PAGEi THE~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMIANILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPT. 5tb. 1935 I him talk and say nothing. There ýmother, sîsters, wife or daugh- Floral Design, Wreath-1 Mrs. i 15s nothing like argument and de- i ~ ters. Apollos was a cultivated M. Brown, 2 Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Ibate to stimulate interest. If S nd'ay School AMexanc-rian, wel versed 'n the 3 Mrs. J. R. Fisher. you. unaccountably. find your-' Old Testament. He camnetW Vegetables Jself agreeing with your son or Ephesus and spoke ooldly in the. Beets-Mrs. A. Garrod; Car- daughter, then immediately take Les ynagogue knowing only the bap- 1 rots, short-Mrs. J. C. Hancock. ACHALLENGE TO VYOUTH kw andaanfoegafar the other side for the sake of L ss ntism of Jotnn thie BaptisL. Pris- ICarrots, long-Mrs. M. Brown;M - - i h nwppr, ee ed argmn n aeyu hl ____________claadAqulla heara hmm, en- Cabbage-Mrs. B. Thomas; Cel- 3 The idselso! a openedito -icio oo riaa ntir el a a'bring forth ail of his or her rea- tertainednm and taught him ery-Mrs. Rutherford; Cucum-q T ih Eidaofa onedCrrthera zn rl.d nonfcinooort ely mag-an sons for holding such a view. LYDIA AND PRISCILLA the Christian f aith. The fact bers. long-Mrs. A. Garrod; Cu- column such as you had recently Political club. have no dea for D e a inH els(hita onnI nutilta rsil an smnin cumbers, pickling-Mrs. B. Thom- seemns an excellent one. While instance ,what the Social Credit teaouhyg peholeduho Life) ed f irst may be taken to indicate as; Lettuce-Mrs. M. Brown; ail the subWets chosen were time- 1 policy in Alberta is and care less. teahink? cYnundpomeieSltmer Sthot.hat she was rather the leader. Onioxis, piclling-Mrs. J. C. îy and interesting, two of them. A peculiar conviction which bas does A grecat da d oepeso Sunday, etmr8h Tentmaker though she was, lier Hancock; Onions, white-Mrs. W. in Public Problems" and become firmlY anchored in thes A radelepn o vocation did not occupy herl J Eilbeck; Onions, yellow-Mrs. theth the teachers' methods. If. up to Golden Text: 'Give her of the whole thought. Audiences list- J. R. Fisher; Peppers, hot-Mms. niYotb1padrclarly wappean o mei s of at ne yongemn andfourth and f ifth f orms ail notes fruit of lher hands; and let ber ening to the eloquent Apollos lit- W. J. Eilbeck; Peppers. sweet- mr:e. onI ad cebntinwritteanwes a te ot them whentoare put on the board or dictated own works praise ber in the tle knew that he owed much o! Miss M. Bates; Potatoes, white- t:clo n cmin uati of the kowsa thie about the pfr ee-tand even in the bigher forms gates.-Proverbs 31: 31. bis inspiration to the teaching of Mrs. J. C. Hancock; Swiss Chard havewibee m igb, Thejust as wof aleorhioanjoaffair. for e only a very little is left .to the Lesson Passage: Acts16: 11- Prîscilla given in hier home. -Mrs M. Brown; Tomatoes. red_____ Youth in Public Problems" in- 1current even'cs. is a -flat. tire", initiative of the student. then it Christiîan women in industrial -Mrs. H. Hancock; Best Assort- stea of"ChaIene toYouh'.1waa will be very poorly done or skipp- 15; 18: 1-3, 24-28. 111e have a great opportunity to ment-Mrs. Rutherfori. The artofleChllengeto Yuth" wasout. 'uy " a ut it ed entirely because the student I stand in the great forever, make twentieth century civiliza- Winners of Special Prises were The aerti le olwso: tees dvryoitea boro e Thumbs has flot had a chance to learn And ail tbings to me are divine! tion more Christian.é reported last week. The depYorabpole inack o! i nt ton hate so t f eon. e that anything hie does for himself I est of the heavenlY marina, No Limîit to Growth, 27, 28 word-wdeandCandin crret itsgone.the potet. ndflo ~stsys in his mmnd rwice as long as I drink of the heavenly wine. In any Bible Cîass or congre- wol-wd ndCndincurn 1isgon.thyprts. n otb omething lhe has been told. Hsoi ~pî 1 2 gto hr r hristiansS N W ONVILLE events is s constant source of1 reminded that we are the electors Suddenly. on entering university, HitrePiip,1,1 Ito hr r i t N W amem endrto r yopleh . th1sIs el have lot.s of tirne to sit a- this saine student has to f ail bsck High scbool studentS in their different stages of developmeflt.1 clebis ownresourcesro a Ittud o! anciet historylearfl o! Apollos passed through several Recent Visitors: Lena, Betty. not a sermon from the older gen- round and dyre aotp of u e rth aienof hilîppi. acîty stages of growth. At fîrst lhe w asi Bobby a nd Andrew Lockhart with enation. but a challenge from one incorne tax 'if we ever bave îackinçe. If. affer second form. founded by the Romans in the familiar only with the Septua-1jsîster. Mrs. Turney in Rochester. Young person to ail young Cari- enough incorne., Pbooey! Who tlesueti gaulyalwd re ititof Macedorlia. To ginr.. the Greek version of the Mrs. Turney returned with them adians. wvants ro talk about that kîr f1 omr o isl nd oerftb tiy am Pule JwsasaOld Testainent. Then hie becamej and visited bier father. Mr. A. J. Tbe latest local event in which Ibiink? tbedvalue 0f otidielfareanr. e hrs t ane Pau Ysioiiars i-a afollower of John the Baptist. Lockhart. Miss G erai dine Car-iadas future is bound up. was! Partyism Passing re aeyurpol h a ippi hie established a cburch to Later bievas r.old the story of the Pearce. Welcoere. writh Miss the Liberal rally at Newcastle last ,True. there is lot. of lime to ýee somje other reason for lvn which hie later wrote a letter life of Christ. and finally hie had ldsPere M'.idMs Tuezday. I was surprised to no- be sober about it. but a littie ta t'ae atinsorsoitv rmiongbc i n o h an experience of the power o! the H. Lane and daughter. Leona, tice quite a number of younr knowledge of whsit i g Og ri i ance to the exclusion of ail else. mnost oelightful of ail Pauls epis- Holy Sririt. Hîs experience Msroîan rne . ith b pantsci peolethreunilI emmbre th wrl. '.xe w:ha aî 5Studies and social life cnand 'e.Mn e~e bs ds~ntexcasep toal he M any se olenr unkr Hl. ebe ad hil- tbat tbere was to be a dance af mount. of pleasure has neyer been zhould be successfully combined the geographical location of Phil- havep% e bog h hs f rn ukrHl.wt e terwards. This may be synical. kont osnaycy hn or else the student becomes lbp- ippi la very vague have rather arlgoÎ0ada o eiin mohe.Mrs.F.eAdeSonth Str but being a member of Youth's s uddenly these Young 1,eople be- sided. It can easily be seen that full knowledge of the problems o! of experience. The pity 15 thatian Mr.Gog Smt. tr- ranks and knowiiig it as I do. I corne twenty-one and realîze that 1i there is more value in reading bumlan nature among the people niany Christians are living large- VAlle, Mr. Robt. Maitin. Lake believe I have just reason in this they have a vote. wbat are they and discus-sing in class svrlc Piip owbom Paul wrote ly without Pentecost. Ap ol l s Shore. Inspector A. A. Martin, case. going to do witb il if they do boso ujc hni srigf ninetenhunre yersag. The îniight neyer have received tbis Brighton. at Mr. G. Stapleton Plight of Youth rot know wbat ts 'ail about A olle mans opinions on a topic recent revolution in Greece bas fuller power had he not come in Miss Laurna Pearce wit.h ber th lgtgood many of them will flot vote Iecuiey evdt eaiteln poîitica.l contact with Christians who bad sister. Mrs F. Walker, Torontoa Everyone admits that atai.hhebthrTh es* ! thy Deplorable arvd ntonrallstrhglosng tatbren taught by Paul and others. Mr. Carke and son. Bu!!falo. o! Youth today is serious. There atheaill pr oabl vTe acrding Witb thusaDs o aglerg ad i tio ld.Thgespurnose o!There is no limit ta the degree at Mr. W. Collins'. Mrs. Clarke do ontsem and beenaougjosn ta f amily tradition without read- ustes pouring out o! bigb scbools studying about Philippi in the ini wbch Chisia viioLcn.b ad lex rturnndwith taem geo ronsd lsi w e a young mf ing Up snything on their own ac- and universities eacb rear only to Sunday'Scbool class is because extended. if Christian discipleship hme rL BeTaryonto Evelyn(re) beoms dsîluîoed il ricunt about the platform 0of each find that their country does flot Psul's first Christian couvert in is on a daily basis o! tbought, hoE. fr.osTorntoel rs. alDr. ter. Canada bas lost s good cit- party. This is s very old-fash- need their services. is it sny won- Europe. a womsn by the namne prayer snd action. Many Christ-E.An.Ls ngesCa.Mr si ize o!th fuurean scuird.ioned. narrow-minded and slp- der that they become disillusion- o! Lydia. was won in this ancient insae1nwaeo! the fact that Vle or.Srcs.N . tn put it in the vernacular. a bum.sbd 5~tr eads~eîberns !teci' they are travelling spiritualir in Mrs. James Stapleton. Newcastle, Caad as no place for him. difficulty. Euven aýnngour el- omnssb areAr~iin11 second gear. Tbe aposties ai r .Ri.Bomnil.Ms but will flot see bim starve. 50dr h î rbd "at o e nough to be snmlarmi gTe OpenAiRegon135 Pentecost in the f irst century had Chas. Cowan and Velma, Cowsn- 50 e oen' wntt o rk. Ahparently therePastnofsyna- an experence 0f Christ Thatville. ai Mr. snd Mrs. Lanson hie takes the bandout and 50051 psrty's sake-' spirit is dying 5apatby o! Youtb iso deplorableinc ofChrsttha j gets s i osntwn o w sk.apth o Ysure feloabe,. Miflson's. Mr. Milîson is pro- Andwhoisles iterstd i d- sowbut sr deatb.I but the manner in whicb the old gogueien Philippi. and the devout rarisformed them. Christians in gesn aoal r n ire anything about ail t.his than There are 100 many issues ai political Parties have shut their Jews living in the city went ta the twentieih century are stili gresinRg ufaoraly and iy anyone else? Youth! Iî is per- tkinteetmstvoete1eet Yuh Pblsi vn the riverside ta worship. Paul baving this saine experience. Hamilton. wiib Mr. John Coucb's. h fectiry true. A Young man or wo- way grandfather did. because more so. Socialisi and Comn- jo up temadsbitelt- Qetosfr icsin binigMs ochadfml anwlcopinucsigvgrsndfatber didi. Our newspapers munist leaders are wise enougb île grouaser ed in the open 1. Wby does the status o! wo- home Mrs. Luxon, Millbrook, themsele commentedcesigl on to take advsnîage of this sîste air. Lydia. a seller o! purple,I men vary in different countries?wib erdutrsMss a- an d as baptized tghe ith aeaChita.ppruiy garet -Luxon and Mrs. George ____ high to say that nine out o! ten wvriting whicb corsiders ail the the overtbrow of the big shots' ber bouseboîd. She învited Paul 3.SolMhr edfe eniICullter in Mra. J .L o! these Young people never fol- point.s o! ail the parties before is pi'omised ta lure Young people aud hsfinst tyi e aesae o e n oe? M.adMs ereMCl _________________giving the psper's opinion on the into figbing for such causes. o fi Pu' euds a~ir p e r wang e4. scalesfr eandomen? p-loghan . a ndrs. George cu editorial page, compared witb In a country wbere tbere Palnpnarpeîhiia.y ltu ha hm ep og adM.adMs sc .. i-sye acsi. back- be any number o! political clus.îransfarmed s home. Because of ing lhearts are happiest"? Pethick attended the 80tb birtb- ting. d-slingir etb eet xrssteroinos sthe long winter in the larges part 5. Wbst dîd Apolios owe ta day party o! Mr. Pethick's sis- ry bting mudslining eth d fre to xpres thir oinio!. Canada.Cnadaopen aairrepresching is 15 atePriscillak B Bu ie sD rco wihused to prevail. a great pîty that more young flot widespread. There is mucb __________trihilro Of corsethis"laisez-fire"peope donot oin tem, oth o moe ofit inGrMr.BrClelaOc-dr.Laneanbasneh under-r frhrtheir oninterests and more o! it in est foitain. Oc- and voters does rot make the those of Canada. In Germanr pe air preacbiug in Canada cuC2iis in Oshawa Hospital.( LEGAL poiia ale h xii~~ arad Italy their respective dictat- baepoe ucsfl SeveTNE'ATCASTLE l Congratulations ta Miss E. A. fairs they used ta be. where any- ors have sealized that. the child- churches bave their eveninig eral A RSH W ithdonmuda.Mnyf, M. G. V. GOULD BA LLB. hn ol apn u ti ren o! roday are the supporte"s o! *i-esding the summer mnths FL W R S O 'so.woclbrtdbr9 tbirgtr. ocoutrldtahappeoro -ad but remaking esends- i alled throughout the dayA] Bariser Soicto, Ntay tep forward for democracy. Thistonro'adte ae în upon the church lawn. An, aId Prise Winners at Flower Show aud presented bier with flowers Phone 351j is especialir iimportant when tbis sure that their Young people will count.ry minister. suppîying in a Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville 'mode of government bas taken back r.hem when tbey grow up by Canadian city, preacbed in the Asters: Piuk-i. Mrs. P. Brown, and other expressions o! the bigh V. .SRIEso mary steps backward in maryognzn eneey conceîv- apen air to larpre audiences. Araiigthmi v 2, Mrs.W. H. Cooke; 3, Mss. J. R. esteem witb whicb she is beld. other countries that it f inallb i.caly from infancy witb tbe oown-town mission runs a gospel 2,iserPurpe-i3, Mss. . Brown;. ..raiin Barristes, Solîcîtar, Notary tripped itself and wa:; seized upon ,~ waggon wbicb visits variaus 2Fs.Coei3 s.P rwn odTann Solicitor for Bank a! Montreal hy dictators and such murmurs ides that the dictator can do nlo a Cbr'st'anity ai the start Wite-1 Miss Blackburn, 2 & 3 A lady was entertainiug ber Money 10 Loan. Phone 91. as dsred to arise silenced bv a rong. that he will lead bisi was largely'an open air religion. r.JR.Fse;Cino- find malo."Aeouqte BomnilOtro iro adta wsntecsd ncbeytogoy itryadaPr Mrs. Cooke; Collection-i Mrs. sure you can cut your meat. BowanileOniri jtrul a ud ihavwas ai encse plcofts taglrespectorynd thae il asndrivesnogu esr. If R. T. Rutherford. Tommy?" she said. "Yes. tbank iThe G L. C. MASON, B.A. anevtglv.paceio!is. epctaon h temple u h yaus ie Snapdragon-1 Mss. W. E. au." replied Tommy. without Het nations. n otepeoffle will flot attend aur P dyi2Mis MBaes,3 ss Brltr-Slctr Althi go- Thensote fa Calnet ot nytigPry isMBts r.C: lookin up. "we o! ten bave i tas yPl Naîary Public - Etc.AlibsgestOhofhi f chale nnge a to o otbi hrhs h nrtigCarveih. itough as this ai borne." ly1 l Ba arrits brSonchesr Young man or woman in Canada waut coursei alnada w ne do ratot do is ta carry the message ta Cosmos-i Mss. Cooxe, 2 Mss..e001 oneo ofi in ealus bans . Roa will take the trouble ta weigb craîic lubes along suchnemo-a them wbere tbey are on the J C. Hancock, 3 Miss L. Tren- "Welly WeUly Cold" heatini Thar temriaowec aryad oehne u e n o iitnenessarytreets sd in paks. Lvdia migt 'A Chinaman was riding lu an ~ Ofic imditey at ! oa the merits o eac pairadoe uds uwstma!gvenen aneyer bave become a Christian if wiih. geh Thoe eaOfie aord8:.Hnobme dse53i. begin training aur youug peoplePulbdrfsdtwiesex Dahlia: Cactus-i Mss. M. omnibus in bis national dress. Phoes:Offce 88;Hoe 53. appr. ve ifbe r se deste be politicalir consciouswie ceptinl a consecrated place o!f ron,2Mss. M. Brown; Decor- and he said ta the lady nexita cus kili dad*s vote. Most parents are stiîî in the cradle, but Canada's worsbip. ative-i & 2 Mrs. Batty. 3 NL-j him: "Me me welly welly cold. fied ai DENTAL fa ' ouh nincpaedaîoug leaders are ai lasi beginning ta M. Brown:; Show-i & 2 Mss. M. lady,." culatir this lire ta be glad that their take the tip sud appeal ta Youtb. Women in Industry, 1-3 Brown; Collection-i Mss. M. The lady turned araund and Cl DR. . C DEVTT bilden re îkir erogb nte- The rest is up ta Youtb itself. One o! the greai changes Brown. loe ibm u ad Wl Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson est in the goverrnment o! their Wilî we accepi ihe challenge? brougbt about by the machine Gladiolus: Yellow-1 3. H. Jos tuck our shirt in. ru d-n f00." ras4In Graduate a! Rayai Dental Col- -oîintry ta do their own tbinkiug.. age in which we ilebsbehe2Ms .Bte,3Ms .A. a.Gur lege. Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- There may be a few "died-ir-tbe- His Methok increasîng number o! women em- Butles; Pink-i Mss. J. A. But-' ilee Bldg.. Bowmauville. Office 11 00" partisans wbo will read Custmer"How is ;t that I played in iudustry. As lbouse- les, 2 Mss. J. R. Fisher, 3 Mss. . IE LV bours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily 'bis and sbuddes but theis dars bave rot seceived a bilI fsam work bas been made ligbter. !ew- Purdy; Salmon-i & 2 J. H. Jose C kii L E _ excepi Sunday. ienmee.yu"e oe r eddi oe s.H acc;Wie1 J. iTS YOUR NERV *he wtelf ande o!Can na ateren ast 'satriflecd nuts ad s.J.A ule,3 isM.Bts Phone 90. Hause phone 283. This training of youth ta thîrk Grocer "The fact is. Ms. Beck, ta case for the work these. Wo- H. Jase. 2 H. R. Pearce, 3 Mrs. J. arlef corns ro X-Ray Equîpmeut in Office. ti te!ad aea reein151 at I eer ask a gentleman for men gaing ouita wosk bave A. Bulles; Red-1 J. H. Jase, 2 with ueo SHOE REPAIRS iadly ueglect.ed botb at home and Customner: "Is that so? And I rhey in turn bave been influenced Purple-i & 2 Mr.. J. A. Butler., r H S ' H _______________________it scooal. The great maiority o! jwbat do yau do if be doesn't . by the occupations that they fol- 3 J. H. Jase; Variegated-i & 2 4 ' R. PA W SON ?arents are ent!relv indifferent.'pay?" I1 w. During the pasi f ive rears Mss. Bulles. 3 J. H. Jase; 6 'o the fact that their scrs ad Grocer: 'If he does rot psy. 1I I ary women bave suffered sev- spikes, ail differet-J. H. Jase. Boot and Shoe Repairing daughtess asound4 the ages Of conclude bie is nat a gentleman ereir from unemplormeut. Ap- Hylrangea-1 Mss. Okea. Eil- S tietcwnobin odyMachinne. in tent newspa ebtnfi- sud then T ask hlm." parentlirwomen have entesed lu- teck, 2 Mss. C. Law, 3 Mss. Pusdy. Prices reasonable. thing i the newpaprs utheduistry ta, stay. Instead o! coin- Marigalds: Fsencb-1 Mss. Em- King Street East - Bowmanvile (omics. sparts. f ashion and besutrecsay plainiug about tbis factiti will be messon Fisher, 2 Miss Tsenwitb. 3 hints. People in a country wbese The Question: "What do iber bettes ta stress the necessitr of Miss M. Bats; African-i Mrs. the Press is. and alwars bas beer. mear br 'supesfluous'. Bill?" gaad waskiug conditions. demand Geo. Eilbeck, 2 H. R. Pearce. 3 FUNERAL DIRECTOR free ta urint wbat it pleases. do The Arswer: "Aw. someihin' fais wage scaies for bath mer Mss. Cooke.F FUNVERAL DIRECTORS is affered them daily te be well' 'Wil er ave a drink?'" asaoused public opinion pseveut 1 2 Mss. J. R. Fisher, 3 Mss. W. J. F re e D a n c Srie n or n a. irformed. ta be able ta intelli- exploitation o!f female labar. Eilbeck. Sesie sybu.553dy ently discuss matters o! vital in- Aul ad*isl,, **.. . Paul . Pauses-i Mrs. .. Haucock, 2 S F. F. MORRIS C0. terest 10 Canada and Great Bni- met in Carinth. were living thereiMrs. B. Thomas.I Modern Motos Equipment tain. [ because the .ews bsd b-en drîi'- Petunia: Double-i Mss. Cooke. Ambulance sud Invalid Cas Need a Free Press FoI oeysi en out o! Italv bv Cladius. Then 2 Mss. Rutherford, 3 Miss Tren- Caîl Phare 10 as 34, in caurtries wbere the Pres, is fe ao s ir moderr Germany women with: Single-1 & 3 Mss. Purdy, Assistant. 573 an official mnouthpiece ard the I fe't. the bsun* of persecution as 2 J. H. Jase. BOWMNVILE noulpareonlytoldwha is ood FREC LESwell as mer. A friend5bin sprang Phlox: Perennial-i & 3 Mrss BOMNILEno'lere and r tl waftrits Usedup between ibis mnassied couple J. C. Hancock, 2 Mrs. H. Hancock. omn il bpen 'dc>y'tored tp." mer and wa- and Paitl because ail thsee were Saivia-i Miss C. Butler, 2 Mrss NORTHCUTT & SMITH mrn will take terrible isk' ta tentmakers. 1LFse. CompeteFunralSerice nia forrigr papes wvhicliMe o!GenîN E2-28Stcks-1 Mss. Purdr. Cmlt ueatIlîs the trntb These millions j maJo.gbls arreeie1 Sweet Peas-i Mss. C. Carvt Modern Equipment - Amrbulance '1'e jrAtr"&111md ea0! .A mno eismyrcie2Mss. J. A. Bulles. 3 Mss. M.T akteOpnn ft - A.W. . Nothctti great public scclaim because o! Brown. frseir sud vebementir as they 1 Sm A *11v erW&Ml Hancock, 2 Mrs. M. Brown. wlsh. Stôpovers grauted ai Part Arthur, ba *tlàr hMO Oint- Centreplece for dlnlng table- Corne outa Neyes condescend sud neyer Oui. sud ail stations west thereof . Ms.nHtH&lcok,2 Mss . Bt- lubwo Bst of al fly killers. wge auy If youanhep ilr.son mo"ad relevs. la ler, 3 Miss M. Bates. Sl C Cleam, qulck, sure, wburuil'kWa ôi 0l Full particulars from any agent ubor boz Large Basket for hall or veran- with def WH jy cleap. AskyourDrugE ay i nosese Brngupyour *da-i Mss. M. Brown, 2 Mss. J. sGrocer or Geoerl points ta sbow hlm wby he Is f%_R.Flsher,3 Mrs. J. A. Bullers.dgi PAY Poe wraug. This wiil make afar wihaflad an raciric * - ~ ~ Faa e~ pa- s o THE WILSON FLY pAO deeper impression sud if you can- IM. row, 2Mss J.C.Corcik MOIRE CO., HAMILTON, 0ONT. ual do il. then you had bettes let I34-3 Msrw,Ms. J. . F'lsher. LOCAL AGENT R. E. LOGAN DNE 264W BOWMDANVILLE, ONT. ,e and Carnival Sponsored By Lions Club ie new ROLLER SKATING RINK AND NIS COURTS At the of Barley Camp Sept. 11, 8.30 Pen. are Dancing with Music provided by ICHESTRA, PETER BORO Zomm unity Welf are Club ,RSHIP TICKETS 25c lucky Ticket Numbers )NIGHT, SEPTEMBER Ilth. utomobile or Mantel Radio, Value $62.50 xWatch, Value $24.-75 rdWalnut Tea Wagon, Value $20.00 1Prize -- Shetland Pony ,S - REFRESHMENTS rHS 0F ALL KINDS. and heip further the Lions rk in the care of children fective eyesight, in boys' iris' work, and other rnmunity services.