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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPT. l9th, 1935 9,6e am~btan naW=t~mn Established 1854 A Weekly Newspapor devo ted to thee nterests of the town of Bowmanville and surrourding country, issued at King Stree~t. Scwmanville, ever-y Thursday. by M. A. James & Sons. owners and publishers. The C anadian Statesrnan is a mniber of the Canadian Weekly es papers Assocatocn. also the Class "A" Weeklies o f Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in the Unt ed States. $250 a year-. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY. SEPT. l9th. 1935 Now for Durham Central Fair Tue' -day and W(tir, day nexz. Septemiber 24th and 25h o i ineýzs West Durhamns bit annual agricultu-al event. tbe Durham Central Fair at Orono. Tb'ý Exhbbiton autborities have dunce every'- thing :n tboîr pover ,o make tbe 1935 Fair one of tbe i.. n years. Tbe Associat:on is in an ex- ceptionally fine financîal condition. By dint of hard sturk and extra work tbe directors have pai off practi' ally ai tbe large debt wbich was owîng when tbe West Durham andi Clarke Soieie amalgaiiatti four years ago. The directors have put tbe fair on a splendid footing andi have on- larged the croînds thts, year. Tbey have done theîr sbare and it îs now up to the general public ta show tbeir appreciation and interest in tbîs county fair by gîvîng ît their wholebearted sup- port. It is the one and oniy occasion in tbe year wben every comimunity in +tbe county cani unîte in one big eent. Tbe nducatîonal value of tbe fair is not to be di rountet.I h is esýentially an agri-, cultural sbow, but the urban population Ls s0 closely linkî-d xitb ibe ru:al tha: the- benefits are mu tuaI. AtLracdion.s a.e an :grn part of a fall 'air. but tîhe futobt:s main tbheoutstandiîng at- traction, toij otb rural anti urban people at tbe Orono Fair. Farmen na-t breed anti raîse quai- lty do show at tbe fall fair. andi the encourage- ment kiveri tro the prrodution of fîner products by the faui reacts favorably on tbe urban dweiier who must look tG the fanm a' b is ýource of food supply. There wli be pienty to attract at Oî'ono Faî rt next WednLstiay. and it is hoped that when tbe 1 fair is in full swing that everyone wiil attend and' show by tbr'ir presence that they reaily are i n- terested in the improvement of agriculture. and t in the sucre-s 0f tbe 1935 Durham Central Fair.1e Hobby of Filming Native County Filming local hisdeî-y bas become the ambition anti the unique hobby o! Dr. L. B. William-s o! Toronto, wehI known Durham County boy. wbo soomis do hase an undymng love anti undîsputoti respect for bis native counr.y. Perhaps Dr. Wil- liams L fully cognizant o! the importance of the task ho bas untiertakon, but we tioubt if Durham people in general !uIty appi-eciade itber the imn- portance or the value o! this work do future gen- eration-s. At Maple Gnose Iast Friday, Dr. Wil- liams shawed bis motion picturos o! Durham te an amazed anti deligbted audience. O! course tbey ,vere enterdaimimng anti o! more than passing imterest because thoy pictureti people anti scenes widh which the people o! Durham are now fam- ilir. Dr. Wlliam-s doubtless intentis do place ltis films in a safe depoî%itary. In dwent3- yoars, we pro- dîrd, tbe3- will bave doubloti anti pos.sbîy rîpleti ini value, anti in haîf a century theîr %wordh wll flot be jutiget in more dollars anti cents. The nexd anti succcedung genoradmoîts wbo soc the pieturos taken t.otay wmilse ow the people liveti, low tbey tirosseti, anti îosmbly the handi- caps unitici whîcb dhey worked. The preseuit gen- euatuon think tbey aie prtty modern, but dbey shaîl probably ho nuntbt'nod among te backward days o!fiisdory tw<Itdy years benre. Dr. Williams is to hc rongmaulateti on his in- itiative autndte ntanuter n wbum'bho bas socurotii these filins. He s ticserving of a lîromînent st-ad iii the Hall of tIti'rent anti Famous Men o! our dîme. Id s tlu ehoiopetidteatsome arrangement wili ho matie shereby theseo saluable re-cordis o! the present cra wilhlire.-served for future gen- cuatiauts as ait educatuitnal feature. Radical Changes in Education Maitv IeadivCamurmii'îut tuatmînmsts Itasu lîom' daking t ho uene -it eduaol a ssýt.m'n tdo task, anti ant i ave suggested nuiunerous rmadicmalchantges. Aniong- tlii' iltliaiutt y(îiigi eut so sou a nid iia' neeti for il ngeuttlhe sdn is J. HaroltiFuox, NM. A.,-miitm un ici rî n tly Pr miimtimofPictonutColtog ia,_ antid mîîîtomwîf MrndaitiMis. Fieti ..outss if Bownmanmsîlt'. MnrIFox s Pnisidetituof thte Ontmarioi Second:îry SlosAssorîmîitii. and left Ibis wl-t-Ik to furthmir ls Adieis oî liant aid Uiversity. In mof twlidrmîei ts-s I i rg im,,ai îî'i msidt' nu- tLitn 1 ut mliijim' tlt 'Sitiitt iiimit (- clmits ilu, for sj)vciaIIy liarduti cîîdîîsî. Mn. Fox wias o! I lt' opinin mîs b mthdi'eî ii lî i.i î.s opelîssIy omio f date, flie livistd thlaIlmt thwhlh'symt ifii m.asn in tg Loo hbmdtii10temîli î listow dc umaki'mi living, ualit-n tItan liow to lu ivi' hlm'si--cý -s îlummîl ii ilsa muii.s, wIltorebý i-Ipli- maym](,Iî'mlii miad 11fu(lti ls besit'sImms mtea ci. mu! l ofism'Iiloo>m. In 'Ici mîmma uitw lilaiu in ii tmal. inIiliei'finst, fisi' ilîililis if I1w - lîîîl 3ii fîîs rfî î st.1 Ident., îîîumsdt iitIîî sai. an om i ud atI li'tlmle n ft lîmm tim e it' -ii. i Io bei lî-t-îui l t"e îîs' ltlimmg i maiiic iulal ii miorîîîiiuiiiirial tii5'.il im i-pl a1im'ml liii) I\ tlui.' , Sst'itliih- ,1 îItlt ' , gîvout aii l:tîmt isl I i lî uimîî foi limst-Il wlm lt-i lmîîu i., I lttt dm 1 t i.n mliclmistim' i i mmu- utleriai.m 5'.îi k. heiî-den':tis u-s.aîid wet tlnk. ha wisV' OnV ' I lii îîîî ll t- llmth w hae beet-odî mîifuîîî. 'I'mîLi iihtt3 > idiu e i- tîIdyiuig suiljets whiili stI llits ' Imlo î-.iniîmLon miei î-îlivîs, maid y30 becciise diei.- eiiiiliiiii I)iimmsilt's tIlmî t-t, iutii- jecisuus i i' i.îkî'îî vn.t liiwastv oîf h iîs il.'- ta go moi. Mi'r mX.i lis.Fx jile lI iî m<l i î's elt-mi ila- Ro - tary clu1hb mmii tuiti t . Liii I liim 1-lts tîu 'inutI lis isstueiii gtcl'ilizeslip lie miadei oicunof!;(Iiliomil eetic<at ii. lie bt-Ii me t t m Illemoatf lt iii oî existinit iii mlmu iiliiilhilti's art.i(I<leii' Iargt - 1 ltme fait ht t l I liisi' t-It. d.01 to cii ni> lIIli-ui limie lai-kedi a trainîinîg li cl izenaiip. Tit-helu i auut-1rl t- (ýplut-t ssIeu- tiis traininîg altilti le inaugura:ed to the benefit of the community large. Another educationist fron, the United Stau c:aiîrs that a iack of training in character. honest arýd definite purpose is too common. An employ4 iccjui res an employee wth these attributes. so 1t %vriter suggests that they are fit subjects for tý s'chool curriculum. The trouble no doubt is that the subjects ai rot divided according to their value in the act'. fiîeld of living. An over emphasis is laid on spor I fot so mucli by the teachers but by the studetý theinselve.s. We heard recentiy of a mother wl, cornpiaîned to an official of the local Higli Schoc She complaineti thaï, ber boy Iwas flot getting an3 where because he *xas too in'erested in sport. Tt 1-u:t of course iay sith the parents rather tiia %Ivilh the schoo. The school forces no studenti take part in sport if he does flot care to. It is iratter of free %viil. andi if the parent does r wxan* his lad to rake part in sco many activities. tne parent's dtîty z-o put a stop to it. Holwever there does seem to be a general neet and the think:ng education:.sts are flot the onl one.s who reali7e it. for a revamping of our whcl sýYstem 0 f education. Youth must be taught hoi to live. rather thap how to mnake a living. becaus the future wvith its shorter working hours andi Ion. or leisure tîme, .vill require a knowýledge of hci to lIve in addition zo how to make a living. Human Nature at Its Worst Lindsay Watchman-Warder ha.s re-entered th field of daily newspapers which now gives th( capital of Victoria County two dailies. The re turn of the Watchman-Warder to the daiiy fielÉ has, apparently raisei the ire of its opposition up the street. The Daiiy Post. which seerns to reserl the intru.s'on of its contemporary in the daily hed. We'expected this bombastic outburst. In recent Years The Post bas developed intoa veritable octopus stretching out its ambittous tai- ons for circulation and other busines.s far beyond the naturi a aea of its ow,ýn boundaries. It was therefore to be expected that wben a long esd.ab- h. bhet publisher withîn hi;5 own bailiwick shouit ..ou, bea'thy signs of growing pains by giving his readeî s and advertisers a more intensive service hy laun bhing into a daily from a semi-weekly those inwvard feelings of 1usd and dominance by bis condemporary xere bound to come to the sur- face and break out in vîtriolîc editorial comment. We wili watch with interest the deveiopment of thî.s age oid rivairy among the newspapeir frat- enîty whîch demonstrates the fraiidy of human nature at its worst. Personal Thrift is a Factor Economiererovery anti sdability are 510w13' e- turning. Business is hotter; taxes and rends are hein-z paiti as tbey were not a yoar ago; prices of mnany produrds bas-e come back do nearer normal. For ail o! whîch we have cause to hoe thankful. But tbougb ste report progress. we are forceti do admit t.had t is sîow-very slow. No gos'orn- mont. no ideaîust, no econamust bas been able to supply a formula for sdabilizmng- business anti in- croasing the buymng power of the masses. More anti moro. id becomes evident that. the groeat siingle factor in the pnocess o! ecover3' must ho porsanal dhri!t. The eachers o! tbe province are making a very definite contihUtion towaitch this rt'errv b,-v t at ýty. 1 er! IT'S WORTH TRYING In The Dimi and Distant Past lie . ~ M 5 5 L~ t P 'T %% N T Y -F 'I V E A G (O I F T Y Y E A R S G r e F r o m T h e B o w m a n v i l l e N e s F 0 1 h ' ( a a i e t t s a n ua î e Friday, Septernb 'r li, 1910 F id y Sept t'm ber 18, 1885 )rt. F. J. Manning hias',p urcutaeti On Septenib r i lth M . and rt from T. Geo. Mason Ilhle is'Mrs. Tlioiiits Jardine celebrateti 7ho occupietd by Di. L. Potti or i hie Stli annîvoc.esary of their iiîrige. "egroomvas pre- il r ' M rs. Paul Curtis bias ret irnied ýciitvdl wît h a liandso moe god- -y- froin a tree iiionts' trip o ladel' ebony cane iih in- h e 1 England. :crtIition ngrved. also a pair o! Lan i Dr. Nor an G. Allai bas s to- pold-riiiiiid spectacles: h s bride Io ~day for Montreal to sail by Ilie iti hi pair of goId-immoiiid spec- tO oyal Edivard for, Brstoi. En"- tacles and( a valuable broocli of aland. legant design. lo C>o P- L Relatives and frientis of W slev Bv reference to our- obituary ZÎ) A-rJ Souc b. Toron o. %ver c shoce dc î'îuiiiiin it iti 1) seen that M r. on rc\%n *od 0! bitiih eb -wo os on Sept. 9th un- Mr. Sourb bielti a position n iuî11d n illariage wih Miss Anna d. Mines Departinent. o! the On' mb i Polard. of Clarke, \as accident- G o v e m n e n t. I a llv k il e ti o n S p . 4 th . ilA iAquiet wetiting took place at Bith : Ro"ers- In Bowmianville île t ho residence or Mn. iant Mrs I ont Sett. 14db. the wife of Mm. 1W ~Cornelius Osbonne. King St. East. F . Rogers, a daugbter. ieo n Sept. 7t. when their ' LiiL Mannd: Wriglt - Colemn- 9_ -Thomas in the Detroit News es.t daugbtei'. Agnes Peail. %vas 0Oi, Sepît. l6tli. at the re.sîience )W nitd i mariaedo Rev. Char- tf iii, bride's father. by Rev.C ue e v l e W i h , . . f T r . M c n t yi'. M . G eorge W r g b onto. tc Einia. third daugter of M., YOUR WORILU and MINE On1 Sept. 2nd. Rev. Alex Mc-j T. T. oen. Lacen of Hamilton, a formier I Marrieti: Maynard - Brown- BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD pastor. laid tbe cornri on î n e1 ldî t h huc t (Copyright) the new Presbyderian Chunch a',Met bodisd Parsona-ge. by Rev. C. âeNesteon. E. McIntyre. Mr. George May- me ( Fred Cryderman bas accopteinrd to Miss Kate Brown, îe rea a-s th wi e o es oli hav to ho. D ay dre m s re a Position in the S tan dard B ank. C our dce: J. A llen as been en - e-us-are explainable; tbey say that 'the fancy-meoides wih m- scedoi rsn Id Prsent nville. lSept. s. to Mi'. and Mrs. deacher. R. B. Watson C. t hey are bomn o! Our tbinking. peetan hc alr h e- ill . Mutt. asn onb a eneggdt Ou omread.îng. aur oxperiences. and 1nermost Personalîty of!-the rea- 1WBMomn Pi o.eki lardI owm- .s eNo. 4 ae ino pO ur impacts with persans. dhîngs. 1 or. Anti sa it is that day tireams 1ville. Sept. 8kad. do Bo w ni a ienry Gay Seoi4asne ban fo , iincidients and events. Yet al a! are a poent factor i he bstA . ic ai'. a oM r n Jo.! Hn r n ay is. a ne ar o y ju hae dramswhich weoaur- and truest human lives. The day IOnSept. 9. our esteemiet Pol- 1 Oceanl face $13.00 steerage, selveos cannot explain. i reamri are no less an elomont a! ire Magîstrate. Williamn M. Hor-! froni Portlandi or Halifax to or' Not long ago I hati a queoc Power in evecy lîfe which indulges sey. celebrateti the 79db aninivei'- fi on, points in the British Isles. a, dream. I hati an office on the top them wbethoc those dreama pro- sac" of bsbrb c.R Hc nibrduh of ftorofae buîmidîn-te ffeoft.Picuesof noble achieve-; Rv.Jobn Garbutt anti Edidoi tec. Mis. Litho, bhave gone do nd h ~Piss0 the London men or bring do -mmd scenes uf M. A. James amiveti homle Tues- Roundc Valley, Calîfornia. where dDaîly Mail-a British now*spaperlsînful indulgence. dyfo hi îi otePcfrite noc omk hî oo on 'sv~hich I once woîked. anti a In the daîly lîfe of the humble dc0 frt wbee dtripttetici ic! ey nedt nk oe -paper of which I froquontly reati [ doctor as in the iaCnogasf Mt hodis; Confeceneanti dsteiI________________ antithîk. he fooro!-Y officre1 the chîlti and in the Out-roachingsfietsorutfonVcoia asiavry untîdy condition. I of the men of gonîus. it is the Robert Hoin-ies bas acceptet sw in athe f r a co n hose size ! tieam ing o ! unattaine ti pOssibil- I pi tn s r e llrin v t sa esînan .~sthat of a 25-cent piece. When i tes whicb makes drudgery ondur- wt ess îgu rs.Tr yId pîcked it up I saw that it was a able. or wbîicb givos hope as a ondh e. ss igu rs.Trp c a a g i V French coin. I founti soveral barrier do despair. Many wboseo ' I To c-hrcoins, ail of them French- o lalf fpivto nio -jOn the floor was a litter of stuff lo isappoitenîoulrvaosair if I aUwraped n o coemet bydiry id woere flot for thoîr c ontinuai Wt JJ[, T L TTOSI J anas bga emvîgtbeldreaming of btter dbings do como. H wtoM k covierý.ngs. I founti in one wrap- i Dream afder droams onus WESTERN CANADA per a dozen massive table fork.s.î And still tbey dream thÇ~aiov i ý24 Per Cent, on 1 very orrnate, in duIl-silver finlish.I shail succoeti. -GiiDae wîith emborseti figures thereon, in1 And still are dissappointeti. Y urIGOeo.Dal nSp. 1DoOct: golti. And yodtbeY droam agaîn. _____Morletur L imîet. 2 45 daOc.4 In another wrapper was a sword, Widhoud the belp Of day dmeams RBy Scribe G5 dý- wîth a blade 4 foot long anti with rarely wouid a human lîfo ho jay -_ScribeG anieof ivory. In another jous or be potent for gooti. Teohrdyw et odnCahso wvrapper m'as a strip of thîn îvory. Every mnan's deopest antidus book ontitlod, "The Idoals and N C N ERML abut5 ee. on Ilcoortiwibspiritual nature finds its inspirat- FoUies 0 Business"ews'itde a design in wbich were buman ion in andti trough his Purest anti ole o uies. rte faesinlo oiefveyperfect Vorthiest day dreams. It is what by a man in Cleveand. Sleeping C-ar Privilegesr IA ork. Thero was an ivory fan, ho bopes for, or what ho longs for. Ho saîi that wben ho start- deicate ai beauîulhv beonan- or wbat he i.s sure wouid be ad- ed in business ho was toîti Passage Tickets also on sale db in hc olhv eni- mirable if it were do be. tiiat that by takîng ativantage of good in:- very tcash discounles. shepdcouid make-la) tOurist sleeping cars at ap- agîet. Tor ws apakae o pot s a true an t i nh- twenty-four percent on bis I proximately 11cpe mij vthnmir'ory alt, hpdlk etsrvns nithat sustains plsjreulr er ,iaee ahs hatrrr anti on some of i him untier bis boaviost burtien- monoy. Pu eua et ae j hs dbeswas writing. In bearing". Things don' go tbru our (b) parlor and standard sleeping 1 ot.her wrappings were many other J C K heatis quickly. Not evon Ob- cars at approxinxately l/½c costly anti unusual tbinigs, alI o! Anti so. mny maters, I bld you be viouOnes. So we wrote thoee ie ls eua eto is'ory. ~Persistent day-dreamors, f or- eai th0ffctatf berth fare. Anti so my iroam continueti. Dreams mako us what we are flot weery maont.hanti save ilol ooes rneia Pr rhr What produceti this dream of -what tboy will. And do Parents ecer ntsontimand, wed wod Otaniilstoswstteef ivory treasuros? I cannot explain I Isay: Do not hieceurchnt-save 2a ytier on $1200 0f _____ ort_ Athur if tbey be day droamers. They ourme cay This is2.dwofr J~ ~~ PrsmbyiCstesm ihjtm.Yd hymyb eigKC~ll~UJPi may seem do be miissusing precious our in ,,,. This ;.,...P-... ,î ~'î'. dechngth manngani ale 0f money and al a! us. We bave strango tiroamsvsinspeitma becch The mant wcode back as by giving instruction in money management, Furseemîngîy quite unrelatedt o any- Iin isirtinfrm herdram hundrtiat 'on-s-n bosaruig th hng in our lifo or experienc.orin.flos ,d ad ,,ool areusin th or ng."Suppose the working rap- facîlîties pi'ovdeti by the Penny Bank of Ontario tbougbt or roatiîng. or in our con- ___________ ital in a business is $100 GO. tacts anti conversations with îwbicb is spent for matoî-iais. do teach thoîr childrr-n the value o! îegular sas'- others. ~' During a month. the mater- 1îng S. Twenty-one schools succeedoti in gttin- One kind of droam wbicb many ials are solti anti another 80'. or os-or o! their attendance do make doposits bav e is that wberp anc fintis him W 100wrt r ogi. cae bnkig ay n ay nt Jue.self flyîng througb the air; or. in W This goos on for dsov (!ý(ý bnkngda i My own case. skimmîng os-or the ' C I$1 P months in the yoaî'. te eai th, close tc, it but not touching ~ You have tumneti your id. Again anti again 1 bave in my c-- I~wz apital oser twelve times anti tances. . count. This tizcount is2, Edîtor Hugh Templin o! the Forgus News-- Another sdiange dream o! mine DS VWAITE anti is daken each inonthocit Recrdetîtrîalycoînntsonth . -a ncurrent. droam-relates ta o' f s ~ the samne $100,00 o!fssorking Reodeioilycmet nteincreasing coins. same a! them rectangular - capital. This is dwendy-fouî' itumber of dîlos asailable. Wbile a great many in shape; othors of irregular "o ntewrdcnafl percent per annuni on your ii. Canada are suppasedly oppose t o itles o! any t-hapes; tome tbick round pieces. ow mk itlextorla mn a fol- monoy." kinti, mo. people accept tbem. wben itd toes flot These coins came bo me in the1wmaeaîteexrmny? way o! change, and I marvel why a f rienti of mine asked me one interfere wîtb the Ilarticular view o! their polit- anyone shaulti ever part with morning about a înondb ago. as iraI party. thom. This tiroam o! coins is we were walking down town. ît i., ainazmng sometimes to hear some persan probably oxplaineti by the circum- Do-ural3wn omka stance that, in my boyhoti years' little moneY. or are you dream- who bolis te title of Rigbt Honorable Mogul. li was a collecter o! olti coins, in iîng o! making a fortune?" I ask- ùr tîlustriomîs Potondade, expressing bis disbelief in a very small way. ed'Sy" J Oti.c,"i sm tidles. Soîn o0f those most oppasedt o the award- IAnotiier recui-rent j "Say." heshoud tel baek. "If somo - ing of title's dbînk notbing o! a tii.le such as that I am smoking--cigarettes, or make even two or tbree dollars F Grand Sire. Sir Knigbd. Most Worsbipful Coin- a pipe, or a cigar: and always 1 extra every month I would ho outm a an y iiscmfo-in ed, î sed cn d ha. IasueiEyesý panioni. Noble Grand, cor some such other high withouman d ibymy biity ta smoee ticsurklotdi pmk.I'ssre sointiing fraternel dîtle. witb positive pleasure. Now, I do hlm. "My' wife anti 1 have been Edîlor T-mplin ltowever coinments an another ro4 smoke antibas-e nover smok- patcn uhashm o h cd- 3et ofton I dhink that I shoult patiixn sucaacdhee fr te dge. Hie tbînks that most families de,ire a titleîkdomk.Sam drms-padixmnh atiw re By C. I. Tuck, Opt. of sone kinti in theîr faunily. so that if the boy baud tosmokn r nintnibe. !iuigu utl ilt at Eyesiglut Specialist 1 ou moin reunetindb e eideti id hati ueant jus;t sligt -____ cînt O et a B. A., lîos.sib)ly the girl can get a J C K 13' more than $7.50 a month to YOUR CJIILD AXD TUIE EYES Reg, N., or an A.T.C.M.. or eit least somO etteis 1 Wonder if cnes nigbt droams us." ____ after lime naine wbîeh wîll denoto that tbey arc are relatedti t one'.s day tirams "That sountis goodti o me.' Part 2 am lîttle above the aeranige. Jantd if dbase who bave no nlght saiti my frit nd. "Put me next." drcams bas-o no day tireains-for "Reati newspaper etivertise- Have you ever noticoti the fol-1 Cantada iiia3-bu ma dentoc-îadic country, anti may thcî-e are those who sey dhey do monts," 1 saiti. lowing? Glare. aver reading antd l)i- lai-î.'ly opposer! V) the granding of Ltles. but notd tieain in tbeiî' sleep. I am a "Oh." ho excîcîmoti. obs'iously reatiing in obscure light. Nog becd if st'tiiis tliî,t tbis oipposition is largely politicel greet tie3-dremer. anti bave ai- disappointoi. lo! certain 53-mîtonîs o! troubl t n ut tadre asdîm sntoop>onntswml atelt - . vays bt'on so--forever tireanting "Listen." 1 saidti o him. "One I iretianti sleepy felingtf-n in atue. s te sineoponets vil aceptD. 'cf things tiesireti but utot posa- o! the sur-est autti asiost ways the cyes exprosseti by beatiaches. îii M. A. ogr'e's. andti ttles n fri'na atiesseti. there la of making money in thl5stuyug-syaat nlmt ui Imîler swciaI organizations dhmîd out< any o! Day dî'eanîs have a value, anti 1 auazing would wo live in today is Otiges. Holdingf reading 10 oo i Kin, Courges tutlt-s ini thciu elal>onete wording. foui that 1 cennot. do btter than b3' reading newspaper advertise- squinltiflg in the effort do sou Quode fuom a chaptor entitleti mente. Readiing 'em. I mean. in- plainly. tssitcbing anti winking lte "'IThe Value o! Day Dream.s" in a telligent3-. caru-fui]y, anti sith j yes sshicb eftersvards becomies a EconmicandSocal oy robema ", le'tion o! essays by Dr. H. Clayj the delibeu'ate intention of dis- babil.. Romomber no habit is Problems Tu-mbllditor 50 years ago o! cosering offeus that will inean cnoatoti ssitboît a cause. t-e Sundmmy School Timnes. When mone3' saseti. I tel30void woi'ks. There are two Importent metb- 'î Tiisd imeni.aiboys mni' o! the- nîosd inter-- 1 was a vmutth I devoureti the But itsso,0 taîn obvious mnd sim- ads o! cuning habits Removocthe i sI iumg tliing.s on eauth. Ni> I wo are tliki'. Tiioness itings o! Dir. Trtîmbuli. To une ple anly about one persan in fi!- cause. Crtalte a iiew htabit d to - hie was the suîîreune living temchor ty works id as it ought to ho plat-o theolad. Those who krîos', th lit- tc-imptmii a unoise' withdh (l in>oiLu"ina3' jin ml the world. workoti. Thiuîk id aveu'. tholu'limitationis ma..b, r__sa ;>îjly. Autit-r wilIlit' shy maid î'nuii tt odtily J C K 'Yesterday 1 walked down town habit ant i crate theu'ofu'on an as;-1 eîîuîlmeiiutg it-a sdrugîmîg fîr t'xuiî-.,lii îuîar- 14-i-'iuswhmydDir.Trumd ilaay.s widbmh fient agsetantfho tld st fo thei owngooti Peultap coliflcling lvas trugglng fo- exj)v.,ý,in in c- llirvmeswhotantiTrbisllwife: mead bnoonslry- hyoubebavey-nou hav .oter, ad-dillinlgg or ti mm. Wikî- adulîs udmr.-tand ti lis, for Ibm-y know 'Day ieamns are mou-e counmon n outhlilesem Iha teroigofney ntee-j tlbal tht' giosing îîeî'îîd of ailyouislor ismul>ovet- tmn nightdreams, anti their slng otedte liho st-oe I ied tevoloi 0foe oe vion oet- tfx)11,pummtvaidvalue is fau' greatou'. Sleep sgett 0lnsaman g os'mu oiiuov h iine aIl a t uie mof adjltstit('lits tiii 'ilsmnttXiii tl- us bt-st mnd truesi, is tiî'am- antithat in the tbiu'ty tiys the3' dic4ance or near. nvg ' ciai antd physi-dI î'uiuousintl. lî-ss seep: but. a wakiutg life that bcd matie-bys' saving-$i1.,70." Doît't overlook the appar-ent Buit boys grow tri).anti 50(1titi tiunprubleins. is wuî out tinoanis is llkel3' do h - -- _______lhysicft] condition. Man3' oye de- Yoii igtA .s leu'almie hacilair n ts puiall13 ciiff!it-tilt t i nit-anitiii zutless anti ait iIl-fuiIn ishetil feets au-omou-o pronouncotidue do lit- as. indeoti. î waking lufe ss'lh IDLENESS1 a uun-down or over-taxeti phys- iut iakîng tlîteir mttiuisdmits un te pasd five d1<jajp, may ho. j "Idieness s paralysis."-Rtos- lt-ai condition. To saine extentf yv':îs, ftor the condititons mabout tbtuîî wilh wlim' Tht- roo-nieaning o! Lie An- iwcUl D. Hitchcock. an explanat.aiy tlteory 55011 applyi tht-y woiilu counet- o tonnslhavte thenî.s-lsî-s bt-t-ut li-Saxtîn wou't "dreani' la 'mcl- j *dieness is cmpt.iness: the toalal cases but. 50 far ouily onie shifl'in. Ucertint in he wrldhas yp îmdocv' a pleiising succession a! I troc in wbich the sap is stagnaent, persan widh no apparent effort sîtfi ît. Utm'uîmmii> htht Wo]t ba h3lin- îîîîîeîls ttiret fiîtou senses. The romains fruitless."-Hoa Ballou. will do a piece a! work wcll, whiie L'mpititt-lthet- msk of"gttiuig stt' fmceti b',' ame roitshtows idself. on the anc "Slothfulness casteth imta a another with a waste o! mtuch yoiitliun toe laîe 'toons andt twcutties. Itauttin ii druuî". anti, on dhe other deep sleep: anti an itile soul shall time anti cmergy must gis-e id Up Es'ernuaion bias ils -"yoîîll probloii." Super- jlîitti. ini "irmmnm"; as on the anc suffcu hîunger."-The Bible. If this apples do you seek thc mec- dimi:ll. d iim sauy uan euni' t eîînî' -bu lanti a mtlody-or a day drecm Absence o! occupation la flot son or romedy for 3-aur own sake ficilly itina vay foincoutryto ounrybut- may au'olstise t tian; or-. on rost. A mind quito vacant is a anti 3-ur employer. If lit applies ta ime saint- 'm'mnmîoi- cuni social mactours that baffle tht- mtîclîmî hnti. iniay Itul ta mid d Lst ess'd. "--Cowper. 3-aur chilti dont biame the chilti a yîumi itg uîîîiii Cautada today uu-iteilie to a ýit- slolb. "The idie man stands outside yod. Id may d.rectly or in- ialion of It iti iuatjsted youith i Eugland. or Dreatît-life is itee ntnaI pic- af God's plan, oud-side o! the or- dilrectI3' be connected with the tui'ng o! whlat. uuî e hofo what daîneti scheme a! dhings."-J. 0. function o! vision. F'rance,'or i Austrumla, or elsewbeu'e. the Individuai soul wauîd fain Holianti. To Be Contlnued ui pr . --'-. ' 'm dny agent Ctnadian PacificI' Wanted FEATH to re-make into sanitar-v mattresses andi down rm f orters. Hair mattresses dlean e di and re-made like new- Pillows cleaned. Prices Reasonable ~ Modern Feather Mattres, Co., Mageli Street, Cobourg, Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvî-iie W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal& Money to Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Oraduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- ilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON J3oot and Shoe Repairing Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street East - Bowmanville FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invaiid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equip-aent - Ambulance -A. W. G. Northcutt -Aubrey Smith- Phone Days 58 Niglits, Sundays or Hoiidays Phone 523 or 276. music RICHARD FOUNTAIN Bandmaster Canadian Legion Band n Teacher of Cornet, Trumpet, Baritone, etc. 25 years' professionai experience. Open for pupils now. Residence: Opposite Town Hall remperance Street, Bowmanviile "One Cail Paid for Six Months'Rentai!" sýhen prices fluctuate and you have stock or pro. duce to soul, themc is nothing like a telcphone for itaking enquimics and getting the best prices. And, if local offers are flot satisfactory, with a tele- phone xith.tte fainu you can get in toucli with agents in other condors. A diffemence of ane or two cents a pound on your sales ssiIl go a long way toward paying your tele- phone rentai. Saune subscribers have made enough profit from just anc cali ta more than caver rnany nuonths' service, A telephone is a low-price investment. It COSts only a few cents a day. There is nothing that gives Sa great c return at so moderate an outlay as >'our telephone. PAGE TWO 1 1

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