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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1935, p. 1

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mabirtnealea With Which Is Incorporated The Bownanville News VOLU IVE 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST lSth, 1935NMBR3 PUBLIC UTILITIES REDUCES STREET LIGHT RATE Bowmaoville and Orono Folk Win Cash Prizes at Largely Attended Legion Street Dancel John Baird, Elgin Street,! BIDS YOU WELCOME Was Winner of $50.00O Prize - Annual Event Was a Succes Winners of the Cash Prizes at the Canadian Legion Street Dance on Wednesday night were':j J. Baird,tElgin St.. $50.00 C. H. F., Queen St. 810.00 W'alter Coie, Town S 5.00 C. Bruton, Orono S 5.00[ Mrs. Henry Lambert, Town $5.00 The draw was made shortly Ross Stirke. Several hundred people fiiled the King Street block between Temperance andi Division Streets !or the third annual street dance ataged by the Bowmanville Brancb o! the Canadian Legion in the interesta o! its Pop Fund. Pop Pritchard andphis Hill Billy Band, of radiofan were on band to dispenseth music for round and square dancing and a large numberi W. E. N. Sinclair, M.L.A. 1 danced until after one o'clock. 1 Former Liberal Leader in On- The crowd was disappointed in tario, wbo as President of the that Pete the Mount.ain Boy, weii Oshawa Fair ia leading an en- known radio singer o! cowboY1 thusiastic group of officiaIs in and moumtaun songs was flot able preparing for the greatest fair in to be present, but bis place was Oshawa's bistory. It isn't of ten ably filled by another singer, wbo that Mr. Sinclair is flippant. and entertained the crowd between bie realiy isn't wben bie extenda the dances. the Mae West invitation moat The severai bootha on tbe cordially"-Corne up and see me street did a good business during some time," but bie expects a re- the evening. with bacon and roast sponise to that invitation at the pans, baskets of fruit, f ree money Oshawa Fair on Monday. Tues- and otber attractions. The Wo- day and Wedneaday next. f men'a Auxiliary o! the Legion bad -____1__ charge of tbe refreshment booth PROUT FAMILY PICNIC t which did a land office businessc ail evening. The Prout annuai picnic wasÈ At a late hour on Wednesday recently held at the beautiful night Legion officiais were un- homne of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Nor- able to state to what extent the ton. Locust Hill. Ideai weatber danrqrad been a success finan- favored the occasion. At 3 ociock ciaUle. The crowd, wbiie not as guesta f rom Hampton, Oshawa, large as in other years, seemed Salem, Bowmanviile and New- to spend quite freeiy, but it wiil castle 'began ta arrive. Water- bc some days before the results melon was served and variousc of their efforts wiil be known. races and games for large and Shortly aft er midnight the amail were run off by the sports tickets were piaced into a large committee. At 6.30 ail sat down revolving barreli. frons whlch to a sumptuoua supper o! chick- Mayor Strike made the draw. en pie, coid meats. salads. cakesa Pop Pritchard announced the and ice cream. After doing juat-i winners over the amplifying ice ta the tasty vianda arrange-1 system. wbicb waa used to am-n- ents were made for next year's piify the music of tbe orchestra. picnic tc, be beld at Mr. W. H. Ater the draw was made a large Yeo's. Hampton. Af ter a few section of the crowd ieft for more games and social chat t.he tbpir homes. ieaving two or tbree fanmilv departed for their various hîundred to dance until the band j hormes boping to ail be present called a balt atter one o'ciock. 1Ifir 1936 picnic. Persecution of the Jews by " Nazis Decried by Speaker1p Dr. W. W. Breslin Told 1txion rth adgeredu e and I Lions Club of Atroc-! stronglytoward Communism.V ities Against the Jew-v ataiso taw n itieoribtasal ish Race in G e r m a n largely to the funds which sent s BloodPurgeHitler ta power in the Nazi fl Blod Prgeputsch on January 1933. What happened then is f airiy F Years before a Christian weli, known. The Reichstag was Churcb was erected in Germany, dissolved ail opposition was d thc Jcws had their synagogues in sduelched and the f ire in the C that country, Dr. W. W. Breain, Reichstag building was engineer- ed as an opportunity to start a tl Toronto, tala members o! the*j bioody campaign against the fE Lions Club in an unusualiy i- Communists and Jcws. teresting address on -Anti Sem- The Jews Hitler ciaimed were t( Itusmn In Germany'", on Monday opposed ta the Nazi regime, and Pl night. as such were committing trea- ir Dr. Brealin, who was introduc- son. The race was attacked !rom ed by bis brother Maurice Bres- every angle. and even Jewish cul- R iip gave an enlightcning dis- ture was said ta pollut the Fath- tl course on the events wbich led eriand. At the head of this cam- Up to the recent atrocities against paign o! persecution was Georing, ir the Jewisb race under the Hitler who was a narcotic fiend and who regime in Germnany. spent some time in a hospital in1 Tracing history of Jews !rom Sweden.' proof of which theT time of their journey inta Egypt I until the Christian era, Dr. Bres- (Continued on page 51 C lin described how the race be- camne scattered tbroughout the n*Il view 1 d world. Wiîfth ihe Roman conqucas-t a! Europe, Jewish woien wcre taken inta Germany as wives of!: Roman soldiers. Their children werc bnought up as Jcws. and long bef are Constantine iro- duced Christianity with any suc- cesin Europe these Jews bad <hein synagogues in Gerimany. SFollowing on the defeat iii the Great War, discontent seized thc German people, Dr. Bremlin said. In 1919, Hitler, iben a young soldier, became the seventb mem- ber o! an organization which was latter ta becomne the great Nazi Party. It was the avowcd Inten- tion o! ibis Party ta denounce the Versailles Treaty, ta tbrow oui the Jews and con! iscate their propenfy. Afier spending a period o! timne In Jail, Hitler was releascd and when discontent again selzcd the nation un 1923 be proclaimcd himaci!f Chancellor. For ihis treasonabie aci he recelved five ycars imprisorement, but oniy served a short terni. Ini 1930, wiih unemplogmeni rccbng unprccedenied propori- iSowmanville Iligh Upper Schooi Exe Joyce Adams-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. C. I Annie Allin-Eneg. Lit. C; Geom C; Trig. C; Lai. Camp. C; Fr. Lý Autb. C. A Sam Alin-Eng. Comp. C. Ralpb Ame--Eng. Comp. C. Ci Bert Ashton-Eng. Lit. C; Mod. Rist. 1, Geom. C; Trig. 2; Fr. Ej Auth. 2, Phys. i. Austin Barron-Eng. Camp. C. L Siema Bartleii-Eng. Comp. 3. Viola Bradcy-Mod. Huit 3; 2- Geom. C; Trlg. 3; Lai. Aufli. 2; Lai. Comp. C; Bot. 2; Zoo. 2. 7) June Brown-Eng. Lit. 2. Lamna Clark-Eng. Camp. 2; Ti Eng. Lit. 3. Robert Clark-Eng. Comp. 1, Ti Eng. Lit. 2. Mary Clemenc-Eng Comp. C; Eà Trig. 2; Lai. Aufli. C; Fr. Aufli. C. Louise Cale - Mod. Hist. C; 1. Tnig. C; Lai. Auib. C; Lai. Camp. C. WE'L AY T OES WE% SA I D S ving of $450 Statesmian know that they reap real benefits from what1 the sw n avrising Mn ade to Towni Theiy. Resmit- sid ourh staged a big dress saeien e uc i n R times as many dresses In JuIy e u to R t 1935 as in corresponding month iast year. Fred W. Neiles, grocer, reports that bch had one of the biggest Utilities Commission AIsc Saturday's business bc has $800 on Accumulated ever had iast Saturday, and the things that brought the Division - Over $1200 crowd were the articles ad- This Year vertised in The Statesman. Wcould gv you many in- A straight reduction of stances justivlike these, but they suflice to give you the S2.00 per light. retroactive to general idea. If you're a January Ist, 1935, was made merchant you too can reap to the Town of Bowmanville business from what you sow by the Public Utilities Com- in advertising. If you'rea miso tt Agtme- readr, ou'l fnd hatany ing, held in the Commnission c thing you want to buy or seli, offices on Monday after- S 1will bc bought quicker or sold noon. The reduction means I 1quicker through the medium a saving on street lightmng of of a Statesman classified approximateiy S450 per an- v advt. num.V lI addition to this substantialy recluction tbe Commission alsop Carwriht wn made a refund o! $805.58 fa the t: 1 Cartwrght Twp town. from the accumulated sur-h 2.s Plus accruung to the street iight- li Coun il Srike ing account. These two sums, h 22 ii Ta R te wilhjust offset the unprovided fora 22 M ll ax ate ncraseini the Counties Rate, v j due to tbe inclusion o! the 1934a Carwrîbt ownhîpCouci election ditch digging campaign.c ai its monthly meeting on Aug- the George E. tiesCmmsio! ust 6tb, struck a general fax rate * icUiiisCmiso of 22 milîs for 1935. Added ta e,plined that street hightîng il thi thre s o curs th 0scoo rates are controUled by the On- 1 stionthe s wfcourdi!tfe un tfariaHydro Commission and thats vrssection ts. Reeve N. reenth with tbe permission o! this body p varoussetios. eee N Grenthe reduction was made. Under t presided and ail members were the Power Act, the local com-P present. mission is permitfed tao retunn a r Fred Wbyte. Caesarea, tbankcd1 portion o! any surplus on street Il council for repaira ta streets. 1 lighting ta tbe town each year.c Department of Public Wel.fare1 and this bas been donc in past c advised council that no relief will years ta the extent o! about $300 i be paid to maie single pers ons per annum. Throughout these c between the ages of 16 ta 60. years a surplus bas been accru- il Cartwright Township is '74 % ini ng, and the Ontario Commission favor of a T. B. restricted area. suggesteci to thc local commission t] Threshing machine owners are that the surpluses be returned as a ta pay a license o! $1.00 and a refund to the town. r dlean their machines before mov- Street Lights have always been b ing ta another !armn. ______________ Orders werc signed as follows: Hydro Electric $ il.38 f 1 ~ W. A. VanCamp, Sc. - 'zories of riawg Treas. S. S. No. 1 50.00 D. A. Beer. Insurance 13.0T N. C. Martin, atxeep kiil'd 6.00 e or ra e R. Whitfield, sbeep kilI. 5.00 Hut-chinson, bread for bo r M n Moore family . 10.00 Receipts $6.35. - Council adjourned ta Sept. 2nd, Discovery and Develop- at 2 . m.ment of Romantic Pac- if ic Paradise Outlined MAPLEGROVEby William Boulton Mrs. Henry Perkins, Moorefîeld, Reiating his experiences on a visited bei mother, Mrs. J. B. trip ta the Hawaiian Islandsi Worden. 1 1932. William Boulton, member Miss Phyllis Clemence, Shaws, o! the Cobourg Rotary Club and visited Miss Vera Trimble. Superintendent o! Agencies for Miss Betty Snowden bas re- the Confederation Lif e Associa- turned !rom visiting friends at ioTrn, eihdteR- MsskVader nato.kvsie e tary Club on Friday with a fais- Ms EnPtiak ii ercinating word picture of the parents ai nikiln beauties o! these romantic sub- miss Vera Shackeiton, Bow- tropical isiands. Mr. Bouiton manvilie Hospital, visited Mrs. was introduced by Chas. H. Ma- Rosa Stevens. sn His adcress wes entitied1 Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden, s.o. M'inutes in Hawaii." MArs. Henry Pcrkins, Mrs. J. B. Transporting his bearers ta the Worden visited the iatter's son,. deck o! the palatial steamer, the Mdr. WilI Worden, Tyrone. President Coolidge, as it neared Mr. Ray Snowdcn. Toronto, the harbour o! Honolulu, he PIC- spent Sunday with bis wif e and tured for themn the beautiful fanÙly also, visited bis parents. scene that presented itscif as the ne Miss Iva Foley visited MISS liner steamed taward the royal ti Florence Bennett. ecmofteHwiasTh& Mrs. J. D. Stevens visited ber welcomc ngonte awh ains. Th dashteMwa.ari Wie the snow-whlte Aloha tower. bld isi Mraw.VeonTmbelunr ding a cordial weicome ta the wl Mr. docton cr ith ble umaticvisitons. ai tve or. scr ih huai As he stood on the deck he re- Mevr. G .Wgro h .. cailed the romantic bistory o! wi Mr.chiG. stWaff wlloccupy He these islands, tweive in number th eulpistSnaff, wthe ccpasth eand discovered by Captain Cook de pulpt o Suday th patorbe-in 1778. He had named them the fc ng on boiidays. Sandwich Islands in honor o! S< Congratulations to Miss Aura Lord Sandwich, First Lord o! the s( Rundle and Mr!. Kyle Squair on Admlraity. An outstanding f ig- lei their recent marriage. 1 une ini the carly development a! W Wedding belis are stili ringing thec isianda was a Lancashire t n this communIty. Boatswain, John Young, who was Mn. lannceL. sborieo! set adrift in a boat near the is- Mr. larece L Osbrne lands as a trader. He soon be- di The Statesenan staff is holiday- came Chie! Adviaer to the king. n' ng in Pembroke, Ottawa, and and married the king's niece. TI Callendar. IMr. Boulton reiated smc fascin- ci ating atonies o! the early hlstory wl Scoo elaesIof!heisland of Honouu and P amoIg the prlests because o! h r :amin tionResuts pwerbe wielded as an adviser. Pr Many years later, whcn the Poiy- 5C nesians which unhabitcd the Is- th Harold Colmer-Eng. Lit. C; lands had given Up their pagan: ec Pr. Auth. C; Zoo. 1.1 faiths, and bad become agnostic,1 fi, Gertrude Dewel-Eng. Lit. C; ardent missionaries froin Boston 1 C Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Camp. 2; Fr. 1arrived on the Island brlnging ri Auth. 2. with thcm their portable homes MI Doris Dudley-Eng. Lit. 2; Englaind printing presses, and so e!- 98 Comp. 2. fective was their wonk among the ec£ raiian Group in Address by atRotaryClub NO FEAR 0F EPIDEMIC One case of Infantile Par- alysis has been reported to the Mca Officer of Health, Dr.-W H. Birks, that officiai stated on Wednesday. This case was that of a Tor- onto boy summering on the West Side Beach who con- tracted the disease f rom a source yet unknown. Dr. Birks st.ated that this was a lone case, and he dld flot ex- pect that others would remiùt from it. The lad is being treated at his own home. >resent Pageant CampScholfield Indian days In the West were .called Wednesday night when îe boys of the B. T. S. at Camp 3cholfield, produced a moat real- stic pageant "Pioneer Days"' which !eatured the closing night )ftheir summer camp. The scene as the edge of a prairie where ,e chie! s o! the Mohawks, Onon- sgas and other tribes gathered or a peace ceremnony. A grue- ;me medicine man, in the per- ;n o! Bill Bagnell, chose the tribes; the pipe o! peace was smoked by ail the chlefs and xe ceremony ciosed. Suddenly the sound o! drums ruj singing couid be heard in the istance. the ominous !orerun- irs of the hated white man. he tribes scattered to a distant smp fire, wveli out o! sight o! the bhites. who soon put in an ap- carance. Later the Indians appeared, raded witb the white men and )retended to be friends. so, much o. that the leaders returned with hem where they were siaughter- d. Night came on and siinking igures hovered near the white împ.* Suddeniy a cry came from ie o! the white children and the nother arose to, quiet hlm. She Lzed into the dark, and shriek- 1-she had seen the Indians. 7hey swooped down upon the amp wiping it out, ieaving dead, nangled bodies on the ground. Jack Eastaw. director o! the igeant, acted as Big Chie! o! he Indian ceremony, while Don Villiams was In charge of the ehite party of pioncers. Wrestling, boxing and gym- saties !catured the programn jor to the pageant. Superintendent A. R. Virgin velcomed visitors, among 'who vere Oco. Hambly, a member of hc board o! directors; Geo. Ilfher, secretary ta Hon. David LCroll, and Wm. Cockburn, Vice resident of Kiwanls Interna- lofli. their fn mtr ap ageèt a view o! the country fram the air A wonderful Panorama a! hills Ontarios Tie ]Basebail Series and valcys, lakes and rivera. rock and a little roiling farm land pr F n lG a eH r S t r a sentcd itseif ta aour gaze. In the distance the Ferguson Highway Final_______________________ which begins ai Huntsville wound - ___ oui o! sight up a wooded valie ta the northward. Sbortly we Afternoon- Auxiliary Ontarios Outhit Bowman- !ollowed ibis well-paved road and of Trinity Church ville to Even Series 1-1 came soon ta a country with ____ mucb leas rock, a land o! much A eno uiin !Wm Six Errors Are Coat- ligbt soul along with sonie good feno AulirofWm soil. Tuene wcre settiementr en's Missionary Society o! 'min- ly to Locals where a whole vallcy had been Ity Cburch held their regular clearcd and buuli Up wiih sub meeting Augusi th. Meeting Port Hope Ontarlos, alded by stantial bouses and barns. Tue opened with prayer by Mrs. Wa- that f ickic madame of fortune. road from Burk's F'alls ta Cail- gar. It was rcported the Suppiy Lady Luck, trounced the Bow- ander was a goaci gravel road. Scc'y. Mrs. W. C. Washington. manville Rayais 13-5 on Wcdnes- Ai Callander the Dionne had two dozen emptY quart gems day nighi in the hllly town, ta Garage wth is Quintuplets" from the Victor Home, Taronto, even the playoff senies ai anc sign rcminded anc very forcibly waiing ta be excbangcd for fi- each, neccssitating a fhded game. tha th obect o!aurquei wreed ones. A collection was taken This sudden deatb affair Wli be near. Tue babies bave nothing one t atted0the Schooer pated n Bo Wiifvil ara to do wth the garage but theon taatdth Scolfrainon sign may improve business. We Leaders at Whltby. Prograna by Aithough the better team al learned ihat bere was the place Mrs. F. H. Morris' group was pi!C tbrough, Port Hope aiea got al ta turn casi of! the bighway to sided over by Mms. J. E. Ellioti the breaks, wbich evens mattere vist te hspial. We id otwho offered prayer; Mms. Franlk as Bowmanvulle were the luckY turnt off bowcvcras utwe dd t Jackman rcad Psalm 24; Mrs. R. ones un the firsi tilt. Twlcc lasi 4 p. m Anf obhiginga r age ai- H. Warder gave the devotional nlght, Ontaro players dropped tendant in!ormed us that the leafiet "UndesaigFind the bail dead on thc foui lie for hours to sec the children wcre ati n an inieresting enanner; Misses bits and several o! their lnfield 8 and Il a. m., 1 and 3 p. m. Jean and Aleen W1g1it. accomp- bits werc of the scratcby varlety. Standard 'Mime. aied by their mother, Mrs. Chas. Dave Osborne, wbo started, was Alter spending the nigbf in Wight, sang vcny fechungly "In yanked in the !iftb wifb two on North Bay we returned to Call- thc Garden"; Mrs. Bertha War- bases ana two oui, alter four bad ander at 7.40 a. m. anmd turned nica gave a very interesiing t.a!lk been scored, three on errons wltb eastward toward the Dafoe Hos- on Trnindad. Len. Wakely's homer belng flhc Onau wy e asedDr,,Al hîgaoby ixd1 aw."enly earnd run. Bruni replaced pital.Onorwyw asdD. "i hnsoe ie as- Osborne and two runs crossed tbe (Continued on Page 8) Lucretîus. plate in thai innlng and un fthc sixtb alter waling tbree men and Nortumbnlan an Duram ead aliowing anc bit Bruni gave waY Nortumbrlad ad DuhamLea to"Shinny" Moise wbo touled better than f air bail the rest o! Ontario in Favor of Restricted Area the gncamneh Northumberland and Durham tionis have been circulated i the gone ta third on Bagnell's double, Cauntici show the higlicat per- varlous districts and returna flow counflng on a squeeze play witb centage o! farmers un favor o! are almosi compîcte, the Depart- Calwcll laying down a perfeci the restricted area ta eradicafe ment states. bunt. They scored iwo more In bovine fuberculosis, in the Pro- Peel Couniy la also well over the scvcnih alter twa were down. vince a! Ontario. More than 75 the required 66 per cent., almosi on thncc singles by Mollveen, Wil- per cent. favor a restricied arca complete reiurnis undicating more' liama and Moise; and iwo in tbe in Haliburfan County, compîcte iban 75 Per cent, o!fthc f armera eighth, a double by Corden that rcturns show, wbile in York In f avor. Tue succcss Ine Durham was saiidwlcbed beiwccn two County 82 per cent. have signcd County bas been iargely duc ta fumbîca by Hudson. up so far. the cnfbueiasm o! E. A. Bummners,' Port Hope 020 244 Olx 13 13 3 Aimosi 85 per cent. o! farinera Agricultunal Representative. Tue Baw'le 100 000 220 5 10 6 in Halton, Peel, Ontario and reeves a!flthc several townships Port Hope-L. Wakcly and York Couniies bave declared have also workcd enfbuslastically Rowclif!e. ibemscives in f avor o! a rcstnlcted to, put the measure bIta effeci. Bawmanville-D. Osborne, Brunt, arca Ine the four counties, signed The petitions will lie forardedj Moise and H. Osborne. petitions recclvcd by the Provin- to Ottawa and final decialo1n as ta cial Depariment o! Agriculture wbeibcr the restrictcd arcas Wii Master Chas. Churchi, Geli- revealed. be fornied will rest wlth the DO- 1 awa, la bolidaying wib Master Durlng fthc past six wccks peui- inlon Governmcnt. flan. Richards. Town Reverses Recent Action On Peddler's Licenses-.vLaird Butcher License Is Revoked OPENS CAMPAIGN SPer Annum Is in $2 Per LigLi troactive ian. i o Makes Refund of Over Surplus in Street Lighting 0Will Be Saved by Town charged at so much per light, Per annum according to candie power. The present charges have been. f or 80 watt lamp, $14.00 peri annum; for 150 watt lamp, $20.00 Per annum; for 300 watt lamp. $37.00 Per annum. The new charges will be $12.00, $25.00. and $35.00 per annum in the respec- tive classes. These reductions again bring very forcibly before the public the wisdom of their action a few rears ago in purcbasing the local plant as a public utility. Since that time several adjustments have been made to, rates which, have saved the consumers many hundreds of dollars. Debentures are paid off several years in ad- lance o! requirements, creating ani annual saving in interest charges. It is flot unlikely that as the Commission continues to pay off its debentures, before and as tbey come due. that rates will be con- siderably lower when the local plant is completely paid for. At the same time as the debt on the Plant bas been reduced, and the rates reduced. the Commission bas been building up a valuabie contingency fund which will take care of ahl repaira and replace- nents as tbey are required with- out any need for capital expend- tures that would affect the rates. The reductions announccd by the Commission reflect once ag- ain the very able and efficient nanner in which the local system bas been managed by Mr. Chase. WON'T YOU HELP A WORTHY CAUSE? Each year thousands of lit- tie Toronto kiddies swelter in the midsumaner heat, ln- wardly praying for a holiday l n the country. If you would jHike to give a littie child a week or two weeks' holiday, why not take one of these littie tots and help to regain heaith and happiness ine your home. There are stili 500 Toronto kiddies waiting for the Invitation to spend a few happy days with you. If you are interested write the Neighborhood Workers As- sociation, 22 Wellesley Street, Toronto 5, together with the name o! Your minister or other prominent person in your neighborhood. The kid- dies are medically examined before they come to your home, and transportation is paid. They are depending on you. Please don't fail them. A. A. Martin Paid Visit to Quints on Trip to North Bay tWritten specially for The Statesman by A. A. Martin, P. S. I.. Brightan, Native o! Newcastle) July 3lst found the writer and bis family and two relatives specding alang the Highway 12, north a! Whitby. Tbaugbts were frequently turned ta the five babies wbo hived samcwhere f ar ujp the road that we were foi- iowing. Our minds were able aiso ta appreciate the fine crops that we saw being barvested on every hand. Ini some areas the grain showed the cvii cf fects o! the heavy staris a! wind and nain and bail wbich have passed that way. From Beaverton north we found that the grain was flot yet ripened. At Beaverton we had a good view o! Lake Simcoe with usz beautiful broad expanse o! clear water. We pasaed through Oril- lia in a beavy touriat traf!ic both ways. The summner reaorts aIl along Lake Couchiching appeared to be quite weIl patronized. There were many places ln moat beau- tiful surroundings. If was bere that the rock began. Much o! the country was nat under cul- tivation. Where !arming was carried on there was very littie stock-raising. Most o! tbe farm- ens wene baying. The bay con- sisted a! fine timothy, rcdtap. June grass and a little red claver. Ail the way ta Burk's Falls we saw much rock and f orest and water. On the way we passed througb Gravenhurat Bracebridgc and Huntsville as wcli as several ather amaller places. At Hunts- I '1 Mitchell F. Hepburn Prime Muniater a! the Province o! Ontario, wha wili fire the op- ening gun of the Liberai candi- date's camPaign in Durhba m CountY wben lie addresses a mass meeting in the interesta o! W. F. Rickand at Newcastle on Tues- day, August 2Oth. I WEDDING Waters--Brggj The marniage o! Miss Elsie Mabel Bragg, daughter o! Mn. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Bowmanviile, and the late Mrs. Bragg, ta, Cap- tain H. Dudley Waters, M. C., Highland Cneek, took place Sat- urday, Auguaf lUth. Rev. L. S. Wight performed the cercmony. The bride was attended by ber sister, Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto. A!ter a boat trip to, casterfi Points they wiil reside ai their new home ai Highland Creck. Previaus ta the marriage the staff of fhe Wiilard Chocolate Company o! wbom the bride bas been a veny efficient member for a number o! years, presentcd lber with a sterling silver tea ser- vice. and the firm gave ber a substantial check. She was alsoi the recipient o! several "show- ers" fram ber girl friend in the office wben she received a fine assortment o! linen, cookig andý cieaning utensils and a campicte j set of Yardley toilet requisites j Council I8 Divided on jQuestion - Portion of License Fee Will Be Refunded Reversing its decision of the Juiy meeting, Town Council on Monday might, once again revoked the Laird butcher license, and decided to refund a portion o! the license fee proportion- ate with the amount of time elapsed since It was issued. The matter provoked a leng- thy discussion on whlch council was divided. The discussion was again pre- cipitated wben Reeve R. O. Joncs asked Mayor Stnike was if flot right for the Brown fruit license ta be given back if the Laird Il- cense was returned. On motion the matter was reopened for dis- cussion. Caunciliors Little and Masan stuck ta their guns wiih the opinion that having once iss- ued fhe licenses they should. be permitted ta last the stipuiated time. Other members o! couneil believed that if the Laird license was returned, Brown was also en- titied to the return o! bis, and that wouid immediately place the town back whcre it was before the ncw bylaw was enacted. The outcome o! the discussion was that a motion that both lbcenses be rcVoked, and fees refunded in proportion ta the time explred, was passed. Councillors Little and Mason dissented, and Coun- cilior Arthur Hout, wbo dcclared he was "betwecu two fires" dld not cast a vote. Councillor W. A. Shane was absent. A letier was read from. J. D. Hogarth, cicrk o! Township o! Darlington, agrccing ta rcnew ten Year agreement relative ta bor- der roads between the two miss- icipalities. Tue Mayor and Clcrk werc autborized - ta sign agree- ment, on conditions that there be no0 ctpense on the Henderson bridge this year. L. B. TaPson's requcat for the removal o! two trees In front of bis propcrty was rc!errcd ta the Property Cammîttcc wiih power ta acf. Mr. Tapson's requcaf for one O! the trees was granted. Other trees in a dead or danger- oua condition wcre ordcred cut down. The Salvation Army was auth- onized ta use Rotary Park for its Field Day on August 28th, when

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