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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 PAGE SEVEN History oF St. BOIVIANVIL Which celebrates the lOthi i efirst churcb. and the 105t of the congregation this year 4By B. H. Installment Il Looking back over the years one finds that members of St. John's Church have taken an ac tive interest in the a!! airs of the community out.sde of cburch if e. Even back to the very earliest days of Bowmanviile as an incor- porated municipality members of the church were fui! illing their duties as members of the com- munity. Sbortly after Bowmanville be- came a village in 1853. James Mc- Feeters. a member o! St. John's became reeve of the village, an it was through bis efforts that Bowvmanville was incorporated as a town in 1858, with Mr. Mc- Feeters as its irst Mayor. Since that time several mem- bers o! St. John*s Church have served in the capacity of chuef WREN VOIIR DADONTER COMES TO WOMANHOOD Most girls '10 cbeir teens need a tonic and regu- lator. Give your,ý: daughter Lydia E. Pinkhamn's Vege.. table Compound for the next e7 - tmonths. Teach " ber how to guard ber bealth at this critical time. When she is a happy, bealtby wife and morber she will thank you. Sold at ail good drug stores. Ltjdia E. Pjn1çam-a Vegetable Compouni. a ..oee ~ uns Eacb pad will kil! flics ail day and every day for tliree 'wecks. 3 pads in each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET et Druggists, Grocers, General Stores. iWHY PAY MORE? TH1E WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamihlon, Ont. Special Barga ]EXCURSIJON TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANAD, Going Dates: Daily Sept. 21 ta Oct. 4 Return Limit: 45 days. ONE CENT PER MI] Good in Coaches only Sleeping Car Privileg Passage Tickets also on sa good in:- (a) tourist sleeping cars at proximately 1V îc per n plus regular berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleel cars at approximately1 per mile, plus regular seai berth tare. Stopovers granted at Port Art] Ont. antI ahi stations w;est ther Full particulars from any ager Canadian Pacif bhur. reot ,Ic 31-51 BOWMW Public I WILL F Wedn asd'ay, at 9 a. m. Ail Primary Pupils the first day. Prim Miss Marjorie Col Montgomery, Centi Muriel Symons, Si Children who will before January li mended to start at classes will be fornr W. P. CORBETT, Chairman of the Board nat the outbreak o! t.he Great War, pure, lovely and of good report. was the divine Founder of the1 and two daughters, Toronto, vis- OT MK1CED a very promising choir of Young His own thought stream bhad been Christian Church; Paul was the ited Mr. W. S. Stînson on their H T O ICED TE A men was broken up as tbey lef t changed by bis conversion on the greatest human figure in its! return f romn Renfrew Mines Of Infuse six heiping teaspoons of Salade Blecit Te& in a pint of fresh bo»il ohns Churcnj Jobn'sChurchto serve their country 'n France. Damascus Road. As a Christian spread and development. Christ whicb Frank is president and. witer. After six minutes strain Iiquld into two-uirt container. WhiIe hot# id The Altpr Guid is another effic- Paul's thinking was radically dif- i the great Light, Paul the great manager. 112 CuPs Ofqranulated sugir and the julce of 2 lainons. Stir weII unil sugir is LE, ONTARIO i&nt organization that is crent f rom bis thinking as a satellite; the one the MaSter. the, Mr. J. J. Thorn;on bas return- diusolved 1 Ail container with cold water. Do flot allow tee to cool befo,.e dding anniversary of the building of n a splendid work in crn for Jew. His thoughts were so con- other the greatest messenger the sd to Manor. Sask. te cold waterp otherwlse Iiquid wiliIbecome cloudy. Serve wlth chlpped ice. Lbh anniversary of the founding the altar. altar linens andflw tinually of Christ that bie dared, Master bas ever had. His was Miss Lillian Scott and Miss r. ers.. It is interesting to note in to bo]d bimself Up as an example,ý the brain and body wbicb boused H-elen Hinds of Manor. Sask., are Mortlock) this connection that. Mrs. Thomas for others t-o follow. A modemn the keenest intellect and the their aunt. Mrs. Halli- r --------__ 1ed and cared for the altar linen, wholesome influence bad the ha- forged the logical framework and Mr. Orm Gamsby was guest of magitrat of he a labour o! love for the bit of jotting down in a book the the great thought f oris of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne TrulI o! Tor- m em ers o! St. Job 's wer : t Jo b s fondet y e t a ny b tif 1 tar h s e o an ee wa ms bi e rf t h euyanr de jM is EteaR t ero d e t f rSA LADS maîtrt f h tw.Among church. f inest tbings be read or beard. Cbristianity: e was the man onto at Lake Scugog. sthe onor of election as Mayor o! Acknowledgements He made a habit of poring over under God wo made Christianity Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Drummond Bowmnvileand ho ere The ritr o thi hitor ofthese tbings heisurehy. As a re- a world religion; bie buiît the are holidaying at Hay Bay. Bomanle ,afS. n 'swh were tJh wridethbtorya m f suit. bis mind was stored witb bridge between the Gahlean Jews Mrs. Fred Cowan and niece.Ta 18Jame Feers uit 18-59 Pandforcesion peoh srelrbe si facts. It is tragedy when the bu- and the universal Christ. indeed Port Carling ta visit their cousin. 1861; FArederick1 ubt. d1860-; is asocreiable a man brain and memory are used between the Jesus of bistory and Miss Wood. F..MLcrtb, 1845. and 18-3 thisepoible orue a-n for spitefuh and degr ading the Christ o! faitb." Miss Robinson, Toronto, is vis- R. R.0; LosmbH.184-85an197893 thos w noave onrethe thougbts constantly in our minds Questions For Discussion iting bier aunt. Mrs. E. Evans. r Dr. S. C. Hilier. 1913-15 ;and A. hate Prof. A. H. Young o! Trinity if we but choose ta think them. 1. Is "our acquisitive society" Mrs. A. C. King, Trail. B. C., N. McMillan, 1919. College; Dr. James T. Talman, Contentment, 10-12 a just description? enroute home from a trip to Of those who served as Trea- Provincial Archivist, the Library As a Young man Paul was 2. What gave Paul inner peace Rhode Island, is visiting bier sis- surer o! the town, Thomas Bur- of Trinity Coîhege. the Archives o! doubtiess as ambitious andIsef in prison?) ter, Mrs. James L. Powers. Kirby. dnwsthe onhy member of St. the Diocese of Toronto, Prof. John seeking as otheryun e He 3. What determines y, o u r Mr. W. A. Waddell, manager Threshers A ttention S~ai'shitoyofDahigtn& adhih oes f stougmn.anI He uh traBank o! Commerce. Thedford. In an effort to controi the distribution of Weed Seeds. legis. o n'iseihScoo. since itr fDalntn&hdhg hpso oiinan huh tem istdfinshr.lation has been includedin The Weed Control Act, regarding the Bomnil ihShosneClarke, Mr. D. G. M. Galbraith, powver. 4.e h uiin o Can you make out a case vstdfinshr.registration and cleaning of thresh ng machines. Tornto ad nmerus locl Crit bs dealsthae trns-ofodicte? Mr. andI Mrs. 0. W. Rolph. It Is now compulsor>. for every thresher, operating a machînu s hineptofas hdbutCou.rrieso h hr Miss Doris Lowden, Major J. C. for hire to obtain a Registration Certificate before starltlng opera- chirna, woo!whm.Cl.mebes ! heCbrc.formed andtihe learned that in *i aeymtrdtNrtBy. tos-Clause 19. The Weed Contrai Act. Game motred a Noth By. torsEvery machine and ail equipment used in connection there. Frederick Cubitt andI Dr. G. C. Conclusion whatsoever state hie was, therein Mr. antI Mrs. C. Cookman, Mr. with must be thoroughiy cleaned before moving - Clause 18, The Bonnycasthe were one time war- . to be content. Doubthess the les- ORONG and Mrs. Gordon Innes (i! Cress- WVeed Conitrai Act. The co-ooeration of every thresher is solicited tIens o! St. John's. On the Pub It is not the duty o! a histoiîan son wa.s not easiîy learneci but 1 r.adMs.Ei Bac- n our campaign to contrai Weeds. li colBad .N eilnta dwell upon the successes or Paul had learnd it. He wass' r. .Banh THIS LEGISLATION WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. f and Fred Cryderman. served as faîhures o! the past, but it is fitt- independent that lbe would workl IFrom The News, August. 22nd> ared.ookunerando! BMr cate r. spec lirthAi ltr aResetaivedorfrom tJ. o.calithd Ir. chairman at different periods. igta stishsoycmst at his tentmaker's trade to sup- Miss M. Adams, Oinemee. is and Miss Myrtie Cookman o! ector, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch. Parliament Buildings, Tor. a conclusion somne sentiment is port himself. although lie was an visiting friends bere. Toronto. visited Miss Laura Alin. onto.ON RODEAT NT0 AGI LTR Church Organists voiced for the future. To many active missionary and wrote a Miss Doris Porter. Lindsay, is OMissIMarion L. BannonRICULTUR jThere is no record o! early or- o! us the Centenary Celebration Ms ainL annwl Hon. Duncan Marshall, J. B. Fairbairn, I anss !St Jh's utsoewilsevei amasrea apridlarge part o! the New Testament. visiting bier cousin, Mr. Neil enter Ozhawa Training Scbool Oiitro grclue eputy MinIster. gait fS.Jh',btsiewl ev namauea eidWhen the Philippian Church sent Porter, for Nurses. Mnse fArclue present members o! the cburch. o! stock-t.aking. It is a time to him a gift lie negarded it as an Ms oaSih ad Ms Fi!ty tbousand vigorous finger- whos famliesbavelongbeentake stock o! wbat bas happened extra. not as stated support. He Rogers are visitingý at Mr. Row- ling speckled trout were assigned __________________________________ connected with the cburch. bave in the past. and to prepare for acpe atadhne sds adSihs recalled the folhowing organists, what is to come in the future. acetdwn n ugra i-lnISîb~taor0m Gamsby to be tIeposited Mis Rohe.a niceof r. ac-cipline antI turned loss into pro- Mr. andI Mrs. J. Keys and son ini Our local streams. Ormi being Mis Rch, niceo!Dr Mc- If we conscientiously take stock fit. Discontent arises when we Cordon. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. oui o!. town. Harry Mercer took nab: Miss Birdie Hunter. Mrs. o! ourselves. If we !ind Out look at a certain group o! facts in Jce Barnett, Cherrywood. visited charge o! the shipment antI saw EtIsaîl Oliver. Miss M. M. Armour. wbether we have played the game our experience. Gontentm e n t at Mr. J. Eagleson's. that tbey were phaced in the dif- B Miss EaLutel, Miss Carnie with our cburch. andI the organ- may be maintained if we look at Rev. antI Mrs. Cecil AlinanIfrn tem deiae.o n an le H gh S hl Roeig, ad rs.J.A. Gunn.. izations ta wbich we belong, antI different groups o! facts. A 1cons have returned to Onarga. Miss Ehien Allen entertained 17 Old Families wbethen on not we have benefitt- Christian seeks to ive in a spini 11.boys o! ber Sundav school c1aýý Among the families. wbo have ed ourselves fnomn our associations o! gratitude rather than o! grum- M1rs. Colville Evans antI son. of'the Park Street United Churcb WJI[ L R EOPEN been connected with St. John's witb the Churcb. w are taking bing. It is a fact that not alYelverton. visited lier mother, at a picnîc at the lake. Newcas- Churcb for more than 50 years, stock. Having taken stock each f ew people who have host nearly Mes. William Waddehh. antI sister. the. WednesdaY a!ternoon. FOR THE FALL TERM ON are the following recalled for us member should go out inta, this ahi their possessions are happier Mes. Harry Cowan. by Miss M. M. Armour. who is second century o! endeavour re- to-day than they were wbile Mr. and Mrs. SitI. Tatham and perbaps the onîy living person igiously resohved that !rom the prosperous because they have sons Ronnie and Bobbie, Mr. Persian Bahmis creates hovely wocan recall the laying of the mistakes o! theblpastwl be been freed fron the domination and Mrs. Cordon Adams, Tor- complexions. Veîvety smo ot~h .X ednesday, Sept. 4~, 11935 corner sone of te preset churchlearned hdiscovered lethesonofoivisiad davatdMn.veH. J.e Walshvis.tCoolsMrantIJ.rehieves Cthe asdin.ieMiddheesTTn building 80 years ago. This w hich wilh give ta the second cen- reality o! the spiritual. Miss EtI'th Dent. tIaughten of Makes it delight!ulhy soft-text- Mddeand pe School stdnswl worthy lady. wbo still spends ber tury o! our history, progress, Secret Strength, 13 Mn. antI Mr. L. A. Dent. wrill ured. Alluringly fragrant. De-uIlesuen W1 surner montbs at Bowmanvilie pnosperity. andI a langer measure ent-ýr the Osbawa hospital tarepot use. Swîftinlthy absorbedrs Beach recalled these naines. one o! success, than the first century Paul was one o! the most vital 0lgtu aue wftyasre prominent in the activities o! St. could possibly offer. men wbo ever lived. yet hie gave train for nursing. by the tissues. imparting that and second for.m students and those Jon'. Jon uthiso. lw-The End ahI credit for bis achievements ta Mrs. John Armstrong le! t for elusive charm so d'stinctive o! wishing to take Commercial Course Will _____________inon.a aw Christ. Starving. shipwrecked. i Dickinson. North Dakota, to visit the tIaint-y womnan. Persian Balm rpr nteatrona .0ocok yen; R. R. Loscombe. a lawyer. a flogged on impnisoned. hie playeà ber mother. prot-cts the deicate skin. Pre- rpr nteatrona .0ocok warden andI a mayor; Robt. S. m the m an. andI he found stnength1 Rev. James Siml:son andI bride - serves andI enbancms the loveliest ,Manning, an expert cabinet ma- S for bis heroism througb the in- 1 ree Florence Hawi. o! Ailsa complexion. Every disciminating Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, C. H. Mason, ken; Dr. G. H. Low, a member of! nd y Stl welling presence o! the living Craîg. vîsîted bier parents, Mn. Arcman should use this silveny the medical profession, andI one Crs.Wa rbt aCrs n r.W .Hw c Chairman of the Board. Secretary-Treasurer. o! the most loyal andI devoted Cis t. W t a tribPute!toChrist atIMnd W.S. a. l;on1-s in. ta i unvldasaflw maembers the chunch ever bad: Less on 3te itesoPal Crit ManI rsFrkSisnlssidtbauyI- John Burk. who was a merchant ______ andI wbose store once housed the Post Office; Chas. Spauhding: Col. Sunday, September Ist, 1935 F. Cubitt. wbo bad a fine mii- tary record andI wbo served as PAUL Mayor. Francis Raynes, Robent IlVonker With Hand And Brain) Armour. the registrar. antI a ___ brother o! Chie! Justice Armour; Golden Text: *I have shewed andI among othen quite promninent you alh tbings. bow that so la- families she recalled the names bourîng ye ougbt t-o support the l of the Pethicks the Hibberts the weak." Acts 20; 35. ceros. ntsevilea los pn Lesson Passage: Act.s 20: 33- Thou aree Way. TeWomen's Auxiliary had its Hadst thou been nothing but origin about bal! a century ago. the goal îM or*lg Cs We i witb its first president, Mrs. S. C. I cannot say iHilier stilh living. When object- If tbou hadst ever met my soul, ions were raised because ahi funds -Alice Meynell. were sent out o! town for Miss- ions. the Women's GuiltI. or Lad- A Real Estate, 33-35 ies' Aid as it was calletI, came in- Christ le! t no legacy but a and holding the samne meetings, Paul bad no estate requiring pro- but tividing the funds equally baie. John Wesley who had !-,cwen the cburch bene andI handhed the spoons. Gandhi, in- missions esewhere. The Junior fluential leader in India. will W. A. is a junior bnanch o! the have practically no personal qs- 1 rnreýcnt Mission Society. The on- tate, non will Kagawa o! Japan gin o! the Sunday School is bur- althougb bis book noyalties have *5ti' 'tI in antiquity, but Sunday been large. One o! the most dy- Scbh'ol was heltI in the basement namnic i'eligious leaders now alive ..... . ,)f the oltI Chuîrcb. for many years bas stated that if lie dies owing -ef--re the 1present building was any man or any man cýrected in 1855. owing bim anytbing, it will be The Anglican Young Peoples bis. We bonor the men who live 1ý's3-iatUon had its; origin in 1911 above personal desine o! gain, yet .îith Dr., G. C. Bonnycastle aý in our western civilization eager- fin't president, J. A. Livine as ness ta acquire an estate is almost u:c-trcidntandI Miss Nina 1nvra. Paul worked witb bis N'eads as Sel-etary-Treastirer*. i\n hands as a tentmaker andt...I.. Tlie Mens Club is o! -ecen, Or- had but a meager living. yet el .... cîd wark while he ChurchEb y influence greater than if lie tieI .._....._....... I teagu.- is also an ore'înization a multi-inillionaire. Each Young mI~If eomparatively new in St. John's. Penson should decide eanly in ife Iilt- The Choir bas exist.ed since the whetber to work primaily for i ifl> ,hurch %vas first commenced. andI matenial or moral andI spiritual /1111 is perhaps langer today tban at values. 11 any time in its bistory. although Prayer and Peace, 4-7 111 Paul was not matIe by circum- stances, but madIe cincumstances . because lie was himsehf a circum- I 8, A À M Astance. Hîs etter ta the Pbilip- quldgly dlaappeus wlî.a the pians was witten wbile in prison. Livr ad idnesi' yet lie speaks o! rejoicing in the ut veandid.ys Lord. He urges the Philippians to nejoice andtIat let their f or- bearance be known unto ahl men. He asks tbemn not to worny or fret, but in a spirit o! tbanksgiv- ing to let thein requesis be known to God. Paul in bis own life had 0-1458 s____ antI thougt o! the P hilppns.. *said, "As a man thlnketh so is wby fr ~-r talking it oueytit? W"'*B WM NVL he". Isaac Watts saitI. "The t? ffelj us '11'£COR'C OW A VIL Imind is the measure of the man". "un ot s , lo aaitaIt C. H. DUDLEY, Milton salid that a mmnd coultI oui entiai Motas e intT. allotS a d. Secretary-Treasurer. tuen a heaven Into bell, or a beill t bis sho¶.uOOm¶U - u uiance- IIInto, a heaven. Paul urged the tu,__ âlefeTCfMl,5 fo Philipplans ta thlnk of the thinga OU that were true, honorable, Juat, h THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 PAGE SEVM

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