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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1935, p. 3

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q* 'THEW CANAflAN STA'TESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1935 PG HE I - STATESMAN'S SHORT STORY "The Surgeon 's Hands" By MISS ELSIE CARRUTHERS, Bowmanville EtIor's Note-Miss Carrutheis 'H ello, E mii y. How arf up to thîs year has beau a st.u- things?" dent at. Bownianville Higb School "Tbey migbt ba bettar, sir." and bas on vaîjous occasions the servant replied sourly. shown consideî'able lîteî'ary and 'Well! Thats too bad. Tel] dramatic talent on the stage andi Carter to get these tbings intc in the Screech Owl scbool maga- the bail. will you please?" zine. During the past year sbe 1"Carter isn't bere any mone bas been taking a course in! si'." Emily said, ber face lengtb- Journalism frîom a well known ening. 'ts tima you knew,1 American school. To get some1 think, even if your f a t h ei practical experience in ber chos- dosn't," she acideci, sniffing. en profession she bas in recenti "What on earth are you talk- months contnibuteci several very1 ing about. Emily?" Anthony ask- inteesting and entartaining art- ed with a puzzlad frown. "Neyez icles to The Statesman. Miss m rinci now." ha said as Emily op- Carruthers bas aiso the ambition enec bei' mouth to, replay. "IV and urge to write fiction and in got to get this junk in." this endeavour we are glad to Ha turneci to the waiting taxi give ber encouragement by pub- "Would you help me witt lishing berawitb one of ber short- this?" ha asked the bored driver stories. Wa make this suggestion he man agreeci laconical ,witbout consuiting ber: After youý and unfoldeci himseif f rom bc- have reaci ber story andi bave bînd the wbeel. Wben bis lug- any comments. suggestions or gage bad been dumped in a cor criticism to off er write to Miss ner of the spacious hall, Anthon3 Elsia Carruthars, R. R. 1, Bow- tuî'ned to the dour Emily. manville. "Where's motber'?" "Shes resting. The doctor sai The olci house wit.h its jutting she must lie down f rom two tc windows andi pointed ga bl1es five. Her beart's bad agaîn.1 basked in the April sunsbine. suppose they didn't tell you tbai The taxi swayed up the elm- eitber" She sniffed. "She want- lineci drive and deposited Antb- eci to get up to meet you but ony in Englisb tweeds, a trunk! told ber you'd keep until five." and two bags before the door.' Quite true, Emily," Anthon3 Anthony grinnaci. Home again! agreaci. bis dark face grave. "Ane Edinburgb seameci very far away. Daci won't be home until six, A gray-baired woman opened suppose." the door. "About five. There ism't muet Gilen Rae Dairy Announces a New Dairy Product %50 for S12 oz. carton KEEPS JNDEFINITELY YOU'LL LIKE IT SoId from delivery wagons or at our Dairy. Glen ]Rae Dasory R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors PHONE 408J BOWVMANVILLE -business to keep hinm at the of - fice now, except trying to figure out how to pay the bis," Emiiy told him bluntly. Anthony raised one eyebrow slightly. p1ekie,"' was all he said, as he1 pikdup bis two bags. ce He spent the next hour in his room. unpacklng. He was un- easy. It. badin't been a very cheer- fui bomecoming. He pottered absently. Presently he looked out e. f the windo'v and saw bis fatb- 1er's taîl figure, sightly bent and rlooking thinner than be had re- m e m b e r e d, approaching the -house. Gerald Marshall was one -of those enviable men whose ryears increase their cbarm. He arwas wittY, claver and amusing. ebut as Anthony met him in the ball, he was startied by the hag- c.gard worriedness of bis face. ;h 'Hello. Anthony." His father r. grppei bis hanci. "I'm glad ly you're home again. How goes it?" a-His voice had Ioat its old ight- ness. "- I'm fine, Dad. But from what y I bear, things hei'e are anything but that." Marshall glanceci at Antbony id as hie took off bis coat and bat. o '-I see Emily bas considered it 1 her duty to enlighten you," be at said, forcing a smile. "Well, per- t-haps she's right. Come into the I library. I want to have a talk before your mother comes down." y A fire burned cheerfuily bere, d flickering over the book-lined Swalls, the brown rung, the green drapes on the long windows. The ,h warmnth was pleasant after the damp spring air. Anthony's f a- ther sat down in a big leather chair and lit bis pipe. W'hen it was drawing weli, be said: "A lot of firmas bave f aiied ev- erywhere during this depression, and I'm afraid ours will be the next in tbis town. We've tried to keep afioat as long as we could for the sake of the men as much as anytbing. But our credit is exhausted and our sales bave dwndied away to Practically no- thing. We're nearly bankrupt and I cant see what more can be done to save us." The f ire crackled in the quiet room and a dlock ticked on the mantel. Anthony said nothing. To him business was a foreign country speaking a language swhich defied bis powers of leaen- Ing. His father sighed and con- tinued: "Nobody saw the depression coming. We're only one of tbe thousancis of companies ail over the country that have gone un- der. If it weren't for Atkins, w,ýe'd be out on the street now. But aven he can't control de- pressions, and I have no bead for business." "Neither have I, Dad. Al I know is medicine. You shouid have had a son with executive brains to pull you out of this." "I'm giad I didn't," Marshall smiled. "I sbould bate te ive with a bore." "But Dad," Anthony protested, pacing the length of the room, "if I hadi known this I could bave been earning something in the holidays. V've had several chan- ces at jobs but I tuened them down because I only get home once a year." "I suppose I should bave told you before, but I didn't want you to worry about it until you got your degree. You're headed f3r a great career, Anthony. But in af raid," he said slowly. avoiding bis son's eyes. "that there wont be any money te send you back this September." "Dad! You don't mean it! It can't be as bad as that!" Cold fear ciutched at bis heart. His father noddad. "My Goci .' Anthony wbispered and walked to the window, bis back to bis father. Ha stood thara for saveral minutes, look- ing at tha wide sweep of spring- ing grass, the f ew brave daf fo- Jduls and the brown buds on the OnIy a Few Days O6w Ahead ........ AugustMonday, -~Tuesday, 19## 20Wednesday, Agricultural Exhibits, Live Stock, Large Midway, Fireworks, Grand Stand Performances, Horse Races, Fruit and Vegetable Exhibits, Flowers and Hundreds of Other Attractions. QOntario County's Annual EXHIBITION Corne and Bring Your Friends. We'll Be Seeing You at the Fair. gaunt trees etcheci biackiy ag- ainst the paie sky. But ha diint sea any o! it. He was gazing into a gray future wbare if e steetchact endlassly ba- fore bim, davoid o! maaning ha- cause be was flot a surgeon. Woî'k bis way tbeough the last year? Ha couici try, ha suppos-1 eci. But there wara 50 many do- ing the same thing, and ha was so usaiess. Wbera business was concernaed. Anthony and bis fta- ther migbt just as weii be adrift in~ a row-boat witbout oars. An- thony's grancfather, founder o! the business. had faiied to ha- queatb bis sbrawd sansa to bis son, Geralci, along with bis fort- une. Anthony took bolci o! himsalf. Ha straightaned bis shouldai's and stroliing back to tha fire, gava bis fatbar's shoulder a pat. "Buck up, pater. Samething will turn up, at laast Micawbei' always thougbt so, and it's a good philos ophy ." His long. tapering fingars sel- ected a cigarette. His f athar watching tham groaned inward- ly. What a mess ha bad made o! everything. Ha knew that worry as much as ber heart bad caused bis wif a to come danger- ousiy close to complete collapse a m o n t h ago. Mechanically ha knockad the ashes out o! bis pipe. Hlis wif a cama in then. An- thony kissed bis mother, noting ber thinness with dismay tbough ha gave no sign. "Looking as sweet and iovely as ever." he greeteci. smiing. "Women witb souis îike yours are always beautiful. mothar." "Nonsense," bis mother said, ber delicate features flushing slightly with pleasure. With easy grace she waikad over ta bar busband. standing by the fire, and took bis banci. Ha kisseci ber iightly on the fore- heaci. "Shall we have tea?" sha sug- gasteci. "Anthony, you must ha starvaci after your long journey. Emiiy dcesn't believe in snacks betwaan meais and she continues to dominate the houseboii. Flow- ever, there are f resh tea-bîscuits and bonay." Witb that old familiar twinkle in ber clear eyas. she smiied at ber son. That night Anthony wrota to Dr. Gates in New York, wbo haci offereci him a job a montb ago. IBut Dr. Gatas was sorry. the pos- ition haci bean fiiled. Ha wouid certainiy racommenci Anthony for any job that tueneci up though. Anthony tara up the latter, lus dark eyes troubleci. In the neigb- boueing city ha trieci to get woek. any kind o! work. Finally. ha got a job seliing aluminum-wae, but ha faIt ridiclulous and was, con- sequently, a rotten salesman. Ha was fireci in June. Mora pavement pounding in increasingiy bot weatber. At last a temporary job in Giannon's Department Store selling men's wear. His friandks wera embar- rassed to f mci bim there; some 0f tbem dici not sea bim. But this, while it burt hlm, was by no means tha greatest of Anth- ony's worrias. His saiary barely provideci for existence; by miss- ing bis lunch ha saveci a faw dol- lars. But it was August now and in another week ha would be tbrough here. What than? Ha dictn't aven have enough money for bis passage, let alone bis fees. Marshall & Company went bankrupt late in August when Anthony haci been .out of work two weeks. It was as if someone had diad in the bouse. The dis- grace mnight have bean expacteci to prostrate Mary Marshall, but *sha was one of those gallant wo- men wbo aiways çome through witb fiying colours wban their *men most neeci them. Antbony's f ather was offered a secretaniai position at Gragg Brothers. Ha accapteci with tbanks. It seemeci to Anthony that ha had reached a deaci endi, a biank .waii. Thera was no longer mean- ing ta bis life. Sometimes ha sat staring at bis useless banda. Ha bad been prouci of those same bancis in the surgary. To tbink that neyer again -' Probabiy if ha haci inheritedi some of bis grandfather's f ortitude, ha would flot have givan Up so eas'iiy. (But unfortunately be badn't.) The humici, sultry beat got on bis nerves until ha thougbt ha would go mad. One night ha stod ataring at the olci Marsalal factory for bal! an boue. Ha began ta walk then, biindiy. Thunder rumbleci om- inousiy. A wind speang up Out o! the deaci stilinesa and blew in little gusts. Anthony cama to open country aInng the hîghway .iust as the stcem beoke. As the first drops feul on bis face, it came to bim Frantlcaiiy ha searched iIn the wrackage for bodies. Thera was only one, the driver pinneci ha- hind the wbeel. By superbuman effort Anthony dragged hlm out <Contnued on Pmg 7) Valley; Harbor Commi 5s i o n e r George Porter, and Harey Hodg- son. Radio broadcasting stationfl will be seen in operation at the Canadian National Exhibition. They will be found in the Elec- trical and Engineering Building. One of these accepts messages for transmission at no cost to the sender. OBITUARYi William W. Allun, Bowmanviiie A very worthy citizen and long- time resident of Bowmanville pa-sscd away on Friday, August 2nd. in the person of Mr. William W. Allun, in his 8'th year, after several weeks' illness. Deceased was born in Devon- shire, England, on January l3th, 1850. being a son of the late Wil- liam and Jane Allun. He came to Canada with his parents when two years of age. the family set- tlng at Courtice. When the fa- ther died the family moved to Bowmanville. Mr. AllUn clerked for many years in the grocery stores of Lyle & Martyn, Mur- doch Bros., Young & Co., and was in partnership with F. A. Haddy. When the present Post Office was buit in 1904 he became care- taker. a position he worthily held for 19 years. retirîng at the age of 74 in November 1924. Since the death of bis wif e, Rebecca Wilson. in January 1925:1 he bas resided with bis daugh-ý ter, Mrs. A. E. Gilders. Welling- ton Street. He was a faitbfuli attendant and member of the Methodist Church. now Trinity United. being a member of the Officiai Board for many years. in earlier if e he was a member of the Fire Brigade. He was also a member of the Court Pride of Ontario, Ancient Order of For- esters, and for many years took an active interest in ail its activ- ities. The funeral was beld on Mon- day, August 5th, from the resi- dence of his son-in-law, Mr. A. E. Gilders. Wellington St., Rev. A. S. Kerr officiating in the ab- sence of his pastor, Rev. E. F. Armstrong. The pali b ear er s were Messrs. G. A. Corden. Wil- liam Painton. T. H. Lockhart. F. C. Vanstone, C. A. Cawker and R. E. Osborne. He leaves to mourn his passing one son, Mr. Geo. W. Allun, Van- couver. B. C., and one daughter, Mrs. A. E. Gilders, Bowmanviile; and one grand-daughter, Mrs. Il- een Cartwright. Vancouver, B. C. Relatives and friends from a distance were: Mr. Ralph Allun, Mr. Luther Allun, Mr. Percy Taun. ,Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dunsford, Mr. R. T. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hambly, Miss Grace Hambly, Mr. Norman Black, Mrs. W. New, Mrs. Coolrictge, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper and son Bert. Toronto; Mrs. F. A. Fitchette. Montreai; Mr. and Mrs. Mort Murdof f. Miss Borea Murdoff. Lindsay; Mrs. A. Nesbitt, Miss Bernice Nesbitt, Mrs. E. Connolly. Mrs. Maud Corey, Oshawa; Mr. Edward Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue, Tyrone. The beautiful floral offerings consisted of sheaf s f rom Officiai Board o! Trinity United Churcb, Men's Brotherhood of Trinity United Church, A. O. Foresters. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Heal and Mr. Fred Heal, the Painton Family, the Young Fam- ily and the Dunsford Family. Sprays. Mrs. Jno. Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Challis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper, Harry Alun and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, Miss Thelma Gilders, Mar- garet and Wilbur Dudley, Mr. and~ Mrs, Russell Candier. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Miller andi Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. Nich- olson and Mrs. Murdoff, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preston and Mrs. S. Gil- ders, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Mr. and Mrs. H. Allun, the Stutt Boys, Edith and Albert; Basket. Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt and Miss Berniece Nesbitt. # 0 0 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mes. A. E. Gilders wish to thank their many f riends and neighbors, nurses, and Rev. A. S. Kerr, for the beautiful floral offerings, and their kind- ness and sympathy during the iflness and death of ber father. Mr. W. W. Allun. Alfred Darch, Toronto Ailfred Darcb, 442 Shaw Street, Toronto, veteran printer and member of The Empire andi The Mail and Empire composing room staffs for 38 years, died Thurs- day, August 8th, af ter a brief il- ness, in bis 77th year. He was born in Bowmanville in 1858 and educated bere under the late Sir Sam Hughes. Before joining the staff of The Empire be worked in the Globe composlng room and was in tbe T ea at ïts Best THE CANADA YEAR BOOK The publication o! the 1934-35 edition o! the Canada Year Book is announced by the Generai St a- tistîc Brancb o! the Dominion i Bureau o! Statisties. The Canada Yeaa Book is the official statisti- cal annual o!fthe country and contains a tboroughly up-to-date account o! the natural resources of the Dominion and their devel- opmant. the bistory of the coun- try, ils institutions. its demo- graphy. the different branches of production. trade transportation. finance. education. etc.-m brie!, a comprebensive study witbin the limits o! a single volume o! the social and economnic condition of the Dominion. This new adition bas been thoroughiy raviseci throughout and includes in ail its chapters the latast information availabie up to date o! going to press. The 1934-35 Canada Year Book extends to over 1,250 pages, deai- ing witb every phase o! national Mef and more especially witb those susceptible o! statiscal measurement. Attention may be speciaiiy diractad to the statisti- cal summary o! the progreas %o! Canada includeci in the introdue- tory matter andi giving a picture in figures of the remarkabie pro- grass which the country bas made since the !irst cansus o! the Dom- inion was takan in 1871, sixty- four years ago. The volume ls illustrateci by CANADA' S POPULAR BREAKFAST Juttwo cris p-baked, golden.brown Shredded Wbheat Biscuits -ready- cooked, ready-to-serve .. rich in the vital elements of Nature's perfect cereal, whole whea.t. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Try Shredded Wbeat . . . try it with fresh fruit or berries and milk or cream ... it makes a most healthfui hot-weather meal. THE CANADIAN SHRIEDDED WNEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Fait., Canada SHREUDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA --0F CANADIAN WHEAT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L IIIII[IN STORES~ "'SPECIAL" PaG I SOAP O0 Bars 3 5C4 6"SPECIAL" 4 POSTS BRAN Per Pkg. 141 Miracle Whip 8ý/-oz. Bot. Salad Dressing-- Wclch's Grape Juice- Bot. 25<e For Your Sk'in Woodbury's Soap 3 for 25<g a ,îesc Spacial Values, axcept Fruits andi Vegetables, are effective until Wednesday, Aug. 2lst. "SPECIAL" BOVRIL OR EMERY CORNED BEEF Tin 1 ",&PECIAL" BRUNSWICK CHICKEN HADOIE 1d2c "SPECIAL" QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 Picgs.,21I "1SPECIAL", KirU<s Castule Soap 5 cakes 23( llsde 1-oz. Bot.SALR Stfe 4i« - - 25é SnîaU - - Doz. 99e Jiff7 Meala - - Tin I11< eMecsum- Doz. SIL.13 AylniarLag o.S.5 Cherries No. 2 Squat Tin 29t ag Dz 15 CHRISTIE*S SPECIAL FEATURE DOMINO 1935 PACK PEAS -- » TIN' 14c For 3ft and 1 Oxydol box top IL. O' Get 3 SILVER - PLATE D IICIE-D TiEÂ *.ilOXYDOLk MEAILS FROU OUR CLEIH O xydol Smarge Pli,. 2> Chas. P. Davis, Secretary. W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., M.L.A. President. Leon S. Osier, Mamwaer. many maps and diagramns and the! îal concession, ministers of reli- latest available data are every- 1 gion bona-f ide students and whare includad. Immii'ation 1 chool teachers may obtain copies and trade statistics for the fiscal at the nominal price of 50c aach, year 1934-35 and daieying statis- tics, wbich it was flot possible to, include in Chaptar VIIIwben Sleep is the great nourishar of this was baing printed, will be infants, andi without peaceful found in the Appendices. sleep the cbild will not thrive. Owing to the urgent need f or hscno ego ftei n economy in the distribution of! hscno ego fteifn Government publications, it bas be -troubled with worms. Miller's become necessary ta maka a Worm Powders will destroy worms charge to ail individuals receiving and dr-ive tbem from tbe systemn, the Canada Year Book. Personsan afrarsteci'set requiring the Year Book may ob-an tewrshecid et tain it from the King's Feinter,1 will be undisturbed. The powd- Ottawa, as long as the suppiy ers cannot injure the most del- lasts, at tbe prîca of $1.50, which icate baby, and there is notbing covars meeely the cost o! paper, 1 so effective for restoring the printing and binding. By a spec- bealtb of a worm-worn infant.

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