~anab tan With Which Is Incorporated The Bowrnan ville Newvs VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1935NUBR4 ROYALS WIN EASTERN ONTARJO CHAMPIONSHI Dcl cal Picton Two Slraight Capture Tille for First lime In History ot Local Baseballi, Bowman ville Royals - Eastern Ontario Champions Reunion of Former Members Features Opening services ol Jr inity Centenary, Celebration BwanvillE nter medi- o Rev. Dr. Semple . .. O<A > Oshawa Pastor is Semi-Finals after Spec- T i. Speaker ý tacular 7-2 Win Here yJ.ea da<R tr Saturday 'President Bay of Quinte 1 '~~Rçev. R. J. McCormick Bakn ptespr icig Conference Issues Stir- . Z . Urges Spiritual P r o - ring Challenge at Even- a! George 'Snub" Piper with brill- . gress Kept in Line with iant fielding and taking advant-1 ing Service ' Scientif ic Progress age af seven Pictan errors in the ; Pars"wstetpca first two cantas, which combined A stirring challenge by the 4! splendid address delivered ta Bow with six hits yielded 6 runs, Baw- Peîeta h a !Qit manville Rotary Club on Friday Conference, Rev. Dr. James o!fyRv .J comc.mns mavleRyla audy Belleville, was the feature ofai a ter a! King Street United Church, Bowmanville traunced the Picton vr agl teddeeigsr Oshawa. Mr. McCornxick was in- Blue Sax 7-2 for their second vr agl teddeeigsr troduced by Timn Garton, a farm- straight victory, and by the wmn vice at Trinity United Church on; r<ebe o iscngegtovi became the Eastern Ontario In- Sunday. .In teheembr o!his otheegatonn- In te monîngthecon-~ ~ ~ .Western Ontario. termediate Champions. It was the: gregation had feit the warmth of Progrthelspeakern said w second consecutive round o! the Dr. Bowles' message o! prospect.aco artvl mde wr. playdowns that the Royals have' T he Conference Presidents The ancient world did flot believe taken in straight wins, and their theme was -Re-Thinking the . in progress and Plato hih f ifth successive win in the play- Church" a termi ancient in the' .-l-i.fh e was a mere circle in hc of f S. history of Protestant Christianity. events repeated themselves at Piper. helped out af a tight spot The Reformation itself was the stated intervals. -Marcus Aurelius ir. the first inning, when his team- period in which the people gavespka!ifasamrfuca- mates cxhibited some sterling de- themnselves over ta re-thinking the ion and deprecated the idea o! fensive play. settled away in the clîurch Dr. Semple said. advancement. second framne and was neyer in The important question of ta- The progress has onlY been serious trouble. being ai bis best day is "Wbat is ahead for the heard in modemn times. It per- witb men an the runways. and it, Church?" Not very much. Dr. haps had its arigin as a f act. when was unfortunate that the Ione; Semple answered, if we cesse ta, Christopher Columbus discovered Royal fumbie sbauld result in believe in the belief s.af aur .. -.,:.Aeia Pirt httm h the two runs Pictan were able ta fathers if causuaîness is main- i- words inscribed on the Rock a! pry from his afferings. Only in tained in cburch relationsbips Gibraltar "~Non Plus Ultra"- the seventh and eightb frames and if Christians will not admit Pîctured above is the team wbich brought- the Eastern Ontario "'rhere is nothing beyond" illus- were theBtehex Blued mrecaecivadicipe.dnymhothie icerhancsvoId IneimdciplCam.ansîp a Bwmnvile or he irs tie n rommen Lo al iats he eelng f teLorcdta than ane hit and but eight were tbey can get alang without Gad basebaîl history in this to4n. On Saturday they meet Hagersvile ard pragmess.1 gathemed during the entire gamne. 'will f inally confess is errar. T. vI~y'~iqvo in the second round a! the Ontario semi-finals. A gaine bchind. llIIi hnAerica was discovered Onlya sadebehnd he itc- To vtalcaues ! popls~A Ac~5avAA5al those who saw~ the gaine on Wednesday are confident that theA eD V I ' a new autlet for men's thoughts ing of Piper cames the sparkling apathy toward the church werel lcal can overcome this obstacle when the teams clash here th' a ry.,adteybgnt fieldJng ai the whoie team. Paced outlined by the speaker. First, Monday, Oc . 2 lweed Reading fram mgbt of graup, back row. Lau Raenigk. InuflinCr s expand. With expansion came1 by that veteran af. more cam- Gad was preached, »not as the, dîrector; Dan. Williams, Frank Mcllveen, Ted Large, Dave Osborne- study and further expansion and paigns than lhe prabably cares ta father o! Jesus Christ, but large Harry Osborne, Cecil Dudley, director; Second raw. 'Shin' Moise as the years roUIed by revalutions ~emmbe, ih arenwh mae a atam cnîomiy t a r- MrhatsAreotfloe iNewcastle, 'Scotty" Cameron. manager, George Piper, Bob Bates. J. Wesley Knight Suf fers, brught about the opening a! the twa hard ones look easy. bath in al standards. Secandiy the spirit Stores on Monday In- Bill Bagneli; front row, Billy Roenigk. mascot. Bill Carden, Ken From Concussion of the doors a! democratic gaverniment. the eîgbtb and one caming witb a af Jesus was not semîously applied Cale, bat boy. Ed. Hicks. Absent fmom this pîctume are BrtCal More recently aur scientific dis- runner an third due ta a triple ta, many walks o! life. and par- stead of Official Day, well, and the Newcastle contribution ta the pitching staff. Bill Brain in Bad Accident coveries in the realmn a! motar and one sway; every player f ield-' ticularly industmy. October 24th Brunt. The photo is by Roy Truli. Ebenezer. * o Ontario Street cars, radia. and airplanes, denote ed like the champions they are. We daim wisdam and power for-I __on__ the rapid and marvelous progmes At the plate. Bill Bagnel was peace and goodwill in Christ. and: Bawmsnvîlle merchants will ob-i ~ i At 4 P. m. onThraayMT. we have made. the only batter able to salve the yet wve look araund and see We w lo arud tth southpaw siants a! Bishap. wha threats o! war. If we are reallyserve Monday. October 2 lst, 'a R o alS [D ropn rirst I,.arne of Knight was stii unoncou. Whrgen wmae. lo around at the came ta the rescue of Ran Çhurch ta make this world the haped for Thanksgiving Day in perfemence *J. Wesley Knight. prominent! and at the samne time see the in ti:î,.initiai inning. Bagnell, 1Chi t he mwe are cme dta he Dominion __ - LorFlage sville otmenvile busiess manis tne with a double, home-mun and ta restudyth Gospel o! Jesus. ta __ - i a s o H ge s il precariaus condition in Bow- - wsnt, thate deratione an te sigl t hscrdi acuned fîd ht us b urprgrmThanksgîving Day on Thursdsy. __ maville Hospital as the result a!o sr hteitoecno ma f help but wonder whether this pro- three of the four bits which Bis- 1Wt he t-htI-aePTeHgrsiltanaeara accidenxi gress is real or an ilusion.te hop grsnted. Mfter those fii-st twvol ContInued on page 2) ition bas been circulated and WihCe! ot ha-taks TbHarvietam reaea- on Ontaria Street, Wl-en a tax speaker, said. We feel! that'hsi sessions Bagnelî's fourth inning -________sIgned as follows:- Aaron keeping the BowmanvileibaIl club. Their school-teaching driven by Mm. Knight was invol-the We. tbe undersigned merchants bludgeans strangely silent and1 first baseman is a boney. 5ev- ved in an accident with another (continued on page 8) homer %vas the only bit recorded Mr. John M. James repîresent- beireby express aur %villingness ta wlitb the Hsgersville ViUlains1 eral times hie saved bis infield car driven by Alan Prout, son o!f ___________ b3y Bawmanville. & e The Statesman at a gathering1 close aur respective places of bus- combing the offeings of Dave errors by di-gin, bad throws out Mr. and Mrs. Tom Prout, Bow- LstoprzwinmatE i- To start the game Piper wvalked, -eas£,etieso odY coe21in Oson an GerePp7 nvl.Thacdntcurd the fist man. forced tenx I' pcerep recnat e as cu st essan ofMnday, Otbr 1 n-O mn n Gog ie fr i te ci onshe atching andmavie Te ccdnt aciumrnd onetahost n as on t tîrda.Geeta Mtas a te en-stadai husdy.Octaber 24, tweive sahid bits, Hagesvlfetor d bas etosalomsueai the intersection ofOnaiad killen and Omono Schaal Faims and~~~~~~~ thnîsedbs-codîe ha Hotel an Tuesday when a as Thanksgix':ng Day as set spart ramped away witb an 11-1 vîct- up but the centre a! the infield Victoria Streets by the Publice iib ulsedi etwe' ticket ta first. Prout then dropp- ofevewa th- 1936 McLaughlîn- by the Federal Government. amy in the first gamne o! t-be oB. appears weak. Chief Aan. be- School. Accordîng ta information Saemn edbu a igeit hr e 3 uick autos m'as ieatured. The Shauld the goverrnient change A.A. Semi-Finals on Wednesdsy sides limiting Bowmanville ta lui nished police, Mr Knight was Rorke wss an easy out at the plate aîrty wss also taken on a tour the date oi Tbanksgiig a an-aternoon on the Chief's home five bits. t oe n rvn oard town fram tbe C. Speaks Here Sunday conined n age8) thraugh the plant.____ other Monday. then thai day v.'ll diamand. triple, but is nat the besi pitcher N. R. statian carrying with bim ____ -autamnaticaihy become the day in- The Rayais. indulgina in one that the Rayais bave faced ibis Richard S. Harder. 6 Maple Side stead ai October 2lst. ai their periodically bad per- season. All in all, just s real Avenue. Hamilton, who recetved F re eto rahs At Trinity Sunday Signed by: Dominion Stares farmnances. were no match for the good all-raund intermediate teamn. a fractured caliar borie and ýtwa ForerRetorPracesLtd.. Naborbood Shae Sor.Ma' smartly playing Villains. but. al- Moise scared the only run foir factured ribs in the collision.ý Harvest Thanksgiving Clothes Shap. Norman Gilmaire. tboughi outclassed on the suter- the visitars in the first inning Pr-out came off Victoria Street Sevie a t.JhnsMasciu & Dale. Arcade Stores. F. noans play, knowing whaî the wvhen lie walked. was sacrificed into the path af the Knight car. Service at St JohnsC. Pethick. Osborne Bras.. Ev- Bowmianville teamn is capable of to second by Calweli. took third He was operating the car on a be-X lyn Sbop. Alex McGregor, Selrite daing and judging Hsgersvilie by an a psssed bah sund scored wbiie gînners license, andi as required by The annual harvest thanksgîv- Store. James Marr. Kerslake's, their7 Wednesdgy showing-ihey: Bagneli was gaing out, third toa a vt bmAbr et ingsevies i t.Johs ngi-Drug Store, D. H. Janiieson. W. L. cauldnt be better-we feel con- first. nutt, 19, the holder ai a chauf- can Cburch were attended by: Ellîtt, Nortbcutt & Sînith. Caucb. f'dieni thai the Rayais will take 1R HEferIicne large cungregations on Sunday. Johinstan & Cryderman. Frank temauea h ok ilisIBwil 100 000 000 - 1 5 3 The twa cars met with terril ic The churcb was beautifuily dec- Page, C. H. Dudley, T. A. Dustan. on Saturday. The Rayais have; Hag'rsvilie 003 302 03x - il 12 1 impact, the Knight car turning orsted with ilawers. vegetabies, - . .DdIon.i.Carrn F ae back before. Tbey can do D. Osborne, Piper and H. Os- aver ibree times befame comingl fruit ad grai. whil an th ai- IKnox<. A. & P. Store. Rice & Ca.,itain tam was placed the traditional W. C. Caverly, J. W. Jewell. L. bre ao n .Cak. t et h aanwDdc 10sfa! readsud bunh aiW. elso. Ms. dithV. co-was smashed beyond hope of me- 1 grapes, representative of the food bell. T. W. Cawýker. Jury & Lo 4 ra sR c r spiwietePatcrw S otI and drink wbhicb cames af the ehl. The Canadian Siatesman. F L eLac i t 5 al aae.Potadhsj. barvesi. A communion service, ~ ~__ cmpanion su!fered no ill e! fecs was hehd at 8 a. m. when the Big iDurham Central F air at Urono f bro e acdetbt e A.Y.P.A. lheld its corpomate conma - Contents, ___________car______ ____bruises munion. faliowed by a Commun- .on nL Breaking aîl former attendance DURHAM DRAM.A FES1TIVAL Knalig'saraanrte ou ta ion Breakfast in the Parisb Hall. reod-iha n es fa IAL OEBR2 . calis' Garage sudarthe Prot Rev. C. R. Spencer, irector, was Destoyed n Fpropltean inrels eo!a FINLS OVEBERofn crotiGatenSyGarae. e clbatath comno tthe annuai faim at Orono af Dur- The finals of the Durharn had canducted an inquest at the ______________ Dustan. J.e The rafast spekTo Loassla Heavy to w'. j. ham Central Agricultural Society Counfy Drama Festival will be scene of the accident. Chie! yen- DusanJr Th brakascauck-luded on September 25, was 1 held In thc Community Hall ton was accompanied by Traffle Rev. Dr. James Enalcott ent aiSt. TM ar A .Y.P.A.,Pom Stainton at Enniakillen: t'le best in the bistory of thea ewatl nNoveme Officer H. R. McKellar, of Port Former Maderator af the Un- den ofSt Mak'sA..P.., or, t sciey. it clar riht ur- a2NecmalnrA. B in- Hope. wha is acting in ibis dis- ited Chumceh in Canada. who wili Hoe Tepeahr o hedy _____________ When Barn Burned 2to sCmmadieiy.B With dleaher brighteakr sunrn1t Hop e. T.e rA Nindfor ter- chine the joy af rural faim dîr- aig founder of the or- trict for Traffic Officer Ed. Pur- eteeeigsekra mnt wsry .. ret.r in of John rcRe .P.erso- . .Ground Last Thursday ectors. slraads tmuly led ta Ortonst'el nTues- ves ;who is on holidays. Cbumch Centenary o! Methodismn fraçn 1910 ta 1917. Mrs. J. A. Distinguished preacher an d Fire completely destroyed the with spectatars. despite an in- mutemaeoth cr- ianleHstlweelews Gunn presided at the argan and minister a! High Park United large frame barn and other build- crease i the size o! the fi yMiss m adeBto telere- - foan; i e Hspitl ere he wascon seilanibems were rendered by Churcb, Toronto. who wîhl be ings of W. J. Staintan ai Ennis- grounds ibis year o! two and a f2r ui t fuinofta b ufeing Atf5o coc speciacatlelyOctober 3lst. cusio ofthebran. t 5a'do - the choir undeir the direction o! guest preacher ai Trinity Church killen last Thursday morning. ta- hall acres. eragousrexpcd on W nsiy afron M. WlimShotter. on Suuday mornlng. gtgronpsheseso'scoe Ofpes nddtedos f haffewa sil noions ______________one_____ad_____fai__________________as_______ente________________wil Kn whlithewillo Q ~~eral hens. Most of the impie-1 vieweo the cowd ana nearu the es.Tetr btslet H undreds Enioy Centenary Su pe ments were saved as weil as seveni tumnstiles click. Money jingling wed byT thudgestelapear- head o! catile, four hogs and 1 in t-be cash boxes braught reali- e teJdswl apr O id Time Concert at Trinity (2hurch large bull. whicb were in the atian that ample funds wouid be in the finals for the Nancy buildings wben the fire was f irai available ta finance the larg Mainwaring Trophy on Nov- notied. riz lis andimpovemnsmade ember 22nd. Fuller details The Cettenary Celebration was 'Blesi be the Tic that Binds' fol- M. p p 0wsawya tetote runs f the festival w:ll apea continued in Trinity Uni i e d; lawed by a very carnesi prayer, unie and a young farm bhand was Extra land acquimed by the dam- ltr Church ain Manday eveniiig wben b e.S .Au, oao o-lf in charge sud was doing ectors ibis yeam fmom the Henry' membrs i ib Woen'sAs-mer well-known minister a! the chores when the f ire, whlch evi- estate mnade oom for the display the pebrvid te a exlent s-Bible Christian Church and later dently stated In the siraw. was of iivestock, poultmy sud the spec- 'Tu ïpit I iedan aieleto the Meihodisi and United, wbo firsi noticed. The boy was able ial exhibition a! Durham Countyi Y u Own Paper «ippcr and over f ive hundred per- bas donc a splendid wark for the ta get the cattle, bogs and sbeepBoS' Cal! Show. So succesaful sons sai onttnecletdlS !Gd oui af the buildings. and wlth the was the faim ibis yeam thai dir- mneal served by the ladies in the Mrs. J. A. Gunn, (Gertie Caw- help af nelghbors. inosi of h ectors that day ialked o! pur- Dld you ever stop to thlnk sebool room. Everything xvas well ker i a f ormer organisi o! ibis i împi ements were hauled ta acbasing sevemal more acres o!f of ail the dît ferent phases of aranged aud though the cmawd chumch. endered a very fine'- place o! sa!eiy. Besides the lar- land, adjacent ta the faim grounds community lite that are cov- 'ras large all were served without number sud so pleased was the gem building, 80 by 40, wbich con- ta enlarge the groundsansd pro- emed lu your home town pap- ý.'n lsier - audience that she respanded ta iained 65 loads o! hay sud 1500 vide for a bal! mile race track In cm - The Statesman. This A social boum was enjayed by the encore so beartily extended ta busheis o! grain. theme was a1 place o! the present track, one- wel< you'll flnd news of base- ,Id frlends In a happy reunlon her.i smallem building, 25 by 50, with third o! a mile lu clrcumfereuce. bail. churches. accidenta, e- when hald-sbaking, greetîngsansd Rev. J. U. Rabbins. Llstawel, a! pig peu, sheep peu and heu bouse. These iniprovemeuts wîll be unions, merchants. war vet- rerniniscing weme the arder o! the former pastar, saîd be was in Tom- iail o! whidh were destroyed. The made, directors laimed. provld- crans, school faims, county day. auto aud juat could't resîsi cam- bass was ouly partly covemed by1 ing that Omono Faim becomes the faims, ncws of the present, Preios o te roramth ig dwnan exresig hs on insurance, the polcy belug car- recoguized County Fair. news of thc past, haif a doz- stundiiy School orchestra provld- gratulations on this occasion. He' ied wit the Maple Lest Insur- Speeil Features en speclal Interestlng feat- ed several selection sud Mm. Sut- recalled the splendid pragressanc ompany. Mr. Staluton iold Speclal features that maire Or- ures. You'Ili aet a real per- ton led those preseni in slnglng a made lu the work a! the chumch The Times thai bis bass would ono Fair famous ycar suter year spective ot communlty lite In number o! aid favorites, sud the uew diffîculties confroni- run luto approxixiately $4.500. werc by no means lacking this West Durham when you read Pompily ai 8 p.m. the chair- lng the yaung people of to-day. year. There was the baby show, the Statesma.u every weck. If man, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, op- He sald he first preachcd in this Nearly 1,600,000 bunches O! llvestock exhibit, trials o! siecd 7 are flot aIready a sub- ened the evenlng program when 'ibis church sanie 26 years ago bausuas were shlpped f rom Hon- scriber, see the apeclal offer ail Jalned heatly lu slnging Coutilued on Page 8 duras lu a reent month. (Contlnued on pfge 10) lu this lsue. i 36th Battalion H-eld Re-Union Mayor Ross Strike Prin- cipal Speaker at Gath- ering of War Veterans in Bowmanville Satur- day ___ "Evemy time I sec thase boys march, I say ta, mysel!, They arc the boys wha have been ta H-eU sud came baek again," stai- cd D. R. Mormisoni speakingata the annual me-union o! tbe 136tb Batiahion au Saturday uight, sud refcrrlng ta a conversation he had beard. Mayor W. R. Simike was aiso anc o! the speakers a! the even- iug. "Head table gentlemen have been dcplorlng the persistent de- pletIng o! attendauce each year, but men, you will have to expeci your numbers to gmadually dwlu- (boutinued on page 12) Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles In- spires Large Congrega- tion at Trinity United Church Sunday Morn- ing - Special Sunday School Session The Centenary and Thank Of- fering services in Trinity 'United Church were favored with fine weather for the opening on Sun- day morning when a splendid gathering of former members of this church joined with the pres- cnt congregation to celebrate one hundred years of Methodism ini this town. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor, presideci, and, these memorable services opened with the grand aid hymn "Ail People that on Earth do dwell," f ollowed by prayer by the pastor. Mrs. D. J. Chambers sang a solo very nlcely. The choir of over 40 voices rend- ered the anthem, "Te Deum", by Buck, the soloists being Misses Margaret Allun and Helen Argue and Messrs. O. Nicholas and I. S. Dale. The pastor led the con- gregation in reading the 84th Psalm, and Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles, Ex-Chancellor a! Victoria Col- lege. Toronto. who was the guest speaker for this service. read the lesson from St. John, 4th chap- ter. Mfter the hymn "The Chur- ch's One Foundation,"1 Dr. Bowlea chose as his theme "The Pioneers o! Canada," basing bis remarks on the words "These ail dled in faith, not having recelved the promises but having seen them a.far off." Heb. 11:13. He referred to the men and women who lef t their homes in the Old Land to corne to a new country and make homes. They were not like many who corne here now. They were not the general run. but were from. farn- ilies with high ideals, men and women who had visions. They crossed the ocean in boats that took weeks on the journey, had few coniforts. but much discorn- fort. Crossing the ocean now in boats that were shamelessly ex- travagant palaces was a very dif- ferent proposition and is slmply (continued on page 11) Mrs Ashlee Honored By Churcli Organizations 1s Moving to Toronto For many years a faithful warker in the Sunday School the iWomen's Auxiliary, the Ladies' Guild. the Junior Auxiliary, and other organizations o! St. John's Anglican Church, Mrs. H. E. Ash- lee was honored last week prior ta ber taking up residence in To- ronto. At her home on Wednes- day. teachers in the Sunday School gathered to bid ber good- bye and an their behaîf Rev. C. R. Spencer presented Mrs. Ashlee with a beautifuUly bound Prayer and Hymn Book. Mrs. Gomme, mother of Mrs. Ashlee. was also Presented with a box of choco- lates. Both replied briefly ex- i pressing their regret at severing thei r connections with the school. 'On Friday, at the meeting of the Women's Auxiliary at the home o f Mrs. E. S. Senkier, Beech Ave., Mrs. Ashlee was presented wlth a silver cream. sugar and tray. The presentation was made by Mrs. C. R. Spencer. president of the W. A.. and Mrs. Ashlee repied. Keep iipformec? on what la go- ing an in your community by reading The Statesman regularly. Special affer balance of year for 25c to new subscribers in Durham Caunty. nored by Many rto Leaving Town Re!lecting a donunity- wide Your deep sud devotcd inter- feeling a! regret ai iheir depari- etl h oko!teCuc a ureta iv luTarnt. M. sd)been au inspiration ta rnany Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Miss Lena ihmougboui these years o! lovlng Haddy have been honomed bY service. numerous arganîzations in the Yaum iuvestmneut o! love In the pasi week. Mm. sud Mrs, Hsddy. i! e a! aur youth bas had an. who bave been !aitbful womkers 1 ciernal siguificance. Your fidel- in Trinity United Chumeh and in ity in the cuterprise o! truc and sevemal other organizatians. will undefiled religion will ever re- heave bebind tbem a wide circle main a worthy example to those o! ficuds. who are carylug forward the The OfficiaI Board o! Triniiy standards o! the Klngdorn o! United Cburch, wbere the f am- God. ihy bias labomed for mauy years, Your uusclflsh consideration of pesented theni with a purse o! the welfamc o! others in joy sud silver dollars sud an address. lu sorrow wlll ever be a preclous The addmess reada as fohlows: memory; for your fireside bas September 27th, 1935 ever been a place o! warrn feilow- To Mm. sud Mms. F. A. Haddy 1 ship ta those who have felt loue- sud Famly:-' ly and weme lu ueed o! a helplng Dear !ellow workers lu the band. kingdom a! Grace sud Lave:- While you are movlng froni our Having hearucd o! youm near e- midst wc are glad to leamu that maval froni aur midsi. wc as The you wiil be l ic e idst o! your Official Baard o! Triniy United devoted f amily. whose felowship Church, wish ta express ta you wlll continue ta be your sustain- aur very stucere appreclatilan a! ng joy. your lite sud work lu our coni- We know that the Heaveuly munlty and lu the Christian Father. who bas kept you these church. (Coninfued on page 4)