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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1935, p. 4

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IMPRESSIONS 0F THE Page oF Interest to VVomen 'ThOM" SYMPHONY Holiday Week-End Values CNCERT IN TORONTO Cuirosity of seeing anything once, Il 11MnelCok obie ihaloefrgo m,, TT E CORNER CROCERY Handsom Mante Clock fulflled a long f elt desire on our T parmbîn e wh ena ]ox e des Fr m W o a 's ew on Presented to Salem the Promenade Symphony Concert iBride-to-Be Saturday at heUniversity Arena in Toronto. EC* 1! From a Womans View oint Saurday espite he sho ery lpopular :rtertinnents were u s e1 Z 5 OnIstarted last year and continued 16raZ. Honesty than that of their sisters mn the city, weather Salem f olk held their an- say that we were delighted with our One of the reasons why people do and the activities of various organ-a ra10 ahyveiuelstTusa eemgi STUFFED notgie mrelibraly a he elef zaionzat th donsen inte theul pdifferentmofBareyStatresat hu0fa efluaii 1 OpicR othge or ibeally the reief the Commonwealth should have teane, w a goodly number in at- putting it mldly, for we were per- Olives O. A of thepeor i becauettheyreade. Sports were enjoyed byI fectly thrilled with the performance1 Geis froin Wisdom's Mine the papers now and then of a f ar- wider support in order that the the younger folk, a bountiful supper of the orchestra. Although we must o 5 Vary and intermingle speech Of ily that takes advantage of the wel- home if e cf the wheat fariner can wssre n eoeteprii di ecudfo nepe h ONE POUNDl TIN the present occasion with arguments. fare agencies. There are proven be improved. "The above extract wssre n eoeteprii di ecudntitrrtte tales with rea.sons, asking of quest- cases showing that people with good from the report of the Royal Cer pants lef t the tables a very happy modern dance creations by Volkoff! C t ONLY d ions with telling of opinions, and positions and moderate salaries mis- mission in Australla applies with yfeae ec ace, whden Mis, s lad-an h ae Thre are nyd ( jest with earnest; for it is a duli represent facts and obtain relief. eciual force to the women on Canad- hys Caf in, a Junesbie-tio- bye asties wih hacoe rsad enjoyedprhs a31.ti tte eua pe7 thing to tire and, as we say now, te Such instances are given wide pub- ian fanins.Shlenoredsith a AreMefitatien b hm these e lhlcocerts ad weusicn you jIuE haS RZ -.tnatheegarrie2. jade ailything toc far.-Bacon. licity, andt unthinking people con- ___________________ made a jovial chairman and called ta be sure te attend one cf theseCRSTESRT If you have built castles in the clude that such practices are very 1 nMs1laCllct n r t macs nlk orevs utnPKGE.15 air. ycur work need flot be lest; common when in reality they are WEDDINGS Doidge te complete the little *r1erf orillkl want ta hear more IB S U that is where they should be. Now exceedingly rare, Ho w'ever, here is . once . D id e re d t efo- ,ou w ll ie ly M O SE A E put the foundations under them.- an instance of honesty that is de- ong . Mrs oig ra teo- fThePm end.ypoyCn Thoreau. cidedly encourging. A family had Hull-Jones Ïlowiflg adyres: laredh Thý e Prm enad SewaSymphony Con-80i P Hei fttewietma h i en eevigad rmth eie.1wedding belîs are soon to sefld forthI are now in full swing. attracting ServIettes 8 nPg 5 flot wise at all.-Wordsworth. The tide of fortune turned, and they A very pretty wedding tcok place, their joYeus peal for you, we f elt audiences effri five to seven thou- Youth is 1f es seedtime.-Holmes. inherited $2000. Ordinarily the; on Saturday. June 22nd, at St. Paul's'vwe could flot let ycu pass this mile- 1sand fepl f rom yAeaechFUTPCI surn would be considered se smal1 United Church manse, Bowmanville,I stone in yeur life witheut extending1 Thursda eveninz. It was becauseBO __________________________ would be said Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Pros- to you our gcod wishes for a long ofugnpoua euay htte e t L 3 about it. But this man and is wife when Olive May, cnly daughter of and happy wedded life. You have uocreft. potusarre ustcha t the o BTTL 3 promptly went ta headqu arters, re- pc tet omnml.wsui. la edhg the standard cf ~ dtswr hne ri fpýý pct tretBowanvlle ws uit-aIwys el hih 1Wedesays, as erlginally begun, te! HORNE'S ported t,ýhe fact, and gave a check ulI. only son cf Mr. Nelson Hull,1 morality, you have always striven tiTusas u t r2 Z fr2113. he exact amount which oTudas e utBt r2oz. i adi araewt entaheesmtribuotesci arcernare 1The cpportunity cf hearing the Keop a ment. ShiSi~~~~ no. Re1A b eninging home their rewamd. you works of the great masters. playedC rn d D f 12Z 2 fo 25 t aamaerfcomntht The bride, who was given in m have chse one of like character by an Orchestra of 100 uian, C r e B efz 2 fo 21 iage by hem father, loeked lovely for you r"life mate and we feel that and at popular prices. has canse onIthe meambters afwaysmbrtht ia frock of creain satin, cf princess YOu 1twc dear young, people will me lversofTrn peto dthe pmosic ALE toeof he meg lbrsciassors hp- style and floor length. with match- ceive God's richest blessing on your 1 oesc oot ndth rvneALE ened te the queen's taste. When a ing accessories. and carried a bou- union. Yutuishaetknyun of tra he a ddî uc tial a oppor-dà q cuet cf carnations and stalks. Miss from our midst mcst of your tum rkeuiy fHaingsca rtofis a X 1T C a ] q reference was made te the mte CrlneAmlonlLON CANtytes een er, u t a ee rmfii a ie4epretso heQAE jh explained that her hus band, be- Hospital, attended as maid cf honor Possible fer you tatendApp o K in'g N ~ unemployed, had time ta keep and wore blue chiffon, with white our social frct sand yuany ,acfer isim t im. enevnt c f he UAKE them in good condition. .Other laccesseries. and carried a bouquet cf ways s fnnctipesdandouaI- an ce. is bein thak n ocasiontaecf ruf:ied W heat members besought her ta interest setes The groom was attended we were always pleased to have ycu the aena to capacity.PG. hninter dl tocls,an she: by Mr. William Parks, Oshawa. and we trust you and your partner jin recognition cf Dominion Day. ASSORTED FLAVORS went home with hem bag full cf wiîî stil continue te be with us i Mr. Stewart has arranged an "Al scîssors. Later, carving knives.: Following the ceremony a recep- whnvrPossible. Your eamliem British" program, one that will de- Jufiket2 fo 29 table and kitchen cutlery followed. tion was held at the home cf the daysnee se nth2 for 25etth eat; fal riihe adkp nigthervieso sprd six aretivsandfrendabt tendedand we trust you wilalways have for June 27th Ito-night). CHOCOI.ATE MARSHMALIOW Possible nihohosevc padixrltvsadfin tedd fond memeries for the old burg, as it Two very fine works will haveLB As a result, one man fcund less un- from Toronto, Newcastle and Bow- in turn will always think cf you as their first public performances in B .1e uït S 15 cccupied time on his hands, and al manville. Mrs. Jones, who wore grey one of the many young people who Toronto. They nclude "The Wasps" a t i s f a c t o r i l y s t e a d y s t r e a m c f d i m e s f l o w e r e d c h i f f o n . a n d a c o r s a g e c f h a e g n t a o h r I c l t s a d y W l i m . n d h e v r u e - T lF u O P p F e sB r y B x s and quarters coming into the fam- sweet peas, and Mrs. N. Hull, in blue have geo ne to eeaies anl- Lla .ndthe oertureandthe FOPpFes - er oe ily exchequer. The idea might be ensemble and wore a corsage cf-car- mdeoday strelind w o e igaIOn od" cf tih Munn. and thes adot ied ya hs isosmanI. man omaiend ed evelyw. the e tablTe the community. As a little token cf The prcgramn. which will include a1 with tme at is disosal.roses andediris wihera thbe gocd will we would ask youm accept- grcup cf stirring sea-songs by a very ---- Honynoon~ t terose s airistwically araned ine ance cf thîs littie gif t. hoping that fine vocal maIe octet, will aIse in- Were ays wishing the at we which wharit and cerned withit wiil remind you f rom tinie te clude two movemients froin "The l a . i , pînk and wieadcnr w t jtie, as it occupies a place in youm Planets" by Hclst, Suite frcm "The a rA 1 9n G rocer ccu e ld end somboyovN agara the bride's cake. Later the haPPY1 new homne, cf youm happy girlhocd Ccuntry-Side" by Coates, and wil- Faulsd sedsmeîng. We.Nwhethrj couple left on a moto r trip teaJ days and your many Salem friends. be brought te a colorful and spec-Phn J86o 12 Fcrllsdind was th.W.we firs tQuebec and points east. They were 1 and their mcst sincere good wishes tacular climax with the Suite fromnPoe16o 2 o mn she had ta or net. Anna Edsn ay te recipients of many beautiful 1 fo the future happinesr cf yourself "The Mikado" by Sillivan.Bomnil tell about it. She did the drap over gîtIadtelct ro-ob.Yu is quite easy for those living ______ ________________ t he Horseshoe Falls on the Canad- Previeus to the wedding the bride- Salem frie>nds.otieo oot amk ueo WHAT could be simpler on a Iiansde on Oct., 24. 191. in a bar- t to-be was enterîained by the choir At appeinted time Miss Ccllacott ctiec oot omk uec bo ¶onngtangttn Jrel four and a haIt feet high and; cf St. Paul's United Church. cf presented the bride-to-be with a toEt. AJ trornon.42stcr iaddes hot rornin than geti a thre feet in diameter. A leather which she was a faithful member. at handseme mantel dlock. Miss Cann Buidi. woh ns 42 e r oodlitan breakfast of Kellogg's Cor-n harne's and cuýhions helped ease la social on Thursday evening. June made a very fitting reply cf thanks il ing. il insume ra good locat the bumps Today honeymoon- 1 i3th. and was presented with a an.d expressecd a wish that thev eions. eîerc the r es erve45 d Heat Flakes? Cool. Crisp. De- ers stand hand-in-hand and watch 1 beautiful silver dish and a set cf wouIid visit hem in hem new home.- 70 the .plu s being 45c and THE the tons of iwater rush down. hep- sherbut glasses. Thus 1his happy event was breught i there plusoreta 0saxFutermoreTF MOU licious. Ready in an instant. ing their love xiii go on and on like 1 Mm. and Mms. Hull wiil reside in to a cloe.e able at each concert. at cnly2c the evem-rushing torrent. 1emnvlepolafwusksbfoetax. and those who are on -VO Everybody loves Kellogg's. aigterhm Ohw. hand by seven-thimty. are usually And heyre aperectfoodSTU IO C UCH AND able te secume very satisfactcmy b- Flow To Kili a Society SU I O C N cations. An teyrea erec fod The advice given by John F. ________ARE________ for bot days - breakfast, Clark ai the recent Horticultumal RE'INPINSE lunch or supper. Light, by all of us as it may be applied telTh mr1a UNION, DARLINGTON any cf the organizations wiî h which 1Temarae cf Dcoohy King.________________ nourisbing, easy to digest. 1i we are connected. Mr. Clark has daughter cf Mm. and Mms. Thomas Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace, listed. a fewv sure ways of killing an E. nowlton. Tomonto, and grand- Newtonville, Bade Farewell By Mm. and Mrs. Lemne Knappan Kellogg's Corn Flakes are crganization, but fcrtunately has dagter c the late Major W. C. 25 oed aiysen udyi saa net fergotten some suggestions which anýd M King of Bowmanvilîe. tea5 red aiyspn udyi saa j ls.Mm. amnd Mrs. Aylmem Beech and the world's largest-selling are constructive. INoran Emmys Russell, son of Dr-,Saine 250 people turnqd out Fi- famuly spent Sunday in Toronto. -__________________ Way ToRil a ocity and Mrs. . H. Russell f Central day evening te do hnur te Rev. Seveal frein here attended the Ways To Kili a Soel ead India, was solemnized on Saturdayt and Mrs. Thos. Wallace and fam- annivemsary services at Burketon on He who will net pardon others relieve roughness cm chafing oue edy-î-a eel ad Do not attend the meetings. or aftemnoon, June 22nd. at Knox Ccl- iîy. whc are shcrtly to leave New- Sunday. must not expct pardon hinmself.- by weathem conditions. Indipes exracis y nexlsie always be laie in entering. Cii- feeCaeor;o,. yRv T .tnileSnc able ta every dainty woman.Cc cze and find f auît with everything Murphy, assisted by Rev. J. R. P. ef music was gven, consisting f on the schocl grounds on Thursd'y prcmeîîng femînine 1 o v e 1 i n e s s. Magical ini esults. Neyer 1avs( Kellogg process, and kept attempted. Neyer assîsi in secur- Sciater. The bridaI music was play- selections by Campbell Orchestra, afternoon, June 27th. Tones and rejuvenates the skin. vestige cf stickiness. PersianIn adsolos by Misses Frances Elliott M. and Ms. Fred Ferguson, M., Makes it exquisitelY soft-textued. is the one tilet equisite fe1 h oven-fresh and flavor-perfect ing on committees. and only givel bride, Who was given in mariage by and Mary Lane. Mrs. L. Savery, and Mrs. Davidi Ferguson spent he Makes hands fiawlessly whie. Es- wcmran who cames for charm n by hepaenedhei-eaed ofave me nos. re adtemadioh teher. wcme a charmmng gown read the fcllowing addmess: veekend at Mount Forest. Pcal eomne asoh and elegance. by t e p tened eaiseaed fot ctie m mbes. lway de and cf hit sain made n mid-Victo- Rev. T. W allace and FamilY: P cal eo m n e o s oh mehing for ycur services and ad- ian lines. White net with satinj Dear Friends: We. whc have been WAXTITE inuer bag. Insist i ice. Neyer stand for office. fclds trimmed the long flcwing your neighboms for sevemal years onKelggsfor genuine How To Assist a Society train which was shired int the past, have gathered ibis evening ta onKlogsPrompt attendance at ail meet- hipiine, and the yoke and fitted ats ateetenwt hc o value. Quality guaranteedJ. ings, and hattestc-toeibe esteem with whxcb youishe te match thearbedithscmut.R I G G E RB A R G A I N S Mad byKeloggin ondn, he officers. Be satisfied ta aci on train. A net veil was held in p Iac t is thirteen yeams since you firsi Mae y elog nLodo, committees and shame responsibiliîy, by a hale cf net and satin felds. aine te minister here - a long tiie 1 of office. Advccate service ta the Mrs. Lewis A. Howard was hem mat- alokaed.bttau t em Ontario. ccmmunity rather than selfishly ex- rcn cf hcncr, and Miss Ruth I - nîy toc shcrt when we look backa pect premîims and personal gain ton and Miss Jean Kncwltonsstr ver our happy associations tcgeth- froin membership. De net decline cf the bride, and Miss Margaret1 e r. Duing the years îhmough which fo te stand for election and be slow te Withers weme the bridesmaids . hIr it bas been cur privilege ta kncw inHl dyWa grï t f r resign when scmething f ails taI gewns were cf Russian design in 1ycu. Mr. Wallace, we f cund you al ___________________ please. Seize evemy cppcnîunity te purple aster orgafiza. The grooms-' that could be desimed - a shining advemîise the Society and spmead the man was Mm. Brian S. McCeol, and example cf alI that is gcod and up- C i F0 RT kncwiedge cf horticulture. the ushers Mm. Lewis A. Howard. m gît. You have shamed our giad- Alan Russell. brother of the groom, ness and our sorrows. and, above alI. j Mm. Alan Matthews cf Montreal Il R SE Courage of Wonîen on the Far» and Mm. John Allen cf Montreal. ycu have. by Word and deed. shcwn 'Theme is a geod case for sug- The cfiTcers of the Toronto Regi- Usen roaCitya. ed e h ev gesting that every fammer and bis ment, cf which the grcom is a ne lsoCity. that we sbould bel R ES E famiiy are entitled te a short heli- member, fcmmed a guard cf heorn1,0We ansoppfeel ty 62.95llce -day each year. In evidence given After the ceemcny a reception was ing adinoepporuiy re s. a llace, 2 99 $ 4*9 dw -recenily befome the Royal Commiss- held at the home cf the bide's par- if wmedi opsaf ew w. ordseGou o -Ieue 90 à ~ion on Wheat Farming in Ausîmalia ents, Roseinary Lane, wheme the cemmilyena t rfu. Ycu ae ru o nld many f armers spoke cf the courag- bride's moiber received, weamîng a your busband duing sickness and IcuigI waffle crepes, in stripes ecus support wbich bad been af- gcwn cf laurel Spanisb lace. The healtb and have dene youm shame pse r'e li . Mils n forded te thein in their fight witb groomns sister, Miss Mariorie Rus- inastailg a amîly fpwhicnyound and an'1 ts Taioredan advemsiîy by their wives and daugb- selI. wci'e a gown cf green suede May weIl be pmoud. A J desynagyad ters, and the Commission feels that lace. Later the bride and groom W nwta eaegigt îne1 *IiyIsye -, ~~~~ anc Jas. Robinson. The evening mpîreominates, at adSak G L E N R A E AJR YWas brougt te a close by the serv- and S8c,$a59 $1. 5 *aldes1port GLEN RAE DAIRT ij ng cf a delightful lunch. 89.$.9919 costumnes of l R. . Seves &Son Prpritor ~AN EXTRA IIOUR..AN;D..A.HALF to$ ,5ions. Don't miss this col- PHiONE 408J BOWJMANVILLE Mnyteepon$u2r.hvef5n any eleponeuser hae fondorful d(l)ay. it wcrthwhile to wait until 8.30 teo ______________________________________________________________________the________ gtrahenigtomats ontheillon distance cails. Ncw it Is ne longer, PHONE 164 ~ "1k A t r sL ~ I . necessary - the low nigbt rates be- ilk rS o e ]l àt c gin at 7 p. m. 25-2' PAGE MUR THE CANADIAN STATMMAN, BOWMANVUM- THURSDAV- .7lr7lýM 97th 1 Qq'

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