PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JUNE 27th, 1935 Dasebal Girls' Soitball THE REALM 0F SPORT I Softball Football Royals Face Three Cobourg Hurlers and Win Came 7 -6 Purdy, Campbell and Gib-' son Fail to HoId Locals MAPLE LEAF GAMES in Ramn Soaked Gm Heres a list of Toronto Ba.seba The combined pitching strength Club home gaines scheduled fc of Purdy. Campbell, and 'Hoot' Gib- Maple Leaf Stadium f rom June 27t son, Cobourg Intermediates' three and into July: mound stars, failed to hold back the June 27, Night game, 9 p. m Bowmanville Royals, when they set June 28. 3 p. m., with Rochester Re out, between rainstorras. to retrieve Wings. some of their recent losses on Sat- Saturday. June 29. 3 p. mn.; Mon urday at the B.H.S. campus. Coin- day. Dominion Day, July 1, tw ing f rom behind the hocals kept gaines in the afternoon; Tuesda3 things humming and eked out a 7-6 Juhy 2, night gaine, 9 p. mn., wit] victory with an innings to spare. Buffalo Bisons. George Piper pitched the entire nine Syracuse, July 5 and July 6, tv innings for the locals and finished games. fresh enough ta register strike-outs Albany, July 8, 9. 10, two gameý in the 8th and 9th innings. Newark. July 11, 12. 13, two gaine Cobourg opened the scoring in the Baltimore, July 15, 16. 17, twi first innings with two runis. bring- gaines. ing their score up to 4 in the third Montreal. Juhy 18, 19, 20, tw( innings. Scoring 1 in the f irst. games. Bowmanville came f rom behind with Oct behind Ike Boone's 1935 Ma. a spectacular innings in the fourth pIe Leafs and cheer themn into thi to tie the score. after Purdy had International League play-offs. walked three. and had been replaced- by Campbell. Smart f ielding held the visitors in time for several inn- SPORT PROGRAM AND ings while the Royals took time to advance in the sixth innings to a STREET FAIR ARE 7-4 ead. Three walks and two hitsPL N E JU Y l contributed to the score in this inn- P A N DJ L s ings. ___ Cobourg staged a ralhy in the Port Hope Lions Club Arranges eighth innings. when Mitchell drove Spectacular Event For a two-bagger to centre f ield to bring Domidnion Day McFayden home. In the mix-up which followed the tllrowin-, - One of the most outstanding Dc- cheli also made home, but it was minion Day celebrations in yean not s0 much errors as an unfortun- wihl be observed in Port Hope or ate break that let these two runs in. july 151.. Unike other years, it . Holding the visitors scoreless in the beîng sponsored by the Port HopE ninth. the locals finished stihl in Lions Club and the entire amourI the ead and with an innings to of proceeds will be used in welfarE spare. work. Ed. Hicks. Bowmanville's 1935 in- Activities get under way at 10a port. came to the fore as a hitter in. with a monster calithumpiar for the first time Saturday, regist- parade. There will be floats of al ering 3 hits in 5 times to bat. in- kinds and cash prizes. cluding a 2-bagger. Hicks' strong In the afternoon Port Hope and hitting did much to give Bowman- Bowmanville girls will clash ina ville this much needed victory. Lakeshore League gaine at 1.15 Petrie, the Oshawa import, played while at 3.15 Port Hope and Cobourg a stellar gaine at f irst base despite Intermediates meet in a ,;cheduled two errors, whîch were more hard battle. There wil be horse races, luck than bad plays. Nothîng more 2.20 and 2.30 classes, and tug-of- spectacular than two base hits were war championships. Musîc will bE witnesçsed in the gaine. Possibly the, furnished by Cobourg Kilties Banc, wet bail and the wet diamond hav- In the evening there wilh bea ing much to do with this slow up. monster street cmrnival. andi the big The visitors were decidedly off draw for nine valuable prizes wil color. Both the ohd standbys. Camp- be made at il o'clock. bell and Gibson, failed to show their Plan to spend the day in Port old pep on the mound, and while 'Hope. the Royals didnt exactly knock1 __! ___________e__ thein alI over the lot they certainly j had littie trouble in meeting their H mn ienCu offerings. ____________Pigeon____Club__ The registered hits are just about the right indication of the gaine!Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club and compares the teams on Satur-1 flew their eighth old'bird race on day very favorably with their per- Saturday. June 22nd. froin Mont- formance. The score: pelier. Ohio. 344 miles air line, with R H E the f ollowing resu ts: Cobourg 202 000 020 - 6 8 11 F. Bottreli 7 hrs. 15 mins. 52 sec. Bowm'ville 100 303 00x - 7 il 2 F. Bottrell 7 hrs. 15 mins. 52 sec. Cobourg- Puidy, Campbell and ji . Woolner 7 hrs, 37 mins. 44 sec. Gibson. p: Mitchell, c: Goody. l b:i F. Bottreil 7 hrs, 42 mins. 22 sec. McYFayden, 2b: Turpin, 3b: Rol1 w, Woohiîer 7 hrs, 44 mins. 21. sec. ings, ss: Brooks, If; Elliott, cf: Gib- L. Richards 7 hrs, 57 mins. 26 sec. son. rf and p. Geo. Bathgate BowmanviUle - Piper. p; Bates, & Sons 8 hrs. 0 mins. 54 sec. c: Petrie. lb: Colwell. 2b: Williams. 3b; Hicks. ss: Large, If: Bagneli. cf: Caineron. rf. SPORT RESULTS Umipires - McMahon., Cobourg; aebî Kenefick. Newcastle. kfbl 1Bowmanville Int. 7- Cobourg 6. 1Bowmanviile Jrs. 9- Cobourg 7. "Let every man be occupied, and, occupied in the highest emPloyment Soccer of which hus nature is capable.- Solina 2- Enniskillen 0. Sydney Smith. Clarke 1- Tyrone 0. F RE E INSTALLATION 0F COMPLE I4EATER EQUIPMENT This includes,, thermostat, tank in- sulation and wirng installed INSTANTLY you get il . .. 24- hour-a-day service, aIl the year 'round . .. one of the greatest con- veniences the modern home can boast ... now available, with safety, through electricity. The Automatic Electric Water 14eater IS A MONEY SAVER, 100 Hot water furnaces show a marked saving in fuel by removal of the coils sised to supply hot water ta the tapa. Without these coils, there is less de- rnand an the fire ta keep the house at the proper temperature. Ini summer, sarne other means of heating water must be provided ta replace the f ur- nace coil. Remnove the cail naw and instal an Electric Water Heater. DON'T DELAY PHONE TODAY THRE H3YDRO SIROP PHONE 192 HDIS YORe. 44 for ith vo ,th vo vo ro )n 15 e e a. n Ld a ,g ýd 'e d. a jHeavy Hitting ls Feature a irg LOU ARS COM ENT...Juniors Jake Cobourg Boys c Into C %%Maamna&tordbqav%44ixturesf Note: Lou Marsh, Sports Editor door was. "Do you remember the of the Toronto Daily Star and one eggs, Lou?" of Canadas outstanding men of.. sports. who was one of the referees Sure I remember the eggs. It was in the Lions Club Boxing and away back twenty odd years agol Wrestling Show last Friday, made about the time the rink was the following comments in his "Pick built f irst and only time in and Shovel' Column on Saturday. my lie I ever got egged at a hockey 1Because of the interesting refer- match. ences to former days. we take the liberty of republi.shing Mr. Marsh's But I didn't get those eggs one ait comments. a Urne no siree! I got them al at, once four dozen The Bowmianville Lions club has of 'em! every reason to be proud of the.. boxing and wrestling show the new . Those four dozen egg.s were for service club promnoted in the rink refereeing a hockey match! down there last night. It was the.. clubs f irst enture into the game and The rink, in those days, was run they put a show across which is by the man who buiît it Alex. entitled to registration in the IlwOw" Taylor. an oldish chap with class. The club had high class and whiskers but a sportsman of the old enthusiastic co-operation by Char- school and a fine character. They lie Ring of the Toronto Lions club. called hlm Buckety" Taylor. At Phil Lawson. supervisor of wrestling any rate a snowstorm killed the at- for the Central Ontario branch of tendance and Buckety didn't have the A. A. U. and C.. and Fred No- money enough in the house to pay bert. supervisor of boxing. and they the visiting teains expenises and produced a program of bouts whlch those of the referee. He had to dig- sizzled with action and class. but ev- down for the visiting teain. When en at that the show would not have he came to me I told hum to forget gone over s0 well if it had flot been it until the next time I came down well handled ait the Bowmanviile and he had a "house." I couldn't end. see the old chap digging down into his pocket for me. I have been at many of these af- fairs out in the sticks - pardon me, When I got home I found four Bowmanville - where the local ar- dozen fresh eggs in my grip. Tay- rangements fell down, and the whole lor had put thein there. He just thing was lef t upon the shoulders couldnt see me go home with noth- of the visiting f iremen from the ing to show for my night's work. city, but that wasn't the case at Bowmanville. They even had a lunch party for the boys who put Fine old chap was Buckety Tay- on the show-the boxers and the lor and there were plenty more wrestlers and the officials-and they like hum around Bowmanville and did not forget to express their ap- those little hockey town.s in the old preciation cf what had been done. days. even if the hot headed fans The boys will ahl go back if they used to make it hectic for the ref- are needed. erees when the homnetown lost. Sure I waz in on it refereed I got more snowballs than eggs in a couple of bouts and had a, those good old days! preat evening renewing old ac- quaintances of hockey days. Thel "I wish" oh. heck what's the very first crack I got coîning in the uSe of wishing?1 Boxing and Wrestling Show Attracted Audience of 1200 gi 1___ By Y Duzzy Wright 111I (Conttnued froin page 1) the Club or. its initial undertaking. That the show on the whale was t ita this display by saine emphatic and wishing it every success in its a success. booing.' service wark. Thar the wrestling provided the The third bout between Ernie The cammirtees responsible for the entertalnmenc; the boxing provided 1Crisp. Toronto Wrestling Club, and success of Bowmanvilles first big the camnpetition. Norm Farewell of Tadmorden went ring show were: That the boxers could have been wh ul ih wasanuesed by Cisp. House Cammittee-E. W. Craw- 'a ittie better matched. jionwihwa nedb r. ford. Vernon Ott, E. Hoar. W. J. That Billy Humphries, Ontario b This was a battle of aggressiveness Bagneli. Dr. R. E. Dinniwelh. Percy Champ, at his weight has plenty of 'n vs weight. and agressiveness won Cowling and Aubrey Smith. class. -iout. 11. proved ta be anc af the best Tikt-.ONîl M.Behn That Mel Glionna, who is on re- i bouts of the whole evening. hcesJ 'Nil .ersi,ýf. inust have appreciatcd thc In the final mat event, Ben Eng- Ted Chant. George Davidge. Roy lunch gîven the comnpetitors and bloin 145 lb. Ontario Champion of Nichais, officiais afteî the show. Scarboro retained his tithe when he Prograin-BilI Oliver, C. H. Dud- That we always thought amateur finished Jim Allen. former 145 Can- ley. J. J. Brown, A. Knight. H. L. wrasslin' would be on th; up and up. adian Champion of Toronto Wrest- Crabb. Our opinion is now changed. ling Club. in 10.05 minutes. A ser- P'ublicity & Advertising--S. R. That Normi Farewelof Tadmor- ies ai front headlocks preceded Eng- James. B. H. Mortlock. den grimaced and banged the mat bloins pinning Allen to the mat. Finances-W, H. Hill. F. Jaînie- the most realistic af any of the The Boxing Bouts son. grunt and groan artists. The boxihg bouts pravided plenty Refreshnents-Alex McGregor, J. That the booing of the Nol1 man of thrills with one knockout and Marr. of Bowmanville and of Lau Marsh two technical knockouts. Bath de- Secretary Chas. D. Searle, and %vWas a rather disgt*sting show of cisîoned bouts were likewise gaod, President W. H. Birks were on the sportsmanship. but the knockouts seemed to be the generai coinmittee. That we will be at the next show. resuit that the roaring fans rquired. In the f irst bout. Dave Murray of B0T AR E Girls' Rural Softhal Mount Pheasant'Athletic Club and BO T HAR E June 27-Haniptan at Oshawa Shain formeriy of Oshawa, scored the oniy AR SLCTD FO lackstockatCuic he gave a surprise defeat to Jack ARnniskilienFORat CMapieGrv Dockerty, Central Ontario Golden ROTARY CARNIVAL Juiy 1-ourtice at Enniskillen real knockout on the prograin whenatayn Gloves Champion, of Fairbanks MaeGeat Ha mptan 1Athletic Club. This was the 118 lb. Geo. Chase Heads General Commit- lPleGoea apo chass and while the lads were light tee for Annual Event on July 2-Bhackstock at Shamrocks and sinahl they put up a splendid July l7thI Bowling battie. Dockerty went ail ta pleces_____Jy1-swa9.0. .ahdy in the third round when several Jl 1-Ohw.93a.maldy short uppercuts put hlm out for the With the Lions Clubs Big Boxing elimination toumnament. caunit.1 and Wrestling Show now history, the Sammy Siegel Y. M. H. A., Tor- next big event on the calendar is Bo onto, won the decision in the second the Rotary Clubs Fair at the Ro- roklin Leads Soccer Loop and 126 lb. class, over Bihiy Enright tary Park on Wednesday, July 17th. 1 of Maple Leaf Boxlng Club'- En- Plans are weli under way for this Brooklin is leading the Clarke and right who made a poor showing in years event. in whlch the club again Darlington Soccer League with the the first round staged a valiant: offers as the grand prize a Chevrohet Ontario Regiment, Oshawa, mn sec- comeback. but the f act that anly the, Coach. ond place. The Ontario Regiment bell saved hlm f rom a certain knock- At recent meeting the following have home and home gaines to play o ut in the first round praved an in- cammittee chairmen were appointed with Bowmanville ta complete the surmounitable barrier for the Judg- for the f air. George Chase is once' first haîf of the schedule but are es to overlook. again Manager of the Carnival unabie ta displace Brooklin f ram In the 13511h. Class Jack Raven of which promises &o eclipse anythng, first place. Maple Leaf Boxing Club scored a previously attempted by the club. B te saine token a double win technical knockout in the fifth Hot Dogs and Coffee-HarrY Allun; would place Bowmanville in second round, when he had Bihl Crawford Gracery Booth-Mrs. HarrY Allun; position while a sphit in points wouîd jof Belleville walking round n cir- 'Fish Pond-Mrs. Fred Cryderman; not affect the standing. The two des. Lau Marsh stepped in and Horse Race Game&--C. T. Ross and gaines, the first of which will be stopped the bout, T. E. Flaxmnan; Free Money-T. A. played in Oshawa Friday evenikg Despite the fact that he had prac- Gartan: Beach Clothes-Rass Strike; and the second in Bowmanville on tîcally the whole crowd behind hum. Dice Game-Wes. Cawker: Soft July 8th, will camplete the f irst hahf Howard Wheeler. former Bawman- Drinks, Ice Cream-Percy Corbett: of the league schedule. The f irst ville boy. now of Belleville, was un- Doîl Booth-A. J. Whalen; Lawn and second teains in the group play able ta overcome the smooth Mel- Chairs and Verandah Funitue-F. off. the winner meeting the winner ville Glionna of Etin Grave Athletic IF. Morris: Maney Wheel-W. E. of the Eastern Group for the league Club. Glionna who hast on a de- Smith; Hains, Bacon, Sugar-M. W. titie. The standing: cision ta Wheeler saine wecks ago, Coinstock: Food Booth- T. H. Teai- Won Loat Tie Pts. loaked poar in the opening round, Knight: Blankets and Rugs-Emnie Brookîin 4 0 2 10 when "Dynamite" Wheeler wcnt ta Rehder; Bottle Gamne-Earl Cun- Ontario Regiment 2 1 1 5 hatthe like a whole company of ar- ningham; Money Blocks-Frank Bowmanvihle 1 1 2 3 tillery. Wheeler however soon play- Williams. Oshawa Hungarians 0 5 1 1 ed out. and Glionna came through Len Elliott has charge af the sale ta get the decision. Incidentally the of tickets for the Chevrolet Coach; Late Sown Vegetables winner displayed about the cheanest Frank Meîlveen will be Fair treas- '.howing of the whale contest. and urer and Oea. W. James will be in Fine quality vegetables may be was exceptionaily dlean in the break- charge of the parade which will pre- produced froin late seedlng. Swede aways. cede the carnival. Prize maney has turnips. carrots and beets mnay be In the final bout Billy Humphries, been ncreased and the classes re- sawn as late as the middle ai June Ontario Provincial Champion, re- arranged, 50 that the parade shauld and stiIl have time ta deveîop toaa tained his laurels when he scored a nat onhy be mare spectacular, but desirable size for winter use. The technical knockout over Nat Kadin th, winners receive larger prizes land should be weil prepared and iii the 4th round. Kadin put up than ever before. rich in plant food. Should dry con- a gooad battie for the f irst twa rounds ____ __ ditians prevail the seed should be but f aded badly in the third when sown on the level rather on ridges. he got battered bY the stylish Hum- CRICKET FANS - ATTENTION! phries. In the fourth, Kadin took 1 Miler's Worm Powders wcre de- the biggest thrashing of the even- Announcernent was made saine vised ta promptly reileve chiidren ing, and went down once for the time ago that the Canadian Legion who suifer f rom the ravages af courit of nine. Froin that time, un- wouid revive cricket in Bowman- worms. It is a simple preparation tii Lou Marsh called the bout. the ville. Ta gel this revival under way warranted ta destroy stamachic and boy was dancing around in a daze, this summer. ail those interested in intestinal worms without shock or an easy target for the Champion's this fine English spart are asked ta injury ta the most sensitive systein. trigger action leits. get in touch with Mr. Harold Moses, They act thoroughly and painlessly, The Canadian Legion Band pro- phone 707. It is hoped that enough and thaugh in some cases they mnay vidcd music during the intermissions wili be interested ta get twa teains cause vomiling, that is an indication and Mayor Ross Strike briefly ad- organized immediately and gaines af their Powerful action and flot af dressed the crowd, congratulating under way n a very short lime. any nauseatlng property. 1SPORTS CALENDARi Intermediate Basebaîl LJune 29-Peterboro at Bowmanville. k 3 p. mn. July 3-Bowmanville at Port Hope 6.30 p. mn. Junior Basebaîl July 1-Bowmanville at Oshawa Girls' Soi tball June 28-Bowmanvilîe at Oshawa G. A. C. July 1-Boivmanville at Port Hope Soccer June 29-Bowmanville at Regiment Clarke at Zion July 1--Courtice at Enniskillen (at Haydon) Clarke at Solina West Durham Softhaîl - Bo>-s June 28-Hampton at Providence Courtice at Maple Grove July 1-Maple Grove .at Hampton Salemn at Enniskillen (at Haydon>. "Be always resolute with the pres- ent hour. EverY moment is of in- f inite value --Goethe. Supreme Watches For Ladies and Gentlemen $12.50 Inwieand yellow gold. modern styles and 15 Jewel movements. $1 2.50 ELCO WATCHES Swiss watches; gents' styles with stainless steel baoks, at $10.00 Ladies' Baguettes, ranging from $15.00_Up. We cari strongly recommend these watches as watches of style and reliabiity. Yo u won't go wrong with either make. James Marr JEWELER Phone 463 - BowmanyMfe An indolent man draws lus breath but does flot live.-Cicero. Bowmanville Juniors chaîkeci up their second win over Cobourg on Saturday by a 9-7 scor'e. Although Cobourg made it close in the ninth when Mr. Baker donated four runs. After calling two decisions that were rather odiferous in the sixth, Umipire Baker calhed Beach safe ta start the ninth, intimating that SIe- mon didn't have hî.is foot on the bag and folhowed this up by claiming that Aines had trapped Turpin's f ly in lef t and although they touched Beach going into second. calhed both men safe. Two errors and two hits completed the damage. Bowinanville, who had scoî'ed one in the f irst on Mcllveen's double ta right. an infield out and an errori on what should have been the third i out. hast their lead in the second when, with two out, Osborne walk- ed two men and two successive, singles drove in two runs. Mclhveen tied the score in the third when he, reached first on a fielder's choice took second on an error and thîrd on an iniield out and crossed the plate when 'Shugger" Roach singledj ta centre. After two scoreless sessions 'Chick'i Hatelys horde brake the tie on singles by Osborne and Hunt andE two errors for two runs and addedf three more in the seventh on hits by McIlveen. Shemon, Roach and Kent, with a walk ta Dave Osborne thrown in. Their hast two talhies came in the ninth on four hits and an error. Dave Osborne, who was nicked for thirteen bingles, struck out ten and along with Roach lead the bat- ters with three softeis. Turpin, who twirled the entire gaine for Ca- bourg, gave up fourteen bingles. R H E Cobourg 020 001 004 -7 138 Bowinville 1101 002 032 - 9 14 21 Turpin and Rollings: Osborne 1 and Mclhveen. Uinpire-F. Jackman and B3aker. A Few "Thats" Froni The Friday Mit-Mat Show We have tht. week received a carload 01 SaIt wlch will be sold at exceptlonally low prices. Buy early because at tiiese Prime it won't last long. Sheppard & Cli Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LMWTED BOWMANVILI.E 1- -1 Don't Miss It! Dominion Day AT PORT HOPE SPONSORED BY THE LIONS CLUB BJGGER and BETTER than ever is the Ail Day Program. Hundreda of Persons Expected From Al Parts of District. MORNING MWonster Calithumpian Parade, FLOATS 0F ALL KINDS AFTERNOON-BIG PROGRAM, TOWN PARK Cobourg vs Port Hope Interniediates and Port Hope Alerta vs Bowmanville Girls; Five Booth&; Tug-of-War; HORSE RACES - 2 Classes, 2.30 and 2.20. EVENING Mammoth Street Fair Music throughout Day by Cobourg Kilties Band Proceeds ln Aid of Children's Welf are and Relief Work. , VALUABLE PRIZES 19 Tickets 25c - Big Draw il p. m. 19 FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO PORT H{OPE RUY COAL NOW Lowest Summer Prices It wiUl pay you to put in your next Winter's coal now. Prices are now at their lowest. And of course you'Ul want the best coal - Blue Coal. And remnember Shep- pard & Gil are headquaî ters for lumber and building supplies, and we have a fine stock of best f ield seeds. PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THUP.SDAY, JUNE 27th, 1935 ;l alý ý - - 1"..