECIAL Wrestling Twins Sundae loc CANDY SPECIAL COCONUT FRUIT ICES Special 22c lb. Borden's5 Malted Milk Shakes 10c each. Help the Lions Club VIT Watson's LUNCH ROOM PHONE 97 Radian Drik .an Dikfour glasses of milk each day thiE That's ail you have possess radiant healti enviable beauty. Yc jour complexion and ity . . . ail of these ii become your greate once you get the Gler and stick to it. Delivered fresh ligi door every moi GvLmN IR R. R. Stevent PHONE 4083 and minutes read by the SecretarY, Miss Greta Wickett. Mrs. Ingham LOCAL & PERSONAL gave a fine review on the Peace sit- B.HSào e c o lP o oin uation. Worship service was in B .S o e c o lP o oin Magistrate E. A. Gee. Lindsay, 'vas charge of Mrs. C. A. Wight, Miss. __________________S u g g e stio ns________________ hereSatrdayon usinss.Florence Werry reading the lesson Mrs A E Mcredyand Miss Margaret Grant the pray- The keenly anticipated announce- Art: Agric. 1 Mrs A.E. cCradyisvisiting er. Master Ewart Bragg sang very ment of Lower Sehool Promotionsi Kathleen Sissons - Brit. Hist. Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Annis, Lindsay., icely -Angels lever Bright and Fair" was made by Principal Dippeil to- ', Geog. Art; Agric. 1 Mr. and- Mrs. W. H. Girdler, Tor- with Mr. F. Sutton accompariist. The day and is published below. Charles Somerscales-Brit. Hist. SKIPPER onto, spent Sunday at Mr. R. Fish- Study Book, Buiîders of the Indian Geog., Art, Agric. . leigh's. Cuc.~a ae yMs ee Principal's Note-The passîng of Charles Spencer--Gram.; Physiog. Kippered nerrang 3 TINS 29C Mr. Donald H. Brown, Arnprior. Cryderman and Mrs. C. A. Wight thfourdyeartmoent eaiI rib.SAgic. 2.Grm. hyio. is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. both reviewing the f ifth and sixth of any yrom dtoen ot neesri rcSwnel-Ga. b3igT am a oJ ic 5 E. H. Brown. chapters in a most interesting man-menpo tintahgerom Arith. Agric. 2.To a e J i 5IN 2 0 ner Mss lse Ali faord wthas the marks of all the subject.s Paul Symions-Brit. Hist.; Geog. MacLARENS Miss fla Pearce, Sault Ste. Marie, e;Ms li Au vrdwt must be considered to show that Art; Agrie. 1. Mihia, sviiin rsýa fine piano number wbich ail en- they have the ability to proc'eed sat- ~ Ti-rt itGo DucnSmith. jye.Baby Band will be enter- iWitrllit hesbjesofte art; Ait-r Hit.1.o. tained at next meeting, July l6tb. inext form. ihth ujct ft eretAg o.r-Agric. 2.d 1 AN25 Mr. T. C. JeweUl and Miss Frankie nx om retTyo-gi.2 TIGER BRAND M. Jewell are visting relatives in ________________ Margaret Abbott - Gram.; Br. Ha.zel TrulI - Brit. Hist.; Geog., Cleveland, Ohio. Hist.- Art; Agric. 1. *Salmon I Mrs. W. G. Nelles, Massey, is vis- .l Vr Annie Alin-Geog. Samuel Van Camp - Brit. Hist.;2L iting bier son, Mr. F. W. Nelles ad Little iXfownFl ac1IS Derek Barnett-Brit. Hist.; Geog.; Oeog.; Art; Agie.1. PEACH SANDWICH old friends bere.abu Art; Agri. 1. Helen virtue-Brit. Hist.; Geog.;LB Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt re-abu1 Murray Bate - Gram.; PEhysiog.; Art; Agric. 1. ]BiscUu s15 cently visited relatives at St.Thom-~ 7I . Arith.; Agric. 2. Clair Wakelin-Gram.; Physiog.: LB OS as and Hamilton.wei no n r pe Richard Bathgate - Brit. Hist.; Agric. 2. CU OS Mr. rhr Mgie eia1____________ Geog.; Art; Agric. 1. Gertrude' Wagar - Gram.; Phys- I en Sask.. has been visiting his mother,____ Harold Bennett--Gram.; Pbysiog.; iog.; Arith.; Agric. 2. t f e Olv s2 JR 25 Sas. .. a b e .stn i ohr If Henry D. Perky, a Boston law- Arith.; Agrie. 2. Olive Ward - Brit. Hist.; Geog.; CANADA DRY M.dMrs. ..Thmso n yer, had not. been troubled with in- Dorothy Bradt-Graxn.; Physiog.; Art; Agric. 1. - i r. an Mrs.Geo. hompsn andArith.; Agric. 2. Marion Werry-Brit. Hist.; Geog.;HLFDZPNS jfamily, Toronto, visited lier sister,] digestion and. if hie had not been Mrurt roigGo. r;At gi.1 ï g r A eHL O.PNS9 t ,Miss Teresa Murphy. breakfasting in a little Nebraska Marguerite Brorking-Geg.; Art; Art;sA.ricrt. town. along about 1890; and if bie Are .Gog ht-r it;At 18c refund on boules Mrs. Albert Bell. Wilkie, Sask.. had flot been curious as to wby a William Brown-Brit. Hist.; Geog. Marie White - Gram.; Pbysiog.; Mr. Bud Pickard. Mr. Bob Muller, feîîow-diner was eating a bowl of Art; Agric. 1. Arith.; Agric. 2.KRF Mr. Jim Hayman, Cleveland, Ohio, cooked wheat -Shredded Wheat Donald Cameron-Gram.; Plx*- Dorotby Wight-Physiog. LB. 8 are visiting at Mr. A. W. Pickrad's. might neyer have been inveiited. iog.: Aritb.; Agric. 2. Douglas Wigt-Brit. Hist.; Geog. cheese » M r. D. L. Summerville. of Wood- M ek a efrtpro o Sydney Casbourfl-Pbysiog. Art; Agric. 1.KRF stock for many years principal of coreiv7erk the si itpes of hre Josephine Caverly-Gram.; Phy- Howard Wight-Art. L'ndsay schools. died June 14. The ddWeta nadt ieto siog.; Agric. 2. Helen Williams-Brit. Hist. Geog. S n w c p e d ~ 7 remains were taken to Port Hope and bi ietio as an hdt etioun Isabel Clemence-Brit. Hist.; Ge- Art; Agric. 1. i S n w f aS r a A 7 for burial. adhsivninhshle hu og.; Art; Agric. 1. Patricia W i 1 s o n -- Brît. Hist.; KRAFT Mr.andMrs Ir Ague Buketn.sands tobetter health. There's an Elford Cobbledick -. Geog.; Art; Geog.; Art; Agric. 1.Ma o a e Mr n r.IaAge Breo.ottnigexample rigbt here in Agric. 1. Margaret Wood-ýGraml.; Pb3siog. Ontario, announce the engagement Bowmanville in the person of Mrs. RalpgCoe - ritaHis.; eog.0ArthNDArt35e of their eider daughter, Mina Mabel Minnie R. Barton (Calver). althougb Art. Velma Woodward - Brit. Hist. SWEET MIXED Agnes, to Cecil William Thomas, nearing the alloted span of f e and John Colville-Brit. Hist.; Geog.; Geog.; Agric. 1. second son of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. who bas been a marvel for energy Art; Agric. 1. Doris Wright-Physiog. ni k e 2OZJA25 C. B. Hyde, London, England, the and bard work for well over hall a Helen Cotton-Brit. Hist.; Geog.; Irene Wright-Brit. Hist. Geog, hite.CksFrs wc eky marriage to take place in July. century. makes bier daily diet of Art; Agric. 1. Art; Agric. 1. Crsi' ae rs wc eky Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Carruthers and' Shredded Wlieat for breakfast, din- Dora Cowling-Art. Rachel Wrigt-Brit. Hist; Geog N R O K P A TR TO A C iect EliadM.adMs aodRcner and supper. About six years John Cowling -Gram.; Pbysiog.; Art; Agric. 1.NO F L PA TE B C O -Fiect ateddtewedding in Oshawa oni and her f riends tbought she was Louise Cox - Brit. Hist.; Geog. ivrHl. aort led igwy Monday evening of Miss Edith Mc- just about through. She could flot Art; Agric. 1. EAM ATO RSU S Favourite Pipe Tobacco........... 1/2 lb. 50c MrMTavish . dugtofMre. Gorne ail-a a meal witbout suffering due to Marion Crago-Geog.; Art; Agric. EXField Seeds and Corn Msn son 0f Mr. andMrs. rrWil-indigestion until one day she dis- 1Toronto UnivendrCirn so, o o r. ar Wh, oeat wbyaccthenly foohd hicb JaesCraoi-rt. Hgist.;e. rToerontso Uvrsei raey.'Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and Egg Mash. Wilson. Mrs. Carruthers and Mrs. coered byaccie n thafobdded RonJalds Croi-Art. Agict.; 1. isYerP CueGde. Rice assisted at the reception. seemed to satisfy lber buiiger and Art; Agric. 1. -Miss Marion L. Semon. ________________________________ In last week's Saturday Night digested without suffering. Forth- Rutb Cryderman - Brit. Hist.; Cîass 2-Elford B. Cox. publisbed in Toronto. a photograpb with she ceased eating meats, Geog.; Art; Agric. 1.- o f "St. Anne de Beaupre, Que.," breads. vegetables, fruits, or any. Carl Devitt - Physiog.; rt. Modern Languages, Class 3-MissU US .T. U , taken by Miss Betty Morris, daugh- other foods whicb most of us deem Agric. 2.Art. E. M. MeKinnon. a rry A lS' G r « ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, was essential to sustaining healtby ap- John Dunn - Gram.; Physiog.; nil included in a page of pictures "Pick petites, and at once she became the Agric. 2. Phone J186 or 121 Bowmnnil of the Week's Photograph Compet- easiest woman in the world te pre- Terence Dustan - Brit. Hist.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Van Nest ition'. The picture was a snapshot pare a meal. Just a box of Sbred- eg;AtAri.1 and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Let's Ail Go to the Lions Club Show Friday taken by MissMorsaddvlp e hase eoelraite Betty Edger - Gram.; Physiog . Keitb, Toronto, were Sunday guests ed. printed and enlarged by Bill butter and a pot of tea and Mrs. Aritb.; Agrie. 2. of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. G. McCuUlocb, Pbillips. who bas charge of Jury Barton bas a full course meal and FlrneEa Bi . s. Geog. Orono. ________________________________ & Lovelî's photographie department. cannot remeînber when sîxe f elt so Ar;lre. i. -Bit is. Would you believe it, some sub -_________________________________ Chrc S. rop0fTrniy el.Only yesterday we saw ber 8± ConnAgi. 1agan-Brit. Hist. seribers have neglected to pay for A. held a very successful supper in the top of a 12 foot ladder cleaning Owen Fagan - Gram.; Pbysiog.; their Statesman for 1935. Are you the school room on Tuesday evn the front of Kerslakes Drug Store 1noth;Agi. 2. lin this class? Then do it now, ee-window as unconcerned as a cbild Iit:AgIO rC peeSo e S rvc ing. Abundarîce of spring f lowers at play. s Elîe Flint - Brit. Hist.; Geog.; please. O rC m lt tr evc made the tables and room look very Bu th hitr of hrde¶ Art; Agric. 1. President Fred Crydermari, Rev. inviting. Cold meat, salada. pickles.1 u h itr fSrde Louise Foley-Brit. Hist.;o.; E. F. Armstrong and Mr. M. S. Dale bread and butter witfi delicious 1Wbeat in Bowmanvllle began much Art: Agric. 1eg. of Bowmanville Rotary Club visited is as Close to You as Your strawberry shortcake made a verY earlier. Back in the late 90s Rev'. Lyra Freeman-Gram.; Pbysiog.; Albion. N. Y. Rotary Club last. amptizngm served by mnm- R oga Fraser, ast o St.i Arith. Tbursday and provided the program elph n bers o h bv group. Hm-Pauls PresbYeini- Thoa acelGa. Phys- as the losers of an attendance con- made candy and some fancy and1 cidentally temnwobpie the iog.1 Arth. test. useful articles also found ready sale.1present editor of The Statesmafi.1 John Gibbs-Physiog. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Neal, Mr. Ex ening Auxiliary ofTrinity Un had quite an argument with our now Hellen Glanville-Physiog.; Arith.; and Mrs. W. .J. Neal, and Miss Vina For Your H u e od R q ie ite Curh . . . eldth rg-I ctgelaiangrce. . . aryn Agric. 2.. Neal, R. N., of Victoria Road, visit- ulr eein i te riar Roming cquaities. of Shredded Wbeat. Art: Agric. 1. Bethesda and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. mentsTelephone Bowmanville on Tuesday evening with Mrs. B. E. The genial divine was baving great Doris G. Hal-eg Dowsoii, Providence; Mrs. WeldoX)2 Ingham, ViePeiet-peiig difficultY with bis stomacb. due, no0 Water Hall-Physog. Neal remaining with ber parents. 5, Program opened with bymn O0 Mas- doubt to church teas. chiekeri pie lijeen H-allmnan-Gram.; Physiog. ter, let me walk with Thee', Mrs. H. suppers and the multifarious "1meals Arith.; Agrie. 2.Mran s. ilo J.Wry D. Wightman aI the piano; n h out" wbicli the pastor of bis f lock Marion Hamm-Gram.; PyiogEsaa noieteeggmn __________ Lords Prayer in unison. Roll caîl indulged in in those days. Finally Arith.; Agric. 2. of their youngest daughter, Hazel - Mr. Martirn consented to corder a Dorothy Harnden - Brit. Hist.; Annie Ellen, te Mr. Philip Dwight VstOrSoei case of this jocularly termned -baled Geog.; Art; Agric. 1. Turner, eldest son of Mrs. Turner VstOrSoei - ay', and forthwith made bistorY Marjorie Henderson-Brit. Hist.; land the late Dwight J. Turner of as the first grocer in Bowmanville Geog.; Art; Agric. 1. Toronto. The marriage to take 1 to seil Shredded Wbeat. Louise Hobbs-Art. place quietly early in July. 'L IN E SSThis article may smatter of ad- JonO SHmABiW Ait;0e _________________ vertising but it's .ust a buman in- og. Art; Agric. i. terst e try we thougbt wouîd Edw:rd Hooper-Brit. Hist.; Ge- COMING EVENTS43S m eN oneetorraes g.; Art. _________________ That's a by-word at Watsofl's Let us return te Mr. Perky and Arith. Mrs. L. T. McLauZhlln is holding THE RODEI IPO OPN IIE 1 1890. His interest and incuiries led Mary Irwin-Art. a lawn party at ber home, July 5tb, Bakery. Our every effort is bent him to bis own experuflentirig. and Ruth Ives-Gram.; Pbysiog.; Ar- in aid of St. Andrew's Women's be was delighted te find Ibat boiled it.- Agrie. 2. Auxiliary. 24-1.________________________ toward keeping our premnises wheat agreed with hîm as f ew other William Janes-Gram.; Physiog.; foods did. To make it more palat-. Arith. Agric. 2. spotlessly clean. Our produets, able and digestible, he conceived Jean Jarvie-OGeog.* Art; Agric. i ____1_____ the idea of bakinÏ it in biscuits. Dorothy Jones-Gram.; Pbysiog.; used in the baking processes, are His first machine was a crude little. Arith.; Agric. 2. FRS N U NA DC AP DSI R lx M G e o machine, not greatly different f rom Robert Kent-Gram. F RS N U NA DC A PDS I R lxM G e o absolutely pure, and of the very an old-fashiofled coffee grinder. Dorothy Knox--Gram.; Physiog.; Wth tis. was soon supplylflg bis Agrie. 2. owhstqalt.n needs. n, hs f i ins Theodore Lambros - Brit. Hist.; B R I G O A anxd neighbours, and hie thought lie Geog.; Art; Agric. i.N R I GT HD saw an opporturiity to go into busi- Phyllis Langman--Gram.; Physi- N I O I Anything you bu>' at Watson's ness. His earl>' ventures were not og. Arith. the ssurnce f liatesofbis machine, so that ecdi Arthur Living-Brit. Hist.;, Geog.; SOHN 'bsbhn tf amily could make its own biscuits. iArt- gie .HEALING C E N FE HVN Then be began te ae icut Rad Iuth Logan Physiog.; Aritb. te sell tbem f rom doort oo. Soîbeig Lundgren - Brit. Hist.; Tubes 10c - 25c -- Jars 50c - $1-00 ally he movedi east, exhibited th~e Geog.; Art; Agric. 1. puit',fiet at a Grocers'Cneto Lucy Lyle - Brit. Hist.; Geog.; "O Boston, acquired a cooking scbool Art; Agric. i.B Y AC ME AB T NG AS and in 1900 came 0 iaraFls Marion Martin-Brit. Hist.; Geog. IAHNG C P -Attend the Big Show .Y. hrhebilt a model plant At gi.i --------- witbis noamionsfar In advance of Donald Mason-Brit. Hist.; Geog.; JU'FY SMARlT, NEW DESIGNS Art; Agie. i.14e - 19c - 25C CanainredddWea ofArt; Agric. 1 » S i a e yit was not until 1905 that the Chas. Mcnvecn-Physiog.;, Arltb.; KODAKS adUp. was formed and a factory erected at Garnet MeLaughliii-Pbyslog. $4 4 Bak ryNiagara Falls. Ont. Now. Ibis po- Jean McMullen-Grami.; Physiog.; W SOA FUNTD4 uar ourich bscit, weigzhing one, Aritb.; Agric. 2. Ina Roberts- Gramn.; Physlog4 A N GE LI Q UE Arth,; Agric. 2. GREY HAIR RESTOILER NU lit to your Helen Rundle-Brit. Hist.; Geog.; Not a Dye-- $1,00 N l Agrlc 2. 3 .WORRALL, OX * WioUlaW Jean und te - Gram.; Pbyslog.. ior sor DA RArt. grlc. 2. 'Mondaya 10 a. m. - 1i.ra PHONE o RU WB DELIVER &Son, Proprietors LeRo>' Short-Brit. Rist.; Geog.; ___________umIw BOWMAVILLEArt, Agric. 1. iRussell Short-Brlt. Rist.; Geog.;

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