PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR1O, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1935 A BOWMANVILLE FLYER The Real n0f Sport Royals Win E Titie - Defec (continued from page 1) when lie tried to score from se ond, Colwell to Moise to Osborn McQuaid was then retired tryir ta, pilfer third. Bownianville, in their half Sel nine men to the plate. MoiE landed the f irst pitch into dee left-centre for a double. and wer ta, third while Williams was beat lng out an infield roUler and bot men scored when Bert Colwel making his first start since b injury in tlie final Cobourg gai sizzled one down the first bas line, Colwell went to second o the riglit f lelders fumble. Tlil was enough for Church an, Bishop took over the hurlin chores. Corden whiffed and the Bagnefl smacked bis double, th bail falling just inside the f0u line. Bert only reached third oc the hit as it looked as if the f ield er would catch the bail. Botl runners crossed the plate an( Hicks was safe when the f irs sacker erred although it was ti second basemans interferenhi ,which caused the miscue. Tha, ended the scoring. In the next time at bat. Bow. rnanviile continued to profit b3 Plcton's errors. Moise was sali on the shortstops misplay anc stole second. Corden singlec sharply Vo riglit sending Moise tc third and Colwell, who had reach- ed first on a fielder's choice, tc second. Bagnell scored Moise witt a single and Colwell wa.s out try- ing Vo score on the samne hit Corden then carried the second run of the inning across the platE when Migliton on second fumbled Hick's grounder. That concluded the Royal offensive except foi Bagneil's drive over the left-field riYÙ LOVA ASK THE MAN WHO WEARS ONE! Ask the man who wears a ;alova Watch what he thinks of it. He wIUfciyou itis the flnest watch lie ever possesscd, etrlklngly handsome, a real reliable time-keeper, and a watch he is proud to wear. We suggcst you sec the model Mustrated. We will give you a generous allowance on your old watch on the purchase of a ncw Rulova. & James Marr JEWELLER Phone 463 Bowmanville Royal 1 BowW Another great series ci You'I1 regret it if you: Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - KATHERINE1 "A liceé Mlickey Mousc Cartoon, Plut4 Matinec Saturdg Mon. - Tues. - Wed. GRACE M "Love Me CARTOON Matinee Monday at 4 P. m.a Thursday - Friday CHARLES "BUD] "Old Man NUCKEY MOUSE CAR CO)MING SOON: Rudy ValIee in "SWEET M~ "TUE LAW BEYOND THE :astern Ontario -SPORT SIDELIGHTS at Picton 7 to 2 'In bis "Diamond Ditties" col- H. Carver, one of the smartest fence in the fourth. sports writers in the weekly news- c- Picton began and finished their paper field, lias hs o say about ne. run-making in the eighth. With the first game of the Picton- s Ing ne utRore stolld ad rach Bowmanville senies: ng~~~~~ ~~~ onuRresroldadrah Thiey tell me tliat Saturday's >ted second while McQuaid was game was the first entire game ntjsale at first when Eddie Hicks, pitched by Osborne, Bowman- ise who bias been Playing a gand ville's youtlfiu riglit-handen. He ep ecnd as, uggedMcQai'swas well handled by hic, brother I'orrest DlI ntp seadcoundaer. AttedM Vo s ,Dutch" behind the plate, who, ITechpa1tecn hard d ou-pa e te fumble. tarnm informed. is a reinstated pro. Diin.Hlas3yero it- doub enpla ingluedthand l- Be that as it may, catcher Os- meln atethe G 1odyear Tof )th Hudgin hnsnld ad al borne is nobody's fool when it setaVotathe Gfoyin eioushy il. thougl R.orke was thnown out at cames ta catching." on-ffto ta lying lu etisy Iils the plate, Bagnel Vo Williams ta "Bowmanville are one up. And securFing alen s ofyeis ie, Osborne, McQuaid who was iglit they deserved it. They are a difernt ta lisofisrd tse on the lieds af Ronke scored in smart crew, display a lot af base- a aerentinr on a cot rai on the mix-up at the plate. Prout ball knowledge, can take advan- abr no nacnrpi iis tripled Vo, lef t, the bah taigaae0fnybaktlrw ter bicycle wlieels. While a sr id bad hop just as Colwell was set way-and wiil be hard Vo ,eat in going on, Forrest could visio: ig to f ield it and Hudgin scored with their own backyardi-mebbe." waiting for a down wind tc en the other run. And this last excerpt shows on.13' Vo wait the twinkling cý he Box Score that George is a real optimist carried hlm into the famil, uiPictan AB R H PO A E when lie closes lits story with: Dad's bicycle wlieels. on Ronke, ss 2 0 0 2 2 2 "Wonder whene the third game-______________ d- McQuaid, f 4 1 1 1 1 0 will be?" ;h Hudgin, cf 3 1 1 i 0 0 ,id Pro ,rfb 4 0 2 3 0 0 George "Snub" Piper in win Centenary Supp 7st Laven, rf 3 0 i 1 0 1 ing on Saturday. chalked up lis heMighton, 2b 4 0 i i 6 2 thinteenth victory 0f the season. A d ii~ iiî at Thopson i1o o o 0 o Bowmanville, on Saturday, de- Greer, c 4 0 2 6 3 l monstrated what a well balanced V-Cole, lb 0O() o o o 0 team can do. In the f irst inning TrinityM ondaý Dy Bihop, p 40 00 2 0when the pitcing was abit feslaky. the rest of the team came (Continued from page 1) id Total 32 2 8 24 14 8 through with perfect fielding. wlien stationed on the Blacksto d Bowmanville AB R H P0 A E ~ circuit, and wlien Rev. John Ga o Moise, 3b 5 2 1 3 3 0 The only error committed by butt was the past.or. He express 'l Williams. ss 4 1i1î3 1 the Royals on Satunday was ex- best wishes on this centena to ColwelI, If 4 1 cusable. With a man on f irst, gathei'ing and liaped that al mn Corden. lb 4 1 1 10 O0 die Hcswa rin0o get a new vision oi the work -Bagnell. cf 4 2 3 2 2 0 double-play and in lis liur the future. idHicks, 2b 4 0 0 2 4 1 ube h al.A hti i Mrs. G. Elmore Reaman, T< de Bates. rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 had tlirown ta first immediately onto afrmr ebroft e H. Osborne, c 3 O 0 6 1 0 after picking up the bail instead co, eatformerag m ee n 0f d Piper, p 3 0 0 o 3 0 af looking towards second lieca~ratn.sgtre nu ,d_______ would have retired the batter and bers witli Mrs. D. R. Mornison a r Total 34 7 7 27 15 il saved himself an error. companist. Mrs. Reaman pos Idt ~Hud ess a beautifully clear voice ai Runs brunnerin-temptedgtarilier numbers were exceedingly wi Prout, Colweil 2, Hicks 3, Bagnell teal on~ "Dutch" Osborne and lie rendered. 2. Home-run-Bagnell. Three -j h himnra eer baeht-cuiPot Iowas retired-Osborne Vo Moise. Tecaimn eda lgr I bae hts-MQuad, rout Tw ..from Rev. Perry S. Dobson. Pnii base hits-MiNgliton, Moise. Bag- One 0f tlie big gest thnills of the cipal of Aima Ladies' College, ineil. Stolen bases-Moise, Hicks. aîternoon was Vo see Bert Çolwell. Thomas, and a former memb ILef t on bases-Picton 7. Bowman- fully recovered from lis injury of hs churcli, expressing regr ville. 6. Stike-outs-Bishop 6.1 and lis marniage, cavorting a- aV not being able Vo participa Piper 41. Bases on balls-Bisliop rudlf il.i these services. 3. Piper 4, . Mr. Fred R. Foley. St. Cat] Umpires-Young and Çrossett. Witli the return game wîth armnes, a former wel-known bi Hagersville basebaîl team sdhed- in this churcli, expnessed since uled in Bowmanville on Satur- pleasune on being invited Vo t] ,Jday aiternoon and aiso twa rugby celebration. By request lie ga, feac es M shed games with Whitby. the High a reading that lie lad given mai Scliool co-openated witli the base- times here and esewhere "'T I ÂLbal executive and anrangedi witl Staue o fLiberty", and on beir A t M aple G rove the Wliitby school o play the lcudly recal.led pictuned vr e rugby games in the latter town. istically tlie platiorru orations iA higlway accident happened two political candidates. on Tlursdlay evening. Sept.' 26th T'wo former members of Vi about 11.30 p.m. on the Kinýgston chairs 0f some years ago. 1% Roa nar outic, hic r Y oung Pigeons Fr.kF. Hutcheson (Ethel rb sulted in a large Freeman Trans-i ok.Trn, and Mn. H. port loaded with 300 baskets af Kniglit. sang in duet two old fai paches fnom Beamsville consign- Set Fast Pace aites. "Larboard Watch. Alia ed to a fruit dealer in Kingston; n bers rem" hsenr A Cievolt sd- Bowmanville Homing Pigeon~ Gnn wesa accoma es . M Oshawa was coming from the etb aeo udy ept.t2,Chufr Mac E wadn. Petstow and wlien the driver lad ta sud-bidrconStdaSp.2.afmerednt iVh o enly turn ta the lef ta opu two If rom Glencoe. Ont.. 171 miles air and very active in the D. O. &1 bicycle riders ging in the same line. Following are t.he results: Co. band wlien it was in its glor: direction witli the result that lie L. Richards 4 lins. 41 mins. 7 sec. played a couple 0f violin select sideswiped the truck causing it Vo L. Richards 4 hrs. 41 mins. 18 sec. ions that received mucli applausý oventunn in the ditch. Bath the F* Bottreli 4 lins. 46 mins, 12 sec. Ahf. is 77 years ai age. truck and car were considerably F.17 Bottrell 4 lins, 46 mins. 20 sec. Mrs. G. F. Annis, Ebeneze: damagedi but fortunately no one G. Batligate 5 lins, 14 mins, 58 sec. (Florence Allin>, also a f orme was hurt. Mn. G. L. Nolan, in- choir memben, sang witli muc: specton ion the Ocean AccidentT feeling and expression "The Hou Insunance Company in conjunct- ! Scout Troop Is of Memony" and "The Garden0 ion with Provincial Police Officen, Happiness." Both numbers weî Smith of Bowmanville. conducted 1 .... most appropniate ta the occasiai an investigation. the 300 baskets ixeo 5gL4iL Z d Miss Louise Osborne was the ac af peaches being f inally disposed dompanist. of Vo a fruit dealer in Bowman- The Finst Bowmanville cout One of the linest numbers oi ville at 2c pen basket. j Troap was re-anganized on Tues-j the prognam and which held th 1 day niglit at a well attended audience spell-bound was the ohi gathering of Youtli in the Public J favorite "Bobby Sbafto" nead b: Scliool Gymnasiuni. T w le n t y Mns. W. A. Quibell af Toronto boys turned out and submitted ( Bertha McWain). Many liavl thein names fan membership in j eard lien give this number ii the troap, and several more wlia the days gone by and it wua wpre not present have submitted their nequest liat she gave it o A~NVILEthe mnonth. chair. Mns. L. M. Keith, Tarontco _________Culimaster B. H. Mortlock had (Marion Van Nest). rendened twc charge ai the meeting and aiter Papulan numbers ai years gon( explaîning the ideals behind the. by. "The Sangs MY MtIei f outstanding pictures. mavemnent presided for the or- Taugit Me" and "The Lass witl ganization. The 20 boy wi the Delicate Air." Mrs. Keitl, miss any one of them. joined tIe troop on Tuesday nigltit as in old time costume and sang were Keith Slemnon. Jim Clark. these aId sangs with fine ex- Alden Wheeler, William Green, Pression and dIean sweet voice Don Venton. Bob Evans. Paulj She was accampanied by Mrs, -October 3 - 4 - 5 Symnons. Roynald Hoopen. Mark Ray Birks, sister-in-law ai Dr, Lambourn. Kelvin SYmnons. Don Birks of this town. Allin. Bob Purdy. Frank Osmond. Mn. Francis Sutton. the faith- HEPBBURN in Loi tus Papineau, Art Hoopen. Ray fuI and populan arganist, ai tli Richards. Roy Swindeils. Glen chuncli. rendered a fine violin Cole, Gilbert Mcflveen and Jack number ai old time airs that ev- A d m "Hat.ely. eryane spoke very highly of anc Four patrols \vere anganized, the numben was received with their leaders selected and the great satisfaction and pleasure, ta"s Judgment-- News name chosen during the evening. 1 Miss Liian Naylor accampanie< lay ai 2.30 p. m. The patrals and their aificers j at the piano. are: Beaver Patrol, Patrol Leader. Mn. Foley again deliglited tlie --------Bil] Green, second. Paul Symons; audience witli a reading that lie Ranm Pato, ar dr , iislleh.had iven at1-e ast40 IlIng at the Controls Vrais in the above picture is Fan-est Df service in the Accounting Depa.rt- Le f inst of the Bawrnanviile Goodyear y.Fornest spent bis vacation at Tor- Vo geV lis pilot's license. Fonrest's an aId dneam came true, but mudli when ten years oId. off the roof af Àon of bunlap wings and Dad's good 3peedy take-off down the roof was on himsehf up in the chauds for days o blow hini back Vo, eartli. He lad of an eye fan the down wind, whicl y's favorite berry Patchi, smashing en's Association. and heartily en- dansecl by all present. asa 1 othen deliglitfuh solo by Mrs. Rea- atman that was a fitting clasing tc a very hiappy evening. The singýing of the National y lAntliem. and the beniediction by Vhe pastar canchuded the pnogram, Previaus to the pnagnam the Sunday School orchestra provid- ck ed sevenal selections and Mr. "ar Suttan led those present in sing- sed ing a numben af aId favorites. nay J y IrniyW.M.S. lhe PresentsPageant 3nd The Mftenan Auxiliary ai the vel Wamen's Missianany Society a: Trinity United Chundli celebrated ,a the Tenth Anniversany ai the Un. ýi-ion ai the Presbyterian Cngrega ,brioniary Societies on Tuesday aften- ,ret noon. Mrs. T. G. Mason canduct- LVte ed the opening exercises. Af te: business Mrs. Tale spoke a few t-apprapnuate words in memory of ao ur thnee departed sisters, Mrs. J. G. Rickard, Miss FIa. Rickard anc ,eeMrs. E. Beilman. ave ears. agar sintrduced the Pag- iyMns, MacGillivary of the Pres. l'e byterian, Mns. Warnica- Mrs. ing Crowe ai the Congregation anc ýa-Mrs. Armstrong ai the Methodist. 0f eacl gave their tnibute afiloy- lealty and devation followed by this nse society. Er.,Mrs. T. Powen representing the )i-Spirit ai 1935 called on each ai J.the aificers in turn ta give a short y- accaunt af what liad been donc )y during these Vwa yeans: Reg. Sec. M- -Mns. Frank Cnyednman; Treas. Ir.-Mns. A. E. McCneady: Miss jManthhy-Mrs. R. B. Clarke: Lit- IO. erat.ure-Mns. W. B. Pallard: wi Temperance-Mrs. F. Jackman; P.Home Misss-Mrs. C. M. Sleman: ry. Foreign-Mrs. R. Stocker: New Ot Missionary-Miss Peters; Mrs.* se. R. Collins ai Africa-Mns. C. Ives. Tliank Offering meeting on er. Nov. 5t1. Mrs. Forbes, Pres . af snr the Dominion Board, will be the ch speaker. ,n.Oshawa Minister - At Rotary Club n ___ he (continued fram Page 1) d steps have been an advance and byyet witl Vhis advance we have ý seen the warld's greatest war, and . the gneatest ecanomnic disasten ai in histony. at Real progress is tested by wliat >n it does for the country, and thein idare many lessons ta lie leanned from the progness we have en-1 e joyed. Too many have the idea1 i. er ig Re.R J coric 'S. tbins pars. ins LesnVte rets i h ot n itig.Bgcroain n d egr a i ms eeiil buh Sna hi îgesta ce. aetle ibu ahr thi, anda aeain h peakrivr h daa i coprtosadeegr nta ,etaedbyinen i claraen. Thige Lugme ger and emai couei ldb, accbutmptished becausbie t wasat gress and its power in the creat- Miss Margaret Bruce with Mrs. Miss Sims, Miss Ruth Marlow,_, 1ion of better conditions and better Herman Hooey. IToronto. with the lat.ter's mother. feelings between peoples. If we Mrs. G. Sisson. Cavan, with M.adMs .Bna n ineglect the spiritual progress for Mrs. Henry Mr. ndMr. . onaman I th matria andssintifc po- Ms. ountoy;sons Ross and Grant, Mrs. Wm. tress there 15nd ontig heado-Vivs.a Albert Henry with rela- Patterson. Miss Hazel Brown, To- gres.threison ting. hedtiesatPurple Hill.I ronto, With Mr. and Mrs. Robt. disaster, the speaker said c o- Mis arDelR .,TrBl. dlus ion.MisMr ekR.NTrBl. Rev E F.Arstong Pesien jonto. with Mrs. H. J. Bell. miss Mabel Whittaker, )INtiss aiv tE.Clu.AndmtonPetiment a s Grace Mountjoy, M.r. Agnes Whittaker, Oshawa, at Mr. pastor of Mr. McCormick's ex- Cifford McGill, with friends in Jos. Archer's. pressed the clubs appreciation for Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Omnemee, this timely address. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wright and Mrs Ruth, with Mrs. Jas. Mar- Viitrsatth cublnlueddaughter Edith, Mr. and Mrs l-s miss McQuade returned to Rv. W. R. aTtclbon, A. W.W. Bradburn. at Meaford. Omemee with them. ARmy" A.Rms ton, A.d W. Miss Mary Corley, Toronto. at _________ Black fArtheongandwar Mr. W. A. Van Camp's. BadkW.f.theickaardRotary club Mrs. Delbert Beacock with fri- Ura Sufferer entertained Corn an .P ikrLiberal canf-j ends in Barrie. Pain and Bumpy Bunion until didate. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally Cress Corn and Bunion Salves re- Rotarian R. R. Stevens wlio witîi Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Neweil, moved them. At Jury & LoveUl's celebrated a birthday recently Hastings. and McGregor's Drug Stores. gave a brief history of his life and Miss Eleanor Taylor with frn- received a bouquet of llowers ends in Barrie. As a vermicide an excellent an Ms Brown, Toronto, rpato is Mother Graves' v%,itbI-thelater'sfater, r. m. Wrm xterinaor lit as sav- I BLACKSTOCK Nesbitt. ed the lives of countless hlrn Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston at- tended the funeral of Mrs. M. J. Heron, in Torontc. Mrs. S. Sancierson and Miss Evlyn Sanderson attended the in Lindsay on Wednesday. L IBERAL Mn. Leslie Mountjoy is recov- ering frorn an operation in Bow- Â manville Hospital. - Miss Vera Forder and Miss Eva Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sameis. 1-Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, Mr. andT WN H L IMrs. J. Hooey attended the wed-TO NH L bo ding of Miss M. Lillicrap, Tor- oton Wednesday.60W A VIL Miss Eva Brown and Miss Su- O M N IL LI Sie Van Camp attended an ex- ýY ecutive meeting of the Oshiawa 1. -1- Presbytery at Courtice on Wed- irr - Women's Auxiliany 0f St John'sd n . '7 1 rCliurch held a very successlul 8 P. M. -Quilting on Thursday in the com-____________ munity hall when three lovely quilts were linished for the bale. A deliglitful lunch was served at S PE AK ER S the close of the afternoon. A very enjoyable wiener roast Ho n. V/incent MVassey was lield in the Fair Grounids ony Wednesday niglit when fiftyHo.LJ.Sm on MnstrfEdctn Young people were entertained by Hn .J insn iitro dcto the League of the United Churcli Mr. W. F. Rickard, the Candidate Games were entered with ent.hus-an ote. .ej iasm and several songs were sungan tes ýfaround the camp flire. Rev. H.i J.e odal Ivtdto ted dBell delivered an address oýn the o r odal Iv dt ted -aims of the Y.P.S. Meetings af -the League will be held on Wed- C. Mercer, President. L. C. Mason, Sec'y. -nesday of each week. W. A. of the United Churcli -gave their play "He's MY Pal" at GOD SAVE THE KING rHaydon on Monday niglit. V Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy opened Slier home on Tuesday niglit for_______________________________ a meeting of Women's Associa- ____________________________ d tion af United Church. Mrs. H.ý J. Bell gave the scriptune read-1 -ing and led in prayer. Prognami in charge of Mrs. Jos. Fonder in- -cluded: Readings "Farmer's Trou- Clarence Marlow: vocal solo,i N ELSO N 'S "You go Vo Youn Church nd l'Il go tco Mine". Miss Pearl Wight: sMrs. Leslie Mountjoy played sev- eral selections on the pla3;er or- ;P C A egan. Lunch was served othe x x SP C A fforty ladies present. Mrs. Luther tMountjoy will be in charge of eOctoben meeting. Sunday School roins of the J United Chunch were beautifully sdecorated with exquisite gladioli. i 10 oe fisqult extra ev fulaS? the gift of Mr. and Mns. F. Tar- doe1is ult ev uifs- vis, on Sunday. Taîl baskets and! îndsriewih hs.NW fi hds vases were tastef uIIy annanged for oe ew eWigths.NwflSad . the Sunday Scliool Rally service and for the church service at Every pair first quality. night. Mn. Reesor, Port Perry, addressed the Sunday School on 1 the benefits 0f good attendance, Regular $1.00 pair and based many of lis remarks on the hife of Ruth. Miss Hazel X X X SPECIAL .............. 59c Mountjoy also assisted in the morning with a story. Sunday LMT AR OACSOE school services commencing Oc- rR,3PIST ACUTXE tober 6th will be at il a. m. Recent Vistors 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lamb Van Camp and fam!Iy visited Mr. adayMand nd .Tos mrth. W.Nelson's Lower Price Store Miss Marjonie Marlow, Toronto, witli Mns. J. Marlow. Mrs. Jabez Wright with Rev. Phone 595 Bowmanville and Mrs. F. W. Newel. RHastings. Opposite the Royal Theatre Mn. R. AlUn with relatives. Miss Marion AllUn, Newcaste. 1wîth Miss Susie Van Camp. - M__-MM__KELLOGO'S P~Zj~COR Nj FL&Es Flak es 3 for 23c OVALTINE 98C 5Sc 38e ORPHAN ANNIE CUT- OUT CIRCUS FREE ~~Cashmere M{éYMPure Soft Tissue Il?~H\Fp~lI 1000 SHEETS ~ 2 for 25c Snap Powder For Household Cleaning 2 for 25C -:FISH SPECIALS : LAKE TROUT by piece 1lb. 16c' Sliced .......................l8c IL BIEACON BRAND Smoked Fillets per lb. 20c BRITISH COLUMBIA Salmon by piece 16e si.. Lb. 18e WONDERFUL Laundry Soap Seedless Raisins CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Tomato Catsup ROYAL SEAL Bread Flour SCHNErDER'S RINDLESS SLICED Breakfast Bacon 8 bars 25c 2 lls. 25c 2 For 25c cwt. $2965 1,.;Lb. 20c HARRY ALLIN QUALITY - SERVICE Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanvllîe I ~ 'i PAGE EIGHT