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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1935 IBasebali IIN rTHE UALU OFeSPORTu' Ft GXirls' Softball A 1.I'VAootbei TONRONO LAFS iGoodyear Lawn Bowling Trophy C. N. E. ATHLETIC Vacation Riddled Lynx Drop i Entry LARGERA li ciio bdoNî e Cla Ple anfr iig oe EFr Blanks and Information D cso o Newcashle N 0CanPanfoEigHmeFr bankust 7andlest i Lose Fourth Place Stand- led the %vay wt} a hamer andi a Ike Bone leats is crippletinr lnsan ue o l doble. but battling squati of bal players hitcadsimn vnst RH Eback inta the Maple Leaf Stad- a ,. in simig vNt- o ing as~~~~ NewcastleTks N csle 2 414x - 12 9 iumn on Civic Holiday, August 5ti. ioaExbton Tono.he 12-3 Victory on Bowvi \lic 000 003 0 - 3 5 4 for a two week series that wili been received by this office and ThrdyR. Shaw andi Hendcy: Little ither make or break the Queen may be sean by any wishing ta Thrdyand Bîckell. City teaam as far as playaff berthetrîbo hecnet.An Ump.r-es-Caineon andi Brown. iS cancerneti. Seldom abla at any ete>ay f h cntsî. m tim duin th saso t fildateur swimming evants areben The vacation-ridiled Bawnan- tlia durîng e sieasandueta eheid on the aterfront immed- ville Lynx droppedat na:hai de- NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARME steady streami of injuries, they aeyifrnofteEhbin cision. and this t.n;e lost their have nevertheîass continuedti t groundis. Dates are August 31st, Sowing Seeds of 0 htfgtngsii htbsSaptember 2nd and 7th for the fourh pacestal.n7to hei! Prennal lowrs how hatfigtin spiit hathasamateurs. August 27th foir the conquerors when they las, a 12-31Prnna loes alvays been a part of Ike Boone*s rinsoe rfsinlee gaet h eifru e,-îSeeds of perenniai flowecs mayiniake-up. anti tha crîtics wha eoae rfsinleet game ta thehe eedeà ndst-ua 2oh fr te wme- castle taam last Thursday night b on nw Te sebdlang aga doomed .herm ta a near- open s wim. on the nighbaring village green., -,hould ba matie in a position ceilai' Position are hiding theiîr The Athletic meets are sched- With bath rer.îlar pitchars'iwhere it is shaded from the f ae ncnuin lt o'Ags 6hat lt awy SlyUtl.who generaîiy tronsn h ufc soil Deais ta strengthan the undar-- the Junior' contest being t.he first displays her waras around the bot shoulti be rak-ed very fine and the, s:affed andi ovei'-warked burling date. Events ar~e for bath girls co:nî, Embti hc iîrer~bu-seeds sawn in r ills. the dapth of; corps are pendtng and with da.antos.TeArhreTu'a ock anti although giving a iervsawing depanding- on the siza of taam in geeara shawing power ment takes place fram August creditable account. was no match' the seeds. The larger anas shouiti with the willow andi with the 6htte30 icuve forthevilag waenwh fcshb e weil covered but the very night gaines starting earlier as fromi a win ov ar the Port Hope small anas need practically no the day s shorten, a home-stand Alet~.wea ibuei ,v:h te -iUcoerîng. The betis need careful bath profitable andi peangs ta Win and assen2le nine safe watering and weecing anti whenl Jiuedicted. N"O IL bingles. pltus fouIr wallks andi a the seedlings ara large enough1 In the leati foc the mot os - quactet of eccors for their rus they shaulti be transplantad 50 as ular player. diminutive Lee Hand- Mc. Henry Reichrat.h is bar- MaawhlatheLyx ereh Io maka goati plants ta put int, ley is heading the polis. The ce- vestmng a bumpeî' crop of rasp- ai knts toulathe permanent betis in the faîl. maining home gamnes are: berrnes. ing alknsof toube ith the Sycacuse-August 5-5, 6. 7. 8 IMr. Geor'ge Thompson bas pur- siants of Ruby Shaw anti anly in Keep Up Summer Production Baltimare-August 9. 10-10. hsdterden oM.Sa1 the sixîh tidt hay fathorn t:ham chasati the c12.s1dence -0fmMc.,Sam with any succass geî:îing ail their As a rule egg production draps >aakAgs 2 3 4 5 tallies in Ibis frama on thcee bits, off in the sumrmer. T~ sprI layAas 6 71.~Mr. anti Mcs. John Lackhart a pass anti a bati fumble. utaibennertaatof ufa-uus2.303. . have takan rooms in Mrs. RabI. tha birds' laying season. but in Rochestr-Sept. 2-2. 3. 4 I Burley 's bau.%e. The winnacs ccur',*i :r. ae-ry manv flocks production could be Monteal-Sapt. 5. 6. 7-7.. ' . Mrs. R. J. Rowa bas success- inning but one. having :wo four- prolongeti for~ severai waeks by E ASL BO ESI ,. fully undargona an oparatian in run rallies. getting a pair in an- giving the bird, the proper atten- NEW'ICA TL4E RnsLERS.Toronto Genaral Hospital. othai' anti twice scaninL, s.nles. t:on. Wîih the rush of farni work C01PEE' i SRES1Racant Visitars: Mr. Glenn Ann Handry, slugging catc-her. and tha bîrds out on range thareMPEEJI 'SEISRichartison. Chicago, wha bast _________aie not fati as reularly as îhey been visitîng Misses Helen anti. rnight be. the laying mash is Players Salected to Enter Contest Annie Antierson. bas retuî'neti1 i neglectati. the Pan is vary oten For Douglas Trophy home Mr. anti Mrs. Ellsworth) tao hot anti lice anti mites cule anti son George. Mrs. Alian Mit-t ,e roosîs anti nesîs. A correcîmn The final iitnay gamnes at New- chall anti Miss Nallia Ander'son, ofK B T sama of thasa things may in- castle leatiing up ta the pîayaff 'Millbraok. guests of Mc. anti Mîs.s TA K A Of cease the production. Evan in the con'petilion foi' the Doug- though thealhans are picking con- las Bowling Trophy wera playati Many WiII Compete Here on Monday J. E. Anderson Misses Mary1 si terabie af their living thay are on Newcastle green on Frîtay nsfo l vrCnrlOtroaeepce ee1Rav. Thos. Wallaca's. Green-1 no-, always able ta praparlv bal- even:ng. July 26th. Tha eslîs Many iik cmalae eta aia m xet t eebank Mr. Esci \Valkey guast l « -i E ance the ration. They hava ai- of :hese garnis attita those on Monriay when the annual C.v:c Holidiay Bowling Tournamea tha Parsonaga. Graenbank mostas uchneati foc their lay- playati bi-waekly îhroughout the \viii be stagat by the local Bowling fralecnity. Aboý,e :s pcue h VALU S I ng mash in July as &hY hava in rnonth of July tatermnineti the Goodiyear Trophy, the bantisami- award wbicb l' wate guest of Miss Helen Adro VA V S ,nay hyai-o e. grain ta eight leadmng players wba wili the major event. Miss Nancy Gardon. Elizabeth- keap up Ihei:- body weight. Then. compose the two rinks facing ______________________________________ with Miss Wanda McKay -Do. he sfoaasafrheahte- in the finals on Mon- v Mrs. S. G. Hailoweli anti Miss aIpl o waîar on bant anti this day avaning. Juiy 29th. They are IBua aioai tnvle 1 something the brts nmust hava Uncie Oaa. Jamiason. Napbhew Bre>Lu% I1 .JN ~ ~ uats aloMrs. ChaRaid c. :f Ihey are go:n,, tao Xîy to thair Carl Fishec, H. Bracaton. W.- Alfired Graham, Mount Forest. capacity. Crowthec. P. Hane. Club Prasi- ;,vilh his sunt. Mrs. Chas. Raid dent: C. R. Carvatb. Thos. AMr. anti Mrs. Albert Ailan anti Gatherlng, Keeping and Rodger anti Chrîs La-;vý. Chrîs i Cobourg Jun ais pulied the Hope anti the u\-inners of theze daughter Margaret. aI Mrs. An- M1arketing Eggs T. W. Jackson anti Dr. Butler unaxpecteti on' Sa i tiay when tw mmanes meat on Monday nîght I decson's Mc. Dolph Pa.yna. Dehparohans t. dcaag beak-fon etndngorinksitioChn heIther tiefeatati the highly raletil ir. IhifirstOf borne anti home Toronto. at Mrsý. Frank Ovens' thehes.w:l rdue ggbrak-cotedig rnk bt hrs won Pa lerboro teai 9-5. In the sixth games. Miss Laurna Pearca with Miss age. Eggs shouit ba coîlectedat atlbe place by outbowling bis îii-d inning tbey scoi'ed an aven hall f Inez Syînons. Morrisb Mc. anti %mou" ~leas', once taJly. anti turing very coffreres in somai extra antis. tiozen runs for the ictor-y. Thi' Sit Lilîle has recei\ et definita 1M'ls.* Haî'ry Vickars. Toronto, ai colt anti 'eryý wacm weathec coi- _____ ______ mas the las: frama as Peterboro. word that bhis Juveniiaes ara t. Mi'. anti Mrs. Lanson Mîlison's lections shoulti be matie at faon , tiangt a mpr*sdcis- play hi is aenteO isBrec ilLnNw once ta a cool cellar, whare there ENNISKILLEN Ij ~***Mî's. Hanur- Stone anti Miss fahir:ly unî::t:c empr-O LR P R a b5eP~kdter~..fct-an lyt sbc Ethla, Toono.atMr. an kî tur. I ray e aviabl toopn Te flIýu-ngis the standing This win for the counly town Witb only Ibrea mor'e gamaes Law's. criecr wo indws nd ubsi- f PPil ofEnniskilaen Public team resultet in an emnecgancy ieft in the soccer schadula, the axaînaion rnmieI:'ng bing hait at Port Hope figh! for piayoff berî.hs bas fac- ordr o met.70', ta 100 onMna ihan twsd-rw ont Crk, h a As Iow as D:rîregs sure coranetowithlW 50' . Failure. rame in Cobourg on Tburstay Courtice if second. anti Sauna1 c narsa santipaper. but not %wash- Entracea Exainatons-Pass.1, this> evening.Atha'aaim bvng nousiacne.yJhn .Car et.S:an.smaybe 'emvetw-ih Mrî Pae. lie Stvenson. Oshawa adPaterbaro. %who are winnei's of this group meet eiîh- Nu roscmanti 8 0hutie viniegar on a dlean clatb.1 Jr. IV la Sr. IV-Honours, AI- iefofisplc.aneatPranRimnorBokifrta heavy infestation of insacîs in Washing e.grs te-îroys the pr- n Page: Pass. Etina Bradley. league titie. wilb Ragiment as Ontaria gardens. tFc!iv-, coatinL, anti lowei-S the Blanche Preston, Wiima Ashton. tefvtrt emdet hi Cutworms may ba canîrolati gra-de. Helen Ashton (on trial': Faileti BOLI- CLUB ANNUAL win ove,' Bîoaklmn in 1h e first i %wit h a poison biait scatterati Cii-an p'na ýhiî ings have pnov- Roy Virtue. Harod Ashton. TOURNAMNENT 31ONDAY tussie of thaîn home anti home acounti young plants in the ave-j an ta be tha bas: nest material., IIIto Jr. IV-Honauirs. Do rsraas.nîng. Use 1 teaspaanftî o f Parisj Sh.aving' facilata cleanina anti Shan:z. Alan Fenguson: Pas 01 13owmanvile B o w1 i i ng ______- Green. 1 cablespoon of Molas- 1 fcn-m a be:',ený cush:on in the nest g Sander.-on, Ras- Page fnol lb i nna ora ses anti 1 quart of Bran. Mix al thar, bay or cut str-aw. nanke-timaiitoaf At thi seaso of th Year hells I zo J-. III-Honoirs. Dnald nentingl excsaptionathebai'gainseptinalAph-gaianti Aotheand suckîngck insacist are maie lkely ta be bmil le anti FergîmSon. Llcyt Preston: Pa'-s. local greens on Montay. their adtvs Ibis week. Be sure ta rnay be treateti with Black Leal the cantan:'- ta ba af poarer Ralph Virtue: Faileti. Allan Pi-as- August fSth. Civic Holiday. readti tem. 40. Nicotine or Evergreen. Foc tuality. dite ta haii cracks anti so tn10fidn . Msn fballer resuits att a uitIle soap caýleti grass-ai' tank yolks. antiSr. I ta II-Honours. Merle tPeBoingCJ.bJ. Masa anti spray la strîka al insects. -arefliicandlîng is atisable if IOke. Evelyn Virîmia: Pass, Murrayr teowlieng Club exisppSPO TS a I AR Such poisons spreati vec leaf //// /the best pricas are ta be obtainet. Santiarson. rcr nr o hspp P R SC LN A surfaces will also kili chawing ICanîd:i- antigi-ada accordnts Jr. I la Sr. I-Honours. Ro-sj ular aven:. The greens are insacîs as they tievour portions 'ha Canatian Standard _Egg Sharp, Jean Warry. June Ashton: 1 in excellent shape. andtiheb Intermadiate Basebali o f the fluage. ~ radin; Regtiiations anti pack Failet. Olive Slî'ong. minaatwilb h a- ~ 3Cbmr o'a~laIA nts in iawns may be eradicat- a:a-ala L-higmenîs - r. ta Jr. 1-Honours. Lorraine ,i et by pouring a smail quantit.y of AMAers OWCai goot cases. da ii Page. Stuart Praston. . tic for the Goodyear Tî'a- 3.15 P. . Carbon Bisuiphîda mbt the bales F OR GOODRICH For a special high-grade trade RminnAs to.Pr.-ivan ,Sharp. phy wbicb will ha cenaweti Ag -omnii a ikrn niTi tais with an attractive "stickier" i ait Lamb. Georgina Slrong this yeaî'. Bawmanvilla Won Aîîg. l-Bowmanvila at Cobourg kiiiing the însacts. orBL.C RE a- eai gurîîanîeîngthe contants. , a zsa~rtid - Best gmusic this handsome trophy for r (sutdaen teathi For Tarnish Plant Bug, dustth DOUBL-CURD Bok. Mi-tl Pag: Bet Scap th thid tie lat yer an Girs' Stopsl to f plantst wit ith ercuber c CA AIR1 The Canadian Appla Crop !Boo0k. Alice Stas'enocî: Belt In- became permanent o%'ners. Au.2-oG iil SotNecatl dust or dusting siipbur. CV LES iThe praliminarv estimata of i se-c: Collection. Harod AIS"'of' but tiecidadti taagain place Ag.2 Bownile ing wc t Snails and Slugs may ha remot-1 ha194 anaia cmmecil Osrvaton ofHaaltb Rula' :i aptiin a-'ie yspi'inkling fine. well-shakat *,ie 93 aaincmeci - j ncmeiin Aug. 5îh at 10.30 a. m. ai o-lm over the grounti sur'face just apple <rap is 3.890.643 barrais, as Doa Shantz anti Lloyd Preston. 'Why risk your money on companetiwith 5,473,233 barrais M. Dalton. teacher ... manville - Elimination. before dack. tires that arc iough on the in 1933. a tacreasa of approxi- outside onl)j* The Godrjrh rately 29 pan cent .. says the re- port jus: publîsheti by the Do- aI ECRNGpees miinDprtnn fAgricul- F a u e t R t r a r P r d makes every C.avalier tough t1ireAi protucing Provinices,;.a u e tR t r a r P r d a/i le way ibrough. It's a irih the exception af British Col- betterbuilt tire fronm start ta imbia w'nera the crop approxi- ' mialet tha: of las: yaar. recordet finish. No uonder you get tcneasses. due chieflv ta fro'-t more mileage, more trouble-. tilaae turingL the 'tinter of - free service. Put on a set of 1933-34. Thi- Nova 5<oa cop husky avlir nw1 il Itecl:net 26 per cent. baiow the Royals Break Losing Streak Overwhelm Pickering Team Locals Pound Out Four-' teen Hits to Gain 10-5 Decision o i rg gt:imoreIlthan one binle andr Saturday inf ield taps. Obresrie With genial old Sol beaming muscle in his thigh in the fourth his approval, the Bowmanvîi]e while running ta first and had Rayais snapped aut af their four ta have a runner wvhenever he game iosing streak wvîth a bang gaI on base. and ta the accompaniment of Box Score fcurteen singing hits pounded Pickering AB R H PO A E out a 10-5 victory aver the re- L. Hall. ss. 4 0 0 3 3 3 cently gathered Pickering t.roops Simmons, c. 4 0 1 4 0 0 an Saturday at B.H.S. campus. Cliaus, 2b. 4 0 0 3 7 0 The gamne was won as ealy asSpenlcer, If. 3 1 0 1 1 O the second inning when t he Roy- W. Hall. 3b. 4 2 1 4 1 0 ais sent eleven men ta the plate Tamblyn, cf. 3 1 1 0 0 1 and chalked up six runs on f ive Brunton. lb. 4 0 1 8 0 0 singles. two walks and an error.1 Maynes, rf, p. 3 0 0 1 1 O This spiurge along with Gingie :Young, 'P. rf. 3 1 1 0 0 O miarkers in the first and seventh 1 j and a brace in the third made Up 1 Total 32 5 5 24 13 4 the total for the winners. Bowmanville Brunt, who started for Bow- Moise, cf. 6 1 3 2 0 O manville, was having a bad day. Bates. rf. 4 2 2 1 O O and after allowing four hits and Williams, 3b. 4 2 3 0 3 i ail of the lasers runs. was der- Coîl'ell, 2b. 5 0 1 2 5 0 ricked in favour of Piper at the Carden, lb. 3 0 1 13 0 O start of the fifth. In t.he re- Hicks, 5 i 1 2 O o maining five frames Pipe r gave Lre f up only one scratch single and O Lare I. 4 2 1 7 0 0 whiff ed f ive, s0 apparently he ~i Brunt. p. 2 2 1 0 1 O back in his early season f 0cm.* 1Ppr . Lloyd Hall. ex-Bowmanviliîe.Pie,. 20i02O also had a bad day at shoi'tstop.I Total 39 10 14 27 Ill1- kicking in with t.hree misplays.i1 Runs batted in: Tamblyn, Sim- al okeusabl ol' 'îforthe mons. Brunton. Maynes, Wl- likeble *Holy."liams. Colwell 2. Hicks, Brunt, Dunc Williams. up and coming Moise 2, Bates. and Corden; thîrd baseman, and *'Shinny' Three-base hits: Tamblyn: Twa- Moise. dynamic centre gardener bare bits: Young, Bates and Car- led the batters with three apiece den; St-olen bases: Moise, Col- tith Wiiibamst. ngtw fwrwell. Hicks. Large. Osborne and limes t bat.Brurit: Left on bases: Pickering Bobby Bates made the out- 2, Bawmanville il; Double play: standing catch of the day iihen w.T Hall ta Brunton: Strike-outs: he raced far over towards centre yoýung 1. Maynes 2. Brunt 3, field ta rab Maynes of \vh-at Ppr5 ae nbis on looked like a sure double. iPie « ae nbl on Pickeing'schierwea. Maynes 6. Brunt 1: Hits and Pickrin*s ciefwcaness is itîns: off Young, 6 and 6 in 2 113; pitching with neither Young who Maynes, 8 and 4 in 5 2 3: Brunt, ,tarted. flac Maynes who finished. 4 and 5 in 4: Piper. 1 and 0 in 5. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday - Saturday - August 2 - 3 RICHARD DIX in ""The àArizonian" 1 Comnedy - - Cartoon - - News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - August 5th - 6th KATHAIZINE HEPBURN in "The Break of Hear s" WVth Charles Boyer. Comedy News Matinee Civic Holiday at 2.30 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday - August 7th - 8th PATRICIA ELLIS in "'Hold 'Em Yale"J Cartoon --Ness Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 p. rn. COMING: Claudette Colbert in "PRIVATE WORLDS"l "STOLEN HARMONY", "NO MORE LADIES" "HOORAY FOR LOVE" appearing ta have much on the ball. Onyin the f ourth did Picker- WHEN YOU buy shoes f irst fit your feet and then your pocketbook. If you buy only on price your shoes give neith- er comfort nor wear as you expected. Proper shoes must f it but also give you assurance of protection in ail weather. Insurance in a dependable stock com- pany f its your property with protection against every type of loss. Consider the quality of your insurance bef ore you think of the premium! J. J.MASON USON Phone 50 INSURANCE AGENTS Bowmanville ý -,4ý, , 't - 1

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