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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1935, p. 10

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«ACIE 'tT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th. 1935 1 COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of atýon- leading tb tbe Mii' Bac. ther*s.' Fenelon. t-aeh antk Colle9 e.0f.Oto 9 p..m. Gorcon. Blosseil is tbbcmeioi'y ofý eac wek fom a.m. o 9~. . Gî'con Francis Sutton, Muls. Bac 'Toer.' those wbo bave kept theinselves, I E. Garnett in charge.j FelIûw of tFu- Canadjan College of unspotted freoin the world. Yet I NTE~Whee a ai posibe kndi mae apoitmetsOrganists morýe blessed and mnore dear the fOE Weea l osibe knamnans.ntmn A.T.C.M. 1# siniging, organi, piano mnemory of those wbo have kept freaiain.and violin. tbcmselves unspottcd in the Phone 42 - Bownianvilc world"-Mrs. Janieson. 11AUM 112;iN 011:01i' -L na Lockl art K ah- I leen Rindail. Mary BiirleY. Bill Tbe N wcasle Idepe dantpie PuflApIkils - Donald Jose, The ewc stle Ind penc nt i neBuleigh,. Cha ,rlo tt e Gray. Evelyrn Brown. Mr. lbet Fshe. Rveride H.Cooe. s,,v;c ste,ýsReita Cooke. BillY \Vil- Mai.Albeviitihi Rothe. bIideHCoîelsbcepridn.~ l.iine Pratt. Mary Painber. 15 'stie hs boteî Iîthe chair. It w as resolved 10 bholO. Phlox-DouglO5 \Valton. Kath- J. R. Fisher. a f0 '. suppei in Novemrber. Ivrs. ceen Simlpsonl. Velma- Cowail. Toi- Mrs. Geo. Bonathan. wbo ivith J, A. Butler 1îead thec scrîpttire ly Tkatlcîh. hec niece, Miss Marion Bonathan. lesson anld Mrs, S. Macean of- Zinnias-Annie Tkatch. Grace has been visiting bher mother, fered prayer. A mnotion xas car- Powell. Cyril Mcadows. Violet_____ Mrs. Wixn. Bonathan. bas return-j ried to send letters of condolerîce Hollingsworth.i eci home to Swift Current. Sask. 10te Mrs. Geo. P. Rickaî'd. Mr. and African Marigolds-Olivc XWhit- WEDDING .T Mr. Mar'k Cornish. Wbibby. be- Mcs. W. J. S. Rickacd and Mr. ney, Louis Turn-er. Bobby Gr'ay. TC)_- gan an apprent.icèsbip in pharm-ý and Mrs. 1h05. H. Clemnence foi'Jen niiSOl acy on Monday with A. E. Mel- i the bereavenent tbey had sii.- Verbena-BilI Couch. JAMES--PICKARD - A t thbe J 10w. Phm. B. He is making his fered in the deatbs of Mca. J.- G. Pinks-Helen Coucb. home of the bride's parents, on 0r hom wih is ousns Misse IRîckaî'd and daugbter. Miss Flor- Scabiosa - Lena Farrow. May Saturday. Sept. l4th. 1935. by H Catherine and Estella Blackburn. ence Rickaid, Bosmanile 1n Hale. Rv .F rsrnMro Mis ootyRikrd1 Mrs. H. Toms. St. Lambert. Snapdî'agon - Ferne Webbcr. Eileen. eldest daughter of Mc. R hMessfronro owe's Lad eundg Que. who recently losi her bits- Wylnîa Farrow. Dora Martin. and Mrs. A. W. Pîckard. Bow- rc boefo rw' by drowning. Mr: Prc Francis Hale. nanville. and Stuart Ronald'c Stoney Lake. where she had a, Browns group contributed a pro-0 Cockerel. Barced Phly moulthb James, eider son of Mrs. James e position as dietîcian at a suin- grain comprising a solo bv Mî's Rc-e o. Tolly Tkatch., and the late Norman S. B. a mec hotel. C. R. Cai'vctb. a reading by MIS. Donald Powell. Donald Jose. James. Bowvmanvillc. Mr. A. W. Pickard. Bownan- S. Macean. a piano solo by Mrs. 1puîlet. Barred Plynmouth Rock _______ ville. and Mr. Russel Pîckacd. C. A. Cowan. and a vocal solo by -Helen Snell. Betty Lockhart. . Windsor and Kingsville. accom- Mrs. P. Brown. Tire ladies were Donald Jose. Donald Powell. panied by their wives. camîe to0 deighted t0 have witb tbem a Cockercl. White L e g b o r n- DEATHS Newcastle Sunday nîo'ning and foimer' president. Mrs. , r.c.Er'F- cm erscy ae oS--_____-___ .ROI worhipedin bccbuch f .beî'nesb. Allin of Los Angeles. Calif.. ell. Henry \Vheeler. Lioniel R0g- HAMILTON-In Bowmanvihle. on a youth of w'ich bhey cherisb wvho exp-essed ber pleasuce i en n hrsa.Spebe 2 95 may apy enores Mnybeing piesent and offered somir Pullet. White Legborn-Grace Tbomîas Hamilton, aged 511 Newcastle friends were pleased t0 encouraigineg words. Mrs.,n's Powell. Farniconlb LeGresley. Li- years. siead ghreel-tbem . M cro scîc efe-cn onel Rogersn.Henry Wbeeler. JAMES-Early Xednesday nîorn- 1i1r LenitBd C.,rchs- R. S. Melac-I Scy, iear oce Colt. Draft-Jean Robinson. ing. Sept.. l1th. 1935. at 4421 Len .A.Pso.Sunda~ High Sh ieayScey Caîf. Bef-R055 Allin. I Walmcr Road, Toronto. Rosa 11 Sept 22n: 11a. nm.-Sundayfe -Doad Sept. 22nd: ly service will bel The High School Literacy Soc-1 Caîf. Dairv Heife 1D~l Alice Balson. wife of Rev. Ed-1 hehd in conjuniction with the iety bas re-organized. witb John: Jose. Jean Robinson, Lionel Rog-1 waî'd R. James. laî.e of New- - moi worship: the pastor will Van Diisen. ast y cis -lice- erson. EeO.wte castle. also admninister bbc rites of bap- pressident, acting as cbainan. Market Lamb. w rWte ORMISTON-Entercd imb rest tism at Ibis service: everyone and elected ofcr n omit- -Rots Allun. niWyhan.îai Farrow.t. wlcome: 7 p. m.-Evenring 5cr- tees as follow,,-.: Hon. Piesicit- Tolly Tkatch, Jean Robinson. inha 9. CnhSîînay'Set n vice. ~~~~~Principal E. MI. H. Ward: Pceýi- Bes-, broken and exbibibed Colt. it.13.Cnh aeSih St. Georges Cbucch -Re'. F. dem-Eve1yn Mlin: Vice Pies.- Caîf. amnb Jean Robinson. Rossbetovae 67ifearf Joh nOieni- Hl. Mason. MA.. B.D.. Re c tor. Lloyd Hancock: Secretay-Ali-'ýAllin. Donald Jo-e. John Alldred. rtn gt 7yas nemn Sunday. Sept. 22nd. 141h Sîînday F'all: Asst. Secy. Vi'viaîî Dîck: pyApbJen cWi.Tol Union Cemretery. afler Trinity: 8 a.m.-Holv Coin- 1Teaa-.-Reita Cooke: FormRe- kth Donald Jose. June Allen.RUDE InCecadOio munion: il a.m.-Morning Wor- 1 eeîtvsFr . V i v i a n ,gnowv Aplles - R,uby Gibson. on Wednesday. Septemiber 18. ship: 2 p.nî.-Smnday Scheec: Dîîck and Walter Fall: Form 1I. I abel Gray, George Painter. r1C35. rbîc. Atu .Rnl.o p.m.-Evenson n mo n. Patricia Peacce and Johîn Allîn: Junc Gray. Cutc.M Mr. Garnet ONeil. Lakcfield. Focîn III. Reta Powell and loin i MIîOî plsWlîaFc uea :rneet ilb and Mr. Kenneth Keech. Belle- Bie-etcni: Fo:mn IV. Masry Ciap-'ras'V. Chai-lotte flray. Jean Rob- conapletcd on -te arcival of the U ville, have been %-isting M -.P. lin and John VanDuisen: Editor. i~n, May aibcCPR.cinTocdymnn. e ONcil. who bas been havinc 'Bee JmsP. Lovekin: 1 Toiiatodis-Riiby Gibson. Volet t modemn sanitary plimnbine y- s dio-Aii M a rt i n:1 Hollhi qsw0ri h. Lenia Lockhart.,- ten i~tlld n erhoe. Pcets-John Allîn and Cbas.* Robhy' Lockharb. . IN MEMORIAMt Miss Rena Thomas nsotored Flood:AritMs Ma r L a i e t 1 Platje of Pluins - Wylmna Fa- r._____'___I Mcs. P. ONeil and fansily to Sander.son. B.A.: Hisorian s_-rolV -~ Tolly Tkatcb. Donald Pow-ý Behleville and Napance to, visit Wright and Bessie Lav.w: Pîaiit.sicil. Donald Jose. iPASCOE-In loving meinory of Mc. and Mî's. Percy ONeil. Mis -Reita Cooke. Jean Couter and; Plate of Assoted Fruit-Jean, C. J. Pascoc. who passed awayý Thomas also visiteti friends. Audcey Jaynes: Girls« Ath letic ;Robinson. Tolly Tkabch, Reitai on Sept. l9th. 1933. Little Miss Barbara Joan Spcn- Commn-Miss Sanderson.' Ethel, Cooke. Billy Webber.1 And wh'ihe he lies in peacefui ccc. daugter of Mc. and Mcs. Spencei'. Katie Clark and Ilean Sandwich .es - Rosilia Fî'uscia.1 slecp Car Allan Spne.clbae br Clark: Boys' Athlebir Com-n Lrl ars ueMî.Am His nlemor3' we shaîl alwsays dir biî'thda3' on Sept.14hbin I Bruce Van Dîîsen. John Van Du-1 Gibson. Aiie kecp.I year of age.Alocybgbr- en. Walter Fall and Joseph 1o- Cr ea ufn -Wife and Daugbtecs. a day akecented ith ne ýndl 1 in.Adamis. Helen Snell. Dolly Purdy. REYNOLDS-The world had one rat day aectetciasionen canly k.Jean Robinson. . moainless wbcn Aîtbur ,on of Barbara Joans ficnds wecc ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Date Loaf-Lilhiail Hale. Wvl ' ames Reynolds dieti on Sept.I cor delighled 10 reccive a piece of it. HAVS ESIA rna Farrow. Grace Powell. Kath h . 134 Iwe She was the recipient of man leen Simipson. Tinie but osakes bum dearer. - birthday gifla including adl Divinity Fudge - Wylma Fa- and a dollar from bher grand- fîîsely dccorabed wilh products of' i-o'. Jean Robinson. Hazel Pow'- mother. Mca. J. Scott Howard. tbc gar-den. orchard. farm and el. Kathleen SimWpson. w andi a cule pair 0f mittens froin forest foc bbc Harvest Festival 1 Paddcd Holder for Pots and Mrs. M. Brown. ser'vices on Sunday. Sept. 151.h.1 Pans-Jean White. June Alun. CARD 0F THANKS 1 Mc.Fre Roe. ngiceratMesdames F. H. Ma-on and J. JenBown. Joyce MeArthur. te parliament bidns 0-SctHoward arî'angcdth 1 lw Dolî's Patch Work Qult-Mil- tawa, is home on a short vaca- crs in the chancel and on the ai-1, di'ed Br'own. Dorobhy ScottAudt- Tefm1 ftehl Mrs.!r tioni. tc bl r.MaI rw -sry Adams,. Hazel Powell. Belîman wish to îhank ail thcî' t W. A. of the United Cburccb ceponsile foc Iat.B r eowatn as!of i Smock-Wylnma Farrow. Tolly friends anti neighboucs for tbciî' met Sept. 121h at the home of the body of the churcc. Sbc wasI Tkatch. hl naywy lofcterIl Mrs. Fred Graham,. wibh Mcs. W. asscib w ae on ep Knited Cap anti Scerî Set- , kind expr'essions of sympaîhy and 1 ___________________________ers. Misses Ethel Spencer andi. Eselyn Brorwn.batflfoa rbts Dora Machon. Just inside the, Window Stick-Cyil Meadows. main entrance was a vcrîîabhe Erie Buriey. The fanîily of tbe late Thomas' F A LL T ER M garden of fruits and vegetables Wooden Mallet - Ronald Mc- Hamilton wishes to express grate-W baigsilent but loquent testi- Gabev. Donald Powell.fu apprcciatioil of tbc many opens Aug. 26th in Shaw's 12 bccfl ie Rack-Douchas Walloni. kindnesscs and acîs of sympathy Business Schools in Toronto. mfofly of the bounteous blessings Colcinf10diuostresbntîniuîgthlngm- Our courses lead to profitable gcanled by nature to mani. C-Jaction olFive Boun. Bere sond emdat of Mcha lngi ll00 employment. Write for cur- tanding in the nortbwest corner nick Bown. OeaBown. Be- eci andthk f isrxtendeil0thn. riculum. W, R. Shaw, Reg- was a stately specimen of a sur-n- Irw.JenBon -eiltansi xene ote istrar, 1130 Bay St. flow'cî. over 12 feet bigh. brougbt Collection of 5 o:' more legiirn- Canadian Legion and the Ladies!'M _________________________ roni ber gardens by Mî's. Brown. ritioih plants - Audrey Adains, Auxiliary for their inlerest and ________________________ ISurly o ne oul 10k uon ilDonald Powell. Mildred Brown, many kind acts, and 10 those wbo Srlnooeculofktue.brnging Haze-l Powell. sent floral offeîings. these giftsofntr.big. Collection of Nuls. Fi' u i t s. _________________ vividly te, one a realizabion of bbc Seeds or Cones-Evelyn Brown, rich yields froni tbe good earîb wyliria Farrow. Nellie Menricy , lbuses to Rent- C. H. Tuck, 0 t around, wiîbout feeling îbankful Jc ae and grateful to tbc Gîvei' of ahi -Sack WadeF goo thngsforHi etrna bee- Agrîcuttiral Sccap Book-Doil- HOUSE TO RENT-I ROM go hnsfrHseenlbn-aId Powell, Francis Hale. cd bouseon DvsnSre. Eyesight Specialist 1 fîcence. Rev. J. E. Ward. M. A.. Dm~i cec c'pBo- Pseson OcDbivisi Fueet Author of': o f St. Stelibens Cburch. Toron- oetcSinecrpBk- PssinOtbrlt.Fl Optometry Feature Service toi. preached a splendidly ap- Evelyn Brow'ni. Hazel Powell. Aud- paibiculars. Apply Mrs. H. J. TheChid nd ts propriabe sermon to tbc lar'ge rcy Adamis. Mildred Brown. Knigbt, King St. Telephone TheChid nd tsCollection of Gcound Hog Tails 590. 34-tf Development 1 moî'ning congiegation. and bbc, -Lwed iîo.4 al:-___ Spccializing exclusively, in f etrRv . .Msn .dlv Jack Robinson 20 anti WYlma HOUSE TO RENT- BRICK muscle anomalies, eyesigbt eced a*special message in the es arw-2 îe os li 14, bouse on Centre Str'eet, with and gass ening. The barvest festival mu- Fro 0(id.Rs li sicbybb coiîtîde bc iretn Audrey Adamis 13. modemrn conveniences. double Phone ic f MrthehfrcudeFrncombdirwct Rabbmt in Mass - Fred Milîs. garage, possession Oct. isI. for appointmeiit 1516 iono0 vr.AfedFrcm.ia Doreen Buclcy. Billy Jaynes. Ar- Apply A. E. Belîman. King St.. Disney Bldg. Opp. P. o.i very fine and in keepinE ihte, heHnc.West. Bowmanvihle, Phone 526. F Oshawa, Ont. thmeo bcsros uîîp in Mass-Violet Holline1s- 37-tf SOUTHI CLARKE RURAL wArthrlydCnel Jo yccMoMc-s.Houses for Sale F ______________________SCHOOL FAIR Tcddy Bear bli a blue hall- _____Grace Marris, Olive Brown, Wi"- FOR SALE OR RENT-DOUBLE 'Continued froni page 1) i o-rs .Lokat frame bouse on south side of IA fcled tre, axe stumnp. etc.- i Cbucch Street near Liberty. conclusion of the park prograin. Doi-otby Nesbitt, Audcey Adams, modern conveniences. Phone - Port H o e aComplète list of prize winncrS Raymnond Gilnier.Mildred Brown. 65 Fal Vbcat. Sheaf - Lillian -Dorotby Hoiingswortb. Lillianý Hale. Jean Hale. Docothy Hol- Hale. Nellie Menccly, Lewis Stone. FAREWVELL PARTY HELD F A I hngeworth. Raymond Gilmer. White Sbep-Frcd Milîs, Elginý FOR CUBS ON USA F A I jFaîl Wheab. Quart-Mas' Hale. Savemy. Doreen Burlcy. Bud Joncs Francis Haie. The* Dandelion-Joyce McAr- A farew'cll parîy for some 17 iOats. Quart -Mildred Bcovn. thîmi'.Carence Farrow. Violet members of the Fii'st Bowmanville TIIURSDAY - FRIDAY Wylmra Farrow, Tolly Tkatch. Hollingsworth. Mary Buîlcy. Pack of Wolf Cubs w'as belti in Oass Sheaf-Francîs Hale. i A Gentleman of Ten - Olive place of the regular meeting on SEPT. 2 - 27 1arlev Sheaf-Jean Hale. Ll- 1Brown. Grace Morris, Jean Hale 1sanih.hs Poîtiqtes. Dooldys - Kathleen The Frost-Audi'cy Adamis. Hel- Cubs foc bbc present will sbortly Lot o Enerainen Rndcal, Joyce MrArthum', Dora do nCouch. Mldred Br'own, Kath-, join bbc Scouts when a new troop e (selected for its CUL) quality) Comb Honey, clover or ambeî, 2 for 25c Whiz Toilet Flush, tin ........ 19c Pi-Cake Shortening...... 2 for 26c Mel's Oatmeal Cookies. .2 doz. 15c Lily White Baking Powd. lb tin 15c .ohnston's Floor Wax. .2 IL tin 98c ROBINHOOD Choice Quality (Use of electric polisher free) Quick Cooklng TOMATOES Aylmer Tomato Juice .... 6 tins 25P QATS Sea Pearl Norwegian Sardines, Pkg. 20c 3 tins 25c 2 for 21c Sago, lb.. .l1c Tapioca, lb... lOc KELLOGG'S CASHIMERE Floweîdale Tea, very best, . . lb. 75c Corn Flakes Toilet Tissue Ful-O-Pelp Egg and Growing Mash 1000 sheets pure, YonRosigCiesfr 3 packages sof t tissueYon asigCcksfr 25c 2 for 25c the Weekend. Harry Alliai, Grocer LOST-AT CREAM 0F BARLEY Camp, brown crepe belt with peari set buckle. Finder please phone 117. 38-1 Statesman Classified Ads. pay. Rep re senta tives WANTED A manufactuter of guaranteed alimentary, househoid, toilet products, etc., aiso fulll une of patent medicines, has op- enings for local representatives, 1preferabit with sales experi- ence but flot essentiai, in your place and surroundlngs. Earnings $35 Per Week and more according to ability. Must be willing to work, take charge of exclusive tcrritory and ready to start at once. Every home a customner. Write FAMILY PRODUCTS Co., 570 St. Ciement Street, Montreal. ______________________ MSIFESIVA IF. Bottreli 2 hrs, 28 mins, 14 sec. Pigon lub And their fifth youing bird itace ContiiM;Qd rom pigeeoniClublgoonSaturdaY, Sept. l4th. fromn Contiued foni pue 1)Drumibo, Ont., 105 miles air line: Suiiiiil.s.Win Meaows RusellL. Richards 3 hrs, 41 mins, 28 sec. osborne. W. W. Horn. Club flewý their fourth Young bird F. Bottrdsi 4 hrs 41 mins, 32 sec. Balace Rm 935s6402 ace on Saturday. Sept. 7th, frini F. Bottreli 4 hrs. 17 mins, 13 sec. Door Receipîs S301 67 Guelph Jet. Ont., 72mls Gi Bathgate 4_hrs.56m*26 sec. m a icrhî Tckes 360 ne. Following aie the resuits: Entry Fees S104.50 L. Richards 2 hrs. 23 mins, 21 sec. -God. neyer made His work for Donations $42.50 L. Richards 2 hrs. 26 iniins, 16 sec. mani to mend.'-Dryden. ____________________ Total $54919) F. Bottrell 2 hrs. 27 mins, 55 sec. -Aim at perfection in every- Apartments to Rent D Expenditures G. Bathgate 2 hrs. 28 mins, 12 sec. thing."-Chesterfielcd. D.Gestetncr Co., stationery $8.95_______________________________________ RENT-3 ROOMED ApART- W. J. B. Davison. .st.amps 6.00 ment on Argyle Street. Apply Mrs. J. White. Festival Sec. 20.00 JH. Werry. Horsey St. BoN,- F Xelsmnan. Adjuidicator 81.00 manville. Phone 299W. 38-1. F. B. keeler, Hotel Exp. 21.00 1Rev. Mr. Eminett hall rent. 4.00 *A T ED APARTMENT TOi M. P. Wickett. rent U. C. 30.00 * e n t- Central location. 7 Mr. Woolacott Janitor ser. 15.00 rooms. allnmodern convenien- W .B 5.00 es. fireplace in living room. Guide Office. printing. etc. 24.67 Im ernghatas ei lectric stove installed, garden Bell Tel. Phone Co.. calis 1.90 as goodness, this year .nd garage. $25.00 monthly. M . Amber Morton, st.en. ser. 10.00. Plhone 388. Apply Mrs Archie Southam Press. certificates 17.49 ,. and l'ru saving timne by Tait. Bowmnanville. 19-tf Willianison & Son, supplies. 1.10 Peterboro Examiner. advts. 4.80 doing it Roomns To Rent Cobourg World, adyvts. 3.36 J. H. Goulding. tuning piano 2.50 'OM TOREN ALO GR-Mrs. Nicol. selling tickets 2.00 ge-ppl toMrs B.Andîs.J. R. Moore. medals. e. 205.83 King Street, Bowmanville. Mrs. Bingham., elocution Adj. 8.00 Phone 125. 37-tf Cobourg S. Star. advts. 3.60 ________Port Hope News. advts. -3.60 DOMS TO LET-ONE OR TWO Ciinadian Statesman. advts. 5.00 moms. good localit Y. ahl con- Mirror-Reporter, advts. 2.'00 v e n i e n c e s. Apply '. G.' E. A. Sumiiners. Honioraritnm 40.00 Drawer B. Bowmanville. 38-1* Ttal $526.80 Farnis To Rent Balnce in Bank$23 )R RENT-15 ACRES 0F LAND'Desirable Residence For......----- with house and barn,. ¼ mile Sale At A Bargain iorth of Enniskillen nn higl-_____ way near High School. Applv Ir.Frei outo phone Onîe of Bowmanvilie's iost de- 177r44. 38-1 sirable properties. Situated on W____\ellington Street. on lot 115 feer, Heln Wantecl frontage.by15 et depth 8 rooiie soidbrick bouse, %:t, AN XVANTED FOR BOWMAN- .stone foundcation. Large south ville to handle high grade line poc y. ltl ecoe.Qi- C O M E U Ti O F of Teas. Coffees. Cocos. Spic-r- cut oak trim in dining and es. Ext.racts. Toîlet Prepara- zitting ron Fire place i0 living ions direct to establisbed us roolu., Kitchen bas large electric ers. Openin£e in Dur-hain Coun- range and also coal range. HotT H I C E O y also, for man with car. Write water heating throughout. Good T. H. Ward Conmpany. John pantry next. to kit-chen. and back Souith. Hamilton. 38-2* enclosed porch. 4 bedrooms on . . . And Bring Real Refreshment! second floor with three piece bath.- Agnt W ntd Large attic which may be con-T HERE'S no work involvpd no timie Agets'Wntd erted into bedrooms. Two wash-T wasted in the kitchen, when refreshments ~ecxreeNlusve agec tubs in basement with Largend center around this better cold drink! You simpWy asec fnelsited weayfr cold water attachments.Lag go to the refrigerator and pour the. milk, and let ind'sfnetknted war-hall. leadeci glass windows in front the naturally better food elemnents renew vitalhty, *ecî-to-u*eaireri. Faîl samples of house. and hardwood flooi'5 and buid up new~ energy. It's smart to be healthy, )w ready. 42 new and exclu!'ive downstairs. Ahl electric fixtures and you'll find Gien Rae Milk the most healthful. bi4es. beautifully illustrated oo with house. Brick garage at of ail alogue. Write at once for rýear. Three blocks froým Post noîflete rietails of this liberalOfie AplC.Rhr.onr na .mson plan. Bitsh it- Beech Avenue, or at the Foundry. ar ice n.38-1 Bowmanville. 37-t l nae Dtr Wanted NOTICE TO CREDITORS R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors IANTED FOR RENT AL- IThEsaeO PHONE 408J BOWMANVILLE ,vith a view to purchasing with- IVILLIAM BROWN, SENIOR in six nîonths no agents), 6 or____ 7 rooma house, good location. ah 1Ail persons having dlaims mnodern conveniences, occupa- against the Estate of WILLIAM tion not later than November BROWN. SENIOR. who died at 151. Good bank and other re- Nestleton. in the Township of ferences. State f ull particu- Cartwright, on or about the l8thlv e ter. nAppily . 372I day of April, A.D. 1935. are here- It's N o t too La te B.. ownanvlle --by required to send saine duly Positons Wnted verified to the undersigned Exe- VANTED -WRK Y after which date the assets will J i ried oupl- WOK ByMAR- 1 be distributed amongst those en- o J i recope; capable of running I~ teeohvn eadol a, fai m Writ e ' , Dr awho er 1 those dai mas of w hich notice B9. Bo3a8-2, r hoeshall have been received. 198r41 38-2 Dated at Burketon. R. R. 1, îenced. wants work on farm. by Alex. WVolf e N l o i s u u a mnontb or year. Apply Mr. G. Executoi's. Kay. c o Mr. H. Cryderman, By Biggs & Biggs. R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 38-1* Barristers. l b __________________ Toronto. 37-3.IC lu b Live Stock for Sale -_________ ___AE-BRED RC ADVERTISEMENT FOR Oerln SAE- BARREDt. frOCKn CREDITORS Pay as you use. Wide selection of remark- ter- laying: also 5 tube Battery AL PROS hvn n Rao:er attery chige;and dlaim against the Estate of the able bedding values. Ask at the store for pwrner.Wasbing M achin.e n- late Wm. W. ALLIN, who died on rnEg inr.,Apl N . m Bvlen- or about the 2nd day of Augus. net Egi St. ..Bowanilc.1935, at the Town of Bowman- f uller particulars. 37-2* ville, are required to file thel ArtilesFor ale samne with proof thereof with the' 'O SLE- LADDERS. AP- which date the Estate wili be dis-1 ply H. Wîlcox, Hampton.38* tributed and ahI clainis of which N l o ' o e rc t r the Executor has not received FOR SALE - APPLE BARRELS notice wiUl be barred as against and hampers, head liners, at a ber. Poe55B wnnil very îreasonablc price. D. S. DATED at Bowmanville this Pon 55Bo mn le Milligan. Newcastle. P h o n e6th day of September, 1935. Opposite the Royal Theatre Clrellsl. 38-4 M. G. V. GOULD, Clake ________ _____Bowmanville. ont. FOR SALE - HOUSEHOLD EF- Solicitor foi' the Executor. fects of the late Wm. Brown 38-2' - wiUl be sold by auction on Sat -_____________________ ux'day. Sept. 28th. at Nestleton Sawmill. 1.30 p. mi. 38-1 F®R SALE-SIX HORSE GASD w a vil Engine. gang plow, 2 corn bin- N OM nl ders. niower. grain drill singlei plow. Applv L. R. Wood. Bow- manville. Phone 597 or 555. 8-' ousewives Aàgree SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE That our courteous service, efficient free delivery, -Newand ligthy sed roppersonal attention, and highest quality "foods makes make. . T. obbs,18 Ontrio ýA . .re. Choce Qulity f Peas Bowmanville Phone 186 or 121

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