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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 Girs ofballI IN THE"REALM 0F SPORT i Sortball Girls SofballFootball hung on ta centre f ield and le,, ers & Son, Howard Bickle. C r el S b u s P a sArchie Campbell twirl frthe fulli XN1est Durharn H Cr-11 lVto ini ne rnnings. It wasn'trspectac- W stLurIILEn ries VW inI iruthers & Son W H.Ca- Union, Darlington i Ca pbl l Jdu s P ya s ul ar hurling either, but a steady ii r Duchess, cornes. diameter ofj Ev n p a es or R t good style, whCh coupd with M an y rrizes at Ojshaw a rairi hoaip. 17 1-2-W. H. Carruthers 'Misses Ruby and Clara Griffin thereakgavth_______t e & Son. vctory which saved them folding Alexander, canes. diameter ai and Miss Cookman are holiday- E e p ak s o e R a o i pfor the season an SatÙrday. As usual West Durham won its Sbeep Ihaop 17 1-2"*-W. H. Carrutiiers ing in Toronta. _____- Bowmanville scattered their ten share af prizes at the successful In the Cotswold sheep classes & san. Miss Ruby McLaughlin is visit- hits among the team, with anly Oshawa Fair last week. The list ail the awards went ta F. B. Glas- 1 Walf River.cones. diameter af ing her cousin, Miss Kathleen Errors Are Costly to Bow- tune of 10-3 but Cobaurg turned Harry Osborne and Bill Corden of West Durham wnners is an- pel. aof Hampton, and in the hoop 17 1-2"-W. H. CarruthersTylrBactak the tables on Saturday and ad- registering two. Bates whacked nounced below. Leicester sheep class W. R. Rab- & Son. Mr. and Mrs. Clif fard Peters manville at Cobourg - 1ministered an 8 t 4 drubbing ta Iou t the anly two bagger for Baw- Women's Institute bins, of Hampton, swept the Pears and son Frank, Taranto, are vis- Poie ette rek teboaî n nanville. Aprliqued Quilt-2, Sauna W. boards with his entries. Duchess of Anou-Howard iting at Mr. R. Griffin's. Ponis Gt th Braks he ocal inthe County Town. Ms oeaAey saa JAnd the horseshoe had changed Hicks was placed in an uno-I. Shropshire Class Bickle. &i iiiga r akAeys Bawmanvilîe niay have had the jteams and Cobourg had a full prising position with sortie bad Braided Rug-2, SaUna. In the class for Shrapshires, Bartlett-W. H. Carruthers&i :iiga r akAeys Proverbial hoîseshoe hanging a- nine innings of good luck which bounices in the shortstop. which Work Apron-3, SaUna there were twoa flocks in compet- Son. Howard Bickle. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer BeechAC round the team's neck last Wed- was the major reason for tîieir were impassible ta handie. and1 Hooked Rug-1, Sauna. ition, those of Harold Skinner, of Sheldan-Howard Bickle. and f amily- spent Sunday at Mr. neda shn thade obur while his gamne may have loaked j Crochet Rug-3, Solina. Tyrone, and T. Baker & Son. of Capp-Howard Bickle. Austin Alymer's. Pnesa hn itthaseaCobtarthe A sngle, a three bagger, a ragged, there was anly one errorl Man's Wark Shrt-2, Sauna. Hamptan. In this class the a- And ather variety - Howard Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Knapp and I O 1 couple of stolen bases and Hicks' that could possibly be attributedi Knitted Sacks-4. SaUna. wards were placed as follows:« Bickle. fany wr nTrot ens ' errai gave Cobourg a xî>'rst înnîngs ta him. and on that point bathI Knitted Mitts, fine-3, Salîna. Ram, twa shears and aver-1 Collection af six varieties and dy lead which they retained through- the Cobourg and Bowmanville Knitted Mitts. coarse-2. Sa- Harold Skinner, Tyrane; T. Ba- separate entirely f romn abave. 5 M.RyMLuhi o is BusenssaDne. ~The Ravals never soeswr are.lina. ker &Sorn, Hampton. Skn-of c-H ardBicle. r7e pitching horseshoes, and THIS QUI T tuin soryct r 'Ot rntchampionshemddehipedLae1,Slia SealngRforrod kn- PEasternad ikl. chmioshpfoOn-en n distance ofth Ponies as they (,fth fourth innings hn e Crochet Lace-j, Sauina. ner; T. Baker & Son. ___________tra tPtroo IE A garnered ini theýr runs in the first was replaced by Osborne. Allow- Tatted Lace-3. Solina. EWe. two shears and aver- TIRE_________ LEGAL f ive innings without a break. ing six hits. and walking three Pieced Quilt-2, Solina. Barald Skinner: T. Baker & Son. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Appretl Cboîr wrehad-Brunt left Osbarn2 with three Homemade Comforter-3, So- Shearlîng Ewe-Harald 5kin- Your Home Medicine Chest. - M. G. V. GOULD. B.A., LL.B. ing Utî'cnki's tricky curves h e n bases and only one down. Iýna. ner: T. Baker & Son. The following orders were Among the stadr oshl M LIGL esi hitting the first batter up. Dave Quilted Quilts-1. Sauina. Ewe Lamb-Harold Skinner; T. passed at the August meeting of remedies that should always be Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary event of a thîrd gamne. which forced one run home, but rallied Knitted suits far twa-year-ald Baker & Son. Darlingtan Township Council: i on hand in yaur home medicine Phone 351 came off last night. Utronki and struck the next two men out, -2. Sauina. Southdown Ciass H. Mc Laughlin, relief 9.85 chest. none is mare important L W P Royal Banîk Bldg., Bowmianville ________________without any trouble. A total of Labor Saving Device-j. Sa- The Sauthdawn Classes saw the F. L. Dudley, relief 19 hnD.Toa'ElcreOl W. R. STRIKEinth rman-lia flocks of A. A. Ayre, of Hampton. G.A. Barran. relief 2.25 Its manifald usefulnesçs in re- W.aRr.teSctr. oar F N R L IECO ng portion of the gamne, left Os-1 One Antique-j, Solina. win the major awards. WÀ. W. Homne, relief 6.02 lieving pain and healing sickness i __________olictor._________________ mRlbre with an enviable record Italian hemstitching by Junior Ram, twa shears and aver-j. L. J. Gatchel, relief 2.60 is known by many thousands Solicitor for Bank of Montreal when the gaine ended. members-2, Solina. .A ye po. W. C. Caverly, relief 16.00 throughout the land. Always use 4OOMC Bawmanvi Lle nai UEA IETR Cmbl tukot5 n an-21 A.hina. hearlgHam-jo.A.yrFL.Baelf Phone91. FTNERA DIRE TORS ampbel str ck ou 5, a d Afg an-2.Solin .5F.3. BDr. rTlofmas7 DrcThectric Oil for re-r re Bomnil.OtroService, any hour. any day. imanaged ta keep his head through Pillow Slips, lace trimmed- Sharinan. Mrs A.F.RuA.e rlier1.4 L. C. MASON, B.A. F. F. MORRIS CO. t.he gamne. despite a nasty crack 2. Sauina, Ram Lamb-1, A. A. Ayre. Wmn. Virtue, weed Insp. 19.60 pains. treating sore throats andCETFD on the wrist from Dave Osborne Pilhow Slips, embroidered-2, Ewe. two shears and aver-1. A. G. A. Barron. repairs for chests, caughs, burns. scalds, cuts, Barrister - Solicitor Modern Mtar Equipment ýin the 7th innings. Scotty Cam- Solina, A. Ayre. plaw .70 bruises and sprains.j M IfU Notary Public - Etc. Ambulance and Invalid Car eron had the team well in hand Child's dress made from an- Shearling Ewe-2, A. A. Ayre. J. D. Hogarth, excise & vm uon Law in aIl its branches. Caîl Phone 10 or 34, and a quick change araund in1 other garmrent-2, Solina. w aî-,A Ar. postage 3.00 ________________ Office immediately east of Rya furhinins.inavig ou l. apA.ram(paA.2,B.T.Ca eric 21 Theatre Roa Assistant, 573 the orhinns novnf 1lbMpeCampIný2 Oxford Downs B .C.srie21 Phones: Office 688; Hame 553. BOWMANVILLE players. was the means of avert- Solina. Ram. twa shears and over-1, Alex McGregor med. supplies 82 îng a possible routing of the Royal Dark Fruit Cake. iced-2, 50 ji. W. Balson, Hampton. I DENTAL NORTHCUTT & SMITH c oreBsn.ns omrnd Bsuia3 a Shearling Ram-2, J. W. Bal- Haoper & Sith, wirlng andJ tSore_____________________________sn. ixtresin all 71.50 Complete Funeral Service R H E lins. son. Lm-2,JI. asn C. H. Mason, Liability ns. DR. J. C. DEVITTMoe Equip-nent - Ambulance Bow'lle 012 000 010 4 10 4 8 Homemade Buns-2, Solina. Ewe. twa shears and aver-j. J e. ad& iI lme Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson - A. W. G. Northeutt- Cobourg 221 210 00x 8 12 0 2 Loaves. Homemade Bread, W. Balson. hpad&Glume 2.7-Y bonadwudsaifr Graduate of Royal Dental Col- - Aubrey Snmith - Box Score whit-3. Salins. Shearling Ew-j & 2. j.W. N. E. Neads, Ins. on Booth 4.0qikatspe etzn wt lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- Phone Dsys 58 4Pis. Canned Fruit. raspber- asn, Counties Treas.. maint. 109.63Dr haesOnmt.Cd llee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office Nights. Sundays or Halidays Bowmaniville AB R H PO A E ries, strawberries. cherries. pesch- Ewe Lainb-2, J. W. Balson. J. D. Hogarth, collecting ar- - ihngadbrn ote hours 9 a. m. ta 6p.m al Phone 523 or 276. Moise. 3b-cf 5 0 1 0 1 1 e---2. Salins. Hampshires and Suffolks rears of taxes 29.*301- feet and toes are quckly reîîeved except Sunday. - McIlveen. cf-rf 4 0 1 1 1 0 6 Pts. Canned Vegetables: peas. In the Cheviot sheep classes A. G. Adcock. labor . 2.90 _ - by hprvnmdialte- Phone 90. House phone 283. .music Piper, bat in 9 1 0 O 0 O O beans. corn. tomnatoes. beets and A. Ayre. of Hamoton, was the S. Kersey. labor 1.80 iment. In tubeI i __________________inOffice._ Hicks, ss 4 1 0 2 3 1 a"oagus-2. Salins. anhy cxhibitor and won aIl thei H. Allin, labor.81orbx X-a qimn nOfc.j RICHARD FOUNTAIN i Cowell. 2b 4 1 1 2 I O 3 Glasses Jeljy: grape. red cur- prizes.i J. D. Hogarth. roads and1 SH EREARSBnmatr aaia ;go Corden. lb 4 1 2 8 0 O 'ant.. apîle-l. Salins. The spet'ial prize for the best ~ brilges 250.6 Band 0ýborne H.. 3b-c 2 1 2 10 3 1 Need!evork by lady over 70 pen of hongwool sh-'ep went. ta0 F.,Caincil ta meet Ssturdsy. Sept. geaà 01I R FAWSONfContTrme, Bagnell. cf 1 0 1 0 0 O years of age-1. Salins. B GlaspelI, wi-th W. R. Rabbins.17th. %- Boot and So e rNg Teacheir Baritone t. Tupe Large, If 2 O0O0O0O0O0.iprsey Cattie scn.BahFrshdteI__________________________________ Bo5t and Sprofessironal1 Bates. c-rf 3 0 1 1 0 1 H'lfer Caîf, under one 3'ear and best pen af shartwoo] oheep, with Sales sewn on by Goodyear 2 i s'poesoa experience., Brtint.. p 2 0 0 O 2 0 over three months-F. M. Chap-A . Stitching Machine. i Open for pupils now. Dai stad2n;- A .Are. second. Prices reasonable. Residence: Opposite Town Hall D Osborne. p 2 0 1 an1ltan 2d A. A. Ayre, While A. A. Ayre also won the! King Stree East - Bomanville ___-_-_-_-_-CoboHampondM. with fol at fot- efera tthe b st rm a _____MLE G KnStetEs omnil Temperance Street. Bawmanville Totaîs 34 4 10 24 12 4Rase Horses specian d o the best s.ged EXTR j Utranki. f 5 2 3 o o Cchrane Bras., Burketon: H. Junior Farmers M Here is your chanc agtara URoning. ss3f 22 0 OFqrrow, Orano. Beef Caîf, bull-l, John Baker. God.l .100 Foal of 1933-H. Farrow, Coch- Hampton.GodihgaaeeTretth MFye,2b 4 O O 1 6 O iant' Bras. Mre ab1,LodAr.prc f"ha Micel 4 1 2 5 0 0 Fily or Gelding. one year old- Hampton; 3, Harvey Balson,Mi ske tijLodAye rie.ofutchapycntce McCaig, rf. 4 0 j 4 j 0o1 H. Farrow, Cochrane Bras. Hampton. .tires. Btut ha adifeene Elliatt. If 4 0 j1j1o0o0IFil1l' or Geldine. 2 vears old- Showmanship-1, Walter B. Goodrich qualitytrsbce Hie. 3b 4 1 1 1 2 0'2. H. Pirraw, A. W. Glenney, Knax, Hampton. _ by Goodrich. Yulnwwa Campbell, p 3 1 1 1 0 0Newcastle. Ladies' Work Horssin Harneîs, Class 18-Damestic Needlecraft.L you are getting we o u Tatls 368 1 2 1 O S;nele Driver, mare or geldin'z. Camforter, homemade-Mrs. J. Goodrich Tire.Teerge To base 3 81,2 1 15 1-2 hands and over-2, A. W. W. Balson, Hampton. . tires are known o herh Tw bs hits. Bates. Utronki, Glennpv. Newcastle. Clalss 'i9-Needework Mitchell, Campbell; 3 base hit5. ý'ngIe Drivpr, mare or geldiniz. Paint lace-2, Mrs. J. R. Bell, miheage and depeblit.T tronki: left on bases, Bowman- i"nder 15 1-2 hands-3, A. W. Bawmanville.pi is aprtnaigyhw o.I vle8.Cobourg. 9: stalen bases, Ghennev. Knitted lace, fine-2, Mrs. J,.sa potntyta nyfo Utronki. Rollings 2; Goody 1; Gentlemsn's turnut-2. A. W. R. Bell, Bowmanville.icoeagn.orentoaad double ss.dMcFayden ta RoI11 Glenney. Dinlng Room Furnishings e a set for your crBtbr Firt Frm~' (fte' te wnd-ing taGoo3';strike outs. D. Qhorthorns (Purebredî Tes Cosy-2, Mrs. J. R. Bellety, r Osbomimr atr h in-?ne 8. run t 1: Campbell 5: Biill, î'nder one yer-T. Baker Bowmanville. e. . . . . . . . . . .Yo'l neyer boyu hapycn storm was oveî'): "Did vour bar'n 1basoff as, Campbell 3: Brunt & Son. Hampton, Service tray, maunted-2. Mrs.I structed" tires agiocyo 3: Hit by pitched bal. Osborne j Heifor ('alf. under one year- J. R. Bell. Bawmanville.haesdCo anrs get huî't any, Hi?" 2. Campbell j. Umpires Courcey 1 T, Baker & Son. Tes Cloth-2, Mrs. J. R. Bell, hv sdCm Second Farmer: "I don't know, and Johnston, Peterboro. Herd. four females. over one Bowmsnville. as I haven't found it yet." - e. year--G. Parrott, A. Percy. Serviettes, six-2, Mrs. J. R. EVE th yur î'peîty aynotbeHoming Pigeon Club ____________ Bedroom Furnishings, Crochet or EV N toyu rprymyntb Crochet Trimmed blown away you know that high winds to Night robe embroidered-j, Mrs........! o cancasemuh amge. Widsor te owmngavre themig rNghtroecrcheotime J. R. Bell, Bawmnville. n.ic ol cot s iti ta ee'yoeClub in the inentoa igen2, Mrs. J. R. Bell, Bowmanville. Insuî'ance ot oltl heeyoe race from the Canadian National should have it. Exhibition24h on Saturday, August - Hand B ag, c ot2,s . JW 24h R. Bell. COU TIC F. Battrell 1 hr, 0 mins, 44 sec. COURTanou-maeu L. Richards 1 hr, 1 mina, 25 sec. Mselnos-mtu W. Woolner 1 hr, 3 mins, 17 sec. Poster Design-2, Mrs. J. R. JJeM S N&S N G. Bathgate Bell. Bowmanville, luR et4l -BWA & Sons 1 hr, 4 mins, 10 sec. Penmanship. Commercial Mrs.G e i R e M l O M NIL ___ ___ __ ___ __J. R. Bell, B wm anville. And pep up nature's way, w thout artificial INSURANCE AGENTS As a vermifuge an effective Basket in Reed Work-Mrs. J. stimulation. Regain energy by replachn the Phone 50 Bowmanville prprtnisMhe Gavs R. Bell, Bawmanvllle. WoeprEtrin aMtr rand es'n i Best Collection Cactus-j, W. vitallty building elements you lose In sum- ____________________________________ be givcn ta the most delicate Balson. Hampten. mer actlvlty, the elemnents you need to iwG a ic _______________________________________chihd withaut fear of injury t.o Collection af Plants in Plower j off fatigue. They're aIl In Glen Bac Dalry G UARANTE the constitution. p , -W. R. FRultCl, amptn.Mllk, wlth a flavor as fine as the miklka o m a d r Wh y Lose lime? q Each s 33good. Phone 408J Com- We have that "be errcar"eyau& R. R. STEVENS & SON, Proprietors Peed for business, or for pleasure Spy-W. H. Carruthers & Son; itme e and health. Almost new Used Howard Bickle, Bawm-anville. Douglas' Egyptia LIniment lV Cars in aur quality group are Greening. Rhode Island-W. H. - îep oe epndbucky Y our prîced ta enable you ta buy at Carruthers & Son. ble. cr.ce. Because we have re-priced GleRuet-no prize. themn to seil imimediately! Don't Kings-W. H. Carruthers & ____________________________________________ eSjlose time or opportunity. See Son; Howard Bickle. cur car,. ta day! Tolman Sweet-W. H. Carru- thers & Son: Howard Bickle. CH.TkEye& y nNp-pHCapuhes&So Eyelgt Secalst .S.tarrWtH.eCrr & S. So I SAFEY IRS DEALE FORarnir-Howard Bickle; W.H. H.Carruthers & Son. Parigt (10>Genal Mtors.Cars w athw sH.Carutors. ............._. SoEYFR ELR O n -Howard Bickle .H spet t ad amefoaitHewi p ers SoH . aruter & on figh foritei.asaeonesaynaiiy Howrd Bcl-l.. 71 N

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