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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1935, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO, TKRiSDAY, AUGU ______ilwas heard outsde. The sounci paper was splendidly given bY I readings by Misses Margaret' The Newcastle Independent expet from a4;manthaasîd baby. scott Und Elva Pasce and Mrs. _____ and the whole crowd which nuiT- wa., served by the group ada Waltr Sidon Toonto an PhylisClemnceribercd about 160 ranl across the social time enjoyed. Mr. le Sdf ornaad hLi Ceec otored to11 rounds ta the inner fence. The - uisîtea Mr. and Mr.s.A. 0 Park- Sutton on Saturday and attend- 1 Idryione h lton er. c~d the Horse Show.odely montd1hepltfrm MDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS er. 1and announced that noa pîctures Profý C. B. Siss. oOrono, has . The Newcastle Horticultural i wvere ta be taken while the bu.bies- financecd and his sons built and, Societys Summer Flovver and iwiere on exhibition. A flutter of, BIackstock Continuation School __________________ placed in positionl a diving float -\Vegetable Show will be held in %white was seen inside the has- or large anchored raft. fitted the Commuflity Hall on WýAednes- pital. In a moment one of thel Louise Davidsof-Can. Hist. 1: __ wit di:n bords i Lae O- ay.Aug 2standwIl be open nurses was out on the platform. Chem. 2; Lat. Auth. 1; Lat.; WEDDINGSH taria sonie distance out from the t the public at 5.30 p. ni. Al wýith unof the babies. What Camp. 1. s-e in front iM.adMs nre ut D made by Tues- was her namne> Few knew. The Leona Devitt-An.Hst. 2: 0.Wo oh' tg. Needless dy Aug. 20th 10 p. m. ic nurse approached the stand: Physics 1: Chem. 1; Fr. Auth 2' AESB ta ayevryad a th lkeha te arener' will judge the ex- wbere their names were displayed! Fr. Camp. 2. day, August lth. 1935. by Rev. Pl taken considerable interesî ini hibits and deliver an address. I and begafi ta search for the cor- Ellen Emerson-Eflg. Camp. X; L .wgtBeeii.Cat. H. st thîs new acjuatic convenience. 33-11 rect card. At first she placed Eng. Lit. X; Cani. Hist. X; Alg. DLey.Wat.e.vilM. CHgandp Mrs Drg Lahue.Que. nd Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare were Ceie in sight. An expression C:Ce.3Çreek. and Miss Elsie Mabel. p Miss McNaughtoii. Toronto. vere, saddened by the death af a be-, ao wondermeflt and variaus pro- Annie Fallis- Can. Hist. X; Tagtra r .J rg. ' among the guests at the W. A. io;ed aunt. Mrs. Walter Foster.' nunciatians of the namne rolled Alg. X. M.P.P.. and the late Mrs. Bragg meeting tMrs. Merkley lark'S. -etn h asdaa u- vrtetrn u h us Muriel Fallis- Eng. Lit. X; a omnie Mrs. C. A. C,,waf and Mrs. W. D., denly Aug. 10th. Te attended shook ber bead and at last put Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. 3- Fr Bragg contributed a duet th.e funeral Tuesday aiternoan. tiup Emilie." We were flot sure Auth. C; Fr. Camp. C. om.: Mr adMr.Chs A CwniDcoaio Dywilbeos Iv but believed thal the nurse knew. Birdie Gibson-Eflg. Comp. 3: DEATHS a Mn. ndirMrs.hs. M. CwaHe Derbeinraytil e erv- xtThe youngster seemed deligbted Eng. Lit. C: Can. Hist. X .,____ viitcibe bohe. r.Hebeted a: Bond Head Cemetery next.tomp 2 Gilmier. Starkx'ille. : unday. Aug. l8th. under the when the nurse found the rgtC a.Cm.2 Mrs. W. H. Pearce and -on Er- auspices af the Canadiafi Legian naine for she began ta kick and: Ray Graham - Eng. Lit. C: MjLNnBa anien nest. Mr. Kenneth Pace. Port and Newcastle Municipal Cauncil. throw hervery ieaboutadsceo an s st C:em. 3;HLat. 2Auth 2: uesdy, August vlh. o935. Perry, Mr. Douglas Turner, Osb-, Service at 3 p. m. D.S.T. RevA. Sewas vr lvl. AElizabeth AC;nn HamblLat.Au, widaw r awa. and Mr. Roy Colwill. Tor-' G.Emt St. Johns Church . nurse followed wiIh Cecîle. She' Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. 2. Eaeth AeWlla Hamblyn, o h anto, vsited Mrs. Amas McMul-! Part Hope. vvll deliver the ad- d:d ber waving. kîcking and' NIil1 d r e d Hooper - Alg. X: mnhen8sfyer leKendal. Sunday. Mrs. Mc-; dress and local clergymen will crowing act and finished up wth, Chem. 3; Lat. Auth. 3: Lat. inhr8s e.n M ullen since the disastrus ana ltake part, a sort ai sng ai her own. Next iC np C;F .A t 2Fueral Parl mor rrhus a . August -F whleb desî.oyed their home ad Mr. W. James Ford and fam- came Annette wha performed in Rsa Lansifg-Efg. Cmp. X;: rlPro.Tusa.Ags i maost ai the contents. has been ily. \indham Centre, visited is a similar anfer. The fourth Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X; Anc. 15th. at 2.30 p. m. ta Bwman- stayifg wth Mr. and Ms. Cecil parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ord. i ne 10 arrive was Yvonne. She HTist. X. ville cemetery.c Glass. Mr. Mcullen's condition Mr. Ge. C. Wright ha-- been i, the eavv-iveight ai the grup. Norma McQuade-Eng. Cmp. EDWARDS - At St. Michael's 1 was sucb that lie haci to be tak- holidaying aI Sudbury witb his She taok one look at the specta- C; Eng. Lit. X; Cani. Hist. X; Hospital, Toronta. August 8th. en b ack ta haspitlal in Toraonto, sn M.Donald Wright. . tors and then squirmed around Alg. C: Physics X; Lat. Camp. X Wray Edwards. second son a! Mrs. Leslie Harris and son Ray, Miss Cora Butler, Librarian at t look in the opposite direction. tavyMlamEl.Lt. r n r.OcrEwrs alo elrin- o h cty teMeoralLIrry taben omalter haw the nurse îwvisted. Physies X. Port Perry. aged 28 years. In- Rev. Cý7cilAllin. Onargo. IE-. enjoyinr a wýell earned holidav. Yvonne would flot give us a fuUi- Victor Malclm-Eng. Camp. 2: terred at Nestleton cemetery. who \vth Ms. Allin and childref. Mastr Jimmie Kee-h is oli- face viewv. She did condescend Eng. Lit. 1: Can. Hist. X; Alg. X; IH9GHI omavleo bas be"n visiting bis brother. Mr. daying in Toronto. Ita wave ber hands once. The Chem. 1; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. Thursday-, August 8th. 1935. H. C. Alin. preached in the Un- Mr. Eric Gray, Sudbury. is vis- orderly was quite bothered about IX. Geon*gina Bottrel. beloved wife ited Church Sunday eveninc. itinz bis mother. Mns. Robt. Gray~. Yon shyneIs. He said that Anzari Taylor - Eng. Lit. 2: of Rager Fishleigh. aged 67 wben many of his Newcasle fri-1 Miss Louisa Hedges' group ai XYvonne used ta be *the boldeat i Can. Hist. 2: Pbysics 1; Chem. 2: years. end hd heplasue f eein Ithe \V.M.S. beld a successful promr fte all. Last ai Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. 2. GAR nOkod uutF bim and 0xchanging reetinzs. a:ln tMssDimad i am ai.Sewsrliing PeanlTaylr-Eig. Lit. C; Anc. ltb. Annie Parkinson. widaw E St. George s Cburcb - Rev. F.o a.udyateno.around in the nurses arma only Hist. C: AI'. X: Physica X.aitelI WlimGor.n H. Mison. M. A.. B. D.. Rec7tar. T aie asa roa e al awake. In ladt the nurse Harvey Thompson-Eiig. ComP. hn7n er nemita Sunday. August 8th. th Sun- cils by na mne. Rev. Cecil A îlin ai shook her twice to waken her. C: En.-. Lit. X : Ca . Hi t. X: Lter n i yain. I tr e t day aller Trinity: 9.45 a. m.- Onarea . Ill.. and Mn. Cecil Car- This caused her ta break ou, in, Anc. HiSt. X; Alg. 3: Physics 2: LitDe-InBrian Fl atr Sunday School il1 a. m M-%orn-i veth aof Newcastle. %vent fishinsa ral sob. At last she waved one LaI. Camnp. 2. HD -nBwarilStr ing Prayer and Holy Commun- li at Pearce's mash Monday. but hndta the crowd. The babies Lorna Trewn-Efg. Cmp. X: day. August lth. 1935. John ion; 7 p. m.-EVensofg and Sr- wethen îey caught manv or few were taken in tirn into the Sun En,,. Lit. X; Alg. X; Lat. Cmp 2.' ye omryo ice mon. , îhev hdnd put in their prama. Mabel VanCamnp-Cafl. HisI. 1: Cr-cek. Alberta. belaved bus- of the îinncy creatunes -ev a rc ad utbad iMary E. MeClellafi. FC United Cburcb - Rev. S. Mac- a good lime togetber swapping Thwhole show lasted about ten Chem. 1; Fr, Auth. 1; Fr. Camrp. bnemndomnil ee Lean. B. A.. Pastor. Su n day. an reaigepeece minutes. This was flae y1 Ags,1t:1.5a .-ud yarfinucb picture taking and the ask- Anniie White - Eng. Lit. 2: teny. Auus 8t: 015a m- onfya the past. m . MOUNTJOY-In Enniakillen. on School: Il a. m.-Morning Wor- 'Mr. Cecil Hornocks and two ing ai countîcas questions. At Cem. 2. -Eg om.X atra.Auut1th 95 sbip: 8 p. m.-Eveniflg Service: daughters. Misses Audrey and the end of another fifteen Min- Eva bie- ngCmpX: Sury.Aus lth 195 Devotianal Serv-ice at 8.30 p. m. Naomî Harro<'ks. xsthout any I utes the people wene aIl out and Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. X; Alg. C. Fred Mountjay. aged 67 yeara.- every Wednesday. outside assistance, have almoat 1 the gate was closed. The crowd Walter Wrigt-Eng. Comp. 3: Interned at. Hampton cemeteiy. F Mrs. Truman Power. Bowman- comnleted aIl the carpentrvy work then gathered around thbe boath Eng. Lit. 1: Can. Hist. 2; Anc. SLEEP-At Dunn Ave. Hospital, ville, visited ber cousins. Misses ai thpirnenw Iwo stry oue.wbicb is situated an the road- Hist. 2: Alg. 2; Physics 1: LaI. Toronto. August 9tbh, Samuel Catherine and Estella Blackburfl. IGea. Springham bas the contract side jusî east ai the hospit8.l. A Comp. 2. Luther Sleep. agcd 53 years, Mr. . . Bnaha 1 " " win ad H S B ito1 rs business ensuedl in quintup- 9 papers. 31 f ailed. beloved busband af Edith Mary and family were at their cottage forelctir iing. Iltsueisadrfehxft. ________ Bimmcll. 19 Peel St., Lind- aI Wasaga Beach. The trip bomeward took us ta 1 1 say.____ Mrs. Drg, Lachute. Que.. 15 Mattawa and down the Ottawa TYF( visiting ber f iend. Mrs. H. W. A. A. M R I PAID S River ta Pemnbroke. Il sbowed us i_________. I-elp Wanted MARTeyN what a fine land is ours. Dudle. QUNTS A A. arti. Misionay prgnamsaI SndayHELP WA.NTED - WMNO Mr. and Mrs. Ray Douglas and VISIT TOQUNA.AMatn isorypgai tSud W A O family bave returned ta Hailey- Brighton. Ont. Schaol fon July and Auguat were girl ta assiat witb bansework bury aller a pleasant visit with iContinucd from page 1) Ags 7 95sbartened an accaunt o! the bol on farm. Phone 320r2. 33-1 his mother, Mrs. Jn. Douglas. doeu rmavsttotehs ete.Toetkn ati Mr. hlan r.H .Rae aedav pfoh isihet the s eJuly pragram were, Miss FEMALE HELP -EXPERIENO-'si ben oldaifgwitb ber bro-pli Frm bsh e tateS LN Ethel Skinner, "Life in Kaea; cd Ioopr n opes ne ther, M . W alter D ouglas at N ew baszp tale s a distance o ! about __ Ot ry b M s. R H d sa ;)nPa e s h and t p ese. A ppl Mor. and Prvde. . Sain twa ml es.anThe-,rad ba iben -Albert Hilîs led in prayer. Aug- Supreme Knittîng Milîs Limit- n. fand Mr osAels. W. aiburY S.dhcned and rsnlaed witb Recent Vistors: Mn. and Mas. ust program was as fallaws: Pa- cd. 43 Davies Avenue. Taronta. and!amly.LasAngles Cai., g ae 0tbttwvas cafntssIsaac Hardy and lairuly aI Mr. 1per by Mns. Dudley; vocal duet 33-1 visited bis uncle, Mn. Wmn. Sains- wt ae It is vsl îfrn Harvey Hardys, Oakwood yMissesSuiTamsf and bur. ndaut.Ma. lfedEl- i apparnc fro watDrMaster John Grooms. ot, Helen TMm; readiflg by Mrs. WNE REFINED. RELI-- woth Dla ascdaxrontht c- at Mn. S. E. Wernys Muiss R. Hatberly; missinary study a! able waman as housekeeper Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Glenney arable morning ai May 28, 1934. Hernon, Toronto, aI Mn. Jas. Japan by Mrs. R. Hadgsan. and ta look after elderly lady. were exhibitars at the Sutton Mfter Safily ounding each o! Smalc' Misa Muriel Baker at Sunday Schaal next Sunday at two in home. Best references Hanse Show and wocn a number the many cunves on tbis road the Mn. Maurice Bakers, Concord 10.30 a. m. rcquircd. state wvagcs. persona.l al top pnie. noy.Mr. oss f ero! terDao ospl.I as t Mrs. John Kivell wilh ber Sis- Wamen's Institute and Ladies' application prelenred. Box 39. Mrs Arhi Glnne. rs.Ras apeacd ve a nal. f ý t er, Mrs. Spencer Wod, Bow- Aid will mccl at Mas. Russell Newcastle, Ont. 33-1 Dickinson and Misses Marianie uated on the Dionne fanm acrossa manville Miss Beîsy McMas- Wright's August 22nd. at 2.30 p. teroad from' the Dionne home- 1 ter, Toronto, wtb ber cousin.,m Distric President Mas. Lang- Threshing sea The opiais neMiss Rb Paker Mn. and mad-l ie a lalk. Note the -- stoney truc ture built un the Ms ak e.Misse Heln cange a!date zhaïe ai a T. with an open plat- Mand KathlenBaker andses elyncngMis Vioa dat s trndWANTED - WE ARE PREPAR- fonm along the soutb side facingad cle akradEey is il hrt isrtre d ta do Threahing and Silo- the Tonk aTheMn.sHatard Couch's. after taing a short course in filling. Gen-ral rat.e $1.80 per are fnoeacrTe sital roundaBetbesda Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Toronta. bour. David Muttafi, B a w- LIB ER A L are fîenaecrsinex t eent hYDcbarr and baby Violet. Kedron. J. H . Multori. H. G. Mack- manville. Phone 317. 33-1 Lt B ER AÎL re 'D ing nl se at peent wh:riend: here Mrs A. Wil- lin, F. L. Byam. P. Hayward anidW high and topped wîb thnce 1 iisadDrohM akM. J. Vîtue attcndcd the Lîb- W nted To Rent IVI s igtands anbdision'c A tid!. Mrs. Wells, ParI Penny, aI Mn. Sevenal fram here altendcd the WANED TO RENT-FARM OF 9 II g gaeries. amis p sn ta te Chas. Howsams Mrs. Jim Field Day at Pontypool on Man- 100 or marc acres. Good build- 1gith iudsitin urs tcoseexpt Verney, Bob and Joan, Mns. Car- day. ings. Capable larmer with goad A pbaiImethe w:l isinos take out lyle Stev ens and Douglas, Tan- Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. equipmcnt. R e pI1 y -M. W." A ubicmetig 1i the public. Isd the grounda onto. vMiss Marjory Pascoc and Robt. Burgess at Mn. W. E. Stev- Drawcr B, Bawmanville. 33-1* b e held in lb ere is a second fence. waist Mis. Jim Hogarth, Hampton, aI ens'., Hamnpton Mns. W. F.I bi"b.wbuca llrohwthe specnta- Mn. Thos. Bakers Misses Park. Shirley anid Doris. anc bol- Rooms Wanteil COMM NIT HAL fet ofteopnpacbwiîun Te, Mary and Evelyn Parrander witb, idaying at Keswick ..Mn. and - COMMUNITY HAL fr ont af the apnplto. Th their grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Hembhill. Hugh and WA.NTED - LADY WISHES AN Newca tleras b wa ve frond t e sptl rumeCoubu.Elmer, Toranta. with Miss Viola unfurnishcd bed-sitlinig roam. Nouta~I oa bontcvelledyad id ened Mssionary programn at Sunday Shonît Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd heaîed. central location. Apply TUESA aring 'a abolynd hs itee Scbool was in change o! Mas. Robinson and Benniece, Mn. Jar- "B. H." Statesman office. TUSDYpang spAacge along utheasot.b Jack Yellowlees. Bible lessan was, visJames. Peterbara. Mn. and 33-1 ence. A lanc sign j yusIayliîlercaky isIsobel Yelloce S. sJ. Lillicrapp Sr.. Miss Velma - A ugust 20 .cat pncrams Iatyfoura pr An inîeresling missîonary talk Campbell, Mn. and Mns. J. Lilli- Bearders Wanted 8.oun car a.SlTdayefor fiitecn was given by Mrs. S. E. Werry. crapp and Doris. Mn. Bert Jewell. - 8.0Wm DST en rivda 75 . .i At the churcb service Mn. Allan aI Mn. F. L. Byamn's. Mrs. Lilli- BOARDERS WANTED- ROOM hen wc rnived t-7.50 asm. Balsan îook charge very capably crapp and Miss Velma Campbell and board for elderly lady in SPEAKERene ed lne thenIoulivencars and gave a splendid address. remained fan a visit Mn. and camfortable home. Apply "J. SPEA ERSpacuaongth eresoeuîb fne Regular meeting of the Divis- Mrs. F. Rose, Belle Haven, wltb W." Drawcr B, Bowmanvillii. an rregular mass aI the gale lion was held Thunsday evening in Mn. and Mas. Harold Burges 3 P remier li. F. wailing fan the, arrivaI af the thIe Sons Hall. Threc ncw mcm- 1Mn. and Mas. Wesley Little, Car- zero hour. Insîdetene bers iniliated. Plans werc madeldinal. wltb Mas. Wm. Little and BOARDERS WANTED - R0OI% th enea for a corn noast ta be hcld next 'Mn. Wm. Little Miss V ioala and board fan single lady ar H epburn frt. lsoking y adcracknde month. Installation of o!! icers Shairtt with ber sister. Mas. A. W. schoal girl in a home with atl wilh the crowd. He wa.s dnessed then took place. Prescott Master Bud Virtue. modern conveliecies. V e r TheLibralCanidae i a lueuniorm son t ýMusses Jessie, Norma and Grace BowmaTiile, witb Mr. and Mas. reasanable rate. Apply "L. J." Provincial Police arrived. Theio I owes entertained the yaung W .Vrue .Mn. and Mas. Drawer B. Bowmanville. 33-1 The LiberalrCanidateeinfa bhee uniîorm. Soonlwo i yeîloe eoIWm. VintMMn.and W'. F. Rickard dty eois cgunts aspit and ty Wednesday evcning. aMrs. C »D 'Hodgsoni. BawmanvillIe 1_______________ W. J.BRAG, M.preziolis ofrecupats Our community pienin on the Mn. Harny Hatberly, Dixie,l W.J.BRG, .PP. pssbln nciren ce.o ugstItte lIsehool grounds last Tuesday af- and friend. at Mn. R. Hatherly's. Apprenly n Agua la, l tenao wa scces ds- Mr. Allan Lindsay, Lake- fet g a co t ostDEALER FOR ness. Pnagram was in charge o!foa graup 3 with Mrs. A. L. Pascae i ni e raMorsC s the chair. Rail cali was answencd W A T C H L O S T-BETWEEN Ge raMtrsCs uà, lit hbumoraus atonies: vocal Canning Factory, along railway C o U R T I C E solos wene given by Miss Ehel tracks ta Goodycar, ta Sbarp's Bray, Pickering; Mars. Gea. Whlt f arm near Tynane.Rwadf an Bowmanville and Mas. Jack Baker: piano solo, brought ta Statesman Office. ____________________by Miss Annie McMaster, Zion: a'ý 33-2. Haun. Part Enie, and two grand- cbildnen, Matilda and Brentan Cartwright. Apply John Jacks: Hampton. Phone Bowmanville I ~ M onl 'OR SALE-BEA=Y ELECTIC TORONTO OPTOMI Wasbea, 1 anly. $25.00, enquire 'OOT FIE24 AFR about aur six months face use TORONTOFFIC _2143 _____R plan. lUsed vacuum cleaners, $10.00 and up. Sec Mn. Mc- i PR OEOfc soe Keigue at Mason & Dalc's. POTHP ffcIsoe 33-1 of each week from 9 a. m.1 EWING MACHINES FOR SALE 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosne -New and slighîly used drap. head Singeas: full stock ai' COBOURG Office is open parts and needles fon most any ,ahwe rm9a .t make. . T. Hobbs. 18 Ontarioac ekfo .n.t Street, Oshawa. Phone 635.* E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Where at ail possible kindly Mr. and M s. . Cator visildfo xmntoç v1- i. a - oz .çin , n l D. Garnett [ETRISTS TH AVE. - GR. '7078 nWEDNESDAY to 9 p. m. Phone ell in charge. SATURDAY of 9 p. m. Gordon [ymake appointnlenti Is. The Part the C. N. R. Plays in Marketing Canada's Crops* So essential ta the trade, commerce, and general welfare of Canada are the variaus classes of freight carried in the course of a year by Canadian National R ailways that it is difficuit ta give pide of place ta any particular oe, but in their aIl-round importance ta every section of the community, agricul- tural praducts must rank very bigh. They farm the back.bane of the naion's business activities and cantribute directly and in large volume ta its industry and emplaymnent everywhene. During 1934 the C. N. R. carried ven eigt and a haf million tns of agricultual produce, being an increase of 6.44% over 1933. In this total are included 134,700,000 bushels of wheat, 14,000,000 bushels of carn, 35,700,000 bushels of cans, and 15,500,000 bushels of barley; the aggregate of these cammodities showing an increase of 4.1%/ when compared with the preceding year. It is interesting ta note that the average haul af each ton of wheat was approximaltely seven hundred and fifty miles. Witbout the rail facilities of the C.N.R. no doubt some of this agricultural produce might stili have reacbed a market, but it could only have done so at a much r bighen cost ta the producer, and the quantity would necessarily have been negligible . .for practically ail the cropa wbich enter into thse figures above enumerated were placed in freîght cars at points where the only rail transportation abtainable was that provided by Canadian National Railways. These crops came fromn fan scattered districts . . . in many cases from sparsely populated communities ... but tbey are the resuit of the labours of men and wcmen wbo each year create millions and millions of dollars of new wealth for Canada. In this work the C.N.R. is their pantner and helper. As is weil known the crap movemnents of recent years have been much below normal ...much below the standard of productivity of aur prairies and agricultural areas, and much below the volume which the C. N. R. is equipped ta harudie. The figures quoted should, therefore, be considered in that light. Thse carniage of agricultural produce is, of course, only one af thse activities of the C.N.R. In every branch of rail transportation it is equipped ta give the best of service . . . ail the year round . ; under ail conditions . .. econom- ically, courteously, and competently. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Duriasg the present Summer season the C.N.R. is providing seiJrs adex s Sbetween i Points tbrougbout Canada. These are exceptionalil trvlbargains. The nearest C.N.R. Agent wil i be g!ad to giî'e fs<l particulars. J MS 15, 1935 OBITUARY Tape. -1The f unenal service, whicb was ~5 ~ J Tape1 largcly aîîended was beld on BridgebUrg day, July 28tb, from bher late A Mr. MaildaWilon, eloxd Iresidence. 305 Brock St. Bridge- wife o Wm. . Tape, passed away burg. Itretxa ~,cn on Juiy 251h. in Douglas Mcm-i woodcicmctery. The many beau- anial Hospital, Bridgeburg. De- 1 tiful floral ffîerings, consisting ceased was 'Dam in Tyrone, Ire-'ofa wrieaths. pilQwýs and sprays, land, in 1869, and came ta Can- showcd tbe bigh estcemr in which i ada witb her parents wen quite she was hld. Rev. A. W. Tbamp- Apartments to Rent a young girl. She became a mm- son conducted the funral ser- ber ai the Methodial churcb aI vice. Relatives a.tîending faom a APARTMENTT D -P Hampton, and bas livcd very ditance wcrc: Mn. and Mas. Har- rnt-Cnral location, 7 roama. close ta er Heavenly Father and, ld Pae r n r.Jsp il1 modern conveniences. fie-i was a lving wie and maîer.i Wilson. M. and Mrs. Phare of lace in living room. electric M s. Tape s survived by er us- Tornto: M. Frank Hathrly, tove insalled. garden and band. a son. William H. Tape, a Dixie: Mrs. R. Haterly and Mr. arage.,oseso Jn tiI daughter iMargaret> Mas. Albert ,John Hatherly. Tyrane. 'banc 388. Apply Mrs. Archie'__________________________________ 'ait, Bowmanvillc. 19-tf! _________ KERSLAK'S DRUG STORE )RENT-6 ROOMED HOUSE. K R L K al1 conveniences. central loa- tion. Apply F. C. Hoar. Phone3t Qes. .... 3 12. 3t Dueadrt owd c :RENT - FRAME HUSE, 6 Dew .. .. 25c - 47 r roams. cellar, elcctric lights,1 e 5 7 îard and sa!t watcr un bouse. Perstik .. .....50c Apply M. G. V. Gauld. Bow- 1 nanville. 33-3 i O doî'oîo.. 35c - 59c - - OUSEi~ ~ Mum .. . 33c - 49c For PersPining, aching feet VE ROOM HUET RENTc - Near Central Schaal; all X-Bazifl.... ... 49c Cress Corn Salve 50c onveniences; possession Sept.iNalCrF'ez e ....29 Lst; mderate ental. P. O. ylCrnFezn 9 Box 67. Phone 42. 32-t!'- Remover *. 25ci Blue Jay Corn . 25c RENT - 7ROM HUSE. Fresh full flavor Spîces for your Pickles hardwood floors, living roomn îvith lireplace, ligbt and water. at extremely low cost. good gai-den and chicken bouse.' Apply Peter Martin. Hîgh St..!, F R E E F R E E Bowmnanville. 33-1 I1 One bottie Evening Paris One cake Lifebuoy Soap Perfume and Chck Rouge frce with each tube of Life- For Sale vith each box of Powder. buoy Shaving Creamn OR SALE-A STOVE FURNAC-I $2.00 value for $.10 Both f or 35c elle, luke ncw. $1.0 ppls Mrs. Bidwell. Elgin St. Phone No muss, no f uss, to make pickles with 665. 3- Kerslake's Pickle Mixture-1.> Gal. 25c 'R SALE - 3 BROOD SOWS. due Sept. 1. Apply Sam Snow- Ovaltine Fly-Fume Raz-Mah Colgate's den, R. R. 3, Bawmanville.I Paste Phonle 203r3. 33-1,i 38c-58c-9Sc 33c-S7c97c 50c-$l 19-c )R~ ~ OAETA F CLYDE, mares. 9 and 12 years aId. the Whcn We Test Eyes We Guarantee Satisfaction. 12 year aid mare witb foal by VR ber sýide. Harvey Barrie. Bow- PHONE 49P R. C w i g h .B EIE manvile. Pone 16rPhm33-B.

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