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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1935, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPT. l9th. 1935 PAGE SEVEN Mayor W. R. Strike '«as guest ee~aker at Cobourg Rotary Club on Friday '«hen he gave an ac- count of the recent district con- vention at BataviîaN.Y. Healthy Body 3pkgs. Mu Libby's Poî'k & Beans, 2's sqt..2 tins foi- 19c Red & White Mustaiod, 13 oz...... per jar 13c Gillett's Lye ................... per tin 12c Golden Spray Cheese, 1 ',s..-.2 pkgs. for 25c Red & White Jelly Powders.... .3 pkgs. foir 19c CAM%,PBELL'S Tomato Soup 2 FOR :L70 Chocolate Peanuts ............. IL foi' 13c Keen's Mustard, 1s.......... per tin 25c Red & White Baking Powàer...... per tin 23c %Red & White Salt (plain or iodized) 2 pkg. 13c ~Va nilla or Lemon Extract, 2 oz. -..2 btls. 17c Fry's Cocoa I/ lb. tin 210 Bulk Cocoa .................. 2 lbs. foi' 25c Fly Coils ...................... 10 foir 19C Five Roses Cereal ............. per' pkg. 17c Gold Medal Floor Wax, 's........ per tin 25c Quaker Health Biran, 2 IL pkg....... eaeh 20c Fe W. Noules Phone 599 Bowmanville 4 ft. 7U, in.220 yards-Kimble Dun ennett, time 26 1-5 sec. Sho Pu-Tihe.C. Fagýan. Weîsh. idistance 30 ft. 10 12 in. 880 yards IWelsh, Bennett. MclFeeters. time 1 2 min 26 4-5 sec. Broati Jump- Kimble. Bathgate. Ames. distan-e 17 ft. 6 in. 440 yamts-Kirnbie. jBennett. Weîsh, tirne 1 min. 14 s. Pale Vault-Johnston. McFeeters. Milîson. height 8 ft.. 212 in. Re- l ay-2B. 3rd. lB. time 54 sec. Senior Boys 100 yards-Slemon. Roach, Kent time 11 1-5 sec. Shat. Put-Sle- mon. Roach. Jackman. distance 33 ft. 412 in. 220 yards-Kent, Roach, Goodman, time 27 1-5 sec.. Broati Jump-Kent Sieman, dis-! tance 18 ft.. 4in. High Jump- Sleman. Kent. height 4ft. 1l in. 440 yds.-Raach. Kent. Goodman, time 66 sec. Pale Vault-Slemon, Roach. height 8 ft. 2"2 in. Mile -Jackman. time 5 min. 15 sec. Relay-5th. 4th, time 54 sec. In Marr's Jewelry Store Join Marr's Chr'istmas Club. Select youî' gift now and make small weekly payments t o suit your poeketbook. By Chr'istmas your gift will be paid for. James Marr JWELLER Phone 463 Bowmanville He althy Mind You can't expet your childt t be successful in his studies un- lrss he bas the sturdy, healthy vigor of milk in bis system. ,Nilk is thm only perfect food. Sec that your chilti bas plenty of the best - which means Bowmanville Dairy IMilk. uWith allgood wishes. ENLARGING Affectionatey Yours, ENLA Edwy White. Have your favourite snap enlargeti. Our work is un- b at wilî carry off an equaleti. of clothes any time, but _____A__ex______________ .it of clothes wll neyer an aId hat. ivUN,~~ ITED IARSTORE PHN 3RU SWDLIE are sametimes I * AtdGE MN sCYG W EM orted, end always mag-i - ______________________* CCalifarnie, -i OBITUARY 1 Bowmanvi - Jand sister. Social and Personal o r.Ewr eîa. tf St statement Mrs. R. G. Hamlyn. Ott.awa, is Perhaps its a little early to ne- Bomnvei stnd hoi guest of Mrs. F. R. Kersake. mnc you, but you have only one The passing of Mrs. E. Belîman hais oryy Miss Mabel Short. Oshaw«a. vis- more week of daylight saving at the Bawmanville Hospital on sible I '«a liteti at Mn. George Richards'. time. Official notice ouf the change September 2nd. rernaveti f rom installment Miss Lena Hada<y is visiting Mn. to standard time will appean next the town anti Trinity UnitedV and Mrs. Alex Haddy at Clinton. week under the signature of the1 Church. an eleet lady sympat h- Mn. D. Wallace Downey visiteti Mayor. etie and kindly. bis aunt. Mrs. C. H. Nix, Hamil- Rev. anti Mrs. J. U. Robins, She was born in Darlingtan in ton. Listowel, Miss Mariorie Robins. the year 1847 anti 'as marniedti t Mr. anti Mrs. T. G. Norton antiB.A., Toronto. '«ene guets of Mrs. Etiward Belîman in 1867. '«ho pre children. Locust Hill. visited her W. H. Spargo, and calleti on a deceaseti hem t'«enty-four years Dear Geo sister, Mrs. Rd. Pooley. fe' f rientis last week enroute ago. 0f a family of eight child- '«hen I nec Mn. anti Mrs. Jas. Gili anti Mr. frorn their summer holiday et nna rwtamnotmnt «-se tin t anti Mrs. Harolti GiIl have beeri Wellington. manhooti. 0f that number three ions of thE holidaying at Norlanti. Mr. H. Lyall Crabb ettendeti taugirters andti 'o sons in the aîways ha< Mrs. Archie Thampson. Gulf- the funeral on Saturday et Sirn- lait fe'« years passed on before 1 accept the pont, Miss.. is visiting ber f ather, coe of A. T. Hit.chcock. Mn. her inta that landi 'here there is deal 0f pIe Mr. Daviti Mornison. Sr. Crabb, '«ha'«as a close frienti 0f no mare pain. suffening or part- be ed% Mrs. W. J. Hall anti son Barry. dcaewsa albae.Mn. ings. While she knew the sor- br taty viitng er a.ený. anîd Mrs. Hitcbcock '«ene recent raws tf life she also knew on1 sort ouf put Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. visitons 'ith Mn. anti Mmi. Crabb. '«hom ta cast. ber every care. for miooti anti Mn. anti Mrs. Elgin Sparling. Mi's. Rabt. Sirn. Misses Louîise she hati founti the source anti sec- 1 vn hs Toronto. spent Sunday 'ith ber Chich. Estelle Brow«n anti Coaaletpae uoarfn atetrnt th ntie mathen, Mrs. Emily Curtis. Caneron, anti MnXWin. Sirn. Osh- in Goti hem Saviaun. Hem home, lof courseE Miss Grace Brenton, Oshaa a'a. Mn. anti Mrs. F. E. Alexan- until stnength faileti ber. '«as aKnhta '«as a '«eekenti visiton 'ith ber dem anti Mn. Evenett Alexiinder. cetr fnenshp t nig aunt. Mms. R. Patterson. wE(ýst- To'«*n. spent. Suntiay 'ith Mi.,i boums anti frientis. Hen '«ide and uie. mouint. Gladys and Mr. Charlie Do'«nev, tender sypti1'em h'ni Courtie. Mn. antisym.aChai.W. Alun Bse Line. ames. Jin Mr. nd rs.Chas W.Alln Bae Lne.visiting the sick. hem tievotion tiens ant i have netunneti frm a pleaqsant Citizens '«ml te pleasedt t kno'« the Wornen's Missionary oit combe. etc. visit. 'ith theii' taughten. Mmi. that Night Constable Walter Hall, anti aIl the interests tftesm u John Mark. Toronto. %uho bas been confineti ta Bow-c 1.Sh aspastio sat Ite fs Mn. anti Mrs. Hai'ry Beskerx fl]e ic anville Hospital for the paît left a floodi of s'«eet memories in song and anti Miss Ada Silven. Taronto . .11e thmee weeks, isrneking satisfact- ta those '«ha '«me hem frientis in the chu 'isiting Mr. Eti. anti Miss Ai-ice amy pmogess. Ris duties as con- anti neigbbouns.Frienti aften sîrep benea Silver. Manvei's Roati. stable are being carrieti out by nriend tiepants. eanth is poomer but We are stihi '«aitinc, for some1 A. J. Adams. heaven is icher. particulans tf the steamer -Bo'«-I The Statesman staff appreicu- manville." built in 1852, as e- ates the kindness f M. Tfl. Servant tuf God w'elî done. questeti by an histanian in last Bottrelî '«ho presenteti theni'ith Thy gloiaus warfane's paîst. '«eek's Statesnian. a beautuful s ello'« dahlia meas- The funenal '«as belti fnom the Dean Gec Mn. anti Mmi. F. R. Kerslake. urîng 221-." in cicumfenence anti nesidence tfber son. Albert Bell- ta neati in Mrs. Rupert, Hamblyn. Otta'«a. about 8' acrosi. It is one tuf theI man., King Street '«est, on Wed- "In the Di anti Mn. N. S. B. James visitet If inest specimens '«e have seen nesday, Sept. 3rti, conducteti by column 0f frientis at Bobcaygean anti Fen- g anti bas bren greatly admineti. Ilhem paît or. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, rny native1 elon Falls on Monday. Ne'«ily electeti officers of the assisteti by Rev. W. A. Buniner. companieti Boys' Athîrtie Association et B. By the many '«ho attendeti 'as Keitha and H. S. are: Hon. Pesident-E. R.i sko'«n how nmucb the late Mmi. the keenc Devitt: Pnesident-Bob K enr t; Pemlman '«as appreciateti by the show thm Vice-Pes.-Fnank McIlveen; Sec- people of the to'«n anti commun- that I hav( retary-Russell Oke; Treasuer- ity. The brautiful flo'«ers that about. I s ý vernrnent Jack Roach; Frm epresenta- f illedthe noom '«mme the gifts of wnmg tive-Fith.H. olmr; ourt, lve romherown immetiiete mens FIat Relph Ames: Thinti. Charles!I family anti frientis. of -the pond Spencer: 2A. Jack Colville: 2B, 1 She leaves ta mourn ber passing py boums s Don. Mason: lA. Russell Hall- thmee ions: Norman ouf Tononta' "Mousie" man: lB. Douglas NichaIs. 'Albert anti Arthur ouf to'«n. Funze. 'Nî 13L IC Zoornin ovethe to'«n on Sat- The:allbearers were Messrs Hoe.A urdy irnng.IlieeaimplanesRusl Wonden. Russell Osborne. ant i any , bnougbt. a unique senenatie fan Santimns. Osha'«a, andi John that. Keithi rI N GFlight-Lieutenant Charles R oy Whyte. Peterb-oro Feds .. fine family rIN G ~~~S:emon,'«ho '«as mraied on that Pe. trm Tro. riens eie ohe antihg Ia oMiss Marion Slemon. tiau- Colinr'«ood. Oshawa, Pont Hope E. H. Holz. the auspices of th ghten of Dr. anti Mrs. C. W. SIe- and Little Britain. CleePi Imon. Flying 10w the flymni drap- ________________ That Myntl mnal Government peti streamers, anti a package for the Secretai i Ojets f he eauethe bride attachedti t a par a- ision. The d bjct o heLeg-echute. Thein manoeuvres herej ~ ~~io ' family ouf he causeti quite a stir in the to'«n. I *eI~E V1orsM -ii fortunately Trînity Evening Auxiîiary of _______________t'«a boys. BOWMANVILLE the W. M. S. met Tuesday evening six '«ene inte'«mr ro ith a good- Port Bland.fond. Nf Id., '«hile tnave n ly number present. Meeting op- Sept. ltb, 1935. Ms. Wl eneti 'ith Mrs. W. A. Shane. Dean Miss Haycraft, As I arn spent t'«o President. presitiing. WorshîP remaining in Newftundland fan in Nassau. E PT. I 9th. penioti 'as taken by Mns. L. W. some weeks more 1 shaîl be glati a quaint cl Dippell. Miss Helen Crydrman. ta have The Statesman ftuwardrd population. LNXDARD TIME) Mmi. B.E. Inghem. Miss Leta hene until I give you a change of a lot of olti Jackson anti Mns. M. W. Tamblyn. atidreis. I have enjoyeti getting many a ta)E the latter singing a couple ouf salai ne'«s through your paper, the ne- of notoriot FORE PARTY"P accompanieti by Mmi. Muriel ferences ta «arîti aff airs as '«ell i English- Symons. Miss Sybil Muttan gavei as local items. The depression pence anti a club drnill accompanieti by Mns. bas lef t its mark on rny islanti dniving to ____________________ H. D. Clemens. The Study Book home. but it is only apparent in Only one1 '«as taken by Mn., W. C. Ives anti some places. There are commun- Royal Ban] Miss Greta Wickett '«ho conclu ti ities hee'«here no one is on r e- institution. e d the book 'Buildens 0f the In- lief or "dole" as it is calleti bere.hanses taxi tienChunb". he pagnan '«snbcontrait ta this there are othe H îgnet ~,~aIîLy in change of Mmi. Dippell adMi places mare or Iris isalated w'hene AtomotbiIe( C.G. Mor'ris. the people depenti rostly on cat-d ible ta mel Gro. H S TR CK EE fishing. that 'il have to be aI- bsns e av~~]B an.iSS.rda, Spteber_____ niait '«hobby maintaineti f nom an interrîti IGovernent f untis this carninel littîr ,iv & Wh'ite Stores are noteti for continueti fram page 1) var I hope you have enijoyeticant.luec handise andi prompt courteous Xelsh. Yello'«lees. distance 72 ft. yaur summen. We hati a littîr ofcet.T .s offereti are no exception to, High Jurp- Williams, Welsh the intense Canadien heat but '«ith fishing Bî'adt. hright 3 ft.1. ', in. Re. only for a fr'« deys anti then the f romn men lay-2A. lA. 2B, tirne 32 3-5 sec. cool acean breezes bnought relief tî'ede. they Senior Girls ' at night. '«ood (it. U f75 yards- Cav'enly. Martien.I Yotmns Sincei'ely. kintis of hi *Knox. tirne 10 sec. 100 yards- I Josephine M. Reynoldis. anges. quini bars 2 ýCvery. Mrde. Bikle tim 13(Mns. A. J.)rnany othe ~~ bars sec Cavryod mn.Bickle.n -3__the tropit, erly. Ayling distance 13 f t. 7 in. Gardena. Celifornia. f nom as fa in42 High Jump-Monden. Ayling. Cav-1 Sept. 7th. 1935 takes then k in4c I mly. height 3 ft. l01'a in. Bas- DermMn. Mortlock:-You mevy four days t ......pei'r ketBel Th30cAyng Dudley be same'«hat surpniseti ta gmt a Thmre ane ...large package 20C Bickl.distance 66f t. 4 in. Girls letter fnorn me? but a few days mmet g i i Relay-Commercial. Fifth, Four- ago I bat the pleasure of mciv- of yeen oaa il ......2 lbs. for 27C th, time 32 2-5 sec. ng two copies of The Statesman.J tho r 100 yards- Rickard. Colville.'jstalîment 10 of the History of St. Unitedi Stat Craok, time 12 2-5 sec. Broati Johns Church. '«bere I '«as con- ition ena.' es pr _iI o distance 1Sft. 2 in. 220 yarts-- 17h, 1884. Consequently. arn my- ing the wir Colville. Laphen. Rickard, time 29 self much interesteti in the bust- people fror .......per tin 15c 2- sec. High Jump-Colville, ory tuf th'e cburch. Also, I wouîri the U. S. .......per bar 5c 112 in. 880 yards-Laphen, Col- Macnab's grand-daughter. Eug- InFa 1c ville. Croak. time 2 min 43 1-5 sec.meni Mary Robinson Roche, '«as hurricanes ........3 Ib. fo 14c Shat Put-Rickard, Laphen, Col- arganist fan several years prior ta early Octal b. bag..per' bag 21c ville, distance 32 ft 812 in. PolI ac i,189 h sno«vs hwed uw 1 ......per pkg. 24c Val-rw.Wsmn height itiflg aur daughter in Honolulu, oeek) tw .......per tin 15C time 60 2-5 sec . tirne. I also was a member of St. aand rosIi Intermediate Boys John's Church Choir for several tha ra 100 yards-Kimbm.' Bennett.* i 3'ears bef are caming to Southern ite Fonub - * - n, time l sec. ri,ghM htiiN oth.-Wes Bowmanvlle Dairy W. H. Bettîrs, Prop. PHONE 446 OR 703 Bowmanville National G A PU" MEEI IVil. be bri undert League for Natio To explain the Aims and in tl TOWN HALL,1 on THURS. SI AT 8 P M. (STAi "CANADA BEF Sale'c IVill L,~ on Sale Thursday, Frid l9th, 2th anti 21st. The Red the high quality of their merci service - and the following lii the rule. 1VOND[RFUL - - RedI & White Coff ee, 1'ý Reci & White Tea, '/,' Oxydol .............. Fluff o............. GOLD MEDAIL RED Pitted Cherrig Tigeî' Salmon, 1,<'s .. Calay Soap......... - Bulk Redicut Macaroni. Red & White Flouî', 7 It Lux, large ........... Lily Chieken Haddie ... SUGAR CRISP Corn Flakes THE CANADIAN STA-TESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1935 PAGE SEVEN ', n 1887. 1 was born, ,d attended school in (CAM~E E T rs were, and ail members în's Church. With this tyou can readily under- .TusaSp.1t.-DntF l a h o winterested I amn in the miss the Chicken Pie Supper at ou are compiling of the Ebenezer at 5 p. m. A good con- *f Darlington. If Pos- cert at 8 p. m. Admission: Ad- uld like ta, have all the ults 50c, Children 35c. .ts you have published.Ck W eek . a Vrery truly yours. hce Pie Supper onTedy, Wm. Medland Sept. 24th. at Maple Grave Chur- St. athrins, nt. ch. Chicken served in abundancela o c ,J h s n St. athrins, nt. from 4.30 p. m. S.T. At 8 p. m. a o c ,J k so Sept. 10th, 1935 a 3-act camedy entitled "The ceived your request far Presented in the Hall by Janet-& Cr d ma s ne aver and have a little ville Yaung Peaple's Society. Ad- he Centenary celebrat- missian: Adults, Supper and Con- FAURN he aId church that bas cert 50c, Concert only 25c: Chilci- ETRN i a big place in my lu e. ren. Supper and Concert 25c. e invitation with a good Home made cooking. white ele-N W CO S leasure George and wilî phiant and rummage sale to be E O T wit.h a couple of num- held in St. John's Parish Hall. cIothe atitns. smart tls I trust wiîî fit in. It Saturday. Sept. 2lst. at. 3 o'clock. t. m in reinisent Bowrnanville Warnen's Institute ~.rnefo hc oslc 11 began ta think back Wilî meet in St. John's Parish range vo roanwpieht aslecta e'who used ta entertain Hall on Frîtlay. Sept. 27th. at 3 1 es in days gone by. and P. rn. There will be an address$150 Eff a Glover and Henry an "A Day with a Public Health :pear. Ethel King, Bert Nurse' by Miss E. R. Graham.N W DR SE Bobby Shafto. Luther AlI members corne and bring aNE DR S S Mosetta and hefnriend. I rpsadwos nio irny Goard. Bert Sauin- Corne ta the Bean Supper 1hat In s~'creFas av oite avedvet hs sister. Lottie Brima. St. Andrew*s Church on Fridla-Theoure ang s f ri-vev Iarn wonderinr, if Oct-ober 25th. under auspc,.s 0fTh rcragisfo these '«ho are stiîî in the Women's Auxiliary. Adimis- $4.95 up wiI be there ta join me sio 25c. 33-1 d story. "But some are On December 6th the ladies of :' "' wrz lurch yard laid., om St. Afldrew's Auxiiiary are hl.- NEW~.\.\\ MILLINERY sth the sea'. etc. ing a Bazaar. Reserve the date. Fred R. Foley. 38-1 ~ Velvet, velour and felt are be- '~j~ Y ing useti in the smnartest mi]- Coral Gables. FIa. linery styles we have ever of - Sept. 4th. 1935. CHURCHES 'k fered. eorge, It is interesting this week's Statesman. >irn and Distant Past" ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHUIRCH 1a little visit :1 paid ta Rev. A. S. Kerr. Minister , ow 2 eas go c- Mr.C. H. Dudley. Organist A nd oF Course » A ccessories d by my aughers Sunday. Sept. 22nd: il a. m.- You'll find nothlng sinarter in leather purses. in 'd Myrtle. 1 rernember "The needs of the ordinary man'; fn ult oiri anylneii creo delight it gave rne ta 2.30 p. rn.-Sunday School. Ad- fany olthr aceorinhantosieriin Cochr, or m araund the ald tawn uIt Bible Class. Dr. Clark; 7 p.rn. as ton&Cheranare fatuning. il e asih, J tn 'e always felt so prouci -Questions God Asks." A cor- syon &oo vdermaoureck- eatnow tha yils be shawed thern the "old dial '«elcorne ta alI. plosed. tok-weko ta oulb hale' dawn in Gaod- pesd s. just above the head ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN d. Many '«ere the hap- CHURCH spent down there with Rev. W. G. Blake, MinisterC o c , J l ns n 'Marshead. "B u z z y" Miss Louise Osborne, Organist o c , J h sn ;ags*" Goodman, Billy Sunday. Sept. 22nd: 11 a. m.- 1if. Harsey. Fred Heal *Resist Not Evil"; 7 P. rn.-The i a thers. Trait-or'; 2.30 p. rn-S u n d a y' be interesting ta know School. & ryd e rnan Ltd. ha is the mother of a ____ [y f eight, children that TRINITY UNITED CHURCH King Street PHONE 104 Bowmanville ler husband. Brigadier I__________________________ zar othTriig Rev. E. F. Armstrong. Pastar _______________________ iniare nateaniG. Francis Suttan. Mus. Bac. tle and hier husband are Organist and Chair Director ______________________ _________ unies of the Detrait Dis'- Sunday. Sept. 22nd, Pre-Cen -_______________________________ ey had an interesting tenary Sunday and Rally Day' f ive chiltiren but un- Il a. m.-"The Old Well". 2.30 DON'T MISS y tragedy stalked in andi P. m.-Rally Day Sunday Schoal one eight. the other Service and Offering; 7 p. m.- THIS BIG P C A killed by manoxide gas "The Golden Bell." You are1 velling in a car. cordially invited tr, these ser- 1 doz. Coconut Macaroons .... Reg. 15e 1hite and 1 have just vices of preparation for aur Cen- very interesting weeks tenary and Thank-Offering An- i Frit Loaf.............. Reg. 12e iBahamnas. It is rather niversary. Regular Value ................. 27e Ild town of some 16.000 itwo big modemn hotels. THE SALVATION ARMY SATURDAY ONLY - 22c dforts that coulti unfolti Bowrnanville Corps Ask our driver or call at the store. We suggest that e of some aId bucaneers Special Harvest Festival Ser- you phone to makie sure of your special. ous fame. The money vices Sunday at il a. m. and 7 i-pounis. shillings andi P. m. Sale of produce Manday TWO ICE CREAM SPECIALS lthe English custýor af evening precedeti by programme. Walking Sundaes............ 5c othe left is observed. AlI are welcome. Ice Cream Revels ............ 5e bank in the town. the i of Canada, a very fine BACEFNUYPCI oth by Silverwood's Dairy - The Best Ice Creain iThere are rnany one- PSO AIYPCI Jenny Lind & Ganong Bros. Choeolates, lb. 50e idles. muain aId negr The Pascoe family held its sec- le slow oin ht oss. ond annual picnic at Hampton C IB T I BA K E RY 5s o nt fmd t pssPark. Saturday. Sept. 7th. Eigh- .ke much speed in the ytopolwe rsnad 3ctian. The market i ytapopewr reet n Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bowmanville i ting place. goats. sheep. a prograrn of gares and races was much enjoyed. Mrs. J. Stu- rabs a bhel foi teart Wilson. president tof the as- erb- waerfon sh foilled sociation. presided. Members of 1Abr oe omnilD.W iewtrfoti ildthe variaus families spoke brief- onto; Vice President, Mrs. Gea.Abroae amnllD.W ng smacks. the corne in y. It was decided ta hold t.he Taylor, Hampton; Sec.-Treas.,ý H. Birks, Bowmanville. ny bring u nds ff re pienie on June 2Oth next year. at Mrs. H. P. Pascoe, Toronto; Coin--__ scrcing bnals ofufial Hampton Park. Following offie- 1miittee of Arrangements, Mrs. J. Ajkeieanegiseern ve, stock. mangans. or- Pesiwenteleed f or- R. Metcalfe, Bowmanville. Mrs. gooti except it is f resh laid. nippes.sugar apples and rsdn.Wse ace o [e risseen on1, i.n es. They '«ere there far away as Haiti. It m three and a haîf ai ta make the trip. re some very fine hiomen nce 1 was in Nassau 25 1W 3 and it is saiti that rnany aP rners became very rich rum running ta the ates during the Prohîb- ogt' The climate is fine allZ rDna em -ond but especially dur- Ine otsand many ar o ia R 25e Size, Saine nm Canada. England and Quallty. Nyow ýhave splendid winter No Strings Attached Nothing to Buy --________ ida we are now in thE Rayer Aspirin...22ce 39e saoSeptember anc A D E1 Pepsodent at.. 39 )er. Last year very few A' Lazor for Every Mvan Carter's Liver Pils, 22e 69e p but aîready (this _______________ have had rather a bati as first locateti east of Wardonia S P E CIAL [andi. one of the Ba- ravelîing slawly taward Razor Blades la Straits and threaten- but it t.urned ta *theI New 10w price f, o a e àe Flonîda Keys or Is______________

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