btate m aUt TV ILI I YI *%ýl -L VOLUME 81 BOWTMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1935NUBR3 - -- - - - dl% u w vWou ROYALS DEFEAT PETERBORO IN F IRSI KUUNL) L Ti ru] mî rot f r Str th' ne bi sei se, ke wl at in br be or ar th Vi til in sp tv ai i i bi Durham Apples SOCIALCREDITCHIEFS SECURE LOAN Goden Wedding .a pnAutCasst May Mpnnvers Twpss ,ocals Outhit Raybestos in lnjuredby Scab, n ___er Tp Two traghtGame; E ter the aslh icrpain Canada over bAtveda happy event was cele) Ail fOntaio nat Durham M si last season, accordrng ta rs WllHanal0iMnv- inary estimates. The estimate is I ou e.anaho Mnvr for 4,045,000 barrels compared! Township on Sept. 16th. It was flwth 3,89 1,000 in 1934, with the ý he occsion of the Golden Wedd-Fei .t H re lxt ea o lreQelarge rager. hilae n n esBriivalMoion Kee r Comt ito Second Round W ith Picto~~~ taro. Nova Scotia is about theI u e ha p peViw ddetfr 933 ricky Peterboro Pitch- Former Shan hai îsh Columbia, the box apple dis-inreds afectioadDuhtmful oc-I fl W tomesutfo e 9 trict of the Dominion, shows al oRal casion. Mrs. Sisson wasthe iitue ln - .T ereo Fighting L o c ai s RoEaPeid n ey shteinrear daughter of the late Mr. and Ms a l rHp c e Playdwns Podu F iday In this part of the provinceý James Devitt of Cartwih on a c er napple scab is quite prevalent on ship. Among the guests xvcre Dr. _____for_1 Close Battie foliage and fruit in many orch- J. C. Devitt. Bowmanville, bro- O Frdyenng bfaea An interestling \ isitor ta Bow- ards due ta frequent rains fram *.ther of the bride. and Rev. Dr. R' l i r dyeen Dr LBefrWi Teanul etngo th Finishing strong with three manv ille Friday will be Mr. Carlo Jun 10 ta 24 which rendered 1 P. Bowles. rte-nlwo h ag uiecD.L .Wlim'ulM n ifficult. Early varieties ghroom. in addition ta three of Toronto. presented his motion! ion was held in ts oni [n ll h lstto stanzas Bow- Bas. uho wll be the guest speak- ofapls such as Mcîntash .Snow' hlrn Dr. Elmo Sisson of Baw-pitrsfDuamCntinteChbrecstSp. t. anville Royals took the first er at the Rotary Club. Mr. Bos Wealthy, Wolfe River, Alexander manville. Mrs. W. Hannah and ipcue fDra onyi h hmeNwat und of the 0. B. A. A. Playdowns became a member of the Rotary and Baxter. promnise a goad crop._______________ Mr. Karl Sissan. Peterboro. and church shed at Maple Grave. The financial statmn hc intaClub of Shsanghai, China. in 1927, perhaps 20 to 25 per cent. heavier peirWlimAehr onw lgl three sisters and two brothers as These pictures showed a general was audited by W.C.Wlimo omggh Peteor Raetos annd d, 1 pre0 Lsident f he wsclue- a lsaon ae aieiswell as a hast of nephews, cou- view of towns, villages and smalleri and A. E. FuIfard, Pr oe a rhePte gam51 es. hn thyoned19-0. atyerh Svc- stîch as Spy. Baldwin. Stark. Ben Premier William Aberhait and Attorney-Gefleral John W. zins and grandchildren. A grand- centres in Durham Caunty, with adapted. showing ablneo îePee a5- ea:n n ed resident of tise Rotary Club Of Davis, Cranberry Pippin. R. I. Hur-ili af Aberta, shawn above, uere granted a boan of $2.250.000 son bearing the namne of the la special reel featuring Maple $22-39 ta commencets ewya. 1 zdy. Bafternoon instthe Lsflocw Tientsin. hina, and wsftotndrGreenings and Russet have set by îPremnier R. B. Bennlett. Tis sis only part of the proposed grandfather and a great-grand 1Grave, part of which was in nat- It was the unansnu oiin ity.Batlin agins th slw ad firs prsidnt f te Rtar very patchy with some orchards $18.000.000 boan which they iequested. Due ta the coming ciild. Diane Elizabeth Capping. ural colours. 0f particular his- that the 1936 Festvsi sol li aingley trickythu rl fCu fAo.Cin.Arl 93 hwngfarcos h ue Dominion election in October. Premier Bennett perxitted issue were baptized. Dr. Elma Sisson, torical interest were pictures of held at Bowmanvile illigsly. i tok th Roals He was born in Italy. April 7. drap ý7as heavy and it is doubt- of a boan only large enougis ta carry Alberta ta end of October. read thse congratulat'ory addressl the Myr and Reeves of the The retiring Peiet .P everal moring tlarnset ow and 1876. and spet hiarlHe yers ifui if there will be as great a He explained that he did not want ta bind the next goverrment and Miss Annie Sissan made the, several municipalities in Durhanm Bradt, made severlitetn. ýera mre a larn ist h aw ta Gs.fiermayain trIia H srved yieîd of any of these arieties as ta heavy obligations. rresentation. Except for thse re- as well as thse Liberal and Cnser- suggestions one of wihwsta eeptis ba einidethefou sns. iseyeas iptheItliarAry îstteasn. pieoar-raherspo-su______of___a____________________________________-. aît ofacrneniidnesetaMrivatvehanddats i th coinghe elivedsom 0ftissaditn The lacals deered the win before gaing to China in 1900, ty and will yield about the samne 1i1Sîssan bath are enjoying good Federal election together with classes shauld benad opnt hich sends them on ta battie when he joined the Chinese Mari- as last year while Stark and Ben:f i Oi~ ~ health and are in excellent spirits., members af their families. The contestants from th Prvne nth PictaondSaturdayInafteî'nonaim oerCintms eas avled ai so hayderae.T eP ulc cI100I IlU VV I bShowVGuests present f rom Bowman- If armingindustry af today was Thsis met with the apoa !a s heseon run. n vey Ilavr hia.spak ad riesligist crop of late apples is due ville were Dr. and Mrs. E. W. pictured in haying and harvesting~ in attendance. Tist etigs )ra 0ftheyme th eretise li.and German. reinch nld Eg- amneva re htsfeedtJ ~ 7 ,,.Cu. , Sissan and f amily. Jimmy, Kath- operatians. During intermisin supported a motion ohv r ettr eam Tseyouhi tie isi. nd asa orkngknolegeinjury f rom tise severe winters flursuaV VY s B Lig J uI. es lne. Betty and Steve; Mrs. A. E. Mr. F. W. Bawen, M. P.. Newcastle IJ. White, Toronto, rwU i etee 13ta 13 teyfiededbeter.ofspoen o34.TrepmrtaityTandevttanddauhte. Hle; Di ad M. eofW.1933ghlna1n3 Sylabs povd.ig ier er rid Piper pitched better than the He is a past International Direc- wsh and Mrs. J. C. Devitt and daugis- Oshsawa. spoke briefly congratu- vices were available )pposing hurler. towfRtay am havy again this season and Port Hope eastame50iperhcent Competition Keen in Ail Classes - Gwen Brummell ter, Mrs. Hall ,and son J. W. Dev- ltn r ilaso h pe- Teeeto fofcr eut Twîc inthegame inthe7thOf ail tise trees over 25 years of HgetAoeat fPit tt. did effort put f ortis in tise inter-edafobws HnrryPsi nd 8tis frames. the Petes placed W is36th RE-UNIONgr g te of P in s ind s folws ise~~13t REa-UnNItOtNpobu bt age are now dead. On June 24 isPizsfrestsa of Durham Caunty. boti dents-Hon. VincentMse n ______inaih so, u bt a severe hailstorm caused lasses lcSo in showing tise present generat-; Col.E. E. Snider, PotHp1Ps ;he tenrçion befare any Peterbora Thirteenth Annual Re-Union îanging fram 15 ta 100 per cent.:i__________abl________etheSho TRINITY Y. P. S. ion the beauty of the countryside 1President-E. P. Erd. owT9f- imes~~~bon theydvernablhtarelivee__________and__in _____ len reached home. Dutchis- Banquet ai the 136th Battalian 0f tise crop in tise Coîborne and - in whindch they1live andmminlpre- ! ville; President-J T ere ore n E Hcs iurd na uhas il ehed ttieBrigiston districts on about 400'Tise anual Foowrtand Vee-! GwenBrummee- play td d is ed ith t raomn House HeldSaturdyt e s focad.tal'hwsae udrts u- African Marigolda - Barbara Trinity Young Peaple's Society 1evn o iecut hsÇC Port Hope; Vice-Prsdnt-.H -pectacuresrofon gets.Alan, DhorothyedCrook.thGwes- igot away toa asplendid start for tonial history of tise present forJostnBwavle Sr- wo e aurpant h e athfirtobse epteomberI 28th, at 3 Pm Wsen naropce f iePulc ho Ao! rumebl.thihseaon n Modayevenng.tise enightenmelt o! tise future. JtareasrerMissHln and an shorte atfwarsbassipepservice.hatMiss pma.n.u Comm.ittee-TeasueE. .nd one at home plate. A iun Invitations for this event have!Tise appbes are sizing well due Bawmanville attracted se v erab1 Petunias - Gwen Brummell, Tseeng aspnt in games Rev. W. C. Smiths acted as chair- 1Muori, Bowmanvile t tiis time wauld have tied tise been sent out by J. C. Samis, tise ta tise plentiful supply Of moist- hundred entries on Tisursday Bob Lambourn. Mary Cawan. andahot______srvce.Misar._ylabs__m coean nyhig ihthaesecretary. At 4.30 p. m. a par- ure. Very little insect iniury is last. Tise gymnasium, .wisere tise Dwvarf Zinnias-Dorathy Crook,: Dora Wood led tise orsisip and SyabusCaima iappened after tisat. Four brifl- ade iwill be iseld from tise publiceidt. There iad been ie aishow was hebd, presented a cobar- Rachel Htlderly. Violet Barrett. rpuroapea yMisAie Stisns A.eY.nP.oA.thebd asn. BAd asMirsns MsHA.M - iant centre f ield catches were scisoal grounds ta tise Cenatapisj heavydrpf panGenng fui appearance witis its long tab- Giant Zinnias-Frances Crook, Purdy and a short story read by oeaningheetn fts eenn A aon isH.Mri. isM Bagrells contribution ta tise game tise monumet. il placed on Baldwin. Greening and Mclntosh les laden witis splendid vegetables Scott Densem, Margaret Storey. Miss Aileen Gibbs. Misses Mar- Moas igien ovr tse eeio Orcisard. A. J. Knox .W tn but he was nat as luck.y as usual temnmn.Canadian Corps will show a cansiderable increase and multi-colored blooms. En- Gbad.oli-Marie Mayse, ocrtsa0res.n1ea oe ndwsgve vrtepeaato gley, Mrs.L. W. Winlw .Ciu t bit. Williams turned in a 1000 Re-Union dress wîlb be used. in yield over bast year. tries in tise floral section wereI Jessen. George Cawker. Mr. Howard Jeffery led in games, a pragramn for tise remainder of, F- Sutton, R. Fonan M.. game, by walking twice and re- isligitly less this year than usual, Dahlias-Viviafl Nichols. Gea- after whicis weiners, buns, cake tise year. Meetings tisis year will Tamblyn. 'Miss J.DiksoM ording iits eaci of tise otiser qj' due to tise dry sumrmer, but tise rge Cawker, Barbara Allin. and coffee were served, bringîngI be weekly instead of fortnigistby A oe r.E .Fssr theetiestoba. woofth egetable entries, bath in num- %est graup of 6-George Caw- ta a close a very enjoyable even-I as previously. President Eric Cal- A . Cob, Mr. CiE.iai . twr ;hylree ti e e bt o ot ise bUy ~ fO i LS ber and quality. mare than made ker, Gwen Brummsell, Oscar Jes- îng. iwl xeie Mrs. L. Switzer,Mr.GCap W'illiams. Tie other outstanding u frAttra, elA.R.Vrgn itter of tise day was George A t r cted Fine A&ttenda lce several isUndred int er e s t e d Container for dining room anl ell .RVri, Mrs. . H. Dud-n M'per»>(wio said. pitchers cant spectators viewed tise exiibits table - George Cawker. Gwen ~S h o i l i Ms .J adeMs .C bat' George registered tiree its dîng ande aen o mplim ena i r ummelubJancity Com e a n dmitteeCl b'Geo and jutmissed afourtis sver ig nfl wcmlietay1 lln his long midfield drive in tise RO AR SPEAKER I Fine Weather on Monday'trylisnts were heard. Tise- et Aider, PublJam ts Cia).MB.entt wa pn ayPPI~ Beets-Sidney AdeBud Nici- p n n M e t g Th r d y a ,(C imn iiteImportantschol -.util Carot-Vi______hls,-u Halls and Ticket oulte also had 5 strike outs and assist2r: lydIpratP t'osVianNhl. ina frame wa augst.Pierrtye art ble sioa ntîl CarsrotVvia chaI, Bd Smiths Ferguson (isra) .H in four put-outs. ~~~in Very Successf ul Ev- June. Tise flowers and vege- NcslDrtyCak RSD N Tise perPnnial yauth af tise:stleles were grawn in tise gardens ed-Gw ).H.Dvt f H ig h FAIR P EIE T Abernethy, W. H.JodnMr.G Oins from see E. Grwt ard, ME.iH.e . Dale team. Siinny Moise togetisex'wirben t ewato f tise pupils' homes. Prizesai Oi Speakerl MchlHidel Vo-E CPicarmad, D. .A.e'lr Larre alboreisute d or tweiq 25e for Brummell. acifer siceony: Via- School Staff was Guest its eacs. Moise. Osborne and Fle a rtt rz C m it held at Newcastle onMna acscaa Downey, Leonard Aider. Jean WP eyLrg t . . Gorige isJ Dcls wt ag' feigtehtJudges in tise vegetable divis-. A. rummod, Ms. T.S. HoAtte cincbed tise victory in tise nînth 'dotie nrateE. afweatier D*t of tis Ot ra wisenise rovebathWillams nt' uîe n tie attnd- cisol fo Boy, an nîn bby teve -,IFacelRioînpson Tise f irst meeting ai tise Home .(Continuedanpe1) Corden home. and in consequence h end~.H CabbagreB-sIaabeT Billingsley. tise straneptc ne a nsuCyg od.Cl. E. Knight. In tise flower section 1,eggy oens Morrs n csa lu o ieya a gfstise t alto itc ed ntbit Summers. Agicultral Represen- cher and Mrs. L. W. Dippell were ý Alan Mahood. Jean Rice. iseld on Thursday, Sept. l2tis. witis i HEIM 15 FIFT-HE and ise proved tise Raybestos besi tative, wba go about tise caunty tise iudges. Isus-ooh ro.Eb ag tedneo bu n YEARS Il UINS Tise game wasscoonefafrt co-oeg ehîîtrsCaverly. Jean Rice. hundred and forty. Mrs. C. W. thrillers in wbich tise result wasi Seven scisools participated in ible for tise show, for tise fine ney Aider, Bud Nichols. Ronald inJag r ge oalhesollo Mn. in th, e pteme itw in eoubt. until tise iast Peterboro ts!aaets pnngeecssshowing and splendid quaîity ex- JissonIII thecal solo.k came o ma "~ esatisd.Corden. .snigcnet n physicalIsý ibited. Tise Pnize Winners: ottos, any kind - Evelyn1 Alex Colville TieLteodth frm f JuJo- Wiliam an Osorn aded,~ raiîin deontraiOi5. I sFlowers Hall, Jean Cochsrane, DouglasCcs in tise Valley" and ' ~ ston and CrydemnLmt WhilasadObrerddtann enionors ,ions.eM iarkSdPotst5Sedtbertldmyo strain ta tise nervous systemn with , Hilda Rowland conducted tise Asters-Bob Lambourn. Gwen Nichols. love you Truly"; Mr. W. J. Berry, It was n e teme5h Fortiefistieiseea opening exercises with Miss Hat- Brummell, Bruce Lansberry. Best collection o! any six Veg- reading "Mona's Waters" and "To 1882whe n ti fr8oee tefrttm insvrltie Masan directing tise singing Frencis Manigolds - Eleanor etables-Kelvin Symnons. Maian Ameica"; Mn. Gorman, vocal solo;:its82oors to the uli.0 yerudrtise Bwavil!of Canada and God Save tise Johnston, Collette F e r g u s o ni, McDonald, Bobby Stevens. "ICaptain John MePiserson" and isdost namne. tise lorsav advancedj King. Mr. Francis Suttan. Mus. "lBy my Fineside": Miss Sybil the three pricpl h tise deetPco nts ei01. Mutton, club swinging. Every satdO hl~fls l inta tise second round. Should!, Bac., Bawmanville. judged tise sc' a rrLon hey peed wst. i th seressinging contests and afterwards. a cits~nme a noe...vnueo htdyol n pening on Saturday they will .~by Col. Snider's request, conduct- Poiia a dd tsE p u dT er nMie ss Ma i ckarwsled RssilOvenemnure to u hrele Siey rce by Inings ed tise massed pupils o! ail tish e re ~Gterigte thse front and Miss Powers readRuslObonmaW ,a Scoe b Ining R EHarold Fox, B. A. scisools who had neyer sung to- T e re tR tpa es ah rn a nicely warded address and Mns. President of tise Dursam Cen-If romn the busines ase nl R01H0E0ge2t5e13befoi-eerinintise sf*nging ofRockF. Jackman presented ber with tral Agricultui'Sl Society- whichIat the store. tlInee- PeeBow'le 0001010 01-5 213 omrPicpl0 itn Rokabe . ie Tise invitation of Bowmanville it was tise first lime political a beautiful casserole. Miss Pick- will stage its annua.l fair on 1Ilng to note t]a h rsn Petrbra 0010000-b 2Colegiate, now taking post grad- cnowvds appiauded thein rendition Ratepayers Association ta polit- candidates spoke f rom tise saine ard very nicely thanked tise meni- Tuesday and Wednesday next manager, C. A. Jhsol Bawmanville lineup: Piper p. uiate wark at Harvard University., as they did tise eforts of tise sev- ical candidates in Durham County platformi at tise samne meeting in bers for tise beautiful gift and Septexuber 24tis and 25tis. Pros- son c of thefeudec Osborne c, Corden lb, Hicks 2b, who delivered an outstanding eî'al scisools in their individual taaddress a public meeting in Bowmanville on a politicai sub- said in tise future she would be pects for tisis yea.r's f air are tiseof the flrmn,an th aSS Moise 3b. Williamns ss, Large f,! 3.ddress at tise Rotary iClub on, performances, thse Opera Hause. Tuesday nigist, i.ect since tise good old days wisen glad to give iser time and talent best in years and a record at- I tant manager,LarCye- agelcf. Bates rf. îFiiday. Mi'. Fax is a son-in-Ia%%,,Mn. Sutton commended al'tise on tise subject 'Present Day Con- il was tise clijtoin. ta belp tise club.tedneadlrexhbsaem , loa Umpires, Feterboro; of Mr. andi Mrs. Fred H. Joness. 'ýchools and tiseir teacheis and ditions and tiseir Remedy" was Gea. B. Bickle. President of tise Mn. Ed. Devitt o! tise B. H. S. expected. fudr.T Crossett, Port Hope. te by n nly fairl attended by -cîtîzens. Ratepayers Asociation, presîded. teaching staff wvas introduced as ___________ onud su h mI cause for discouragement. even W. F. Rickard, Libeî'al candi- '-e thanked tise Goodyear Comp- tise guest speaker and took as isis Mr. and Mns. Frank Williams colne sueaaste those who did not win top prizes. ae n ali tpe, C. C. F. any, Town Counicil and al athe'rt subject "Cisaracter Euain.adHlnsetts weekend, stand on thetehodo He awarded f irst bonors te Cow- candidate, responded ta tise in- wIsho assisted tise association in He said parents send tiseir cisild- with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wil- their 54th Yea fbsns T he Trend of Modern Education l anville scisool, directed by Mi'5. D. vitation by eacis addressing tise givine tise undenprivile"ed cbildren ren ta scisool for vanlous rea- liams, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ini Bowmanvilie ~ f a.i..aa obb., Orono; second ta Port gatbeing es ta iow they would a trp inta tise surroundinq sons but tise chie! ones should Tpco Splendid Rotry ddGrsanby. tiird to Newtonville, remedy present day conditions. ceuntry last Saturday. He also be for physical and mni Haod o, ome ic reakig wieisrseo Campbell; and fountis o Newcas- attention and hearty applause at ,Band for supplyiisgtihe Music knowledge for usefulness and for Trnity o e ' so it eciucatian as canceived in existing Mi~ss tsecoclson iBaen uuin tsemetng csaate euctinteofm ismTo Hundred Port Hope Me b r ton U rg e s sisoolsis adapted ta a society Brown's. infe ikr.o Conservativ'e candidate sent bis B. Furber and Frank Calver ta take their propen place in soc- tnPrincipal, rgeashos , dlrected tise boys and r'egrets at not belng able ta at- ,tbanked tise speakers for resp3nd- iety. ta raelize f air play, unsel!-- onSp.3tsadfrtiepy Numerous Changes in' tlannisn.ious aise iea o! -igerlsiasenies o! pisysicaltran- tend i ng ta tise associations invitat- isisness and Vo grow ifito chistian o et 0 Educaional splanntiong". Tsey rse is e cuc indeeriss scis realypîcs- Tise meeting was unique in tisat ion and addressing tise meeting. manhood and womnaniood. He Visitors from Port Hope wsc sbigprprdfrOt £.uuatinal ystm tan 'Heaw carseodatyescoin- d tise spectators and won ap- belleved tisat nature study and a CurhPrvde Itr-7iad 8is, ein cnucio l __ _ e n i te r l p r f te l c o - prov n g ppT & 1 .study o ! m odern p oblem s and Ctise tw o weeks'Ictentenal'anservices ed?" It is about this question grounids housing demonstrations o dSe o isS no il t nwofhepsn ayhud etngP grm H r ofhscuc. tueas a sciool not merely for tiat I wisis to briefy speak ta o! animal parasites and tie damn- f* L5animpotantpartin te Aik1Wek enouWIing eaching isow ta make one's way' you today." age and bosses Viscy cause. aind Annual i gh ch olAthet - e future o! thse Young Canadian. LatWe summers work. through tie world, but ratier haw Oui' seconday schocls," ie during tie afternoon Dr. Brown. Teeaevrosaece ne- TiiyWmnsAsMs .P ta . sub- ~~At tise annuai Field and Tnack Intermediate half-mile, and tise and cisurcises. but tise home sisould regulan montisly meeting held in weîcome to tish otp aies ablei-bistony whicb.antedates aev a shrt popan of adksntiseno iegamvele Hii ntn edae 10 ads w s tidae ie fo n ai n orislrn ie ciucs n T es aaveig M seuek rei e t ! P r of Picton Collegiate thefoInstitutefrcen tiseth cnîvcnsnîty.daIneenicVsome. ject. A lait Wi-1, Whicli IN Irincrnrated The Bownanville News