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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1935, p. 9

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PAGE NINE THE CANADIAI4 STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1935 FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, Frlday, July 3rd, 1885 Mr. James 'MeFeeters, wha basi gone ta reside in Toronto, was pre- sented with a verY bandsome and valuabie ebony, gold-headed cane by bis f eliow citizens in Bowman- ville, and a purse of goid for Mrs. McFeeters. Tbe presentatidn was made in the Council Chamber by Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, P. M., in thc presence o! a large number of busi- ness men and leading ctizens. Spee- ches were made by Messrs Fairbairn, Coi. Cubitt, McArtbur, T. McClung,j F. Bieakley, J. Higgnbotharn, W.1 W. Tamblyn, M. A.; and M. A. James. Rev. T. Ferrier left Tyrane Circuit for Elmbank, bis new station. Enniskillen: The Methadists bave maved their aid shed and are now erecting an addition ta it. Sauina: Officers of Sauina Divis- ion are: W. P.-A. J. Reynolds; W. A.- Sis. M. Barker; R. S.-A. L. Pascoe; A. R. S.-Sis. A. Vannest; Treas.-S. Shartridge; Cap.-J. Vannest; Con-W. Vannest; A. Con-Sis. A. Pascoe; S. S.--Sis. B. Hogarth, O. S.-W. Pascae; P. W. P-T. Baker. Marricd: Witheridge - Plummer, a', the Qucen St. Methodist Parsan- age, on April 29th, by Rev. E. Ha- berts. Mr. Richard Withcridgc ta Miss Emma Plummer, bth o! Baw- manville. Cedardale: Mr. Thos. Canant started for a trip ta the North-West an SaturdaY. S. S. Na. 1. Cartwright Township: Trustes-J. H. Devitt. Jas. Hall Sec.-Treas.), Arthur Van Camp,ý John Larmer;, Teacher-J. J. Mc- Donald, Burketan; Scbaars-Annie Devitt, Elma Haoey*, Sophia Hall. Myrtie Dcvitt, Floyd Hall, Maryý Smith, Creigbtan Devitt, Robert In the Editors Mi The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Ont. Gentlemen: May I beg your newspaper ta warn owners of animais ta guard their pets. There is a band a! individuals tauring through tbe towns steaiing animais for vivi-sectian purposes. Thcy seli these animais ta the Un- iversities here, and ather University cities. The Humane Society sbauld bave given out this warning. Anyone in- terested can get in toucb witb me, and I will be glad ta give further information. The animais are placed in potata sacks. and canveycd in mator trucks ta the different points. Please give this notice praminence in your ncwspapcr. Tbanking you. Sincerely, Miss Edytl-e Tressider, Car. Secretary Canadian Animal Defence League. Hall, Melville Bradburn, Ernest La, mer, Elsie Reynolds. Edna Graban Wiilie VanCamp. Myrtie Gibsan Dalton English, Clifford Reynoldý Jessie White, Jessie VanCamp. Os car Graham,. Edna Larmer, Mervi: Graham, Harold Larmer, Austi: Larmer, Effel Bradburn, Fiassi Gibson, May Farder, Janet Hal Harry VanCamp, Charlie Hall' Harry Baiicy, Gertrude Grahar Drucy Whit!icld, Taimage Tayloi David Archer. Anna MeMiiian, Mel issa Archer, Percy VanCamp, Ed mund Taylor, Cyrus Trick, Rut Taylor, Tillie Taylor. Those mark cd with an are dead. TWENTY -FIVE YEARS AGO From The Bowmanville News, Friday, July lat, 1910 Professor Afred T. DeLury, Un iversity o! Taronto, and a f orme student at Bawmanville High Scba( is in New York, wherc lie will gîve six weeks' course a! lectures i: Mathcmatics at Calumbia Univer sity. Fifty-anc candidates wrate at th Higb Schoi entrance examination last week. 25 boys and 26 girls. A very pleasant event taak plac at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Sam uci A. Devitt. Cadmus. whcn abat anc bundred guests assembied t belp celebrate the 25th anniversar o! their wedding day. Enficld: Mr. and Mrs. Adamý New York, visited at Mr. W. J. Or miston's. Tyrone Miss Ef f e Hooperj spending the summer with ber sis ter, Mrs. H. A. Fessant, near Qi Appelle, Sask. Marriages: Reid - Elliatt, at th reidence o! the bride's parent "Mapiehurst", July 29tb, by Rev.1 W. Joiliffe. Mr. Albert Victar Rei( son a! Mr. W. H. Reid, Clarke, an Miss Laura leanar, oniy daugbtE of Mr. John C. Eliott, Bowmanvil] Deatbs: Varcoe- In Bawmar ville. June 8tb, Samuel Faro Varcol in bis 82nd year. Cole-At thc residence o! hî daugbter, Mrs. Wm. Fice, Liberty S Narth, Bowmanviile, June 23rd, EUi abeth Mass, blavcd wi!e a! Mr. 1 Cale, in ber 75tb year. DUMB DORA "It bas been discovered." said ti' prafessor ponderausîs, "that tI buman body contains suiphur." "Sulphur!" exclaimed a girl stu dent wonderingiy. -How mucb sul phur is there in a girls body, Pro f essor?" H-e shrugged bis shaulders. -Oh, the amaunt varies,c course," be replied. -i sec,"l she went an; "and is the why some a! us make better matchn than athers?" IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST at es The Country Newspaper Prof. John H. Casey. Professor of Journalism at Oklahoma University, and selector of Casey's All-American Eleven, says of the Country Newspapers: WV ITHOUT its newspaper the small- ~~town American community would be like a sehool without a teacher or a church W'ithout a pastor. In the ag- gregate, the country newspaper deter- mines the outeorne of more elections, ex- erts a greater influence for constructive comniunity progress, is read longer by more members of the family and consti- tutes, with its millions of circulation and quadrupled millions of readers, a better advertising medium than any other group of newspapers or periodical publications. When properly conducted, it cultivates so intensively its home news field that city dailies, farmn journals and general maga- zines circulating in the same territory be- corne only secondary influences. Through service to its community, the country newspaper will not merely sur- vive; it will continue to flourish as the most representative, most distinctive, most wholesorne type of journalisrn America has produced. Schaol repart No. 5, Cartwright: Entrance Class-Mildred Archer. Eileen Johnston, Clara Mountjay. Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Agnes Paterson 78. Sr. III ta Jr. IV-Marion Beacack 78, Maurice Samelis 67. Jr. III to Sr. III-Oueida John- stan 74, Helen Sandersan 72, Neil Johnston 58 rcc.). Sr. Il ta Jr. 11-Doris Mountjoy 80, Sara Marlaw 69, Donald John- stan 53 (rec.). Jr. I to Sr. I-Donald Lansing 91, Ernest McLean 86, Muriel McLean 85, Jean Sandersan 85. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.-Leslîe John- stan 73. Figures represent per cent; Pass 601%,; Hanars 751/. Helen Fowier, teacher. ENFIELD Promotion Examinations Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Neil McCullacb 81, Elaine Ormiston 79, Bob Stinson 73, *Bill Gilray, pass; *Ross Tay- lor, failure. Sr. III ta Jr. IV-Dorothea Hall 83, Grace Stark 76, *Fernc Giiray, hanours. Jr. III ta Sr. III-Mary McCui- loch 78, Walter Ormiston 50. IIlta Jr. III-Donald Samis 85, Aileen Rahm 78, *Eveiyn Taylor, pass; Carl Henry 59. I ta 1-*Fay Giiray, banours; Jean Taylor, pass. Pr. ta I-Helen Rahin 87, Ruth Prescott 84, *Jack Taylor, pass. Figures indîcate 17r;* before the name indicates pupil absent for f in- ai examinations but markcd on year's work. Ella M. Tamblyn, teacher. LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Promotion Report Entrance Candidate-Edith Hen- dry. Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Evelyn Brown lst Hon.; Julia Clernent, 2nd Hon.; Stanley Brown, pass. Jr. III ta Sr. III-Hazel Poweli lat Han.; Audrey Adams, 2nd Hon.; Donald Powell, pass; Leonard Law- lor. pass; Mildrcd Brown, pass. Jr. II ta Sr. 11-Olive Brown, lst Han.; Jack Brown, abs. Hec. Sr. I ta, Jr. II-Bernice Brown,' 2nd Han.; Lloyd Clement, pass: Commercial Classes The foliowxng will be promoted ta the Senior Commercial Form-Ada Beech, Gertrude Bofrmthan. Mabel Braakham. Geargina Caverly, Rob- ert Courtîce, Arthur Culiey, Dorothy Goode (Canadian History, Pbysiag- Irapby), Joan Hall, Irene Joncs (Canadian History), Theima Little Canadian History. Physiography). Alice Luxton, Mary McAllister, Hel- en Morden, Russell Oke, Carmnan Patten, Nancy Shrubb (Canadian History), Jean Stevens, Harry Tay- lor, June Walter. Commercial DiplamRS - Howard Brooking, Jean Caync. Evelyn Ev- ans, Doris Hall, Norah Hayward. Irene Hendersafi. Gertrude Hooper, John Pritty, Greta RLaby. Credits are ailowcd ta the !oliaw- ifig special students in the subjeCts mentioned: Margaret Armstrong - Typewrit- Ing. Winton Bagnell-Business Carres- pandence. Hilda Brown-Business Coar r es- pondence. Spelling, Stenography, Typewriting, Business Law, Writing, Bookkceping, Office Practice. Elsie Carruthers-Busiiiess Cor- respondence. Speliing, Stenography. Typewriting, Business Law, office Practice. Doris Coiiactt-Business Corres- pondence, Arithmetic. Typewriting, Business Law, Writing, office Prac- tice. Muriel Mountjay-Business Car- respondence. Arithmetic. Stenogra- phy, Typewriting. Business Law, Writîng, Bookkeeping, Office Prac- tice. Dorathy Nichis-Business Carres- pondence. Artbmetic. Typewrlting, Business Law, Writing, Office Prar- tice. Jack Roacb-Typewriting, Book- Ikceping. Elizabeth Snowden-Buslness Cor- respandence, Speiling, Arithmetic. Stenography, Typewriting, Business Law, Writing, Bookkeepiiig, office Practice. Generai Proficience Prize donated by the Bank of Commerce-Doris Hall.r pe Bank o! Mantreal Prize for pe and Accuracy in Typewritng_-Ger- trude Hoaper. ______ Teachers, if you haven't alrcady sent in your schaol reports, do it I hree (iood Keasons W hy THEf CANADIAN Si ATESMAN Should F111 Tour Printina Requireinents M od er nl1y equlpped, The Statesman la zrepared to f111 your printint needs, no matter what the job may be. TAKE STOCK Check up on your requirements and f ili your wants now. Do You Nee4 Biliheads Business Carda Circulars Coin Envelopes Church Envelopes Counter Check Books Dodgers Envelopes Invitations 1 The Statesman prints f irst- dlass jobs at economical Prie«. Printlng that WtJl save you time and RnoneY. Service is a feature cf The Statesman Job Printing De- partment. Unusual service ls given and Jobs completed promptly. 0F YOUR PRINTING NOW HereAre FewPhone 53 HereAre Few and our representative SUGGESTIONS wilI caîl. These ? Labels Receipt Books Letterheads Sale Bis Letter Advertisements Statements MiIk Tickets Shipping Bills Noteheads Shipping Tags Order Books Social Stationery 0f fice Forms Tickets Programs Visiting Cards Pamphlets Wedcling Stationery TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN Phone 53 Bowmanville ,J -ilz- l~ç s"t A DA£FC-Ez-~ ANC> DNow rSA FiAl<. TrAKp TBC OM 'fJST b ~0Er X:~M No-r cAFRA1D OP 5-4^ "Occupation is the necessary bas- is of ail enjoymentY-Leigh Hunt. "Success in h! e depends upon per- sistent effort, upon the improve- ment a! moments more than upon any other anc tbing. A great am.- aunt o! time is consunied in talking nothlng, doing nathlng. and indecis- Ian as ta what one sbould do. If ane would be .success!ul In tbe fut- ure, let hlm make the most a! the present."-Mary Baker Eddy. Mast infants are infcsted by warms, wblch cause great su!!ering, and if not promptiy deait wlth may cause constitutional weaknesscs dl!- f icuit ta remedy. Mlller's Wormn Pawders wlll clear the stomacb and baweis o! worms and wlll s0 act upon the systcm that there wili be no recurrence o! the trouble. And not anly this, but they will repair the injuries to the organs that wornîs cause and restore tbem tf soundness. Dou led Up ith Jean Brown, ab. Hec. DR. WALTON-BALL Doubled Up W ith Jr. Pr.-Biiiie Jaynes,Archie Hendry. Ross Adams. HEADS NEWCASTLE Rheumatism Grading: 751, and up, ist class Coul NotWas Himelfhonours; 671;,,ta 75' 2rd ciass RATEPAYERS' ASS'N. R g l r F o / l e honours; 60% ,to 67-', 3rd ciass 1 R g l rF o a e CouldNot W sh Hiselfpass; abs. Rec., absent by order M. Residents of Newcastle- on -the- Lake r-iH. O.; Primer ciass flot graded. To Interview Municipal Council ,n Nor Brush His Hair Hilda J. Rowand. teacher.I ,n:I Sa bad was bis rheumatisrn that Ratepayers' Association of New- E MBOSSED PAPER wos r in. Adeltrhge wis 70 yers MLEAN'S SCHOOL castle-on-the-lake held their annual work gain.Althoagh h i__7____r meeting at Mr. Geo. H. Carveth*s on tp c'm80frI5 n aid. he proved they wcre wrang. June Promotion examinations of Saturday evcning with the president, CRTJNCHIE inje a warset ye as ae.LS. S. No. 17, Clarke: Dr. W. H. Walton-Bail in the chair. de - ChiamasevI was ofletey ouLed To Sr. IV-Mary Keicha '79, hon-- Mrs. Austin Campbell read the min- Piclkles LARGE JAR 250 11 p whitharheuas m. I cyould o ours; Bernice Bayd 68, pass. utes and presented a concise report u , t bru h m ai norIwash mysef To Sr. mI-Sadie Catbcart 67, covering the activities of the Asso- WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS r, s Peoie ai nyr anmyse as. ciation. The President offered aM u f tPGE 0 moe ~Isbud ok To Jr. III-Hilda Bell 76. honours. retrospect view of conditions at the u et ýI more.m1 am working harder than a To Sr. II--Gien Therteil 67. pass. lake front seventeen years ago when PNSSTFE yugmnto-day. Tbanks, many To Jr. II-George Wilson 61, pass. hie first came ta tis cmbryo sum- SANS STFE th hansta Kruschen SaIts. I take, To Sr. I-Billy Davies 111, Grant mer resort, ta take possession of the kthemn in my tea. and I bave recom- Therteil 74. Myndert Harris property and begin O i e 18 OZ. JAR 250 mended thcm to many. I could not To Sr. Pr-Jean Cathcart, pass. the pracess of bringing orderliness CROSSE AND BLACKWELL get in or out of bcd myseif.' nor sit Figures indicate %. and beauty out of cbaos. 0f al up. But sec me work naw-12 bours Annie E. Tbompson, teacher. those who are bere now from Tor- Pork & Deaus LARGE SIZE 10e a day sometimes. Kruschen SaIts~ ___ onto and Osbawa witb prctty sum- bave donc it.'"-G. J.I mer bornes and bcautifuily laid out CROSSE AND BLACKWELL Rbeumatic conditions are the re- CROOKED CREEK and tcnded gardens and iawns. the nsuit of an cxccss of uric acid in the iate Dr. Oea. H. Carvetb oiy was Tom atoo up@44 TINS25 ebody. Twa of the ingredients of; Beginners ta Primer-Evciyn Sta- here then, Dr. Carvctb bad baugbt CRSEADBAIWL Kruschen Saits bave the fpowcr a! Midred Hoskin. May Haie, the aid McIntosh miii propcrty, COS N LCWL al dissolving uric acid crystal. Otýher Arthur Farrow.1 namcd it Dam'ale and bad begun FRUIT &eIn* 25e na ingredients assist Nature t xe Pr. ta Jr. I-June Pratt. Hon. 1 the work of improving It. Dr. Car- Orang e e BOTT. itbesc dissaived crystais tbrh the Jr. I ta Sr. I--Ciarcnce Farrow,! vetb was the pioncer summer resi- COS N LCWL naturai ebannel. In addition, th-ere Han.; Sybil Hoskin, Hon, 'dent, a man wîth a vision which be COS N LCWL ris whc prvet od eretaio i o; toaldJr att, 9jn. jýed r îal:pa is Catsup 2 FOR 250 the Intestines. and tbcreby cbeck Dutcbak, Pass. tribute to the pioncer efforts o! Dr. FOR PRESERVINO cethecfurther accumulation flot only Jr.;IIl ta Sr. II-Aileen Ogden. Carvctb. f C teBTL 30 n o urc aidbutofothr bdy ois Ho.;Lois Turner, Hon.; Francis At one timeBodHaprof C teOTL30 at ns whicb undermine the beaIth. Hae, Pass. Newcastle, was a flourish shippîng I ~~Sr. II ta Jr. III-Jean Haie, Hon.; centre, but its giory had faded. It WELCH'S J i eBTL 5 toJean White, Hon. had corne ta a state o! decadence ry ~~~~~Jr. III ta Sr. III-Raymand Gii- and as a lake port was moribund. rpJueBOTE5 mer. Hon. There was aniy the schooner "Hel- IDAFOEDL ~4u.iu~lRe ors Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Lillian Haie. en' and ber awner, the iate ati Sc o lR p rs Han.; Laurence Gilmer. Han.: A- John Goidring lef t ta remind anc o!fe ' 's______________ ______bert Hildreth*, Hon.; John Tbomp- those busy times. Then the "Helen" e LB. 39e T5 LB. 75 san Hn.the last sailing boat ta came in and MAXWELL HOUSE !u SS NO. 1 CARTWRIGHT Sr. IV Entrance Tests - Lewis out of tche ,rbniir went an the 1____ Stane. Han, rocks and spciied the end of thatLB be Entrance-Elia Hoskin. Hon. 75%"ý or over; Pass, 60'% ta era. With the caming of Dr. Car- C f e 3 ts Jr. 1V-Ethel Carter 79, Harry *5% bciow 60%ý in onc subject. veth and Dr. Walton-Baii camne a WHITE COMB T. Gace68, aririe eedam 6. Eeano N.Anderson, teacher. new era. City maney began ta pour d. Grce 68, aj ArNchedb8 Sam 1nlanrN in far the buying o! property. the Hou oy 2 comBs 25e id iey Rahm 65, Alfred Grace 62, Ber- renavation of aid homes. the build- einicc Needham 62. Lower School ing o! new and the beautification of DARK COMB le 1 Jr. III-Rabert Carter 60, Ivan their environmcents. And what a Hone COMB 10e n- Mountjay <ec.). Ross Wbitficld* transformation tbere bas been in 0 )e, <ec.), Bertrum Hoskin (Hec.)ornons these past eigbteen years. II-Irene Rahm 70, John Archer Pr m tio s Ail this cbange bas nat been eailhvSedCr - tsheB t er 70- wrougbt alone by Toronto and Osb- Fresh Whitefish Wednesday and Friday. SSr. I-Dorathy Bawers 78, Dora- (Contnued froin page 1) awa fol1k; Newcastle and Orono bave ~tby Haskin 71. Aima Graham 65. bad a share in It. and Mrs Farncomb p. Jr. I-Dorothy Rabmn 72. 7511 -H. Bennett, D. Bradt, P. and the late Dr. Alfred Farncomb olive B. VanCamp, teacher. Langman, G. Wagar (Frenlch). and members of their !arnlly have Thr Cas oous 61c o66ýmaea pcily agecntiuto I aAy à llia, G rocer S. S. NO. 13, DARLINGTON -O-. Fagan (Latin), M. Ham, D. ta the process a! reciaiming the lakte Joncs. J. McMuUlen, B. Pingie, E. front section fram its distress!ui and Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville he Jr. IV ta Sr. IV--Jcan Davey 70, Swindeils (Latin. French).1 profitiess condition. ie Alice Partner 69, Marion Partner. Pass, 50% ta 60%ý1-M. Bate (Gc- Dr. W. H. Walton-BaIl was unan- Sr. III ta Jr. IV-May Gibbs 67, ametry), D. Cameron (Latin, Fr- imously re-elccted president and Mr. u_ George Brown 64. ench), J. Caveriy (Arithmetic), J. Cecil Horracks naw super-annuated Jr. III ta Sr. 111-James Smith 61, Cowling, C. Devitt (Grammar), J. from the Federal Civil Service, was rseitapectonfhrsr-deinrcigtilsrvlig Harvey Partner. Dunn (Aritbmetic), B. Edger, L. elected secretary-treasurer ta suc- prse. t prcain0 e e- oci rcigties rvun I ta II-AIIan Brown 80. Freeman (Latin), T. Gatcheli ( e dMs apelwopesdt vices. Committees were appointed Miii and Bolton Sts., puttlng Up I-Helen Partner, Mervcyn Brown, ornetry, Latin, French). H. Gi.n- be rclieved f rom tbe office. Se ba to interview tbe Municipal Counicil ig uril the aneritsc.n Howard Davey. ville, P. Hooper (Physiagrapls),' W. been a very enthusiastic and effîIcienant on July tb. The President voiced il pteprec Pr.-Ellen Abernethy. Editb Wood- James, D. Knox (Arithmetic). R. officer, as was ber predecessar Mr the appreciation of thc Ratepayers Foliowing a.djournicnt Mrs. Car- ley. Clyton Brown, Douglas Miller. Logan, C. Mcîlveen (Grammar. Lat- Oea. Farncomb. The meeting ex.- for wbat the Council bad alrcady veth graciousiy served re!rcshinints. Figures represent per cent; pupils in, French), G. MoLaughlin (Gramn- m-rarked * Mi at time of examinatian mar), H. Metcal!, J. Rundie (Arith- '0- but recommended on year's work. mctic, Geometry), C. Spencer, C._________________________________________________ S. M. VanCamp, teacher. - Wakelin (Latin, Arithmetic). of__ Aegrtat-I. Roberts. M. Wbite, o! ('AflW IF. Heari. 11I IB m

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