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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1935, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN SIATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1935 PAGE THREE h "j a The Liberal Platlorm Unemployment of First Concern The Libera]l)paltY believes unemployment is Canada's most ur- gent national problem. It -would deal with the present emergency conditions through A REPRESENTATIVE NATIONAL COM- MISSION, which would co-oJ)erate with the provinces and mun- icil)alities in the administration of unemployment relief and in an endeavour to provide work for the unemployed. As permanent measures the Liberal Party is pledged to intro- duce l)olicies which w-ill serve to provide employment by reviving industry and trade; andi to intcoduce A NATIONAL SYSTEM 0F UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. Liberation of External Trade. The Liberal Party believes that trade is the basis of industrial and commercial development, and that Canada needs trade. It w~ill promote TRADE WITH ALL NATIONS and negotiate trade agreements withi any countries willing to trade with Canada on a reciprocal basis. It will ABOLISH the extravagant INCREASE in the TARIFE made by the l)resent administration, which have had the effect of strangling trade, exploiting consumers and robbing railways of business. It will ABOLISH ALL UNWARRANTED EXTRA TAXES on imports, such as the exchange and dumping duties, as imposed by the l)resent administration. .. It will end the making and altering of tariffs by executive action. It will continue the Liberal J)olicy of BRITISH PREFERENCE by a percentage reduction in existing tarif fs rather than by a per- centage increase against foreign countries in existing tariffs. It wvill grant to British imports a real 1reference. Liberation of Internai Trade. The Liberal pa!rty will seek to END ARTIFICAL PRICE CON- TROL and agreements in restraint of trade. Price fixing by a- greements restrict and hamper trade internally. The internai trad;-of our~ country has become honeycombed and enmeshed by secret understandings and agreements. Restoration of Responsible Government. The Liberal Party believes the l)resent crisis has been made an excuse for the usurpation of the rights of parliament and the assumption of autocraticei)owel's by the executive. Liberalism stands, as always, for the pi'inciple of A FREE PARLI.4 MENT, andi for the supremacy of l)arliament. To this end it woul(lrel)eal 'the legisîntion enacteci by the l)resent administration, which de- prives parliament of its control over expenditures and taxation, and invests the executive with unwarranted arbitraî'x- loNers, as for example: (1.) legisiation permitting the executive to enact measures by order-in-council foi' leace, order and good government, and (2.) legislation providing the executive with a "blank cheque" for expenditures of any kind. Re-Assertion of Personal Liberty. The Liberai Party believes that un- der the excuse of the l)resent crisis, the rights of the individual have been vio- lated. Liberalisrn stands, as always, for the British l)1inciple of FREE SPEECH and FREE ASSOCIATION, and to this end wilI repeal section 98 of the Criminal Code, and end the pre- sent l)ractice of arbitrary deportation. Electoral Reform. The Liberal Party stands for elec- toral laws which will ensure A TRUE PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTAT- ION of the Canadian people and such legisiation as mav help to REDUCE THE COST 0F ELECTION CAM- PAIGNS. Published by Durham County Liberal Association THE LIBERAL PARTY IS CONCE] THE BEST INTERESTS 0f The COI A. Jf respects individual liberty, af the same time admittlng the need for the lation of the forces of production under parlia mentary control-not through whlch flout the wlshes of parliament. 2. It seeks te, foster world trade through 10w i'r tarlffs. No countryilulifs de nations can expect aIl the advantages and give nothing lu retumu. Commerce Is exchange of merchandise and primary products. 3. If Is based on social justice and favours tht greafcst possible measure of se 4. The Liberal policy is the resuif of long, scr'n,îs .udy of the mosf pressing ng ry-a study that permits the application, when the 'ime Is ripe, of reforms compa development, prudence and national safef y. 5. The Liberal Party la the only political gro up in the counfry in whose rai alty and solldarity whlch inspire confidence and comnand respect. Ifs individu had long years of parllamentary experience; the ir actions are based on princlj and lnsplred by a goal that la possible of attain ment. Voté For Ri*ck«i The Liberal Party is the only political groi able to bring about national unity and rt Canada normal economic conditioni up today estore to i8. Vote Liberal October 14 il Vot Riekar 'n Durhanm q* Vote FOR He has Served you well in Municipal and County af fairs - He will Serve you Better at OTTAWA M.Rickard's selection as Liberal Candidate in the County of Durham reveals alntyperiod in which he has given largely of hMs time and abllity to the 'welf are of hsntv county. From early days he took an active interest In municipal af- f airs. He was born at "The Grange," Newcastle, and was the only son of John Rick- ard. from whom he inherited his fine 100 acre farin, whiwh is operated under the most modern and efficient circunistances. He is the producer of highest quality ex- port apples, and the breeder of Shorthorn catUe. He entered municipal life in 1915 when he was elected a member of the New- castle Board of Education. serving as its Chairman front 1919 to 1922. In 1923 he entered the Municipal Council, and of ten years' service in this capacity, f ive were as Reeve of the village. As a member of the Countieà Couneil he has been honored with the offices of Chairman of the Roads and Bridges Committee, Chairman of the Finance Comniittee, and Chairman of the Management Committee of the House of Refuge. In 1933 he received his greatest honor when he was elected Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, the f irst Liberal to hold that office from Durham for a great many years. In Newcastle he is Chairman of the Management Committee of the Commun- ity Hall, a member of the Library Board, a former President of the Horticutural Society, a former Ontario Director of Horticultural Societies, Past President of the Durham Central Agricultural Society, a director of the Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers Association, a Vice-President of both the West Durham and Clarke Agricultural Societies. In fraternal and social circles Mr. Rickard is a member of Bowmanville Can- adian Club, Newcastle Bowling Club, Durham Lodge A. F. & A. M. of which he is a Past Master; a Past District Deputy Grand Master of Ontario District; a member of Palestine Chapter Royal Arch Masons, Bowmanville; and a steward of Newcastle United Church. He has also found time to use his musical talents, being a member of the United Church Choir and a mixed quartette. With these diversities of activities and interests it is apparent therci are f ew topics which might come up for discusson to which Mr. Rickard could not contribute sometbing hclpful and interesting. H1e has initiative, force of character, executive and administrative ability, and whcn he has come to a decision in his own mind he holds tenaciously f0 his convictions, even a majority cannot swing hlm. If if were not for his good farmn management and a well thought-ou-t system, he could flot possibly devote himself to so many outside interests. But his farm neyer suf fers. Coming of a long line of Liberal stalwarts, Mr. Rickard bais consistently' been idenfified with Liberal affairs in Durham. With this record of success and experience belnd hlm, Mr. Rickard places hiniseif before the electors of Durham as a Liberal Candidate for election on October l4th. If elected Mr. Rickard may be counted on te carry ouf his party's slogan of VOTE LIBERAL AND CET ACTION j The Liberal PlatForm Development of Primary Industries. The Liheral Party, by -its policies, w'il continue to further the (levelol)ment of agricultu re, lumbering, mining and fisheries by effecting REDUCTIONS IN THE COSTS 0F PRODUCTION of Canada's basic l)roducts and by obtaining WIDER MARKETS theref ore, by encouraging export trade, and by state assistance in the marketing of natural products. Control of Credit. The Liberal Party believes that credit is a public matter, not of interest to bankers only, but of direct concern to the average cit- izen. It stands for the immediate establishment of a properly con- stituted NATIONAL CENTRAL BANK, to perform the functions of rediscount, and the control of currency issue, considered in ternis of public need. A Central Bank is necessary to determine the supply of currency in relation to the domestic, social and in- dustrial requirements of the Canadian people; and also to deal with problems of international commerce and exchange. Control of Investnients. The Liberal Party believes the financial mismanagement of in- dustryj is largely responsible for many conditions obtaining to-day. To prevent exploitation of the public through the sale of wat- ered stocks and worthless securities, it believes AN INVEST- MENT CONTROL BOARD should be established, with super- vision of issues of securities by companies incorporated under federal charters. Safeguardig cf National Railways. The Liberal Party stands for the maintenance of the integrity of the Canadian National Railways as A PUBLICLY OWNED AND PUBLICLY CONTROLLED SERVICE. Democratization cf Industry. The Liberal Party believes that INDUSTRIAL RECON- STRUCTION is the problem of the future. It will seek in in- dustrial relations as opportunity offers, to give to workers and consumers a largeî' share in the Government of industry. A Balanced Budget. The Liberal Party believes the aim of every government should be the balancing of its budget. It woulct seek to effect that end, by RETRENCHMENT 0F PUBLIC EXPENDITURES, by REDUCTION 0F PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON THE PUBLIC DEBT by a REDUCTION IN TAXATION and by INCREASING REVENUES through the encouragement of trade. It will seek to effect a REDUCTION 0F TIHE COST 0F GOV- ERNMENT in Canada by a careful inquiry into f ederal, provincial municipal costs. International Relations. [VIED lIN The Liberal Party will seek to fr ther wherever possible those courses in UNTRY international relations which make for PEACE AND GOODWILL among nat- Le reasonable regu- ions, and promote friendly intercourse ministerla orders between them. It will seek to further lailngs wlfh other the work of the League of Nations. above ail the fair More Equitable Distribution of Wealth. oclal wefl belng. The Liberal Party recognizes that needs of tlsis count- r the problem of distribution hias become atible wlth ordered more important than that of product- nks exist that loy- ion, and believes that personality is ul members have more sacxred than property. It will de- ples that are Just. vote itself to finding ways and ineans of effecting a fair and just distribution of wealth wîth increasing regard to HUMAN NEED, to the furtherance of SOCIAL JUSTICE, and to the promo- ird tion of THE COMMON GOOD. PAGE THREIE:

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