BaealIN THUURALM O'SOR ' Ial Girls' Soitball T EFF ootball Feel Runs battecl îr.--Colwell, Dev ;ne 2. Ough: TW%,o-base hits-H Oson ' i Devine; Left oi ___Hope 9: Double play-Colwell t( Hicks ta Corder.; Struck out- ________________________Brun 7. Osborne 4, Brockenshiri 2; Bases on halls-off Brunt6 off Brockenshire 3, off Wakely 1 Mildew Control Hit by pitched ball-By Brock- Mildew now appearing on roses en.-hire. Large; Hîts and runs- znay be controlled by using one 1Cff Bruýnt 3 runs. 4 hits ini 6, ail teaspoonful of baking sýoda ta a Osborne 0 runs. 0 bits in 2; ofi quart af water. Spray in the1 Brockenshire 1 run. 7 bits ini E morrîing. Also dust with sulphur' O out in ninthlv; off Wakely when foliage is wet. i unis, 1 hît in 1. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Wednesday - Thursday - JuIy 24 - 25 CARL BRISSON and 1AIRY ELLIS in "Ail the King's Horses" Comedy --News Friday - Saturday- JuIy 26 - 27 RICHARD BARTIIELMESS in "Four Hours to Kili"y Comedy --Cartoon --News Monday - Tuesday - JuIy 29 - 30 VICTOR 3McLAGEN and lIE TIIER %NGEL in "The Informer" Comedy --News COMING: "THE ARIZONJAN" Katharine Hepburn In "BREAK 0F HEARTS" Claudette Colbert in "PRIVATE WORLDS" )n t re 6. If Il Trijais and Tril Running the 1 ,Reporter Gleans Dope oni Many Probîems' of Financing Teams The other day wc had a little conilab with the high maguls ai the Boîvmanville hasebaîl warld about the financing ai a club and ta say that aur cyes were apened is putting it mildly. For a home game at ]east five ncw halls must be an hand and if only two bats anc braken per game the officens anc amazed. i Then there is an umpine ta be Ipaid and the league price is $3.00 a piece. Cbeap for the abuse thcy take! Eacb team supplies anc. Besîdes this the grounds niust be taken cane oi, sucb as raking the infield ta get ail the bumps levelled, periadicalhy mow- 1 ing the outficld. chalking out the baselines for every game, and puttîng the fences up. This means an outlay of not less than S1 2.00 ion cvcry lime the pank is j used. There is also the advertîs- îng. Aiter the gamne, out af cacb 25c ticket.. 5c goes ta the govern- nient, and witb wbat is leit the clubs provide transporta- tion ion about. sixteen people, cx- cusive af the drivers. for the out oftontrips, and supply an um- pire. There must ahso be a first id kit at evcery afiair because spîkes are dangenaus. Anot.hei' tbing that hurts a club i k the gathering ai the second- i t'uesser-s and alleged experts on 1 he street corners aiter a game. maie often than not ta pick fhales in the tcam's attack. Af- i ter il the difference between a f -niait bit oi strategy and a bance- 'head play is about as big as the head ai a pin. To show the inconsistcncy of mai, on anc side we have the1 butcher wha danated posts from h is Manvers Road estate for the fhigb board fence along the east1 Iside af the park and the carpent- Ridç, in Com*ori and 5AVE Bowmanville Lynx Deleated By Tavernettes on Monday uit HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA infuse six heaping teespoonh of Salade Black Tee in a pint of fresh bouman watee. Alter six minutes strein Iiquid into two-quert container. While hot, edd 114cu fo granuleted sugar anud the juice of 2 lemons. Stir weil until suger la d*luled, A"il container wlth cold weter. Do not ellow tee to cool before adding the cold waterj otherwise Ilquid wilI become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice. S' m_- aIl dai Royals Fooled by Port Hope Pitcher's Curves, Lose 3-1 Brunt and Dave Osborne ___________ Hurl for Bownianville SPORT NOTES ________ý Since the Royals' avcrages we 1 Showing an inability ta solve last compilcd, Bert Colweil. 'e the elusive slant.s ai Curver ra keystonc custodian, bcsîdý Brockenshire with men on bases, lookîng after his fielding cha: tce Bowmanviile RayaIs dropped in fine fashion. býas pounded ol a close 3-1 verdict ta the port posîng pîtchîng to a fane-thei Hope Ontarios on Saturday in a well, maving bis aver~age ira: came played in the latter town. .304 ta an imposing .420. He Brocenzire.whohas eveop-alsa the bcst huinter on the teai f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Boce~ie h a e n Saturday in Part Ho: ec. mta a betten than ordinary stole second chcanly. moundsman, altbough bis tasses- - s ecin ta float up ta the plate as Informed on Ma'nday a. ni. tbý bi- as a balloon. was unbeatable aur standing of the Lakeshoi vlz the nunv.ays occtîpied and1 Intermediate Leagtîe was wron, th:e lasers lef i a total aifaunteen we inquircd into te details ar runr.ers strandcd. Orîiy in the> i: looks as if Bawmanvîlle is gel seventh did the Rayais fail ta ting it in the neck. Wiîh Boyç place a man on base.j manvîlle unable ta send a reprE The men ai Mîngeaud scored sentative te the meeting at wbic their single in the fifth wben Peterboro withdrew and Picke: Williams was safe on the short- ing took their place. witb Pete: stops erar. pilfered second. and bono's only postponcd games bu went the rest of the way on Col- îng wth the Royals. it was du weis long single ta ight. Their cided that the standing woui lead was short lived aýs the On- emain as was. In other word tarios talîed their tria in the Bowmanvillc doesnt get a chant sixtb. L. Wakely, strolled. bis ta pick up thase two games. Ap cousin Frank fanncd, Brown parently the other clubs ar %venrf to second. and Wakely ta0 slightly afraid ai the local autfi third when Moise dropped a long,'and are using every means pos fly in deep centre ai ter a hard ý:ible ta keep tbemn down. In ac run and bot.b crossed the plate cord ance with thîs nuling Co on Devne's double ta right. De-, ouirg is two games aout in irar ~~nein umn card anOu h~swhilc Bowmanville is hanging i: sincle aiter advancing ta third on second place by an eyelash ove 1 an inf ield out. jPart Hope. Thisis aiter th Brunt. wha toilcd the first six-Icmsa Jl Oh stafizas. was rcached for four bits- - ' and donated six free tickets ta' In the Lake Scugog Annua first. whîle wbîffing seven. Dave 'Regatta beld at Caesarea an Civ Osborne burled the other twa 'c Holiday. Au7ust 5tb, a neý i.nnîngs and fanned a quarte! etr atenaddi I "hile keepîng them hitless. Bath single scuhing event for th pitcheis werc worked ta perfec- Champîonship ai the Kawarthý 'tion by Harry 'Duteth" Osh)orne.lLakes ;vith Frayer~ and Ransor j \;o catchîng his first game act- 1cîving trophieS for fins! and sec cd witb all the aplomb and case 1cfld place. Eigbt entries bavi ai a veteran. He was forcedîin1 already been received. includini to the unfamiliar and difflc 1tdtI at of"Chuck" Campbell. wi OrAy cnc af the Bownianville er- hîrn'self the autstanding scîmle: lr iicured in the scoring. In on tbe continent by winning tbý the nintb Len Wakely wvas7called Gold Challenge crip. emhlemat.i in ta twirl aiter Brockensbire bad of the Noth Amerîcan Champ. rassed Williams and bad thnee ionship. bai on Colwell. ScoreIn bowling duning the wcek. Box Soerink camposed ai Jim Carruth. Part Hope AB R H PO A E e'rs. Rev. W. G. Blake. Sid Scot, Pbillips. ci. 3 0 1 2 0 O and M. G. V. Gould. came sec. Pattenson, 2b. 1 0 O 2 2 0 ond at Peterbono and. gatherec Berry, 3h. 4 0 O 2 1 1 beautîful manthe docks for theii Wakely, f. P. 2 1 0 3 () O efforts. In Cobourg a rink. als( F. Wakely, lb. 4 0 1 10 0O0O headed by Mr. Carruthers, bu, Brown, ss. 4 1 0 4 5 2 slightly different in personnel Devine. c. 4 1 1 3 1 0 nanked second in the bard lucI jBrock'sbire, p. 4 0 O O 3 0 tounney and received saIt shakers Coîbett, f. 0 0 0 0O O0-0 Ougb. rn. 4 0 1 1 0 0 Witb the Junior team bhaving - - -- - - completcd their league schedule Totais 30 3 4 27 12 3 wc took time off ta compile thE Bowmanville j battîng averages and the result. Wîlliamns, 3h. 4 1 O 1 1 0 anc ather suî-pising. Fcw and Colwell, 2h. 4 0 3 2 2 0If ar between are the clubs which Hicks, ss. 5 0 1 1 3 2j can boast ai a .319 team averagu Corden, lb. 5 0 O 5 O0 0 and have five men aven the .30C Moise, cf. 5 0 2 2 0 1 mark. IncidentaUly. the Juniors H. Osborne, c. 5 0 2 10 0 1 contnary to the risleading head- Camnenan, ni. 3 O 0 1 00'lînes ai îast week. arc in thu ' Larce. ýf. 2 0 0 2 O 1 f playofis. and with the steadN Bi-tnt, p. 3 O0O0O0I1O0 îiractice which they arc getting D . Osborne, P. 1 0 O 0 0 0 those one-run defeats may bu - - -- - - chan ged to wins in tbe approacb. Totals 37 1 8 2475 in, playdowns. Football BARGAIN EXCURSIONS AUG. 1 From BOWMANVILLE To C.N.R. Stations in the Maritime Provinces Province of Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia AUG. 2 to OTTAWA $4.10 AUG. 2and 3 to MONTREAL $5.85, to QUEBEC CITY $9.10 te Ste. Anne de Beaupre $9.70 ROUND TRIP FARES Tickmr, Fares, Transit Limits andI ,f arrnatio, from Agens CANADIAN Ask for CANADIAN N ATIO0NA L Handbill PA CIFI CT A BIG BOWL of Kellogg's Corn Flakes for breakfast will make you feel keener during the day. These crisp,) golden flakes, in milk or cream, are full of nourish- ment and easy to digest. Kellogg's are also tînsty for luncheon or for a snack Lefore beiltime. The heat- sealed WAXTITE muner bag assures full flavor and o%-en- freshness. Be sure to nsk for Kellogg's-the original Corn Flakes. At grocers everywhere. M1ade by Kel- logg in London, Ontario. FOR BREAKFAST long@' *Oshawa Visitors Win CAMP AKELA In Loose Gaine of *Softball, 17-9 îe MNidnight Chase For Food As____ tDam Bursts Adds Zest to The strong Oshawa Tavernettes eASFECR Camp Life proved too much for the Bow- )re A _____CAR_ manvîlle Lynx on Monday night ýP- We have a near-new Used Car and walked off with a 17-9 decîs- ýe-f that will fit your needs exactly' A midnight chase along the io,. s ftersvnenrn mln Safe ta drive in. Safe to invest banks of a roaring creek in an in te sut of Lyi svnx mirus is in! Minute-modern in appear- endeavour ta retrieve the fod iays. tarting off asynxeven. kmance and mechanically. A car supply 0f the following day, was aibeit a rather loosely fielded 3p o'Ill feel as proud of next year among the exciting adventures ofgaethvitrsewdtupn as now! We took several cars in between forty and fifty Bowman- gane.fith e sthey chsed i vei and have no room for them. ville boys who are enjoymng camp taeîlift hnte hsdf at Prîces? Terms? YOURS pract- life at Camp Akela, two miles east ti es across the platter the most we iallyof Trone damaging blow being a four-ply re. ic1y!o yoe clou t by C. Siblock wît.h second g.__ The camp, which is ideally sit- and third occupîed. id- ]R j iated is under the auspices of Bownmanvîlle scored on e in the the First Bowmanville Pack of first on two errors, a stolen base ýe- Ils.and a fly out, but their advantage 'cvh N I 14 O L 'w'lhfecausin minigh aden-was short as Oshawa retaliated r-LR O ture was the result of a break- tebrcin hehrd Te r- DAE O away in the levec at the dam, Lynx stayed in the battle with a e- General Motors Cars where the boys enjoy their dailyparfcunesnthihîff Id C O U R T I C E day night, the first night in camp rtheîibning tan by edthe a ern- ce and Bowmnanville for the major portion af the ettes with a five-run of their _________________________Party. and despite a full day ai own. A pair of free trips ta the p- activities the boys were loathe initial sack. two singles and a reta go to sleep when the bugler homer by IaeiBeelwt it BATTING AVERAGES sotînded Light's Out'. Shortly tIsn, accunedlforicmark-t Interniediate Batting Averages tanteîe. ea n ohdock sandrd ers.Each team added a single tmethe dra nthereek bursofto teirtotal in the sixth ta comn- Including game of July 20th wt or n ra oyo plete the run-making. nt Guv .C ater was released ta rush down Athuhfute iswr er Piper 8 20 9 .450 the crat terrifs i credited ta the winners. several le Colwell Il 38 16 .420 edte lasthere owas a i n the afthem were decidedly scratcby1 MoiMois 17 - tns.F.p41r2pee and y nonly about four of the Osh- Williams il 4 71 342 am clad lads dashed out ta the awa runs were earned. Viv Ell- Petrie 6 2 .364 creek to see what had happened. al eBte 4 6 Jim Kane, the Camp cookthougbt iatt, who besides limiting the la- 9 23 7 .04 fltof he tmpoaryrefriger- cals ta a ciuintet of safeties. con- ~lBate 9 22 2 7 2.304 fi t 0 h eiianected for a long iour-bagger, Bagnel 6 2 6 272 tc~ ite creek, a capper boiler 'vas in trouble often due ta ber W Hicks il 43 il . 256 ýin which was stored severaliniittalattepae.i-f ae Lrge il6 297 4 .241 potinas ai butter. shortening. and ing 5ev en waîks. I h iedshe .c run 6 17 .35 enpoudsai atsags or hewas given excellent support. aPfad 5 9 2 .222 boys' breakfast. In the creek be- something the Bowmanville hur-1 n Corden 9 35 6 .172 side it staood a pa:] of milk. ready lers were flot accorded.j -Veale 3 8 i 12 tacerhecn flakes the boysJ Oshawa-McComib. 3b; K. Sib- e Cameron 28 2 .071would have for breakfast. In aJlc 5 Elat h .Sb ig I. Piper 2 9 0 .000 'verv few minutee the creek had lockIf: V. Elliott. 2: ad Mi n 2 2 .00 e a'sed three feet. and the raging cf: Watson. lb: Miner. rf: Stin- 1 dr Osre 2 2-O-.000 ers swept away the "refrig- on. c. ri em - - erating plant". Down the banks - Bao*manvile-Wbite, ss: Large, le Average Il 352 96 .273 of the creek tare the boys in bot 1f and 3h: Staitn f ikel le Pitching Averages pursuit of floating butter. shor- cLtle han p: ilhoo l . b G IP W L P.C. tening and sausages. The boiler A.yre. 2b: Clarke cf; and Davey. p Piper 8 43 1 3 4 2 .666 l'ad cisappeared entirely. and the and If. Brunt 6 36 2 3 2 2 .500 miilk pail was nowhere in sight. R H E a Osborne 1 2 O O .'000 Then Leader Doîîg Nichols t.o Oshawa 022 751 0 17 14 3 tri 0 up his position just around a o'l 102 501 0 9 5 6 -f Junior Batting Averages hbend in the creek. irom where be Umpires-Trott of Oshawa and fG AB H P.C.* could gel a good view ai the foot- Cameron el Bowmanvil]e. ir McIlveen 6 24 12 .500 ba>se faoodstuf f s. Steaming ai ____________ ýo Osborne 6 25 12 . 480 oud the bend like an express- tRoach 6 22 10 .454 train came a string aifarty orLIT ES UV NLS Kent 6 22 8 .364 I ifty sausages. Grasping t he LT L ' U E IE k Jackman 6 22 7 .318 limb ai a ncarby cedar tree he LOSE TO PETERBORO Colville 5 14 4 .286 made a grab at the elusive sau- Slemon 4 17 4 .235 sages. The limb broke and BY 8-7 DECISION Rickard 3 9 2 .222 Doug landed in the middle of the Hunt 4 il 2 .182 creek. making il quite necessary Jackman and Witheridge, Local e Hooper 6 21 3 .143 for him to slccp the rest of the Hurlers, Sling Plilis Wide sAnes 4 7 1 .143 night without the comforting of Plate d Neal 3 7 1 .143 folds ai bis pyjamas._____ Wiseman 2 5 0 .000 Pound aiter pound ai butter Sid Little's Juveniles droppeda ,~Wowr 00and sbortening were retrieved, close 8-7 decision ta their bigger .3em but it was flot until morning that Peterboro visitors on Thursda 5.Average 6 207 66 .19 the ]ast string of sausages and last. mainly due ta the inabilit.y - the milk pail were faund way of the twa Bowmanvîlle hurlers. e down the creek. Camp Akela Jackman and Witheridge, ta find y "Haliness is happeiness; and the boys are not wasteful by nature1 the plate. Between them they t moe yu hae a th forer he nd S th ba drowned sausages handed out twelve free tickets e more you will undoubtedly enjoy were despatched with great guistol and altbaugh allawing only six - ai the latter." -John A n g e at the morning meal.f bits - evenly divided - and James. Sunday proved an intcresting striking out thirteen - Wither- day for a score or more parents idge getting the odd man - the and relatives ai the boys wbo damage was done. visited the camp. At nigbt the The Little men amassed ata boys went ta Tyrone ta attend taI of ten safeties. six comîng in the cburch service. when Camp the first tva înnings when they n th sevic. ad Rv. . M Inthefinal franie with twa out, Wotonpechdanapopr SnyColville. who bit safely on fl~Afl <11 UO fi ate sermon and cardially weîcom- bis every appearance, singled ta *ow Bali Ta m i d the boys. centre and completcd the trip on UIVI uccessive bingles by Hooperan - As this is written on Monday McFectcrs. but these men, repre- the boys are keenly looking for- fscnting the tying and winning ward to two big events, a weiner markers, dicd on base as the next 1 ers who have willingly gone ta roast put on by tbe A.Y.P.A. ai batter fanned swinging. the High School after suppen and St John's Cburch who are visit- R H E a day's work, ta put up tic fence ing the camp on Tuesday. and Peterboro 203 003 0 - 8 6 2 a fre ai cost; on the allher side the officiaI Visitors' Day on Wed- Bow'ville 420 000 1 - 7 10 3 w we have the gentleman wboa 3- nesday when the parents, mcem- Todd. Castle and Currie; Jack- >cording ta authentie rumor will bers af the Rotary and Lions man, Witheridge and Nichols. neyer starve from lack ai money, Clubs and other friends of the Umpires-Cameron and Piper. l 1wbo aiter raising a great huila-f camp are due ta t'isit us. lbulloo because he had ta pay the governmcnt, tax at the recentf An interesting visitar in camp 1Mns. L. B. Nichols is visitingr di'aw hcld by the Junior team, over the weekend wuu.s Dick Fish-, in-pne ivas the iirst on hand ta callect el- af Hamburg. N. Y.. whose par- bis prize money. ents bave been visiting Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark. Dick stayed, IncidentalIy, if any anc with a over the wcekend with bi.,ats car would like to drive a load ai ins, Jim and Ted Clark. Visitons th plyr any time just let BillIa lunch on Sundav were John A Il wilî cetainly be appreciated. The campers this Ycar tre:.G reat _____________________Don Venton, Jack Hat.ely, Jack) Dunn, Wes Haddy, Ran Richards,I Bud Barton, Tom Cowan, Jim 1 C 1 a r k, Kelvin Symons, Don Wright, Jack Parker, Lionel Par- TENNISker, Bill Edger, Russell Jacoba. Blain ElliaIt, Roy Swîndclls, Tom; Gatcheli, Art Hooper, Ray Rich- ards, Doug Harnden, Kern Sum- meriord, Charlie Hoar, Byront ~ Crawford, Dan Allin. Harvey Jones. Orme Sutton, ken Hoop- cm, Walter Goode, Art Living, RUB uIN Mfmr4ISR S i Bird. Tom Bird. Doug Nichols. Mý1Harold Casbourn, John Living. d I - ~ I~~I CIVIC HOLIDAY EXCURSION AUGUST 2 - 3 to DETROIT CHICAGO $5o45 $8e50 Return Limit - Lv. Detroit Return Limit-Lv. Chicago flot later than 2.30 a. m. flot later than 11.30 P. m. Eastern Standard T i ne. Central Standard T i me, August 6*1î August 6th. ALL EXPENSE TOUR* ý DETROIT C HIC AGO $19.195 $24000 ~~~~~~~~Includes ralroad fara- I udsrira are, ac- Incude ralrod freac- commodation at Auditori- commodation at Detroit Le- um Hotel. Meals from break ]and Hotel, meals from din- fast Aug. 3 to dinner Aug. 5 ner Aug. 3 to dinner Aug. 5 (except lunch Aug. 3 and 5) except lunch Aug 5),Trp Sight-seeing through the Loop. Universities, Parks ta Father Coughlin's Shrine and Lake Shore and visit- of the Little Flower,' Ford's ing the Stock Yards; or the Rouge River Plant. General 'Chicago White Sox' vs 'St. Motors Building, Zoological Louis Browns' b a s e b a il Die game. Moonlight Excursion, Garclens, SightseeingDrv etc.. with one full day for and Moonlight Excursion. individual activity. Route:-Via Pool Services (except trains 6 and 15) to, Toronto, thence Canadian Pacifie - Michigan Central. Sec your local agent for full information or ask for handbill CANADIAN POOLED CANADIAN PACIFIC SRICS NATIONAL Mrs. A. J. Gould. Fenelon Falls,1 Sid Little, enthusiastic organ- awell known Womien's Institute izer and manager of the local worker, passed away July l4th. IJuveîi]e team, has received a bye 1i rt-o the O.B.A.A. playoff s. They In listing the floral tributes ta have been oîdered to be ready by Ina Roberts in a recent issue of August 1Oth and their first OP- [he Statesman it should have pc.nents will probably be the read: Auntie A.lice, Uncle John sanie Peterboro teami they played and Cousin John. .the other night. .oal - -Ele ctruc Value Jewel Combination by Clare Bros. WITH THESE BIG FEATURES The Firebox is of the deep oval type, weU adapted to the efficient use of coal, coke or wood. Has two 9",? lids in top for surface cooking. For electrie surface cooking, either open or closed style elements can bc supplled, of the most modern design - fast worklng and efficient. The Oven Elements are of the new *'spider" or open type, which responci very quickiy. An Automatie Oven Hleat Control can be suppiied when requircd. The Jewei Combination Coal-Electrie Range la bult to provide the utmost in service. slmpicity of op- eration, and ail-round satisfaction, in a unit taking up remarkably littie space and of charming appearance. Standard Finish is full porcelain, creamn trimmed with black. Corne In and see it to-day. Bert Parker Phone 651W PLUMBER Bowmanville PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1935