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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1935, p. 1

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s-e With WhiCh Is Incorporated The Bownanville News NUMBER 27 VOLUMVE 81 BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1935 DnirAov MRIVAL I-WlP CRIPPL.FflCHILDREN JIIIRTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY LOCAL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MARKED BY RE-UNION HERE Sixty - f ive Members a n d Capt. W. J. Lock Elected Friends Join in Commem- As Canadian Legion oration of Organization Zone Representative in June 1900 - Chart er At the annual summer zone rally Members Among Remin- if Zone No 23 of the Canadian Leg- lihel'n the Legion rooms at iscent Speakers 1ia Jr. IV to Sr. IV Promoted on Year's Work-Hazel AIder, Betty Betties, James Clark, Geraldine Coulter. Donnie Creasser Tom Depew. Ethel Danagbue, Mar- ian Dudley, Patsy Dustan. Maniav Gibson, Rachel Hthderley, Bill Hut- chinsan, Douglas Jackman, Rutl James, Oscar Jessen, Jim Knox Mark Lambaurne. Viola Lanklî Marion Mabood, Gilbert McIllveen Grlgg Morden, Peggy Moses, Doug- las Norton, Margaret Osborne, Jear Pattinson. Bob Purdy. Barbara Reh. der, Jean Rîce, Frances Rowe, Sid. ney Rundle. Ketb Semon, Mari Spencer, Margaret Storey. Kelvii Symons, Helen Tlgbe. Isobel Thompi son, George Undehblîl, Donald Ver, tan, Louise Wilson. Wlnifred Wood Jean Woodward. Henry Wigtman. Hanaurs on Examlnatlons-Don aId Alun. Passed on Examinations-GeonI Belîman, Donothy Buttonshaw, Joai Buttonshaw, Vera Clapp, Gleni PRCED F U -I. %Lj L ý--àejjjaý%- LABORJOUS DELIBERATIONS 0F SCIIOOL BOARD CLOSE ADJOURNED TWO MONTHS OnIy One Application Re- MUSIC RESULTS ceived for Office of Sup- Toronto Cons~ervaoyfMui erisor of Music - Fran- Tornt Cosevatr3 o!Muic cis Sutton Is Applîcant, Pupils o! Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson. and Management Coin- A. T. C. M.: Introductory Piano--- te il adeM t Betty Osborne, honars. iteWlHad M- READ JUBILEE REPORTc f( fi One of the most pleasant pastimes % of the older generation is the wordsv "I rememnber" . Such was the topic L used at the re-union of the charter members of BowmanviUle Women's Institute on Friclay afternoon whenv 65 members and friend.s met Vo corn-L memorate the 35th anniversary ofc organization ia this town. This0 branch was among the early bran-r ches and t.he late Mrs. J.. L. Smith, i Whitby. had the honor of organiz- t, ir.g it in June 1900.t The meeting on Friday was heldr in St. John's Parish Hall and was presideci over by Mrs. J. Thickson, the newly electeci President. Beauti- fui flowers gave the hall a very at- tractive appearance and were much admired.î The program was in charge of Mrs. W. J. Culley and ber group and was nicely carried out. Meeing opened with the Institute O)de.7Mr s.j H. Smith at the piano. Af ter the Lord's prayer, the minutes werel read by Mrs. C. McFeeters, secre-1 tary. Business being over, the Pres- ident welcomed those from a dis- tance and read the Statesman report of the Silver Jubilee held at the home of the Secretary, Kalmar Villa, ten years ago. The charter members present were invited o recaîl some incidents in the early years and Mrs. W. L. Law, Oshawa; Mrs . Thos. Baker. Solina; Mrs. W. H. Pearce and Mrs. J. R. Fisher. Newcastle; Mrs. C.*N.' Ruse and Miss E. E. Haycraf t. Bowmnan- ville. responded in brief but happy speeches. Miss Edith Weekes, a f or- mer secretary, recalled a number of humorous incidents during her term of office and read a most in- teresting letter from Mrs . E. R. Bounsal. a former President, who was unable to be present. being on a visit to ber sister in Indiana. Mr. Arthur Culley sang "The Old Spinning Wheel" accompanied by ý is vlyn Oke, and Mrs. Alex Col- ville sang unaccompanied two songs rendered at our meeting ten years ago, 'For You Alone" and 'Rose in the Bud". Ail being much apprec- iated. A social hour was held at the close when refreshments were served. A delicious birthday cake. the culinary1 work o! Mrs. Spencer Wood, Mrs Thickson and Mrs. A. Manning. de- corated with 35 candles. was inuch admired and pronounced excellent by all. Mrs. Isaac Tabb, anotheri charter member, had the honro putting the knife in the cak hl the past Presidents present had h honor o! lighting the candles. Miss Haycraft poured tea and members and guests had a happy re-union which will mark a bright spot in the history o! this Branch. Shut-in members who received a piece of birthday cake included:- Mrs. E. Belman, Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. G. H. Bickel. Mrs. J. G. Ric- kard. Mrs. J. W. Bunner, Mrs. W. B. Pollard, Mrs. M. A. Balson. The folowing have beld the office of President during the past 35 years:-Mrs. Jas. Bradley, Mrs. J. W. Sparling, Mrs. W. L. Law, Mrs. Thos. Power, Mrs. G. H. Bickell (2 termas), Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs. Miss E. E. Hayraft. Mrs. E. R. Bounsal Mrs. W. B. Pollard. Mrs. W. Adams, Mrs. H. Allin, Mrs. F. Jackman. Mrs. FP. C. Colmer, Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. J. Thickson. Secretaries have been:-Miss Eth- el Sparling, Miss E. E. Haycraft, Mrs. W. W. Alun, Mrs. J. J. Lord. Miss Edith Weekes, Mrs. J. Thickson, Mrs. C. McFeeters. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington, Joyce and Anna, Toronto, spent the weekend with bis mother. Mrs. W C. Washington. They are leaving this week on a month's trip to As- siniboia to visit her mother, Mrs. C O. Johnston. and sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Glover. - ----- - ---- 1 NUMBER 27 ,aptain W. J. Lock, of Oshawa, re-T.C M: nrdcoy Pa - ýevdthe ffi '0f oune tatioe Violet Brown, honors 78%.'; Prim- 'or teofceone representiv ary Piano-George Morris, bonors i WITH IN ESTIMATES xil be formally elected at the pro- -178%. irou elbrainso incial convention to be held in Pupils 0f Mrs. C. H. Dudley: In- their aboriouwes, deleaton.s o! termediate Piano--Miss Helen Wiî-thpstfewekcmeed lt ,ondon on July 31 and August 1 -ign re n nvnflmeigo Lnd 2. and will represent this zone ~liams; Intermediate SightSign abrean uevnflm tigo winld e Osawa Bsomn.-Mr. James Hancock: Primary Tuesday nigbt. mernbers of Bow- xile iNcaste, Orono, Wbyand Piano-Miss Ruth James. manville Public School Board have Jxbridge, on the provincial exe- 0uil f Mrs. J. Albert Cole, called it a day, so ta speak, and have utiveune of the Legio. W. F. War cufv Bofmni the retiring. zonear A.T.C.M.. A.O.C.M. : Eleme n t a r completion of the f irst balf year's qf ownanvlle th reirig znePianol-Eleanor Wight, Hon.; r, work appealed to the members asa epresentative. presided over the ~ ary Piano-Marion Dudley, Hon.: time for cellebration, but no amaunt neeting. which was splendidly at- Bernice Wight, pass; Helen Wight, fpruso cudcnvne ha- ended. Twenty-five members o! pas.mnc obtt hthesol he Oshawa Branch and fifteen Pupils of Francis Sutton, Mus. manthercy Coibett, thatthe should nembers of the Bowmanville Branch lt.e beo wsthe goatldad eed inspitmarking thete ac, . . . .eventy iao motored Vo Uxbridge for the occas- Your support of the efforts of uI littelwwas barents cripe.and isne. is pcicmtre ilstfratiflg h oes C C. OPr y Piano-with a treat of ice cream at Iiis io.Bowmanville Rotary Club at its an- hsprnswr o itesn icmtacsbfr o eg oeEio yeolive store. Sa instead of a treat, mem- nual on dd ~~~financially able Vo provide needed tary took charge of the case. illus- Ward. Betty Bettles, Lillian Naylor,besothBarldsecped Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Percy have na Carnival o Wenesday, July operations. RoaYsvdtest-tae etrta ords, just what ist class honors; Senior Piano-ibrsgaofdthe Brdelloadmembeeth returned f rom five weeks' bolidayl 7th, makes possible the splendid ation when this Case was taken in Rotary'sCrippled ChildreriswrkMronTyo: nrdutr Voi alestrie abot fisig. rs tee atLk ice yeo okpcue bv.Ti adadteli limbs straight- really means. -Bull Green. John Bunner suggested that the type' stories should not be published, and __________________________________________________________after listening tal them. the press ___________________ 1'L e vI~,I decided that in keeping wlVh Oures Acco plisment of ast ear re ourg MvansCotact is A£0 ted ablished policy of reportlng only Lâtl Kn wn F ctsthe truth they certainly would lot Accmlshmy et of Past Yar are LtieKow cs To Rebuild County House of Refuge b ulse. rrV Re ale y eiin otr P e yabout friendiy lsn th Board lae inu t ues o thestnri a.n Crippled Children, Community Work ýWell Known People Provincial Dictatorship is Criticized Upin uses several special meetings were read ______and duly approved. The Secretary- Retirng Prsiden FredCryPrketchNo. Martin Jex Will Rebuild Treasurer reported a balance on Sketch No. 3 h Valua l rz si hand on June 30th of $1049.10. dema evesvaluhaubec f hs ek' kec Home Destroyed by Fire Inspector E. E. Snider's report was Durig Hs Pesidncy- P each r C mi as had the unique experience of BigRot r Parade - Len. Elliott of Bow- ugete d asn it baas uested fort DuigHsPeiec r a n r~ m ng spending more than 50 years be- sugsea Oba ugse o ExreseGattueo hind the bars, and yet bias neyer manville Gets Plumbing something like seven years, that Exrse raiue frseen the inside of a jail. He bas Increase in Csh P1 - Manry Plans ld beimprvejgents i he Co-operation and Help of Rev. Dr. S. W. Hughes To mare regular daily customers than ConracThean organiin and manaementol Address Aud ie n ce i n any other business on Main Street., Big Lvent Which Ujsiers Were Discarded The rg aiactiandbut atnagemen- Cu e brhpHe is Mr. Carl Bedford Kent, since ________coYbt t a sg Club embeshipBowmanville on July 18 1921 Postmaster o! the Town of' in 1935 Rotary Carnival CO TI $847 !bin rmted toa ppisson HANDS OVER GAVEL ~~ ~~ ~Bowmanville. and for many years CS S$847lpooe o on HA D V RG V L - Meeting Interdenomin- prier ta that a member o! the pas- Cash prizes bave been increased TgeOfstaff was reported on Rotay's ccoplismens inthetai staff bath bere and in New- by the Rotary Club for entries ifl After several hours discussion at a1 splenidid wark, taking a deep inter- Rstayux accampiishmentsintheo ational castle. the Calithumipian Parade which is special meeting o! Northumberlanld est in the pupils, and of flemg in- past sdya wenresiy revieed Ofi I Mr. Kent was thie so'-1 o! a rather scheduled ta precede the big Car- and Durham Counties Council last dustriaus. The progress of the school Tllrsay whn reidnt re Cy- One o! England's most noted famous father, Prof. A. B. Kent. nival on Wednesday evening o! July Friday, in wbich same members was average, and in some instances derman delivered bis valedictory preachers. Rev. S. W. Hughes, D.D., Prof. Kent and Mrs. Kent came ta l7tb. The parade will start sharp roundly scored the present Provin- above the average. The discipline address and formally turned the o! London, and who is guest preacb- Newcastle f rom New York State. and 1 at 7.15 p. m. fromn the Central Pub- cial Government for ts dictorial at- was satisfactory, and the fire drll gavel of authority over Vo president- er for five weeks at Deer Park Un- for a time lie taugbt in Newcastle lic Scbool Grounds, and will be titude towards the rebuildinga u eygo. pca eto a electE. F.Armsrong.itedChurc, Torntois tacometo Scool.The professor was better routed east along Wellington St. ta countis bouse o! refuge, the counclmd !teariculualdprtet Briefly picturing the levents o! Bowmanville where bie will speak in known bowever. for bis interest and George. north to Carlisle Avenue. decided to rebuild at a cost o! $48,- with the class good and the inter- the 12 montbs past. Mr. Cryderman Trinity United Church on Thursday, inventions in electricity and kindred east to Liberty, south ta, King and 417. est very great. The report was poinedt otd tatu te tnhncs otteeJulî18t.cTesbrngigto!ehi disymyseris.o!thoes das.anyth.vInt ttTeperace nd suthVo I pea grtifynanodnoe tat a oetecrtar wasinsructd V club were in an exceptionally strong tinguisbed divine to Bowmanville is latter years o! his if e he spent much Rotary Park. The arrangement o! among the sub-contracts approved natif y ail teachers of the recent position. leaving the club able to non-denominational and members o! lime travelling the country lectur- the routing is somewhat di!! erent by the counicil was that for plumblng changes in regulations, and request carry on an extensive campaign o! ahl churches in this district are cor- ing on electricity and giving de- fromi previous years ta give other wbich was warded Vo W. Len. tbem ta give whoiehearted co-oper- communit.y work in the future. dially invited ta hear bim. He will monstrations. Long before Bow- portions o! the town a better chance Elliott, Bowmanville. ainV h rnia n sitn During the year. hie said. we have speak ai 8.30 pi. m. manville's f irst telephone was in- ta see the show. ,aiont h rnia n sitn 1 spen- considerable on Crippled Dr. Hughes is to-day one of the stalled the Profesior was demon- That the parade will be spectac- By a vote o! 22 to 15, a motion Principal. C'bidren. on Boys' Work. on Wel- most brilliant preachers in England. strating this instrument on the pub- ular is assured. Two ladies' bands, Vo rebuild at a cost o! $30.000 on Reparting for the Finance Com- fare Work. on tonsil operations. and His grasp o! the great problems and lic platform and before the electriC one brass band and one flute. are, plans disapproved by the Depart-' iuee Trustee Rev. Geo. Masan on the redecoration and refitting of questions o! the modern age bas ligbt bad illumined a Bowmanville coming from Oshawa, while a! ment Of Welf are wa.s defeated and stated that expenditures until June the Rotary Ward at Bowmanville given bim a foremost place among borne be had shown the People o! course the local Legion Band and unanimously the counicil was appas- 30th were $10,800, and compared Hospital. A large suni was recent- ieligious leaders o! the Old Land. Ontario the marvels of electricity. the Durham Regiment Band of Or- ed ta building on plans calling for a !avourably with expenditures for the ly authorized and is now being spent Rt. Hon. Ramsay MacDonald An dstillismore hie built and demon- ono which are ahways on the job $61.000 outlay which had been samne period last year amounting in putting Rotary Park into shape. stated recently: -I know Dr. Hugh- stratèd bi own hnga , in those will be in their accustamed place. amyedrd by the Govern- twe11,61with etiaes, nd h itoardut Ib batiiain adoerim- es as a good advocate o! peace andidays the migbty marvel of enter- Jazz Bands, clowns, oodles o! quin- ment. wl ihnetmts n ihu by proemets. o at i toudbewelcomnd him Vo ry Canadian fri- tainiment. In fact Prof. Kent was upiets. costumed children on roîler Prom the opinions voiced by var- any unprepared for emergency Iworthy o! the town. ends." labout 50 years in advance of bis skates, costumed children on foot, ious members of the counicil IV was shouîd complete the year with a Inasmuch as Crippied Chiidren in Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, pre-'P times. floats, delivery trucks, decorated evident that the institution, which smaîî surplus. etDramwrbenwelcrdsent prime minister, says: "I wish i Mr. C. B. Kent entered the postai doîl carniages, will ahi be included in was demolisbed by f ire lasV winter, Lteswr edfo isJn WetDrhmwr bigwllcrdDr. Hughes every success in the mis- service at an early age, commenOirwg this big parade. was being rebuiht under pressure o! Legters were r e fo M iss en for and that the expense o! this sion lbe is undertaking in Canada1 in the Newcastle Post Office in 1883, Tuin to page 7 and look over the the House o! Refuge Act. Hon. Da-nigtakgfothBarsgft work' had not been very great in and the United States." where he succeeded Mr. J. E. Atkin- entry list, and then decide Vo enter vid Cro11, according Vo members o! on bier reirement; from Miss Cale recent months, Mr. Cryderman sug- Lord Astor is quoted: "Dr. HughesI son. now President o! the Toronto for one of the valuable prizes-no a committele which had interviewed expressing appreciatian for increas- gested that the club widen its scope bstknsc rmnn n al tr entry f ee-. IV promises to be the him, had at first signifed the will- ed salary; fromn Mr. Purdy acknow- o! activities ta take in many more us eprn his cointrytad b is Fortaree yars lie cantinued in outstanding parade staged in Bow- ingess o! the department Vo permit ledging with Vbanks bis appointment projects. tnp Vo ainada sbcoundtbeo! a that villagread ayteerns avU i ay~er adit the caunties Vo board out the in- ta the staff; froi Mr. Bruce Clark. valueand iteret." frredta Bowmanville where lbe be- sbouîd be the means o! attracting a a iontes butluer er e butis d-gastatian for bis increase in sal- yean remained et 37, the saine as atj Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George: "Dr. came assistant Vo Mr. J. B. Fair- capacity crowd ta Bowmanville thatcianwtabunoretaeul ayfrmMsMrget crgr this lime last year. Two members Hughes stands in a goad succession bairn. Th otofce was then in evening. Comments on this change were ting- ay rmMs agrtMGeo 1were hst by death. T. S. Holgate witb the late Dr. Cli!! ord, for a what is now the men's furnishings Pull particulars o! the event are ed with decidedly caustic edge. The accpin cgeo the Sa th rinipl and W. E. Graves, and one, I. G. great cause and lie bas my best depaî'tment o! Coucb. Jobnston & contained in the advertisement in by-haw providing for rebuilding the si ncag !teSuhWr He!key, by removal !rom town. In wisbes." Cryderman"s store. Later iV moved this issue. The Committee in charge, institution, accepted the f ollowing School, and froin Dr. T. D. Lloyd Chirap m.aGe e AM. W om o breMcrgo Du Store is and to whom entnies sbould be made tenders: General contractor. Mar- telling o! improvements in Miss satc. now.horaen and laV Cm o hreMG erin ils prescrnt bef ore 7 p. m.otedao!hePi tin Jex, Cobourg, $39.951; piumblng Nellie Montgomery's beahth, and the stc.made an annual levent, was the fa- site. is composed o! Geo. W. James, chair- vill atg e nE$5,700-Bowm n lieitdober rtm otesho Mr. Cryderman expressed apprec- tran duger ihtwcb It is lnteresting ta note that W. man, Wes. Cawker and Frank Wil- vll,$570:ehectric, Turney Elec-in epebr iation Vo the committees for their phr nove d uc er u. Shoolchd H. Moore o! Tyrane, who died a few liamns. tric, Brantford, $1.150; boiler, John Ratepayers' Association suggested, L1work durlng the year, and espec- ren o! Darlington were entertained years ago was a mail carrier when The parade %vihl commence sharp Inglis Ca., Toronto, $821; stokcer, in view o! press reports o! scbool Sially mentioned the services Of Sec- at the Royal Theatre, as aisa were Mr. Kent first came ta Bowmanville ai 7.15 p. ni. Daylight Saving Time, Livîngston Stoker, Hamilton, $795. affairs, that a public meeting be R.1u, TesrrJ.W h s0o [lde !Bomnil and camied -on until bis death, ta and entrants are asked Vo co-oper- P. W. Warren, a! Hamilton, is tbe could hdepn mm o theirBtue. rd 1 Jewell, and the Sergeant-at-Amnis. at Christmas time. The Manvers be succeeded b3' bis son, Mr. Leon ate witb the Conînîittee in ariin rhiet Association are ta be noti!ied that Earl Cunningbam. Township Potata Club was also en- Moore, who stili provides a court- at the Scbool grounds 15 minutes they may send representatives ta Duing the year the Club beard tertained by the club. wbich also eous service for residents o! R. R. 5, earlier. sa that entries may be piac- Mayor Ross Strike. Commissianer any regular meeting o! the Board. etwenty outside speakers, many a! sponsared the organizatian. (ContlnUed on page 71) d in their classes and marked for Fred W. Nelles and Manager Gea. Trustee Jack Hately o!!ered Vol ex- rthein outstanding men in the i! e o! As president. Mn. Cryderman at-________________ the Judges. E. Chase of the Publo Utilities Comn- plain at a meeting o! the Assocat- Sthe Dominion. Fifteen club pro- ended conventions at Detrait, St. ________ - mission aea Bigwin Inn, Lake o ion, but Trustee Bunner suggested -grams were staged, anid sevenal out- Catharines and Niagara Falls, and, RETIRING PRESIDENT Bays, attendin'g the annual convenit- that the Association send represen- _side meetings witb ather clubs. attended special club meetings at Royals eanL gu ion o! the Association o! Municipal tArneidnvtioed w uhdte IHntcsvi n bi euo!tN Ye ' eai egeElectric Utilities. 1 (Continuedt on page 7) A rne invtio. dwchhe e IHntlsvil n hbian, N.ofth yarsLeadership - Defeated activities Mr. Cryderman voiced his Hp 'e d feeling o! deep gratitude for the Port Hoe endy splendid ca-operation and help the 1ILow rS h otPo oin committees and club members had Bowmanvilhe Royals strengthened' À roo tio n sJ accorded hlm during the year. He their bold on first place in the In- then fonmally banded the gavel ta termediate Lake-bane League Wed- 193-. .Amtog rsdn o resday nigbt wben they defeated Form 1 to Form Il Colville. H. Cotton, M. Crago <Hist- 1953.Port HoPe 1-0 in the Hilltap barn- Toewt ujcsi rcct.o nls) .Cobe .Eas Cale, Kenneth Cale, Frances Craok. Mn Armstrong expressed the let. Tafle th ans, ubjcstin repeattese oyE. F hin J. Grhmbi(LaP. Eangs, elKenneth Hamm, Jack Lenbardt. club's appreciation o! the retlnlng As the score indicates. the pitchers subets Irn ainoe, usar. Tea es . FHenderan J. r nea m (anAI-. kHarold Schievert, Archie Sinale. pnesident's capable leadership dur- sbet nalwrfr.Tenie .Hnesn .Hnynn(l Launa Wilson. ing the year. and on bebalf o! the were alivays on top and eacb al are arnanged alhabetically, noV ac- gebra), A. Living (Algebra). L. Lyle. Recmmnde-MiraDiniell cub reened imhoweagod an oeonly tbree bits. George Piper conding Vo menit. E. Milîson (Algebra). Bennice Mut- n S. II t Jr I enmelPas Pesients Pn.was supreme by flot allowing a Port Prize fan Genenal Proficiency- tan (Hlstory, Algebra), Bruce Mut- Pro r.oted 1 on aJsr k-Sid- Ral ast Prs St'sike. e a-Hape player Va get f anthen than sec- Russel Short. ton (Englisb, Latin). L. Naylor. R. bt ne Alder, ow ar Coren,SAdastean A.R.ssVirin, al !whm n, ndb asVwnaison-ae First Form Prize fan Writtng- Rackham <Algebra), J. Rice, E. à. DyAder , Fownced Cenm. Soît ebatnd A b iray rn t lyf ne- with a scneecbing single aven third. Girl, Kathleen Sisson; Boy, George Richards (Algebra, Agriculture>, H. x. Dedsn, FAdanceDuenry,NanaoFa-celvbed bquths !flaesntwas Shinny Moise" playillg bis !lrst Morris. Rundle. C. Somenscales (Algebra). ri, ganse, Munay Geran , Myrall.anneve ouebRt fRloe A L Iem' game for Bowmaflville ii several First Chass Honouns, 75% and V. Woodwarid (Algebra). I. Wright, n, gae, HarisackGratly, Je Ha H n ed that oth e.A c.tlem-dyears. neacbed f irst on a Port Hope aven-R. Cryderman. F. Reynolds, R. Wright (Lati n- EfesnH arrsJackmHan. ewisJen KnianhrngD membopofte r ! Bowan- error, went ta second an a passed L. Short, R. Short, O. Wand. Pass. wltbout yatm n or rench- tr- ganon. Hlen akmbro, ett i - villean oay Cu.wîbe of speak- bahl and completed the circuit on *Second Class Honouns, 66%1 Vo D. Barnett. C. Fagan, D. Mason (AI- %-gnoIllnLmrs et a-vleRtar lub, il h e pa-Pîper's slash. 75%-T. Dustan, L. Foley. D. Harn- gebra), S. VanCamp (Algebra). M. d- imer, Kathleen Luxton. Doris Lyhe, en Friday. Veale and Colwell were the onlY den, T. Lambros. S. Lundgren. M. Werry <Algebra), Douglas Wight 'y Alan Mahood, Ernest Marris, Horace A leVIer o! condolence was sent ohrRyl h eeal orahMriG ors .Ncesn .(ler) in ose, DrisPierJoye Rchads Roarin R R.Stven inthParth Hopes star soutbpaw, Len Parker, K. Sisson, P. Symons, Hl. Form IH t. Form MI p- Ray Richards, Wlnifred Smitb, a! Mrs. Stevens' mathen, Mrs. Mark aeyfohis Trull. Prîze for General Praficleny- n- CtheineSpenerHeln Smers Muday Sr Fre CrderianA fine indication a! Plper's air- Third Class Hanours, 60% Vo 66% Marlon Scott. >d, fond, Helen Tait, Rex Ward. Luther Retirlng President o! Bowman- tight burlinîg was gîven when Wake- -W. Brown, L. Cox, K. Nurcombe, First Class Honours. 751/' and n- Honours on Final Examinatins- Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Brown, Can- ville Rotary Club who dellvered an ly wbo doubhed o start the lnnlng V. Purdy. R. Richards, W. Tait, H.1 e-. aîa. .Ie,0.SoI Herbnt ale DoaldSpecer niglonvistedther cusis, ns. aress viewing the wonk o! the nemained on second whihe bis next Virtue, Dorothy Wight, H. Willams, M. Wood. ~e Psse on ina Exaînaion- Ge. Bown nd iss arn Brad, lubbefae hfldng te gvel venVb~eplamats weî ot lLordr.A Wilon cond Hnau0./6% V

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