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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 Meeànaiun %taW~mn Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoteci to the interests of the town, of Bowmianville and surrounding country', issued at King Streci. Bowmanviie, every Thursday. b>' M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadiar Statesmnan s a member of the Canadian Weekly News- papers Association, also the Class ,A" Weeklies of Canlada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year: in the United States, $250 a year. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY. AUGUST 29, 1935 The Statesmnan Is Not a Political Organ A general election carnpaign for the federal bouse at Ottawa is under svay, and in the ensuing few weeks politics will be a favorite topic of con- versation. It is therefore expedient at time that The Statesman reaffirm Uis position relative to political parties and their campaigns. The Statesman is an inclependent newspaper. It is not connected with ans political party, or is it in party politics. For several years we have reserved the rigýht to criticise or compliment in these col- umuns ans party on Uts policies. Vie honestly be- lieve that party leaders have more respect for an independent press than they have for parts organs who are tethered to political parts year in and year out. regardless of the papers opinions. We C'o flot believe than ans political parts has a monopoly of political brains or wisdom. That ls whs lu this critical period of our country we have advocated a national government. Likewvise we do not believe lu ans governiment having such an overwhelming majority that it can run the af- loirs of the country without. a strong and adequate opposition. Vie wish it to be clearîs understood that political p;arties mas use space in this paper as they desire to brin., to the attention of the public their partys platform. provided that the advertisements are flot offensive. Vie might add also that it is equalîs important that when these advertisements are llaced with us, we shaîl expect a guarantee of payment bs one or more responsible citizens. Too often newspapers have experienced difficuits lu collecting their polîtical advertising accounts. It will be our endeavour, insofar as our limited staff makes possible to give an impartial and unbiased report of the political meetings in our news col- umns as we have room for them. Vie believe that a local newspaper holds an un- ique and important place in the community. It con best serve by trying to be representative of the community as a whole. and flot represeutative ol one section. Vie do flot las ans dlaim to neu- trality. but rather to independence. Vie do not. sit on the fence with our legrs dangling on both ides. but rather we deal with public questions front the wider sphere off the countrys greatest good for the greatest number-. Vie are confident that the greater number of our readers will endorse oui, attitude on this ques- tion. There are those of course. who will remem- ber this newspaper sears ago as a rabid parts or- gan. but fair minded people will appreciate our present stand to remain aloof fromt parts do- mination. Vie seek to be independent in the know- ledge that no one parts can possess alI the virtues or promote ail the desirable policies. In reserving Our right to endorse or reject ans policy we con- scientiou.sly believe it is in the public good and we are fulfilling the expectations of a local newspaper in a service to its chosen community. Local Nurseries Big Boost to Town Driving into Bowmanvile from the east, th, oither day. wve could not but admire the vers lovely approach to the town. The two nurseries at this end off the towu, the Downham and the Brookdaie- Kingsway. are to be commended on the very won- derful :miproveînent and landscape beauty they have made on either sîde the main highwýay'. Tourists coniug through Bowmanville fromn the east get a distiuctly plem~ant and favorable im- pression off the to'.vni as they aPproach the busi- ness section. It is a ID;ts that the western en- trance i. nor a- strikingly beautiful . at.hough sev - eral fine gardcns and rcsidences oo give the cei- trance a dlean and tudv appearance. If the t:wa nurseric. înentionec; abo'.e require, more land for. settiugÏ out the:r ,tock %Ve suggest they purchase a .maîl t:--i4rk on either .-:de off thc highw.ýas at the vLst end. and thus beautify the %vc. t approach as thley hav.e aýi capably doue at the east. It might flot be out off place here to mentiont that however beautiful the appearance off a town nias be. business will go right past their doors unless merchants make, a dctermiued effort to brighten up their soe and window diIllays. It is true mous have paînted and decorated thoîr 'atore exteriors this year, but there are stili too many store interiors thot immediately take one back to the coal lamp era of business. Bright approaches, an attractive and prosperous business section, aud well dressed window and store inter- lors mean thousands off dollars in catch trade fromn tourists during a -summer as well as regular busi- ness frorn People of the community. Alberta Launches Into Social Credit 1 Electors of the Province of Alberta ,,ave a sweping endorsation last week to the Social Credît1 condidates in the Provincial electiojîs, with the resuit thot for the finrst time a party will be cat-1 tue back of a system. In the Alberta plan there- is no producer. Que only has to be an adult to becomo entitiled to this monthîs dividend, which it is claimed will boenlr-argod rather than lessened. The moues apparentîs is corning f roin thin air, as %ve see it. as their is no production of goods or 17roduce bebind it as guarantee. YOUR WORLD and MINE BY JOHN C. KJRKWOOD (Copyright) Far be it for us however. who are realîs ignor- Many times the idea returfis te ager with a mnotor car to be usE eunt off the fulil plan. to ivish or suggest defeat for me that in every township there1 by the manager and bis faini thi Utpia mesur. bt a th sane imeit oesshould ho a dernonstration farm for their Private aff airs and te thî Utpia mesur. bt a th sane imeit oesowned and operated bs the far- used aise in the service oif tl not seern at ail f easible. The oses of every pro- mers off the township. This forrn farm. The manager would hai Ivînce and off the Dorinion as a whole will watch should have an economic sîze. to keep a record of car operatir with interest Albertas adventure into the realm which is likely te be more than costs, se that the amount of the: c-f ociaize livng.100 acres. To begin with. it 1te be debited against hirn andtl c.f ociaize livng.should net be a fulls-equippedarnmount against the farm Wvou C____________ farrn. If this dornonstration farm be ascertained. and operations should be pro- 1J C Xc The Character Building of Youth gressive. Indeed. if this demon- Wbat is lu my mmnd is this: ______stration farm were. to begin witb. This communîty farm should1 Next week the doors off the schools will open pretty thorougbly destitute of oeae uiesetrr buildings and fonces. it would oeatd abuies nep ttmhw r-ro a uhnerrte fn and in accordance with the vieý their doorshfr theefathearight and decisions 0f its board offd uionths off holidays will be concluded and t he stu- darnental stato: for thon both tho ectr-bc iw e dents will knuckle down again te sorious study. right buildings and fencing couldioswudrpenthecse bc planned including the rigbt ios ofodpi sonto sethe cons Ntrlyas scbool opens it opens with a poriod laying out off the farm. sus offpinionsoff seloct-ed ofcntration sonss-udpersloskwhose oudgmh offconemlatonandstdons lokbac oer ho The idea would ho te form a and oxporionco wore to ho truýste tpast two happy sud some ruofulîs regret compans, probabîs a limited hi- its passing. It seems te us that holidays are al- ability compans. with aUl the J C K n'ost as important as school life, for it is during s haros held by the farmors of the A budget should ho drawnu holdaytim whn yun pepledevte grattownship-in such amounts as each yar-a budget comproee holdaytio wenyoug oope ovoe grateach wish te invest. Thus the sive off aIl cests. inclucting a fa deal off time te amusing tbernselves, and the mani- essential capital for the purchase, returi-say 6 per cont.-to thS ner in wbich they do this means much te their the oquipment and oporations off holding shares in the compax: Pflor if e. the farm would be providod. This budget would provido fora The affairs off the farm woald outlays under such master boac 1 Mous boys and girls have spent a few weeks bo directed by a cornmittee elect- as theso: 1. Occupancy ChariE roughîng it at somtiesommer camp. In camp they ed by the associatod owners. This ýront etc); 2. Viages: 3.Miscel bave learned miais useful things. Perbaps they board off diroctors would forum- aneous oporating costs; 4. Mai haveleanedtheartof wiming ofcooing ofla te a long-term programme off keting oxpenses: 5. Miscellaneou dovlopment. as well as a pro- management. expenses; 6. LossE hiking, or off mixing in feliowship with others. gram ef annual operations and 'due to woather. misadventur AlI these thîngs are worthwhile, and that is why plans. etc.': 7. Fluancial Burdens-in camping properis supervised bas beoere sucb a It would soek the assistance off come tax; dividends to those pro popuar asttimein ecet yersandwhyad- )ne or more agricultural colleges vîding the capital being emiploy î~oplarpas-tîne u rcen sersandwhy in regard to the iaying eut off cd, reserves off varieus descrip iocates off the mnoder-n youth-movoment urge vers fields, drainage. seil examination ions etc. strongly that boys and girls spend a portion off to discovor what orchard and gar- I should liko to expand thes tlîeir bolidays camping. den fruits and vegetables should master headings. but to dos bie planted; what varietios 'off would tako up tee much space. Wbatever youth has doue during the bolidas, shade trees should be planted and Iu addition to th budget ther as long as they have lesrned something off value, their locations: the kinds or should bc kopt a trading accouri even if thos ouly learned how te play. the holi- types off fencing to omploy: the which would record the disburse days have played a part iu th2 chaiacter building location, charact er and variets off monts umade for seed. foddeî buildings to orect. together with tock and poultry food. servie of yuth.their planning in relation te pur- fees, etc: and aise the rocoipt To some the advent off the holiday season meant Pose: locating and planning the f rom the sale off grain. fodde the commencement off their careers. They grad- fa rm managers house: and s0ou fruits and vegotables, milk ai and so on. ogýgs. dairy produce. lieo or demi uated and took thoir place in the evorydaylilfe off In the course off the sears the tock. etc. the communits. They have entered this life at a ffarm would becorne matured. and Iu regard t.o ahl live stock, e: vers difficult tirne lu hist.ory, but with their bock- lt ougbt to beceme a money-mak- cept borses used for the perform ground of pioneer 1f e. coupled witb their modern iug farrn. suce off farm labour. I wouid sug Frem the first there ought ta gest that it be regarded as stoc] education. they ,vill likely make the grade as did ho a reportiug service-sas. a mu trade-after the mianner offi tbose who bave gone before them. uîontbly bulletin fulîs informia- retailing entorprise. How e v ei And lastis. scbool openmng brîngs witb it the tive on evers phase off operatious. thîs is oanoatter for accountanl great adveuture o. hundrods off littIe tots. who are aud repomrting fulîs the deliber- to settie. goig t b th fistt'ie t b sef r- tious ard decielonq off dire-tors The difference botween outgi goig t betaubt or hefirt tmnete e sif e-and committeps. These perîodîc sud income, os contaiued iu tbi liaut, sud te be s littie more indepeudeut off the btlltins would go te ail shore- trading accounit. should bo nas strings ou mothers apron. holders. aud would provide ,, ched agaiust the budget. and ti ___________complote pictum-e off progross. in- aimnsbould bc te have the difffe -Iiiding a full statemont off e- ronce bet.weeu outgo and incomI Chis!îig ad Cu..Troa Pratics jcipts sud disbtrsements. Thece eo uaI-this at least-.the auîoum Chiellng nd utThrat racice blletin-. bound. wouid ho uîad? Off the bu.dget. Inoa book at the enîd off eacb iAu ounuai inventory should b4 Abuyer asked a priutei for o quotatiou on some y .inperativo sud there shouid bi J C K prepared a fluancial statemox pritiug. sud the printer quoted $52.00.- ran smo r It exvng ail assets properly vsl item lun a woekly letter sont eut by a it cmpny The farmi. wouid off course. e- Le.adallaiiis ntecs c.uire a resideut nmanager, whe e.sdallailte.l h o The buyer asked -Conisou iioke a profit. at that ' h oud be most careffulîs chosen. o. the farm. 1:5 valume wold flu: fi,,ure?- The printer auswered "No, I cant make This mani would ho Paid an ode- tî"te frein seartote ear. Thum rry actuol cost at that figure. The buyer thon cuate salais. iu regard toe 1r as its e s dowas imure said, VieIl. make the price $6150'. The printor t'ouse and eaideu area about it Ind a igh c omftivatiusud fertili olmost foiuted. Ibis was sornething nwp:er rent. sudho woud pas apro- tron here would be addod val Th ue cuiud.iannePised by hanlmihowould py opro- J uon hr ol eaddvl The uye coninud, - amfirmls couvinced per prices for such produce as ho us. But the value off buildingi that business will nover ho wbat it sheuld ho until obtaiued frorn the farm-miik. an implemeuts would siways bi ceors legitimnate firin is making a profit on ts eggs. fruit, vegotabies, fowl. etc. a wasting valtue. Theu. tee. lar( sale. Ihav mae u mymin tht Iwil dono from the farm as distinct from values %vouid vars ffrem sear t sals.I hvemad tp s md hatI iiidonohi.s own privato gardon. If ho soar-sonietimes risiug. some miore chiselling. If the other ffellovI. makes a pro- xished te koep a cow or pig, ori timies faiiing. fit in bis business ho cou afferd to bus more goods fowl, and te gmrow fruits aud veg- J C K from me-and pas for tbern. Prom now on I ex- tables on tjýe property sssignod The kiud off ffrming to ho dor( te hlm for porsonai use, thon ho I!on aud by this demonstratior pect thoso frem wbom 1 buy te make a profit. %vouid pas nothiug for ,vhat ho Jffrm would require the manage- That is rny way off lîeiping te bring bock pros- obtaiued frorn bis gardon: but ho mot-the board off directors-ic ponits.' wouid pas the ffarrn posturage ýtudy acritely the iucouîe produt- The ideal cenveyed in this story is one which charges for bis cow. ing pewers and probabilities o Ho would charge the farrn witb ovory ocre and off all live stock al business nien might oeil bear lu mmnd. Tho ides the value off services porfformed in a purpose te secure a maxi- bebind the cuttiug off prices te below cost levels la for it by monîbers off bis family. nimîmun couoo frein every unit cf ffst -uiniug business, Iu insus instances it con Hired beip %would psy the former1 production. It la just this sort be tmraced to a desire te puu othors eut off business, for' their board-m'esideuco sud! of study sud cudeovour which wosbiug, sud weuld thoreffom'e o becemes instructive sud inspir- to glve a monopoly lu that field, and loter rise paid a wage wliicb would include atlouai. The dommunits ffarr prmices to hîgh levels, The Statosman sud ethet'suarn otut adequste te pas tbe %would becomo. as il weré, s sort lr-cal firnis are censtantly faced witlî this type faroem' for board.,iresideuce amîd of pace-niaker for ail farmers in of ct-bratousîe epeiton sd t ashoIwashiug. the township. It shoîld rop- of et-troa ousid copettio. ad i ma be The fat-m manager would ho sent the acme off asue ffsrming. said with credit to the local- mnrchants amnd or- remuired te keen records coveriug Tiîs communîts ffarnsbeuld ':ýauizotions that thes seldo faîl for it. Thnere bis relations with the ffaruî-de- be made a social centr'e for all aie cases off course wbeie seme people are ottract- iiue the farm witb labour -smpp- its stmmipoî-ters. Accordi n g i y cd hy 10w price. but it uisualls tutuis out that they lied by inenîbei's off bis family. there shotild ho erected an ode- ansd cî'eliting the ffam'm with pro- ouate cluhbtîuildiue. aud a pro- get infeior goeds. wbicto in the long u deesnt duc e. etc. obtammooct frein it: also grainioff social. cultral sund ed- i as. Bowmanville citizens lose uotbiug by being nther records pertaiiigte bis licatioual activities sbould ba loyal te local nrchaut institutions aud industries. management sud occupancy ef d-awnu p oach year. Tbis con- Bs peruîittiug tbem te make a profit. they are W s bouse and garden tral bou-se could ho the houme of making it possible foi' greator roturus lu business Poal h ortetwsi rnho h o to, coe thei way.the faru weuld provide the moui- nions Instituite. Hore could be Where Bribery Is Unknown The following odîtorial froni a rotent issue off The Printed World- is gîven te show wbat others, wtho are net in the uowspapom' business, see lu newspoper mn's idoals sud ethics. It reads: -Wben eversone knows that uowspsper mon ,the editors sud reporters)i are the least mercen- ars off ail buins, it was surprising the otbeî' dos te bave a cynical individual assert that whon ho dJesired te have somtbiug publisbed iu s news- liapor lie paid sonîcone ou the staff thereffor. The assertito oas se prepestorous that %ve dmd not bother eeu te scoil. Then a few days latomr, we ocie tolcl that a iasu who bad got himnsolf into police court paid bis lao'vyer au extra $10 te keop the storv out off the neo-spapers. We bave lîved ainoug uew,%spaper meu for s good ii!any years. They are dligbtful cempanions sud oce would see more off theni if tbey weio net se hard-workiug. And we sas lu ail sincerits hat ,vo( mîei- have known off a new.spapeir mari asept- iiig a bribe to put a piecr- iiittîe paler or te beave nue eut. Thiîs iÈs îot te sas that even in thîs trade off bush ethical standards there is not au occasional uwortby and untruist.i werthy individ- tal. But ohatevor other sîmîs mas be îustly fast- emed un the y-oung sud soung-old men wbe slave for' the ctitors, we are confident that tresson te th:e institutions for twboui tbey work is as rareo a disease n Canada as iepm osy. Up te about tweut yvsars ago, a iîcwspapcr wmiter's main rouîuneratiens were glory sud cirrus tickets. Lattonsy, as newspapers became busiuess propem'tios rathemr thon pamty ergaus, the rasiier became more generous sud regular iu hemr admin- istr'ations to theoedd lot tbot worked ot the queer old desks and auclent typewriters en the upper floors. But we kmîow that these men and women remain more iutei'ested lu their work thon in lucre. Se long as this condition continues bribery can make ne beadway." TRAVEL TORONTO EXHIBITION SPECIALS Garton's Coach LUnes Comufortable up-to-date Busses going daily fi-om AUGUST 23rd to SEPTEMBER 7th (Daylight Saving Time) Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffi c or crowdlng for street cars Leave A.M. Read Down 7.00 Kawaî'tha Maples 7.10 Janetxrille. .... 7.20 Yelverton. .... 7.30 Nestieton. .... 7.40 Blackstock..... 7.50 Burketon. .... 8.00 Enniskillen..... 8.10 Hampton .. ...... 8.20 Bowmanville. ... Arrive Read Up Fare Return 1.20 $2.65 1.10 2.50 1.00 2.40 12.50 2.25 12.40 2.15 12.30 2.10 12.20 2.00 12.10 1.90 12.-00-- 1.40. 10.00 Toronto Exhibition Leave 10.40 p. m. Above Fares Include Admission to Exhibition. Bus takes passengers riglit on to Exhibition Grqounds andi stays there ail day for convenlence of passengers. FOR INFORMATION: PHONIE LINDSAY 453r33 OR BOWMANVILLE 412J Patrons uslng our Busses may leave their cars in parking space at Kawartha Maples or at Garage In Bowmnanville Free of charge 1 Compare it side 6y side with ail other tires seiling at the DEEPER TREAD same price .... .*WiDER TREAD 0 MORE RUBBER IEm *.. . 75 $970. THE NEW G. P. ROADFLIGHT TIRES ARE FOR SALE AT Rodgsou's Service Station PHONE 23 BOWMANVILLE KING AND LIBERTY STS. DAVIS' SUNOCO SERVICE STATION, OSHAWA. CROFT & SANDERS, COBOURG. CREDIT mm Where Credit Is Due Lending money foi' commercial puî'10Ss -for the pr'oduction andi distributionî of commodý'iies by responsible far-meî's, manufacturers and dealers - is a l)limai'y function of a commercial bank. If you requil'e seasonal cî'edit we suggest that ,voui discuss the subject with our~ Bowmanville bî'anch. THE CANADJAN BANK 0F COMMERCE S. H. LOGANCGeîuera1'Manîager' A. J. WHALEN, Manîager', Bowmanville installed a township lending 11- The mnustard seed lying in the tard came up in the grain t~ brary filt ilinchs ofsoil germinat- the infestation was so small tha- J C K ed about the saine time as the the plants were hand Pulled witî, I ar n ot trying to present the buckwheat, but the mnustard seed- littie difficuity and the yielci of idea of this community farm lun îîugs were soon killed b%- the the grain wvas higher than o,' any full way. Rather I amn just1 faster grong lE srother crop. adjoinrng plots seeded ini the or-' outlining the project-to Set Afte r har'vestiflg the buckwheat, dinary way. 9 n'inds thinkiug. The idea is not the land was flot cultivated or ,- an impractical one. 0f course. disturbed lu ans vay. The fol- 1 There is but one law for al!:. if such a farm as I propoýýe should,1 owiug- spring. oats were seeded1 narnely, that law which govern, bc started. it would have to go! ou the buck\vheat stubble. dir- ail law,-the law of our Creator. through au infaucy period. ManY ectly with the seed drill, with noI the law of humanity, justice. errors of judgemeut and of ac-peouclivtn.Sm s- equits*".-Burke. tion wvould be inevitable. There__________________________________ would be much suspicion to dis.,i- Pate. It would require au enor- mous arnount of grace in al I shareholde-js. But diffieultiesi O L F F A O and fears should neyer prevent the inception of good projets lime and grace and experienceMI usuallY srnooth pathways toward worthy goalg.à (Another article next week) CONTROLLING. MUSTARD Iu an experiment couducted on the central Experimeutal Farm, mutad as controlled i h following manner. ukwet, " which is a fast growing smother crop ;vas seeded about June 15.1I be be PAGE TWO

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