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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1935, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE qnZ rWAITM T'A'1'SMAN. BOxl1I1TT..1ONTARIO, THJURSDAY. AUGUST 8th, 1935 koka Lake. and to allender o see DEIRING MAN GER r L adan case-ntario &c-, Rail. -saying ýtiat the ternis of the 190 ontalwwrst a h the Dionne uanteuple dete, eeJudgementAAGERext i Co. vs. Canadian Pacific Rail. Act should becf )05din thevialityoo!ayour chw den] thIineQitplt.N W P P RAS'. J d e e tTCo. (1887) 14 0O. R. 436 by future so long as such Act is flotiattencded ta, rm a work .NIl- r. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., G. __' EWSPAPER ASS'N.,. Ily tat hrm SoeciensandhomsrBaker aidàI GI VEN PAINTING In BFerguson. J.. namely, thatl oneneshoas toaherant .RySyes0 ef oor rd e Ds ue where there are provisions in a 1 oci rrprbe am t Howard McClellan wvere in Kings- a Special Act and a general In view af the -arbitrary action tution of the infan.Telti ýContinud frornAct an the same subject. o! the MunicipalCel under sfee. ant to oContinuedherRt E Ry alf o rom Hno-page 1)sueercantoiehera- Dr. starey's Office will be clos- Xiss'.%argaret Osborne is holiîHon. W. L. Macenzie King. ed by Journalists at News- hnte Coty ofDra wic aeicmietifhehe.opusnofheuPirmnbttee July 3lst ta Sept. lst, inclus- daying Nvth ber grandfather, NIr Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, paper Convention ta h ony !Dra Special Act gives a complete voting power of the repref*x)ýt.a- ywihmte e. 30-4 j John W. Osborne, Sinmcoe. Irs.J.N. Law~rie and i .s Mil- and contained niany wa t er- rule on the subject the ex- tives o! Northumberland, I diretb hc ithr r aea Mr a MDoLll ooto a ~essStne unAciede L~ i sette1ekn One of the features o! the an- courses. The special legisslation presion o! the rule acts as an1 that the costs o! the applicants wa' a-, a cd f ile' en oidyn wthMr. J.s eogal oono isMe-wossrSan l reyborn , ACoie re dvit ther COUsintRe v and s.fuai meeting o! the Canadian was enacted following an agita- exception o! the subject mat- on this motion be paîd by the re- Worm Poderz isnecessary peding a week at Wasaga Beach. Douglas. MacDonald, Port Coborne Weekly~ Newspapers Association. tion for the secession of the ter of the rule from the gen- spondents.JAHp ileplvom rmtess tyre.- held in Toronto last week. was "County" of Durham f romt the erlAc. MisMarjarie Henderson is Mr. J. Larmour was one of the Mr. andi Mrs. H. T. Hawe and the honor shown ta the retiring United Counties. This Act pro- trlAt"J.A oe . ilem xethotar Msari lioCo ugsiTteOhworriutra aiy aton.ave dbeen and managirig director. E. Roy Sayles, vided that the cost o! maintain- I must hThese PO teders act quwichoutand ourg. ~~~FloNver Show held at Oshawa on Mrs. Melville Westaway and fam- publisher o! The Renfrew Mer- ing any bridge heretofore or been no repeal o! the Act of 1905 July 3th, 1935 otecid bau rg. Pg n agie oie Tuesday. ilY, oot, aebe holiday- uy who had held that position hereafter constructed in either of specifically or by implication by rs Pug dag irLouise, NMrs. J. Drew, M- E. Drew at n ihthi ohr r.J.' ureen years. His years o! ser- the said United Counties for the subsequent Act. and the two a<)iosaevstigMs X. Miss Gibbnsnorono, hve ben' est.iaa- vice were recognized by the gif t which the Corporation of the Un- aent nm pnoicnit lacobs. ~visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ms ainPckrBwa-o! a beautiful ail p a i n t i n g, ited Counties o! Northumberland ent. s. Clarence HaeClmu,-ih ille, nienber of the Executive and .Spring on the Georgiari Bay," and Durham rnay be liable shail It was argued by the respond- risited relatives bere an Civic Dr,. and 'Mrs. E. V. Elliott anti Miss Sosie Van Camp, Blackstock.* by George Thomson o! Owen be assessedi, levied and collected ent's counsel that debentures AGS ioiday. daughters Ruth and Jean of Gati secretary attended the Bay of Sound, one o! Canadas foremast by special annual rate upon the have been issued for the cost o! MNrs. ami R. I. Cox, Toronto, are have been goests of 'Mr. and Mrs.i Quinite Somimer Camp of the Unit- landscape painters. A short Taud- property lhable to assessment in construction o! bridges under The -isiting is parents, MNr. and M.\rs. B. E. Inghami. ed Church at Oak Lake. atory address wa made by A. W. that one o! the United Counties Highway Improvement Act, which Chas. Co\. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardv, and'i Sinice the Sports Page wvas Marsh. poblisher o! The Arn- in which such bridge is situate. are rateably chargeable againsti Bishop Fleming left Tuesday for Mr. an r.T elyCwe rned the Lynx Girls Softbali herstburg Echo. It further provided that in case ail properties in the United Count- anextended trip ta, bis diocesej ee in Otaa vr h we en ibas been reorganizeil with J. A. MacLaren. who unveiled it be necessaytcnsrcane tisadtatebtushaen MteNr. iMr.DH.Jieoan isiting Charlie Cawker. hvan Smith as 'Managrer, and will the painting on behaif o! the bridge at any point at which a fact been lssued on such basis. HelenGuna nd MaelineJne~they mieet the Tavernettes. ference ta the artist as follaws: tlime o! the passing o! the Act,moeta a arunsiabe MNrs. F. B. Hermian are holidaying HMi. unand s.JA. oire- l n sh1a n mdaoreeamite i care mder-arigei nt antind tth adar nwate telase.o at i;ore's I.anding. are on a trip ta Callendar ant IMr. anti Mrs. WV. R Strike and George Thomson. artist, Owen three-fourths o! the cost o! such I do not think that these ques- S A L IE -%fi. and Mrs. P. R. MIcTaggart, other points in Newv Ontario. Mr. and Mrr.. J. R. Stutt repre- Sound. was born in Ontario new bridge sha.ll be assessed, lev- tion5 have any bearing oni thelL d e ' n Minals 'lîiare holidaying Mr-. anti Mrs. JA. Horn anti sentetiB1 nînvlR otary Club Catinty. Ontario, attended public ied and collected by special an- particular matter in question. 0 a i s n h l with Mr. W. H. Pearni. Ms Neilie anti Edna MceNurtiw.,'Uatz conference of Presidents ani school at Claremont and Leith nuai rate upon the property lia- I do flot think that the Court Du M .A. James, ClevelandiTrntiee udv guss< -ceane !th 7'RoayIn n usns oleea Chatham. ble ta assesment in that one o! in this case need be concernied Torinto werel Sunvet s f -e. Ies f h 2 hRotreI-andusnesct ogea Dri. sei the wteekentl %ith is r.j terniatitinai District beld at Bata- Ont. He studied art at the Art the United Counties in which the with the method o! putting into ] e dn oWi fathr. r. . A Jaes.Mr. and MrsX. J. HeIc n ers iN. Students' League. New York. and said new bridge is situate, and effect the machinery for making Mr. anti Mrs. Fred W. Selles M.Jh etesnat î- M- P. C. Trehilcock, M\ at the Lyme Art Colony, Lyme, the remaining fourth a! such the terms o! the 1905 Special Act Evrtig nSu erW a M stB ani famiiv visited relatives r. Li ohi Henderson iidMrani arrrt Trebilcock, Mrz. H. W. Connecticut. He painted at New cost shaîl be levied, raised and effective. This machinery wasEeyhn inS m rW arM Subuy v'r hehoidy.F.ster, .\Mrs. Norman Haniley anti Haven. Conn.. and since 1926 hias collected by an annual rate upon existent and apparently satisfac- Cleared Regardless of Cost .NIr. VrnonCou. Itr, righon.had h is studio at Owen Sound. the property hiable ta assessnient torily utihiZed by the Council o! Msr.Harry Alun, Manson ean av turi e rm h Cotocne d Friase Do -fsin mvaneybae ptoug b heBosto irCae Canadian Academy. Ontaria Soc- Counties. The respondent's contention rtraned from aatsce fLo isiake. Codan Nework.byBstn Cp iety o! Artîsts. Mantreal Art As- This Act was rigidly adhered ta that by the adoption o! the pro- tî~ipand hlidayat Lon Lae. (~ul an Ne" ork.sociation. Chicago Art Institute. by the Municipal Counicil o! theviono!Te ig ayIpo- Mr. nd rs.Wilfred Addinali l h.y h OtraTann Pennsylvania Academy o! Fine United Counties from the pass- ment Act in 1918 Council had I~I t ic ~London, and 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Gus School are îresentiiig an Indian Arts, National Academy o! De- ing o! it until 1928, the rateable abrogated the provisions o! the C O PN .1 OeBounsal isited Mr. and Mrs. J. Pageant in connection with the sign,: New York. and is represent- distribution o! the cost o! main- Special Act o! 1905, is not ten- G O PN .I D. Fluker, Fernbank, Brockviile. CoigCm rgam tCm ed ini the Morgan Memoria.l Gai- tenance or construction o! bridg- able. A Municipal Council by the A group of voiles, pastel crepes, rne Boimanviile Canadian Leion Scholfleld on Xednesday evening, lery. Hartford, Conn., and in es as provided by the Act being adoption o! the termis O! a Gen-, rne Du o nmeostele- Band represented Bow~manville Ro- August l4th at 7.00 p.m. The pub- numerous private collections. He ef!ected by the pasing o! sO eral Act, unless it be specifically crepes, cotton sport dresses, ete. Form- Due ta numerous erly priced to $2.95. .... phone calis it seerns appar- tary Club in the XVitby Rotary lic are cordially inte tab is a member a! the Connecticut called equalization by-laws (in 0 provided therein, cannot e!- ent that many people be- Club's parade on Xednesday night. lreseflt. Academny o! Fine Arts. o! the e!! ect adjustment by-laws) as fect the repeal o! a Special ActUPN . - lieve 1 arn connected with MnI. and M.\rs. Francis Sutton iMr. ant IMrs. A. Laird, 'Maple Paint and Clay Club. New Haven, between the two portions o! the a! the Legislature govei-ning such GROUPN .2 the Kingsway Flower Shop. spent last week at Western Uni- ,r ve, announce the engagem ent Conn.. and the Ontario Society United Counties. These by-1aws Municipal body. This Act not 1have no connection irsit, oo nusc Vth% rme ellington Pearson. son o! M.\r. An art connaisseur. who hias ulanity. but at intervals ta effect in any way is, in my opinion., crepes, and linenes. Forrnerly to $4.95. whatever wth that business sho Harry Pearson andi the late Mrs. onie of the finest private collect- the adjustmerit. stili in full force and effect, and orayPuseyiant-ons G utelad M.D.C Lakefield, the marriage ions in Ontario. lhas this ta say, In 1918 the Municipal Coundil must be complied with by the CROUP NO. 3- $e, or any nurMrurrny, '.\Ir. Mr.D. rAdM.D ta aeplc qutl, ryinsooM, TTmsor-;ok:o! the United Counties adopted, Municipal Council o! the United vile uray M. . . d<isn.To-,septenmber.I consider George Thomson in by resolution or by-law, the pro- Counties. Ail our better dresses, everything mclud- the Kngsay Flower Shop David Gigg and daughters at the,3 pi esentative 'sas Bowm-nanvilie's landscape painters. His subjects provement Act. There was in be- ini granting the mandamus for was as special help due ta beach. r i i aiirOtrocu-iga h ieo h asn fana dutetcmecn the deatb of Mr. Groves. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddv representativa at the Provincial aaIlhi ai ntari cun-ingtt elt i o!0the assigho! annuaheadjustents, cmmecin and son Jack and 'Miss Agýýnes K. Convention of the Canadian Legion tryside, which hiepans ihtethSecaAt n10,aHg- ihtepretyer Thanks to the scores ofI P E L. at Londion. A picture of true eye o! an artist. His tech- way Improvement Act passed in As ta the adjustment for the Kdjs rse Haddv, Toronto, ivere 'veekend i *ii ovrston~i niqîue isfinished; hi.s atmosphcre 101bKte nana eisatr. eas198ra194snluiv.Isr Boiwmanvile garden loyesý zF M.Wr cnverst Pn ie-th i91 îigOtriheiltue es12 o194icusvIa who have patronized us this guests of'.\r. and Mr.F I General Alex RosDominion Pe an c ih r true. luminous and This Hîghway Improvement Act o! the opinion that howevcr AlAeGet eue summer. I '\îN. at n.E ae nî ident. appearat ini the Mail andi uifu.Hs i'r r l has been amcnded and revised equitable and desirable At may be l r ral eue darbar. ufao.NY. c.MakEipiit. prctyitrean hs from tlime ta time enlarging and for the Council ta cffect an ad- Arerinder: I arn Roegk, Toronto, .Y.pent he rvee A. W. 'Armiv" Armstrong and values perfect. His work will hold extending its provisions and pro- justment o! the levies made for Prices formerly to $2.95...........17 T H D. Rein MIcMullen ar vnesv îhpaeinCnda a d i for the system o! financ- bridge maintenance and con- Prices formerlv to $1.95...........12 stili booking orders e nti \ith Mi. and Mn-iTs . the Harris troîhy embleniatic o! scape Art for al time andtill ngth cost o! highway construc- struction. it is beyond the scope for fail dliverMrfandgt. s. R. M Cttnantimn îs doublez champioiîship eo n or n mrlouh ion, iricluding bridges. Il is un- o! the Court on this motion ta rcs om ry o$.0........ 9 fou Oia"a Tnns Cub b oig s g by collectors as theyer necessary. in my opinion, ta go direct. The Special Act o! 1905 bub.Helen, Mrs. S. Venton, Don and: TniClbIndngsgoy. inta: the history o! the dcvelop- provides for levy and collection Audrey ie!t on Tuet-day for a va- they îlefeated Rot-s Strike andi, George Leroux, officiaI repre- ment of this Act funthen than ta by special annual rate. Il may Bo'w manvlle cation at 4'.fieLake, near Burnt Sun ae. 'ohv pne Isn:iea teAaeuedsaytht ft the contribution o! well be that an action might be AISports W ear Bowmanville River-, Ontario. themii hefnl five consecutive Beaux Arts. Paris. France. when sri it per cent o! the cost o! bnought for a declaration that the Mr n r.H. W M\cDonald,;y. T e titie wa wo on in i o h r gleyalt construction by the Province thc Council had impnoperly and ex- ISotSak n te prswa N ureris Wliad, pentthe~vekenl xit, straigbt sets, 7-5, 6-2, 0S the Canadian National Exhibi- balance was to be derived by the cessively levied and collectcd up- lier parents, N. and Mrs. W. J.tonwsgalyakn itth sale o! debentures issued by the on the properties in Durham dur- greatly reduced. Cu.iy.Mrs. CllyPrturnei tort DID YO EVER STOP oro!M.hmsnTeTn-United Counties. and ta bc rate- ing these yeans and for ancillary J.Laenur fopierr a visit.l TO THINK onto Daily Star*s report said: ably assessed on ail property relief so that in current or future PHONE 32 tbmrs Pf ars George Thomson's Landscape, within the United Counties. levies, a sufficient equalization be Mis - as heinly anadGeian ay,"peBUOY-O-BOY LIFE PRESERVER MisGladvs Jamieson, RN., have, Irving XW. Hart. Editor of The Iei pig erinBy From 1918 until 1928. despite made ta adjust any improper or1 _______________been on a trip through the Mos.- Boise iIdaho, Statesman, says: athonyC adnlnscp the fact that the provisions o!f excessive levies heretofore made' Selling at Hall Price idyou ever stop to think to evoke uristinted praise fron th general Act, namnely, The for the years 1928 to 1934 bath that, the critics o! advertising the visiting artist." tih a mrvmn c eeicuie Child's Size, formeriy 98e for ...... .. 9 who re ond f sressng the Ma.eToTomson , aboeo! existent as at present or sub- But any order made now should1 i 'cost' entinely overlook the partl the batkTomwThomaurponero stantially so. the Municipal Coun- flot in my opinion go beyond the Youth's Size, formerly $1.48 for..... 4 lwbich advertising bas piayed in thobs tures ofo it erso cil o! the United Counties gave strict terms o! the Special Act. Adult Size, formerly $1.98 for...... 9 *r ]'im l C l ar n c ant d agrale pacmoe pin wh ospare dstinctey Cnad- ffetotathe provision o! the v'z.,"ta levy and collect annual- ian.anHis eeWese pWindin isic Special Act o! 1905. The last by- ly." Il, o! course. goes without___________ ta live? dubi am. ilarest yu il. Is oaw for the sa-called equalization Play hoes adjes PAmp mariner of fun may be -.of assessnient fornthe purpose ofCA whiten teeth or reduce body odor Rofa 1905 was passed in 1928. Sub- àW MS on sweeten foui breath. But thein ry i i ng sequently the Counicil have con- ITOS YOUR NERVIS advert isemelîts have impnessed_____ sistently refuscd ta give effect ta eifconssa W kite Summer Pumps 1 îinso pnon wtrteimeCotiud rm ae ) h Seia ctsTeConila 1partance o! pensonal hygiene; cnstituted hias seventeen repre W'h seo Phone 164 Bowravil thev have donc more t-o over- I the past fcw ycans, he said, sentatives frorn that portion of Dr. CHIAS S Icorne obrioxiaus habits o! cane- we have lived ta sec the world the United Counties designated' iessness than any anc factor n iibridgcd by radio and telephone, 1 '"Durharn" and twenty-thnec re- Cv Clearance of Womrnt's the histary o! the whole world. we have ived to sec men travel presentatives having twcnty-!our White Pumnps, Naborhood -None o! the conîfonts we have, on the gnound, below the gnound, votes fnom that portion o! the________________________________________ exclusive styles, regular-,- around us would have been giveri on the veater, and under the United Counties designated "Non- ly priced from $1.98 to to the masses without advertising.i watcr, iri the air and in the thumberland.' $345 Ail sizes, ai id- e.* ~ Moderri pltîmbing. the automo- stratosphere. The doors ta these Thîe matten bias been repeatedly I LET US FNS ths. Out theY go $1.48. bile. the radia - anc might go mysteries have been pricd open uriden discussion iri Council and1 I 2 i ir < YOURFIM KIn rimriDheiineiitl. nShmniyiKbnfitng ine128te ereetaieTheir market was !ound through The greatest treasures o! al. Northumberland with their sup- B a th fUUUCa p DEVELOPING -PITN K DESKDDE'advertising. Without modern ad- the speaker adided, were the eriar voting power. have refusedY Ply S o s Leather SANDALS vertising they would have been treasures in our fcllow men. Iltot cornply with the Act o! 1905. er Sizes 5 ta 71 2 58e they ever have been pcrfected as ta bing out these latent treas- Act and o! The Highway Im- Canvas Sandals, ru bb er Sizes 8 to 10% 78eSc rat present. Demnand, creatcd tunes in their membenship and in provement Act in its pcniodic M L T T C soies, sizes 5 to 2, brown, Sizes Il to 2 98e through advertising, compclled the community. ta make better condition o! arncndment and re- ANY CAP IN THE C M LT T C suntan, green and blue. their perfection. men, to conduct the business, vision, I can !lnd no indication On Sae Modern advertising has en- professional and social life o! our whatsoever in the general Act STORE JS BE OL Substalitial Reductions in abled the average mari ta live country. that the Legislaturc had in mind en e ut ou Whit royltyo! a former ers. bal! of the club expressed ap- 1Uniteci Counties o! Du.rham and ltwr "QenElizabeth d ou b tles 5 preciatian to the speaker for bis Nnthumbcrland or any ather! A IL P O L IS H LAVENDER ahoto woof to sYnM batbed every few weeks or so and original and loquent address. Special Act a! a similar nature. i th SAR S AVNG CR AMu eul hr adun A B O R H O O h~~~ad B. O. The average steno- ----..----- Craies on Statute Law. 3rd d ofteSA S H VIG C E Muqaldh ,grapher or clerk a! taday bias Wornssin childrcn, if they be at P. 489, states: Iz ccelled elsewhre NH ESO Et euarbtii ilbns ions. andi o!teri death. Mother tien o! intention on the parPO PTStVC CWNW A VL EKING B. 0. Shes happier as the re- Graves' Worm Extermninatan will o! the Legislature. local Ac ____Photo__________le STREET stlt. Sa are the people who as- protet-t the cbildreri fnom these are flot repealed b publcRayt6P.D ;LOCK iat w bhler." ditresing afflictions. general Acts." EST 35R, d t6 .ns fth anedy _____________ ______________________and cite Fitzgerald v. Champ-QES35 ________________ rics. ('1861) 30 L. J. Ch. 777. andi Deodorant Powder R B ID Y U S L _: :: R BU L A dozen varieties to hoewatecalo ' UswzCH wheaD Moond Oshawa8.50s. M ________u_1______Mr._and____ ehoose frons u ai e IRev. C. R. Spencer, M.A., Rector g,5 O.sol Prpe hwa, Mn. M. 25c L secil dilyfeaulls. ms. . A Gun, rgaistMoore, Miss K. Moore, Bowman- I j. W. WORRALL, Optician ______________Elghtb Sunde.y a!ter Trinity* ville, vlsited at Mn. R. MeNeils at aur stone Holy Comn onuli 8 a. mi.; Marn- commnit __ni_ as _ldon Mnd__ 1 a. . _-1 _PDa 'Ing Prayer il a. nm.; Evcnlng J me arr omndait3 Mondays 10 a. m. - i.1Jm s_ _ _ A lI Rt01 10 O Prayer 7 P. n.; Sunday School at M oEL R r n . aeay lth a ndood um en N T D C G R S O EP O I 2 0.. C. . W h takler- hne43- mnvle ganes wene played. At 6 o'cock UIE IA TR RN 1.. D IRU G S W EIR Wa sesv Dr. . E. ehertaler- Phoe 3DW avllERe sent dtasebail n5 ifei AG: Was l'nearly 60 std1nt 1ooniulAEC LUNH OO PRNE91SODA FOWTAIN edI lto or~ldyvs suppen. Ice creain waa served ta _____________________________________ LUNC ROM PHNE 7 Sed l lit ofyou holdaYVisallI

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