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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1935, p. 12

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m. =H CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1935 PAGE TWELVE ________Arthur Trewin. Scugog Island. Miss' ________ IAnnie Trewin. Toronto. at Mr. Wn' I IHAYDON rwns The Newcastle Independent Mr. andi Mrs. C. Rwn i- miIdeal weather greeteti a largelian anti Howard, Bethany, Miss' Il l crowd at HaYtion anniversary ser-j Florence Werry. Mr. andi Mrs. James! Mi.Js ebewa saao irswoec ai taht ohrvices on Sunday, June 30 and July Brown, Earl and Gerald. Boivman- business. Tbl asi saw ngrl h a verse or prosed oton lst Rev. W. J. H. Smythe, Port ville. Mrs. R. Ashton, Leaside, Mr. Miss Marin Rich. sha axres.lg er sentimroets. Teev Prr, av avey ntretig d-anti Mrs. T. Wagg and family. Miss the eeknd t hme. enpsing hrsremnimnts.eeven dress to, the children in the after- Maude Ashton. Toronto. M.Ia spent te ee plom.eaantly with cmais n rfes-noon. Music was furnished by the 'Treei. Ohaa.Mrs C Ashton. ar Mr .and Mrs. Wmi. Hawkins . Port mets chool under the direction of MissJueMrOrieAstnMss a- nients Marion Orchard, assisteti by Miss garet Dalton, Mrs. H. J. Werry. Mr. Hope, visited her relatives r.W The Misses Cartwright, Toronto, Mabel Beech, pianist. and Mr. Ar- a. Mrs. Stainton.n Mr and were guests of Mrs. F. H. Mason. St. George's Strawberry Festival thur Beech, violinist. A selection Mrns iltn taton L.astnd Droh M.adMsHer ulrand And Garden Party was given by Providence mixeti quar- Ensiln tM.L stnS Mr. ntiMrs.Heny Culer_______tette. Gold metialists at Peel and Mis Ve o vaatr istedobhergpar Over cast skies and the damp Port Hope Music Festivals. In the Mrs. A. O. Parrkrerulingifrom fequenpantieveniflg Rev. Smythe gave a very etMr. an MrsR. WittSldoneatie prty otng wetinfestay et ninwer inagappin vterscmon as-n copious showers somewhat affecteti ispiingant apea-nUnermnno Toronto. th tetac !~ Gogsgr The Gooti Samaritan. Selections 111 ~ ~ lO . tawa. visiteti her parents. Rev. anti June 26th. But those who took in Isisted with selections by Providence Mrs. S. MacLean. thîs annual event, spent a most plea- quartette. accompanied by Mr. PASCOE FAMILY PIC.N1C Mr. Basil Pickford. Brighton. vis- sant evening on the Rectory grountis Francis Sutton. which were much ited with Re'.. F. H. Mason anti his andi at the tables where the ladies lenjoyed. During the affering. Mr. The descendants o! the late Eti- sister. Mrs. Mason. of the Commiittee serveti a delicîous Arthur Beecli favoureti with a vio-w'ard and Mary Pascoe helti their Mr. Stanley Rickarti has gone ta anti satîsfying meal o! strawberries lin solo accompanied by Miss Marion1 annual picnic at Brooklin par- on Toronto ta take a six weeks- surit- andi creamri breati anti butter anti Orcharti Saturday afternoon, June 22nd, with mer university courSe in English anti cake. Ater tea many matie a tour~ On Monday July lst large crowds about 125 presenit. A program o! History. of the lawns and gartiens anti founti gatheredti t watch the baîl games sports for both young anti old was The nnul Sntiy s~oo Pinicmuch ta înterest anti telight themn A League softball game was playeti Irun off under the direction of Mr.1 Til helti at the ake hoParWeiiie h ogfowe otes i îeyby Courtice anti Enniskillefl girls, W. L. Pierson. while several games side, on Monday afternoon, July 8th etigeti and looking their best. show'-enngifaor!thfrm.An !sfbaleepayi icwod Eveyon initei. ng the resiilts of the large amount interesting boys softball game was have done credit ta soine o! the big Everoneinvied.of personial attention anti care given playeti between Salem anti Enni- league matches. A bountiful supper1 Miss Camilla Brow~n is enjoying a thein by the Rector. siilien. score 9-8 in favour o! Salem. was served anti at. its conclusion visit fromn her cousin. Miss Loretta Memîbers of the maie se founti1 An exhibition Football gamne was the election o! off icers w-as helti: Atkinson anti frienti. Miss Marie much enjoyment in patronizing the plyeti bcoe1-n four ofnt Enni- ln ePresident-Mr s WacLey, Bro- Ranney. Toront.o. games of skili conducteti by the sile.coe-0nfaur!En-ln.Ve-eiTinMrs.-MW. L Fer- Miss Wînnifreti Ricicarti is at- Mens Club with the assistance o! isiilien. son. Oshawa: Sec . ATr eas a er- tending the Dominion Congress of Rager anti Reggie Meatiows. The Frm5ocokutlal1r e-cyPsoPceîg stesae Young Peoples League officers at cimes anti nicles taken in hle veti a bountiful supper was serveti o! evening gathereti altieparteti for Ontario Ladies' CoUlege. Whitby. tas'1b vi s0 h ept by the ladies f rom the nicely de- their homes hoping to meet again t selb vr$.0tetotal pro-craeitbe intesei Th neteî. Mr. Jack Hare w'as home from ceeds. icrtdtbe ntese.Tenx er Brighton. He is pitching for Brîgh- Several o! the young ladies alsa Concert in the evening wa-s present- ton saftball team anti playeti a tic sei'veti ta augment the proceetis bycdb ThBiJuieSow ntr gaine against Trenton Air Force catering ta the fancies of those in the direction of Mi'. Haroldti Rch. LANGMAID-BROOKS PICNIC team. attentiance. Miss Diana Wheeler Toronto. Some eighty membeî's o! the Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Scott anti solt i lttie bouquets o! roses. Mrs. Aniversary Visitars:I Langmaid-Brooks Clan gathereti at Betty. anti Mr. anti Mrs. Herb. Afredi Garroti p'esideti aveî' an iceSna eo Ruthin.5 nt faily Ohaw, wrecream sundac anti soft drink booth. SntaySc 1o at 10.30 a. m. next the Cream o! Barley camp for their Mrs. w'hîleaMises Betty LaksantiAutireySuntiay. annual reunion anti picnic on Sat- Sunday guests ai? Mr. anti Ba w te Mptset cuLakeî'sdwAthran Mr. Jimi Grant. Toronto, at Mr. urtiay, June lSth. Beautiful sunny Norman Alun. Beon tngastenut o!s wt a. MNeil's. weatfîer f avaretithe assembly anti at3 Miss Beatrice Bragg anti frientis, andiansotLeinntfram Bs. A . Mr. 1 4 o'clock the Sparts Cammittee ran also Miss Marion Alun anti party nmanville entertaineti telight!ully A. McNeil's. off an intereSting, prag'am a!f races leave this week by mater ta vîsit for' an hour or so receiving much: Mr. Rolanti Thompsan. Cýatimus. anti contests for yaung anti olti. At frientis in Western Canada anti the applause.I at Mr. W. Thampson's. 6.o'c.lock ail sat tiown ta a bounteous Pacîfic Coast. Mr. anti Mrs. T. Wagg antif!amily. picnic supper. the presient'swi!e. Miss Dorothy Ragen. Taro Toronto. at Mi'. L. Graham's. Mrs. Saules. provîdîng an extra treat wha was visitîng Mrs. Jno. Douglas: United Church S. S. Anniversar3' Mr. anti Mrs. Hoskin Smith anti a! ice cream for ail. While still at graciously assisteti her grantimotheri famnily. En! ielti. at Mr. E. Bratilc3"5. t.he tables. the President calleti the anti aunt. Mrs. Eti. Brittan. in wel- The Uniteti Church w'as prafusely Mr. F. Cowling anti Fred. Mrs. gathering tae,î'tieî anti the minutesc caming the guests ta the strawberry tiecoratetiwith peonies anti orange Thompson. Furple Hill. at Mr. R. o! the last meeting were reati by socal.ani Ms.blossains Sunday for the Sunday ;'IcNeil's. Mrs. Jack Brooks. New officers ci- Mr.oeheaw. Schooi anniversary services. To the! Mr. Stanley Waollings anti Mr. ecteti are: Fresident-Mr. J. G. Mr.andMrs KecheawBeth- many peanies pîovitied by Mrs. C. Norman Wooiiings, Toronto, Mî's. R. Langmaid. Secretary - Txeasurer- Fsa . E. Cut.wr us3aA.Cwntaterth uc fiGrant. Mr. O. Osborne, Providence. Mrs. Sam Br'ooks. Pr'ess Reporter- the Daniel-Cowan wetiting. anti the wedting o! hier sister-in-l aw'. at Mi. H. Ashtan's. Miss Vida Langmaiti. Sports Comi- spent the weekenti with Mr. andti Mss Bertha Cowan on, Saturtiay Mrn Ms.W.Snesnatimtt-Ms Maon An. is Mrs.J. . Jse ntiMr. ntiMrs Mr Fecylare contributeti an- Bai-bara. Mr. anti Mrs. McGil, Jan- Sibyl Langmaiti. Miss Ada Allun. Dr. Mcrkly Clark. other large basket o! magnificent etvile. Miss Irene Shaîpe. Enniskii- W. J. Langînaîi. Rev. Robt. Koffenti. Evangel Hall. peonies. len. Miss Maîgaret Steel. Nestieton. The jally campany ti:spcrscti Toronto, anti workers came down ta Rev. W. F. Banister. Canton. heit tM .Snirsn.bign aa ls nte ap Cam Cppr Bec Turtia t the close attention o! the pupîls a! Mr.- anti Mrs. Frank Westlake. reunion. get the camp in rcatiiness for the the Sunday School aIl seateti in the 1Sauina. Mr. anti Mrs. Nelson Fîce. first contingent o mohr anicoritanioth puptlt- Taunton, Mr. anti Mrs. Geor'ge Av- chiltiren who arriveti Juiy 2nd. forîn as he spoke ta them in the'Icy r.Fe Sae.Ms .N WILLIA31S FA311LY PICNIC Unitedi Church. Rev. S. MacLean. morning o! the Chiltrens Frienti Wcish. 'Little Brittain, at Mr. C. B. A.. Pastor, Suntiay. July 7th: Jesus, who at. his birth brought a1 Avery's. On Saturtiay afternoon, June 29. 10.15 a. m.-Sunday School; 1l a. m. hope anti a joy into the warid for Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Broati anti Miss 109 members o! the Williams fam- -Morning Worship anti Sacrament little chîltiren wvhîch thraugh the Violet Broati. Mr. R. Dotige. Mr. ily gathereti at the Cream af Barley o! the Lords Supper anti Receptian ages before they hati neyer known. Dogls -otce M. ni Ms. E. Camp. Bowinanville. ta enjay their service: 8 P. m.-Evening service.1 Mr. W. J. S. Ricicarti with Miss Inogls atifaîl. înt. Mr an tianu1 picnic. The races were great- Mr. anti Mrs. V/m. Taylor anti Mary Ciemence at the piano. con- Mrs. Sherwaad Rundie. Mr. Norman Iy enjoyeti, anti nearly evcryone Mrs. Howlanti. Toronto, attentiet ducteti the service of sang. Runtile at Mrs. A. Trewin's.- took part in anc race or another. the strawbcrry social at Mrs J The ofcring was taken by Carl Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Coliacott At five o'ciock ail gathereti as anc Doulas Tey atr jinei lageFisher. Donald Jase. Harolti antianti ch iltiren. Tyrane. Mr. anti Mrs. Williams fainiy ta enjoy the bount- Doga'wh visite Di'. J.a Bure Frank Hosi'. Mr. Thas. A. Rotiger. Jh Graham, Mr. Milton Graham cous picnic supper. The prizes were garoup setepene ndohrS.S. Supexintentient. conducteti the Pn Miss Wilson,- Mr. and Mrs. Earl then presenteti ta the f ollowing attractive features o! the dactor's service anti introduceti Mr. Banîs- Kennedy anti !amily. Mrs. Norman ners o! the races: Chiltiren, 5 years gadn.ter. Hall. Oshaw'a. rit Mr. D. Graham's. anti unde-Lois McMulien. Bow- garies.The Junior Chair sang in the ev- Mr. anti Mis. T. Ryan anti fam- manville: Chiltiren, 9 years anti un- St. Geor'ge's Chuî'ch. Rev. F. H. eningf whcn Rev. Banister preacheti ily. Hamilton. Mr. anti Mi's.H. dter-Ross Beatty. Elizabeth v i Il e: Mason. M. A.. B. D., Rectai'. Suri an eloquent anti soul stirring sermon canmpbeill.Mi'. anti Mrs. L. Disney Girls, 12 ycars anti untici-Verna July 7th: 3rti Suntiay a!ter Trinity, from the text "Be Watchfui antiatd aniy sa', isMra et>MNally. Biackstack: Boys. 12 years 9.4 a.m.-undy Shoo: i a.m.strengthen the îhings which remaîn Ridge, Mr. Wm. Dabson, MrsW. anti undei'-Oeraid Furdy. Ba'.man- -Morning Frayer anti HolCm that are ready ta tie," Rev. 3: 2.IRîgTont.tMrJ. rih' ville: Boys' boat anti shoc race- munion; Rt. Rev. A. L. Flemingt.atM.J Wih'. oadMaclJaevle:Grs Bishap o!the Arctî. wili pracli. I . Mrs. M. H. Wight, Mr. HowardHoar Micm.antil:Gls 7 p. m.-Evensong anti sermon. Wight. Providence. Mr. anti Mrs.oot antiosa6 eaaccN cnPue. Miss Beatrix McIntosh left June SOLINA Austin Larmer anti famiiy. Burke-Osc:By.1yaîsntunir 28t fo' Egiati n te Dches o .ton. Misses Verna anti Ve' Griffîn, Laurence Malcolm, Nestieton: Young A8thfori. Anumber o! fîxDcess o MsfMrelBkx'i oitain nUnion. Miss Alice Ashton, Mr. Gar- ladies' race-Jean McMulicn, Baw- ctoll.Aieti er athestaiondstac-fisxaril akr itawa. n i idon Beech. Ennisicillen. Mr. Law..- nmanville: Young mns race-Elmer lierBonVoyae. issEva ilkn-'rence Steer. Bethany, at Mi'. A. Eliott, Elizabethviile: Three-lcggcti lie Bn Vyae.Mis Ea Wlkn- Mr. R. L. Werry, Montreali, is vis- Beech's. xace-Howarti Malcolm,. Janetvilie, son. Taranto, a farier teacher in tîn, relatives heî'e.iM' niM'.HaiyMCm nianti Laurence Malcolm,. Nestieton: the Newcastle Public school.-wil l ~Mi's. Alec Wilson. V/hitby, visited f amiiy, Mr. anti Mrs. R. C. McLean Feanut îac-Murray Malcolm. Jan- spenti Juiy in Miss MlcIn*ta.s's house. a' Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. anti !amily. Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. etvîlle: Wheel barrow race-Verna For- some unknowý.n reason the 'Miss Vera Baker '.isîted Mrs. James Cook anti June. Oshawa, Mr. McNally anti Laurence Malcolm; three hundreti otti men who w ere Shi: Irwin. Oshawa. aniMs .M er nifmiLadies' imiaginary line-Mîs. Stan- here laying new' steel ril.s 13 yardsý A numyber froîn here attentiet Lindisay, Mrs. W. Taîtii!!. Mr. Da- ley Malcolmn: Ladies' kicking shoe long anti 130 pound.s ta the yard. 1 Hampton Anniversary Services. ýviti Tardif!. Mr. James Grant, Baw- race-Maiion Taylor; Marrieti men's. were laid of! last w'ýeckcnd anti sent Missi Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent man'.iile. at Mr. E. Mountjoy's. i'ace-Mr. Stanley Cartien. Bowýýman-1 home. Rails anti ail new material the weekenti ai Mr. John Bakers. Dr.J. W. Brimacombe. India.naj ville. Little Doreen Wood then pre- foi- laying the steel on the roatibet Mr. Grhî îln ooroM.Hai'i's Bird. Mount Hamilton, senteti Mrs. Fanny Williams with a are iying on the sie off the tracks sper'r the weekenti with Mr. George Mr'. anti Mrs. Cephas Mountioy' Toi'- beautîful bouquet o! flawers as the froîn here ta Danforth but the newi Werry. ontn, Mr. anti Mrs. Merwin Mount- oitiest, member of the family pres- steel has been laid clown ta the south Mrs. R. J. McKessock anti Miss i oy. Nestieton. Mi-. anti Mrs. L. cnt. Vernon Perrigo was presenteti track only ta the cross over just Ruth 'vere guests at Mr. M. J. Hafifis., quair, Miss Ef!îe Rutîctige Salemn, with a prize as the youngest înem- west o! Newcastle station. Haydon. Mr. anti Mrs. Gîffîci'. Victoria Rd.. ber pîesent. The afficers remain the Wth ncarly every anc on the teamr Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Hardy andt Mr. anti Mrs Wm. Challis anti Phy-j samne for the caming ycar. with Mr, tryîng his hanti aI piti'hing Bi-awnYe famiy are înoving this week taýIlis.,. Bowmanvillc. aI Mr. T. Mount- Sulas Williams. Hampton, as pi-esi- sotbllteniaai dfete teOak'.xoorl.1 joy's. dent. Aftcr an enjoyabie softbaii so!tbli Iaîn gain iefetetithegaine. the nany frienis tieparteti for Lake Shore teain t Claî'k'.s Statiîum Mr'. anti Mrs. Alec Wilson anti Re,.. W. J. H. Snythe. Part Fei-ry. their variaus home. happier for has'- on June 27th. On the samne even- babe, Toronto, vi-stcti at Mr. Roy! M. anti Mrs. Wmn. VirtueTyn. îeeathirfiypiic ing in the community park Ne".'l angînaîi'. Mr* and Mrs. Fred Smith antiLloyd. ca.tic of the NON. Leanue. de!ea-- Mrs. Roa. Hall. Oshawa. %va s a Enfîiti., Mr. ant i Mîs. Lamne Robbxns cd- the Jascos fiy il ta 2. thle latter, weekenti ouest of hex' ister .Mrs. 1 ac Pauline. Leskaîti. Mrs. Herli For Sale or Rent being înuch handicappeti thr-o'ih Geo. White.1 Scott. Misses Helen anti Dorathy.l the absence o!f il Brunt il,.Toir-,i Our exvice.. here next Suntiavlanti Trewin Scott, Orano. Misses FOR SALE OR RENT-THE RESI- onte. Harry Courfi Jr. occup.rti the 1.V,'111fie at 10 and Il1.a. mi. anti it wuilj1Jean anti Marjors' Runtile. Bowman-1 dence o! the late R. T. Stephens. mouti n Bunt asene wi'hGra fe ýommiunion service. 1 illeîî. Miss Margaret Vîrtue. Mr.' Beecli Avenue. Appiy R. K. Sqtiair. haîn huriing for New'ca-tic. Mr. anti Mrs. Tho.ý. Baker w'vere Ai'an Staiîîton. Enniskiilen. Mr. lhn 4r.2- Mr. anti Mrs. C. R. Lo':ekin, Tor- guest. at the Siyfielti-Branton vwet- onto. iwere gupsi,ýa',th, Danil - d:n2 'ix,.Oshawa Thur-.ýtay. Zwha fou ntâi about t'.weuty-f iv.e oIfer noies.AUFrtCasQ liyBe guIr fuiends. incluting the members IAlFrtCaaQaiyBe o! Unity lass, gatheredt ta greet MclifC Tho'ý. Baker, S. Thamp- _______________________________ hcî. Mrs. N. L. Ricicard. teacher o! son. S. E. Weruy. J. Baker, R. J. Mc- Unity Class, Mrs. Pollard anti Mrs. Kessuck. H, E. Tink. Roy' Langînait, Hari'y Couch were among those Gardon Leask, Wili Lewsk, Frank C M present as were also nine younger Thompacri, Edw'in Annis attendet a C . I . B *w k e &W S on ladies marriet within the past twa gai'ten tes St NMrs. Frank Gxîberts, or three years. It requiret a good- En! lelti, on Saturtiay affernoan antidoe6 o mnil sizeti clothes basket to contain the veweti Mrs. Giliert's beautiful Poe6 om nil pretty anti useflhl gif Is from the flower gartiens. - . Summer Resorts BIRTHS COTTAGE TO RENT AT BOW- ________________________ -mSnvillc Beach, funisheti. aisa PERFECT - In Bowmanville, on garage. electmic stave. other con- Thursday, June 27th. 1935, to, Mr. veniences. $15 per '..eck. Appiy f anti Mrs. George Perfect, a daugh- Mu-s. Alan Williams. Bowmanvilie.1i ter. Phone 159. 27-tf For Sale _____DEATH . IYOUNG FIGS FOR SALE- APPLY H. Wonnacatt,, Ennisicilien. Phone REID-In Ennisicillen. on Tucsday. 211r5. 27-1 July 2nti, 1935, Helena Caroline. beloveti wif e o! Mi'. Geor'ge Reidi. FOR SALE - HARD WOOD, AND ageti 66 years. pine lumber. Appiy Fred Tabb. Funeî'al fî-om hiem late residence. Tyrone. 27-1* Ennisicillen. on Fritiay. Juiy Sth11,I - St 2.30 p. m. Standard time. Cor- FOR SALE-FEED OATS, BARLEY tege ta leave a. 3 o'clock for anti buckwheat. Appiy H. Earmi Hampton Cemetery. Pîcase no -Osborne, Phone 300r24. 27-2 flowcrs. FOR SALE- 3" 4" 5" AND 6" TILE PASCOE-In Oshawa on Saturday. for drainage purpases. Wagstaf f June 29th, 1935. Elizabeth Grace Brick & Tule Yard, Lindsay, On- Fascoe. in hem 72nd year taria, R. R. 4. 25-4* SPINKS-At Biackstock. Juiy 3md. 1 1935. Mary Spinks. widow o! Rab- i FOR SALE-12 ACRES STANDING ert Spinks. in hiem 83rd ycaî'. hay, 5 acres timathy, 7 acres mix-* BUTLER-In Bowmanvilie on Tues- et. Apply John Spry, Enniscillen. i day, July 2nd. 1935, Elizabethý Ont. 27-1" Butlei'. widaw a! the late John1 FOR SALE-FORD 26 COUPE IN Butler. in hem 78th year. 1 gooti îunnîng ortier. gooti tires. WELLS-Eva Donneily. at St. Louis. W. Morrison. c o G. Lewins, Mer- Ma.. on Monday. June 101h, 1935,. ms Ave.. Bawmanville. 27-1V wife of Dr. W. C. Wells. Inter- ment Vaîhaila Ccmetcry. FOR SALE - 8 TONS 0F GOOD1 MORRIS-At Chr-istie Street Hospi- Timothy Hay. stack o! straw. 2001 tal Toono, ridyJune 21s1. bus. a! mixeti grain. Appiy la j 1935, Henry John Morris. former- Atu27-h Poe23rl ly o! Orano. ageti 49 s-cars. 271 YOUNG-In Bowmanvifle. July 15tFOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT,: 1935, Darlene Marguerite, inlfant with barn in Tyrone. Estate o! 1 tiaughter o! Mr. anti Mrs. Stewart the late James Fooley. Apply to Young. aget 3 monlhs, 15 tisys. W. H. Yeo. Phone 350r3 R. R. 1 CHAPMAN-In Oshawa. June 27th, Hampton. 1935. Elizabeth McFaî'land. beiav- FO A E 1 H V P T OR et wif e o! James Chapman, in hiemr SAEiHAYP TFR j 74th yeam. Inlerment in Hamp- spring wagon: 1 heavy wagon; 1 ton Cemetery. set o! hcavy teami harncss, hanti - matie; 1 coal box; 1 gravel box. STANTON-In Orono, on Tuesday, Apply Byron Moore, Tyrone. 26-2" Jul- 2nd. 1935. Jennie Thompson. '..itiow af the late Thomas Stan-, ton. Pontypoal. anti beio'.ed steP- Lost or Found unotheî' o! Sir Thomas Stanlon. K.C.. M.G., M.D., Londoan, Engianti.j LOST-YELLOW COLLIE DOG, AT anti Gea. B. Stantan - Toranlo Caesarea on Suntiay. answers la i Interedin OonoCemee 'Y name o! "Chum." Rewarti for r e- ________________ ui-n ta W. J. Jeffrey. Bowman- Iville. 27-1* IN MEMORIAMj STRAYED-2 HEAD 0F CATTLE ~'onlo Lot 14, B. F., Clarke. Own- SMITH-In loving memory o! aur er may have samne by proving pro- dear son anti brother. Win. George perty anti paying expenses. Bey. Smith, '.sho passeti away July 7th. Jas-nes, R. R. 3, Newcastle. 26-2 1931. -Ever i-emembemcti by Mother. Father, Sister anti Brother. Notice to Creditors FASCOE-In laving memory a! our____ dear parents. Margaret Hogarth IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES Fascae. who tied July 6th, 1932, GLENNEYr'DECEASED anti Thomas Pascoe, who diet Ahl persans having dlaims againsl December 18th, 1921. ithe Estate o! James Gienney, o! the Tîme has changeti in înany ways, Township o! Dariingtan, in the But anc thing changclh neyer. Counly of Durham, deceaseti. who The memomy o! those happy tisys dieti on the thirtieth day of Oclob- When we were ail logether. er, 1932, are hereby notified ta senti -The Family. in 10t the untiersigneti solicitors on or before the 2Oth day o! Juiy, 1935, SELLERS-In memory of aur darl- full particulars o! their dlaims. I- ing son. Herbent, who passeti a%'av' mdiately after Juiy 201h, 1935. týhe' Juiy 6th, 1934. a sts o! the Adin:::,strator wiii be One year has passeti since that 5i5îuetiaagt ate n sati day, itiue mn .ipatse- When anc we loveti was calîcti tilet theîeto. having regard only ta, away; daims o!f' hich the solicitors shall Gati took hlm home, it wasHis then have notice. '.ill. Daleti June 151h, 1935. Forgel him, no, '..e neyer wiii. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, -Lo.ingly remembereti by his Port Ferry, Ontario. Mother, Faîher anti family. Solicitors for James Glenney Estate. 25-3 Wantecl____ WANTED- SECOND-HAND MOW- cm. Gea. Davis. R. R. 6, Bow'man- To Let TO RENT-FOUR ROOM APART- ment, electricity, water wo r ks. Apply Oo. W. James. Phone 53. TO RLENT-SIX ROOMED HOUSE. ail conveniences, central location. Apply F. C. Hoar. Phone 112. 23-tf TO; RENT - TWO HOUES. ONE on Horsey Street, one on Welling- ton Street. both in choice resi- dential sections. J. B. Martyn. Bowmanville. 26-2* HEATED APARTMENT TO RENT- Central location, 7 rooma. ail modi- ern conveniences, f ireplace in liv- ing room. electric stove installed. garden and garaLze. possession June lst. Phone 388. Apply Mrs. Archie Tait. 19-tf @ * A WITH THE Big Business Bownanville Dairy's littie uptown store does a bi.- business. The reason is it carnies the freshest Milk, Cream and Butter- milk, that good Country Club Ice Creain, Fresh Eggs. Soft Drinks, and of course, Ice Cream Cones and Bricks. Drop in the Little Store today and enjoy a glass of ice cold Buttermilk, or a Malted Milk Shake. You'Il enjoy it. BOWMANVILLE DAIRY Purveyors of Finest Dairy Products - Phone 446 or 703. W. H. BETTLES. Proprietor. ECONOMY SERVICE FINISHED FAMILY WASH 20 Pieces Alil Ironed $1 .00 5 cents eaeh addltional plece. A service to take care of ail the drudgery of washlng and lronling at a price less than you can do It at home. Oshawa Laundry &Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Cail and Deliver Geo. M. Bosnell G. D. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFCE 2143 DANFORTR AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week f rom 9 a. m. to 9p.m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in chrge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. M. to 9 P. M. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Where at ail possible klndly make appolntmnenta for examlnatlona. L THOU SHALT NOT refully! KILL! OU Drive Carefully! CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. Clara Cook desires to thank he mnany friends of Miss Randail for their great kindness during her lengthy illness and for fruit, flow- ers. and other contributions dur her sickness and f uneral. T TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received separ- ately or jointly for each class of work Up to 12 noon. July 12th, 1935, *or the re-erection of the Town Line Fruit House. Lot 1. Con. 1, Darlington. (C.P.R. siding). Build- ing to consist of concrete or brick. and lumber. of frost proof design. Plan of same may be seen at HIoward Gibson's. R. R. 4. Bowman- ville. Detailed specifications to be sub- iiit.ted with each tender. Lowest or anY tender not nec- essarily accepted. NEWCASTLE PACKERS. Per Howard Gibson. SUMMER TERM Sbaw's Business Schools now open. Enter any day and train for a place in Business. Model Office and Employment Bureau Service free to Graduates. Write for particulars. W. R. Shaw, Secretary, 1130 Bay St. - Toronto Steamship Tickets F or ty years' experience in steamship business enables us to give the travelling public unusual service. Rail and boat tickets to any part of the world. JURY & LOVELL IEXPERT, SCIENTIFIC Optical Service Two Experienced Registered Optometrists Wbhen we test eyes it is done properly. JURY & LOVELL Fe TeDe We can deliver flowers in London, Eng. at less than Canadian prices. Cal and let us explain how and why. FLORAL DESIGNS 0F HIGHEST QUA4LITY. Phone Greenhouse 144W Flower Shop 72 Brookdale - Kingsway LTD.

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