PAGE FIVE 'THE CANAflTAN STATI!SMAN, BOWMANVMLUE. THURSDAY, J'ULY 25th, 1935 Dagy or Naght SERVICE »OR YOUR CAR Garton's Garage now offers you day or night service for your car. Work lef t over- night mwill be rea4ly for yen in the mornirig. Expert mechanles only employed. You can drive down and leave your car and we will drive you home, or we wili bc glad to eall and get your car. You'll Like Garton Service. G a rto n's G arage AND BUS SERVICE Pbone 412WV - Bownianville S ummer Time Green Glass We hav e a new assartmient of tab:e glass in green - attractive and very prac- tîcal. Sherbets & Plates - 19i. set Salad Bowls 19e each Covered Butter Dishes - l9c Fruit Bowls 19e each Sandwich Trays 19e each Fruit Nappies, 6c & 10e ea Berry Sets - 54e and 69e AlUso Green Glass Mixing Bowls. Refrigerator Sets, Reamers, and Measuring Cups. GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS China - 'Glass - Leather and Novelties KNITTING, CROCHETING NEEDLE WORK A fulliline of wools in al plys and attractive colors. Azo the new Knitting and Cracheting Cotton. Stamp- ed Goods for emibroidery, Needles and Pattern Books J. W. Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 Chief of Police Venton advisedi The Statesman this morning that1 doe a d poli taxes were flot being pai nfromptly and that summons would now be issued if the situa- tion did flot improve. Ho1ida3 Is a Timne When Ever Their Best Without Having a new perm- anent w~ave, indi'icl- ually styled, h e 1 p S greatly, w'hether one is bathing, dancing, riding ol' motoring. We would appreciate h a v i n g appointments made as far ahead as possible ta avoid dlsap- pointment. FOR31EELY ROOM 9 BRA OSH Phone 38 for Appoil lie can state our business Sheet Metal. Four more Nothing But The Best. w tion - and the gooda. PhO aR0.E 0I Tinsmlthlng and She4 Dr. Storey's office will be clos- ' ed July 31st ta Sept. lst, inclus- W l o e h n o !i Fml eUin Y C E R N E S L Local and Personal ive. 30-4*W el ______ kY u!i ariy JUnin Thanksgiving Day Dr. and Mrs. J. Clark 1feli and U Y C E R N E S L ThnsiîgDyis Monday. son Ian have returned from hoi- The Rotarians of Bowmanville exterid ta al who CRYDERMAL&N-RUSE PICNIC Octaber l4tb. daying in Northern Ontario and taok part in ans way ta make the Rotary Fair this sear an eCrera-ue amlO F MrS. M. A. Neal is vsiting re- Quebec. outstanding success their very deep appreciation. The TeCyemnRs aiy latives in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Jas .Barton and Miss Nora very fine spirit of ca-operation manifested by ail who too re-union was held an Saturday. O Mr. Win. James visited Mr. Hayward spent the weekend with part in the 'Parade to make il the f inest one of Bawman- July 20th. at Eîîîott Memorial 1 Bert Johnstan at Caesarea. Mr. and Mrss. R. H. Gardiner, ville bistory deserves aur most heartfelt gratitude. The coPany fHam ertonwe ndred Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Kerr and Narwa%-od. ufitifted service of thase who served in the booths con- S it u a os u eron hnded family are halidaying near Ban- Franklin Gibbs, 75 year aId cit- tributed greatly to the success of the evening and kept the relatives assembled and enjoyedS ue croft. the yearly gathering. Among the Miss Jean Dawson. Bailieboro, izen of Lindsay. passed away July vast crowd in a splendid spirit. guests for the first time and one ha ee uetofm-, ilrd22nd. He was born at Canton, The enthusiastic efforts of ah aothers wbo cacntrib- who came the longest distance bas eenget0 Ms ide Hope Tawnship. uted their services in variaus ways with those of the town ndMsCamn Principal L. W. Dippell of Bow- and those outside of the tawn made possible the splendid D r e s s esthCydrmn du strang, Courtright, ar'e hld manville High Scbaol is teaching autcomne. To ail these we are greatly indebted. We espec- Cryderman, Edmonton. Alta. AI holidaye at one of the summer courses at ially are grateflil to the very large public spirited support- slni incspe a ev Mrs. hlNn. Thorold sTrnto University. ers wha made donations or came and spent their funds tO pedid hic icupe abudneosrse he aebe serv-n ing li here. rod.ishelp ,on the worthy cause of t.he crippled children*s wel- i e hih tcl a un the aifuDrnessx ihhv ees0f5.0. sPelnhi visiting ber grandmother, Mrs. Misses Mary Hawkes and Ruth fare. good things osith vaou S. W. Mason. Cryderman, Edmonton. Alta.. are Rtrasw ws atakoe n hfrte ater bespprihnfllwng. rce tof S400ar atfl Miss Grace Branton. Osbawa. visiting their aunt. Mrs. C. N.AsRtrasw iht hnonan lfrteAtrtesup heolwngrcdt la t was a Sunday visitar at Mrs. Ruse and other relatives bere. very great encouragement the success of tbe f air bas given program wa entered into and_________ Frank Thomas'. MssGay lrbutad is to those wbo are bound together in this Fellawsip a f tbe prize winners were: Cbild-y Mr. Charlie Kelly and Mrs. L. î C a rea a dSisse. ren's race. 7 and under-Mary$ 1 o Wright. Hamilton, spent Sunday on Mrs. N. S. B. James wbile Yours very sincerely, Cryderman: Ditta, 12 and under $ 0 witb Mrs. Frank Thomas. Pasn h b ghtwnthsw* k E. F. ARMSTRONG. President <-Muriel Smith. Donald Jase:_______ pr.ssnng troug H.thiss. eek.kBowmanvile Rotary Club Ladies' sboe-kicking contest- Dr.and Ms.W.H.BigsratulCogrtuatonstaMis or- _Miss______Dore-__________Jean____________ ea Cydrma: îta.gets _______gents-_____ adMary bave returned from th Edger on obtaining honoursLaeneCyran Egrc, their vacation at Sauble Beacb. in her examînations in A.T.C.M. -Ladisanreneert Cryder- e JMrs. W.vL. Pture ro andS eaoya TrnoCnev- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Stevens, P C L IAR CITIZENS 1man. Lily Cryderman iRHunts- three weeks' holiday in Muskaka.trofMsc Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,vle;Bs altrw ais Crepe and Rev.adMsE.F rsrn Mrs. R. Sylvester. Mr. and Mrs. wre and Miss Melissa Stevl- AMONG TREK.'KERS Florence Foley: Hop-walk-run. . n r.E .AmtogK Gregory. Lindsay, Mrs. W~ . benee.sntSura gents-Gerald Craig;Oenrc and Miss Margaret Armstrong 1 andNG AT PARK -Howard CrydeOma n otrace. are hoiaigi heBuePnRobertson ad son Roderick, i______ 'i Cbur.SL EPN A AR ladieswadgntrv Cryder- Linen Suitse hoslayîgite rc e Montreal, called on their aunt vstn ind nCbug insla nMn.L.A.Tae.ber.of LeonarneBrofad mem- s (Continued from page 1) miri, Kate Pascoe: Peanut race- Mr. aond s rhiwse ubb1e Mr. L.Brown or the H.M.S. baer ft h Marine"Bad an is , ani the inarchers. Her bus- iFrances Smitb: Oidest lady pres-Sera Cep n Lie Fr ikThamahrMs. I ng bis sister. Mrs. Albert Darch. band had a good job in Toronto ent-Mrs. Mary Mason. Oshawa. era Cep an Lnn witb by er Yorkuits gun.twhiteeandolcolors theBs Taining S a cao Camph Mr. and Mrs. Darch and sons whîch supported them comfort- '90): Oldest gent-Mr. J. H. Cry- MIiss GaeadMse rc usa ihacmayn h Leslie and Albert went ta Mon- ably. Wben wvoîd of the trek came derman. Bowmanville: Largest u in . ht and cent0f se Bn o! ofOsbawa visited their Bwnnil einBn.H streal ta meet bim and escort him be rbought o! friend.s ino1-)famnlanEvereît Crydermanites antonr.R atesn ls a brother of Mrs. A. L. Darceh ibere. awa. so they immedately packed Persan caming longest distance-an stlsein p o Gan t Ms. . terson;Mîs. and is staying in Bowmanviile i r oadGil n ag-tbînking tbey would get free Miss Ruth stl, eigup o Grace tayin the eek. hile Oai: lave. The Legion Band; Mr.HwadGî~aadt transportation and mealsan The follawing were elected of- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Caurtice. ccnsidered it a great bonar ta ters. Miss Viola. Mrs. Rayce Nay- anl onb it hi reds ficers: President-Lawrence Cry- S29,seilyrdcdt Leamnington. are balidaying with1 have one of the British Marines ilai and son Kennetb. of Camer- ol snbewtthifred j$29,scalyeue o his sister. Mrs. T. G. Mason.adjpyibte. on. Mrs. Grills« mother. Mrs. AI-in tta.Hrbsnd ad emn. ecale VcePs- nýmrsohrrelatives hr. i n. Valentia. spent the çweekend now become enarmoured witb etMshesJbso.Oh numeî~s othe bere Johrn Gladstone Campbell, sa: whfied tBwmanville and other female members o! the awa: Secretary - Treasurer-Mrs. Mrs am Bay. n! ild, issi naive f Wbtby. ho ece tly attend treuon ! bas grotîp and %vas gîving ber the -g F. M. Cryderman. Bowmanville: Irene H. Bray. Toronto. Mr. and. died in Chicago, bas bequeatbedatneth -ui oSa, b«s Mr.Gea. J. Bray,. Oshawa, caîl- $10.000 ta be invested. the ina- e ren o;BreyCap for the city leaving ber busband, erett Cryderman: Supper Con- ed on relatives bere on Sunday. camýe ta be used for edu ating hes. rseaof former pap. grop wih ..: vener-Mrs. Chas. Smith. 1 Mrs.andiitswwsntaOttrmar ringina1 ,Next picnic will be beld at tMr.eeand rs W. A. Bainspn poor but bright Whitby boys.adi sntOawrgn ni d teeeedwitb ber parents.,r Accrding ta tbe will. the boys Send in list o! yaur holiday vis- 1 bis ears. Hampton Park ai: Saturday. Ju]ly and Mrs. Wm. Trewîn and left are ta be chosen by the mînîster itors. Phone 53. The :eaders are interesting per- 5tb. 1936. Tuesday foir a miontb's bolidays 01a the Auld. Kirk. Tbe late John ______________ sonalities. They are out and ont,9 I at Port Carling. Muskoka. Canmpbell left Whitby ir 1891, radicals. in most cases commun- ANNIS FA3HLY RE-UNION Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Slemon. and practised law in Chicago.' -D. AR ists with definite pawers o! lea- Tororto,. Mr. and Mrs. Winn.ipeg Af ter several years r.rmn ALL 'AREEFAI dership and oratory. Ewart Hum- The 19th annual re-union pic- nmon and son Allan, in asapbispaeM.JJ! eg1 WAS BEST EVENT , phreys. the chief. is s born leader nlic of the Annis family. whicb Man.. visited their uncle and Mason is agaîn bîtt.lng bis ald YA. wbo it is run:ored was a former';bas played a large part in tbe H r ' u aun, M. nd rs Wm Trwi. srie a anen-eraierha in HELD IN E R Tororto policeman and can district. was beld Thursday a!- S p rH r l a u anMr. ad Mrs. W . rewî nd.strde sdan entservainerclubavîn 1 andle the three bundred men'ternoan in the beautiful park atSu e Brc.Bleil.Mse oathis district recently on bis f av- and womnen wxith skilled dîplam- Hampton, with over 90 members S Foulard and Crayshene Bct n d Beilevile . Mises Crs aorîte topîc *Humor Witb Exam-, (Continued from page 1) acy. and at the samne time witb of the family in attendance. The V l eDessi mr tls Scyro nd e Haddy . andnt, r. e ples.- Hîs last engagement iwas o'LayJzeswra a firmness that defies any appas- afternoon provîded splendid op- Dessi mr tls Bcrnt Hadd.Tlsorontd, wre re .An Tuesday at Oshawa Rotary ion. Cx ayJZZr ee5ition. He ha-,organized tbem in-portunities for renewing the f am- AofSome have been priced as ce'guss !Mr nds.F . Club w-er he wa accampanied scream. ta divisions and subdivisions. so ilY ties and for the relating of1A ru ofbte high as $6.95. Now selling Haddy. I ~by his crandsan, John M. James.- - that eventually they are in groups reminîscences by some of tbe aId- dresses formerly selîweot tlec Lawn Social and Dra,,ing 'OI For 63 o! bis 75 years. A. H. Sîd Lancasters dilapidatedi car a! twelve. each witb its own cap- er members of the party. The ing as high as S8.95, eo cstaah Prizes in aid o! St. Jasepb *s Veale, Nestletan gardener. bas wb.fich won lst prize rattled along tain. and pickets wha act as pol- election o! officers for 1936 re- nldg pius Churcb. Bowvmanville. Civic Ho- sung in a chair. Wben he was and wheezed under ber avn pow- ice. sulted in Rev. S. E. Annis being prints, voiles, erepes. iday. Monday. August tb. Lunch. 12 years aid he bad ta walk seven'i er but mary feared she wotlidnt We had a gaod sleep under the elected president. E m m le r s o n We have a wide range couniter. games. amusements. re- miles ta choir practice at Bow- 1 ta the finîsbing lire, stars. bu* were samewbat pur-' Knowles secretary. and W. Lickofstyles, atta ctainve___________ 1 frshmnts No dmisio. 302 mrivlle ver Frday ve-ng- turbed by a capitalistîc feeling as treasurer. The oldest persan wasstlsaan razg Vails Launderers and Cleaners because bis father wJshed ta, if yau didnt kna'a it Forest we la onaur complete sleeping Davîd Annis a! Wbitev aie, frecn h eAwîe sienlo are greatly pleased witb the spare the horses. Of bis 63 'years Dlling and bis motorcycle filled out!îts af graurd sheets. blan- was decided ta bold next yearsý,fr ahAwd sot to number a! new custamers in1o! choir work. Veale bs pased wvith quintupletô were ahl boys- kets and even pilaows wbile less re-union picnic at the samne place ILDE'ADIISS Bowmanv:lle who have av aiîed 60 in the Nestleton United Chur- BiUly Dust an, Jerry Morris. Bob- than t7xenty paces distant men on the fourtb Wednesday o! July. A S -N 89cES themselves o! their service. Tbey ch. For 40 years secretary, and bie Allun, Wallace and Gary Dill- vrere lying on the damp grass StldHr n19 are featuring special 10I rie for 25 chair leader. be bas mîssed îng. with no caverirgs. ThetAmis familyin 1t3h$.s sec--89 durirg July. Try Vails oc n less tban a dazen Sundays. - Their programi consists o! these tion o! Ontario was one of tb I youlIl became a regular custamer.1 Regatta Association at Cae- Childrens section was tbe larg- seven demands:f-tt etebee nteya Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lawrie. Mr. sarea are re-showing Di. L. B. es n etdsla !csue .-That work witb ivages be 1781, acc rding I the rear, est nd bst dspla of CouuechgesJohuston &codinCrydteermand Wilfrid and Miss Berniece Law- Wiliams* Regatta Pictures wbicb kddies and decarated vebicles pravided at S minimum rate of Rager Canant and Charles Annis o cJ h 's nCr d m a rie and Mr. Bert Brown were in made sucb a local bit last sum- ever seen in a parade here. It 50 cents for unskilled labor: un- came ..,om the United States ta town Saturday calling on the mer. Other films are being add- wa,, a difficult for the judges ion rates for ail skilled work. spy oult teIn ntenrh Kn tetLMTDBwnnîl I frmes ant.Mis E E.Hay edta oun ot avaretya! n-ta pick the winners. Such wark ta be on basis a! five- shore o! Lake Ontario, and in crft is erniece Lawrie le! t tertairment o! finest production. day week. six-haur working day '1793 their f amilies, already re- ;orf Wednesday for Boston, Mass.. Ample. policed. free parking and Msn&Dl o s o etand minimum o! 20 days' çwork lat.ed by marriage, settled at or wbere she enters a haspital as ushers ta provide front seating delion & Dauek i tslatfrest-pe on near the mautb o! the creek ___________ nure-n-raiin. orAdmissio anly lcam ta vrone tary wbeel. Na. 71 in the saine 2.-Ail warkers in Relief Camps wbich runs inta the lake near Admssin oly 0e o eeryneand Gaverment Projects becov the Oshawa barbai. The descend- The resuits of the races were as race, 12 and under-Virginia Ma- becus i isapn irand youcasbsroclieter re ered by the Compensation Act- ants of these pioneers are now foUlows: Boys' race, 5 and under jor, Ella Millison, Margaret~ An- stand unless you bring your camp yet,. Adequate f irst aid supplies on ahl scattered around the district, and -Wm. Annis, Ewart Leask, Bon- fis; Girls' race, 15 and under- stoo0.statuarday igbtArtJuly 27twon, .. reiefos.ieach year tbey boîd a !amnily re- nie Annis; Boys' race, 8 and un- Thelma Annis, Velma Gray, Vir- 8.3 sandrdtie. rthurDacbwon3r prZejr 3.-Tbat democratically elected union gatbering sucb as was beld der--StanleY Millison, E w a rt ginsa Major; Girls' race, 15 and iety is planning ta give the pst- - .-recognized by the authorities.Sot nsi giutrlSc etdcrtdbcce amtes0 eifwresb etra.Leask; Boys' race. 12 and under over-Vernal Millison, Mary An- rons wba attend Oshawa Fair Who knows who drove car No. 4.-Relief camps ta bc taken Sports Programt -Lloyd Annis, Wilbert Annis, nis, Emma Annis; Marrled wom- T im e ~this vear. opening day, Monday, 76 in the dilapidatedi car class? out a! the contrai o! the Depari- The pragramn for tbe day con- Jerry Millison; Boys' race, 15 and en's race-Mrs. E. Leask, Mrs. B. Aug. l9tb, the biggest grand- His prize is still awaîting bim. ment o! National Defence. Na sisted o! sparts for the children, over-Gordon Brent, Edward An- Annis. Judges: Mrs. Charles An- stand exhibition ever sho-n inmiitary contrai. or training ir the basebali. horseshoe pitching, TrelgeiandGro is r .BoweladM.8 teMator City. A New York, 1 was the largest crowd in eie aps. [a sumptuaus supper was Sere nis;Te-egdra-G do niM.WBomeladM.. ýryone Wishes to Look theatricai agent bas been en- town for a long time. Chie!S. 5.-A enuine system of Social 1lin the Park early ir the evening. Brent and Veina Annis, Girls' 1 J Courtice. gaged ta present eigbt acta em- Venton and bis police farce de- and Unemployment. Insurance. ini1 Too Much Fussing. bracing entertainnient. skill and serve great credît for the effic- accordance witb tbe provisions o!'ý music. A new and welcome fea ýient way they directed the traf- thbe Workers* Social and Unem- ture will be the broadcasting 0f fiec. There wasnt an accident or ployment Irsurance Bill. the parade jr front o! grand- anything reported stolen. 6.-That all warkeis be guar- stand. The Directors are deter- . nte their demaocratie rigbt tOýB T IG C P mined ta make this exhbitipon IAlte îebrdvrte os-xte. RT-EWDSI th autstanding fair eastofT- AltennbadintePr 7 gis ocdlbradSl e Pbe yMRNE DSIN oiito. so plan nov, ta be there. ie îbu hîe task wark. 1c-19C - 25 ineet yatîr frierds and be assured Tedy mrigte etB Y A O R 1 .A T R n p oý a big time. - Bwmanvilîe with their police'DU adU. ----4------------ Oshawa Rotary Club was re- escart o! provincial traffic af- presented by the Sons o!ftUlster ficers, and constables. numc.beî-C0 VISITING BRITISH DIVI1NE Flute Bard and Xhitby Rotary ing aver tbirty in ail and marcb- WASH CLOTHS MLhfM G EI ~~ - SHOWS WAY 0F LIFE Cu bya atacieRtr edtwrenty miles ta Port Hope' Poeket Tus AT TRIN1ITY CHURCH ,float. i.,-that day hopirg to reacb Belle-ý Turkrish Thurs. !.D.A. - 1l6 oz. or 50 i. Sa. ____ville by Friday. At this rate they' 1 Unit 5ri -St for 33 orb 5 Only (Coninud frompag 1) General Mtais, Dodge and De- may get ta Ottawa about electior n 0evleFn5cay 5 tbings that did rot become thi s Sat, did ord carste maade e. R GI IPRCE rigbt relationsbip to God. Thespedd bavrirteprd. _____________jj- SN LA ESR U AR P C S only bell the distinguisbed Devine, ManN i ASSES paîd bis ihealogical respect ta is - .y more caniplimni ta r CHURCHES i 8E J 5029 0U 25e Kotex.........1 that o! the bell o! doirg thirgs commenta could be made abut0e______VALUE ________ that do rot becanie us jr thîs lîfe. the parade and the fair but tbey K leenex 19o The attitude that becames us in wiIl bave Ia be taken for grant THE SALVATION ARMY for this large bottie of relation ta aur fellowmen is thal ed. Lieuts. A. Brown and J. Son1 Holyod fao eT AL'C iM Castorla.... 27e- 54o o! rigbteousress. Doing the _____ Sunday' Services: il a. m.- l%!~~IH E Iroized Yeast.... 89o rigbt tîings for oui elo me- -Sun-Ca is te oly atio tht beoniý Shool 7 .ni-Salvatian Sereen Stars know their cosmet- o! actin ibl le col ics- nard wher it cames ta rail Q_ Aq in four wods - AnOshawaInexpress ed theW. ppreTau t-o $s.50on ýýw ,àig. .-H.e r e state aur business pollcY- ion o! the audience ta the speakeri 85 up. ville. J. W. WORRALL, Optîclan Ve have the prices, the reputa- for bis masterful effort. Rev. R. Came ta Nestleton Presbsteriar at our store ne 264W. J. McCormlck led in prayer. The Anniversary, Sunday, July 28tb, Monays 10 a. m. - 1 P. m % u l u i y u choir rendered an anthem after mwudaY, __________-_bail__________ -~tbe prayer. Rev. J. H. Osterhout Jam es Mmovlpe, nd picur am. C 29-u UtNyTED CIGAR RUTORl ao G A- chosed the meeting with the Bn JEWELLER mvn itrs 92UIE IAR TR ediction. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Poe43-Bwnnll You get big resuits fromn a AGENCY et Metal - BOwmanvllle Pastor of Trlnlty United Church, chasslfled advt.-and thecotl______ _________________________ r led. so smahl. 1 1 zljr, --, £."n ý - - - , . - , - -- - - , - - - - -- - - - - - Il! 1