PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMA, BOWMLANVIE. THURLSDAY, JULY 25th, 1935 visited Canton f riend wth them body. Rev. A. M. W o o t t o n Chris for running or to Mary for prosperity and happiness. As a Mr. H. Carpenter haý onRSunday. I preached an excellent sermon. threading the needle remains un- token of our regard for boîh of iting Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil MAPLE GROVE Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wootton rendered a very COURTICE known. you. we wish you to accept thîs Valentia. -4Fred Wilson, Mrs. Ray Wilbur. beautiful solo.Ten-frlaestedter reet0achtrfed hi. OnTea.Juy2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanford. Pearl and June, at Mr. S. Ker- _eIet-orlde re hi rsrto hsefec hi. O uSiy il 3 Glen Ridge. N. J, are visiting sey's 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Sprack-- Miss~ Dorothy Wimnan, ex- skill in the hammer and nial- On behaf of the A. Y. P. A. and F. ind Mrs. Mears.F relaivesher. lig. Trono, a Mrs A.CoI% s.teacher of No. 8 Junior room. has driving contest. ranging f romn other members of the Church- celebrated the 5 -Oth a ~~~Mr. and Ms .L Vre - Mrs. E. Wilbur vis-i SALEM recteveci a like Position nearo- three to fifteen strikes per nal Presdent ôf the A.Y.P.A. of their Wedding M.adMsR.L odnvs-,onto.. before the spikes were driven in- Ni~ Ceci1 Hvde:-On behalf of Meeting of the Durha ited their sister-in-law. Mrs. Ed. ited at Woodvîlle Mr. K. Cav- Mr. Wilfred Brown received to thle elm stump. Out of the the membeýrs of Saint John's An- Branch of Ontario Ti Wilkins, Oshawa. erly. Toronto, at Mr. C. W.! Miss Beatrîce Cator, Toronto. another set-back a short time, three that tied with five strîkes. glican Chtîrch. Blackstock, the1 Fedieration wilI be hel< Misses Nellie Snowden and El- Souchs: Mrs. Caverly and Bruce li holîdayîng wth hier parents,ag on the road to health. but is Mrs. G. Reynolds emerged the Rector and -hurchuvardiers wishonJî 2t.a i. len Gimblett are attending Sum- retiîrned to Toronto witb him Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator. reortdaanot0 agr înr opeetYuwt ît o tndarlimet. aCon.3 merecr olatOa Lae.Mr FokeanOdakber.Ne Tke eeMtat.e o ot ou Mraadnrs.Cal rides C AdmsandJ.Gerin cos oc a:o o!yor mrrago a aaninsîrnospeke.1 Past.or Smith will conduct York, called on f riends D.A-am eoemeDrese f r.Cr rde, C dm n .Gain hs ca'AoIou arae - 1a isiii paea floerseric onSuday Hpeber! Allun. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Bua eor e.t b eno CaStleton. visited with Mr. and s'des for a tug of war. the form- nmark o! their gratitude and ap-i prograin o! instrumenta floer ervce n Snda. Hpe nd on.Mis WinieCryermn 1them.- was the text chosen by Mrs. Paul Antil. taking Misses er . group wnning. Miss Doro- preciation forý fotîr yeairs o! cal miisic. to see several bouquets there. adsn isWni rdra Rev. A. M. Wootton for bis fine Jean and Pauline home with thy Snudden and Rex Tooley faithful service as the organîst Mr. Milford Herd. Oshawa, vis- and !riend. Toronto. at Mr. A. B. discourse here on Sunday.. tbemn for holidays. chose s'des for a chîldren's tug of' o! the church. We trust that be- - ited bis cousin, Mr. Wallace Cryderman's Mrs. Jeffery. To- Mr. W. Newton. Centreton, ana Munday on Tuesday of this week. ronto. with the Misses Horn bis aunt. Mrs. W. H. Clemens. Sunday School Pienie war. each side innring once. but fore you and your hiisband there Mrs. R.oss Stevens and daugh- Mr. and Mirs. G. Barron. Mr. and Cobourg. motored up to Tyrone Last Saturday around one hun- ht waosuh augth eyinl.Afere toles man ers o!C t rue oaupne. ters Betty and Muriel visited ber Mrs. H. Wilcox and Madelyn. on Sunday, vîsiting f riends there dred persons gathered on Messrs. srnossrglseevn e- besn.C .Hroît sister. Mrs. Wesley Langmaid at Mrs. Edger and Rosina. at Bob-at ogt be als asntroni oatn o r uo usi the cal tosuper. nd fulI Caesarea. caygeon Misses Grace and Ha- where Mrs. Clemens remaineci for tice Sunday School picnic. Un-iLscea dntohebutfI Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday, Ml Cunningham wý,itb th e ir a viit der large shady trees Mr. andjstie as donNto te boutifu Mr. and Mr. E. W. Foley spent grantimother. Mrs. G. Clatwortby. Salem Sunday Schooi are hav- Mrs. George Lowe had establisb-1 sprind he fNESTLTON.W.! the weekend witb relatives in Mr. and Mrs. L. TruIl and me- a picnîc on July 25th this ed a bootb where the school's ice 1C. Smintbaternoo te niRev. W s . Maicolîi a:tended the 1 R GI Peterboro. !amîly and Miss Evelyn Tink Thursday a! the creek on the cîeam wa.s dîstributeti as well as elyt pr !te et*tis uealo r.1.C blp e-FIVEAA AN 0 Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald. wtb Mr. and Mrs. A. McGlashan. Squair !arm .Ahl S. S. scbolars their private stock. Snoe thin f Iihe fantiviaiy was veron. Sw W . hip Yl-FIm SuANS. A' Kinale Mr an Ms. . R Sctt. a Rîe Lke Mis G a eandi parents andi neigbborbood Wînners in the cunnîng races.'needeci after tbe repast. so a bal- Nestîcton Pr-esbytcrian Anni- Masters Lee anti Donald. Miss Hastings and Miss Willis. Tor- folk are invîtet i tb'rme a bas- witb handicaps allotved for diZ- blon race followed, witb John v ersary. July 28th-M\iiiter. Rel.. regular SI.95 for Joan Scot.t. Arnpri or. Mr. andti onto. at Bobcaygeon Mr- and ket andi enjoy an a!ter-noon*s ference in ages. were: 4 yrs. and, Waller winner anti Fred Adans Parry-Jones. Osha%:va: JuIv 29th Mrs. Fred Lee Kedron. were Mrs. Emerson Crydermian. Hunts- out in nder, 20 yds.-Phyilis Adamns. second. A football game between -Basebaîl. supper. ant Durhami House Dresse,. Jus g-uests at Mrs. L. C. Srîowdens. ville. a-, Mr. J. Cowing'. Mis.-a es Hettie andi Glady'. Cryderman. Fay Tooley. Bîlly Gearing; 5 to 7.; the mariieti anti single men re- County MovmnL Picttire . Aciiiis- Huntst ille. at Mr. A. B. Fergu- 40 ytis.-Bobby Johnson, Bet.ty sulted in a smiaîl score in the sion: 40c iiid-25c. Em:hcr 25c. Every Summner sons 1Mr. W. W. Horn at Bel- ENFIELD Atl d. atr ao.Mrs. H. J. Bell eî.tertainci at this big sale ar I CADMUS mo:Lk1Ms ouadWl ______ Donald Jackson. Gordon Robin- Prîzes ivere distributeti by Pasneon huda c- one of these no nion Lace e:rned Hoernh iand Wal-r.Stikan Bbeson; 8 to 10. girls. 75 yts.-Hiltia j Wiggans a!ter which the teîng fo the onIy Thurs o! teare on sale 1hr Gordn ad Llyd leron. ay- Mises HltnStak an BesieScorgie. Joan Antil: lu to 14, boys icachers took charge o! a caniy! W. .United Cburlch. NestIezon. Misses Annie. Muriel and Cry- Gro nt l1 leo.Hy Pascoe are attending Sunmmer 80 yds.-James Snuitden. Tom nti peaniît .rambl . Popcorn'Progriam was presented Jiic:iiinL,:r Lahand Beth 'McQuade ad dn;.Me tM.XV htý sho v'îln ,cetyys- vas given to aIl those runnîng in Reading. Mrs. H. J. Bell: îri-The L Helen Fowler were guests at the 1took a huintred-mîile cruise ar- 'o 18. bovs. 100 yd.-G or don The shirt that bas been gainag stroniz: instrumental. M.\Ii Ruilh T e Tbompson-Cobble;ik nuptials TYRONE tou'.inci Mskolka Lakes. Balson. John Walter: 15 to 18. patch a!ter pacch yieldeti S18.05, Bel:readn.Ms o:rt r, Corner of i on atrtay -Mr. and Mrs. AI!. Preýcotz, 'Mr. g1illŽ. 100 yds. Margacet Adiams. tvhich anioin:t i:l purchase Sun- strong: and an instruinen:al bv Recent Visitors: Miiss Marjorie E.iier Prezcot t. Mr. anti Mrs. Ed- Audrey Trevail: 19 and over. men. dayý School necessities. Mrs. Jack Miss Mar-'on Taylor. Liinch x'z Pryor, Bruce Mines. -Miss Crystat Rcserve the da'c 2rd. ý!ar Prescott entoyeci a miotor trip 100 yds.-Jack Wiggan.. Haroldi ShotIc, c0hrz frtesredb h otes nib Falli. LidsayHospial. titbMc. Sc Eniskien îîv~ oUpbmI onFriay anti proclir- Sco:c-ie: 19 andi over. ladies. 100 be t workniansbip. Trews r.E.ayosrup nM rs. . a s a tMc. Ga n Mr.A . WaCe ir.gera ...eoîa y an abunda~n: upply o! bîte- Yds.-M iss Nora Adams. -M iss a'o a booby pr7e. but as one o! Over 500 :ere i a!ý idnce a: Mrs. . Blir. sbaw. at~ ~ ng a Lak Mage:atan , ie ý.Flossie Yco: Free-!or-all. 100 yds. [the gentlemien ton tbm. bis nrme *eclbain hlia cca Fowlers Mrs. Russel Nesbitt. 1Mr. Emeti Moore. Pro-;<xIence. V:osM,. andi MrS. F.An- -Gordon Balson. John XWalter' i!Ioîtt. b he cl branec 'ontheFria- Miss Helen Nesbitt. Toronto, a:, Spc 'nt Suntiay at McI. Russel Vr- i-~t De:o:t, Mr. and Mrs. Jar- The boy s ack race causeti A vecy 1011v pîcnic criticti wth'ainOdro oc'i.I h 11 MucLevwtfieils a MPrs.ElH. Mess dî-k s oid n i.e anýci. !amy, King<ton, anti many tumbles ant ii mcb augh- i.ic an itisngino whicb lastetiafte-noon Btacksiock' boys lvere During the sun:i Muke ib reni a or l M. EaYok î o 1dyig E.Anc.:- . Tsun*:on. a: Mr. ter. the ivinner beinn Gordon :un'iIl ong aftcr týiusk hatifallen. v-oriotis 3-1 in a llya.ebal cameuc gin Mr. anti Mcs Alex 'Wolfe hier coui~n. Mis. Jean Ste- 1 Fiîank G:lber:"S Mc anti Mrs. Ba1son. The piris' sack race foi- .îan:Snelandi. O.B.A.A .. andilgtfos u at "Dahlia Dell.' Mc. vWol!e ~phiens. Molint Peasant. S iyanti Bih. M-ouinz Den- lo%,vcd -.':h lcss speed but !pwer Sidi part of "'*rvonn i Bbck.'ck irný'on aLa:nýz Por:hcuete r muc rs. e Ginbrath. Lavend hec Dutýncat tn.s .Ir.Mandi Mrs.Frank 1Ma-on 1 tuîrbles. Mizss Catherine Lowe the BLACKSTOC Pcr'v a-e Mc r ov er Gnlbah. an--.- aslen ibntiM*lo ,, C. .Ann:s W1THIS IV anae her annAndi. .: . -ay .. Ohwa . ne. Ovt h ulbro er,î1. A bliffel 'sppe- ,vs hoe nTbrda atrno frspent Sunday a: Mr'. A. W. Ann n c ayM.o.Ohw.'ine.O:et tenme !screci. Goodiyear mo1.:1c îc- homeanti Mrs.dS. afMm.nW.nJ.orrmistos Mc. irie.ýtaniS onie sack race vas ue eeexmmc anti a dance' TOASTED MN S ameeting of the WV. M. -h aeSaniMc.JAta1.Ohwa tImpossible. andi. one prize havinz c~ Maceace: McNeillie. wbo was helti niecn:e Lc . I i.'a- Scripture anti Bible readnne anti eA HBngts anevstinMc.A XV. AN Mc. Johin McCulloch'.s Mcr. anti been provideti. the two winnecs ha... been vîsî:îng a: Mcr. Jas. ticket focr' bse!cd;a lliG.MDOSlc ra yer wehe pg i n b M .. G l . M . . F e d Robb ns an ti M . 'M . cn again , (jum pet. be n e per- S-rong's. as returneti to To c'- b v M iss Effie Averv o ! Biikeon. ? A C C U T of ea i n s n T m p c an e b is hcne M a Dona d iRcb; iný Zion, at M r. Fred 'haps a bett r w ord i A ie re- onto. an t i 'e elec :cc radio w ai vo n i, cc p ab e. p Mr.H .Bl n etu:ned home accomniei a mt1_n A.O-c to.cltn.M.LohrBckt o- Many at*entied the barn tance Mr. Ber' Monk o! Bethans'. Mrs H J.Bel atiMrs. John: retia:c oiai a Co-O-.a'.va. Mcs. B. Palmer, Toronto. aiecl prize rmoney equal to the. gi'en by Nil. antiMrs. Win. Hen- comi'îre mn charge 'vene hiuhly IV McKee: Mrs. F. Stinson gave an finb a e hldIiga C-1Mný..,Rev.î A. Hardimng. Cincin- cc~ !teohrpie y upeHI.iiternwbc c:!eli a n h vn a-Ete nheO address *Counting or e fteohrpie y upeHli hi e angaiici a,ýa Our Bless- joug.nati. at Mc. Edimn Ormiston*s izteDvn ieiht r ickheOr ings"; anti Miss Maciorie GaI- M s Lo d t Carl Forgu-1 In the thi'ee-leed î'ace girls, on Friaynih.dc ! osce~fl braith playeti an organ solo.- The visitet ihecrtiauehtec. McIs. Robt. snt' ': ý, Forest.mni anti boys comnpeteti, but it Miss Laura Harrbley. ceturneti Recen:Xii1tors: Mirs. Hanry steady dessert of meeting, w'icb was very unusual B ucle.zs, Sat:îrtay being ber 80,h oto: ic k the yo.în2stecs to beat theni nm:-sionary f roin China. \vas ini Philp anti sons a: Frank!oîtvtiyut bys and interosting alzo nclutietia: ir:hday. 1______ 1. Jimmy Snudden anti Donaldi charge o! ihe niocn4:ne wocship in 1Mc. anti Mrs. A. Hulber: anci; Mc.igluc eve yte anti Mrs. Earl Stephen. ..ackson coming in first. the Unie Cocbo Snay -eleciBcown. Mc. 0 . Brown, iný hoesins tcc.or.d b h Jean. Jack. anti Don. Mount iS O LINA Laiedjs' eccý anti spoon race R v. Dr. R. P. Bo-wl.e., preached :n Torocto Mi. S. Malcolm. Ches --CR hostess. ~P l asan . sp n : S un tay a : M r, I cause ti m'c b !fu n an i m os : o ! the th e even ng. C adte F. B r an t 1 v c n i M .. N rm n L t -P o e 3D s 4.Wesley lev '\Il-.Iand 'M'z.-Nrman Lath Phone 3 Dist caij e'o a sati enti. with 'iS cioencIe splendi. sermions t ar,'guie. Mr. R. Bell. with _Miss, __________ Rev. and Mc'. A. 'M. Wootton. e b dt u El la Baldin fins' anti Mrs. Cecil hmrîgan eeiesec-Mr act i.Pyeat c Enni.-kJohn aen Mns w.-.Ad.nissecondi. ices ic i S. Johny-.chlic.Tcot a:M.J. I H A M PTO N , a te Jo h. ayng lt irs a b Miss Fann v S nalo. as oeenIlc.anti Mi.Tho.-. enning.: Gordon'. n.antid c.Robt. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ arc olta'.ng : :cîi cotag ' itmng frienti. at D:inbacton. Ini the '.vheIbarrowv race. JackM.JonVennig isDnîyDa.Onli.Ms e.Nc:: Rese ve t e t a'e ucu i 2n i. A . aM r.e Jack C ook. Po t Pe cy . m.f W iggans an ti F er us K nsm an Stevens. -M s. F . ra wford. M a s- M c' i Ni e Ns b . T oronto. See Enciskîllon ne'.v..s . B. Stephenz. Ai-Lhurivisiting a: c Cha.s. Howsam s. Icceiveti the prize. Neetile anti ten Haroldi rafor. essrs- al Mr. Hacotti Nesbitt'.- Mn. Mc, anti Mrs. W. Spcackmig.anti Beverlyhave ce'ucnccl to .i Mss E-eiyn Tink visi'ti fcmi- 1'reati race :vas 'won b isms niW c.ig i.1mat c.C alnWcwrb Toronto. vsiteti a: Mcc. J. ëCol-Toronto a!ter a holiday wth hec i.l 'Rme ak n atmrll. Mryi-n" nt hnT.rily oCrsfr. M. eoanCawor.MW.atiMs.Gc Wion Ms wil's.Mrns. Clwlaccompano r.Rb. ues.Mnd Mi-. Harvey Hardy, bit l'vheihec the cetit blong toMi. Wmn. Vennîng. NMcs. L. Lani- Ioc isn îsDrsX'I the onSuday 10Brooklin .At the church scrv.ce nex' anti Russel. Oakwooti. ;.mzimeci a:'_____* i atneitefnrl !Mc..> n 'l-Su î whreteyvsiet eltve. Suntiay nmonninz a speaker f ronitMn. IsacHacdv's. MtvMci ico Mrs. ItaWPie c niM. ocant,ý, Miss L. Horn was eues: a: the the Temperanc Fedecatioi.'vil Mr. anti Mcrs. Er-.e_ý Larmiter O IUA\C11,t : occt otTur-atiNnc.B:hn i n an- 'IdIlewyld Hotel,' Orchacti Beach, be in charge. Sîîntay Sohool a: anti famnily. Blackstock, visiteci at - ____________ awf. nTrnoo hr-ad acBtay t LakeSiMoe.fora wekvist.-2.30p. . 'i-.E. . Tylo's ay.olti Porteous. Is. McA rn o' L a k e S î m c e , f c a e e k v m s m 2.3 P . i. c. E R . a y l o .-.R c e n t V is ito s : M . D o u g a l l B e th a c y . M c c. J a s .o o l c t ing also at the home of Mr. Har- Mr. anti Mcs. Lloyd Robinsoni Mr. anti Mrs. MýacKenzîe Pen- George Re'-nolds. Blackstock MDua.Trno îbfini- ic .Muto.a c-C e l'Y Homne. Horneville, Jackson'anti Bernîce. Peterboro. viciteci founti. Oshawa. tvece gue.-is a: togl oot.ýiL red. Ms .Muto.a I .'c Poit.Sutoc. uclngonanti Mc. anti Mrs. F L. Byam. Miss Mc. XW. T. Bakers. At 'hoe agcp o! 83. George Rev- Ms. ajneMro.Tc iî cat n.Xn a Mi. anti Mcc. Lit îngs:one Mili ot'ac.l en ocmny vear~ no 'Mc Mcos Miss nmells. Mr. antid . .o~: Toronto. tuicng tbree weeks' ab- , Doceen Byam retucieti home a!- - J ean antio naoto t r.J.MrowsM!ý.'M o sence from home. Mrs. C . E.: ter visîting bier auci:. Mrs. Rob- e adCli!! occ spent Sunclay ini Cartwright Town'hip. passed Grace Xillaci. Toronto. at, Mci. 1,o0.a: Mr. Frank CI.ossmain«. Jeffrey anti Mc. P. Sîntien, Toc- insoci. wth frientis a: Matioc. awýay- on July 131h. He hati on-, Alex Johnston'z, Mrs. Harcy i Taunton Miss Jean Malcolrn ont, ccmpnid is HrnonMr, anti Mcc. John Baker anti oyeti faîily ooti health bu, su!- Graham. Toronto, at Mr. Henrv wvith Miss Vercia MNl on to, acomani set ishrnon Cbucch service Suntiay evening Ktle ime c n c.freiasvr toea h a:Mountjoys Miss Vera Rut- ecd ctu nh anti ses n . e w eek- C am ps w ela t eiie i. ibo os !rom Maurce B ak e. C onco crd. H as b rc n h R v i l ed ge. B ancroft. w mh relatives- 310 U N TJO Y PICNIC e nt w i h t e M ss e H o ci. w h o C a m A k la ei n p r s e n in a 1 s o l n a b o y s te fe a te ti Z io n 2 -1 o m e s te a ti n e a r N e s tle r o n w h e r e M . a n ti M c . C la r e n c e G r a h a m _ _ _ _ In the beague football game bore hoe livedticîl the age o!16. e'ad fantiîy. Oshawa. a: Mr. Fred The Mouci:.oy Pîcnîc -,vill belI last Wecinesciay eveciîng. took up the carpentei' îrade.ant ibsns Mcc. Robt. William- hoîti ai Hampton Park on Salonj- DJVII - Mn. anti Mc.. Nor-val Wotton thon lit'ot on the farcit thich ho oOee. c.a.M-, day. J:îly 27th, commencicig ai 2' anti fanaily anti Mcc. Levi Acciot occupieti tntil bis tieath. with theo Quatie. Allandale, with Mcc. Jas. o'clock. 'A fol] attondance o! the IN" . H vîsîteti Dr. anti Mrs. L. B. Wvu- exception o! 13 yoars tshon 'ho Marîouqw. connoction is requosteti ant ia . Purveyors of Finest bims, Caccarea. anti bis wife lived in Port Peccy. i On Wodnestiay afternoon a I gooti tinte promiseti.___________ L et Us Do Your Bakein grc seanice Sunday jHo mnaccmotlMary Jane Williams p tery deligbtfu1 eet aihel t i . ___________________ 1patr e.W aka rah Te funecal -,as holci from bhis Woa:honîlt. Caesarea, tvhen the Our Wappe Loa is ast bcomi a a excellent sermon anti Miss lato homo on July lSth. tvîth Rev, imomber.- o! the Young Ladies' Our Wra ped Loa is fas be om, g a fai nleM uriel Baker an ti M r. George H. J. Bell conducting the serv-ice. Class, Unitedi Chuch. presenteti Youwll i fnd 'h excellent in keeping propoijiesXWeicyfvc iwt - ocal due: Ici ernen:t ii.ahz made in lNestieto)n Ms ni~~tcut rd-R e o wrapedandseaed îragh frm te o.en- ,McscsS. Fecgusomt. Rob:. Hamn- wîth a lot ely sîlver bceadti tay. iloS. Sandeccon. John Bcovn.Tho adticcss Nva.- coati by Miss * Union, Drigo ,Rbt. McKce anti Chas. Gent. Ailoon Motintjoy. anti the pre..enl- We have a choice selectionThose le!: to motîcci is passînz talion matie by Mis-, Frances T b tb e n R a Wehae hocesletinof Cookies. Cakes c.JmLvnrT-aeh. vtov.oodube a,- ntjoy. Miss WV e a t h c c i 1 t and Pastries which will enhance any picnic bas- ronto. 5onclayeccl ai Miss Jane tvo sons. lbec: anti Roy. ail o! thancketi the girls ici a charinineL 1manner. anti a tcny enjoyahle F r J L _ 5 ket or summer cottage, with a choice selectionCok n.Catigt.Tv sîes, Mc lunch tvas sàert ced followmng a per- Miss Blanche Xo'îcn has been tha. on the homestcati: anti Mcc: o ! am, of Week-End SPecials in cakes %it i mImeer .iter .Mcs. Jina Mc-i Robt. McKee, Nestîctoci. also suri:' o fgm and fruit breads ah 5e1Gregor. Oshaw.a. ive.ohne Cbrcb en li arsucesftSi. 1 CMr. Roy McLaichin won two Jth'se. Thhe tensAlary o! Si. lEXTRA SPECIAL ___________________fîrs: piizc., a: Claremont pîîch- Mrs. Wm. C. Philp. lolverton ýmeeting on Wednc'.day cveningCovref 1 ing hcc.-eshoes on July 25îb stbweci Mcc. T. Smith gave hiec J0erea ockeye Crem ad Sda ounaindepr-Mrc Bort Fecgu.-on anti Mc. IIDea:h. of k pla C.nPhuia:,.home. Thicty tvece n attend- In the Ice (emadSd onandpi-George Foi pusoît. Oshatva. V.i- D J ay lt.o! MplceonV. hrC. 1.i n jance. Scîipioce coatiîng was giv- mentwe ae feturig a elicons und d at M. Dav-id Feretson's. er 78th year. ai Yelverton. The cia by Mccs. Robt. Par. anti the maled n e l'a re eaurîng a tdlciy S nae lI 1 S Oe ral from' Iis community cc ase. for mierly El za b e t bh roIl ca l vas answe i'd by the S AMNS calld "nge's rea, Sturat at atenleti the Xot:oci anti Powtell Marhall. :vas borci at Janc'vilej naine anti station of a Canadian, pienic a : the C ream o ! B arl ov ts rsh e i uin til erc m rmc - inassiona cy. Ar angem ntns we e l Also Popsieles, Tee Creami Pies and Ice ('old Drinks, Camp on XVtednetiay. îmgo to Mc. XW. C. Phîlp tvho proe- 1 matie for naakîng of ttvo or cmore; tin Regula Dlivry aiy t Bomavile Bac Mr an Ms. ran Cats Mr -doceaseti ber sîxteen years ago.' tuilts foc the falibale .An cx- tins3 5 c. ant M c c. Fan k Cow a ts an S e a been inci l bealth foi. pression o ! appre <iation w a s _______________________________________________ 1 iBovel'. Rochester. Mcc. D. Bucg- o'. r a yeac. The funecalsc-maadetio 0the ntembers by Mcc. __________________________ ina.-ter anti Mr. anti Mcc. Torr, %'c on Sunday tvac cocituicteti byHar'court foi' thoîr co-opecation Petons andI faaaîly. Oshawa. tvere Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowbcs antl inter- anti foc the efficient anti cîeer- Reti & White TEA . e p.10 viitn. a M . cf!ns. ,mon:t was matie iciYelverton foIlmancier ini whîch îhey cacrîi Rti& VhkLCOFE, Dc :"Oc5 Vists tM.R r Ccmetecv. The pal boaî'ecs re! :bcougb co soccess!ully the colo- Re&-WieCFEPl*112c Mosscs. HoP. ac_; _C1le. A 1frotI , aion onJu1-1 1-Th __pro - CHP.ýO snal --11c. _______________________ loi I Mr. Ronald R Snotv:en. 91 Hamilton recîteti an amusing sol-fo WodSret shwfocmorly ýection. anti follotving lunch, dano- pkgs. for IManufacturers' Life Assuriance dresses reati as follows:3 Companiy, is sponding ton ditys jMc. anti Mcc. Cccil Hytie -On a: Digby. Nova Scotia, as guost i bebaîf o! the mombers o! the ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ iis eceiving the con gratîiations -John's Anglican Church, I wis b %bi rqof bis many frientis, ho being ocie to extend to you our sincere con- o! the progressive young mon to gratulations on the occasion of F e Nl surance last year. 1ao our best wlshes for Your future~ ýRTUNITY DAYS re Continued FFERING OPPORTUNITY DAYS THIS ATURDAY. YOUR LAST OPPORTUMTY 44, good shades in ail sizes, $1L59) st a limited number left for 98C ýDress and Jacket l'est is reduced for nd you itilI save money if You choose ,w. Several other items flot listed here roughout the store. TlIt LADIES' Il nSPECIALTY LJIIUI King and Silver Streets - Phone 594 Summer Diet mer months, candies, ice cream, and h as breads and cookies. should form a e's diet, not onit for health's sake. but -easily procured from Corbett's. L'EEK'S SPECIALS INCLUDE -I'MALLOWS,.nich in flavor anti .:c*L. pen. lb. 25e te one- tha' moel: in yo',îi noutb. lb. 25e R. a cbetvy tîtibit tha: mc alsvays î' lb). 25 C VERWOOD'S ICE CREA3M )range Water Ice, the new Raspberry rthe many other flavors, has been the )f many Bowmanville familles. We in-~ some to-night. ETT'S BAKERY ributors Dad's Cookies Bowmanville GET YOUR AT OUR DAIRY STORE Te Cream is the ideal summer dessert. Country Club Ice Cream is the ideal ice cream. Bowman- ville Dairy sells this fine dessert in bricks, bulk or cones. Also full neof soft drinks, îilF. shakos. buttermilk, fresh nmille' "ANVILLE DAIRY t Dairy Produets - Phone 446 or 703. pecials Economy C69 and I27 EXTRA SPECIAL Supreme hoirtening Ib.for 25e Kclogg's CORNFLAKES, 3 pkgs. for, 23e POST BRAN 2 pkgs. for 25c BLUEBELL COFFEE, per lb. 25c GolI -Modal Quick TAPICCA, Per pkg. 10e Crosse & Blackwell's Tomato Soup jper tin 5e EXTRA SPECIÂL Red & White Fomato Joice I's 5 c per tin Pho~* BOWMANVILLE as been vis- 'mot Mark, Ird. Rev. J. Port. Hope. anniversary barn Couflt.y Temperance Id mn Orono .30 o'clock. &and hear alSO a good a! and vo-H FRECKLES? Use ýi OTIff INIV, (Double Strength) BLEACHES and CLEARS TIFfE SKIN Gives You A Lovely COMOexion 0 Ili il 1 il b Phone 51pqp 08 BOWMANVILLE