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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1935, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bownanville News VOLME81BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1935N NOHAINDAY B y 'T ~ u~il L ~v AT ansot Seond Batalio OROO, CT 7t- oys Tainin Sc oolFrind C. N. E. COMPETITIONS V trn oiS c dBa 1W.J. Morrison B.A., Formerly W. F. Ward,Ôf Bowfli- ThHon. H.C. ScholfieBad Principa otoBowm nrilae H S. forfor 4 _p___ twenteYa- Turn Ont in Large Numb r thenannoucn ed ha offica Cbne . ng Association and the Fat Stock peared in the keenly co- Prn ip lofnomnileHoS inatinor ethfi ialng Former Caine Mnser Cub itested band competitiolis at WhoHealoDelnaebestedin the C. N. E. last Thursday. r wl take place at Orono Wo ntdSite of He lso eld embrsdis in Whîî tor Annnal MemorialSevc TonHl nmndy c.-- the Canadian, Carlton. and Lamb- Wletey came Iast in thefr 7.Th hu fraomntip Scholfield Diedq ton Golf and Country Clubs andth ca Appointed to School for Deal hehu frnoiaios_ ___e . onai e wlll ibe from noon until 2 P. After Brief Illness the Royal Canadian Yacht Clu.BnmtrR.Fnaire -------___________ m. Already three candidates, O enedy He was an Orangemanand a ceve 1 intsa maao tan -- On We.dnesdaonseva-Conservative. te rciedayeraoadED PRINCIPAL Members ofFaosBt FredW. owe, CnseVa ______He was a former Warden of St. were only separated from the Former Bowmanville Man FRIEND 0F B. T. S. tive; Frank Rickard, Liberal nngBemvl adbYtioPrs Is Given Important and Ralph Staples, C. C. F. Hon. Henry Chadwick Schol- James Cathedral, Toronto. front ingBemvle adb bhii ave been nominated. In- feld. former Mnister Without where f uneral services will be held eight points. The band was dications are that a Stevens Portfolio0 in the Henry Govern- tmroWatrno.j conie asupoteusua.y J.vr najo-Rv canidtewil asobe n heHe is survived by his second keetspotr Nr.J Capt. A. D ob' Inst tut ca did te ill ais, b in the ment, and one of the staunchet wif e. who was a sister f his f irst Clark Bell, assoclate band- field. Pfeche Mr. W. J.Mriofme ing School for Boys at Bowmafl- Fraser Grant. One brother Geo. r ornia f Bowmanville High Oe n ude eeaso School. and more recently In-FRI HOUSE 15 ville, passed away early on Wed- P. Shlil.fre eea spector of Public Schools for the BFRUIREUILInesday in is 69th year. Mr.ana grafdhilSrnad ank, ur- eeatroJed Bowanvile C n'semir igtngun 0Scholfield was the donor of Campvie____ Scolfor the Des! at Belleville. Workmefl Have Reached Second Schoîfiseîd st, whappy nio!the IPeterbo Maple Leafs won inoweGateo una !tr HescecsPrincipal H. B Fet- Storey Level of New Pack- Bow anile noon. to commemAlate the plac ingelnteah umer.A eat ttckAugust Meeting over Bowmanville at Peterboro, ontecm die ing 0f te Battaisn colosPlnaSt su! feredgo. theoaweeks dagos prove i Women's Institute Tuesday, in the 0. B. A. defeat- Pauî'sof ted Curc. onve yee arro.oTh in-ateruie- Building operations are rapidl3' Mr. Scholfield was only Six alsUie ha e b emar e n i te b r o d a c n t t e inf ui e d o r d y i g t e v s t rs 2 e 3 i e r a h r n a h vessix innings affair. It was a re-ghengwsoordbth thbtf fte nai eatouse, town line Clarke and Dar-theeksagoeeed Copanyient ~ HI nFia n h iios2 o3i er linto, epacngth srutue te ag Hrsy oman. ne 50wLanvile Women's Insti- play o! the game between the P T h ea c i n o f theut u r eh p r e s e n e o f M a jren e a i ment of Education. n yo h retmnfcueso Th rnfr xoio n 1es tr oye d byfire this spring. pipeoarescotimanutuir !t ute eld its August meeting on two teamns last week which the AChmmandeMonf ifre commenting on the appointment A modern brick and concrete 1pIenhe cotina aerM.Fia ttehm fMs B ent Commander o! the First DIvi.sionF was eld n 1building is being erected and at Fhis politicagtoncateer MrJ says: Mr.Mori~son wsbed nI the present timne masons are la- Scholfield was a f earless speakervil ucsflypoetd ThAgm n d1 W h nw o k a t t e e o-hcb g is us.n c r dT h ic k s o fl, P re s id e n t , p r e s id e d vi l s c e sf l y p o st d T hA g m t d b y e m r s f t e ing getread tBanfii ntBowrnanville Brac fteCn th gheSt onred t of rd. j the brick wr ttescn o h i susadcrd Roll calwas answemed by nain- .Petembomo youngsters imade their pointent as mae, A M. Hr- soreylevel Thenew fuit ouseshould conflict with his personal ing a chaacteristic of a good victory sure Tuesday by driving daLein ley, K. C, Chairman of the wilb akdipoenu homne maker. Mrs. Roy Lang- home nine runs in the f irst f rame, Canadian LegonBdude BratfOd Bardo! ductiO, oer heformer one, and will iVes maid, District President. gave a sending Witheridge te cover be- Bandmaster R onan i __________regret_____Brantford_ contain pt-aemciry splendid talk on 'How to help the fore hie coud get a man out. Mc- prd omdU tteCn wa________________the_________ fotheupto-date nabinemyn imIent was bis work for the Tom- Isitth.wich was full o! Ilmoye beld the Bowmanville ahudrt expesedrere.tatBrnîor * orth smtngeplihig no aHumane Society, whoseIsiue.wW .Mrio .A o .M l aheadcapbleuarterstatr. acincoforufieheldl ehelpful ideas. Miss Greta pol- youngsters to two bits. Score: WT.hoeio B . o.paM.aeaneo!Trt. a ~ ~~ H ve-cpbeamnsrtr o. ' paick i o! fuit. te bufk !hHalllard gave two vocal numbers, ac- R H E Former Principal o! Bowmnan - Teprd ace to pedaog ;A-l ell equipped. HeFormer Onaro abne Mn-whchwil b apls ro te omanid y rs E Wod tatPeterboro 920 850-24 17 3 ville High School and for past 3 King Street to(cgg nrht we as howeve'O n arithatin tiMnso a d a fter Shm. e d oH a el wspleased hwvr htrecog-, and one time chaîmman o! splendid orchards in tecntthe he aue ibralyan h iva- e'e much appEciated. Mrs. Bowmanville 201 000- 3 2 9 yeams Public Sohool Inspector o! Cburch and t]ec oSt &i' nition had been extended t.o him the Board o! the BoyssTraining thebcysed off the an i na aeBateis-cImOl ad ay Batfmd woha benapont Curh wer te iiser R Mm. Momison went to Brant- School, who died on Wednesday Dr. Thomas Holgate a n dday -o! thedsocitf ihaf10 hck okthe topic andg gave Witerie-Holman eand Mc- yedBrncipd wo also te apontrio A. S. Ker odedteips- fod s u lic School Inspecter o nig M S h lield was the 1 daugher, M rs. You nlg, and M .1W t ei g o m adMme- eth s ! th1ies o te Ilen.S h Pl frin theal ef th levOtio . ive seric. M s. C H ude ld fo ubmoniglorwingf'hôt keDusmf heam Cothose _______________________________ i199when lbe resigned f romnt ofo the Camp Scholf îeld olgate YugChicago, visited bill._________________forthe_________Belleville._iveservice.__ the MrScholfeld's ther geat inand Girls: Dr. Herbert Bruce, Col. presided at theogn n h teoffice o! Principal o! 50w- site on the lakeshore. r.T .Hlae- trs nlewsby.Pras1coro t mavleHigh Sh 1erBan-ti wshigtndChas. McCullough, Sir Thomasr aRdCoi !S.PulsldI h forthis wastakheighteneiter-by the fact AboeStainton. Hon VincentEgtH nrdSuet eundtlmsclsti fod be ad an areatbidn adr intere ast Wr.Rostingo tesevce of ouh. ora nmbr f yar YIHeFlades dongthe Gratoar f(o amrtwihse wnhpad a ubliekand High Schools Wednesday . R. Morrison.M .Dae .E le s i ali maters etaflinýLosC ria-ac nW ded oe)- fteBy riigjrGrrd olne oeo S ktted Ch rch Sunda Schooe tho atnbis own ont Wa krilledio n a ssey. is Hamd b y r. missiJ a ry- Rose. Srk. m . . Si m He beaehedoatnBar o Cantdrsht on sbiHandMa-rg ndH h i, p reý' ce. A few yea s a e l e jorl aG e tu e H lnde t . anvot e n r l mno! o ýMa n endcationa nd chamafcthersilioths)1w nt ________ Gm e n .J ngtmnee ofnivae- D ance onHeednesdayoGaverno G o! theiBoysOTmainingFor Bkst i SALE Mrs.aF.yjtce superi A n dt entc ol er SChase.d es asS.ur hpGm ranvilleer st. an tD.s. oA.r f rMhe u- Mr Shofel hdn otgae it g- Enroviews ihdanclesby Ordr Shol r-oend n Wdns-i ostme Satrs- ýi te usies wBellBrnina asexnced 5Mrs Lani m ae nt t oher atSudyaLteM theinmb te choir. Intd B m ch Sundayr. ool __ vthago ttn ac.M . a n v l Pl n fvuo__iesays iesa sa a o!s atve Ciumthe aaloabALEGRV Pizs0ffeeoFrrethis rncAfw ars agoe naid for ber splendidofaidmess. SAchoolslnuSomwhao themPbeo!therary lB.rd adei --n - Lyctt in Rorger Ska tead Be T oa aront m ark co! binstntees toiSEB LLPLAdfo te se "MWhnain a den on r , .rM. C. A.iae d Ibe MasAonîc uo!oberahome. Groulcathmee semved aeraThaavUliag-rChurchScservicef Salethdfoakn wasethedtopicero!can inspheingul Schoolre-opeed on ednes- Costumd Skatrs- M. blfield ba a ng er ank tasty vlh.52Binerave In-Ionere laI Snd3yafthelemnfieid.stef r!Sande~ hr O re s in thefomebusinesstres aoerld. Bomndde in a_________the_____r.____ redsi owavll'r Wlim' oin itre fA itrstn oiersaigii n eoigabn aa e-f .eheLa ih ude tdns fav ooro!toandhviemsyseisat Osawea an disriatille Mm. Morrtenisn IiDur~h a ontgooo ttn hecnce.e aris teb £ ae n ths No zrtHebYor ho a e dcte at FonwilplyBo niat ads o cing rne Rool uibr o benCaidiaodesuh was clie i th Caadia Clb W L~ettin carg. C mpltedToi n tM od lre cooland a rte eBAerb ALL PLAYDOWNSschool Li e Slm oksatene tesevcs nth ou l eo te bate bisgr tcaaioer nasb sa travellingt repre- *c Ik, (ST.)____ onf heSundsayubeCrnivinniethea bexcelinlent;mfsic byo!e France. bythey t efoughts Tmrn t dChrc. inAgrouov MaleGroe oca snttise late tumning 10 tank- Bowmsanvi he HigRoyalson, la-y nMody hnsprscice ore wt Hunred o!bisforer tu-pituis hve ustbee aded o ntemYesîîng moîer tingan d b ecltr omi tha ankman- tceoatcaushre on a- Eit Central tuetSrom ddri-espe sra n dem onotf. at Mr. ad Mrs G. RcentVisitrs: M . an Mrs.ager . W. rawfrd co plete ingon in1911.He w s defated rdaySept o!hToron0tD. cipndJthe.Jofinen specia]theRobbecellice.aThey dreamedkngo! deF..n fi n s n Bo m nvleD m. Wîrli amStep Motion Pic t e s È o a l o!r o n an v n anddrict,illoin ietenng Drhmout fr hoanrthm acnets 1 eon edoneyfea- iem Ha elateinbecame ad irectom gueT.Champinone of thelay owlleand uroundifelg usc y5h3coiady ms.tenrhe.thand irwieante ceýongrtainsecand dbest sesIonSet l3H.8oe rcl VI T).turs o! the Linalub Cam ial in manlre comped anist.ooto Stepheam vrase-whc ssoeht oe ha rnd oMTrot. andagan isshdGrn igpaebVI Marion Jen, te Mr eorge Stn- Tickel, PolpoItic96s ew e b e as ed b laedoin wat th eH gh iScols on WednfsdaY. . ier sperti and MrbCadroe rt aU do! Jea n e RecetVitrs: Mm and Mmlls. iE. fr woevthe pebetarnexcellece Smad a vetry oknsIJpns em ley M eM ur er. son o M r. and !M ragend Crawfordrdcomplet e r g orin 19. G Hr e' ws r d efeatred urda yS eep t 7 t e at 3.0 rD. 5ciarl J. H. Johnsto aeo ted n oileabe lMc eeMutm. o rho! m ndI. y ad Mer.JedaPrd ono tgo Roller Skatcr in the tumnout. and peating bhis victory in 1929. For in their quest for the Inter- for the f irst rne school discip- with Mr. and MrÉ. Chas. Pollard. is dream o! h euno h TeMrs ee MMutem o! Blaerqigtn er. dughte r.J, etrbMun-atthe best costumed Rollor Skater mnny yeams lbe was head o! the mediate title. lino. The principal eported that Master Jack Moffatt. Orono, Great Roman mieteesm The mamiaember.htakowplace te tiot-arthin Acousins.b ands.a J.sH Msun-ethe primamy and third classes are spent a f ew holidays last week soldiers wondee ta ra .n:7. Mies Joan Stevens spent 1 tbO5O contests sbould meet at the for tbe orection o! that club's Dr. Forester, Mm. Allan Mc- ovecrowdod, wbich will necessi- with bis gandparents, Mm. and were not id:e soe ace ly latein Sepember.dy Mm. and Mrs. J. D. Ste- Toe i1n 0tk ar nAbn lbadws epnil m. Sui Mm and Mrs. Goorge Puikis I .ho eckend with the formmr's I Post Office at 7 P. m. next Wcd- fine King Street promises. Comb. B. A.. Mm. and Mms. G. Me-it ate some slight changes. The sec- Ms F. L. Sui the buildingo!gatrde- Fmeeand Tornto aneunrathea TreusRtveH.Fofe.thringSnoday venng.f ro whrd tey o wa a rusoo othToic-CatneyandtcolhisseesTornontclaseson te cntrmyaaee M. an MLevLei Anis.Tom noghrs-o!fastr panes o!sub engagement o! thpir cnlv daugh- oc - and friends at Selby will ollor skate te the Ceam o! Children's Hospital, Ex-Presidont onto. Mrs. (Dr.) A Home and- somewhat smaller than usual. onto. were weekend visitors with marines, o!figrgno os ter, Estbor Margaret J',oby' i. tgMr. and Mrs. E F. Froomn St.1 Barley te be judgcd. The new o! the Guelph Board o! Trade. a Master Bobby. Makbam. Miss Gi . Johs tystdththeemarsM.adMr.WJ.ousgado!ewIp- Mm. Daniel David Chittendon. Catharines, Miss Chrissie Free- Roler Skating Rink will then be momber o! the Lacrosso Assoc- Thompson. Oshawa. weme guests, enrolîment might et be increas- Cann. . monts o! waranwiesdte only son o! M. and Mrs. Herbert man, Mrs. John Sandors. Town, thrown open and froc roller skat- iation. the Dominion Lawn Bowl- o! Mr. and Mrs. F. C.Colirer. propot it onsulisnerain taren.rtCa rol na. U. S.. asilitie.thyculoothl Edward Chitt'nden o! Brantford. ' Sîinday visitors wthth ng5wiîî be permitted fon! prmopoitionbelss thaisIeran Th e vsngbrthparelns . . aMre. but flthas.ttedeacolnt Ontario. The marriago will tako fc-Tn'.er's brother, Mm. H. G. Free- .5p. m. I IAU C 'l"II i iebeeletn thyre sool G.A lierpretsM. aco rs.t el t. Place September 21st at S. man i. Bruce Hogarh iA cordial invitaticn 10 everyone h . i Sevemal froimthe our district arn. e Te etrut.otho Cn St n M~ B HtbI . ilI ii~ % Il 1.1I IK Iuu r ws 62 whch as sverl yers tteningtho oroto Ehibtionadamascing12on th hlgWaw George's United C urc. U. rtn at Mr. Bo So de' owning rollr skates to take 'a rtý W 1* ago. Im Or isrit r l.isBes'ie Blackburn, Oono. 1in tbese ovents, and 1e join in the" HU I S CI L EITA apeilmetn ! te Ii g he Torntowitiboiont mplyniente e h Mm. Hugli Dick. Hyndford. it hiem cousins', Misses Iva and froc skating is extended by the At_________aPblcspchol BoadetigaofMiss 1i Miss EllaColacut, oroto.b emeteunape rd On. anune hoegaeen lrec Fly Mm. RdMr insCu. uhby Mrb. d ihtr !oadbent. Oshawa, spent the uates o! ourUnvrtis dte o! bis eldest daugbter. Mary R P. Stev ens, Mr. and Mm.s. H The Carnival will gel under way ttemnRadr eidn nAiberta, Outlines n1h at usl Hbs a weekend at hiem home. bitterness ofel dpesin lativs atCourtrigh Mr.aboute 8s p. lirmpreandM.dancingcoe a Foster, son o! Mr. and Mms. Er- :aie a3o0trgt mad eîsp. etero - Ss by Which New Alberta Government appointed to the teaching staff in MmadMsWm Wnso byodeagn1!ttdrw vine F30 p.,mB10 theimusicTo! 5111 En-D.ystemaplacedo!aMghs Nell'iePMontgomerorcvisired hem-parents.fMm.ssndecanecornegoreey wElia N .t o Mm p a ro helate.r ooks and sone Ronnieo esto Br n H pp n ss an P o peit w oewiths re ensme-rt n Mrs. F. Cator and accompanîed On the oth r sd ! te pc totaeplcete aterto, Mary, Miss Lyra Freeman, at tcetpizsar0f!rd olucky HoestoBrngHapies atheopeitExo. ilnssprvetsheoneufl wetofddin er r.GrdnHad's icketable si h CmuiytoAbraing to the scbool. Miss Hobbs. te n ~sfre nme holders in tho Community toin pos will iln e rltah~Mm. and Mrs. J. W. Kerr, Van- marchingaîntgthrwh pato etme.Mm odnHry.Welf are Club, sponsored by the -- ilb fligle frttah Lions Club. The prizes are, an (Contiflued f ront last week> Social Credit the worker does not ot illav caeo! one er B. C.. and Mms. Cruick- r'! last yesr. n nteWrlr auooie rmnelmdlnedayprtcin.H leady TeHlFSholank. St. Jobnis, N. B ..are Day parade o bsya.Te A Pionee and anIndividulist a autoobivle $or50maelmodel Now. 1 suppose you are anxious bnecd ,ay proteioýn oar. pemiary col, vtnber. sste Mse Watch. value $24-50 and a Gib- to knoWwbere the money'st His "protection" money and un- Tbur sday mmreistratino llesohAv.(o bard Walnut Tea Wagon, value corne front te pay, or rather 10 oamned difference can be used for somewhat lower than last year. $20.00. As an extra special prie1 retire the basic dividends. I will other pui'poses.Aprimty 270 weme attend- The accompanying article ap- theodolite, and hoe assisted in sur- a beautiful Shetland Pony w1lbehv tAu yuthog asot o oges ecn ei aig teloygcase tIa o piem oete nderiiseding ecorn ableyiîîg the of ewfici a d gieAt a.ouse o! study !irst. Home some talk about where the money lime. O! this number no less Fro There to Here s 5Ye litlebokîc elile "AReor etabisin th ofiia bc o A aspecial meeting o! the othstngpoens say il could cone from. than 95 are new pupils in the o! he ctiites ! A C Loeki, th Lo Anels Rver Sn Fan-Lins lubonTbumsday nligbt, cn1o-y e dnc tbougzh a hugo _Firsi, our Cultural Heritage. school, bavlng passod tbrougb Cul- in 187_ho1salo- on1te-old for the Froc Dance an Bidso!idsrs.conzrtemptlng field for the pIoncer, a Hepburn Government, the Next the auto commission Ibat chadnc ey wll ae tre stos rvddplaate yue mon wbo bad been cdown 10 the beautiful but îamgcîy undeveopd mseet n~sat at Cagary. At that sîîîîng chance anal rs.cîn eraI oods w ich bs ony bumfllng ado1nmsc snsî u sea In ships-vlklngs of the old country. ciraduaîîy the idea o! amsemn t ~tx Up hldrn's t ws îownthat we hoeepaY and bigdepartmentlstrs eorhanweesislowhel p raing citain pmove pleasan n uarese!uivntos;mma clippond Thatued 10 m&the rSoutb Mfrica dîmmed. Lvekin hsbe emvd h l rm$300,00 to $800.00 more for Nw ndra us rîe ob andeckst, the Iigtlmain-tortaifuli otedrooma whre I sures imewl sapato way rond he on-tese are egot no further than Honolulu, n a ltrcn lmd ~ t e momake o! cars acioss the Is possible for the producer 10 aîThney bcn g t 2, ightlY ante!llY era igte iIb shmubsof Te fm nteo mn Mw.bovfound rsonie heme ho made bis home for a oa e-I-oucl.lnoI Mnan.Th ak o elmrefr itpoucsti Tobod nHîbayN 2rus ndfowr gvngth ntrotheITe ail oc tad o note in Mm. Lovekin.oli e. widandfamll bktownamo- Remarklng on the change, car and prices were named. In consumer pay less, and prov~isioncatoPrseae.bsleytehmeaeypeantp-sîf Ho was boi'nandiraarfdon ar Conke. Idda1dvweîknowneme-aCrrse nwRoyalIonaddcd Iwo more accidents 10 its n-arance. thbe four tables were And ticstebosaay Ontario, Canda. Afier spendlng Po 891 10 ogv1 proprietor, stated that he was Cnd ae adad! eec !iwllI gel a ualittIealesa bisbprofit aoneaoccuare nmFrdThe, outlo nretl o n<uç'.thlgs an So And omear uI adgr f I'eyersIn a bank, duing Hwl !bsbest. He worked ipleased wth the move. l'Tt millionhdlars.[ I l iniofwli bequally asndgreatecatusn e . E Pbam'son re, bengthie P.itrabrlesof nd ce. tmd-,çkesBu t, oh. ordc lk al n wbicb limne ho becamne mana'qer, HwaiiT .of h ui ansknw R j very unfair tb askc te hthe hetaif! was put on 10 pro- 1 ovbis ucom tnd grater umn s-worst for some lime. A portion inq a toothsone, wedding cake I vt !watedy a the rioneomlng urge lurned iihlmbert LOuI,,,Stevenson, King RaI , chidnto pay a tai for wted. ho okmsthe's se ow i-inover u n10th me'prct s o ad nobfotbsdeo twlhebie wny-ioy I bmlng weslward. In Los Angles ho ap- aaaadohrodtmr.H debts for whlch they were not wokdPrmteseDoi-n pwrnIb pat!te road was purchased a long wbll etad each guest pesented wltb' ht looks o l lhbpiea tax-tat wnncomeso.e bere id th resto!Hilseil y mldthelgbt aIlf had depamted (Contînued on page -lu5a Hgo? for Adsmand makoatheJrhpro-ernothlngrbasoyo181a2emillioeddandaws.bespformpleasantddmeams knewnoting ! srveyngfut mn ad mao aîrbp1t ho lper shoud'n be ske t. ay womemsgota8stomiliondollrs.depatmoîaî ndnhaînstoes. he urvebutbbc lgbapubt 1 putundr thir IIlo wlh Ilgoo sevn dys wtb lnd anyone. Soon ho was uslng a, (Continued on Page 8) enough." HOI'c Just roinember that under (ContInued on page 2) the accidents continue. By ingtalhddpre C

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