THE CANADIAN SI ATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1935 S. SSwain, Mr. Weir Swain, Tim- es." when tpc orsotad- eo ry Genuine and BLACKSTOCK Umûris, at Mr. Oakley Carley*s, dre se ere handed to each Sutne IsO er d -0.e Rev. and Ms .H. . Walker, the Presidents of both branches On Visit to Old Land Miss Grace Willan has return- and sons, Janetville. Mrs. John presidcd for their respective pro-____ edt oot.Walker. Port Hope, Rev. and Mrs.. gramns which included: Readings ýMre mtPeieto o Miss Feorganoh t Ce . h C. Harcourt., with Mr. and by Mrs. Hildoîn Johnston. Mrs. I. ..ySih Peiet0 o MissFera Jhnstn senttheMrs.Her. Hoey W. Campbell, Mrs. Capstick; a minon Stores Limited. who has Mrz.IWm. Crawford and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry, paper by Mrs. Wm. Hanna; and iustrerndro amtrtp Florelitre Fair visited in Ottawa Miss Miriam Werry and Mr. Jack a paper by Mrs. Roy Robinson, throughiout England and Scotland. MissAilen Dvit hastakn aWeity, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Armstrong conduct observing store operations there, position with Dr. Buchanan in Mrs. Abert Werry. Mr. Jack ed a contest which was won by is ver3y enthusiastic about the ev- Peeror.Werry is remaining for a short Miss Marie Frroutt. A cont.est idence of genuine and sustalned Mrs. Ceeil Downey. Reaboro time before commencing his year was also conducted by Miss Ruby rcvr eswi h l ad visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. at the University of Toronto. Toms. Delightfuil piano solos While a number of depressed J. R. McLaughlin. _______________ were played by Miss Bessie How areas stili persist. states Mr. Smith Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey en- and Miss Robinson. The pleas- tertained in honor of Mr. How- NESTLETON 1 ant meeting was closed by a sub- ard Bailey's birthday. î_______________ stantial lunch of sandwiches, Miss olive Van Camp and Misscaendi ram Jessie Knox were present at a Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy. Mr. Recent Visitors corn roast in Hampton. Cecil Siemon attended the Sie-1 Mr. and Mrs. M. Greaves, Congratulations to Murray y: nmo onnpil nBOW- Lindsay, at Mr. Perçy Edgert.on's. ers on receivîng 3rd priz i anile Mrs. J. Robins, Hamilton. wîth judging heavy horses at th Miss Aileen Jarvis ha~s returned Mrs. Wm. Johns. N. E. f rom Locust Hill. Ms iimWlim ihMs An interesting weiner roast at- Mrs. Bert McMullen andM Miss a irBack ilim.wt Ms tended by thirty three washeldJoyce McMullen, Janetville, have MrDandlack. GrfihaM. by Bethel League on Wednesday irecovered from scarlet. fever. Kenneth Samells'. evening. A large number of f riends were Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Nesbitt Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mr. present at a farewell party given and family with Mr. and Mrs. add Mrs. Roy Ferguson were at. their home on Tuesday night Oscar* Edwards Port Perry. present. for the James -Pickard for Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson nuptials in Bowmianville on Sat- who have moved to Omemee. ______________ urday. Miss Eleanor Taylor was a, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanderson, judge at Port Perry Fair. Mrs. J. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Porteous H. Hooey, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Evlyn Sanderson and Miss George Wilson at Nactier. Norma Hooey attended the f un- Mr. George Prôutt, who isin L aes9 eral of Miss Annie M. Sanderson Oshawa Hospital continues to FOR in Peterboro on Wednesday. pirove.FO Blackstock baseball teams were Many from the vicinity attend- H A T ' A E___ ___ very successful in games played ed Lindsay Fair. 1_____ ______K on Wednesday at Port Perry Fair. Mrs. Asa Spinks has been suf cau you aff ord to wash at The girls engaged in a lively fering severe ili health. home when, with our latest MORLEY SMITH game against Brooklin, won the A very interesting event of last approvd method, we offer President of Dominion Stores victory, and again came out on week was the meeting when Shir- o top in a game against Uxbridge. ley and Janetville WVomen's In Blackstock boys were victorious siueBanhswr1,tran anp V ah tegreater part of the staunch over Port Perry and Scugog. The by the Nestleton W. 1. in the base- l sadapar elo t a 'e back to a well-based andi well- girls carried off f irst prize. and ment of the Unitedi Church . 6 6 ls o 9c oerdprsriy the boys won a minor prize. visitors andi 22 members wvere pre- 1 b .f r4 C osre rseiy Tuesday evening Executive of sent. Mrs. S. McLaughlin.' Presi- I Business in London is gooi.' Badminton Club met in the Arm- denit, gave a short address of ,vel- 1 and only Se each additional The south of Englanti is, on the' ouis when these oficers wmerecme and during the business I Pound. Iwoe cut rseos ct eleted: Honorary Pres i de nt- discussion it xvas decided to cancel Slanti is swinging back ortble i ne.A oto mre- Capt. J. C. Gamey, Orono: Presi- the Home Utilization of Wrooî ti Snd everhlgad n- coftable tine. Alost very dent-Norman McNally; Vice- course for a year. Alî meetings b thîn wasableand I U hreoe os hnird 0 e Pres.--Charles Venning; Secre- commencing in November will be, ertrnd 1e and m aninodern houses are in evi- tary-Mrs. J. A. M cA rt h ur: helticoi the first Wednesday of alrad o1roig dence. built or being built. Very. Treas-Basil Heintzner; RulIe s every month. October meeting! OSHAWA few of the new houses have the' Comim. - Clifford McGill, Law- will be postponed to October 9th. ip usual array of chimney-pots,: rence Mountjoy, L. Corner anti due to a meeting of the Deanery LAUNDRY and 1 since they are being provideti with, Miss Mabel Wilson. at Black.stock on October 2nd. DRiLANN central heating systems. Slum September and opening meet- An invitation is being extentieticeineshv en netk ing of St. John's A.Y.P.A. wa to Port Perry Women's Institute, Co. Ltd. on an extensive scale. held on Thursday when Mr. andtcaen th Nslto Otbr PHONE I5ýt makes a Canadian very proud' Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, eda gave meeting which is being hl t 5 of his British ancestry, said Mr., their home for the evening. Mrs. O. Brown's. The roll caîl of' e Cail anid 1eliver Smith, to see how the British! Thirty-five were present, and the afternoon wvas "Hat Speech-- people, stubbornly refusing defeat f ollowing the Devotional exer -_________________________________ cises and a short discussion of business, Rev. C. C. Harcourt presitieti for the. program of which he was convener. He gave a very interesting and educa- tional talk on the four principles of the A.Y.P.A. Games and hu- morous contests were held in which Eldon Eckel won the prize in an "Expression" contest. Don- ald Clarke in a "Paper" contest, atid Tom Hodge in a mimîicking contest. Lunch was served byà Mrs. McLaughlin and her assist- ants. Mrs. Jos. Forder opened her ... . . . . . . home on Wednesday for an in- teresting meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church. Devotion- ai was taken by Mrs. H. J. Bell,M who a1p gave an address on $ "What îWar Means." The pro- gram, with Mrs. Russel Mount- joy's group in charge was as fol- lows: Study Book "Builders of the India Church", sumimarized....... by Mrs. Jabez Wright; t.he read- ing of a letter f rom Mrs. Merrili Ferguson in West Af rica by Mis,, Aileen Mountjoy; a message was read f rom Mrs. Jas. Marlow by Mrs. A. Johnston who presîded for the program: Miss Ferga Johnston reati "Temperance In- difference", and Mrs. Johnston read "Plotiders Petition." Lunch was served to the twenty ladies presenit by the group in charge. Recent Visitors Mis. J. Freeborn at Mr. Leslie Graham's. Y Miss Clara Mountjoy with Miss Ruby Toms. Mrs. Ira Argue, Mr. Ed. Darcy in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Hamilton with f r- ends in Toronto. Miss Olive Beacock, Lindsay, with her parents. Miss Hazel Wright, St. Cath- ares, with friends. Mrs. O. Switzer, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Graham in . Port Union andi Oshawa. Mrs. Harry Henderson, Yelver- ton, at Mrs. John Wright's. Miss Arnie Wright. Miss Effle Wright., with the Misses Elf ord, s Cameron. Miss Lela Mountjoy, Mr. Lorne Wannan at Mr. Harolti Payne's, Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flett and daulghter Be.tty atM,. Mervin and making heavy sacrifices to -__-H. Morris . .. balance budgets and to recapture Mrs: A. G. Darlington, do business, are steadily regaining Township oni B. Kiurski their prosperity. -ý Mrs. A. G. Danlington, do Great changes have been matie CAK ON Slavo Stanich and are in progress in Great Brit- CAK ONI E. R. Rainey, relief J. ain, concludEd Mr. Smith, but Clarke Township Council met' Shackleton their people recognize the Wi5Sep.3d.wt mmes1l e Mrs. E. Untierwood, relief dom of gradual, evolutionary me- ing present anti R-eve F. B. BogE de irskireie thods in preference to hazardous Lovekin presiding Mrs. E Ufdeit o0, rlie revoutioary anacas.No action was taken regarding Municipal World, suppl's BOYS' CALF CLUB TO account of William Stacey f Or A. J. Staples. postage, etc. EXHIIBIT AT DURHAM $2.00 for drawing a Direct Pro- R. H. Wood, care osf CENTRAL FAIR, ORONO duce truck out of a hole on Sev- transients ______enth Concession; also no action Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, pay- Sponsored by the Dominion was taken for ad.iustment osf ac- and Provincial Department osf counit between T. J. LowrY Es-' Agriculture along with the co- tate and Harry Morris Estate. operation of the Durham Central An application was receiveti fort Fair Boarti a Holstein and also a collector of taxes for 1935 fromi Shorthorn Caif Club will hold C P. Awde. Laid on the table.\ Du rham C..entri their Ach.ievement Day at the Bylawv was passed in compli- Orono Fair on Wednesday. Sep- ance with the requisition of the have cared for their calves and assess the rateable property with- kept cost accounts during the in the limits of the Police Vil-! summer with special instructions lage of Orono for 1935. in judging. fitting, training and Permission was granted Dur- the nmaking of a rope halter by ham Central Agricultural Society E. A Sumer, Aricltual e- to police Park Street f rom the presentative for Durham. 'Me intersection at Main Street to final .iutgment will be on the the Agricultural Park at their summer*s work. the calves as own expense. to prevent parking judged at the Pair and the man- of cars Sept. 24 and 25. nr in which the boys fit anti Collector of rates and taxes, C~. Tue d y show their calves. hibit as oneP 0f the important tinue the collection of ail unpaid features osf this year's fair on taxes up to Oct. lst next. ________ Flown bls ee ase:Septen ________________ E. L. MacNachtan, Treas. A GOODESSAY50", maintenance: A OO D ir'sessay o- Amos McMullen. St.S201 A scool irls esay n a on- Michael's Hospital $201 tana paper ran as follows: Fred Berry in S. C. Exelnshwn 'When we go camping, we must Hospilentl 11.38 keep the place neat. we must be Helen Stanich. in S. C.Do etcM very careful to put out our f ire. Hospital 3.501D msiMa -This is Gotis country. Don'tIL ouisa Baldwin, Mus- i burn it up anti make it look like koka Hospital 23.25. hell." Rudolph Dutchak, in j ------Consumiptive Hosp. 17.25- Jean Ellis in Port Hope 3.501 i.H orse Kacli Nich. Thatch. Consump 23.25 AlertMillins * Chas. Hanflah. in Tor. Ilr ilin General Hospital 27.13 Chas. Hannah in Tor. Go od M usic Eno ubil9, Gen. Hosp. 27.13 Ann McKnight. in Tor. 1 Gen. Hosp. 12.25' ~Imanville Hosp. 27.13;Jh cel nBw p c à I IJex & Smith. burial of F IJean Ellis 16.501I F. F. Morris Co., burial of àRudolph Dutchak 50.00 Mrs. J. J. Clystiale, relief 1 S"d11n35aLapTnO.EmLrIBOtd7 Mr. Dutchak 7.32. Scott& TurnoeLtd, Newoagl..u TYDN.B J. J. Co'nish. relief Mrs. Canada 62 Mrs. H. Morris 30.56 )4@LWMY ro. imle4Toc.t. ýDean's Bakery. relief Mrs. 6.00, 10.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 1.09 15.54 2.80 ment, R vs F .. 40.00 S. Cuttell, printing, etc.. 89.00 G. Law, sheep damages . 4.00 N. Aflin, sheep inspector. 2.50 Jno. Henry, road supt... 1646.85 Hydro Com., light for town hall ...... 3.40 Council will meet Tuesday, October lst, at 10 a. m. A. J. Staples, F. B. Lovekin, Clerk. Reeve. The name geyser is derlved f rom an Icelandic word signlfy- ing "to burst forth with viol- ence." I (Forth@ Master 2-Pus. Coupe) PRI* IED DELIVERED AT FACTORY, OSHAWA, * PRIED WUONT., FULLY EQUIPPED. ro V TAL EATU E i FRON M J Fron~ d Cosrment Registratio F VITAL LZ. R $885only Extra Y UU nc entiueci to Me newest style - andathe nnest Second: The ±vser '..hevrolet is aiso the oni>'car in ne 1 2 DIvacr erme ai cry. shas we idiîang conifort - when you buy a car selling in the ifs class that brings you the fanious, glidling KNEE-$72Dlvrde aty.uhw lowest price range. Let these two vital facts help you ACTION ride - the most comfortable known 1 The only make sure you get them! car inii is field with Fisher No-Draft Ventilation and the First: The Master Chevrolet is the only lowest-priced Blue Flame Enginel car that brings you Solid Steel TURRET TOP Bodies by Fisher - the smarter, saler new kind of motor car bodies Get your full money's worth by choosing a Master _àJAjjs that foreteil tomorrow's trendi Chevrolet. Low delivered prices; easy GMAC terras. Each pad wlll kîlI files ail dey and every day for three weeks. 3 pads in each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET et D 9 1lsta, Grocers, Gaerel Store&. WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont. CORIERoy Nichols OMNIL C-285A o * o e £ s £ ,, s 0 -£c bh ý- PAGE NINE ma Agricultural Society N0 FAIR and Wednesday riber 24 - 25 gof Livestock, Farm Products, inufacture a.nd Fine Arts. rng - - Bicycle Race Concert both Nights iai Attractions J. C. Gamey SECRETARY, Orono.