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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. AUGUST lst. 1935 Me e uabirn Satomn. Established 1854 A Weekly Newsparer devoted to the interests of th town af Bow~nanvIIs and surrounding country, issue at Kîig Str*cet. Bownanv'ilIe. every Thursday. by M.A James & Sors. owriers ard publishers. The Caniad[a Statesnmar s a r iemnber of the Canadian Weekly News papes 4ssoc.aton. a1rso the Class -A- Weekl jesc Canada. SUBSSRIPTION RATES Anywhera in Canada. $250 a year: ini the United States $250 a year. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents THURSDAY. JTJLY 25th, 1935 Beach Association Speaks Out Elsewhere in this issue is a communication f roiy the Bowmnanville Beach Association relative to th( waterworks situation at t.he lake. The letter f distinctly critical of aur viewpaint in this matter but even the casual observer mwill. upon reading it realize that those who camposed it are solely li teresteci in themselves, whether or flot the tawvi and its citîzens can afforci ta fulfill their desires. The Association mizsile states that they asked for town water and w-ere offered well water which they do not want. 0f course we realize with ther tha:, Bowmianville water is unsurpassed ini the province of Ontario. but what is the town suppas- eci ta do about the matter when it would cast more ta instaîl the necessary apparatus ta bring a greater supply ta Bowmanville than the tawn could hope ta get back in water rates in 25 or 30 years. The statement is made that the tawnvn wuld be farther ahead ta gîve water ta lake residents than ta supply t.he Canning Factary. They must real- ize that the Canning Factary is a local industry employing local labar. paying taxes, and spend- ing thousancis of dollars with local farmers. They are entitieci ta the w-ater jus, as cnuch as the beach residents. On this level basîs of entîtle- ment. cames the exceedingly high cost af instal Ing water at the lake. andi the possible revenue. If collec:tions af revenue were not far heavier than the lake residents coulci hope ta psy it tvould be passible ta carry out the project. but just s0 lang as residents are not mwlling ta pay their share it does not appear ta us ta be the duty of the towr ta mnake the already overburdeneci taxpayers of Bawmanville foot the bill. It is suggested that should the town refuse the demands thus made that the beach residents will apply for separate incorporation apart fram the tawn. If they want ta enter into a lot af ex- pensive litigatian. that is their business. but ever this dog-in-the-manger attitude wauld not give them the tawn water. and i, woulct cost then thousands af dollars ta bring it themselves. It has been suggested by many beach residents that they will not deal wth local mierchants as long as the town refuses ta f 111 their demancis for town water. That of course may result. but ever the refusal ta huy here will not bring them the water they desire. neither will it. make the pur- chas:ing of their supplies any mare convenient. The tenor af the whole letter is abusive anc threatening. and smatters too mnuch af the self appointed master mind wha has been labelled by somne as Enemy Na. 1 in the lamentable fracas af closing the raad an the m-est side. As much as everyane in the tawn would like ta acqluiesce tc reasanable desires ai the beach residents they mus-, remember theŽze important factors. First. the cost of running water ta the lake: second. the taking framn the system 0of mai-e water than the spring-s can supply: third. the lowering ai the pressure in certain sections af the tawn: and fourth. the risuhtso0f the taxpas'ers who live up- tawn, tao ome consideratian befare large suins ai money are speno. and for a'h:ch they will have ta pay. Thee neyer ha, been any indication ii, aur cauncil reports that uuembe:- of he Couneil be- lieve it feasible ta extend *:owi: water ta the lake. It is true every memiber af the ca:unul a ould like ta see the beach supplied wrhsping water. buti these ,anme men are cu-tod:0n 'zûo the public purse. andi this position inakes it untenabie fa: them ta fulfili the unreaso-ible demnands of -the Beach rezidents. ana with but, exception, refus- ed ta sign an agreenient their .incerity and w,lîn.-iiess ta bear a fair 0hare of :he ex- penditure. Modern Racket of Free Publicity "The nerve of same peapleX0 kîds.- Thats an aId and well warn phrase. but it instantly contes to minci when we viewed u'th disnay the pile af free publicîty that cluttered aur desk durîng a three days' absence last week attending the Press Convention in Toronta. This avalanche of free publicity concernis many things. It cames prin- cipally from organizations and firms wha neyer spend a dollar with us for advertising. They seek a cheaper way out ai it than paying for their the edra*.r is nat. "Nature requires foui centuries ta build an inch af rich black loain. Under certain unfavorablee circumstances wind au water can destroy or scat-a ter that amount af topsoil in a few days through c erosion or dust stormns."-Rexford G. Tugwell. i Politial Paties reparng fo Frayself. Employers are reltictant to that the taxes collected froni the Eof :tIf te ad chalhe ha lo ben in ood he Ga _______let go any man who is trying - beach shotîlci be applîcd 0on a bjoys ci, nty imiie us a source efI yuhapn t se Gi.rli YOUR WUKLD aJr emmern :1 liar lways to miake more money! aater stipply as ivc receuveut penaE.tFrCutcncs.Wagrremnbrim tbieH Wîthiin a feiv da3 s annouincemient tvîll be made fri*themi. or' ta-as e monev for: iettirn for aur- tax imoney. vRt'v. aan, E F. Ccirc tlcime e as a former assistant af *.:ne i i 'aiao hedt f n fil1I Pu aieogtw H . d froi Otawaai he ate0f ne i te most ira- j and INE LI- eintby pr-op'oSlng tuine-saving Shaulci Bom-uuanvîEle c o un i ýcilci tbdîbs S11muu1er'. ivuiGareoan. S:ad, hepor-taili geeriaI clections in imany years. Mean- (oyîhtandi lab ir-savîng andinuater4al- ceî, hebahcnn'bs f4br umnvî rill ooi. aive'Da'e Mortion ed vbic the palitucal parties are preparîno fai- the By 1n nîos :pacîe. toivr.sprîng svaîer the bahr : t3u-i i.1t vsaca A. ihbetws A. fray. Ta saine oniookers the rcoult s a foreganie JOHN C. KIYLKWOOD J C K : ients scull starila ue.eetÎ r ocIted n rnsr- 1. .(adîC an conclusion. Thev figure that :cLbrlPr3 __________ Veu i ew 3ocuaiten reaci ilncorpara"te bea h ipt oper iatr bias but ta appeal to the couintry t~rcr 53OI epeah eescbook- dealhnc-ith their kind oa i uonitit:ucTas' nai f1,i as :1.e. ofonte eor I s oll eolei-or ee iiCon - svh:ch is a sad errer. c oiB i. ht cu c n ' i of 'the lret:r:nc ggos erniiint and scun without plat- j :ost ai niy thosught - yaung They are 05.5t i 3 iflIt2 litnecu courue wale; - ýUP:'i form.pramse.~or pltitues. he CaOpextîvei people avho ai-e shap'ing the forin hemiseIves by :hIeir o%_ bo-d-n:n pcroe o n omi, m esthredclatiude. fgTin he Oerafiveotfatheur hie andi deciding on the , .rap.ý. If I a eue eniploying a 'sike."I s. Comnelhadrto.fgtn hi is ay they shall go. Yocth is a iiaut. I think I ivould ask humii.i 2nicl Rcaisaî.ý-1 iîbc as ealt s.Federal canipaign. are alsa confident that they tender timie - a t-ie oaimdecci-- Vha: boûýks have 3011 uead and 1d- swiing paa ci ta bring neav res- - aire gaJing ta ccît a deep ssvath un the total ai 245 ions and decisuonŽs. It is a tinie dc yau ovn dealing auth yaur cent's wî.o in t urn %wll -p)enu L membe-s wo wil reuin a Otawa.The on- f great temptations and a tinte occuipation. and a-hat trace or'considerable ainunit0s vith Batv'- L - sei-vattve Party. somieivhat disorganizeci. are en- V,*len charactai- is flexible andi class paperz are yocî rcadinc 'mns iille unerchants. deavuric t rounc upthei stlwa-tsandgetunset. It is a time ai great van- faithfuIl3? andi I iobt sa.oS. S-iRao rtc h hl deavurig t roud u thir talwrtsandgetity. Young people as they are What gaad ideas hav e au taken rResnPocttehid int the fray, deternined that the L-edei-al paîty crassing *,he bu ucge spanning the ta yacîr emplayers -udeas cal- rcn alto wuhl drink iater front n will flot suifer the saine inglauious fate as the interval betaceen teen years and ..ulated ta promate the welfare Toer. ay we. tsblev h Poinceams a utha te outîy prt ahchhs sthe 20 years feel the cup of lie 1o h bsnsIfanc3 tatBowmnanville Concuî sîtoulci go l rve cilprt nth eerlpovne.flowung th.-ough tltem istuongly -questions af this saut wo:tld not igra ca tt -i.7Z 1andi they want to do great thiutgs be very 0upî osr snut atr ath -- yet declared itself is the new Hait. H. H. Stevens andi go ta far places. They sec1' Getting aheaci in ane's job is baî fti sstaiete - --- - party. the Reconstruction Party. It wvas ta be themselves in the years ahesd nat s very difficult thite, tou- are 2 reatcest asset for- advertisiutc_ IL epe ht. thsPryiol is rn u t possessing- power-. and tltey ntai the svays ta emiploy any secret or Bowa-ile- s elg oeaed exetc htti a-- ol is rîgotuseven see theiriselves wearing the ..-.... palicy. while the others playeci a waiting gainte. con ifnt.ysteu-y. for- it us eenerally knawn the knowsiugý that it wvas easieu- ta pounice on aînd I do utot suppose that. I ought JCKts. water supîast fTrno e ith e r clsryth oiy faohr hnt da pata da or say anythîng ta iý- The best place to schaol onte- atre~ utr ýd .et- h. pîc iaoîe hntads-u courage the high hopes af yauth. ci fou- acivaitceentît in ones cd ou treated. h on cancing pahicy ai thein awn. Rte-Iogct plu le.peei lc ienlyeu. Boas' Boivmallle by ltavuutg wek heeetinw b t1dac ytsv ralîtei1g ouna e tu -ho. in theurhse alav nspreseîtt place ofMiorty i cuncl Iavedci It seems reasonably certaint that withini six But aveu- and aver agaun I am Oîne ougl;t not ta be in an3- giet a pure water scîpply at thte beach. n ~ l t s Bt r o pari tes have sai fan faîleci to present for ptublic ittid-tsseuties or in the yeaus just - uteîîtployntent untul onc bias intely statec tthey desire ta ftnid ani ersa tei pan fr he±ï befare 30. are coniessung ta me fiizot ai ail l)rcpared hum0ielf fou a ias tot supplt the beach au hit s pit a tue that thiey are not going sa fast advautceînt eîtheu- tisîde or out- tots n spiît wae lb" he oting publicesill be expected ta carefully or sa hîgh as they haci hopeci t,).side hus prescrnt place ai employ- a i t e c s ot Reconstructionists. C. C. F.. and ai course the in- long .ourncy oa ifle. Andi sonte pas.-sely ef.ficient au-d being hon- 1 1 o ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t es Tand atl'sM ai Loksprttysmatdaen' it 0fcorse i daminitable Contmunist. Just how that public is af these young men stant taOe nci itîtat is fulotndenoghe dt rs alLok rtysat les' t fcusi gongtastdythsepltfrns he techange fîam their present place Oems efretladko- requires running water. But a Dura Automatic Pumn. eegin patieoav stu yet failec ta ni hnunce najor i ai employment, and 'omnetinies tua ledgeful, antd anc must be mak - proid-pe---------g atr ra parie hveas etfale toanoucethent is take up a nets kinci ai employ- ing aneseli langer by the intake 0f Tu ulcLbay ing System wili rvd inyo rnigwtrfo hard ta tell. but still the voter wsill be expected ta intent- utea knoasledge and exîtenience: Moase Jaav. Saskatchewvan. your awn Weil, at littie autiay. vote 1 - ~ I ~ C Kand aone ntust be alwsavs tryung voeunteigentl3 inSeptemben. Oi course un ne- Lt JieqatCfotK hel ttertaget lus osvutgood udeas ac- Jl 4 hstyu trepee) ed ntla feuing to the intelligent voter sve do net include sshich anc young n-an ai 25 lha- cespted. Dca:- Mr. Edîor.-forinstlla y the tian who bas a vote, andi at the samne time ha.s vitten me: lThe aou-lc is crying outfo incmpe wtalftigsi-ny......$50 flot - un otheu ssonds the inan is vteis Foi-the past six yeans I have uienaho svll contnibute ta A ý Beit od eîboamrosslite ancopeewtalFtigsisol -$50 e carrieci around in the pocket af the organizen ai beeît employed by - and an- i ealth or betteu-nent. It ivants Crt cieniitaui.,. passes lier ~States- The Dura-Speciai Pumping System, ail Canadian. nuats fully responsible for the pro-I loconmotiuve ment. Most meut in - apoltical party - the ssardheelei- tho sella bis per iunctuonung af aur routine i thu a-ou-Id are drasvn" men -mi ai-iftea ni ery t hwk acin-e mdcpct 5 as.prhucmlt ih - flot yseul ta a Party lurespective aifsvhetheu- or %onlc. My firi bas flot in my-I pulled ahead by strongeu-. more p3e0b r.H.G atna gai. G aivanized Tank, 25- or 60-cycle 110-volt ntthat psrty's policy injures on aicis hint. opinion playeci the gae in- enterprisîng. nmore cour a - e a0uissealu tymtn- mtri ny$8.0 em fdsrd n _____ the matter af salary on Promo- Wic cas Stiatford andi puiblisheci in vaut oo sol 8.0 em fdsrd tuau.andfo tis eaon hveyouî? Are you dynamic. an are ory back ta an incident that oc- 9 Demands of Trekkers Unreasonable suestheny method Can you vou iust passive - good of cuu'reci dur'ng îîty îast year ai tte nught f ttak whereby I, couirse. but a mxan a-ho is flot BH..in180181 fit-ous Free Gift to Rural gh ak contact %with aBt'vSîtn da80y1ta81et beyond th ri heviittu owiavileof heOntý)eveutiit a tiYig aDweo utlersdth Th vsi t Bsvtavil a te uttaOtasa oential employer stithauîtaS ciboundaries ai bis-present job)? 1 yeans agO. Nes-b Muur rU if trekkers gave cituzens cause tausvoîder .iust svhat much isk af losing nty present OeeeigNwyMi al gociculicaeait e mnade by these un- Job?) My disposition bas been iAutther article mex: siveek i cd at ouir boitte and asked mie Electric current wili be provided-Free cf Charge-for e_____cule.____ofheoi_______loalnd________ itlto teach Sha%\ss schaol for inui perel-ing electric pumps ta pro. fotuitate andi disihusicned men who have beeut a fair degree ai ambition anci p a.aslela t casý Ifauceci ta exist an the charity ai the country. natural ability.-I o0rau buiues. I conserîte-d and vieI - ne resr o Unes hergoal us ulcumately possible theur lontg Nosv any one ai a thauusaud0 e ha inytsfi-t expPrnucl ast'-S0SFUE Household airySse. wl ildo them nogod n as thein agîtatîng îîty readers may be reaciy tuasy. THIE pie er i u lli charge ofai ýcht,)onI.ySyte "Tha: exactly descnîbes my case."j titanspiu-ed aiterwardsý that 6 0 0ee~~ i antd camimufistic leaders___are_________________________ w ' 1 leaer ae skng hugstht sas sou-ny ta get thîs letter 1,j ewbv'« business stas t pej Wrte fo re lisrae e ci n democratic country svll alloss. the success af ironu a yaung n-an ivho is oh- B'via-vle e'h A-ca quuetly ntari-ied. andi I accordung- r forder is bêshroom ep i:thei- trek is doomeci befone t la conupleteci. Iviously conscientiaus. But I won- tit bhas sent us tîte follossung ly icît that I baci belped hainu to moleon r oon qu We are afraud that there are toa uîtany ai these cdcr if bus failure ta be appu-ec- 1 elyt atatîl aib p heart's desiuc. My naine dos n r plumbing supplies. tie svo ca uot tan totvok. heyarepar- ated as lhe stishes ta be apprec- epaiciunT heSaesa n atilulv a- apper inithe afficial record, menwhodo et antto ork Thy ae pra-isteciis flot largely bus atsm fault. 18db, in reicrence ta avateu Sit: ofthe school. huit I icel that ut S sites oni society and are quite silliîtg ta let samne- Sa uinany yauî-ug men in jobs the lake:sbudbicuddaon the FOR SALE BY o nc mare industruaus pros-ide thenu wth a living icel that theun pîamnotiou-î iests Beach residents submitteda- supply teachers for short pet- svtlout the îtecessity ai oriný orit themnselscs. svhally on their emiplayers. Mv si"ited petîtuon ta the Public tocis e There are very ietv n Cnaa ho are - es s ha t -stnlrel. ilitieSCois-î&ion ast August Cf course I di uta, earfi tte- neflt tholly. on thentselves. Thase for tostît, spc:utg syter. unat sseîî p aires ai the pupils. 1but v"ux' e rt arke --syntpathy svith the unemnployed andi sho have %vho get on fast and far usualhy svateî. afterssamds Hau-ry Knight ai yaurj . flot gisen lberally durung the pas,tfuve years ta push thernselves iorward - they IThe Beach Comnit.tee. wlten1 tosvn ai-id Jack Br-ant ai Whitbvr os relief e'cpenditure. MillioiLs of dollars have becci do flot trait for the push ta conte 1tnteuvuessing Mayor Strike. saici told nie t-bey st-eu-e preseutt. Soi 4m e d arin their cntphoyeî-s. They au-e tessn spi uutg aster svas iesu reci bv' sbo reaci this ntay have been r- spertt ici an effortota allevuate dustress andi thase utot just content ta be gooci. eveut aIl beach reoiiet. utber ilttere too. hPOE61 OMNIL fwho are wanking anci paying taxes have haci ta very gooc.i. n tîteur present jobs. wuhibdafntsg ur asst ta MayI65a1WM. Edtor tha s ffo this tremendous bill. Tbey'are always gettung ready Bownianv:ihe ta g:ve the beach ai the alder geiteration get înuch 36 We stauld suggest ta the trekkers that they ion promotion by learning bhoa-ta towýn %aster ini preicience ta sup- pleasure out af "Ini the dut sm-id baludo a highen-up job. piying tîte Canitng Factary. Thue, distant past- columns anci the é hatfor- a couple ai days ai-d iulhy consîder the J C K Cannn Factomy -ouhci use stelI -1ss-ite-ups ai olci tinuers. For cx-EMRERAS FGCO,îD possibiluties ai their demancis. Shoulci chey care- My correspondent tells nite that scate.- ion svashiitg peas. floaus, 1 ample. there is Tom Peu-cy star- Duro-Speciel LEMPIR EmitRe Tarante Wînnipe fully peruse their oaivrequests they svihh sec thatlbe svould hke ta get iftta the bus- et.oCndotn:e utseisaltonoe TorontmetauidWicnnncaipbsg the ssorker svouhd actually be bearing a greateu- itc'ýs ai advemtising. His present Canning Factory. inarnmugcneetiîtg az Iî aentt ta Witl 30 gai. Galvanized Tank Vancouverj r bad than the unenhployeci, andc that their equests epoesaeaivries it Faither comment scas made School ut the C t?:. an hr: anc byond essom. usta prevent this yaung man's ar eodthe boumtds of ordinary rao. tnyiutg ta pet unto thýe advcrtisimug - _________________________ Onue ther angle ai the Qît-to-Ottaiva nmatch departîxient ai bis oyn firim? .hucb is tvorthv ai o consid.eratioît s *the fact that Hus puesent job is clerical. It un- . ........ of te husaud-naiuueph~ei n ntni alyslves the exeneise oif initiative ..... andc ofjua i ri ent. Butlhe lbas i bus............... a feav hundu-ec hase jounec inu. thus foot %aeary es- oss' tumte eenugs, i-idun.t.s. capade. Ibis scaulci icnneUatehy suggest that tinte. durne the past yeau-s. le -........... pte umemployec in general are not un 'sympathy coulci bave been evuncung an ici- .................. stttterest un advertuising as a class of ....................... w th le tarcheis. ani-isulci add reason ta aur ivonk andci nubis osen firins ad- ....... -uîgpentuomu that the miarchers consist ai a fes v erti-ing. Nor-lbas this young ......... suceptible persans stba have been led astray by mian. it the psst six yeam-s been i .s............ ,lihe blatant s aporiicgs ai a iew shresvd andi sal- . oin hibs empoycrs iith con- anueci counitunustur agtatous.Ilîatipreîuehs.eec -' TH SESAO NL- hoiv t imP1've nieho iateff-ua. ....... M roro O iio n taattaof le ancustoîteu-s. .......or................ ________ ive. precnt customecus a bcttei- service. Ibis young man's ex- E pty p cketbaok -s an the farnut don t tuun j cuse îîty be that if le dîd thase ....... factomy %aheels n the city.--Franklun D. Roose- tbungs ie staulci be gou...aoc- velt. sidel the boundary ai bu0 duties. Make the GREATER WIDTH Test ...... «- - _____ Isayt gl bac s a The Roadcraft Trend is definiteiy wider 8(J U: Ni. Il A V 1.8: 14 -Itrainlia ilb go beyoiid the bourndaries ai ane's than any tire aitte same pric.t BEFO ~R E\ .O ..........-.T -1E Ituntoastrwlbestappeci soute day duties - ta push oneselfi mb ly s i . eas mr eens .............. as duels have becit stappeci -George B e n n a r di wider cii-des. iIt opraesioe. re provogrp Sa.I know an accauztant-a gaad more traction, more braking surface-a on___ me. But be lbas been kept bsck safer. longer wearing tire. THE NE oun sesenal occasions ironu ad- "Englanc ibas shways succeedeci ratheî- by Patch- i 5ancement because lie lacks a ung up hales than by flot intaking them.-G. K. degre un accouîttancy. Years Chest erton. ago this man told me that lie sas ______goung ta take the examinations ai an accounting sacicty - which There us no such thing as a manageci cur- men hth al a-e t Iv rec.Vi -ight as st-cl talk ai a nîsnaged 1 anepam-c himseli for tbhePiamin- wu.fe.-Stepben Leacock. atians. But he neyer began ta, ______ pi-epare binuseli for these exanu- mnations. Now be feels binîscîf(MD VI ED The essefial ingrediecut ai Public opinion is ta be slipping. Yaunger m encciF livGU T PERCHA) ti roud ep oaci ideas . . OAFIG ItSaREFbisLEA The hugttei sandai agosnnmnc ite i shmpoul ets no od muchfo heir "Te liliedwodofa ovrnen gvn n niloý'rsnt o uc fr herHodgson's Service Station tsoleinci tueary .s nosv boa aitemi looked upon sake as for bis own. Thîusbing cither as a ieely rhetorical recoud ai a dubiaus bimseli on the attenîtion af oies PHONE 23 BOWMANVILLE KING AND LIBERTY STS. aspiration ai as a coruract ta be set asicie mare employers, by taking ta thein DAVIS' SUNOCO SERVICE STATION, OSHAWA. ou-lea blntl ifoccsio orsdsantgc hahsagaad ideas, niakes a man gri-atnc RF ADRCBUG or lss bunty ifoccsionor dvanageshal socourage, andi is at the saine time RF &SAD SCBUG invite-Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler-. a proven oi advancing hlm- e F1. - I -s t Il-- -1 ---s i-t ut * t MM PAGE 7W, 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ON-rARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1935

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