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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMMIIVILLE, ONTAItIC. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1935 bugI tcm u et.i necuie ihLUCK -Manshudethmstro Gi 0 i~ m ~ ~ 4bgg haaam utbstcarnenont.wihHOGGING THE ROAD T e L n aa e circumstaneÉ adntisvc~ Om " n 45,R i84I So one woulcl think that common sense would The. .ioGng and ad luçk is but.alTerl ________ a Th realimantheflot now mai Established 1854 urge the use of lights and other means of increas- B Scribe G. of instances. for- good and bad quiet. calmstaatOse n A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the ing visibility. But the police have to check up .0fusmok urnu-frieluck: ai1 etiel. cowno f Bowmanvillie and surrounding country, issued and force them to obey the law. To protect their .S. ~ oa I eof s cour mir- Hopge noîh n i halyuck: ndll behl.o e eiv nl At Kn tet omnileeyTusab .A w ie!Something wrong in their mentalefec pouribabîlity b the Poaiiý sta o James& Sons. owners and publshers. The Canadian maeep.nt baldness. Some oteso rprd oeand n eiv ncrusne Statesman la amemnber of the Canadian Weekly News. ia upforeardesairat hei ow deie papers Association, also the Class "A" Weeklies of enordfmdbodie s fet Canada. Terrible Comparisonsotesfusaecuedn SUBSCRIPTION RATES_____, "'seer ilalyoluk.efet-E ron George Harcourt, a char -_______________________________ Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in the United States, It is almost unbelievable. but it is true. that, in atrI ly oga'lts $2.50 a year, payable In advance. Single copies, 5 cents. spite of the grievous economie condition of the atri ly oga'lts word tday th ledin naion wil tis ea '-.~ ~ -èbook "The Green LigVbas woIitdy h edn ain iltier be a strenrthenIng siantfous THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1935 spending close to five billions of dollars for am-W ar linvdusInKER L K ' R met f war. The. terrible incne of this Or the Long Parade. Everyone ' Newspapers and the Big Interests can bc judged f rom the fact that in 1914, dluring of us is Important. No oneW en eT tYoînesiULrAsu d f ive months of which the world was engaged in a important.atiAiltexcessesi tend to equalize themselves Aslt aifcîni i n rc Politicians, from their leaders down to the corn- major war, the total expenditures for armaments in the Long Parade. Sick mon wardheeler. seemn to use a political campaign1 and war materials was less than haif that figure " ness - wealth - mlsfortuneFREE HotWae Bote as a means of license and consequently a very H1ere oare some of the figures of expenditures for , pvry-luck - love - are large percentage of the campaign election talks "ntoa defence" by the world's leading nationsllndeo 1ntos NOj An Ona nn0e Eer1ote uca. on the radio by these speli binders consist of out- as they factually were in 1914. and as they are maetshanged o g a perfee itha tstorero right untruths or thinly veiled truths. Unfortun- planned for the present year: esParadee nd ife, prores- oîcsfree wtith în efrm thi i ately there is a section of the voters. who are 1914 1935 either too lazy or too disinterested to do their own Great Britain $368.220,000 $ 585.990,000 *.dlssy nîr and pre- of Ovplate.e fulareguaranteed3at thinking, who believe anything that their pet pol- France 117,455,000 726,149.500 $"fa motn stemni 3 9 9 8 itician cares to tell themn on a broadcast. One of1 Itaiy 78,871.000 385,483,000 fonto yu r heon b-45 the most flagrant abuses of the privilege of free Japan 573770.160 282,324,760 hindfront Df your t oebep Pablum .. . . ..i speech is this effort of politicians of ail political Russia 757,561,875 1,563,893,750 . o . n se. Don't bu n the el- atoe. 0 faiths to mislead their hearers on matters of Germany 771.745,890 355.394,820 4 man ahad. Do't lag ndithell prime importance to the welf are of the country. United States 244,600,000 711,500.,000 -' . 10w Dexti Maltose. 80c Ell Then there is the type 'ho deliberately states $.9.2.1Siuibs heenvcovIonise Yas. c89cClj Malt an falsehoods with the hope of arousing the enmity Totals $,9,2,1 4607580ue ots cIp- esae.1. of one group toward another. This is notoy It was considered back in 1914, that the ma Ou odyPovnia Gvrnetsdeed nmoorss o te Rev. Dr. Semple Vc' rp 9 5 se whc a ol ed liael oboose. ith. What, then, can be said of 1935. when the major portion of their revenue, even though motor vehicle ow- DeiVickirngW mps Dro s.23c 350 heet One statement which has particularly affected nations, discarding the lessons of the past, are in Caenaa Del _____________PrcntftePpultio us as a newspaper was made last week by D.M. now spending twice as much as they did then on in___Canada. _____Sermon____________________ LeBurdissecetay o on ofthepolticl pr-armaments of war. under the fallacious label of o isteim t b ldu ties, in the present campaign. On the radio this "national defence.' Is it any wonder that there V(lI(XI~D I continued fromn page 1) agaînst wne colds man macle the statement which was published in is economic chaos when s0 much of the resources YOUR W OLJDIJandu MIV iNE for the future. This leads, the the newspapers and has not been den.ied by the of the world are being wasted on the forces ofBYJ N .KRWO speaker said, to the matter of re- ~u u~.o îe j speaker that the entire weekly and daily press is destruction? YJH C.IRWO thinking the church. Use A erst10-DN £ CodN controUled by the financial interests.____ (Copyright) Fundamentally the first man.I 4 oz. 67c - 16 oz. $l6 ner in which we must re-thi nkj ____________________________ This may be true of some of the metropolitan Collectively I hscnrbto oTeaitsn rmna okr ei We murc st be a osofing chrc dailies which are owned by financial interests and Inti otiuint h riaso aulwresbgnW utb osipn h. 1IVe deliver in town or country at no(xr ot Statesman 1 am going to saye Worship is realy Aorth-ship, or lg ' ~ L ~ W I someimesopeatedfortheitbenfforAndinehis ewspperconvntinnspaker semisobeem-spmethng boutnaentanisal arpngkenesthemomet tey gbin Godhis ort. Woshi j PONEt9he'.momentlng ths. A. TRSSE category only a few of the big newspapers can be bued with a great desire to impress upon the edi- ies and earnings- smtigig no mlr-n uthvervrnebcue e-P .C wi g includeci. To include the weekly press ini this tors assembled a sense of their responsibility. The which. I trust. will provoke, J C X, erence is the essence of manhood _________________________________ broad statement is a deliberate falsehood that we c4portunity seemed to be seized on by one and thought. And perhaps I shaîl CmnlyI wages and salariesland ________________us___________the______________ aiix-inndith whatnoJ mayuasaytareercceteixminedthbyhthe market sîns.wil keep us fro the giser_________________________________________ fee mut e d ni d. or eas w h ve een ac- al an su h s fot unu ual at oth r onven- something about prices. price for the partcular kind of1 Under the theme of worship we ively connected wth the weekly newspaper organ- tions attended - to tell these editors of weekly Sometimes You hear it said abour which an employer is buy-I have got to have a change in the izaios. ndwehav yt o cmeacosson nws-nespper hw heyca weldaninlueceinthat prices are determined by the ing. Thus. there is a market architecture of our c h ul r c h e s. paper which is controlled by so called fînancial ther communities that collectively practised wiîî law of supply and demand-in- Price-for the labour of carpen-, They must be beautiful and must with old be lagely instrumenalein bringingabout ail thecluding the prices paid for human ters. masons, bookkeepers. typ- speak Of the church's object. Can interests. Wetrumentalthereiare stibut aalfehelabour. In a broad way this . uts. teachers. preachers. teachersive uvonder they are flot more con- time political affiliations but these are annuallv reform s necessary ta the salvation of the Domin- statement ma y be true. but it isl0f singing,. labourers. This mar-i ductive to worship when they re- getting less. For the benefit of the man who made ion. It is well that most of those so addressed do not Drigidly true. Take the case 1ket price is governed in part by semble Pî'acticallly anythîng. Our this statement we might point out that Canada flot take their sense of importance too seriousîy ofDr Dfoe, for example-the1 the law 0of supply and demand churhes wvould imply that the wo.rld-famous "Quints' doctor. for the kind of labour employed. ugiiertebidn.temreac would be in a sorry plight but for the watchdog and temper the addresses with allowance for the Hi esfrhssrie nadBti sdtriei diin etbethey old bte toreGod. atttue f heinepedet eelyprss.Ineah umn rite fths h udetedsi is aoue ndafar sre. use adyBut ti eret rieforadthefin, disa utfln tecuc community the local newspaper stands on guard fthsnespapers. True. the editor can play very, very small. If another doc- ished product of what the em- must be the samne. for the people, to proteet their ifterests against h is part in the advancement oif bis community tor entered his community and, ployer bas to seli. Take the case, hesevc e must be like the the onslaught of dishonest politicians and graf t- anitecnsequent general improvement. But, special kinti of labour which Dr. of leatipencils. eedpnclsas lahet and pustow e ot as editors collectively can be of importance Dafoe gives, it would flot alter matie in some Ontario city or light of Christ's personality. the It might be of interest to this saine speaker to in the Dominion, so can editors be of assistance Dr. Dafoes fees. That is to say. town have their price to both the heat of love and warm hearts ,m -M know that it is with difficulty that most of the in the community - only collectively with the the suppl3' would be increased, trade and the public determined and the power of mastery o'ver TH RU C I" weekly press have pulled through the depression, assistance of all the other individuals of the coin- 'fhre t as the aduemanthatwo l othcmpkeltiofnci coeiin fernd lfihess.chmst in fact the mortality rate has been quite high. munity - working with them in common - co- endars population remains fairly parable quality and size as made a teaching church. It must teach -E. Few weekly newspaper publishers make more than operatively. After ail. the advancement and pro- stationary. The econ oiis t's by rival makers. If is conceivable the things which need to be EX K I' a comifortable living. and we have yet to hear of gress oft the world depends on us aIl as individuals theor is that the charge for Dr. that tlus competition may be- taught. It must teach God's re- EXR I MF an h av eoewelh rmloe ae and our acceptance of some responsibility, n e Dafoes services should f ail if and come deadly- that leadpenciîs lationship to the universe, te bhis an wohae eom wath fo n nyma0whien another doctor becomes his have te be sold--if they are to be children. and to society in gen- Founded on the time-tried an( ese in the newspaper business. miatter what that small part may be. - Acton Free copetitor. solt-at uneconomic prices. And eral, and it must teach God's re- This hardly suggests that the financial intr- Press. J C K1 so this price war is on to affect lationship to the production and principies of British banking nal newsPaperman would be living on easy street, Irn- Administration of Relief went to New York City to practise. pay wages which they would like ing church can be summed up in votid facttr g Ita fwneigfonwe owe hte Now. there is no lack of doctors to pay*, and which. f rom a hu- the words -instruction to Eternai Canadian Bank Of Commerce i h it be o swobderin o mtweek to weean htherll in w York City. and if Dr. Da- 1 mane Point of view. ought to be life,. it il beposile o set w ge bilsan te blî f Relief cannot be quickly ended. But it must Ifoei ,ent to New York, ta practise, 1 paid. A manufacturers ability to The third need wvas an exempli- succeeding years has gained d am as co stnly dal.portant factors: iob es 0 is enormous reputat- 'o re rsis reld to sa bit church members, and a real ef- C - Firt. he noity0f he inacia prble in io , e overhelmed by the de-j tOseihs routado the fort to make the church preserve through its contacts with ail typso Firs. th enomityof te fiancil mandemifor. 1is services- and that iPrice %Vhich he obtains for bis and illumine the community. volveti. If the counurys financial integrity is fot thiýs demand would corne, îargeîy.rouc. ethreaesm wo Fourthly. the church must beCnainbsns.A edtthss Consider the Rigbts of Others preteseloarecas.I a r-kthtte ae vetik-Cndinbsies Addt ________ theî'e will be complete economic coîlap e from dth iloai re.class. It c bY an tn t aterage ai rkmade up of people seeking right-teidvda xeineo t bcodassumed thatonthaDr.lifDafoeds wouldy I rs bIy dtmnfac ture a nrut-eousness instead 0f safety. He teidvda xeineo t epn 'Cant you do something to stop chiltiren ruin- i1 od h optto htrle rvdswt wish to, ser've the wealt.Inriytetrntib thmau decried the attitude 0f nmany sible officers. ing gardens and stealing fruit?" That was the 'work and initiative as a way of supporting one such case, he would have to take facturer hiniself: anti when the, people who go to church only to very expensive offices. and he. wages paid ar~e below what the ga* in salvation, or as a matter f Why o benefit b this ra question directed at us by a well known local self anti one's famil3y. wudhv ocag ay workei's think is iust. there is apt safeyfit.Tse eoearget citizen us f i r , s m tim es larger th an is C allen d ar y e a ut r i s t e m n - m ral co ads . w h n live a goo cigde h o g x e i n e b p n n th lay e hrdy H nomti ta efbre o! om tens of thousantis 0f people. fees for the identical kind and1 facturer, he is likely ta be calleti a life. notw. because they want tae by hadalaysgienchildren a run in bis garden, Governments shoulti fot stand in the way faon fsric.î1ed iî thief and a robber. and an ex IsreJeus t, because they want t a savings account in this Bank, and bath e r te the m tspin c k upr ui fa leno private enterprise that may take people off the ionaires woulti holti hi m in con- 1 P oiter of h epes nite i to feel that their future is safe fr m he tr es he e a m c i dr n at n w re li f r l s tem p t u nless is fees h a ti so mn e lp ro tecte t. f r t e i e v tknativantage of the situation and fot onIy le ri relation to their wealth. It. would i C K for a at themselvesmus strippeci the fruit trees, but the grape vines, and Tbey should atiministeî' relie! efflciently anti fot be a case 0f suppl3' anti de-1 Employers ought ta earn more1 have a eep concern te help the '.-I i~L I-j~ I~ A J had ruined many sbrubs anti plants in the garden. guard against exploitation or extravagance in any manti, but of Dr. Dafoe's repu- than those whom they empîoy. iivdal. It must be a church M AAU Whîle there is no doubt that the chiltiren are 'Aay, 1taiof and of the ability of bis1 Employers use capital - prebably Of youth. Christ was a youtb I somwha t blme orthi stuaion w thnk Above ail, relief policy should be directedt t aid- patients to pas, ,capital of their own accumula- HL% disciples. tiespite the artists' tohat rets bae mor thifsuattianthe hi i îng those receiving the benefits te re-establish That is to say. reputation bc- tion. This capital o! theirs is an portrayal as beardeti men, wereo themseaenvesaeasoreuicklyl asanpossible.entomnes a factor in determining employee, the samne as ar'e bu- al youtbs anti most of the great O F C O M M E R C I trseem htlnit teefoti mati fte todaytsofin OnIy a smaîî proportion of those on relief are fessional mans services, or for a Paiti a proper wage. Then, too, been youths. 1T T LA ST V R$0 others. It might be a gooti idea to inclue th parasitic in their instincts or have any tiesire to mnechanically-made protiuct. Al- the employer risks more than tiio If we are to look at the church stworuc ohîlir isuei h iepraeyoften in the mate raler. o!ecthesorightsg.tofs.whomhe employs, anti so in prospect we must lok0o, Vo ~uth Bw avl aCii:A. J. , haage nwch o rs es o nciv is qbe i o n.t ou e t io he danger i , h wvb t at t e longer relief pj i C K b s o get paiti an am ount to serve. D r. Sem ple's thoug tso m a v i eAv î îe his worldeiy year for risking is capital. were summeti up is losing poem, s c h o ls a e s s n n t i s u e s i o n T o s e w h o s p e ti m e n ts c o n t in u e th e la r g e r w ill t h a t p r o p o r tio n b e - T h e r e a r e th o s e in t h i O l A g a in , h e h a s to b e v e r y b o l ti a n d N e w o c c a s io n s te a c h n e w d u t ie s , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ agetdaoftertman oeinpoi-corne. - Financial Post. whbo believe andi teach that Wages "enturesome if be is ta miake bis We ourselves must pilgrims be, ing beautiful surroundîngs for their home, are at ,_orallsssngaes._fbuiesa__cs ____________ f~or aI ls s e a t gr ae i b s ne s a su c s - this by sel- L aun ch the M ayflow er, steer i least entitleti to protection frotm unthinking o ---...orkersngshoulti be flat-meaning. i the samie. This is the communal gbspou at eeig t boldly, c a r e l e s s c l i l d r e n . v e , o t i r o b i i e o ô s i t i n h r t h e e p l y r e - h o u b t h e s e a t i n e but il. wiiibaai repeating - that any bicyclîst ý Atierti.ser', know' that their Message is w0orfl It an b granteti that the bseos een given ln Durham CountyK horse-driv'er or rar-tlriver iwho gees on the triîeet more when printed in a good newspaper.-gt. supply tdocos1dnits a-1 at nghtwithut ight istakîg alon chate: Mary JornalArgs. ers s f r in exe s tt nu- m- i yersIis jcotroiioog tails. lit ls a very inter-f yers. oeahrsaî Tht Most I tan hope for, i e estlng competitionan a pro- and, wlîen wt leave the town and go into the _____1 h ialeotaCel.Avr country, where there are ne sitiewalks, we must 'I ant to de thoroughly used up when I di, would neyer de at al if the fees some et My readers te give this was brought ot in a dlsplay include the Petiestrian. for th4, harder I work, the more 1 live. I rejoice or wages or salaries of these ex- subjeet o! wages anti prices more at Ennlsklllen sehool fair. A Let none think tht law %was matie foi' thtac- in lite for its own sake.--George Bernard Saw. en svel-prare to me anti wo- thought - ta mo understaiing b toe 0f w d oo wa coeredFRSAEB commotiation o! rs. A car tan smash a buggy,1 the earnings o! these whose pre- before. There are two sides te mueh like a ground hog B R AK R l wreck a bicycle, or IilI a pedestrian withou t sut- "We cannot say'Let there be peace'. and go paration for their individual vo- 'most questions; and sometimes I standing on Its hlnd legs. 8% K 8 ,N Ue. fering any tiamage beyond a few scratches; but about other business. Peace must be the resuit o! r ations caUled for none or only a thlnk that employees do not look Many farmers welcome such a~ 1small investment et botb money sufllciently at the side of the em- competîtion as an aId to ri HONE 651W we have yet to bear o! the petiestrian, bicycle or1 unceasing endeavaur. "Herbert Hoover. anti time. Thus, many classes o! ployer. thte ounty of the pet. ____________________________________________________________________i

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