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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1935, p. 1

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rnai~r (ta-T1tflT4f Wit-h Which Is Incorporated The Bownanville News VOLUME 81 BOWMAN VILLE. ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1935NUBR1 -w %r va - e TY i £1 *f Durham Wins V ictory in Unitecd Lounties liricige ujispui Bowmanville Mayor ElectedI President of Eastern Ontario Municipal Electric Associat'ný Manager Geo. E. Chase la Secretary - Chairman of Hydro Commission Assured Delegates Hy- dro Costs Would Not Be Higher Mayor W. Ross Strike o! Bow- manville wa.s last week elected President of the newly organized Eastern Ontario Municipal Elec- trie Association held at Belleville with over 100 delegates present from municipaltim !rom Oshawa east to the Quebec boundary. Manager George E. Chase o! the local Utilities Commission brought further honor to Bow- manville by his election as Sec- retary o! the organization. The new association is formed solely for the purpose o! protecting the interests of the eastern division and for the purpose o! further solidarity in Hydro a!! airs as applied to, the smaller municipal- ities. Chats Falls development has nothirig to do with the Eastern Ontario Hydro division; any changes that may be made there will flot affect power users and consumers o! this district, prom- ised T. Stewart Lyon. chairman o! the Hydro Electric Power commission o! Ontario and chief speaker at the convention. The eastern district will flot -suifer in any way in connection with the Quebec contracts; Niag- ara district only is interested in his work, be pointed out. "To this end the Prime Minis- ter o! Ontario bas authorized me to state that the rates !or elec- trical energy supplied to the co- operating municipalities o! the E,%rn Ontario system by the HyVro Electric Power Commission! of Ontario will flot be increase as a result o! any steps taken by the governmeft ani the Comn- mission for the cancellation of (Continued on page 5) Utilities Commissig Advance Payn Commission Decides to '>Paint and Provide Needed Repairs f or Pump House In an endeavour to co-operate with the Town in keeping dowfl baflk intei'est paymeflts, the Pub- lic Utilities commission ai its last meeting authorized Manager Geo. E. Chase to issue a check for $3000, payable by the comn- mission this year on Waterworks Debeftures. and pay it immed- iately to the Town Treasurer. This account is not payable until Decemiber, and the advance pay- ment provides the town with ad- ditioflal ready cash so that it will flot have to borrow to that ex- tent from the bank for current expenditures, thus making a con- siderable saving in interest rates. The Commission also decidec to spend up to $90 in painting the pump House and making nieeded repairs to the roof. The commission, through its water- wrorks department, also agreed to purchase a new trench pumP foi .,,,e o! that department. H-ydro accoult.s totalilng $10.. 397.45 were presented and order- ed paid. as were waterworks ac- counts totalllng $259.20. MRON SECOND TO HOLD RE-UNION ON AUGUST 31si pamous Canadili Regiment T( Gather in Bellevlle This Year TIse annual reuniofi o! the vet. erans o! _the 2nd Canadian lu -r'c'P- ,i i BIG PROGRAM 15 PLANNED MONDAY SCUGOG REGATTAI North American Champion Scull- er ta Appear in Feature Seulling Event at Caesarea Aquatlc Meet Caesarea should be the mecca o! bundreds of aquatic fans on Monday when an ambitious pro- gram will be staged by the Lakte Scugog Regatta Association. The morning programn will in- clude boys' and girls' swim ev- ents, open sail boat race, out- board motor handicap, 6 miles; motorboat single cylinder, men's swinm, womnen'5 swim, gunwhale race, and will conclude with the ever popular and amusing greasy pole pillow figbt. The afternoon's program pro- mises to be just as exciting. It will open witb the 50 yard crab race. and will continb ,witb sea- RECONSTRUCTION PARTY 15 LAUNCHEE flea, canoe, n islfemn TEMPERANCIE ACT 1b boat races. Rowing, sculling, andn tilting events are also scheduled. VALIDITY 'UPHELD i The main event o! thse day will be the single sculls for the Ka- BY DURHAM DRYSÈ wartha Laites cbamPionship, with no less a personage than Chuck Durham Temperance Workers Campbell, North A me ri c an Pleased With Supreme Crt Champion, as one o! the con- Dcso -K.E ourtc tenders. This is a new event and Deson- .E.Cuie should attract a huge crowd. Re-elected President Many handsomne trophies wil be competed for during thse meet Meeting o! Durham County andi special trophies will be Temnperance Federation was held awarded for grand aggregate o! at Orono, July 26th, with Presi- points, dent K. E. Courtice in the chair.0 Committee in charge af tIse Meeting openeci wit.b a prayer 1 Regatta, which is fast gaining bY Mr. T. H. Locithart. Treas- prominence in Ontario, is: Pro- urer's report showed a balance o! gram, F. Morrison; Finance. B. $18,67. A solo by Mr. James Downes; Course, J. Caster; Pub- Hancock was very much aEprec-f licity. F. Frayer. Officiai start- lated. The same officers were1 ers are B. Downes, F. Wbyte and re-appointed on motion o! thse J. Caster. meeting. The officers are: President-' The president called on Rev.t John T. Hodgson; lst Vice-W. R. A. Whattam to Introduce thse Grinneli: 2nd Vice-G0. Dawites; speaker, Rev. G. R. Turke, who 3rd Vice-C. Pye; Secretary-H. spoke very highly o! thse work be- T. Sears; Treasurer-G. Yeo. ing. done by Mr. Whattam. Inî Prieswil b prsetedatan interesting and humorous ad-N FryersToist Capeai 7 a dress. Mr. Turke spoke o! thset Frayr's ourst Cmp a 7 . m. serious situation o! our province with the coming o! the beer par- A. ' ylours, and urged the hr t Ofl ius TzOwfl do all in its power to put ibis j.demon down. He thoughtAth .ient orfiiebenture.9 duty of eveî'y pulpit to speak vr ______________________-strongly against ibis terrible1 thing for the sake o! the youth1 * FIRST PRESIDENT ohe ourlowîng resolution was1 passed unanimously:1 "Durham County branch plac-i es itself on record as viewing witb satisfaction thse decision o! tIse Supreme Court o! Canada in af- firming the authorify o! the Can- ada Temperance Act in thse Counties o! Perth, Peel and Hur- on. "We strongly urge the Provîn- cial government to recognize thse Ivalidity o! Ibis act, and to malte lit operative in ail counties con- cerned, for a continued refusal o! this set would be an attitude - ïï 1 unwortby o! any goverment of ibis province." ______ Library Opens Today Bowmanville Public Library will re-open f ollowing the sum- t mer vacation today. TIse Library asbeen closed since July l6th, to permit Mrs. W. H. Argue, Lib- raianta have ber vacation. Mayr BusStrkeCOMING EVENTS 0 Who was elected first presi- of W, A.. Trinity Church, wil rdent cf the newly organized East- hl aeo oemd o ernOntr.oMunicipal Electric asleohme adco- -Assoc.atioll at Belleville last week. 3.30 p. m. in Mr. J. B. Martyn's -Nearly 101 muniipalities are re- vacant store, corner King and -presented in the Association Division Sts. -wich also elected George E. Bowmanville Beach is to bave Chiase o! Bowmanville as uts sec- a gala day for the cblldren on rctary. Monday, Augusi 5th, 1935. Bring é,- your picnic basket and enjoy thel f un., Scores of the Week Lawn Social and Drawing o! * ~-~Prizes in aid o! St. Josepb's, t BasbaliChurch. Bowmanville, Civic Hol- Baseballiday, Monday, August 5th.* Lunch 10Bowmnanville Int. 10 - Pickering 5 counter, games, amusements, re- Bowmaflville 9 - - Cobourg mIn. 8 freshmeflts. No admission. 30-2 Bowmnanville Juv, 4 - Newcastle 2e Softball House at Kendal ls Newcastle 12 - Bowmanville 3 etoe yFr 1-Soccer ____ )e 1,Ennikilln 1 -- Soina A duJS4trnUMC flfl'Vwhi**'.AS ',1lt' tBelevillie on Satlurdsy, Claîke 0 - - - Countice Alggust 31st.OntIse followin Postponied Gamne: Aug. 2nd- dYthe velerans will pro>ceed 10, Courtice ai EnnLskillen. ]3owm5fville for tIse annual me- ý Ir-oial service lu St. Paul's Unit-: Nurse on Bolldayu edChuI'ch,. wbere lIse colons o! h hl efr ofrne the unit are depositOtI. Principal hTIswe Chly th ele Pblcn!eeuce ý'pake atthereuiondiner illNurse will be closed until August be ~ orme A chod.macd-i 301h. Miss E. R. Graham, tise Donell.K...fomrori'ad popular ?ýnd Rclent healtb nurse er o! the lst Canadîsu Division. is Fnoi a Oeil' earned mbntIs's TIse 2nd Biittallofl is perpetu- vacation. ..ated lu tIse non-permanent active rlitla by tIse Goverfo-Gener- .aIs pootguards o! Ottawa andI the' Peierboi'o Ransgers. Ite vet- Mrs. G. A. Gillespie, accornp- ern association is a! filiatetI wth anised by thse Misses Pendons o! the nd ustallil nfanry at oborg.hasbeen vsltlng fnl- tendAssociation of Sydney, endsataiMidIanann sd Houey Han- boun, O'eorgian Bay. out in the home of Mr. and Mrs Amos MoMulIen, on the Cecil Glass farni, 1 mile northeast of Kendal, early Wednesday maris- lng, destroyed ail the wearlng apparel, furniture, and personal belonginga of the famlly, togeth- er wIth the belongingu of thel, son Ray. and danihier Mrs. Les- lie Harris, both of Toronto, who were taylng wth them. Mr. Me- Mullen had Just returned tran the hospital I Toronto where lie bad undergone a uerlous opera- tion. Cause of the tire Io un- known. Da't miss thse Legion Banc Concert to-night. The new Reconstruction Party, headed by H. H. Stevens, former minister o! trade and comrherce in the Bennett cabinet, was offic- ially launched in Toronto wihen Mr. Stevens and his organizers 1-otel-Keepers Spi] Beverage Rooms t Spiking rurnorS tIsai I orities that rule would the quarter century old ance feelings o! Durbar and open beverage roc !ew days in Bowmanvi boteliteepers denied th was any truth in the that they had been is enses by Liquor Commi. G. Odette. Persistent rumors bai aî'ound tIse town during week to the extetit o! si tha loal otel keeper bad their beer ordered licenses signed, and onl: orders !rom Queen's stant the sale o! beer. In an interview witb keeper The Statesman forrned tIsai there was in the statements. Neil men, bowever, would be the beverage rooinsin ville, but as they expIai manville cannot be, !orced to bave bevera Many Propei Placed on f No Bids Received ond Sale in Ji Many Vacant Revert to To, For tIse second tir] tbree weeits, not one bý ceived when tIse Towr manville o!fered some properties for sale for taxes. Between the or on July 8th. and tbe sale on July 29th, sevei ties were redeemed w owners met tbe tax a: charges andI the proi 1verted ta their ownersl WIsat was le! t was c ant lots Town Clerit explained. property tIse ers do not want. Pra( erytblng that was any redeerned, lncludlng si residences. Thse owne perties whlch bave r thse town for non-pi Etaxes have one year fteand f aillng ibis i matlcally bcm h stIse tawn. Taxes on properties advertised fi ounted ta several tho' lars, but thse properti 2taken over by thse toý to, a very small surn. The net rcsult o! t) tax arrears bas beeti town bas benefitted ten o! a considerable epayment o! these art eral properties are e be cleaned up wltbin a ifso that thse arrears C be considerably brighl b as been for some linr 1- It is understood Ir more properties will< jthe hammer at a pul >O next year unless -promptly pald in tbe M Thse sales now corn Le heltI by virtué o! a -sued thse Mayor undi -poiuAe seal, pursuant essment act R.S.O. properties 'were adver OntariooCGazette ain id Statesm.fl in accor thse Act. he auth- disregard îtemper- n Ceunty Drms in a ille, local âat there assertion ssued uc- ssioner E. ve floated gthse past 5tatements s already and their ly awaited Park to pe Rules 1905 Act Holds id Must Pay Stipulated Share rthumberland Voting is Scored County of Durham May Recover Overpayments on Bridges from 1928 to 1935 by Action in the- Courts - Suggest Ending Unfair Advantage of Northumberland by Secession of Durham from the United Counties Durham County scored a distinct victory in its first sklrmlsh witb Northumberland County over the unjust situation relatlflg ta bridge building and maintenance in the two counties, when Mr. Justice Hope week banded down bisjudgement regarding the admissability o! the 1905 Act. His Lordship, in bis judgement publlsbed below, orders that in this year and in future years the provisions of the said act be enforced and that the basis o! taxation agreed upon in the 1905 Act become effective 'In the United Counties of Northumberlanld and Durham. His Lordship was, unable under the dlaim set forth by thie County o! Durham to order tbat the amounts that should have been payable from '1928 until tbe present time be paid Up at this time, but he bas suggested that Durbam migbt regain tbese amounts by Mr. Justice loi Norihumberlani Misuse of Nol LOCAL INSTITUTE ANNUAL PICNIC HELD ON FRIDAY Home of Mrs. John Chals, Liberty Street. Was Scene of Happy Summner Gathering Deligbtful weatber and' anm c' ideal place for a picnic contrib- b uted ta the success O! Bowman- J Pville Women's institute picnic on Friday afternoon ai the borne o! 2 i Mrs. John Cballis, Liberty S t., when over tbirty-five members1 enjoyed the a!ternoon together. *The subject was "Flowers" ande was very appropriate for tbe oc-t casion. Meeting opened witb thei President. Mrs. J. Thickson, in the chair. Tbe Institute Ode and thse Lord's Prayer were fol1- lowed by the minutes by the sec retary, Mrs. C. McFeeters. Rai cal was responded to by the publlshed their manif esto. Here members naxning a flower cor- are seen the four party chiefs as responding witb their initials. they finished the long statement. Mrs. E. J. Wood, convener o! Left to rigbt: Thos. D. Lisson, the committee, took charge. A Hamilton; Tiios. M. Bell, Mon- paper on Flowers and Gardens, treal; H. H. Stevens, and Warren 1 prepared by Mrs. A. L. Nichoîls, K. Cook of Toronto.1 was read by Mrs. G. F. PurdY: I Mrs. Wood read "Jack in the Pul- pit." afier whicb several con- ke Rumnour that tests were put on. Flower con- test was won by Mrs. Fred Bak- (I Nier anl Mn. A. Wrenn; Ods to Open ziere .Joofl member, Mrs. 1. Tabb; Youngest ________present, Marion Mabood; Bean becuseof he otetakn yarscontest, Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. J. ecase f te vte ake yersThickson; Clothes pin contest,, ago under tbe Local Option Act. Mrs. John Luxton, Mrs. N. Web- The recent imposition o! the ber; Sboe race, Mrs. F. Jackman. beverage rooms on tbe city Of Mrs. H. M. Bell. Gaît was probably the basis for An excellent picnic lunch was some o! the rumors that thse la- served under tbe shade o! the cal hotels would soon receive lic- -old apple tree" and a bappy soc- .,nses despite public opinion. Thse 1jli our was enjoyed. situation in Gaît and Bowman- Vote of tbanks, moved by Mrs. ville, bowever, are entirely' di.! B. M. Warnica and seconded by ferent. Gait baving gone dr~y" Mrs. W. B. Pollard, was extend- under the Canada Temperance ed to Mrs. Challis and Miss Ma- Act. bel Challis for their bospitalitY, There is no way, The States- and to Mrs. Wood and ber com- man was given ta understand, mittee for the fine program. that beverage romrs can be op- Next meeting will be at tbe ened in Bowmanville. outside of home of Mrs. W. B. Pollard a sixty percent majority against wbose committee bave charge. thse local option, or the repeal of -- t he Loc~a1 l OtionAct. HEADS MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Dr. V. H. Storey o! Bow- manville, County Coroner, was elected president o! tIse Duram and, Nortumnber- land Medical Association at tbe annual meeting held at tIse Hotel British in C- bourg on July l8tb. Dr. W. H. Birits, Medical Officer of Healtb for Bowrnanville, is thse Secretary o! thse Assoc- iation. Following d i n ne r tIse gatbering adjourned ta tIse Council Chamber ta bear an address by Dr. E. E. Cleaver, Toronto, wbose subject was *"Signs and Symptom-s o! Diseases on the Biliary Tract and their Interpretation." 1905 Act, with the natural Infer- ence tIsat Northumberlald'8a c- tion in outvotlng Durham bY~ force o! numbers ta veto its ef- fects is illegal, thse CountY Durham sbould continue Its f ight in the court to have returned ta Durbam municipalities the total o! approximately $25,000 ta * wbicb it is entitled between the years 1928 and 1934 under the Act. Many in Durbam CountY who are conversant with counties' a,!- fairs are prepared to go even further and urge that separation o! the two counties be aiso pro- ceeded witb. The Statesman 18 wbolebeartedly in accord With this movement realizing, that as a partner, Durham countY bas been lmposed upon too long In & most bra.zen and high handed-1 manner by their numerlcalY. larger partnier, Northumberlanld County. A new deal is in order. His Lordehip in bis reasons for bis judgement points out that thé arbitrary action of thse Municipal Council o! tbe Counties under compulsion o! superior votlng power of tbe representatives of Northumberland, directs t ha t ISucIs a starrn o! protest would SE E U IST AA1 ~caste of the motion be pald bY one Isotel meet the Government were il to E NRU FI ONTARIO ENVOY tIse respoudeuts, thse United iwas in- attempt to arnend the act in fav- INNINGS AIDS Counties, wbîch defended thse ac- ;no truth or of tIse beer barons, that h 5 OY L T VCT R Lieutenant- Governor Bruce Iu tion. tIser hotel unliitely that ibis will bappen. _______ IC OR Guest tBciga TIse terms o! Mr. Justice Hope's averse 10 hIt s equally unlikely that the oat Bareaslnrhams Bowman- "wet" element in Bowmnviile Score Spectacular 9-8 Win Palace Ts ug' re ined Bow- could muster sufficient strength Against Cobourg on TeJde re arbitrarily to win a decisive two-tbirds vic- Weesa epihsfrmLno i te JPON MOTION made on thse ge rooms tory over thse Temperance forces. ____ that on Friday TIse King receiv- llIs day o! December. 1934,' by Scoring 7 runs in the first inn- ed Hon. Herbert A. Bruce, Lieu- Counsel on behal! o! GeorgeX.> D J. I D in, owranvlleRoalsstil ad tenant-Goverfior o! Ontario, and Hooton, John Asbley, Richard ýrties IRedeeAAAL Bee i t ne roniehind rinly a native o! Durham County, in Elliott and George Annis. Rate because o! six glaring errors - audience ai Bucktingham Palace. payers o! tIse County of Durhamî h lc tT xA cin to tally two runs in tIse last Dr. Bruce spent nearly bal! anan weso rptyith :he ]lockat Ta Aucion rame nd dfeatCobourg 9-8 inhour witb isMajesty, dicussing sas weîîon ibe own le a an a!!air ai lIse County Town Canada and Ontario. He was 6! ah otei uhratn easn in ec I EA S M DIOS Wednesday ibat includied jusi impressed by the intimate know- owners o! tIse sald County o! 1 in ec- HEA S ME ICOS about everytbifg tIsai cornes un- ledge tIse King displayed o! o Durha.m, for an Order by way o!- ~~~ly - ~~~~~der the narne o! baseball. minion afairs and rnen.MadmstaiteMucpl LosSending ten rnen to bat in the "TIse interesi sbown by bis Ma- Council o! tIse United, Counties Lotsapening frarne tIse Royals !ound jesiy was intense," said Dr. Bruce. o! Northumberlaud and Durham wn Campbell for four mariters and "One Canadian developrnt O! do !orthwitb obey aud put mbt six bite and continued tIse assauli wbicb bis Majesiy expressed iteen, force and carry out the provis- on 'Utronki with Carnpbell makiug appreciation was the worit beîng ions o! tIse Act passed in thse me wîthîn a tbree-base f umble o! Bnt's doue in connection wiib rebous- Fi!ih year o! the Reigu o! Ris id was're- single 10 centre. TIse big blow ing schemnes,- whereupon I was Majesty King Edward VII Chap- n o! Bow- o! thse luuiug was Eddie Hick's happy ta be able ta give bim ter 62 entitled "An Act respect- arscrerso! home run over thse le! t f ield fence some first-band information. ing tIse United Caunties o! Non- 'igînalsaoe wiih the bases full ta account for "Thse King also was gratified iburnberland andI Dunham andl adjourned tIse f irst four runs. t eru o! the sentiments o! loy- tIse Maintenance o! County Brid- raI proper- Cobourg carne bacit wlb a veng- altyewich tIse Jubilee celebra- ges therein" andI for an Onder ~he thineance and sent elgIsi runs acroslions had inspired ibroughout tIsaitIshe said Municipal Corpor- whn hrtIse plate lu tIse f!lt tbree Otro and o! thse clearness andI ation o! tIse United Counties of peris are- ba teycn ted fon ur en lrnpressiveness witb wbicb bis Northumberland and Durham do- hprip. r- a two singles, a uripanda wont.voice was beard i n tIse course o! assess, levy and collect against ;hi. wosiglsa rilean awak.thse Empire broadcasts." tIse property hiable to assessment ,-hiefly vac- ~~~~TIsey added a pair lu thse next onDrBrc euntoCadinheonyofNtumrld Alex Lyle a double, a single and a pasesud DrBrc reun taCad tIe ifrnebtwutseca il tIse own- lu tIse third they got ibeir lasi 2 this weeit. o!emintennce an t consrut ctcally ev- tallies on twa bite andI two bad o! Couuty bridges lu thse County k,.. y god asfunsbles. Altogeibêr errors ac- Mn. anIç Mrs. Gea. W. James of Northumberland and thée cost ;everal fine counted for four o! tIse Cobourg were in Troronto last week ai- o! maintenance sud construction rs o! pro- runs. tending tIse annual convention o! o! County Bridges lu thse County everted ta Wiihbobth Isurlers pitcbing air- tIse Canadian Weekly Newspap- o! Durham aud do hereafter obey ayment o!f tigIsi bail it seemed lite a lost ens Association. Mr. James had andI comply witIs the provisions lu redeern cause but in the seventh Williamns tIse hanor o! being elected 2nd tbey auto- . led o!ff with a scratch single 10 Vice president o! tIse Association. (Continued ou page 5) propenty o! short andI went 10 second on tIse thse totalsortp' bad throw snd ta ,®O!l m Dr. V. H. Storey third ou an in!leld oui. GootI old O troFr aa alt n e tg t usand O Bowmanville. Coroner !rj"hny os hnsnt ies actually ieCunyofura w orascorchlng triple down tIse nigIs T he ~~U' iwn amnount recentîy eîecîed president o! tIse fild line andI wben Bill Cordenl hre uspiclous C..artwright rires Northumnberland and , Durham f ollowed wiih another tbree bag- Isesae orMedical Association aitIshe an- gei' 10 deep centre aIl that ne- s thsaletIse nual meeting heltI in Cobourg. maîned was for Bruni. wbo. con- Ontario Pire Marshsall W. J. TIse f irst tire occurred on F'eb- nta tIse - _________ sidening tIse support, had twirled Scott is holding an investigation ruary lst. ai a fsrm occupleci by to the ex-fine bal, strikiisg oui eleven. to o! c.rcurn-stances sunro u n d i n gLeslie MouniJoy. ou February sum in tIse srike u two batters and for three fines in Cartwright Town- 'eans. Sev- INTERESTING PILOGRAM ts e tidmi 1 ooio a hp er lcttctl w-28tI ai a f anm occupled by Stan- expected to TO BE PRESENTED BY easy bounder ta tIse second base- day session whicb started Wed- fond VanCamp. whlch had re-' 1few weeks.1 LEGION BAND TO-NIGHT man, and the bail gaine was won. nesday sud for whicb, twenty- cently been purchssed by Cecil outlook willl-___ R H E five wltnesses have been sub- Hyde, tIse barn was destroyed by der tIssu it A good cnowd attended tIse Bow'ville 700 000 2 - 9 10 6 peonaed. TIse investigation is fine. Thse third barn ta bun waa se Thursday evenlng banld concert Cobourg 422 000 0 -8 10 3 tIse resuli o! tIse reporte o! tIse awned by William Henry snd tIsai many1 on Rataryý Park when thse Can- Brunt and Bates; Camnpbell, F ine MarsIsall's inspectons, !rom occupled by bis sou, Lewis James corne under adian Leion Band presented an Utronki sud BlaiScber. Mitchell. tIse contents o! wblcbh Itwss con- Henry tIse fine occurnlng April [bli auctian excellentrorarn under tIse bat- 1sldered advissble ta IsoltI au open 3. 193b. taxs ar eon o!fBapndnasten R. F'ountalu. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Flieu t'and luquiry inta thse causes o! thse TIse investigation wlll be held meantinse. Thse prograrn for ta-ulght wlll Alex, Mr. sud Mrs. R. B. Arit- 'fties. tBakoc.TeMp La îpleted were open wltb O Canada, !ollowed by wrgbt, Mn. sud Mrs. R. HetIs- Tp pach cpse teè *: destroyed Farmers' Mutual Pire Insunance- warrant 18- a Manch, tînder thse Double einglan and RnlMn. and a barn. 'andI of thse'~ oilsCmayblealrenme or thse cor- Eagle; Overtune, Haut Monde; Mrs. W. Lycetsud son, Mn. sud coverlug thse barns sud contente, o!fissursuce policles lu the dis- to tIseasas- Selection, Southen Melodies; Mrs. Wesley Fice sud lbaby, Mrs. f ive wene Iseld by thse Maple Les! trici. TIse purpose o! the Fine 1927. Ths atslce;Mrh ooe ise Lamsb, Audrey andI Rien, Farmens' Mutual Fine Insunance Marshall's investigation 18 ta !lnd 'tised iu thse Bogey ; Overtune, Thse Calipli o! attended thse Lamb famlly ne- ;Company. Gordon D. Consul, oui if there were auy circumstan- id lu Thse IBagdad; Narvy Patnal. Our Blue union ai Miss Margaret Lamb's K.C.. is repneseiiting tIse Maplte ces polntlug ta arsan lu thse three 'dauce wlthI Jackets: MardIs, Officer o! tIse wood. near St. Petons ChuncIs, Les! Company at tIse Investiga- fines occurrng withisn a f ew miles Day; Ciod Bave thse King. north cf Pelson Fsibl. tioln. a! escb ailer lunVthe township. s u i t Mi n Vt e LcEur t s ç e

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