THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8tb, 1935 PAGE EIGIIT IThe Newcastle Indepéndent: Mr. Elmier Herring visited bis ing ber father and sister, Mr.i cousin. Mrs. H. C. Alun. Ianýd Miss MeNaughton witb the il Miss Dolly PurdY bas returned to occupy their cottage. f rom an enjoyable visit in Mon- 'Miss Mary Chaplin entertain - treal. cd the members of The Secret Rev. and Mrs. S. Macean bave Six and a few cither girl f rîends returned f rom t.beir holidiay in to ivjeners. ice creani and.cake at Toronto. ber home on Friday evenirig. Mrs. (Dr.) McKenzie. Toronto.'l Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, visited ber daughter. Mrs. H-. S IBownianville, and Mr. and Mrs. Britton. I W. Donnen and cbildreul. Ruth Rev.Cecî Alin ad faily and Hugb. were Sunday guests at Onarg. 11., ar visting ta \r and Mrs. Harold Allîns. OnagaEl. ae vsitng isbro- ' United Cburch - Rev. S. Mac-, ther, Mr. H. C. Alun. Lean,.B.A., Pastor. Sunday . Aug-i Miss Betty Lake bas :eturned lus, lît b: 10.15 a. m.-Sundayl f roma visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. iSchool; Il a. m._Momninlg Wor- Lamne Butson in Oshawa. 1stiip; 8 p. im.-Evening Ser-vice. Miss Lenore Lancaster. Van- The pastor wîll preacb. couver, B. C. visited her great- i St . Georges Cburcb - Rev. F. aunt, Mms. Jno. Douglas. ýH. Mason. M. A.. B.D.. Rector. Rev. F. H. Mason -e'tLiirned!Sunciay>. August llth. 8th Sun- from bis holiday at Cacouna. Que.: day after Trinity: 8 a. m.-HolY and preached last Sunday. ! Commnion: 9.45 a. m.-Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DeGiroot I School: i1 a. m.--Mvorning Pray- and two sons are vsiting Mr. el-: ' p. ni.-Evening Prayer and Hlarnmond Brown. Lake Shore. Sermion. Mrs. A. E. Mellow and. chîldren .IMr. and Mrs. Seaman and chil- have been visiting at Napanee. dien. and Mr. and Mrs. Normani Mr. Mellow ,oined themn on Tues-, Williams. Toonto. were guests of day. MNrs. W. H. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. Jame_' McGregor, Williams aise visited their couis- and daughtem Lorraine spentlms. Mm.-and Mrs. J. A. Smith Sunday wtb Mm. and Mrs. W. C. and Mm. and Mms. H. J. Toms. Lake. They then 'vent out to Muskoka Mr. and Mrs. Crook and fami- for a holiday. lly, Oshawa, are holîdaying at The stockyards at the C. N. R. "Apple Blossom,.' Newcastle ons station. after a long period of the Lake. idleness. were brought. into use Mrs. Ed. Quinlan and childreul. agaîn Aug. 2nd. when Mm. Tupper Toronto, have been holicdaying Johnstor.. Newtenville. swith help. with hem parent-s. Mm. and Mrs. drox'e a herd of gras fattefltd Jerry Browni.; cattît up tht base line and into Mm. James Brown is openiîig a themn for shiprnent by Messrs. H. barberirig business on the fourlB. Foster and Frank Symons. corners of Hammony on Wednes- 1 There was a f ull car load. clay, Aug. 7th. 32-1 i Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cmewtbem and daughter, of Bowmanville.1 EUROPEA-N FRUITS spent the holiday xith Mr. and CROPS REDUCED Mrs. Walter Crowtbem.1 Mm. and Mrs. Harmy Hyslep1 The heavy froats of May lStb and childmen, Toronto, weme holi- :o 2th that struck throughout day guests cf hem parent.c. M.' Enoiand have in mans' localitits and Mrs. John Casxvell.i almoýt completely wiptd eut ap- Mrs. Eric Toms and cbildren, pies.' plums. pears. cherries and Belleville. have beeiî vîinng M m he-'.'ly darnagtd belrnes. Wbile Joseph Toms, Mrs M . Alun anlit, is too early to estîmate the Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Toms. .ý-E1glish apple crop there is ex'try Mm. and Mrs. Leslie N:chols.i:ndicatiori that the ielil will be daughter and niece. Bowmanville., rensiderabîS' less than haîf the mere holidlay guest- of ber p's- su,, er r c atya h ri ents. Mm. and Mrs. An on W ai- dizt-ict- in Kent.. Eveshii and ton. iCsmbridge suffei'ed nio3t. partic- Mr. Chas. FinIes' andi nephe-w,. ularlv where orchattis are situ- Mr. Irwin Shoecraft. Toronto 1I .tcd in low. flat. country. Onu visited bis mother. Mirs. 1hos. tht other band theme are districts Finley, and siter. Mrs. Ernest sxir.h orchards on higher grounC Alldread. that are only pamtially affected Mm. and Mrs. E. M. H. Ward'and sorne that indicate returning camneclown from Toronto. bring-: an average ci-op. The orchards whert smnudges weme used sill - - have good creps. The most pro- mi-ing apple varieties are Wom- cesters and BramnleYs. Stmaw- berries are only haîf a crep. Reports received fronFeance Gerrny and Central Euroeal countri"~ indicate that they' toc ,cffered fmomn the saine colÉ *spelî. Witb such a educed fruil à crop in Europe a normal expori season fer Canada rnay be ex. pccted. H-owever. Mm. A. Fultor Ontario epres entative in Lon bdon. stated that shippei'.' shoul( net be over optimistic in egar( te high prices as tht whole c North America will he cencent rating on this market. Each pad wiii kil files ail dey and As usual the Automnotive Buikd cvcry day for thrcc vcccks. meg at the Canadian National Ex 3 pads in cadi packet. bîbition ill hi ouse tht shinin 10 CENTS PER PACKET rew creations of motordem witý et Drugcgists, Grocers, General Stores. all their varied improvement and the fînest Wuoducts of th WHYPAYMO E? 1-,,tknes *nengineers cf the au THE WILSON FLY PAO CO.. Hamiton, On t roiewmd KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE IA Graduate Pharmacist Always in Charge. - We fit and ecommer Lenses. Let us e> youm tyts. C0Gi n Pis . . . . 39e *14 Modess . . . 25c Fly Fume 33, 57, 97c Fly Tox . . 33c - 57c Foi' better' îesuIts let us develop youu' next film. DRYBAK Iî'onized < corn Pads Yeast 25 i 9 Corrects sort. perspir ing- feet - Pliioi 49 P. R. Cowling, Phm. B. DELIVER Sh We <an state our business in four words - Anything in Sheet Metai. Four more state our business poiicy - Nothing But The Best. We have tht prices, thte reputa- tion - and tht goods. Phone 264W. R. E. LOGAN Tlnsmlthlng and Sheet Metal- Bownuaflville r -l T,nrnh-T oronto, . t t, -I M l anti Mrs. H. Cameron .. .. Mrs. TYRONE 1 . Hatherlv ani Mr. Frank li-rth- ely in Tomronto and Dixie. Mr. Swinday School at 10.30 a.m. H-arry Hatherly, D)ixie, returuie( 1 *ith themn..Mr. and MIrs. Ve Mrs. 13:ron Farrell is homne after Dudlev and family with Mr. and pcnding seveýral weeks in the (-en- Mrs. W. Ttimner, M1%arkhar-Mlr era1 Hospital, Toronto. and Mrs. Clarence Junkin and MIr. and NIrs. N. J. Weodley, Mr. lZos-, Bobcaygeon, Nvith Mrs. Les- ani Nr. Luther Heeper enjeyed lie Brooks. M\iss Rluth returned a inter trip te Montreal return- home with themn..Mr. W. J. Tape ing 1)y Ottawa and called on MIrs. has retumned te Bridgeburg afier Heýper's, aunt, %M1rs. 'Mortimer visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Hath- Cumingsz-. erly-Mrs. James Storie and Mr. lecent visitors: Ms Florence Wm. Staples in '%eafor(l-'MIr Dow n, Oshawa, \ ith her brother, ami Mrs. and family, Mr. and MmI. Theodere Dow. . .Mrs T. J. Mrs. Currell and famiiy, 'Master Scott \%ith hem tlaughter, Mrs Ar- Te<l Mounitain, Mr. Franklin and thuir Smith, lZaglan. . is'Do- daughter Betty. Oshawa, are camp- i cen B\ arn with her grandparents, ing at Mr. I.eslie Brooks' .MIr jMr. and NIr. J. L.illicrapp. Can- and Mrs. Arthur Spicer, Bowinan nînigtoin Mi-.M îe Caincion anidI1sville, w ith Mr-ý. Laura V'iîtu(- History oF St. John's Churck BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Nihieh celebrates the 100th aflfiversary of the building of -hefist- hrc -Aa 0tnu as erar f efonis. g.. - id id er Id Ir. AI A] A: BI cf the congregation this yeam. lBy B. H. Mortlock) _____________ C instailment No. 9 ries a large share of responisibul- uty in addition te the honor cf Rev. c. R. Spencer office. The Wardens 0f St. John's Rev. Clarence Reginald Spenc- Cburch, insofar as we have been IE able te secure the names, are as presenit mector, succeeded Rex olos J. Sbires as rector of St. follows: s Pope' hns Cburcb. Mm. Spencer tookiea Warden Warden r bis dutues un the parîsb on IL ý n'id Thos. tember l6tb. 1930. He is a jf,.1tittiiitttti, J. P. StiII cf the late Canon Percival us i11tR-1-1i Id.10S '.9' wson Sencer, D. D., and Mrs. 1mi3 -lt. tIL i iw lC. .SttttttttI ancer cf Hamiltons, and cornes psu 1 1u. l . 1 o w C,.. 4'N Ii. a promilet t English famill' 1s1,i1 uPr. t(t . i.1. C. C N, ,,uI, uengis descent' to Edmuntiu '.0~.fii.W .t N i :in iu7un GcoIl. Lcw C. C N.-cii ,encer, the great English poet ] S t9'. Nevcu"Fitwoi cct Elizabethantimres. 'IXiP F. Cu1,jttri itoait.xrtttttr ,r. Spencer iS one of a family1 olttRt tobut rinottcur nine chiltirefi wbo have a dis- s1, i i ili.rî T'Itetrirttc muushed record in the chumcb 5 , I 1t t i 1. Low '.tC ir brother, Rex. Victor Spencer, ici Robt'rttici';uu t miss»ary itn Japan. another 1 s liIt...It tXt ll A i 'oit Ernest Spenceri' s rector cf 5 ct' Paul's Cburcb, Waterbumý ,us . 1 ixn 11 S Car mn., while other members of 1i11;t A, 1 ix "I CL i sfamuly are Miss Ethel Spen i t. -Gls A Dix rDeaconess in connection wîth 1us A, \t n., Pheobe's House; Mrs. Max- uss rrircHl".1.c ,cV flof Moose Jaw; Miss Floi' 171'1'i.ttia .iti'I r ce Spencer, deaconess: Mm s ,i~ i .v. H. H. Core3' 0f Hawaii; ,-i ?t .jtht ie. Id Lan'celo.tSpencer. M. A.. oj11 --..1.\.I ,oiti e staff of Port Arthur Hîgh 1 .. . 1;.,.- ..'. sool. I1ý . \\ V. S ' i X x, iv Mr. Spencer was educattd at U., ý tl,, tc..xitt nity College Sýchool. Port Hopei j x 'ititi \'tt .'rr,, tott iTrinity CoUlege. University cf I I xx-xx',sW. v .1. A. t 'oui )ronto wbeme H le secured bis scI t i:,( utru tVtl .A. degret. Ht celebrateti the î1sA. W. tr It .li .h anniversary of bis ordina- S, su:tîpattr on into tht priestheoti of the 15h Kt".uIlsatii J .." fui'ch of Englanti in June thîs s.\,tnt TilStr ir. 1 "1 't it NV. uu, î x - t t H1e was înarmied over 30 years Ilu St i u cior 'W i ,tt ,o to Miss Ethel Holmes of Wiî i<t \cVtc. rotvtrttE.1og 5s , ? . t t II Int ,rforce. Haliburtoul County, and i1 ,x. .1. jon,., rît cre are four sens anti seven 1 \v .7.11.9ts i. .i~ti it' Tt.i N"rtt. ~ x. a ir ' Eughttrs to tht union. Tht pres- u t .stftr W. it., t location cf members of thtei; Tt5 .,, S imily us as follows: Mrs. t Rev ,î 5' 'htt- Ii Spry utut. o1,,so.o..i,, cy Melville. Saskatoon; r. > P.;;, . SCt ililO. r ouglas Lockhart and Mrs. Duti- vu t . R.ttttWtsx' '.rtlt ýOliver. Montreal: Mrs. John Itu.ti 'ittiyc':csti. A. 'rit !lus. Toronto; Messrs. Tom antid tA t 'itttt.sî . 'rait Iby Spne.Toronto; George jIs is'î î.os pencer of tht Bank of Montital f5i 1w.Ilttttrtv:it., W. j Toîes Laff here; and C hmes, Marytty'asi' '. u utharine and B tC h m e . ay.i. Su:iit19W W1 .r 1 Mcr. Spencem's fîmst appointrnt Ii , N.tNit1tt farrs' Catin itht chumcb xvas in tht Mission 1ti 1'filatr' ittry (:itilîI tie of Halîburton'i.from hne17ry(at iwent to Young's Point. near u ii it i.v 1Sot., eterboro. For' thirteen years he 1 ut1 ,0S' r5'T. st ;as assistant rector at Mîlîbrook , TutSttv W. T* j1ottt. sti for tight ytars strt'td as '1 , 'c N. SitMil. tt x'T onps ctor of Shanty Bay, befere NV. N O I ît w.1t..1ottts ®rning te BoWmanville. f . N1rMu t' Mi'. Spencer had a distinguish- 1' -r- Nîti tjtuî. d var record. attaining tht rank A91'cN \itNIiit ' il ttt fMajor'. Ht serveti thî'ee yeams A tW'tt 1f,>Mn nFrance as Chaplaîn of tht iuttc ,il. t\'1tti r, I', lSprin 9tb Battalion and xxas later j1 \vi. t; ' f. ifStry ansfemred te tht Canadian Cav- i uîo'rIt. Sttryi ry Brigade. Ht is a member cf 152t t l ttt 15(M'Outon ute Bowmanvillt Bmancb cf thte it',t Mt ',f oîti 'anadian Legion, and bas tan ;t;tîctîcs]... A Liv'ingi Ideep intemest in thtexxelfare of ul'uu'r Tý. TIîttt . c.IarIç.cr lit wam veterans. Ht is a mem- î:n c', trtts %tt , xDttvtan er of Jemusalemn Lotige A. F. & <To be continuiedi L. M. and of Palestin'e Chapter toyai Arcb Masons. Hus efforts ime Has Tested IfT. - Dm. ýbehaîf of this order were me- Thomas' Eclectrir Ou bhas been >gnîzed a few years ago when on tht market Iup'cardis of fifty lwas elected Grand Chaplain vears and in that finie it bas îtht Grand Lodge of Canada in nroved a blessine te thouusptnds. ie Province of Ontarie. Hte1.5 Tt is in hieh favor threughout past, master cf J. B. Hall Lodgt Canada, andi its excellence has .F. & A. M.. Millbmook, and Pamnied its farne beyond the sea,. tsit Chaplain cf C o rin t hiailif if, weme double the price if ,oge A. F. & A. M.. Barrit. Htl wtJld be a cheap liniment. as aIse Most Sovereigfl of-- - lie Rose Croix of tht Scottish lite.I WhleRetc f Shanty Bay w arden's r. Spencer was honored by tht ippcintrnent, as Rural Dean of~ ast Sîmcoe. and three years ago Tg U as henoreti in this section when V lE ie became Rural Dean of Nomth mesîdent of tht Bowmanx'illt 4inîsterual Association and has From Cobourg to Port lot rnuch during tht past few Dahuean Nigr tans te further the fine spirit Dahui an Nagr )f fellowship which exists be- Falls, calling at Oshawa veen tht churches in Bowrnan- 1 uite. THURSDAY Mm. Spencer wiil bc emember- ti leng after his terni of office Augu st 15 heme bas expimeti as a deeply sin-1 cere minister cf tht Gospel, as a Leave Cobourg 7 a.m. kmd andi loyal friu'nd cf the poon, nd as the ecter %whe xc capably Arrive Oshawva 10 a.m. sapler-vised tht great celebration ILv. Oshawva 10.30 a.m. f St. John's CentenarS'. Rt-t niar kable inibiites to, Mr. Spenc- jArrive Port Dalhousie nrs contribution te bu's cburcb 'ere voîced by three bishcls dur- 2pm in the CentIienamy celebrations. Rt. Rev. A. R. Bevemîy, D.D.. Suf- RETURNING ragan Bîshop cf Toronto; Mcst Ù'v. Denwyn T. Owen, D.D., Leave Pou-t Dalhousie D.C.L.. Arhbishep of Torento and Primate of AI! Canada, andi 5.3 0 p. m. Fit. Rex'. A. L. Fleminu,, D. D., Arrive Oshawa 9 p.m. Bishop ef tht Arctic. Ai-r. Cobourg 11.30 p.m. The Church Wardens AltmsSadr ie Except for a few ye;trs where, AlimsSadr me 'ecords are not axuilahît xwe have 1 u bee fotunteiin securing the r F r nieofthese men who havelIP r sevd S Joh 's Churc li un thtl mp®rtanut capacity of Churcih$2 0 Wardcns, duî'îng the past 100 A new easy way to buy you, whole winter's requirements in bedding and save on the already low Nelson Prices. Nelson's Lower Price Store Geo. M. Bosnell G. D. Gar'nett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE.- GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week f rom 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-W here at ail possible kindiy make appointments for examinations. Weelk-end Specieals AT THE Corner Grocery MeIls COOKIES CCLATE MARSHMALLOW NEW ROPPURE CloerHoney SORBO Paper Towels Kraft Cheese TEA master during bis long illness t WANTED - POSITION IN anti deatb, also te Dr. andi Mrs.l housework. Apply Helen Bt- H. Fergusen. Dr. Birks f Bowv treli. Nelson St.. Bownuanville. manx'illt. anti Rev Wm. Parker. 32-1 . Lost or Found CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST LOST - HEIFER CALE, FIVE months old. Send information Volers' List, 1935, Municipality of to Leslie Cochran, Burketon. Cartwrght, County of Durham 32-1 I - Notice is hereby gixen that 1 Agents Wanted j have cemuilied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act and that I SALESMEN WANTED - EARN have posteti Up at my office at $25 or more weekly commission Nesteton on tht 3rd day f Aug- - Bonuses. Compîtte une of ust, 1935. tht list f ail persons guarantetti necessitits irs a tntitled te vote in tht said Muni- home. Every person a custm- cipality at Municipal tiections er. Cooperation assureti. Cash and that such list remains there proposition or Surtty Agre- for inspection. ment. Amazing special deals. And I hereby call upon ail vot- Write for details anti catalogue: ers to take immediate proceeti- Famiiex Pmoducts, 570 St. CIe- ings to have any errors or omis- ment. Montreal. 29-4* sions corrected according te law. I ____________tht iast day fer appeai being tht Summer Cottages Twenty-thimd day of August 1935., COTTAGE TO RENT - WEST f August 1935. Beach. funisheti, by week or Wm. Beaco ck, mcnl.h. Ray Ives. Phone 632. 321 Clemk f Cartwright. Bowmanvill. 32-1* -Î To Let NDIVIDUALITY TO RENT-6 ROOMED HOUSE. uFrm Tht Christian Science ail conveniences. central loca- Monitor t tion. Apply F. C. Hoar. Phone Idvduit. states a mcd- 112. 23-tf en tiîctonary, is "a state cf be- TO RNT-HUSE N HOSEYing indîvidual; one-ness." This StOREt uomouse and x- ery comfomting tiefinitcus en- S t re t , r o o ed o u se a n d a b le s o n t to x 'isu a lize bu s c w n sommer kitchen. 3 piece bath. status as an intelligent entity, ail in f irst class condition.adtpu hsneradigi- Fred J. Manning, Church St.aito pt iba pi tirtini- Phone 158. 32 2t rcialapiain -- Many tîmes we heai' it saiti,1I _______ -must expiess my oxvn individual- Apartments to Rent ity: anti the font anti attitude convey tht impression that ont H E A T E D APARTMENT T'cO intentis te unaintain bis persenai ment--Central location. 7 moonis. Vill at whattvtr expense, anti aIl modemn conveniences. f ire- v.itheut regard for tht feelings place un living rcom. eîectmic anti reciuiremetits of others. In stove instalied, garden anti other x'cortis, lie will. if possible. garage, possession June' îst. establush wbat hie considers bis Phone 388. Apply Mrs. Archie mintpendce. Ibsnis pundely Tait, Bowmanville. 19-t! otlmni esnn nii ______ ____ ___tht antagonism of tht humani Live Stock For Sale will to divine Mnts discipline. Tht effort of mortal mind to PIGSFOR ALE-SIXWEEKS have its ewn self ish way hintiers olti: Lot 23. Con. 5, Darlington. tht abilîty to understandt truc in- R. C. Scott, Hampton. 31-2* dividuality. - - As we lean more about Goti, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - howex'tr, tht leaving cf self be- A pony. quiet to ride or drive., hind brings eut a conisiantly Bert John'on. Bumktton R. R. 2. 1 clearer reflection cf tht ont Mmnd, Phone Bowmanvilie 177r2. land man's true indixuduality us 311expresseti.Iluier textbook, "Sci- ence anti Health with Key to tht - - Scipturt'5," p.911 Mary Baker t Eddy writes: "Tht denial of ma- temiai selfheod aitis tht discern- U pholstering ment cf man's spiritual anti et- emnai indivitiuality." This is tht Youm Chesterfieldi Suite me- only individtiaiity mars bas, anti covereti like new for am 10w through findiusg anti using it as $45.00. Also all other cne's experielice in business. soc- kintis cf fumniture re-cov- ial, home, anti church contacts ereti anti repaireti at rea- takes on true graciousiit55 anti sonable prices. Workman- lcve. Ibis bmings a freedom of ship guarantetti. Latest in individual action that makes for up-to-date sampîts of cov- friendliness withcut tht enslax'- emings. Estimates fret. ing bonds cf dependence upon ont s own or anothei's whims. J. A. F RY As ne tomas always te tht Fa- Phone 499 therfr guidance, mîght activcity Bo w m anvSt. - is sure to be eflected. an ti on t Scugog Stll- feels tht inexpressibie joy of knowing that ai least one iii un- - - derstaiiding soinething cf what the Master meant when le said, Il self, but xvhat hie seeth tht Fa- C.H~. "1uck, Opt. ther do: for xhat hnsoer he doeth. these also tioeth the Eyesight Specialiat Son hlikewise" (John~ 5:i9ý.av Author cf: come about tbrough tht muiti- Optometry Feature Service plicatin cf wrong thought quai- The Child and lits ities on tht part cf the Indivîi- Development ual. Self will lef t aluse anti con- Specialîzing exclusively in stantly addting te itstif finally muscle anomalies, eyesight breetis hate and war. It can bt anti glasses. met only tbmough individual re' Phone lease from thesé thoughts. Au for appointmnent 1516 with tht individual. 80 -with tht Disney Bldg. Opp. P. . nations. Meanwhlle. it is the Oshawa, Ont. work of those whô '=fderstandi J tional anud world wars. 2 L LBSE 25C BS AL5C ROLPAL 5C PER LB. 21mc LB. 65e PKGE. loc 2 TINS 25e BARS FIOR 25C 20 OZ. JAR 5P, 5 LB. BAG, 65C 100 LBS. 20 50 LB. BLOCKS SALT -* 5cand 590 Harry Allun, Grocer id Corectal Use our ýxaumie Sweet Pickle Mixture Corectal for beets, cucumnbers Lensesassume and tomatoes. comfortable, undistorted vision. They Shu-Milk fou' white give shoes - 25c maximum vision and Colgate's Paste satisfaction. 1 9c - 33c Even the poor fot infrecuentlyl Persian Balm creates and-pre- buy. what they want, rather than serves lovely and youthful com- wvhit tibey really need. plexions. Tones and stimulates -. the skifl. Fragrant as a f lower. *AFDr Cat4rrli.--- is one of the cool as morning dew. Swiftly chief redorIlanuli . ons of Dr. absorbed by the tissue making Thomas' Ealectric Oil that it cani the skin wonderfully soft-text- be used internally with as miuch rd Unial san i t .success as it can outwardly. Suf- uei nialda nadt ferers from cat-arrh wiIl find that feminifle elegance. Dehightfui to theOu henuse acordflgtouse. Imparts additional charm directions will gis e prompt re- to the daintiest. of women. Per- DEA HS or alelief. Many sufferers from this sian Balm is the one toilet re- For aleailmient hav e found relief in the 1 ciuisite for the woman. Ouad ae et eTi0HiS Peerless as a beautifier. FOR SAE-A FEW ARTICLES ______and __have__sent__________________ LBBOTT-Ifl Burketon, on Sat of household furmiture. Apply urday. August 3rd, 1935. Lor-, Mrs. H. D. Wightman, Elgin _______________________________ enz A.Abbtt agd 6 yers Street. Bowmanville. 32-1* Interred in Htapg emet1eary. 1FOR CENT A MILE Round Trip BARGAIN EXCURSION Inerdi apo eeey!FRSALE-ELECTRIC RANG- (Minimum: Adults 75c; Children 40c) LLIN-In Bowmanviille. on Fni- es -Four hole with oven. f ar- day, August 2nd, 1935. William ily size. in good repair in ei,- F becca Wilson, n bis 87th year. size, $2000. Jury & Loveil. XFORD-In Darlington, Mon 32-1 T o Brantford, Buffalo, Chatham, oligooKDeritcener Inmo, Mod day, August Sth, 1935. Charles rimsby. uew lphuntsaaville , Nrth Bay. wen Sound, Palmerston, Paris. te frr di a nvil7 e earIn- oats. wheat, barley, cleaned, Penetngl, St. Catharines, Sarnia,' Southampton, Stratford. Wiarton. Windsor, tery.d ingood weîgh, at Lot 8 Woodstock and toai11 intermediate points beyond Newmarket, Guelph, Grimsby 1Cartwright. Apply John Jacks, on lines of Temiskamiflg & Northern Ontario Riy.. Nipissing Central Riy. and o BURGMASTER - In Enniskillen Hmtn PoeBwanir N Canadian National Rlys. beyond Cochrane ta Kapuskaaiflg and Hearst. on husda. ugut st,195,j198rp.3- etre oaa ionaga, Foleyet, Oba, Hornepayne. tLonglac tHardrock. Dniel urg ay utiserb e19 v e dNDtoBeaverton, Washago, Parry Scud rbg uwsh ubr.Cpel husband of Cecelia cirif fin. In- FRS1.ETT ATR Geraidton, IJeilicoe. (i.nICtlfEroSugoiReGlFed. tretHampton Cemietery. FO SAEB TY COR AUGUST 17 to TORONTO and HAMILTON termentre-buîlt Washers, $1 5.00 and Aiso to AilTowns bteen Beilevlliernd Whitby Jct. inclusive R"PYDERMAN-At Hampton, oni up. 1 modern wood tub. swing- Thursday, August lst. 1935, Io ing wringer. $40.00: 1 copper i Tickets, Gciflg a,eiurn Limais, and Train Infatinfrnget.AskforHandbilL E. Ellis, beloved wif e f A. B. tub for balance of payments 'C A U N I A A A Cryderman, in ber 6Oth year. terins $1.15 a week. See Mr i1CA NA D 1A NC N D A DANDENO-On August 3rd. 1935,1 McKeigue at Mason & Dale&s'lN T 1 N A L , P A C 1 F I c at Guermnsey, Channel Islands,'__ ___ Laura Summersofi, wif e of the late D. James B. Dandeno ?f oue to en Toronto. and mother of Doris __________________________________________ and the late J. D. Dandeno, FIVE ROOM HOUSE TO RENT P.D.S. Formerly of Bowman- - Near Central Scbool; ail ville. conveniences; possession Sept. J I DARCH - On Thursday. August lst; moderate rental. P. O. J I 8th. 1935, at bis home, 442 Box 67. Phone 42. 32-tf Shaw Street, Toronto. Alfred11 Darch, in bis 78tb year 38 Miscellaneous years with the Mail & Empire'. ThistIe Darcb. Brother of the yu are intemested in Life In- late John Darch. Bowmanville. surance protection send your Resting at the Funeral Chapel name and age, married or sin- of A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair gle. We will give you valuable the hapl o Satmda afer- consider your letter confident- noon at 3 o'clock. Intermentit al. Box Q. Bowmanville.32îA D A E Park Lawn Cemetery.321A D S V MIcKET-In Cartwright, ThursW - day, August lst. Thomas Wil-1 liam McKee. in his 76t year. CARD 0F THANKS Intemment at, St. John's Cen- M1s. D. Bumgmastem desîmesStore etery. Blackstock. r.D ugat dse o1 ____ ___ - tank be many rinds ant ANTICIPATE YOUR WANTS NOW Puffed Wheat AYLMER P oas NO. 3 SIZE WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP-- HIORNES Peanut Butter SPRATT'S OVAL Dog Biscuit F~UL-0-PEP COARSE Chieck Grain WITH CUP AND SAUCER Bowmanville Phone 595 Bowmanville Phone 186 or 121