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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1935, p. 8

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PAGE EIQHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE. OrrA)RTOTTUSDfAV uSPT- 10+.1935' Puxishon. D. D.. President of the A FAITHFUL WORKERI should also give. The Christian Cxference, preached at the Mnistry s recruitec f rom the One undrd Ye rs o M etodi m orxiing service. Rer. Mr. olr ranks of church membership and., C U TC As Related to Tr*-niiy United Church, Bowmanville, which i5 noon. lI the evenixig the Rev.W shauld give of lher sons, w7ho hear Caurtice Sunday School opened Jeffers was ta be present but 0W- tecî fCrs Wox hh~ itî service Set. 5th with Su- holding Centenary Services September 29th and Oct. 6th. ing to stormy weather t'e w;as un- MethWo il odir s.Chrc ____________________________________________able ta be presexit and Dr. Pun- Btend, lVho tt'iighor s". he erintexident Jack Wiggaxis in shn Boisplc anvilldsoe wohadtec charge. Mrs. Lloyd Caurtice very Isamn2 ad"oyan aedsil s o n tcok isa e. hae ha som whohear thecalabîy substituted as teacher for Instlmet 2sai Goye xidmak dicipes f O Modayeveingthee ws .cf Christ and his church anid the senior girls' axid boys' class. ail nations". He wix.h Dr. Mc- a special gatherixig with a lec- obeyed. Prom 1856 and same years foi- Donald was chosen, set apart andi ture, pî'esided by Cal Cu- h ai eastenm fal of the regular teachers being lowing Bawmanviile caxtixiued as was sent ta Japan. it Mayor of the towxi. The cec- Frncisecarlema pears ase ameofproscent. Mrs. Harold Scargie's head af a circuit wth appoint-: lI 1869-70-71 a gaaodly and en- turer was Dr. Punshon. his suh- Frincseris other.nPpetrase- clasof junior girls sang very menus li Darlington Township. terprising maxi asmînisterigta ject. John Bunyan. *'Buinyani was anc 0f rthr.offirCIs-f xicely. Two visitors were pres- t~as ingont in the attendance af aver 60. There were years of growth in Bawmanville congregatian whichi certainly the Prince of dreamners Primative Methodist Church here. Mr. Wiggans again stated the nuxnbers and wealth served by had become a station. He wvas ianid Puxishon the Prince of Ora- iSa possibly he was a Darlingtonpaibit 0fhlng Cuc ministers whose names w e r e often cailed by his brother min- tors". M o.psmesundaiy oevelnixg in h erc hoseai ams nmany a'isters "Aphabetical Dixon" for his sThexi about. 1860 Jamese Mc- Methodist home from Niagara ta initiaIs were G. N. A. F. T. Dixon. 1 rhe following Sunday the p futre.oTomas8damsTreas Kinigston. There was Francisi Bawmaxiville by 1870 had in ilscoing services were continued witCun arcevdndstfoth urer of the Building Fund. was Coleman, whose relatives lived cangregatian quite a number of Rev. Dr. Nelies of Cobourg, Rev. a eoodly carnest servant of Christ. preseit after his recent illness. here for long years. William Mc- people who had become wealthy.,Mr. tepthes on adRer. Dghr ice !as bu.hi atr' ui Friends of Leonard Wenn. Tor- Faddn ws hre n 160--2;Mr hena nw ad lrge chrchWit thse ondrfu gaherngsness. For many years he served onto, wilî be able ta pay him a Fde a eei18012Mr1 hnanwadlre hrh1and this array of the fîrst and the Church in Ontario and then Ivst n~.Mcaî opti F. H. Jaxies, Carlisle Ave.. is his was cansidered xecessary and was trainsferred ta a congregati. grndo. ewa ncte u cxsiertox lasweebest men of Methodism as prea- staserdt ogeainwhere he is rccuperating fî'om a grndo. e a oethepinaledu osertnpaswr ý chers for the occaision the church in the West where he served for brokexi thigh, the rcsult of a car cer preachers wha weit. up and made and contracts let.. and 0h! f 1870 was dulv opened. Some years with great accept- tunn .ety nfoto i down the froitier townships.. building erected an the samne site. ance. Mrs. Nellie McClung. au- tuînîng di ectvaly in f'xi. his m no preaching the glad tidixigs. He! The building is described asý Another mile stoxie ixi the his- thrad eîxerýhs agtr-wie'ewsriighi'oo afien through the years vîsited his being built of red brick. ixi Gothic tor1y Of Church St. Methodist cycle.tue i hs auhtr daughter, Mrs. J. M. Joxiess. and style. it had ils tower with spire. Church is passed. There are some LATE JOHN A. fIOLGATE In18th name 0f W. A. Bun- Mr. Howard Flintoff has been was wel-kownfigte n ar I had17 taiiedglas wndos. eý. living %vho î'emember those li18 h was wel-kownfigue i ou Ilhad 7 saind gass ind,ý%S. incharge of repairs on the barn coxigregation in the years past. The gaileî'ies were on the two, Sîîndays. for parents were asked 1 A prominent Bowmianville citi- ner appears as recammcnded anid belonging ta George Reynolds. xIn 1866 Rer. Geo. Cochranie and sîdes and across the front. The 1flot t rn hi hlrnbutznwofrmr hnhl ,~t 82as h aeo .W On Fridiay afterxioon large beams Rev. Samuel Htînter were the; organ anid choir occupied t.he ita leare aIl the seats free for century was one of the outstaxid- Bunner. wr ose nopaeb ministers in charge. naines that gallery farixig the minister. The1 aduts-so boys of 6 and 9 were o okr x h chds m . hryas riidai bc f xeighbors, as was donc stad ui roinntl i th a- iacxi 0 th ogax ad hoi î~~home. Church in the Bay of Quinte helped ta Christiani life anid ser- in olden days whexi bar'n raising uals of Methadismi. Samuel Hun- behind the minister as 1it is at ýWithin the memoi'y 0f someCnrne . icgte. hodmeera yers fer ear-was ortprevalxit t an of ter was long identified with the the present time was the work of 1 they stili cali ta mind the re- s.e thes.hom ecetow n fotheien- ae hrti o aio Toronito Churches. tomne ears later during the pas-1 I r-at servtce under th-e direction a xiîmber of meni nid and young S.cte.i eeie oatemn leisure after working for Sidney 0f cr.Tho. FrcuonandRer j leded a hritia se'vie ay-i itry of Methodîst E. Church- 1 Brooks for orer 30 years. Upoxi Dr.Cocraxe rry oonafertorls f Rr. . C MDawll.bro.he-iniaw Iwhere and cverywhere. They loy- serneda, home field for' a few the marriage of Ray Brooks, Mr. leaving Botvmanville became the'It says that iiistead of box stovet Mr. Metcalf. hi.- rvears andw ' then wa- sent toxIndiaSot xdfinl oedt'o pastor of the Metrapolitan Church in the aisîts for heaiing Put-poses.) Serviceý3 Ionderfully successftil in ally siipportedi the pastar in aIl , easuprtnd thir iing adIail mvd o o in Toronto. While there he was two large hot air furxiaces were soii-sar-inr,. Mr. Metcalf servedi his w.ork and going wherever in-'lant. eis xd hiow ba r nt. ng Nichais' haute which was the aId chosen bo be one of the first miss- placed in the basemenu. The seat- with Mr. -Ferguson for the year invitedi to eerîy part of this dis-l 'lat -. H snwbc nU .parsonage:Mran Ms.Bok onrs farcuc ar ing capacity is 630 anid the cost without remuneration. trhýt. Many churches were re- i ccpigtehu vaedb They taid they wanted the besi S7500. lI the years 1876-77-78 Bow- rived anid sauts savcd. Christ's There is aisa the naine of A ccu.yinorthehuvctdb and wisest ta tend. His record The openiig tof this church minrilie was served by Rer. J. G. Kixigdam was truly advanced. T. G. Carscadden trained ini ou r. Sort.Wlhfllfo h stands efore he chuch anGeorge S.WS.shd felIh.freomsthe stadsbefreth chrc an hslook place on April l7th. Eastei' Laird. During his pastorale maxi d y ei wanilthrh .S hu Trh.o H e s eceiv- Ptop f his 2-soyhue adn î'eward is with the Master who Suxiday, 1870. Rer. Wm. Morley were braught ta the Lord and wide-awake. aggrcssive. and f rom cdb h oot oiee ice nx a pile of stonet. and oniy tuf- _________ fîledimprtat pace ix th t e rnksof ts embrshp mnyThis is at least a partial record fercd a sprained ankie. filld iipotan plaes n te te rnt forth temoterspla afrom 1830 Io 1893. Ms ly orie isJs chui'ch and elsewhere. wcarry th niusasowthepaetm Then we arc al glad of the xiew Ms ly orie isJs 1879Harng oce een a rry to e ,e clledas nisthtes rc'it h av n crdt ephine anid baby Lyle. risited To- 1879Havng oce eenand omewerecaled s miistrs f rclitsof Chriv andgoe frth: ronto friexids. knw Rv D . cowl. h tWord. cl fCrs n oefrh Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steff'sn ciltureti Irish -gentleman. 3.a1. During hi:, pastorale the unionx ia Poixiten. Clarencean and Mr. and Mrs. Peters. Oh 1 -udnvrfre i Irey fteMtoit hrhs-h Merrill Ferguson. Stanley Os- ,and kindness. Hec was always a- lPrimitive Mthodist-Bible Christ-bon.R er ret(ipe-a ,vstdM.adMs W - R o a l T h a t e bou.d neyaer'fot-ebsiresy aUc Mthd, pcurhes-Te on. Rbr obt. i r-Romhanyi. '<J cLAI ~ ou hs aserc usnes.riitii an-Episcopal Meihodistiand Mparatiesoxil.Oshwa BO M N ILEjthe sick. comforting the sarrow- Canada Methodist-taook place. Importani Dates: 1803-Nath- rs. C wthhrs Wels. o - BO M N IL Een. helpinça younz coco and wo- There was alto the coming ofj an Bangs and others prcached erteAdams.ersser is.Rb meni in their christian lires and i the Saîratian Armny in 1884 which ta the settiers from York ta crioAdas.rn a ee as ____rng____oi______th_1______ gea sirtul plftSmith's Creek -and East.ward. ohn Spung hlase aisi. ng ______________________ rparofGMthem fo s et-in l the ragt rceatspiiul pit1798-James Burk receired a deedMr.CciAas.mxyo tir beautiful cemnetry awaîtîng b18- e.C .Mltr from the crown for- Lot 16 where M'hi clAvegamds'cn mar- o Friday- Saturday - September 20- 21 the ccll cf the Master ta arise.! Iias thc mixister in charge. Th.- Bownmanrille naw stands and atl aedcrtos'nti itit IFor the years 1882-83-84-The fitst of the younger type of min i a l..ter date 't saw and grist On XV dcdrtnsay msdsrxing . a idnre- jmilIl\axistone'r'. 1823 - John Smith Trnsort tî'uck ad VVARNER OLAND infrane cf Rer. E. R. Younig appears isters. a good organizer anj ea Ryersoxi and Wni. Slater trarell- SihTasottukcue stiil remembet-ed by tome of the cher. Durixig his pastorate he eti from Yanîre St. ta Smith't much excitemexit among the puî- o ý.r mbers cf the concret-at- called ta his assistance for a series Pl fN. yciligit h Cha /je Cha in Egy t tcws hmo c e : rneîs1te issCreek. i;Port pe.1830-The pi f: bsiigxt h f specal meeings.nheEgysstet1 ait, or School wasbuit n ouhdiich alangside the west. nd 0f COýEY - CARTOON - NEWVS 1ces În en a dls.Agacaswr de ofKixiS'e ad 5 ýchers.When a oung mahîirdhe;purporae .uswor9 AfGfranieco 0f accidexits along the!« Matînc Satuday 2.0 p. , ý,out 25 ycar~s aId. stationed i ekranwhndad i c h:h~ h ui' nu he hi1,89-Afw'erhgwyhr asdacltl __________________________________________ St, Catharines. the Mission Boar'd, verq gathered inoathe Kixigdonm. 1 cf 184 ' lad ta-nnuii'e at home. Do 'uskcd hîni and hîs wife te accept, Evco if he were called a preacher omef ado acrci. i h avae te come home for dinner M n-Tus- e.-Spe br23-24-25 Pimei tNo-'yHate rdntarevivalist. he believed t'. rçdx1t minister. 1848-A xiew tdaY if therc's an accident?" Mon. Tues - Wed. -SepteiberIn th~e Great Lane Land. They: ir revivals axid meni, women and brc' hu'hws uitontepo The Council is ta be commeod- LESLE HO ARD nd M RLE BERO in 'esponded and fat' ton yeaî's ther c(hildrreo wcre brouLht to Chrîs' breckr te ! Tî'îiton 1870-An- cd for' its wo'k in raising the LESIE OWTRDandMER E BER N il abered among the bndiaxi tribes through his minisîry. ,. i bridgetaioCortice ta ehimixiat ether'aod more commocieus onebrdea oti Ielmne BARONESS ORCZY'S NIASTERPIECE of that regico. ieodurixig hardships,I Then there followed htm Rer.0tesap hr rd uta h sepati<on and isolation. H. S. Matthcws. who served Bow- jwa s built on the same site. 1884-tesap hr rd uta h Hei tre n fe evn avlefrtreyas 878 The Union of the Met.hodizt highwvay, which was very danger- DJ Heretrne an afer ervogmanill fo thee ear. 187-- the Bible Christian., ous. The road is bcing gravellcd The carl t P i pern l onoanc tewn charge he \VSs Sp- J. Here is anoiher type, a won - Primitive and Episcopal Metho- oci. When the goveroment comn- ipeioted tai Bot-manville. Some derful pattai and fair prcacheî s. 80CuhStanQen1 pletes ils share of the worka -Matince Monday and Wcdxicsday at 4 p. mn. difficulty araose as ta his appoint- Hearty in his greetiogs. full a! uited as onexi e gaio. wt v ery different road will be in use. 1ment axid tome did not wish toal Churchaser teSt.esineTexilargedid th frtao Camedy --News 1 receive hlm. in facit onemerc- of his Kixicdom was alwa3's his CneedhSfth e peope. 1925-iee on I nm oîmisalty inGgeravcl ____________________________________ bers of the Quarterly Board with- .irst cooccro. While caring fer af the Methadist Church fold saso!.ggrvle held their girings. It is said he rho aIder members af his congre- Caxada.Presbyterian Church anid about anc third of ils Iength. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - September 26-27-28 said. "Brethren I have ived on qation his greatesi concero was Coxgregational. 1935--Ceîebrated Miss Giadys Wclsh hasrcceiv- fish 21 timesa week and rau for the young people. urging t.hcm î0fth Anoiversary. c d cmployment in Toronto. T'WO BIG FEATURES cant stare me". Hec faccd histot begin the Christiaxi life and Noe:Temnsr ichge hehldnofo.8aeby tasks resolutely with faith ini the then f0 Christian service. Later oa!the The rheiislth in chargepThaild frcnhsof o8far uny George O'Brien in rmîghtY Christ who ha hd stood by ho was President of the Tor'onto of the union in 1884 were: Rov- der the able dircctorship of bath, himý through aIl his difficimit Canference. These ivere pros- E. Robeits-Bible Chr'istian;: Rer. icachers anid Miss Marion Orch-t cears anid did not fail. Hec was perous yeat-t for Church St. Meh- Joshua. Dye-Primitire Matho-j .1 r, uicDretone liard R ock lia rry 11nown i the t:wn as a maxi wheo dist church. Wiîh a growing dist. after th ninho went Io ___cil__ PaIked in the focisteps of His coaxstitucncy and an ixcirasng Manitoba and servcd tome years 1 Ip and ~~~~M about daixig good. mnembeî'ship. These were asi active ok retired ta FortI ORONCO 1c adIa fticno f t.he poor and xiccdy iith churches f illed with devouti William. was mayor of city for a 91a Zazu Pitts and ~Ia nd many a home wa-shclped %ý'aýrshippers. prayer meetings and tai idrcnty e.E . li spracticaly. With oxly an $800 .00 clats meetinigs well atteoded. Ycung had charge of the Metho- Fromi The News, Sept. 2h James leaSO in H t Tipssalar manywandercd how h These were cncouracing daysfo dist church. Ail the churches wcre Mr. D. Elîmott of St. Peters- ýr News - - ickey Mouse maxiaged to psy his way and give, bath ininisters anid people. aggre.esivc anid doing a splendid burg, Florida. visitcd his sister, cl his gifis. Then followcd the union cf the wr o onadcmuiy r.JmsTmln Maîc Stra a .0 .r.Teycahe spent in Bow- twoMehds Church Qucen Followixig the Union oif the Iwo Miss Claire Lcxinond has gone ta 1 nnvle eeyea's o intense 1an hr Ss Rer. J. E. San- churches these ministers have home ta Russell afier visiting her of COMING: evaogeîism. While tome i'cfusedI derson was pastor oif Qucen and servcd: 1890-T. Wallon Jalliffe: auni, Mrs. Harrison. di heîp and support the majonity cf Rer. H. S. Matthews of Church 1893-Calcb Parker: 1897-J. J. Mi'. and Mrs. O. L. Drummond hi Grace Moore in "LOVE ME FOREVER" the people, especially the yaung St. They unitcd and decidcd ta Rac: 1900-W. J. Jolliffe: 1902- accompanicd Miss Hazel Thomp- ar Shirley Temple in 'CURLEY TOP" railied aî'ound hlm. The congre- eniarge Church St. church and S. D. O. Crosslcy: 1905-Vernoxi son af Toronto ta Hay Bay for lei "THE BARRETTS 0F WIMPOLE STREET" gations morning and evexiixg S. room and callecd Rer. T.* Wal- Emory: 1907- John Garbuti: the weekend. h _______________________________________ fîlled the church. The casas meet- t"xi Jolliffe ta be their ininister. 191 1-H.* B. Kenny: 1915-Wilmot Mrs. William Sheppard, Zion, Mh ___________________________________________ings and alI wcckly meetings wcre Hec cotercd upon his wark ai the Clark: 1919-S. C. Moore: 1924- Hope. a former resident of Ken- is. ________________________________________________ argcly attexided. Then withixi Conferexice of 1890. Joseph Robins; 1930-Rer. E. F. dal, visitcd here. m chuchheoranicdBoma- xIn the world cf supply anid de- Armstrong, the present minister. MrtBrhalah e snR-i ville Evangelisi Band farmcd by 1 mand, those wha have or get. (To be contiflued) bert and his wifc, of Buffalo, N. il _____r., visited fricnds in Newcastle ni Geo rg.txfM. and Mrs. W oa!Co l C a!DUKE 0F GLOUCESTER'S FIANCEE KEEN SPORTSWOMAN andg, no Mr. and Ms. ae Wtr. vi< Coal Coa ! Co l! iHarry Rowc. underwent a suc- Pe ccssful operation for the removal c:i 0f the tansils, etc. ve Let Knight solve your coal probleni this ,r.LA.Dnisxcvig for the foundation and cellar of ex: Winter. Knight's coal has won a wideth w-orreinch p-dý circle of new friends during the past poebulig Miss Bettha Cain undcrwcnt a year. Give us a trial. We know you'II l.~ minor operatiaxi Wednesday 0f be stisied to. .lasu week for note trouble. Miss Nellie Colville brake a couple of small bancs in her an- Wels Coble - els Nut- WlshRane Ikie and heel when she fel f rom Wela Cobles- W lsh ut Welh Rngea tmcc while picking fruit. Buckwheat - Pea - Stove - Chestnut Coal I Mr. P. C. Brown. provincial auditor Ontario Hlghway Depart- Welsh lower ent, made the annual audit of BiginInn Lke f ays wer t .Y . -.4. e. .~ Lady Alice Motagu-Douglas-Scot whase en- gagemnent ta the Dutke o! Gloucester, son o!f thc King and Quexi o! Exigland, taok inter'national socicty centres by starm, is picturcd lefi) com- pctixg in a polo bail race at a Ranclagh ladies' sports meeting. She shares hen royal f iance's love of hanses, and is a keen sportswoman. At 1"%1ý Il ',A PROPER INVESTIGATION s Fnom The Christian Science Moniter Centuries ago Christ Jesus said (John 8:32), "Yc shall kxow the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Jesus' promise includes frcedom from cvery uxitawand condition, from cveî'y form and degree of illncss, suffcrlng, pov- discord peculiar ta the humaxi In the ycars that have ciapsed sixice these memanable wvards ~ ~ werc spaken, humaxiuty gcnerally has contixiued ta suffer, ta be miserable i mmd and bod y. lim- ited in happinets, substance, and ioppartunity. Why? it ~ -4-has not knowxi the truth which wauld make lu free. Very much like Pilate of aid it asks, "What righi Prince Henry, 3oungcst son of King George is ruth?" but leaves the question and Queen Mary is shown wîth his fiance, who unanswered because lu does not is the daughtcr of the Duke and Duchesof investigate and thus find out. Buccleuch. This picture, made thraugh "graclous A thorough study of the Bible permission 0f the ilng, shows them li the reveals that God la forever per- grounds 0f f aned Balmoral Castie, where they f ect and forever good: and mani Is were week end guests of Brltaln's royal couple. Hîs Image and likeness. This fact, We take much pleasure in announcing that we are opening in Bowmanville a LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING ROUTE This territory wilIllbe covered daily by our representative and you willIllbe given the best service and quality with prompt delivery. NEXT WEEK. just lorget about your big wasking and ironing 1 -test this arnazing new Swiss convenience Super Value- sel ice does ail the w~ork at a bargain price. Only exceptions are Cur- taiins. Rugs. Blankets, Comforters. Every- thing "PFULL Y FINISHED" PIECES 2 0 wearing apparel. 4 FOR 14C I Additional piec enly 5c each) You'Il be delighted with the fine work include pieces like Pyjamas. Smocks, Bed and Table linen. Uncierwear, Men's Socks, etc. Think of the savings! Could you 'wash and iran these items for on]y 5 cents each? MEN'S SHIRTS fulIy finished i this service only 5c each extra Also 10 Other Services to Choose Fromn KEEP WELL GROOMED Kecp that welI groomed appearance lith our superior dry cleaning. Our methods raise the nap, add lustre, brighten colors, and niake the materials last longer. IVe can take care of everything for the entire family, dresses, kiddies' frocks. spring coats. top coats, boys' wear, men's suits, etc. Our facilities combined with the expert knowledge afford this superior dry cleaning service. LAUNDRY & SWV8SS DRY CLEANING PHONE 207 W. J. Berry, Agent For RHEUMATIC PAIN! SRHEUMATISM SLUMBAGO SSCIATICA S BACKACHE Try a box of Rumacap,. The fiexi day of treatmeiit willgive you decided relief from pain. Attack the Cause--Permanent relief can only be effected by removing the une acd and other mpurites from the blood. Rumacaps relieve the pain while definitely reroving the cause. They w i aiso give you new health and vigor through their eleansing and ge nm k ilng action. Start your treatment today. USE BOX 0F Il CAPSULES-si OO1RHUMTI RUMACAPS CAPULES1C ALEX MeGREGOR- DRUGS - PHONE 92 that God is perfect and mani for-[ through study of the Bible, and ever the exact image and likeness Of the proper investigation of the of God, demands proof. This Bible. Mrs. Eddy has saici (Mis- proo ca be btaned nlyb",cellaneaus Writings, pp 196, 197), axisecrated anid prayerful thoughta'he Scriptures require more than and by investigating deeply thea simple admission andi fkeble facts 0f spiritual being. ï)cceptance of the truths they pre- sent; they require a living f aith, A proper investigation of man's that so incorporates their les- 'eiatianship ta God, what it in sons into aur lives that these cludes. what it entails, what il; truths become the mative-power of îermits, and sa forth, is impor- every act." ant ta martals. The unfolding of the truth about God anid manSaemn lsiid dislodges and destroys faise be- SaemnCasfe efs. human opinions, unfaundeci and ungraunded material know- ldge, and their seeming hold in i human consciousness. Thus a mortal puts off the old man. tha s. the aid. mistaken concept, of man, of himsclf, and puts on- i hat is, grasps in his thinking-, rie new maxi, the truth about the ral maxi, Go<.'s mani, his truc1 eif hood. These new views or isions of God and maxi, as the: erfect and inseparable cause and rfect, bring ta light a new hea- xxin an a new earth. . These are spiritual facts which i <ist even now, and which can be lscovercd. utilized. and enjoyed 07T ' The Installation Will be as Good as the Furnace AD when we teP. you the furnace will lie a HECLA, tlîat'o ail we need to say. Canada's rnost farnous f urnace-the furnace that saves one ton in sCefln over any otixer furnace-the furnace with fused, joints. If we install your new furnace, it wiIl bc the correct size, properly Ioeated, with the riglit size pipes and registers. And the cost will bc Iower than for years to corne. HEFCLA WARM AIR FURNACES FOR SALE BY BERT PARKER, Plunubet. PHONE 651W BOWMANVILL Local and Long Distance Hauling. Ihn 1J. W. KNIGHT Poe73 or 98 Taxi Service iriurt-oiiiii, ibn, ivia

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