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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1935, p. 10

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THE C ANALIAN STATESMAN, BOINMANVILLL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1935 Attedane Beak ai Reord atONTARIO BIDS FAREWELL TO LORD AND LADY BESSBOROUGH ed and will continue to conquer. i Questions for Discussion Durham Central Fail Fair a t Orono. ~D~hrgr 1 ow edsin stheroionaî1 (continuied frorn page 1) Fowers. Mrs. A. A. Rolph. Mrs.: 2. Wherein le h mtoa before the grandstand. a wonder- 0. W. Rolph. Mrs. John Spencer.' 3. Does lov' laseti sac- fui exhibit of horses and excell- Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mrs. M. oveifîcenai ent displays in the main ulig J. Tamblyn. But bulding 4. Who %vas the Suffering Ser- the free, happy. goot] natured and Outstanding prize winners in 5.nwht sense hsCrs neighborly spirit that seems to the poultry show included - W. - been iictorlous? prevail at Orono fairs. City f olk. R. Bal. Orono; Fred Blackburn, t.ownspeople and farmers travel Bowmanville; Robert Lunn, Or- miles to meet old friend.s in that ono: Mrs. A. A. Rolph, A. Ayrp., grand old boy reunion atmos- Hampton; N. R. And.rews, Orono; 1C D U phere. Ail seem to enjoy the mit]- M. J. Tamblyn. Orono: Alva B. S ry t eot t a r.E, way. the big hot dogsan the Farrow.' Newcastle; Newton Tay- Sorry o report wth sart r. E fresh roasted peanuts. Ilor & Son, Burketon: R o be rt .Snesni i ihsalfvr Best of aIl. perhaps. was the! Moffatt. Orono; and Dorohy Sympathy is extended to Mrs. ë real deep and luscious pumpkinLynch. Ororio. Norman Lathangue on the death pies. just like mother used to Prize winners in the swine ex- 0f e other. Mrs. R. Gillis, make. servedi by the ladies of the hibit included: C. L. McNeil, Pontypool,on Friday. fair committee at their booth. i Frasei-ville: W. J. S. Riekarà .. Ms ere Fowler gave her,1 Trials of speed and the horse Bowmranville: R. H. Brown. Or- home on Tuesday for a meetingi show found the grand stand fill- 01na: Newton Taylor & Son. Bur- ' of the United] Church W. M. S. ed to the roof and a croivd ai- keton: J. Douglas Elliott, -Jx- 'Mrs. H. Galbraith, Pr e i de nt. Most al! the way around the race: bridge. gave the Bible reading and de- trck o e abttrviwhu-Grain and Seeds l;vered a short talk on Paul 's life. dreds of men and] boys climbet] to ï, iwas decided to have a play in ~'the roofs of small bu ildings ci Bushel fal wheat. Mis. Ira pacif. ___upe i ctb perchet] up on trucks.u Lowe: Bushiel fal] wheat. liard. ler. Mrs. G. Fowler was in charge Hundreds of women and] girls l<v. W. J. Leask. Xesley Brown: anf: RCeings. rs. hncee TIV H F U1~ crowded arount] the baby show Eu'hel barley, two nanmed. W JQnd Msrs.eci] egsn uchV " 11 1 I heit] in he main biuld:ncg. Nin easlk and Mrs. A. H. Fourit] xva seved. a igt erous prize xinning babie..,werc 5:'Shcl ,whie oats. Anierican Ban- ILe-e hirda natsa picked long before the nui-se lac' n,- Wesley Browsn: Btîshel svhitce well attendet]. The progra'n I s mr t easfrv sa Ekm completet] weghing themn or be- ý 0- -e Brown, W. J. Lea35k: charge of Mrs. Cecil FergsoFu'wlifatrouik noigese! sd fore the judge hat] had a good _Buýh. ca..sle l.ýh:e.W l-and Miss Annie Fallîs. incliîded: u ýl1fatr o ienw s rtes look at themn. ~Bosn .Al:Bîhl peas. 5-il. ihe Bible readîng. Miss Beth Mc-' 1in many tlfexl)eCted ne ways o Donald James son of 'Mr. and] :ara n'.WA'Bon Mrs. Quade: followvcd by a discussioncot. Szsfiwme Mrs. J. J. Dunnontel:e. a :iLLoc i:: rm cars en the rin by Mri .Gl haIa-Lwe th: Mcr. -aiss L-ah McQ a l- admse. F'm.......129 month... was the first prize baby'Dorothy Ball. Mrs. A. H . Fotund: n ise.Io ..... in the clss undercihhtMisnshLsaSt k flineorn. Mi. in te cassundr eiht onts'cd an in. t, uînental: and the top- of age. Roland] Woodward. a son, Foundc: Spring wheat. sheai nHlnKle-ma i of Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodward Of named. Wesley Brown: W h i t e by iss.lnFwe:Rv .J Bowmavill, 8 mnths0f a~ Ai-Bell deliveret] an address on Lea- k Bwn cnize onso:whieintt.seaWse Brown. PR.l- Ontario o1flc.aî..y said farewecîî to Lord and top îcf t on the parîîinment buîîdJngs steps with Igue aims; and Mrs. C. Ferguson M r ~e rse ~ rv James Adams,sneof r nd l, aMgtals Lady tr~in a short but imprcssive cere- Acting P.,emier Harry C. Nixon. prc. enteci read -Some Ways of Letting Our Jawmredthdamsrize. Bet. boo, abe. . .Tm-mony az the !ila:ebuildings ,in Toronto. They ithe acidress frein the province. At the right. an-I1 Light Shine.' A iwiener roast AA e mr Fl rse r RoetLak o fM.adblyn. M. H. Staples: Carrots. ret]. fae -gr t nland,. Lord Bessborough 1 c~pcuesoste nIat onesw t i re of the season. RbrtW.J.L eask. f a non0f M. wan M . H . Stap es. R . Alln : Cabbage. now com plet.i e m as e e n rtee a f h( islxrel ec hails.e retbelow rcvepting t he lad R ce t isto sarrivin g . B e on h an d to insp ec t h m i thefirt pizebab inthe class wî,nter. R. Brooks, Thos. Phelps: I Canada. with Loit] Tweedsmuir' appointet] to suc- 0 f honor d-awn Up in Que<n's Park. Lady Bess- 1 M.C. Ferguson with M ko h tye h atraad h rc for babies 16 months o! age and] Carrots. red. R. Brooks. T. Phelps: ceet] hini. heir excellencies are photographed bo:otih 'vas prestnitedi with a hugc s'ieaf of roses., Russel -Mountjoy., will suit you. under. Norma Eddy, daughter of Cauliflower, Thomas Phelps, R. _________ Mrs. Geo. Fow]er. Miss Helen ------ _______________ Mr. remn dy f eca-Brooks: Celery. R. Brooks. Thos. -.~Ibt Foiiler. Mrs. R. Stinson, Miss tl re, aecn dyriseebaby, Phelos: Citron. R. Aiîn. R.Flower Show been despiset] and rojectedt ' Helen Marie Turner, daughter of Brooks; Mangels. ret], Mrs. A. H. fOutsandtpintgswînesinlte C I aySc I they have retainet] their national!Ms Doris Muckle in Toono Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner of Fotund; Mangels, yellow, Mrs. A. ClOI adMs oonoj. p red G o s A rv Newcastle was given third prize. H. Fount], Thos. Pheips: Mangels. R. Brooks, M. H. Staples, Mrs. M. fedprit gnusl bras beentbon.B- r0s. Torono wnfrind sn iotd o d r.CW.Sen0fBwa-sugar. Mrs. Fount], R. H. Brown: Brown, Mrs. A. A. Rolph. Ada I Each i .js en on.Bý os.Trot. ih rens -ville'acted as judge, whle Mrs. 0. 1On ions, ced, R. Brooks, Thos Annîs, Ms. LD. aHooper, ro M.Le sson diîgotteJw.GrayGeorge FwlratM. ya w mpr aîag spiyo W. Rolp wasthediretor i Phelps: Onions. yellow, R. Brooks. J.ty l.Lmaoe. M is. M. owDoo is ro.)bing herseif of many in-1Mran s.SAgur. stpe odflnltebai charge. Thos. Pheips; Parsnips, R. Brooks!J aby.Ms. IaLw,, oo _tellecttals. Christ also was a:MGe Mr. and Mrs. N. Argue Officers of the society respons- Thos. Phelps: Puinpkîn. field, FI thy Lynch, Mrs. W. Farrow. ISAAMcGee. MHE uffeinSevt.a ano r-Hu n. Osana, Mrs. . arr etc. from England. They have js rie ibie for the auccesof the fair Black. R. Allun: Pumipkin. pie, Domestie Manufacture ISIHPRTASTE Sffrnievate a f. MiHaust. awa. Mrs. R.hParr- and we invite yuto isp tthibtermr include Russell Osborne of New- Thos. Pheips. R. Brooks: Squash. Lady's puliover, crochetet]. Doi-- SUFFERING SERVANT iýo%%*s and acqua.nt.ed with g castie, President; W. S. Moffatt, summer. Mrs. R. H. Found. Thos. othy Lynch: Quilt, appliqued, Wat Musoni s, wh fo hr its M. an Mr. R MGil a Orono, first vice-president: W. H. Phls qah itr hmsMs ae ageo;Cmotr udy coe t as been threatening the world Burnt. River. Svice-president; J. C. Gamney. or- 1 R. Brooks. A. H. Fount]; Tur- Ifarter. fancy. home madle. Lorna Golden Text: "With his stripes For a ltre farce may make a ono, scretar; ant M. H.Staple. nîp. swee, R. Ain. Ms. A. . HoaprrMr. F. B Whyte-Bcd-we arehea5ed-Isaih 53h5wgleatshow f stregtb.tbt wha on, ereay;ad . .Stpes ip. vet . lin rs A illpeMr, verdict of thecenrur- Co Orono. treasucer. Faunt] Wateirmeions. R. Brooks. spread ebroideced. D arao t Ihy 1Lesson Passage: Isaiah 53:1-12.,j il es?1in aligo ý0 ch o n t nC Directors include M. J. EiottMs .H on] oaos al.ILnh c.F .Wye e We beseech Thee, teach man- Sufrn for Others, 4-6 LIMITED Geo. F. Annis. T. W. Jackson.F. Thos. Phelps: Potatoes. late. Thos. toivels. hant] macle. Mrs. F. B. kNo ta live together in peace. Thfrig B. Lovekin, George Cain. H j lPhelps. Mrs. A. H. Fount]: Best Wht. Mrs. Ira Lowe: Ladys N eThtîgte ek~e writer of the f if ty-third Mr. and] Mrs. Percy Peters, Te- K' Strt PHONE 104Bom vie Souch, Roy BaIl. O. Cowan À. J.exhibit. garden or facmi products. scarýf.eknîttet] Miss Lai-a Hoop- man hatîng the strong, ýchapteir of Isaîah bat] a convict- ranto, visited at Mr. R. Griffin's.1 ton, O. W. R.olph, Wm. Airn- Sons. apron. Mrs. F. B. Whyte, Mi sIa destiny, Itha] rven a large part of1-ilsj put hîs new barn up this week. 1 ____ LFreitChiand puilovr, knit, rs. Unfetteret], self-respecting. nation into captivity. However M.anndca ili M r.ttn n] tr. D. McLeana, Car-ln- rant r.Hr.MLuh L a dyon g, J r a n c uN. M etealf . Bj Frulecis a a pples . . . R lp C h ild 's play d ce s . arlessi i e wem ay app o ve of the prin- an B lanche Sundaye t] a t M r. nington A d dir ecors G ncF ude i. . B s o l c i n f î a p e , W i . O . R olph ; L adys pull- !e 1es.c ple, i t is neve theles a a f act an t] M c. Jam es M cG regor's. M r. and M s. L orne K napp and cL aughln. B u et n s e t AR.H.tron, Mss G. aF. nnîs. lM- .H. Carruthers & Sons, Neil Mut- oe.knîit. E. V. Byers. M s. o. W. Heart Throbs in Words 1 that the innocent suffer for the Misses Verna and vera Griff in' family spent Sunday at Mr. and' Sunday at r. Wl e R.H ron is ain 1el ton, W. S. Bragg: et collection Rlp: House dres. Mrs. . W. i For the fourth quarter o! this1 gulty. Conscriptet] boys wvho and] Miss MLean spent the week- Mrs. S. Nottngham's, Myrte. Laughlin's. manMrs.F. Backurn.Mca.A. inter apples. W. H. Carcuthers Roph: Verandah jacket, E. V.l year 'the Uniform tesson series 1 have no ili will whatever towards ___________________ J. Bigelow, Mrs. Caci Bîllînga. &- o., Neil Mutton, J. Gardon Bycrs: Sofa pillow. Mca. E. Dean. 'deals wvith the later prophets andj their neighbocs may- have ta die, M rs. WS . Cteil. Mi s. . Co pe,I a nn: Alexander, W . H. Car- M c. F. B. W hyte;- Plain s mock. leaders o! Judah, from Isaiah to in tropica rn h sbcal rn hî e a se of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs.W. H Caruthers.Mc.M utes Neil Mutton: Ducheas. Is. Ira Lowe; Sofa piliow. wool, Malachi. Why do we in the twen- the lust for power ocf a war lord. IJ. Elliott, Mca. Adolph Henri-,I G B. Bîckle & Sons. W. H. Car- Lamýa Hooper. Mis. F. B. Wbyte:i tieth century study about men Parents oftcîî suffer More be- Mrs Rssel shone Mc. . L IrubeS & Sons,: St. Lawvrence, D. Rag mat. hooked. Mca. E. Dean..1 who livedi in a amaîll ]and] twenty- cause o! the conduet of an erring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JG î bve s o, n . G . B . CB i e k i e & S s : L a H o p . f i e h u n d e t ] y e a ir s a g o ? O n e s o n t h a n t h e w a y w a r d b o y h i mi - So ensean . . GH. C arrths Ladies' lVork rea.son is because these men were -self suffers. The sins o! human- H.Cruhr.F.B eei- itstanding prize winner s in focceful persanalîties who b t a evl pntetne TAnw.. Ni .Itîn W. H. Car:uhr.F .Lvkn this exhibît iwere-Mrs. Ira Lowe_ ItUeur word]s. deeda ant] character heamt of Jesus while some of the SnosNei Muton 'ý H ar-Nora Gîbsan. Mca. F. B. Wbyte, have suirvivcd oblivion. Another I worst offenders werc. unconsotis M IN RD S uýhe-..,& Son. Cranberry Pipp:n, Mca O0. W. RalpU, Mca. D. G. reason is because no other nation; o! their sins, It is diffîcult, to F. B. L lain. G. MBon:Bic- Hoolx-r.Mis. J. Eogleson. Mca. E. bais hat] sîch a succession cf lunderstant] why tUe bcst inan inenlyCarruther. & Son. F. B. Le; ekin:i ae.Ms .Wtte isU people are stil a suffcringlsuffei' as Christ suffered, yet his t 1 la wapedarun te W. H. Carr.uteis & o . olection China Painting, 6: people-witness te persecutions redemptive work ouît] nt ave LU NARD'S In:oeb~~~~~~~~~~~botle . . B L;c:n G ýB.BvrsMOnStario.xsJ.Je- soB. avLtoove-T E -sate]efecivndti Wile;a B. Sn.wape aoudth C. Gamney: Bread ai-d butter, Gccmany, Nor~ can ive be un- cf ecase. pîcasuireat]fet]omn In,-. eS I:aeMs. G. Biclae MsE.1 inindiful of the fact t.hat Jesus froîn pain. Chîrist bore our;sn .\Iu on Base S. L W, i .ers adwc ray. china, stut]icd the prophets and] fount] voluntarîly berause Uc was 50 r jG N elNiut.J.onbo; Baske t La- j rs:Sndi E. B. Byccs, Mca. O. W. iîiiîîself in sympathy with their sensitive ta the sinfulneso! is cuT CO GH rncnD. J. Gibson, W. H C Gar- Ri Salat] bowvl, bant] paintet]. teachi ngs. Isaiah especially ap- The lVay of Sacrifice, 7-9 N irE. H Mc', . DolU . B. indiuealtn. Te i'fYtit.îsùe tijrs U nu Etc ICruthers D. J. GMIbson: G..' - * T edxok 2ica i.ccer oUJwsat Cntas, n o b efotian t ad nie ctive, Îis au t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fwe Juta odti a sfrrbig nc .B ikn .HCr-t-F Bohtci. D. . s Hoo pr. Sr fIsiawht ec ri- spteor CvngeEH tagh tht oiASTHpaino sBfns. cs: ect.bHern uyW.H. a- Ottadn inesi U vn.Tewmtmwsanata nwen shult forieni se bt ty a ladaffctv Sae g~.r.seiW. J. CBr"g. sNeil a Fnd er E.ibit wei- Aneas et.ial piectrca. A fîratio raniltis sno, that igistatiudmîe t] Il roLal ST M C HaodF ihe~c0.LdTRAMPo 'o R hoe Iat]Gr-nne W Wdell. Miss E. Wa]dcl. W.E.AB, indake usreogized it a s tgi asume. cftims. e fogav j M.H arte., luttn aia w'tton:Kî. E .Bca.LornaHe~c.1ad3ieln rmadn IPte iodneth. We can- W H. arrutcis. eil Mtton eop er. Mi.. , Eages, M.contines Bta yeld adeperimean- act but biieven thlat hewld efetHrdathoae r n îxd o Et.Iii uhes D J, mcn W -JC Gxhbît iue] is.Rat . 1i- Nhe atoad s siah,1-3 t] im Uerpohis r o! ntepar-Sesaion, jut s od hi wyarubing l per.G. B. Bike. W . D r- . J.Gison .Dooth.Lnc. Vio R. oi- ay oheThe hs chaper refSera- oraai f UefaheLUfmgE- ilerswortb.hAda AnnisW. Mca.aR-Hsiteo r Wng.He Cht ou *"pino sifns. ruhedon. G. B. Bcki: 0oFleisb adigvner n t1 antUeThe wih naioa n or ta th n e s ng cxc ie n i svty Vae ___ Yello ae elo ae Sags ABca: u ty, G. . . B rkg el 'l, leA&- S ans ""ere - A easi r ah pct et] c firt rigthe srg e tatist nt] he it et -o Hmi .,îýi &C.Ld. oono RoeIsadGie in, .Wadl.Mi.s.. Ealcs, .A. m. akeius . ___eitas Barsumer f2ins. eFonrgeein oe 'W. He. rtbî e uns. N e utn:R I L e, Ms. JE. D e n i. ut on tnueh s tUeo ii nalxv p r i t cm etaliat e eve wathilc s uffering ______________________Forand__ î2 ron:thcebuchs lak ies .in te. m tie ou igto! a he inten dagois %vo crcfi- VPkg k T am blynn . G . rrB r. Bck e . e x ib , n lu ed M. , . - t N asu fti n e i in 3 i vone s a i n a ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _S on.__ _ F .__ W .___ ___ ____ ___ _ N E W T O V I L E j I . ereî a bt tUe n de sc ion i lse o fe th e It i ai sn i ca n t hweo a o &P r e t o .P A C a g o l pe.dn .B ike- lrihBon r.J.EgeoM r opthe JwshtienCrit. fythe hr oe. fulet]Chinthe - BrsAISINS -abl-z.ikg B ,G .Bci ý os L M . E. DMa. R s. unnel n] aufeinga nd pe seuf tieon in lifuean da utb h i t 4ii 2 1I "2k lb.rpîiry w hths frps he uchsgen .Ay, H .milond. ee ust f Egyp st he Ass rin ata bylon . r-me t iki vng i e say in g hic Tin RUA Mc.Brann:]tMca.bJohn Culah. ian cativi tis, unrto m an-Christeseatt ies cfnreiit- 'onP-Skîgale ~~ ~ Misa Peacl Samis G.siteBicrient]s dominatin saeie in ait] tUeonce ant] forvingvosewas de-forr A ndYLME5RiQal Messrs Meviie JncsrntoSi]. omeatuile rc yas tfe vg ervant.plexcepi Coîît]enscPeCfeckio BEAUTY CULTURE La~~nstermae Iasue tp c nermahbutitheprdecitoa isi ete fThe V s giictory. 112 Uset Laelsfet\ iLlTE o 2Tn boeturning Tueofsheday.shmans on theUetal ffl IsqaîtaLcescf entîn Wax peopl andai-id Mrs. hriO.BiJ.ffHenderson.e fufcacd isvte cRISN- Toront . -id M ai-idR. s.nlw. d ufeigw. wrocto'* ii if nd decri t fe Christ. but sthat Tlaie tUe latteamiter MisThs. gp, nAsranadB long resrn ilgnch e d, n hate so u O àSAHV A W A K'4e-1 Affacli th@ Cau$O- Permat relief cai on Y be effeted by reiuoving the friend, Toronto, visitcd Miss lady al HA WArirn 1Pîaeat]Hrdba]tepVe 7 udc acid and other Impurities [rom the blood. Rumacaps rc eve the pain wilei zel Reid,.SHA A at] power te miake his cross a2 o s s i I Miss Bcula Raliowellta- catessen] him to deth. but Chrst 21< 2 fe a 7< -and H Up - E lb I tb rough their c iea nslng ad g em k iiing ac to n. S a t You r teatm e t today. L U D Y a d1 s n i z o y i s s c s " l a a t BOX 0F 50 CAPULES -$1.00 oiîs !ttI nut dîcn] DRY CLEANING il h oe'nm, u op3-, &21R USEWIkesbailal nutUeen" pow et cf Jess' nam u oa k I6 a C Rast lb 1 de5ltiyreioin te aue he w a s ee ueiw eit, udvior Satucrday aftcrnoons inci ilitary j .LAU DY1 -wltness .te i ndas ife. TUeIIBoLS O R U M A CA P SPetoriaRSouth fICcais try- ,P, W IONE 152 m:s os *'la II- [ ?h1' :84 _____________________ won by force but by truth and _ ______ ALEX MeGREGOR - DBUGS -PIIONE 92 ipriva te truck ownei's.I - love. TUe Galilean bas conqu>er- m

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