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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1935, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAKVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1935 Business Directory History of St. John's Anglican Chu rclI BOW31AN'VILLE, ONTARIO LEGAL Wbich celebrates the 100th anniversary of the building of the first f LEGAL church, and the 1051h anniversary oftefudnno h oge M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LLB gation thbis year. ýo h onigo h oge Barriater, Solicitor, Notary îBy B. H. Mortlack)r Phone 351 ________________________________ Royal Bank Buildinlg, Bowmanvilled ___________________________Instalinient 5 subscriptians of interested men 0f W. R. STRIKE the congregatian, was removed inv Barnîster, Solicitor, Notary Mn. Kennedy cantinued as nectarl 1927 wben the cburcb wa.s redec-v Sohiito fo Bak o Motrel of Darlington andI Clarke for some orated during the rectorsbip of Rev. Money torLor ankof onea91 years. His saîary seema ta have been R. J. Sbires, MA., B.D.t Mone to oan. Phon 91.guaranteed by a group of church The carved oak altar, the com-t Bawmanville, Ontario members. and no record is kept in munion service. andI the font ne-j the early accaunits. It wauld seen ferred ta are also till in use, while L. C. MASON, B. A. that bouse rent was also paid for the organ was replaced some years Barristen - Solicitor him. but apParently this proved un- laten, after Dr. Macnab*-s deab Notary Public - Etc. satisfactory. fon Mr. Kennedy asks Dr. Macnab received a sary f LawIn ilitsbrnchs. at a Vestry meeting that the Cburch £200 per annum and rent wben lie Offce mred.atey ast0fRoyal apprave ai the building of a Parsan- f irst became rectar. Tfie hmeate.eto age on graund adjaining Trinity <To be continued) Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Church. Newcastle, wveeSt e rges Cemietery now stands. Thet _______________________ wocongregations met to make an . ORONO DENTAL cot ofth building but it seerns qtîite apparent that no agreement (Fram The News, June 27th> DR. J. C. DEVITT was reached as the parsonage was Assistant: Dr. E. WV. Sisson neyer built. The site for the aug- Mn. R. W. Hagerman of Montreals Graduate of Royal Dental College, gesteci Rectory was donated by Mr. is spending a few days with Rev.t Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. S. S. Wilmat of Newcastle, who andI Mrs. Osterhout.f Bowmaliville. Office houns 9 a. HM. built the first Anglican church On Tuesday evening, June 18, ac tao 6 p. m. daily excePt Sunday. there. succesaful garden party was held by Phone 90. Hause phone 283. At the time thi- suggestion was part of group 3 o! the W. A. at theo X-Ray Equipment in Office. advanced Mn. Kennedy informed the borne of Mrs. Eagleson.t __________________________vestry that Bisbop Strachan bad 1Mns. A. Randaîl, wha visited tri- stated that for many years *the two1 ends in Orona. Salemn and Bowman- F UNERAL DIRECTOR chiircbes would continue as one par- ville, bias neturned ta bier borne in ish. a plan wich was changed a Port Hope.E FUNERAL DIRECTORS few years later wvben the paishes A pnolific rose bush an thet Service, anY hour. any day. were separated in 1842. grounds af the Mn. and Mns. 0.t F. F. MORRIS CO. Mr. Kennedy continiied toadat- Rolpb nesidence, soutb Main St.. ta i Modemn Moton Equipment mintater ta the congnegation at much admired. It contains morea an Ivhi Cr Bcwmnanvtlle until 1852 when hie re- than 200 handsamely formed blas-p Ambulancean nliCr signied ta became Secretary of the somns. CAssistant,15or3 Cburch Society of the Diocese of Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Cobbledick, Assstnt ~Toronto. His successor in office. Mrs. Batemas. Mn. Basil Wilson. Mn. BowMANVUI.LE Rev. Dr. A. Mcnab, in a bnief bis- andI Mns. D. Gnaham, al of Ton- tory wrtten in 1890 refera ta Mn. onto. were weekend «visitons at Mn. Kennedy as beîng '-Representative of and Mns. James Moffatt's. Master NORTHCUTT & SMITH one of the moat influential families Jack Graham. wha bias been spend- in the Canadian Cbuncb. His par- ing the past six weeks witb bis aunt. Complete Funeral Service enta were amang the earliest mnem- netunned ta Toronto witb tbem. Modern Equipment- Ambulance bers of the parishes of Niagara and Mn. S. J. Walsh, genenal manager A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smlitb Yark in the latter part of the prev- of tbe Bluebird Orchards, head of- Phone Days 58 :ous century. Through bis efforts fice Toronto, spent a f ew hours in Nigts, Sundays on HolidaYs the first Anglican cburch at Belle- tawn Manday. This campany bave Phone 523 or 276. ville was erected." leased a number of orchards in On- __________________________ According ta bis own statemnent ana district and other parts af Dur- in the cbunch recorda Rev. Alex- ham county. Mn. H. C. Bawen. a musicander Macnab D. D., succeeded Mn.1succesul fruit grower of Orona M SCKennedy at Eaater 1852. athaugh district. is a memnben of this ongan-t FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.BaC. F.C.C.O. he a not formally inducted into izatian whicb is dinecting its efforts1 A. T. C. M. diplomas in Piano, the change until July lst, 1853. It t.o place a better grade of apples anf Singing. Violin and Organ. %vas tIuring Dr. Macnab*s Incum- the Ontario market.t Pnivate on class lessons. bency that the present cburch was Miss Betty Rowe, dietitian student 1 Pupils prepared for aîî examinations. erected. the cornenstone baving been, at Mcflanald Hall, Guelph, is home Phone 42, Bownanvile laid by Dr. George H. Low. Recton's fo hdays. 40)-tf Warden. on July l2tb, 1855. A capy Mn.ý&. T. J. H. Allen. Pickering, t of tbe service sheet used on that spent the weekend with bis parents, occasion is still in existence antI Mn. andI Mrs. R. H. Allen. antI sis- RICHARD FOLTNTAIN fr-om t cornes the folîowing biston- ter. Mrs. I. R. Bragg, Providence. ical inscription tram tbe Vellum de- Mr. Cecil Walsh. Peterbora. son Bandmaster Canadian Legion Band posited in a boule placetI in tbe hol- of the late Alex. Walsh. was a vis- Teacher of Cornet. Trumpet, low of the connestone. on tbe north itor Wednesday week at the borne Baitone, etc. easz corner o! the cburcb. of Mn. W. S. Cobbledick.1« 25 years professional expeience. Tbe corneratone of St. John*-s Mr. Robert Glanville of the grain Openi for purlils now. Chtirch, Darîington. was laid ta the, and feed bouse, Station St.. bias Resdene: ppoiteTow HalPra;sie ot Our Redeemer. on Thurs- ( bought the late Frances B. Cabble- Temperance Street, Brow.manville. day. Juîy l2tb, 1855, by Doctor tiîck resîdence., North Mill street. George H. Low. on the oltI Cburcli Arthur Hughes, Taunton. Dan- site wbich was genenously given lington township, busband of Lucy sorne twenty years ago by Charles Kelly. passed away atter a long ll- SHOE REPAIRS Bo%ý-iman Esq. The Hon. andI Right ness Sunday. June 23rtI. Interment Reverend John Strachan D. D.. L. taak place at Hampton. R. PAWSON L. D.. Lord Bisbop of the Diocese of Mn. Fred Sisn neturned last Boot and Shoe Repalring Toronto: the Rev. Thomas Smith week fromn Northern Ontario where Kennedy, Secnetany of the Church lie bas holdings in sevenal mining Sales sewn on by Goodyear Stitchlng Society; The Rev. Alexander Mlac- prospects. He reports increased ac- Machine. Pices reasonable. nab. Doctar in Divinty. nectar of tivity and brigbt outlook for the King Street East - Bowmanville Darlington. and George H. Low. andI north cauntry. Freder:7c Cubitt, Esquires, Cbuncb Mnrs. Sarah McPherson andI coin- Wardens. John Hibbeirt. Robent Ar- panian. Mns. Smith. are spending a moun, Thomas C. Stitton. Charles few weeks at the borne of the farn- TREASURER'S SALE C. Neville, Nathaniel Wilson. Robent en's nieces. tbe Misses Tourjee, To- S. Manning, James B. Spence, Fred- ronto. wbo are spending their vaca- 0F LANDFOR TAXES eric Cubitt and George H. Lotv. Es- ton at the Atlantic coast resorts. Town f Bo manvlle, buildýnL-. James H. Spence. Achi- el, on the Orano continuation scbool Townof owninvile, tent: Messrs R. Haley, J. Milson and staff here. bas been chosen as prin- County of Durhanm J. Bul:en, Builtiers". cipal of the new bigb achool at -- IThe Church was completed the FenlCh allsDnatr !B 'la W.t: following year and was fornally r hrlsDnate-fBw opened on 'Match 30th. 1856. by manville spent the past week in bis By .-tuc- of a -; issued by phpJhnSrchnol nad home town, guest at Mn. Wil- the Mayor of the Town of Bowman- 1 e nthonooi0'900 lhc iami Seymour's. v':.~e bcaring date of *he lth day vscniecla yl"e~ n Mn. Hanry Mercen. at St. Micb- of Marth. 1935. sae of :ands in an- tos days. ael*s Hospital, Toronto. waa visited ear.s of taxe- in the Towsn ot Bow- by Me-srns A. Manning. Neil Parter*Ie -,r:U be he:d in the Council Dr. Macnab. in the hi-tory alneady 1 andI sevenal otbeir Ornoafniends Ch.àn-.brs :r. the Town Ha: Bow- :eferretd 'o. co.niment,ý on the new' who reponted bim brigbt antI cheer- mran-; :Ie. at te hour of two o'clock church thus -Owing ta the need of ful. antI makîng good pragress ta- in the afternoor. or. the eighth day additt:nlciîcb acmoaIlwardts recoveny. o! Juy-,. 1935. ur.lessý the taxes and iat St. John's. the oltI wooden biiild- Miss Doris Osterbout of the Higb c0sts are soorer paid. Notice is .ng 'sas su;.ercetietl by thet rcet-ion Scbool of Commer~ce staff. Montreal. bercbv),. gi':en that the li-t o! lands!o! a '.ubýtantial brick edîfite cap- is pending a couple of weeks witb or sale for arrears of taxes îs be- able o! holding 500 people. and! ber -Parents. Rev. J. H. andI Mna. 'ng puh.hed in the Ontar:o Gaz- having a spactous basement for the osterhout, previaus ta going to the ette on 'the 6tb day of Apil. on the purpose of a Sunday schooî and sumrmen course at Queens Univers- 4th day of May, antI on the lat day lectures. ity. July 4th. o! June. and that copies oif the said *The exterion of the cbiirch is not; Mn. R. H. - Armstrong necently ist may be bad at my office. uithout some architectural beauty, successfully campleted bis course in Trea.urer'.s Office, this l1th day whl e its interion arrangement is law at Osgoode Hall. Toronto. and o! April. 1935. well devised for the proper observ- 1i.> now connected witb the Iaw fînm A. J.LYLE, ance of public worsbip andI the due io! Jenner antI Brunt. He wilI be A. . LLE, administration of the Holy Sacra- admitted to the Ban in Septemben. 15-13 Treasurer. ments. The organ. althougb not Lieut. Kennetb Hall, a member of __________________________large. isý a sweet toned instrument. the Durham Regiment. will attend _______________________ ,_ resîded ovei witb faste andI akîll the Smnall Arma Scbaal at Can- f on seeal yeans by Miss Roche,! naugbt Ranges. Ottawa. for eight grand-tIaughten o! the nectar. The weeks, commencing July 8tb. Lieut. C. H-. Tuck, Opt.1 choir numbers about twenty. havi Hl st b ogaultda e Optometry eature Serice oid.n ember 0f te chair. Tel Canada the belp this imedicine cangive. Get ii(nono a commanding eminence, L E aboule from your druggisr oda. cve-looking many miles a! undulat- 1 CA >J'Ts E blue waters o! Lake Ontario." j ITÉS ORMRE il?/ Th twameiania widowsne- Relief cornas seon fenned ta by Dr. Macnab are stîll in with s f~ the nave of the church. but the Dr. CHASE 'S VEETBL OM OUO stained glass windaw over the altar, 0O ________________ which was p aced thene tbrougb the 11 f E The Aims and Objects Ontario Safety Leaguel The Ontario Safety League \\as organized in the year 1913. with theý following aine ancd obje-ts. which it pedestrians to pause a moment andi read: a) To protect and safeguard the public, especially childreri, f rom the The grani dangers of automobiles. railroads. street railways. and ail forms of purposes vehicular traffic on the public high- ways has ways in the Province. (b) To educate the p u b 1i c, Bank's bu through schools. churches, litera- ture. and aIl channe'.ý of publicity upon all matters pertinent to pub- If you rec lic safety. <c> To minimize the injuring and tra(le pur killing of persans emPloyed in orne stores. factories. workshops, and alYu e departments of industrial and mer- cantile activity by instilling into the rninds of employer and employee the full meaning of "safety always." (d) To co-operate. so far as lies T in the power of the League. in pre- ventirig the useless destruction of life and property by fire. O le) To advocate and secure pos- Io sible remedies and preventatives and ta assist in the enactmnent and en- S. forcement of ordinances requisite to carry out the foregoing.I Bowmnanv ifi To encourage the formation of local Safety Leagues throughout i TOTAt the Province of Ontario. Simple and Sure-Dr. Thomas ________________ Eclectric 011 is so simple in applica- tion that a child can understand the instructions. Used as a lini-1 EN CAE L ment the only direction is ta rub 1 EN AEU and when used as a dressing Io ap- 1 laI your husband careful about ply. The directions are so plain and, crossing streets?' unmistakable that they are readily' Yes, he neyer crosses until hes understood by young or old. sure none of his creditors is on the other ide." Travels of a British Seanian Further Adevntures of Bill Tait - Sickness and Adventures in the Tropics We continue this week with more and were running slowly with fog excepts from the experiences 0f ihorns screaming and everyone on Seaman Bll Tait, carrying on from the alert. Suddenly a crasb-the the last instalîment where he had 'ship shuddered from bow ta stern. returned to England ',o recuperate They had ploughed inta a sailing following the thrilling shipwreck off vessel. the crash carrying away part the coast of Morocco. of their amidships and gouging a His sea doga refus~e.! ta cease huge hale in the side of the Sybil. barking their dislike f'rr land rou- The main cancern of the steamer's tine so after a couple M manths on crew was for the sailing veasel after land, back ta the dccký went Our they found out that the Sybil was bero, and sbipped aboard the S. S. not letting in water. the hole in ber Reigate of London. bound for the side being above the water line. A port. of Sf ax. off the north coast of boat was lo-,ered and manned and Africa. quite a lengthy .iourney, fol- afler a couple of hours t.he sailing lowed by a trip ta Osaka. Japan. ship was found not badly damaged- with the first stop at Port Said. 3. the excitement was over. Luckily 125 miles fram his home in London. there was no ba.d weather from then They ran into goad weather on this ur.t.îl they reached Hambourg, or trip, which cortinued throu ah theithe Sybil might have been another Suez Canal, into the Red Sea and forgotten ship at the bottom 0of the out into the Indian Ocean where sea. The return journey was very they called at Colomnbo, the capital rough, but the temporary repaira of the Island of Ceylon. From there withstood tl-.c storm. ta Osaka, tbe destination. was a Bill had ariother experience while dreary trip, witb day after day go- their ahip wvas in port. and1 ing by and not a ship or any land ta all the crew aboard asleep. One of! be seen. Osaka waý reached anid the sailor- hadi returned ta the ship the crew were allowed shore leave drurik and flopped down on bis bunk for a couple of weeks andl from Bilî's in a stupor, at the same time smok- vivid description, they certainly had ing a cigarette. The bedding arid a good time. . the bed caught fire and from the On the return journey. Bill taok cigarette and the cabin was ful of sick near the Phillipine Islands and smoke and flames before the watch- waa left at Iloilo where he tossed man noticed that any4hing was about in a for seven weeks. wrang. The drunken fellaw waa still while bis gouil ship sailed çvithout sleeping with the flames burning him. As soon as he recovered suf- the bed under hiin, and was quite ficiently ta go on duty. the authanit- severely burned tbough the crew les put bim aboard a boat for Hong soon bad the f ire under c ont roI. Kong, China, where he had ta re- There were many other adventur- main five days before another boat. es and events in Bill's career too the Persaus. left for London. This numeraus ta elaborate upon. He timne be wa.s sailing as a passerîger came ta Canada after a few years. for the 45 day trip until at Singa- left the sea and procured a job :n pore one of the stewards was taken the Goodyear in 1912. A few years i11 and Bill substituted. later he left there and sailed the It waa a jaurney so long and tire- La ke Ontario boats, finallsy returr.ed sometha Bil wen heyreahedta Bowmanville. married andI from London decided ta stick araund l pernshastlddov o nearer home and went into the home a landlubber's life. He bas a pet trading section. on the Sybil runn- poem wbicb follows. andI is dedi- ing betweenî the Tyne andI Ham- cated ta a couple of vounL, Russian bourg. Germany, They madIe many bovs who escaped from the Sov-iet trips safely. until one eventful day. and stowed away aboard the shîp just before they came into the river Bill was on. They were finally dis- Elbe, they encountered a densefa i covered. and airested. but escaped fg beiore authorities at the first port c.of caîl could apprehend tbem. THE STOWVAWAY Prom LivJrpool across the Atlantic, The good ship wvas sailing on the deep; The sun shinîng brightly above us. And the waters beneath us asleep;, Not a bad-tempered man in aIl amongat us, Nor a jollier crew ever sailed: Except the first mate a bJt of savage, But as true a marine neyer sailed. One day. he came up from below deck. Grasping a lad by the arm. A poor little î'agged young urchin, That ought've been home with bis marm: And be asked the lad pretty roughly, And beard ju st like a trumpet by eacb And every man on tbat ship. And every bit of that prayer that be goes througb, To forever and ever, amen. Off bis feet was the lad sudden lifted, And lasped to the mates rugged breast, You belleve me now, then, said the youngster, You believe me, be said, once more. You'd bave laid down vour lite for the little lad. I belleve now andI evermore. ISEIBERLING TIRES will give you LONG MILAGE Safety & Comfort ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL PURSES See them C. A. Dartlett Telephone 110 CHOICE pieces of furniture give hast- ing satisfaction while lesa expensive ones usualhy show some defects within a short while. Cheaper pieces are made to sell for less money and can not stand as much wear. Insurance will give you security and freedom froni worry - if you insist on having it written onhy in the stock f ire insurance companies we represent. They are built to stand up ! J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 50 Bowmanville BUY COAL NOW Lowest Summer Prices Il wiIl pay you to put In your next Winter's ceai new. Prices are now at their Iowest. And of course you'Il want the best coal - Blue Coal. And remember Shep- pard & Gi are headquakters for lumber and building supplies, and we have a fine stock of best field seeds. IVe have this week received a carload of Sait whleh wilI be sold aI exceptionally Iow price. Buy early because at these prices it wen't Iast long. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LIMJTED BOIWMANVILLE -, u nk Loans :îng of credit for sound and legitimate to responsible borroweî's is, and al- sbeen, an important branch of this usiness. ýquire bank ciedit for production and iposes we shall be glad to consider is. CANADIN BANK " COMMERCE S. H. Logan, General Manager kville Branch: A. J. Whalen, Manager L ASSETS OVER 5500,000,000 1 m rAuz ib a PAGE EIGHT

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