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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1935, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1935 JUNIOR FARMERS ENGLAND BOLSTERS EMPIRE'S OUTPOSTS AWARDED PRIZES __ Durham Junior Farmers have Sunday School been very successftîl in their ef- L so forts at Ontario Fairs this faîl. At the project and judging- comi- .so petition at Peterboro the follow- ing were prize winners. The num- JAIMES (A GREAT CHRISTIA ber deotetheplacing in the list:- Dress score. Helen Smith.riLEDR Durham 1 : Mildred Jones. Dur- . Golden Text: Blessed is tl ham 9: Buttonholes. Verna Gar- , man that endureth temptatioi diner. Durham. 151: Parade. Mrs.. for when he is tried. he shal r Gordon Moffatt, 3; Edna Hogg, ceive the crown of lite, which ti 5; Annie Graham, 8: Margaret Lord promised to them that leý Milison. 10; Clothing. Jessie Arm- him." James 1: 12 strong, 3; In t.he demonstration Scitr asaeIae team. Durham came 4th. 1- ip1e7asae:Jae In te caf cub cmpeitios IThee is a river known of old, George Werrythe11opShorthorn, the results were as follows:-r Frnwhhtepohtsre Holstein ClassIvison Tarnbln A living stream that ever flows 1; Bruce Tink 5: Sam Allin 10: 1 AiTewoeceto ruh Geore Wery l: Sorthrn1And they who find this living Class-Thos. Baker Jr.. 1: Johnj stream Rickard 3: Garnet flickarcl4:S I ee hrtaan Wm. Rowland 5. Groups of GefItfodfo u tetrn calves, Durham Count.y 2nd:flosfo u tetrn Showanshp. cairy calvs -To ail the sons of men. George Werry 2: Ivison Tamblyn-Q -H. V. Morgar 3; Sam Alun 7: Bruce Tlnk 8:1ikn f tes Showmanship, beef calves-Gar- net Rickard: John Riekard 2: Four men by the namne of Jame Thos. Baker 3: Wm. Rowland 6. are mentioned in the New Testa ___________________________ ent. The writer of this lette is rhought Wo be the brothero CA SA E Jesus who became leader of th, CAESAREAChristian Church in Jerusaler His letter is ivritten to Jewso Mrs. . Roinso, Mis E.the Dispersion who had travelît( Johnson and Mrs. Singer were faIfed oe o upsso guests of Mrs. Norman Robinson. trade and others driven out b3 Univesityof TrontsenPrsecution. James at the centrf Univrsit 0f oroto snds ut n Jerusalem did not forget th( men to do research work among exiles at the circumnference. Hi, wild flowers and flowering weeds ê conce'n for others was not on ti( in the summer time. Mr. Nor-leeofthpreb.'u0fsg manHeaey as eenseachig ______________________________________ out of mind" Our remembrancE for every variety around tie of others depends upon our love woods and fields of Caesarea fo- Kipling would have warmed to the sîg h off the iniitarized Fatheýrs and mothers are inter- the last two weeks. He spcn: Gungia Dins i beloiv). now Br'tish fighting men. boarding the ested in every country where nie ees n lonui Prk b- S. S. Jehangir at Bombay. India. bDund for Abyzssînia. They 1 their sons and daughters dwell fore coming here. Hîs mother are fichres off the 5 141h Punijai Reg:ment: of the Indian army. Durircg the Great War many Can- and sister are occupyin- a cot- They ivere Sent to ztrengthcn the guard around the British adian hearts were focussedi upon tage at present at WVi1llam's embas-y in Addis Aba5a. and guard British frontiers bordering Belgium and France. People in Point. Ethiopia. Meanwhile. these Briti s ld;ers. manv of whom the East think off their relatives Mrs. Russell Harion is holi- were bables, in arms in the last war. are shown waving enthus- who have moved to the West. daying in Toronto after a busy.; iastically as they -ail froin Engand on the Neura1ia bound for H'ome congregations thînk of their season in the Superior Store. the garrîson a: Malta and Aden. Tie move was nmade 10 back -ons and daughters who are serv- Mr. Proutt. who was operaîed Englands bid for arbitration between Italv and Ethiopia. îng on the home mission or for- on for appendicilis in Oshawa eign minsionfelroomalRome le- Hospital on Labour Day is ex-' a---- ,ndI datîgiter. is inonhtsrae o e for pected home this week. ahstogt ag u o Mr.andMrs WarenFegn I CAD USMr. A. E ..McGill's. thousand miles. The rapidity of c r.aedther smmer reinFe. on . D USM,% and Mr-. Gordon Brown and communication by wsireiess and closd thir umme resdene on-ci. 2 Mr-s. Proctor. Toronto. at the cable need not free us from the Sunday and Mrs. Passmore closed Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Sander.on.' foie~ :g.gaiows discipline of thinking of bers on Tuesday. Mrs. W . Archer. Mr. Elmo Ar her; Mr. and Mis. Ed. Batten andl others fair away. enjoyed a bus:ne"s,- trip to K:rk-; family .Oshawa. Mr. Wiîn. Brown Testings, 2-4 Persian Balm inveels every WO- land Lake. .aýl ni. -cns. S3underland. at Mi'.c What were the temptations in- man with subîle charm. Deli- egewl omntelt- Russel Brovns.Ito hihheJsofheDprs cately fragrant. Cooling and te 0cr: M S commence the 1 r! JhnGrenan onfei? H ome esickntes fors- healing. Dispels aIl rougbeso i a- fSpebr r n onGenadinflHmscness orron chafing. Maltes skins delighî.fully Many ha;e taken the opportun- .tî. Huntsv:.llo. at NIr. Norman thing. a slackening of religious soft-teýxtured. Every iv o in a n it.Yof vîsîtinz "Dahlia Del', Edgertons. lite because of absence from tie -5"duse thua peerîess toliet re- oeetefoesa"exception- M:.aMs Sa.Trno temple and synagogue in some Daintiness-beauy-re- ally large and beaur:ful. îwith Mr. and Mrs. Alex WVolfe. cases. religious controversy be- finement-Persian Balm achieves Recent lt'istors: t ween Christian and non- Christ- these in every instance. Softens1 M.CFals Trnt.whIQikato sae true ian Jews, business discourage- and whitens the hands. Promnotes Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fallis. , Ke-p Douglas' Eg5 -tian Liniment mrents and racial injustices. clear and youtifui ioveliness. Ail Mr. and Mrs. Charles X'cnnn- ln : aways bandy. Stops bleeding James asked his readers to stand women who rare for additional and faimily at Mr. W. D. Feýr- n tacntly. Caulerîzes wounds up to tiese testings because charm unhesitatingîy choose Per- gusons. Qr:ý,cklv relieve3 Baroers Ic and strength comes thî'ough strain: sian Baim Mr. and Mis. E. S. Fei'guson Rmngworm. patience is learned t.brough disci- pline, perfection is made possible by victory. James even goes se far as to say. "counit it al l oy LE S WIL BUY PLf-NTY T-Ws Wwien voti are tested." The period Yol of resting mnay be anything but ýR U N I E , âtjovful, but those wbo have insight stifficient 10 see wbat is happen- ing to their own moral fibre can accept temptation as necessary discipline. One man said. in any- t iing but a boastfui spirit. tiat he laughed at the temptation -- ~ it hat u.sed 10 defeat because he iad learned tic way of victorv. and was certain tiat ie couId at any lime gain victory over tiat EýMERY These value,. unless c particular tem pt ati on The otiiec stated, C I Lreatest cause of joy througi Co n dtive f r oi Tliursda, emptation is when we turn to Sept. 192t cdeday, i Christ and have fello\ship with Sept. 2hum as our surest way to victory. Beef1 Effective Prayer, 5-8 Ti12 oz._____________j______________________doubtful if these verses can in ~-.! t oit.,n tres rocen sîci ousiot experienced wiat they miean. Get one head of lua'.-r e ýctir'>e aacîn.i inth.e uuits 1irte t41,w.Therc i nolamihr r ootig bu ABBEtithc ,f t i nlit- 1, .:.îcr ry 1crriase-caca unit etititici h r r o e t ig b u il BB er t, t1l. ecx'ca cile tsi,,ciai. k . bunde:o: an yorî:-isom on by bard study. No one experts for c c to be proficient concerning high- for CeRCE J ôther er mathemnatics without prolonged RICE cliice 115. 2 1 c 11).forst.udy. But one can in a very few McCORMICK'S u e5gcad'a moments get a decisive an.swer BUTTER Cuc i1n \xc C from God on a moral decision in- BA S - h ,ood Tins Get anGtha i olving right and wrong. James BARS BEA NS ualîty 2 2 2 tin for told people that when 'they f eit licir insufficiency the answer SIbs. 2.< u c e could be found through prayer to -~lb. 1* C Gtaritier God. This assertion.cof course, hearted. lackadaisical prayer ac- As îortcd c .cmplishes littie. Real prayer is CR A SB CGt aiîother J concentration of thougit and wîll. P & i So p s harforIt is a psychological process tiat i, 1 < brings results in attitude and con- * vv r \Vliie X'eavc Toilet ce duet. A double minded man does BROK'SBID T SS E - 3 olîs2 Get another flot get anLswers to prayer. He is SEED In otier words desire must be c JC t4e nified by acceptance of God's FLtE C\NAth ictere.. .. ~ ~ - arsGet atiother will. Wien tuis is donc God's wrters - vist any D)o- ~ U M ~-T o miinion foril a rrS~unlight - 4 2 Spir'it speak.s to us. Recently two ~ , ~ ___________ ___________ women witi acut,- home problems Blue Labelh avp -had __tiese -problems romn- P einaips te bîgiest community happines.s that triere bas been in Canada xa55wien neariy,-er-y- one in a rural or urban di.stî'ict was upon about lie same level of wealth Extremes of riches D O N 1,I_ _ _ _ _ _ and poverîy cause great bitîci'- _ _ __ _ _ness. It will be a tragedy in Canada if a ffew men are allowed T 0 E SL 1 1 T E Dpermanently 10 control tic larger part of Canada's wealîh. Tic iso- lation, suspicion, and resentment.. in which some extremely wealthy men live makes them. objects of pity rather than of envy. OBITUARY Where do our temptations corne r E. R. JamesS S ladoO angnPeto fromn? Do they arise out of our environmient or do they corne Miss Al icia Balson Jan;es. wife ln wi *pr v a sh e - from within our own natures? To! of Rev E. R. Janmes. formner RB eneiI ro e a h e [Na very large degree we malte our tor of St. George's Church. New,- own temptations-we tempt our-j castie, passed away Wednesday. selves. By a complete surrender Sept. llth. in her 65th year. Thed 42 the to the will of God. it ispossible funeral %veasgkt o loyers theine.tea to escape mnany of our former1 Miles chapel. 30 St. Clair Ave.. W. tn emptations o sin. When Go' Toronto, on Frîday. heSprtetr into a lite, instead ofi The daughter off Captain L. hF.rn ftrei.te vli'SBlo.RN. nAr.Basno i L A D A T E A e e n bored. "It was! Portsmouth. England. she lias 1.jsaid of St. Richard of Chichester, lived in Canada since 1900. that he could see God everywhere, Her chief interests. out-,ide her because he was a holy man. He home, lay in church work. shle: W'was able to see God everywherei being a devoted mnembler of the Non-skid chains for aut.omo- i The chewing gum industry vbecause God dwelt in him. It 'Women's Auxiliary of the Anglican Swould have becen impossible other- Church Missionary Society and i biles were invented by Char-les dates back to 1860, when the or- Wise. We. too. can see God every-! Red Cross work.cin Algernon Parsons, English in- iginal business was begun on an Ig where. if we try to see Him in7 Surviving are her husband, Rev. ventor and shipbuilder. outlay of $55. our fellows and in nature and in. E. R. James: three sons and three 0fail t.he experiences of lite. If we daughters. Miss Mary James. ofdo this we find that God's spirit, Richard W. F. James and Charles sure: this. in turn. enabling us E. Lewis James Dover England J n. to see God more. until at I last ive. Mrs W.E." Massey-Cooke (Helen) ls Y u rn c O. ? see Him everywhere, so that Ou" Peterboro: Mrs. H. C. W. Harrisi lite becomes transformed ; Gwendoli ne). and two little 'es Questions For Discussion grandchildren. Rosalen and Raw -ed osre-u cnmc.l n ter 1. Have you a prayer list? son Harris of Alliston. Also sur- efflciently for this inter. If it requires 2.Are you looking for an easy viving in England are her sister rpisseaera3b ie31 he lite? Mrs. H. B. Noot of Bexhill. and and expert service. If the old furnace is M 3.Do your prayers exercise her brothers. F. M. and T. Mr donc- of your will? Balson. e 4. Who would you prefer to be VV hv nota new 'Gurney' rathrer thaulngurself "-AIl successful individuals have Aysre yoebuildin u p r- become such by hard work: by ALL CAST MRON FURNACE ? serve ptowe ga sttem-Iimproving moments before t'e Le tain pass into hours. and hours thtI is an leconomricalil, wear eitn rsother people may occupy in the, home heating plant. It costs no more than .e It Bids Pain Begone-When pursuit off pleasure. They spend 1 . others, yet gives greater value. Let us quote tneuralgia racks the nerves or lum- no time in sheer idleness. in talk vI1 our pnice. ce bago cripples the back is the tlier ing when they have nothing to- *. to te'ýt the virtues of Dr. ThDnmas' say, in building air-castles. or R . .k'G A ,r EletirOi.Wel ube i i lotigoff on theie ings ofR. . LO A re Will sti11 the pain and produce , sense "Mary Baker Eddy. 1 ýIa sensation of ease and 1e-t. AI j PHONE 2C4W BOWMANVILLE, ONT. - trial of il will establish faith in it.- Read the Ads. before Slioplp:neL, PONTIrAC sS Slver Grill" Let's check the various factors in Pontiac's make-up! Take appear- ance! Surely you couldn't ask for anything more smoothly streamlined. Comfort? Just open the doors and size Up that roomy, richly-appointed interior. Consider safety, increased by solid steel "îTurret Top" Bodies by Fisher. And performance! Lift the hood. Run your eyes over that proved and improved power plant. Around it are bujît scores of costly refinements that add to the owner's satisfaction yet take away from his Upkeep expense. Remember, too, that when you buy a Pontiac, you get a long-lived automobile that will stay in style! That makes your investment safer! Why not think it over-then enjoy a demon- stration - today! PRICED $9 (for the Standard Six FROMD 936 2-Pass. Coupe) .Deliveredf ulIy equ:pped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Freight and Government Registrati.n Fee only extra. Prices of 8-rYlinder models at factory, begin at $1149. IPON!TXà' - w CORIC Roy Nichols OMNIL M ~

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