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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 8

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m'r rAN'AflTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARICO, TH-UR.SDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 1Ar4V V.UL tap for drinking- purposes bas been installedi at the school andi N W ON IL elecriccurentbrought. in thro' T he Newcastle Independent 1 îea r-Iyro in extension froin iChurch St... sernjng Mr. Cecil1 Master Alfred Rednap is vsit- H;ý -orrocks' new hous nRetini, his aunt in Oshawa. Miss Emrna Jean Harris is vis- 1 n -Ev ening Serv ice. All ber- St. on the way. to drive the Mo- Mirs. John Couch, Helen and itg eltie i Trot c~ n tndrdtîetoi* which will operate the sys-Billv, are visitingi aitn itn eatvsi orno eso tnat ie em. Miss Pearson and Miss Allie aI Mrs. Fred Treleaven is cons aI- Mr. ad Mrs, Blagden W atel - N it.Trno r ttelt escing from her recent illness. clown. were guests cýf Mr. Ja ndc ebt.Trno r itelt Miss Heidhead. R. N.. Nort.h Mrs. Fred Fligg and Miss Julia ters home.______________________ Bay. was guest of Mrs. P. Le- Flîeg at iwhose homes Mr. and yVve W d in Ms W C an vs Gresley. MI rs. Cute.Dtoi.wr ited their son. Harry Lane, in Roorns Tc Fre CuleDetr. wr - Coîborne..BI HSR MST RE Newcastle will revert t tn-'u-"sltri h Cniudfo ae1 Miss Marion Samis. nurse in 1 iT SROST E ard Time next Sunday morning. Dr. Howard Rickard. Port. Col- ham Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sept. lst. borne. visited is brother. W oie Mrw. hanontrainng~. Bowmanvi1l Hospita. Ms .Ad Miss Lilian Smale. Creighton J. S. Rickard and family and at- Martin. spent. Sunday at home. wlon DRUMMOND - In Bowmanville Bowmainville.P Mines. has been visiting Misses tended services in the Newcast.le Mr. and Mrs. Howvell Rowland: We were pleased to eoe Hospital on Tuesday. August______ Caterne ndStella Blackburnl.Uhitea rly religons rain eing.andf riends, Rev. Thos. Wallace. Greenbank. 2t,13,t r n r.A Cteiand Ms odnCakUie hrhweeh eevdWe your neighbOsadir Sunday School Sunday rnon A. Drumm5, odM ro. ad so.A. Apartinente Mr.adMsGodnCakhseryrlgotann. hav% e gathered tonight to ioin .A rmod rnasn and daughters, Toronto. werel St. Georg&*s Church - Rev. F.. \ith HONEnthehEpyLocasonAt Pr11ivate Pat-TRN5R guestssh yo on the hapY occasion rs. (Dr) Aln of Los Angel- OEWL t ORN- O gussof her mother. Mrs. JesseH.MonMA.BDRector of your silver çwedding, to coin-es svstnMradMsR. it'Pvlo.TrnoGn- mtl hdw Baskerville. Sunday. Sept. ist. llth Sunday memorate the 25 year milestone es svstn r.adMs . jnsPal on Toront Gn-. Mr.McMafn Pontypool, and after Trinity:94 a. mi.-Sunday ithe ouney of wdlock which McGahey and her sister, Mrs. L. eral Hospta. n ugut 2n. eni hard aunt. Mrs. Barney. Rochester. N. School; 1l a. in-Morning Pray- marks the consumration of one of1 Millson. rsW.BueHn Y.,wee undy uets t r.j~er and Holy Communion: 7 P. m. tems motn eiin Glad to see Mrs. R. J. Rowe eywell. 29 Carey Rd.. a daugh -_______ . Gle ny's. s tMr J Evenong and Sermon. tech cf y ortves. eiwho hav and Mr. W. Jones about again ter Kathleen Mary. H EAT ED APA Mrs. Ges alce P. Rickard and nnadar Motiime after their recent sojourn in the.. rn-C tal1 an M s T os alac.daughter. Mrs. W. D. Bragg. vis-yo h ve reaon to belev M . a d MsaI. T o ps n A R A E lace in livng R u b y . D o u g l a s a n d M a b e l . G r e e n - wit e d M rh a v a n ds nMr s . A . H .M A R F i s h e r bank. were guests of Mr. James at. Bellev ille. On their retumfl that those years hvebe na- Chicago. are visiting Miss Bertha.______________- stove iinstalled. an h years. not. only in your cm hn they wr copne yMis.-u Thompson and Mr. Geo r g eCORNISH-ALLIN - On August garage. possess aisstheiss oes Robist i in erPe accTopnieo.bMiss lpanionship together and in yol'Thompson. 7h 95 t Trenton, by Rev. aihone38.av1 unlM r.PReitCooke avstn e MniePare Trnt1MisE- homne life, but also in your as- OurPso e.E. Beh.and A. K. 1 i3MargretaE.,. 388.Anv unceMr.Prsto CokeatNaP Ieanor Fisher. Toronto, and Miss 'sociaton with youm neighbors corassein the services at Alkli n, agtE.ofMs.rm anee and bolidaying with hiem Marion Fisher. Belleville. who -n nth ciiies of the comn- chSaiem n Sday hl e. Ea ln aRiH Crib ___ cousin, Miss Betty Cooke. at went on to Toronto for a visit manintewootalemon Suaîem tok hre. soln, o hel atere o rshFR ALE-IF "Camp Sans Sousi." for the rest of the holiday terni. Initumn we haveSaemnotoofailPd Durham Jr. farmers f romt New- The visit. of Danforth Citadel to realîze the sterling qualities her~ensIntitute met at the of Orono.acelndo castle section took high onours Band te Newc astleonthe-Lake whichhae actuated your lives homnsI arsldonw once more at Petembomo Indust- on Sunday afternoon attracted a among us. shown in mnany and hme of Mrs: Gardon Martin. A HARRIS-ADAMS - On Satur- bosban3 rial Exhibition as wiUl be seen inlag concourse of people. Thevaid aytbereftein splendid report of the District day, August 1th, at the par- 20x3D. Apply ' the epot inthi isse.andrge ccmane bvar ted ty sand uprines o!eyour Annual Convention was given by sonage. Newcastle. by Rev. S. ton, or W. J. thM rr t nd rs isFre .M cN and Mrs re c k Rpa ie s. ajrThe3' de an d yuriho si of the rMrs. W allace Holmes. The rol Macean. B. A.. Wilbemt Sam --__ Mr.andMrs Fed acNm-andMrs FrdeickRices Thyidaligs vor hsptality,th caîl of f ees and helpful hints wvas uel Harris and Irene Ma.e Ad-Fo ara. Toronto, are holidaying in rendered an inspirational pro- . open and welcome door to anv elrsoddt n oei- as oho saa o Mrs. R. B. LeGresley's cottage,>j gramn of hyrnn tunes, a sacred and ail. friend and stranger. welmyone oad oei- mbt 0 saa "Aple losom" atc. romon an youriu teresting suggestions given. The -FRSL-M "Apl Bosom"Mm. MacNa- 1ac.tobn n uhnu interest and co-operation in the ldewrelighted to be shown FR AE-M mars is a nephew of Mr. A. B. C. solos. with opening and closing cuc n iswr.te sîncer- ldesw rtin beutifufonw DEAT H a rs of Newcastle. prayers. Reeve A. W . Graha n i ty and loyalty o ! your friend- o e . MA invit a n wat i e n __ ___ ___ ___ United Church - Rev. S. Mac- exehdteBnda fiiisips. and last btnteat. for the next Meeting to be at Lean. B.A., Pastor. Sunday. Sept. welcome. your ever-readyv and helpful svÉ-Ms .Rbnos ecsle DVSm BwaVle nSt lst: 10 a. m.--Sunday School Tehmeo r.adMr.F pathy and service in times of _________________193.___n il a. r.-Morning Worship; 7 p. W. Bowen was the scene cf an, trouble or need. In you we have mru Crda.Agsnt, 1935.MrEnd O S- - pianned -- ga- - -reslized te rllbo heod a ' RNG FOR R L4C! Mrs. Enmerson Davis. Tyrone, Nordheimer. tu _______on________________ Aug. age. -A friend in need is a frien aged 4 years. Intermed at Coul- dit.ioned. best 19thl9th. when over sixty resi- indeed.- In recognition o! thesed Cleopatra wome them! A n di sons Hill Cemnetery, near Brad- Davis. R. R. 6. dents of No. 9 school section were and many other virtues xe have Helen o! Troy! In fact. beauti- ford._____ NOTICE ~present to say good-bye le Miss deemed it fitting on this occas- flomn since the begmnningofRTEFODAGeraHs-ORSL - NO I EAyBowen. o! Mr. and lion to show our appreciation ntebv de eteralr a.Trnto ugs1lt mSA e-ari Mrs. Stanley Bowen. wbo is go-i1 a tangible %way by asking you to1 by fastening jewels in their eas. pGe, orge nRteo. auged80 Lavai ram Anyone drawing gravel over ing to Oshawa to train for a accept. thîs gif t. not because o! its1 We are pusuîng a rustoni to-day yearge Rnthmnentfor no ern-8 MoLaval. R. the ride a Necasle ar-nurse. Miss Bowen. who has been value in dollars and cents. but that dates back thousands o bour to any point outside the a valtîed mnember o! the Hm beae auesyar eaeCrs mong the etei'y. ville. Phone 59 Newcastle lmt i pro- n coo lb as presented teern and love. and also aur very ancient Greeks and Romans ear-SWN MC- secuted. with a bible in token o! the sec- best wishes for your future hap- rings çvere worn oniy by womien. SWN A1 ByOrder tinýeteiadbst %visbes for pns n rseiy but among ail Oriental races ex- IN MEMORIAM -e n l ,By -Nte n n E d h p i s nd p op rty pi n ea Snd 51 VILLAGE COUNCIL. hiem future succeas andhpins: Accompanying the address was cept the Hebrews and Egyptaats he d Snle'5 Mr. and Mrs. Erie Toms and1 a lovely bouquet of August flow'- these ornaments were common ta BALSON-In remembrance anid make. F. T.:E famiy. Bellevile. visited bis fa- ers fer Mrs. Rowland and a cab- bath sexes. In the East ear-rin'r5 loving thought. of My Husband. Stet sa __________________ ther here on Sun dlay, bringing iet contaning over f ifty pieces were. and still are. regarded as Harry Balsn. w o passed away S reO h w Miss Evelyn Aiin. who had been' of silver flatware. aise a band- talismans. Often only one ear- at Courtice. Ont.. August 28th, ________ holidaying in Belleville, home 1somne silver fruit basket. Mr. and ring is wamn by Orient.als. 1923. FOR SALE - wit tem I ws fterhe had Mrs. Rowand deepiy touched ac- In t.he tombs of Greeks who Sincere and Kind in t.bought househoid arti C. H. Tuck, Opt. reteme on wSun owidge t. gfts and the ettled in the Crimea in the 4tli and t thatMr Toms received a wire sentimients tbey represent.ed in century B.C.. ear-rings o! mir-, JOHNSTON - In ever 1 av i ng bedroom and Eyesght pecilist from Miss Frances Toms. St.1 brief but eloquent words. velieus compiexity and exquisitiMmvofDidC hno. tuctc. p Lambert. advising bum that theI George Hart. Oshawa. Win. beauty have been found. Also inlmmryc aid C Jost 2nt. Htur. ete. Ar Autor f:boa i whch erfaterand11 Netnville. F. W. Bowen. the sepuchres of Etruri. ear- 193 O t m t y A tu r e Sf : vh a s t i ni r ngc ho fhe ml yfa t h er a n î i n .vw a1e d a wa.A g u tv2t hl l d . P D in i s 1 pThtr e aure Serand another man had been in on the WF. Rckard. and H. R. Pearce rinshif truey won dficoemk ___ The hiIdand s St. Lawrence had been swamp- vere amongtae hoskeimnsphvebe dicee.- lepW td Development edadta hy!ae h ulogy of thethoned ouspleand The fashion in ancient Romie.TE Specializing exclusiveiy in worst. Mr. Eric Toms then e- extended best wishes and con- j owever. was for ear-rings of su- - - muscle anomalies, eyesigbt lydtemsaet ecsl rtltos pler design, but often set with HEL? WANTED - C AP A BLE Signed tendi and glasses. iby Phone. Among those present f mcm a peamîs and other genris o! fabulous girl or mîiddle-aged woman for chase o! about PhoneThMuiilConibame distance were Mr. and Mrs. How- value. general housewark. Apply by ing beech and for appointment 1516 plcehe niiad oon brideadKye.Smi:MrLte a-ig ave fequentiy been' letter to"C.E." Statesman Of- Concession B. DinyBd. p.P *over the creek on the west Argail and daughter. Mms. M--discovered by excavation. In f ice or phone 181r3. 35-1 wiil be received Oshwa On. ounar rod eadngtoMrs W Tagat, shwa;Mr. Aa t-Egypt a system cof pendent chains 1-- - signed up te no( lboundPary road la mdrn ta Ms. tn and daughter, Detroit: also f rom a disk seems te, have been HELP WANTED - AMBITIOUS 1935. semi-circular arch. constructed Mm. and Mrs. Milton J. Elliott, popular long ago. Dr. Schlie- man, 20 tc, 40. for sales depart- Ail trees thme cf 8gaeglaie rmswt omnil: isDrtyHn inn in his Trojan excavation ment, sanie sales expeience diameter are ni ____________the_____ ge gans anizreiran, ith Br.Dr.anileMis Dor ToHe- !oundea-rings made f rom pieces prefei'red. Give expe r i e n c e, sale, and must the setionsl ivte and inomcig iontmy; M. and Mrs. ReelHer.tocf eold plate hanging f rom par- phone numiber and salary ex- balance o! the LO A ES ork tronglT re otoftedadi ed -OnthaMrandse.Hart alel chains. pect.ed. Appiy or write to H. moved by Marc] LOW FARES omlee as$30 The eventfui evening conclud- The Book of Genesis in the M. King, 153 King St. E.. Osh- Tenders mnust circlar rho ecomplte asd $320. ed with the serving cf refesh- Bible mentions the famiy ear- awa, Ontario. 35-11 by a marked c) Torontcoxcvaig n ~ nients includling a piece o! the rings cf Jacob which were buried- - 1 the f ull purcha! Tooing in wouid pobably amount ta rgr-WNE A FRFL fteusce ante 800.Pacial aleeat ivrw wn, ck ovith hlm at Bethel. being rear- ANED- MN ORFALL !th nsce anobtintherk $80,00. paticf lyail eeg.ant silver edîn f yake taed theme as elsewhere in the East work, experienced t i be returned. an the workoutsidethat o!ppacing e.byac mitefyun as talismans. - ing and horses. non-snioker. 1 cepted tender Aug. 23 to Sept. 7 the arch in position by the Ped- Hopeop ole.. it ono.Net often is a customi comnmon Apply J. L. Parsons, R. R. 2, ainst the purch perts. Ms.Ja. Vanusen. John iglyciilze BwmRob-. hoe 766. Ternis may1 the lateWMm. and Mms. Jas. Rob- races alike. but this is true o! 35-1 the Council of inson. Anson Waiten, Arthur land, and Miss Mabel wern o!e-rg.Tereenctet 'Toms and thers. jeider daughtem o! the lateMm. nties eaingBofnear-insrThel s eanea ent t Ion and Mrs. John Holmes. were nativesin_______insrt____________ ment jNewcastle Public and Higb ari i3113b e. m inches in dismeter in the oseiv Aug.22 o Spt.7 a M,1 Wil-t o th Prsbyerin Cur-lobes o! their ears. The ear- WANTED-YOUNG BREEDiNOview the prop AEug. 22MItSEPT. 7Ihli iI e-pn S ta. ji.hWiNeto!the. aneshte Roandr-rings o! New Zealand natives are Oxod or Leicesters. . T. nunicate with RETURN LIMT SEPT. il3rd, with the foilowxing staffc StnadTeooTedy et h.ecstle. nthe LkRSoranddecorated witb the teeth of the symons. Phone l60r5.. . .Warne. Park teachers: Public School-Thos. A. haeta nth aeSoeenemy and oten by shark's 6, Bowfinanvilîe. 35-1* Office, Oshawa, Rodgr. Pincpal.MissHatie and the fan ilands attached teeth. Rodgeraso. Prcpal.f Muissa Htie. have grown and thriven and jPirates on the Spanish Main FIouses ta Rent Maso. Su. c Musc ad tech-lourished under their campe tent'orten. adeng ypes____ Going Aug. 29 - Return Aug. 31, eia! Intermediate ooni. Missi and industriaus came.or hm Wadin gyseHA O 35-1 Golng Sept. 3 - Return Sept. 5 Nomma F. Orchard. Jr. rooni: iThe celebration o! the 25th an the world over woi'e therni as weil FOR RENT-NORTH HL F___ ' lHugh Schoo-E. M. H. Ward. ,ierryotemaigefM. as queens and duchesses. Ear- double house on Teinperance Riwy t GongSpt 5-ReturnSet B..Prnia.Ms agrtnvrayothmrig fM. rings bespeak romance and ad- Si. Apply Willard Caldwel 76 îmes ae offe GongSet 5- et.' A. ricia. is arartand Mna. Howell Rowland was ventur,. Neyer bas the wearing Division St. E.. Oshawa. Phýone iearofr tSand'ý,rson. B. A., Asst. During concludç'd on Sunday August 25.,tteifle ît iue 'ih 26W thboi ays a modemsanitry w btronwen a Rowland Faiiy e-union shows that buman nature has net -" _________________________ tule syte. wth ar waem %nas beld at their home on Lake changed in some respects for - EROCentralScbol;aI lq _____________________________________________Shore Drive. These present wr'tosnso er.Twereere -cnveni ents:lpsesson Sept tra:D.and Mrs. L. C. Fallis lptires as bigh and broad as ours lst; niaderate rentai. P. O. (Marion).Lno;Mr n . held sy over the thenkn Box 67. Pbone 42. 32-tf, i Hamry HOUSE TO RENT--SIX ROOM- TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS Mm. and Mms. Artbum V. PRow- gittering errn t h o!o Possession October lst. Full RTH VE. 'R 078 iland. Toronta; Mm. and Mrs. youm rear, tbink o! the thousands particuias. Apply Mrs, H. J. Crou TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORT V.-G.77 Ralph Stutt Rowland, Winnipeg: of women who have worn the Knight. King St. Telephoneý Blac Mand Mrs. John A. Rowland, sainie kind o! ornament since the 590. 34-t!, Emmra. time of Alexander and Caesam. PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY Letters f congratulation and Tbey have an exotic influence, an FOR RENT-6 ROOMED BRICK Toi of each week f rom 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone rgeateiguaetabpe-aimngcamoeprince and hause on Chumch Street. mod- 248 r 52J. G M.Bosnll i chage.ent were received f rom Mr. C. W. peasant alike. Gentlemen be- ern conveniences. possession S 248or52J.G. . osel inchrg. Baker. Montreai: Mrs. Wm. Row-j wame! Ear-rings for romance! Oct. lai or sooner if desired. i land, Richard. Sask.: and Mm.r'_______ Apply Mrs. Noble, Cburcb St.. COB UR Ofic isopn STU DAYof James Rowland Jr'., Saskatoon.j Bowmanvilie. 35-1i 4tiii COBOURG Officeis open SATUR AY of _______ Don't forget, noW is the time te have y'our Fur Coat health by creating internai dis-me repaired. Bring it to turbances that retard develoia---- TAKE NOTICE THAT MY WIFE' Di3, i mient and cause serious weakness.I Violet Eileen Ferguson, having Millers Worm Powdems expel F A LL T E RM witbout reasonable excuse left 1b. worms and are so beneficial un o pens Aug. 26th in Shaiv's 12 niy bed and board, I will no Fos er' L die W e riheir action that the systenis 1 Business Schools in Toronto. longer be esponsible for any 0 Foster's Ladies W ethar , e ufferîs are res toi o Our courses îead to profitable detseracotctDtd A D F R IRsalthe discaniforts mîyin.Wiefrcr at Burketon, this l9tb day o! anNDdFngeRsEof worm infection rlculum. W. R. Shaw, Reg- Atigust. 1935. 0W.AVI RbetHenry Fergusen. BLMJ)FAL HOTELBO ANLE are emoved, and satisfactoi'y istrar, 1130 Bay St. 3- _____________________gowth is assured._______________3- TkiL abor Day Specials Lkwell mato is 25C ttins 70c Le Wine 1Cider negar ,. 39c Ceen's istard lb. tin 25c hicken iddies ins 25c ne Quality 'ECIAL nd Tea .39c )RDER ARLY Crosse and Blackwell Tomato 2 botules 25C C AT S UP )oz. Botties $1 .40 O. K. BRAND JELLY POWDERS 5 FOR 23c TIGER BRAND SALMON taltin 19C AYLMER CHOICE PUMPKIN 2 '/2tin 10Oc AYLMER TOM ATO JIJICE No.l1 tin 5c PEA SOUP Large Tin 1 Oc WHIZ - MADE IN BOWMANVILLE 8 oz 33C INSECT KILLER 16 oz 57c Pickling Onions, Cucumbers, Peppers, AIl Pickling Spices Hiarry Allia, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE When we Test your eyes You are assured absolilte satisfaction o Rent Free Chase's K. & L. rT-PPL TOHand Sprayer Pilis .. 29c s. King Street, 1 pc with a can of Bab'y's Own Tab. 22c Phone 125. Pes5kp,.. O 35-1w. Whiz Flyc sa to Rent 1 -4Fum OMEDAPART- j33c - 57C - 98e X-Bazin ..49 ceod floors. mcd- ClaesPse ýe.Phone 158 ' When 'pou wîsh super- Co9gte-s ast c 35-1119-3c i__1 ori results use >ARTMENT TO. Kerslake's Ovaltine 38 - 58 - 98 weniences f ire-' Sweet P ickle Mixture Lsl3c 3,$.5 rooni. electric 1garden and: We have the p)en foi' Minard's Lin. - 23c ssien June lst. pily Mrs. Aichie I which you are looking. ile. 19-tf Low priced but dur- 1 Gillette Razor "or Sale able; Ideal for school 1 Case, 5 Blue Blades use. Pens at HAMPTON. 201 59c - 89c - $1.45 AIl f or 49c which is 9 rocmied x50 and stable T. Rcwe. Hnip- Use Our Fresh Full Fîavored Spices jInch, Weston.' 34-t They cost no more than the ordinary Sal Celery Seeds, -9 oz. 15cCloves - - - 5c oz. Sal LO 1UT - Alîspice Buds - 5c oz.Cinnamofl Buds, 5c oz. ll bungalow. on W ,tral. AppiY t PHONE 49P. R. Cowling, Phrn. B. DELIVER '35-2 ýRIGHT PIANO. t of fer. re.anJ. 3Bowmanx'ille. 35-1 I _ORN BINDERîS. T h e atr e sand Deeing. De oy Wood. Bawman-- 97 cr 555. 35-1 j BOWMANVILLE TINES FOR SALE lightly used drop sf uli stock of Friday - Saturday - August 30 - 31 dles for most anY EIobbs, 18 Ontaio WHEELER and WOOLSEY in 'a. Phone 635. 33-6* A NUMBER OF 1 "NITWITSYY idles inc 1 u d i n 9- -ed Cartoon - - News tove. cal or waod: dveranda fumni- Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. pply ta Mrs. F. A. on St.. Bowmnan- 130. 35-1 Monday - Tuesday - September 2 - 3 IDERSWARNER BAXTER and KETTI GALLIAN ers for the pur- t8 acres of stand- i [miapie at, Let 12, F. East Whitby, LU dby the under- Un aer therampas ivoon oon Septemnber 7th, ee inches or less in oey Nw et included in the Matmnee Monday at 2.30 p. m. tnot be cut. The Strees mnust be re-- àâ ch lst, 1938. st be accompaniedi Wednesday - Thursday - September 4 - 5 'heque for 10", o! as, price. Ch2qu,3', EDMUND LOWE, CLAIRE TREVOR in ýssful tenderers wl cd that cf the ar- ,hase price. be arranged wîth oey Cron--Nw )fEast Whitby inCoey--aron--Nw ,e balance e! pay- Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. buyers wishing ta pemty kindly cern- hReeve Everiti C. COMING: ad Rt. Po t HORRAY FOR LOVE" "THE VIRGINIAN"1 .. PRe. "CHARLIE CHAN IN EIGYPT" "GINGER" P. . Pmv "HARD ROCK HARRY"l "CURLY" Columbus. Ontaýrio. "Rider Haggard's "SHE" Gene Stratten Perter's "KEEPER 0F THE BEES" amsbi and oacbGrace Moore in "LOVE ME FOREVER" ering meduced f ares 1 1 Bowmanville

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