'THE.fî ANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOý THURSDAY, SEPT. th, 1935 PAGE EIGIZT SCOTT'S SCRAPBOOK - By R. J. Scot lime Newcastle Independent Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rowland Los Angeles, Cal.. ho camie east finally conciuded the celebratiofi in comipany wth cousins fîom kiiO Fý GO of the twsenty -f ith anniversary of Holly wood and w ho is vsisting heî CMACNG 'r1uIUZ ÇKINS their marriage by takîng a two mother Mis. Jas. Stapleton. day silver honeymoon to Tor- Mr. A. A. Martin J P. S. onto and visiting the C. N. E.. and Brighton. Mrs. Martin and child- WOLý bis brothers. Mr. Harry and Mr, ren were weekend guests of Mr. C4 < pî«VS-ANCE- .Arthur Rowland. Robt. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MEt. 1HE 1AAULMAZAS Mr. A. A. Coiweil has been feel- Martin. IWO/A.NS 01, MI/col Ing so much better of late that Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Alun spent , RUN ON 'rtEIR I9EE onFriday he attended the C. N. the Labor Day weekend at. his -4E em I E. with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence unles. Mr. Chris. Cookmian. BENKIP Cryderman and visited his grand- Grensw.ell. and otheir relatives at 4 U daughter. Miss Jean Hanna at Blackwater. f'HPEE VAS M5> the Sick Chiidrens Hospital. Mr. Geo. Buckley accompanied CI,1f W. M. S. of the United Church Master Tommiy Walker w-ho has f A ePE'RE1 meets this Thursday afternoon in been visiting his aunt. Miss Ethel the S. S. hall. Mrs. F. B. Love- \Vade. to his home east of Belle- kins group viii provide the pro- ville. ga.Miss Dora Martin has rtre i R~OJC Mrs. Jas T. Brown sang a duet arn.Tono- K!lcN Know He Watcheth Me' at last Mri. HToHur ontto, and E!lcNC ON RU.fNL-'O Sunday rnorning's service in t.he Mr. Jos. Hînter, BeTeoreontoeRU and dR~E~ Lentehchd hen gRouev.S.mac-among the C. N. R. friends whcl 44A1NoRZ5MEN -faoo 1;IE 5011 N A Len race avgooissrmnattended the funeral of th2' late cOFMRIC 10 NAR B d insird b S. Pul strrng p-Harold Toms on Saturday after- OUB6Ç< N peltoaton e o vecmeno. also Mi. Gardiner of Belle- S.~O~JtRE~0 i~~R of evil. but overcome evil with ville. accoînpanied by Mrs. Gai Çl jAMOU B JORNli or 0>4MAN -P~A good". His evening theme as be- dne.OUND Bl MN OLA0N IAM cI. fitted the eve of Labour Day "'-s Manager C. T. Batty of the coum- l bINN cOlA M Mans Labours. What hathamn Bank of Commerce. Mrs. Batty 1 b, M&c-- -,.-, A I for ail his labours? and Miss Lorraine are home f r' _____________________________________ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Brown and hldyfga asra UEA FHRL OS P .Jns .B tetn .W M r. and M rs. J. T. B row n ttnd- h Guesi g ts of D r W . H n Mb __ _ ed the C. N. E. Saturday. TheWatnal at"risLde Goodale, Alexander Young,.IH. P. a late reviiin frens tPe-ove r Labour Day weekend were:1 The body of the late Harold Baldwin. Samuel Alexander, Eben RI etanguishene.. and Mrs. G. D. Conant and Toms, St. Lambert, Que., wbo was Faxon Bisbop. B. F. Dillingham. Mrs. Jas Brown and f amilv r. oger of Oshawa. Major and, drolvned in the St Lawrence Sanford B. Dole and others of have lef t Newcastleo0n-tbe-lake Isn .Mdon-oadad ie n udy Pg 5h a the oid guard wbo did s0 miîch and jioned M r. Brown at H ar- da tîghters P ery wan e.v o - cvrored. dA y ug. 2 t . many mils 10 transfor m H awaii, he saw the y mony. ono1 e. n r. .So.-Ho- down the river. Following a sugar output grow fromt 60.000 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spry and entd. Nevcl. and M ss S o mettgl te do u ea evc tons to 600000 tons annually. He famniiy. formierly of Bowmanvile, isMli aitnadD.o Friday evening at the Wray v;;it.nessed the overtbrow of the TC baemve .no Mrs. OliveMro Horace Walton-Ball of Toronto. Burial Chapel in Montreal the nonarcy under Queen Liliuok- 0 dits Mroeith an ng Stra..vh Thore %vas a big crop of rasp- rernains wero brought to New- alani and the establishment of 1 Mr.MroihaniN r r ati bernies -rown in this district thiscastie on Saturday afternoon. the repubiic. with Sanf ord B. 1 Mrs. John Hall andi Mr. at summer andi during the seasoniAccompanvifg fhemi were Mrs. Doe a prst nt hih ii 19 a utcnd i81 rte.îostly of Toms anti daughter. Miss Fran- %vas follo'.ed by annextion to the Mrs No man Wilia s. ait we e 6 pints each. were shipped to'ces: deceas d s brother M r. Eric United States. gundsts of Mr. henand Mrs. C rHll.Montreai markets from New- Toms. Belevle, ohd oeto Califor-nia ahd took up his re- Suda eenngwbn n hepr- astle. to, Montreal to be of whatever senceof oter reative and fi sidence in Riverside where he de- encesootnrN eaties and fni- t The three Montrealers witb assistance he could. and Mran. voted hiînself to, citrus inferests ED erns tin Newctle and rMr their cabin trycydle -Buiit for Mrs. Gardiner of Belleville, closeadtedvlpmft0 i s Oro ino. th ir istedaehtr, ar jThree". evoked much ntrest friends anti formier neighbours of and.tthe gem tf 7Mr.Loe- c ily Irnewaschrstnedby erwhon on thir journey home f rom Mr. and Mrs. Toms. A groat con- km is At younge man67ith.Loet S. Macean. B. A. Vandouver fhey stopped at E. C. course of relatives and f riends of he ire 0f younthl entus Miss Marion Alun and party Hoar's Garage for the noon hour xere at the station who followed o h ie fyuhu nhs witb her cousin. Mr. John Ashton. and proeee olgtterca ueral ~t~~ cortege to ; Head iasm. Projects in whidh he is d undhm hrda rmolsoeadd ,jýý h pttndl emtr actively interested are the pro- rheumo rnedhome hesdafro i tv n ope hoptte eeeytection of forests the work of re- Ct.rmtrtpt h aii and onions for dinner1 The fumerai was holti under the forestation and the vital question CoSt eresCc.Rv. Mrs. Alex Lownie and chiltiren. auspices of Durham Lodge A. F. of water. He bas visite-1 every St. Gerges hurb. ev.F.D onaldi andi Joyce, Niagara Falls, & A. M. of which Mr. Toms was national park in North Am Jt H. asn. . .. . .. ecor have retturned horme afler spend- anember. The pallhearers were: and is assisting in establishin, Sundsy. Sept. 8th. l2th Sunday ing the summier with the formers Brothers. Geo. H. J011. T. F. Bran- , tt pr rormfo 1ai amurnionity.48 a. m.-oly Com parents. Mr. andi Mrs. Henry ton. J. E W. Philp, Fred Fligg. 1onan11 h ett ah munio: 9.4 a. m.- tîn ay Tebble. Frnti Grabam anti J. E. RiiY'h. ngton on behaîf of the super- Sco: i a. m.- Morniong n rase- Sobools re-opened on Tuesday Rev. S. Macean conducted the visors of Riverside County and emon . m-vnsnnndsr orning with a good attendance' hurial rites of the church follow- instîtuted action in Congress to I mon.tdChr ir . a-i ail classe,. Bouquets of Sept- mez which Wor. Bro. W. F Ric- et aside areas in Palm Canyoni LeniedB hur.. Retr. S. Mac- ember floweis. tboughtfuliy plar- kaid led the memrbors of the Ma- for a national monument.. Hoe as1 SeanptA. P10astor. Sunday. et in eacb room ;y Mrs. M. sonic Ortier in theii beautîful chairman of Riverside Ci ty ParkI Sept. 8: 1 a. m.- Surn nday B-rown. welcomed tearbers andi and impressive service. Boardi is Presiden' of Mount Sn Mhideekp.devotion serie pupîls back to their duties and' Not only by their attendance Jacinto State Park Association sip: 7 p. m.-EvaleviSg l'e sn. h woesro r-but by the many ovely floral tri- and a member of the California serice ar . enteti a very dlean and bright, butes which were later place aePrkCui.Hehsra againein hldap.m eve ry I. appearande after its thorough' over the grave covering it in a estate interest.s in the Colorado' Mrs. Gertrude Pringle. feature house cleaning by Mr. and Mrs. mantle of beauty. did f rientis and R.-*ver area. Palo Verd- Valley, writer for tbe Ladies Hm Jour-H.Brereton Miss Margaret relatives show their esteem for the where he was a pioneer grower of Hoe anderson. B. A.. 0f the Hîgb &eparteti and their sympatby for cottori. vn aothers.aGziosbasben. Schooi staff. has taken up resi-, hereaveti. The late Harolti Toms Mr. Lovekin is a eugenist. and vitsig tMrGoH. Car- donce at "The Newcastle Arms- was a C. N. R. bridge and builti- ho weldpmed the immigration act ve's esCoe hw. andi Miss Norma F. Orchard at ici' inspecter covering territory az the silvation of a country that he BroterspiCoon sh wa"The Towýers. from Brockville. Ont.. t o Port- ha d been breeding tao long fron'. havte beelcping on th Poscner Mi. anti Mrs. P. LeGresley and: land. Maine. Among those who undesirable elemonts of Europe. o! tbn e tper bous. Pioe Mr. anti Mrs. C. C Grubbe, es .-riomnanieti the cortoge to thel Specialization bas no place in rm wnsnbereughMr. n Mrs. GJonton. mnotoreti to Londion and aiso rrniretory was the paralvsis strie- his soheme. He tieems if btter to Trobnr ndsonshtr s John e. visitoti relatives af Welland and, ken andiei~in father. Mr. hav- a general knowledge of os- Turner. adesos Jn an Goi9.. Thomas.. Joseph Toms Relatives were pro- sntial things that make an in- thabve b eenlowb vacatiM. on ah i Rev. Lorne Thomas, Of St. cefn, from Belleville, Millhrook. dividiialist. than to ho a prodigy tebuglwîtbMr. Noa Baitholomneas. Toronto, preacb- Torocto. Pickor-inL, Ohawa. Wel- in one s;ubject. Certain it is Fose.Dai oftadsn ed at St. Georges Cburcb Sundiqy corne. Bowmanville an ohr thaf. were ho a specialist, bis re- Mr. Blake Moffat. Orono: Mi's vening. for Rer. F. H. Mason centres. an 2h ord wotild not contain a tithe SI Clara Moffat of tho Toronto Pub- wbo was calledt toBrighfton.ofteacmls en htar lic School teacbing staff. Mrs. W. Rer. Mr. Thomas wa homo on to bis ci'edit today. To every Staples. Orono. andi niece were vacation wth his mothor. Mrs. A Pioneer And problem. ho brings ta bear the SuntiaN guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thomas.An Iniiult mature mind of a man wbo bas Geo. Alun. Mi. anti Mis. Normain Alun and A iidaitdne wortb wbile things. If he --Hrtrecri fNwateMarion. Mis. (Dr. î Ernest Alun, finds cause for criticism. it is friHer-4arge whidloof ecastle tLos Angeles, anti Mr Volney (Continued !rom page 1) nover destructive. neither doos ho find' wihtb om ýrrshondeas Moore. Syracuse, N. Y.. spent Iotemi. '. ~~drive borne bis opinions wifb pic- itn ouchavroub responihdnc e saurd N TrotoaEe.îgokai. At Honolulu ho wa.s assis- quiet anti kindly ex'terior, ont- Statesman hve boom tieigbtoti ta ho C. ~. E tant mill engineen. anti at Ono- sne h nvn oc !a meet Mrs. <Dr.) Ernezt Alun of Miss Rosalinti Allin. Edmonton,, mea carnied ouf extensive survey s'ndomitabe dwil ta succetowbin Miss Anie Alu n Providee, work anti tas in charge of shipp- Is of the essence of greatness. Mlisn onie lln ant M. lbrt ing anti landing. Ho was also __________ Alu. Bwmavilo. pon Thrs-Plantation bookkeepor anti store No Synpathy w EI USFEATHER dywth Mr. anti Mrs. Norman manager. Rtri. oHnll 1 eat irsmanageti the wbarvestboflo!ainunecm- to remakeintosaniary andshipping for C. Bîewer antiayd o the icoo ney une o be mt re-mesa n owsn ciar The Fîjenti 0f Al Suferos.- iCompany, sugar factors anti plan- hanfrthe policy due mnager matrsse nt on o Dr. Thomas' Eclocfric Oul is al tation howners, anti later manaae fore rs. . la ed os ho 1hookkeeper anti cashier for tatsaiti: anti e-matie like new- uffer pain. It holtis ouf hope ta, firm. hoam of yurl orr, a.", Piîîows cleaneti.1 everyone anti roalizes it by stil In' 1895 he left the isiantis for h tsa u lastewait- Pnices Reasonable ing suffering everywhere. It is a a short ponioti anti wenftate San vomi on."s aiytihe ou areh Moder Feater Matress liniment that bas the blessing Of îFrancisco. wbore ho studieti in yi mn"sdsh. Yo arM CoMe FSeatrCMaourg, haîf a continent. It is on saleI the labratory of the state assayer, always sorry when a poor wom- Go. Mgei tretCooug. "eY wbere anti ran be founti bantiling golti, silver, copper and an gets a chance ta mako a little wbeevr equrei fr.I ead. Journeyung 10 Kootenay. moneý. _________________________ __________ IB. C.. hoe openeti an assay office at Nelson, wbene ho also titi a Pig Feeding Methods lihttie prospecting. Hawaii caîleti Although there are several him back in 1896 anti we find methotis o! preparing moal mix- G eo. MW. Bosnell G. D.. Garnett him at work witb the trustees of tures foi feeding pigs, the f ollow- the Bishop Estate andTi rufss n ing ruies are recommendeti as_ TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS luding the Bisbop Museum. Ho safe practices in protiucing bogs "n'Io was acommnissioner of fine cdaims. 0ýf the tiesîreti type: (1) Ginti al TORNT OFIC 243DANORH VE.- R.708 apcntd b te ubo-cpf-u grain. Fine grintiing is recom- BIRTHS :HARDS- In Bovinanvillo Hospital. on Monday, Septom- ber. 2, 1935, ta Mn. anti Mrs. George E. Richards, a son. DEATHS ýWKER-In Bowmanville. on Tuesday. Septembei 3rd. 1935. MIary Adelaitie Cavvker. beloveti laughton of Sarah anti the late C.harles M. Cawker. Funemal Private f nom the family rosi- donce. Centre Sf., on Fîiday September 6th, at 2 p. m. D ST. Intoîment Bowmanvillo CemeterY. ,GILL-Suddenly in Manvers Township. on Wetinosday. Aug. 28th. 1935. Sarah E. Annott. beloved wif e of Charles W. Mc- Giil. in hon 71sf 'ear. Interred af Cadînus CKARD-In Bowmanville, on ruesday September 3rd 1935, Elizabeth Rickard. ageti 82 years. Widow of the late James G.Rickard. Interreti at Bow- nanville Cemetery. )MS-At St. Lambert.. Quebec, an Sunday, Au-ust 25tb. 1935, Hiaroldi Toms, ageti 50 yoans. Interreti at Bond Heati Come- tory. Newvcastle. IN MEMORIAM DGER-In lot îng inemoiy af our Mothei. Elizabeth M. Edger. who dieti Sept. 6. 1934: The flower we place upon youî grave May witber anti tecaY. But the momory o! the one wbo is beneatb. will nevoir fade a way. Satily mised by Family. IcLAUGHLIN-Ifl loving mem- ory o! a devoteti husbanti anc a dean fathor, Samuel Mc- Latîghlin. tvbo entereti into nost Sert 9. 1933: Love s0 amazing. 50 divine, Demantis my life. my soul, My: aIl. Goti is the only one wbo knows Our loneliness anti loss. The n'emory of the joy we sharoti The happy days togethoî StilI binti us in that love diivine That tieath can neyer sover Satiy missed by bis wife and family. 5TAPLETON-In loving memorý o! aur darling boy. Ewart ClanE Stapleton. uho passeti away Sept. 7. 1930: A lit.tle lamnb, fao sweef and pure Upon this earth ta îoamn. So an angel came frona boaver Anti took oui dean chilti home Ever rementhoeti by Datiti Mamma and Grantima. .TRUTT-In lovimg momnory ci aur doar Husbanti and Father Elias Strutt. wbo enteret intl rest Sept. 6. 1933: Some may think we have for- gotten. Wben at tilues they see t. smile, But they liffl, know the beani. ache. That the smile holtis all th( while, We who lov-cd you, sadly mis you, As it dawns anothor year: In aur lovely houns o! thinking Thoughts of you aie alway: near. Ever nemombenoti by Wifo an( Family. Wanted To Rent WANTED-FOR THE WINTER Apartment or rooms suitabl for light housekeeping by twa ladies who wish ta come t( Bowinanville. Apply 'F. M." Statesman Office. 36-t Rooms To Rent F'OR RENT-TWO LARG] bright rooms, tueateti, hard wood floors Also board if de sîreti. Phono 685. 36-2w TAKE NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT MY WIFI Violet Eileen Ferguson. havi: without reasonable excuse le my beti anti board, I will longer ho responsible for an tiebts she may contract. Date at Burkoton, this l9th day August, 1935. Robent Henry Fergusoi Glen Rae Dairy R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors PHONE 408J BoIvMALNVILLE A, TOWN o BOWMANVILLJ Rliouses to RentI double house on Temperance St. Apply Willard Caldwel,761 Division St. E., Oshawa. Phone 2867W. 35-tf 2ND INSTALLMENT DUE SEPT. l2th HOUSE TO RENT--SIX ROOM- ed house on Division Street. Possession October lst. Full A O particuliirs. Apply Mrs. H. J. AN O Knight, King St. Telephone 590. 34-tf TO RENT-HOUSE ON HORSEYA Street. 6 roomed house and 1I Penalty of 2 % straight wi1' be added to the summer kitchen, 3 piece bath, 2n Intleto Ta sim dael ate ail in f irst class condition, n ntlmn fTae m eitl fe Fred J. Manning, Church St.. Phone 158. 36-tf Septemnber I2th, 1935. TO R E N T-FRAME HOUSE. near corner Church and Sul-FR D AT NS , ver Sts.. also one on Silver St. R D P T IS N Appy Cas.Hea orPhone 9. Apl Ca. el r 36-2w Tax Collector. .TO RENT-7 ROOM HOUSE, Town of Bowrnanville. Whole or part. hardwood floors, living roomn with f ireplace. light and water, good gar-den, ________________________________ and ch.icken house. App 1 y Peter Martin, High St.. Bow- manville. 36-1w* FIV ROM OUS T Articles For Sale Lost FIERO OS ORENT I __________ -near Central School, on El gin FOR SALE-BICYCLE IN GOOD LOST-SPAR E TIRE AND DISC Street. ail conveniences; lm- condition, cheap. Apply 14 whee, etween Bowmanville mediate possession. inoderate 1 Liberty Place. Mr. A. Wight, and Lindsay Finder please rentai. P. O.. Box 67.Phn Bowmnanville. 36-1w* returfi to Statesmafi Office. 42. 32-tf Reward. 36-1 1 .---part-ets-toRentHouses for Sale L ýOST- _BRITISH AMERIC AN -- FOR SALE OR RENT-HOUSE! Bond Coupon. Between Jury H E A T E D APARTMENT TO) and 5 acres land. 1 mile ,vest of1 Block and Bank of Montreal. R e nt- Central location..7 Bowmanville on Highway. Ap-1 Please returfl to Bank of Mont- * rooms. ail modern convenien-; ply te, R. R. Stevens, R. R. 3, real. 36-1w ces. f ireplace in living roorn. Bownianville. 36-lw LOST-ON SUNDAY IN THE * electric stove installed, garden -iiiyo rsetadOe r and garage, $25.00 monthly. FOR SALE-SIX R O O ME D vcnt1fPosetac d Phone 388. Appiy Mrs Archie frame hotise in good condition, or C. P. R. Station in leather Tait.Bowianvile. 1-t-f rent reasonable Possession Oct. case. Finder leave saine wth 0 lst or~ sooner. Apply to John Mis. Sapc rSuh e FOR RENT-MODERN APART- oentre ChurchSte.,Bw Prospect and Odell Streets, ment. hot water heating: con- manville. 36-1 ________________36-__ sisting of Living room, Dining iNtc rooni. kitchenette. 2 bedrooms.L FOR SALE-ATTRACTIVE BUN- Ntc to Creditors bathroom and a sun roomn. all galow, all conveniefices. cen- o n one flooir: front and back tral. price 10w for cash. Write ALL PERSONS having an y ,d entrance and use of cellar. Box 381. Bowmanvilie. 36-t dlaimi against the Estate of the This wiil be ready about the - - - - late REGINA PARKER, who died ;t middle of September. Apply FOR SALE- SIX R OO M ED on or about the lOth day of July, t3 Mis. Frank M .Cryderma.n. framne house and garden on 1935, at the Village of Newcastle, Silver St Phone 232. 36-2 Church Street. property of theI are required to file the saine with y _ .-- ate Mrs. Bessie Butler. $600 Prof thereof with the under- Agents WIantecl cash for- qui4ck sale. Apply Mi's. g igned or- their Solicitor flot later 7s ____ H Robertson., on premises. than September 20th. 1935. after Sccure British Kniit agene' in 36-1,,v* which date the Estate will be dis- ýe your district for Canada's finest tributed and ahl claim.s of which guaranteed knitted wear. 42 ne'w Live Stock for Sale i Ihe Executors have not, received and exclusive fabrics: beaiitifully. otc will be barred as against ie illustrated catalogue Liber a 1 FO0R SAL-5 C O T S WO L D m. commissions. Faîl samples ready sheep; sow and 9 pigs; general DATED at Bowmnanville this dnow. Write at once. Brtish Knit- purpos ae yair old; good 7hdy0 uut 95 wear Limited. Simicoe, Ontario. shorthorn cow 4 yearsold due ORMISON PARKER and ry__________ 36-1 this f ail: ail sound. Orville FRANK PARKER, e - - Osborne, R. R. 4, Bowmaflvlle. Executors Farmns For' Sale Phonle 306. 36-1w Regina Parker Estate: ________By M. G. V. GOULD, idFOR SAL-IN HAMPTON, 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bowmanville, ont. d ce land on which is 9 roomed their Solicitor. 35-2 house barn 30x5O and stable In the Estate of Ida Willimina n 20x3O. A!)ply T. 1Rowe, Hap-Randallroshaigdim - tý . 34-t g_ý.nst the estate of Ida Will ina F AL LT ER M - h,.-..Jall, late of the Town of By opens Aug. 26th in Sbaw's 12 Farms To Rent ii.. .iville, dece5.sed, who died on Business Schools in Toronto. fAMT RE -HA DE or about the 25th day of June. Our courses Iead to profitable si FRable f rm nTth LakE -or 1935, are hereby notified to send employment. Write for cur- to srbefa.0 h Lk hr in to the office of W. R Strike, riculum. W. R. Shaw, Reg- road near Port Brittain. at solicitor, Bowmanville, on or be- istrar, 1130_ Bay St. r- present occupied by Charles fore the 14th day of September, Beighton. Immediate, f al1 1935, full particulars of their ___ LS1plowing privileges. Apply to dlaims. ______________ Dr. Walton-Ball, Newcastle. Immediately after the said l4th 1- 36-2w day of September, 1935, the as- -sets of the testatrix wili be dis- r ie For Sale tiue amongst the partiý C...iuck, Op ______j_____ edthereto. having EyrietSpeiais ss FOR SALE-SMALL LOT SUIT- only to dlaims of which theee ysgtSeils able for small bungalow. oi utor shal have notice.hex- Author of: Kin Steet cetra. Aplyto, Dated at Bowmanville this 3rd' OPtometry Feature Service Ki Msng Stret, enral. Appl to1 day of September, 1935. The Chlld and its g, Mr.Penn5-2Bomnvle W. R. Strike, Developmnent 5-2 Solicitor for the executor. I SPecializîng exclusvely n idFOR SALE- 3, 4, 5, 6, AND 8 36-2w muscle anomalies, eyesight inch tile for drainage purposes. and glasses. - Prices delivered by truck on re- Many mothers can te.stif y to Phone quest. Wagstaff Brick & Tule the virtue of Mother Graves' 1 for apPointmnent 1516 Yard. R. R. 4, Lindsay. Ont. Worm Exterminator, b e c a u s e Disney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. 36-2 they know f rom experience how Oshawa, Ont. useful it is. RFOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD FUR- Re1teAs eoeSopn le niture consisting of Dining ____ he___beor hopig vo room and Bed room furnîture ____________________ o and other odd pieces. Apply CH D O D .1. Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, Bowman- HL O D tf ville, Phone 168 36-1 FOR SALE-FI-RE-CO COAL C) - adwo oksoeingood More mothers in Bowman- condition, Tank on back also vlepee lnReMl E water-front. good cooker a for their children than any d- bargain. Mrs. F. M. Cryder- dthgooid as i tas pure le- man. Silver St. Phone 232. On oda i ats