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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWo THE CANADII STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTrARIO, THURSDAY, SEPT. Sîli. 1935 Established 1854 A Weekly Newspapzr devoted to the interests0 town of Bowmanville and surrounding country, i at King Street, eowmnanville, every Thursday, byf James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Cari Statesmnan is a member of the Canadian Weekly N papers Association. aiso the Class "A" Weeklie Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year; in the United St $250 a year. payable in advance. Single copies. 5S THURSDAY, SEPT. 5fh. 1935 Civics To Be Taught In Schools Sonaeîng îîcsv and conîrendable in educal al liec in.îected into the Public and HîgliSoc curricula on October tst. ashen flic ncsv exi b on Canladian Civics aili be ready-. Provision the teàchîng- of civics lias been made by Hon. L. J. Siaapscin. Ontario0 Mnister of Education. A 21reat (ca! O! tledeplorable siafe of affi fliat. C.nadian niunicîpalities fîîîd îliniselve s clae o governiient by mnen totally unfit for offices they hold. Too many are lected purel!. a politîcal basis. and avthouf anY consideraui as ico ihcîr ali:litY and knoslcdge in handlin., complîcatcd affairs of municipal governmenta finance. If lias been lruthfully said that Great Britý trains is young meni talie diplomafs by spec studies oi poliiics and cgoverninent affairs. Th no doubi. is largely responsible for tle importa part un ;vorld affa;îa tînt is played by Brut statesmen. Unfortunatclv iii Canada. possibly because ifs yout.h. lîttIe or neoaîîcrnpt lias been made educat.c men for tle purpose of governinent. Mv are elcctcd 10 the' Federal and Provincial Goa'e mens vho have little or no knosledge avhatev o! cconomics or have the w aider vision of t count ry cz reede. Most. of 11cm lave no mind their oa.ýn. but parrot-l:ke. repeat the pledges ai speeches of Iheir leaders. It is therefore an excptionally good move the part of tht' Deparîmnent of Education. f0 i stitufe the teadhing cof civics in the schooils Chil ien slouid Iearn. as flic!. grosv older. the rudimen of civîc governmcîîî. They sliould knosv ahy ar hioa a mutnicipality. province and Dominiona govcrned. and tley sliculd have corne idea of whf is goinc on fîorn day 10 day, so thaf salen ft arrive ai the age of discretion and assume il rule of citizenship tliey'lriot binrily folleavit political Icaning cof their forclicars liuit aili to the poilis prcpared to intelligcnt.2yv sote afui giaing due consideration t0 affairs as ilîcir traîn mnc;alîl permit 11cm. A Solution To Innumberable Problemns Heatia cf hlree great protestant cdurci' s. Re Dr. %!cKerroll, o!fIe Presbyferiaîi Churcli; I R.ev. Richard Roberts, D D.. of the Unifed Chiurcl and Mosi Rev. Deravyn T. Owven. D. D., of th Churci of England. ast aeek issued a joint appet for a Domnion wide day o! prayeî' on Sunda last. for a peaceful setulement o! tle Ihalo-Eth iopian dispute. To c»hurch gocrs tlis appeai wi likeiy mean something, but f0 others, wlo do no believe in tle efficacy 0f prayer, tle appoal wÈ~ inean nothing. This natter of île efficacy0 prayer brings about a divided opinion in the mini o! maîîv people. Many lave used prayer regularl since chiidhood and have found in il tle solufioi to inruncrabic probleins. Others have usci pray er oiccasionally, svhen tley feu t tc occasion de nandec: il. and tlc3 rnay or rnay n01 have recei'ec any direct ansaser or solution fa their probleni Then tlccre is thc third c!ass '.ho docs îeî USE prav'er neither does hlý' believe in ils efficacy. result hl- las prolially arriscd ai without tria!. An aPpeal sudh as lias been issued by tle lead- crs cfi' hese lîre grear dhurcies. and sshicl has becia added 'o by an Arclliisliop o!fte Roman Church, . should riot go unlcedcd. If any resu!t is 10 lie oltained tîrougli thîs effort the Uflated sincerita is rctjuired. It is one thing to pray far peace lie ause one las licen askcd 10. and iî,i enfirazdv anoîler thung 'o PraY for peace, not orily becaus.,,of a cequest, but liccause of an inwarac sic o:s f thc purpose liehind tle lt'tuest. Pra yer is anid a!svayc las been a mîghty poaver- ful 'hîng 1110re Powerful than rwest Peoplf, thînk. r i !!r unfied prayers 0f al. people. in fulin-c ceriîv u-l lîkely t10 hase fac reachin" results. Vi add iusr ont' thing. and that id. lIai nsiî.s prayer is re"'ulr. and both in tle forin c1 petition. anîd of tlhanksgising. it cari li as unproductive as the apP,,.alc o! the savage t.0 lus groeseque ido!. gbe.- MabÎin Se§man of th issue M.A nadia ;tates ce nts ,hocl Lfor Dr. fairs sir the or tion the and ain tial ,ant isli of den ýrn- ýver the o! .nd on in- Ud- lits nd art, hat ey lhe go ter ied eV. Rt. lie eal 1ay li- ;il! lot 7il! of 'ly :n Is. Is Need Monument For The Taxpayer Sonîueouae siould sIarca ai îovenacnîte libuild aj monuniena tote asvorage îaxîîayer. Ht' is lt'e man asic keep.s tic honît'fres burnnng and inakeý ft'e iet'ls o!flie acvernlienî go acouod. He a'us gaffen himsel! infc tht' position o! a faxpayer 13' thr!ft .by spend'uîg lt's.s lIeu he makes, Iy nset- iuîg in the hoîme town. by building a hcome furs' and o,;sniîmg ai roof oaci lus osan hend. To do it he lias denued Iimself pleasures and luxuries tlaai fhe zpendtlicift lad in plcnîly. hn eaer3' coin- rnruntv .lae nay lie aliu! cd aimdi cferred 10 slgif- ingly on uîîaîy o"ýcasuouis. but iii gooal yeaîc and bad 3e,,rs leith îe backlione of the counfry. aîîd aiticu' lani tIare aseuld lie nocgovernnent. and no relief. He cacrits itie bunden fiait otier's siick. many iv ies samhî,ctî cmplaint, ashici le waould cftn lic iutified in voicing. He is decer - irg a uuonuoaenî a taI! cnduring monument, foc lic lîke Atluis cf cIl. bears the asorld upon his shou1Pler .--Craobiook Courier. Government Should Leave Business Alone Acdrcîtýsin,, Retail Merchants at tic Canadiani Naticîuý1 .a! iubî'uon. Floyd S. Clalicrs, br'iliant. edîtor cf the Financual Post, and one' o! Canna's leadiu,.L eronidts, îýredicted fiat an!.'aifelmpii ta thtl. 'îeaoipetiais-o phases o! Canadian busi- ut'. s s ue ccllap. e. as ifl ad coliaised in al coîuuaîî îs avlmcu cif lias liccîî fu'ed.b hum nus tatmnnîMr. Chlnniers wsnsnot attempf- ig to uplmld i an!. asnire o!flice aimiful uIc o! liaisiness.s ir esca!cd un tht' P'ice Sprcads Probe. o mou' dud lie suggesît tnt unfair competifion or flicP evils of slave labour, should not be curbed. -Government has a role in business" he sa Chiefly it is to police business, to protect the pub from the pactices everyone knows are wrong. Su practices as fake advertising, misleading gradý shortweight. piracy of designs, and exploitation labor. Governments cannot. control and shou iot attempt f0 control the larger competiti Iphases of business, but simply to hold the balar o f power between different groups and differeý competitors'. He warned the retailers agair ciepending too much on political intervention le the politican gain control of business entirely, ai force the business man to the street.. We have long felt that outside of ridding bus ness of uscrupulous merchandising practices, t] government should let business alone. Unless con petition is held unrest.ricted within a fair rang then there is no need for any ambition to g( aong. nor is there any need for the merchantt E-îve the ut.most ini service to his customers. Busi ness wthout the competitive element avould leav little or- no opportunity or desire on the part.o young inen and young womcn to enter the busi css life. ý Win Championship on Empty Stomnacl nFoi' tle se'conid successive year Boavianvîlie In. elerniediate basebaîl teain las annexed flic groul d championship, and possibly before this editoria is read ssill lie on the road 10 faîrîler lionors ii tlic playdowns. More than usual credif is due th( 1935 tearn for aainuiing this honoon 0f ceurse iu impoctant that. thet' tarn lickepf from fînancia tîribarrasment. a spectre f haf- lias hovered ovei tien for years. This year an lioncsf and unusua! aempt was macle to kcep expenses down. and in geing over previeus year's expense acceunts it was found that a large if cm avas cost of meals folhoav- ing gaines out of toas'n. In flic majoriîy of cases thislas been eliminated this year. %vifli a rcsult- ant saving. To flic average bail fan this may îîot scei mudli. but i. is a sacrifice on flic pari of the piayers for which îhey are entifled to credit. Most men. e--pecially interesfed in athictics, are rcady for their neals af mcal fumes. Most o! the baIl ganies have been stagcd around flic supper lotir. with tht' result thal flic players have 00f ni.issed tleir regulua' meal finie. but after flic gaine was over have had to drive back to their homes in Basananville before having their sup- per. Il is a sacrifice, ashidli las meant something ta flie teain frorn a financial sfandpaint. and if cois' for Chat reason thie tearn is wortliy o! coin- niiendation and support foi' its ai rien. J Must Tell 'Emn To Seil 'Emn Hon. Frank Car'rel Ptîblisler of flic Quelic Clironicle anI a menlier cf flic Legi-zlative Council o! the Prov'ince cf Qaîebec. made seme î'afher peinted cenîarks during tle course of lis address ta. assenled ne'.spapermen aithîe Dii'ectors' Lunclco a at île Canadian National Exhibition crn Press Day. Oddly enaugli Mc. Carrel lardiy referced ta nesvspapecs; at ail, but lie did indircctly salen lie outlîned fIe suresf svay ta increase flic sale o! Canadian pruduct sil-lin flic empire and tle avorîd. Speaking o! a personal investigation lue lad macle,.lie fouîîd abat tht' sale o! Canadian gonds avas materially lanipered in Engiand be- cause Canadians. in many' instances, did flot un- dersîand flche hins and fancies o!flice people wloin tliey %vould make cusf amers. Het' >rngi1 uged thaf ftt' needs o! other countcie lie tfd i ed, and lIat Canadians apply flemselves to tlie pro- dluction o! produce flat wilI mccl flic demndso these prospective custoniers. Tht' camne hing niay lic applied 10 nierdliant.s in toivrislîke Beavinanvilie. Unless thcy make an effort fa study île needs of ft'e people' living in and araund Bosvîaanville. îhcy hardly enfifle fliem- ýeves ta tht' business lhey hope to î'eceive. Hav- ir7 studied. fouîîd. and fu!fulled flic ncedfliere iP no sucer ssay fo icli than fo bring ta îhe attent- ion o!fliuyers tle facts about flic goods in lh'ii' stor'es. Hon. Mr. Carre!, speaking o!flis pliase id MO31 RE ABOUT r l vrtle radio three and four >îclil T I f' I T'.. _11es a 'a ek. They use ail their ch V V Jft L) IN E.iiC f h'ii"it, so inuch so they1 ~oCiai ~ ~ ~ tell us tlîeir oavn pol- v. Itc. ve!. a miusing,. f00, for les. BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD C nîud fo ae P Mr. A hrhart talk.s over the radio of(Copyright) fîts i nued froin pae c t1) t a c cw~ k. lHe takes ha f hour ives Teîîing er ano eî. ;c I al . th other parties use only lies 1 ih evr b n fcc îc'er: 13 rint Aberhart usuallyi ,ice common pral i e , n d lf js qut chapters of both the Old and ldoi t sîiicsb, la ideariravertheir 15 minute talk in nt ~ ~ n rnn !u r ir. therefore New Testamnents searchîng for aiad rheter everY OIl ', aln:a i Cric en-le setean hen groes mtmay f sar Lit.We may be'cases where the Whisperer is at' of $250 o o can sc ut n vhhi the aiect. His bsocal st careful ne er to lie deliberately work. You m ay e m ade ili bylenornous extra iCkijr-he' S al] aî b1hs)oca or consciously to others, but whlen perceiving both the number and svotIldbe. î<terilsa!oet.ep- 1t cornes to ourselves, why, we lie the magnitude of his successes Here I arn QiljýIo' 10ake nc-'1 -'The aresuppy orting h nd smootl-ly and often. and by contemplating the catas- stîatenent of avhicli Iilar110,ot !is lreacili;n ti ste owt There is that good old fable Of 1 trophies, sufferings. tragedies anad .' ure, for ît IiS!. le fr03 Oil ' 1.1c b:ble icieeidy woerk.o i- the harle and the tortoise. The sîns followving on the triuinphs of othiair Socia"l Cr«edit P1,111 ha -Ttc a rmeteaadtheioppon- ae lied0 f himself: he said, ~the Whîsperer, ever sayîng, I- I rad.Atthe sile îîn al, crslad teprehsean elbeate- ie race." to se and 0f inthe idoesn't rmatter." it is this lie f -Iel c Ire l The1. lc md a ndi- t is esaying s d e, Isa t hmevs"lcan cut an1cluding kings and emipeiors. PrI ann:h ;ýýorIi.. l'fi aiClv Litsy 0temevs.*afloorSshi hdhie ".&dn.utli pn d pat t ryadge h vtr ýet and get away with it"-and al! phets, priests and saints, cap- .. cild. .1 canot lie hoarded. H cl Io anIl s: There shal l e tothe time they know that some tains and common people. told1t By the as aY.rI It criIn l'Opoa'vrty in the imidst of plen- tOday they aont get away with if; îîeinselves. jaliad of îsav ý1 ory S avitlc h ari and on that day there may be a lCKiin lc e h~itkn i aaet dta h Liberal sfmeash ohie mars ie aal t o \Vîaf ail of us need, iimnacid- h ttesu n îo tii rard (mnf- 'a"ahurearc not openly oppos- af I e mor ta eone w idh tel' and perpefually. i., to lie ýhi,,I jeavhît'in - 1. n I ray e acase f trrileinjur- mîade instanfly perceptive of tt'ett epejjInj : tt u lies and lîfelong grief to others. p:eec f h îper aid' 0fthL. oa t. and Iu ....... many f ussay o esele. his specious words. The Whisp- as. d:v drid ,licn '1 i" -We can keep on thiniking dîrty cielr May corne fo us in a tlîoaîî- 'je'sInce aîa e lCiefi""e,,-ar ilnd evil thouglits without Peîaal -ndiak.ndhsvcela bà ties." Tlat.*s lying to oneself. nike . nd lis vot. etcc my ic OriT(,av. i O t h e i s o f l i s s a ', W e c a n a t t a n e l e . b f l-g e t d t c o f u î a1 r ' , c l 1- s ccess liv luck-w thout h . n~ h uin n Conscience. AI ýo. ae ne e . if( t ;y.r ::nil' ha3 10 lie tauglif Chat tle Wlîîerer zn'e 'lhe prov'ice fr--on2oa 1 [p toPerform al! the liard work maust always lbc put f0 flîgt- ari o Clîtie T j1I svhich others say is essenfial if 'liat the nmonient. lis soft wordc "n ' ,tdues. s 1 i tfie: are lîcard. flere imusfliebcno par- 1 'lho BYýTA .Ac' nots1h ia d e t a y. - I c a n p a s s e x a n 4n a - e:nh ot f oLhe fr ct oi0d 1NalI,_ ,. r s le ions aithout ossess: ng t e yiccn d. n l byo nth e f a nt.onf orf a b vfow a vlr e o S ': I : x it k n o a le d g c a n d u n d e rs ta n d in g d e - 1 n d u n o I pror ns tn . fr est l c e tr i li A h erh.o f p I n a u la n i a n d e d b y n my te a c h e rs ." T h a t's a n d d efan c e c a om s ng e s iev a e th e ln . n a îa n d a li n wr t ri l i i- iyiig 0 heisevesndsa sters which are tht' Devil's he DoîcIlor SnM oIacrfror The fariner says. -1 cana post- f-o daddiad j' r;mct ihseia"olpl.tri *pone aithout penalties flic mend- ikadjy Il îng of hbIcs and breaches and rim bo0hood - anad several provlncially. and id alîrirc pel, feet. hn inies since- I read a book. a relit itr if ivea Domsainioni S eets' Tei.when hc loses scrt of alieory. called -Thc Gold if a Doriaiioîî affai': thel('bjia' an animal or has a smash or Threcd" by Nornman MacLeod. a divîdcrid couicd!l'e iio or tIre meefs with a costly loss. hle knoavs Scottish niinisfer. It. bld of a finie.3 ,;s main sIhat lieavas lying te himself. 1lad. a k'ng's son. who avas sent It's a radical chiariîe frolua the'~" So many of us say. "We dont ail bv himself on a jourîiey of svYv ae are tsdIoicl1 do-'inz hiil ,haie te begin today to do the discipline. His instruction wacs ad voti carircd sve(, htascer thing which Duty and Conviction ro hold fast tri a gold thread ta n interests are fighliiau.' are Pushjig us te do: we can de-vididseddfoafesy"ran aolcleaaa u:f fer' lin peroane unti later.' and ai avlose upper end avas fast.- poverty in tle nid t of pcI)e*y. Thoaling 0 neei.ned a gold cross. This floatîîîg I have olalv dotaltî clîhtlv sathAcleto evc Tlotn ds of young men ar, -,cld fhraad and cross became the' onexie c f Socual Credît. t inaer- Acleto evc caigte thenîselves. in refer- young prince'1s gauide. Where it lion nofhirir of A erîciltîir". en"e f0 whisky. 'I can take if. or pullcd. in that direction t.he laid HaiaHsias.Eacf ai part of the Dominiot leave ît alone. just. as I choose:-Hatl osias dc t alial th ftinie they knoav that avas f0 go. even avlen fthe aay oflier funclioris of a go exor.mrkTsueoa dal hi oe frs eemed fa lie fraui-et aith deadly niill:olis of aslîch avee licr epr mres b daiy teirpoaer f rsisanc 1 perfl. The lad met sith maîîy exPloifed annually avould puat a::eeytpeo ui the femptatien 0f svhisky is lie- tnataios-om o ftiybinetesof ficliehsicfaa"r ing encrva f sar s-aziper*ficiaîîy innocent: but alavayc pocsibile. The cotlIiity svould soi)n world give the custon Thouands0f s ar saing f0 yiclding meant letting go hic lic delit free tnhlieranea ot.iselves. -We do not hase f0 -racp of fIe cold tlread. and al- place avorîla aa]aîle ta,îvia. tema it cav~ miac- iai 3-ar:av'!!bern av.s grief. disillusionninent and Jiet a'hert- it %sv:1 îîiafe ..aving next year-." This is Jtist dnew 1 ae lc14 odo h' le o crro S. iîe -s cilfilis a. soothing lie. dne olwdtels odo h lcin1cno a.The rt seilfclte J C K the fhread. Only throuridh e- 'e soin(, of cor.c, *ii, a e -enfance and prayer aa'as flie gold thriik'îag oîily of S50 ae b ihsm lf Iavorider if there is any miere !S 00 acs îihsmlf Prealntba pactreinal te ircead restored f0 hic hand. nionth. Tînt is as fuir a te prealntladprctrein !!îl 1Inecd not tel! iii detail allich can sec. At the-se finie jnaxi'1 other business probler I sorld than tclling, lies te one- 'icidcnt.s of the' tale. ior of flic 0f tle lralniest. lirîia'e t am;. -î.It is tle practice 0f kings honorable return of flie youin" les people cf fithaeîc li and emperors. of stafesmen and cinc o i ffer alace. aknbd0 l ecar-.d' itoitiian. f idusrilis.s ndMost lcartily. hoav-ever. 1 recoin-foslavrpiciî.et.he finianciers. o!flice rich and flic1in"iid flis book to a!! parent,,,0f adoptcd it aîîd aretvauie onr,,~T 1 poor. How rare a thing if is t10 aOounL, children: fley wil!liec de- tle public p!atfcorîaî anti Cver tla T E C A A nieet wifhî a man or womnan or jl'liîed sifli tle sfory of flic lo!."c radio. Maîîy 1) r e a c h c r arAa yoth or a ii avhscinneyhn-advenfures. lis perils and Èhic ;preaclîing if iin flir puliali. f,),r ecty s a hinin quaityss The menîory offlis tley ciaiîîf Socal Creclit i îi Satnie fusI sa aelit fimaginative sfory will long re- 1uoliticS a asWe have lie niecl'F Sata ngla erplaip eraremain: is influence and efferfs it. but is a part of Chrýistiainuavý of cnge prae-t docsntl will be Most wholesoine. and religion. Maîîy cf ti-,eOpî- I matter.' Hosv agreeable f0 our! i C K Ponents are belittling becausa' TO T AL A SSETS O' cars are these words! Tey ar-el I have allowd myself f0 be- they introduce God., Christ ana! ao narco.ti-hey pmtut oscec corne rallier religious in flic con- religion into if. f0 lcp. he prmi tc o do fribution f0 The Sfafcsnîan. but On fliccilher hand the U.FA. oleasant ins. Tliey robi fear ofreiouornfshaIarfr'prsn.Gv.adlcCner- ils terrors. rlg f0 sayraot htIa r-peetGit n h o;iý ln t ayaou ying as ifs iss are fightng it footh and A. J. WHALEN Noiv. tlic only wauy to lick Sat- value f0es'eryone of my readers an and lis servants is fa face in regard f0 flic everyday affairs flein squarcly and dcfianfly. of life. witl Trudli as one's wcapon. There are greaf possibilifies in Wiîen flic Whispercr fipfoes f0- everv realin of hauman endeavour ssvard us. svith the lYiîîg words. _possqiiIifies affainabhe liv escry 'If doesn'î matter.' ive dlould fr divýidial. These affainable 1ev- nof lcnd otîr cars, ta hirn in eages are rcaled by flic emploi-- erness. RatIer sliou!d ave face ento feghansupsb linfi wifh flic spear of Trîîfl and flic execise of sinrcrity and hon- niotto chines, 'It does natter." flic affairimexit.and vef so minii3 D o n t ru t 6 i J C K of iz sccciiit) think fIat ave can. TI Bible is tle suprenue book I l-'ava, indicated flic nanner of of ail finie ini sshidli is perfrayedthe lies wl'cI ae tell f0 ourselves flic perpefual ssar betssecîî Tri in the osening nirarhs 0f flc and fthe Dcvii. If sou arc so ,1tlMe sermrec. 1If ina3 cuefi mincled. begin af Genc.,is and go! f0 rc-read f 1cm yb uefi G e ntie t thouh hevariotîs books and ( Anoflier article next asceki n ivciiiîcclon aithagariculture saîd. "Fan pro- i dufcsebould lie advertiscd in ft'eavorid tfoday in- d thc sanie nianner 11sf manufacturcd goods arc In TIie flrn and Distant rast adverticed'. If pronaincrtit anufactaîrers have imade' succesces o! tiacir business îhîougli consis -___________________________________ t ent adverti îng. Ilere is no reason avly local nier- TWENTI - FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO d hants caîanot popularize îhîeiî' stores anîd increase_____ thleir sales by tIc sainie nis. From The Bouwmanvillc Nemws, From Tht' Statesman, Septembher 2nd, 1910 Septemnber 4th, 1885 Poor Disillusioned Trekkera iao!Bownianvillc- Mr. Thos. Barretf met wil a e I an editorial iri Thc Stalesman on Augist st sfmoant Branîdliof thme Standard salue svorking in flie stable. ont' l \ ug.ied tînhat heOn-to-Ofîsave tcers reBank. Io! thcelîcrses kicked lin. nfici-1 suigge -arc t' conguratulate Lt. Frank H. ing a cash four inches long an1 azlin,,, thiings lIat no.adeîaoraîuc ccuntry sili nil- -I rýso! île 46th Reaiment in; thc chu and ceverîîîg one'oo!thie an the w.arc îe 'ccess cf ilcîr trek i-,;doonîed lefore 'agauîa ling eligible foc- île Bis- 1 veixîs. j ut ,onipeted. Of corsîe this avas rot laî'd 10 l(Yt-yeain. standing thurd in flie, Coix fce-Mrý. Fred Brookssoni Poue!.ior are ave çsg2esting, iat. ave were in ccaîd aggregatc at tht- Donminiona Iof J. F. Brooks a!flic place whli Rifle Association mîatchies.. las been in Enghaîad foi- soîne aii!.- saY iiair unce"iug t-le altimate resuit O!faDi'. J. B. Dandeno. M. A.,.flice tuine vsiciînErfciends lias decided1 theti îek. nosv that tue expecte-i !aiiaiî has riat- r.uc sciececcnaas1eî'at Bo,;vniiaii- to reinain fiacre. lis unc le in cas' cîal, . ic eHiuul Sclool arrîveci i fawîî Orleanîs haîig borîgît Ii,ni oný au T hc ee înforîu îa ie rik, ed by a gro ap o ! pai l1"t ssek frion East L ansing. j f the b est farni' in , o a cct- - Mici. He %vas oîî fît Grand 'hile. If is a gentlemian's estatel hav -en. * u'i cyng Tuîîîîk train seîi l ad a rearlIo! 103 acres ssitl i al neccssarýy p;,ric oire, anîd have ecrirc!y lost tle synpatliy o! t îmd collision at Dtîrand. Miel.. 1 conveliiences. The lance paid avas theij",verninents, W'lîn both Prenmier Hcîabucn livwhen nu'nepeople were killed simd 5.100 pounids. anti Pi-enuu.'i Bcnnett, pohîî.îcal enenues fao a de- 1 t Iiýured. Dr. Danceno es-! Ncssfnville-Sesverai o! otir puce of bitter-neeýs seldona avtnc.ccd un Canada. iac nluf itizucha are leste us: Mr. Mr. anad Mc.,. Corneliu.a O-bornc j OHara has reîibed a farna near anece ciathe s.îmc ideas rcgardirig tice î rekkerc,a have îssued invitations foî' fli, Bowmnasillcu Mc. Moffatt. on" ift is lîkcly tînt lioti are rgît. manage of Ileir daugiter. Ag-i near Colunibus. and Mî'. Lockhart Thue svcîe a imisiîfcrlaed body o! nuien. res Pearl. la Pcv. Chac-les Mci- one near Peferboro. Mcc. Weisýh ols 200 sfuong. as laoc ouilcIhardly bliererîd ce- .iIe \Vright of Toronto. tle mac- Iso ic poposes f0 toleave uc flhic fali f0get take phace Sept. 6th1 for Port Hope. Lai. what an tueenîtise o! the uncnip!cyed cf cther Ontario Bc--vs in Boss.maos:iiie, exodaîs A case Of poison oc- ci. Canada. DUring tle cour-ze of the nurch it Augîct 25îh. 10 Mc. and Mcs. cucî'ed at Shîloli a fesv days ago, s'as revealed ilai ftic le-aPc receîvced $160 pelArthurî Ives, a son. vihn speral members o! a fan- jmonîh from commtnizf sources ta stir top trouble. Boîn-Cale, un Bownianvilie. on jus' took sick affer eating an apole Wiî ths cs'tiaioniî s 0f hir teundcstndAagust 9fli ta Mr. and Mcc. Rowj pie. It was dîppased fa li efI Wih hi rvlaio i s othad ounert i and M. Cale, a son. serdigris in tle kpeinbss'iidl wýhyý lie rcfuscd a $100 per Inonfli joli useninonths Marriec-RowlaîdHlloImes a t' applc.s wcrc cfewed. aco. flic residence o! the bricle's faflier, Born-Vice af Solina. on flic I1t shculd bc quite esident f0 Humpliriei and hic Clarke. by Rcv. P. McLeod, Mable, 9t1 o! Atgustu. fIe wi!e o! Geo. scarIlef coloris fIat Canada does flotaant can- dauglirer o! Mr. John HaInes. Vice, o! a dauiglier. andl Howeil Rowland, botflo!IBarn-Mas'. in Bawnîanville. iiiini. If dlaould lie cquaiiy evident to thcm fIat Newcasle. August Shsf. thc wife o! W. H. if they do not like Cananda, they arc free ta leave Sauina-Thc first sod o! the May, liarness maker, o! a daugli- and go ta their belovcd Soviet. Rassia selere theY ne -drc hd was aredoter. %vil! lic re"imenfccl unto lifes every acfis'ityaifli Tucsday anad Vice Brothers are Married-Powell-McCiung. ho ufac gceter display cf dicfatorship than fIat building flie masanry. If us pro- Bownans'ilîc at flic faniil3'cei as luh tIcs accUsse Prime Ministeî' Bennett oof pasedti f0 ld an openung on dence an flic 2nd September. b!. Septcînber i8tli or 19th Mcc. Rev. E. Roberts, Mc. Frank A. cxliubifung. A. Campbll, wsha rcsided with Powell o! ta Annie J. S. _____-hec dauglifer, Mrs. Geo. Northi- eidesf dauglifer o! Mr. Thiomas cott. died Saturday nigi-i. McClung. merdhant, o! Boseman- Editorial Notes Enniskiiien- Congratulati o n s ville. VWeie nusît' 1 ou oi- guai'd againsf bcing rom- tri Mr. and Mcc. Eiias Ashton onj Marricd- Tresein-Ricles. hoi iuiani.,tc licause svec arc pooî', ou condervatia'es the addition o! anoflier lifîle son Darlington on Auguct 29tli. by to0hefamuly circce Tht' main Res'. R. Hassard. Mc. John Tre- because otîr slip i.. in". Xii! Durant. streef cf our osan lias becri un- sin. and Mcc. Jane Riches ail of dcrgoing improvements. Dr. SIc- Darlingtoo. People oxîliv sec pence as an attr'active stafe moîa and S. Trewin laviog their, Died-Clarkp, in Hampton on of hiungs acfaially luiing a war. Vilen tliey have fences paintedà Harry Roî4ers' September 1sf,, Reginald Clarke. j buse is newly painted and Cedar third son o! T. J. Clarke. aged 2 peace, fhey do fot saluie if"-J. B. Priestley. Lodgc is gefting a nese roof. J ycars anid 1l days. MAE VXI*111 extending to, every )n and to Canadian Ld, and contact with tess throughout the ýmer of this Bank- ,ommerce Account" and added advan- his marketing and )MAN BANK LMERCIE VER $500,000,000 i- Manager .Plie mo(lell-l xomanemn nee(ls such a Warniflg. S'l-uc s lt aî(id seIflf î'llatoi lier guaî'd against the llaUsjble and msiiecie. E\en so, she is apt to fall for )'OU Oftel, rneet Mî'. Jst-ais-good when out shop- 1ilg. Y-i stal't, jet ilsq1Y, hY asking for a weii-known I)'f(e1food beQa1,se the Ixîl-e cornes easl oyu caIUse. 11onS V-!al lwser than you realize. That pal'tmc'u]uî ar )-tjjiti jIY we11-knovî- to you be- cueit lias becin \\-(Il tund consistently advertisecl. Th,21'e li noýtliig-flflceltaiii al)oit it. The limelight of pllctshow-i fI1) tiefec'ts .jist as clearly as merits. If thc , 1'0(ifttthad flot l)((h1 g'ood the x'erv adveî'tising of its Ii'afl(led 11,11M, pll ul'(wa'feople to avoid it. Yet this pit~I~'bl'an(1 lias stood the test so well thaf it bas Ilumade hu1î f'ensw-ho have l)lovecI its ci nilitY ahndlw'ohth. it i, at tisl)it that \I' Just-as-goocl 50 often in- tî'odueed ta YOu. H- max' be good or' he rnay not-you cannilot tell. 'Il(,cllalles ai-e that if the pî'oduct had beell of ottan.(ljfli. Ilelý1it its mnakeî's would have iden- tifi'd it 1) \a 1bî' illae ai fotind ways and means toCtell)t it I tbîît it fou'î'eftllv, and often. If you the Fisk of sf'c'timlI)et i woî'e, taking a serious c h a iic e w ith t e f î n I x s fo c d s IJ p x The w'isest riicsfuWaa' efuse to bring Mir. ~1 fhî-asgod ilito) thil'hIoifmes. The more you know about goods anld thei 11-imkeis, the mor'e intelligently vou can iml\est the familx bidget, the more easily you car. safeguai-d tht' health and w'eIl being of husband antd ehldrii. Put "11l' fa1ith inl' vris( goods-jitxviil not be n-isplaced. Select l)l'arhdedl goods to suit your needs in youî' own homne before you shop) You can rest as- suu'ed that they are the safesthhe st money can buy. NOT ALWAYS THE CHEAP-ADVERTISED PRODUCTS ARE EST YOU CAN BUY; BUT THEYARE ALWAYS TH-E CHEAPEST IN THE END. mW 7ing his policY. Thc- a'.. ial Credit and are W: they can use to the,~ o people. Now I don't pee expert on theAbr i Credit, but I have t: you in a general way 'i ae Of leading ideas of the p ' I think I wrote MO'i tOne at the coast that the'n, hjd s a change in tem. The DominionPOii municipal and dîdiar ing more deeply into bel year until it is floav a share of the revenuez o pa, interest on indebtedne,- Social Credit has ti-ic,0111% with a way out. I clO e t ;hr Ftatement - "Capitai k erybcciy pay toll." ese- Arthir \ F Edmonton, Alta. -- 1 .ady

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