THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, OrzTARIO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1935 1'andof Eier sn thuorming he DUKE 0F GLOUCESTER'S FIANCEE We, the memibers of the W. C. Form er Student of B. H . S. lxrie rsnrfrlf T. U. regret ery muiich ta lose Voul As e e eren ad graefuiiy frein our Union where you h1 Recails School 55 Y rs. A go ptioh0nî ni leachr. ame _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w h f i s t o p e n e d m y t e lv e r s u tî n c e l i t i a n f o i' s s Noe -Thefalixx ng yCs te this flexv Worid of delight. taxvfl. btO C e i ihs for andre Edîtol ~~~~These three teachers have ail bnef tet i nth îyadb letter is madestly signed "One of gn vrtegetdvdbtYu nlec nPol0il the Oid Boys." but, we knowanY t1crnemry the grea ividenbt-ea tau lo ed nes.ceeu remains nn h cause oof Temperancsebutan flt Statesman readers, anciflot a few ' hie ntehat ftoebcesetiniatedbyu, utar af his former schooi chums and wha were priviieged teo sit at cvnyFtekowhWl. aid acquaintances in the Home- their feet and îearn something of 1 lie anl aterofY01noweithxvii. land of Durham, wauid like ta the great. mystery. beauty and 'Ihe acerainillev0f 50lia itilli knoxv the authar of this very in- chaactr xvii xeorfmafi f11 teresting letter. Had it. been signi- The six months which 1 spent ave us a e assures that o ed "Doctor Jim" oewuda Boxxmanville High Schooi (ail for ex'en happier days ta camle have guessed right away, but for 1cudafr)wr mn h hntoetahv asd those who are stili in the dark happiest of my life. and perhap thanetho e ahave ufathedW. we wiii tell you our correspondent the most exentfui in sliaping my T.iUnedf on hafaf tle: lW.t is none other than aur geniai future course. Happy. happyv T. U fBwavle le friend, Dr. J. N. Hutchison. 171 days. Fe Sometimies no daubt teachers a Yale Ave.. Winnipeg. Man.. nat-MisLn adWoh ive of Enniskilien, and brother ' get discouraged. and are inciined Miss LeaiHaddy. wr f he a of Mr. H. Wiiber Hutchison who toudretiaeterinlec en atflmebra h bas alsa been a resident of Man- an the s'Qung lives under their Eeniong ASociary. 0f the ss- PH itaba's capital for haif a century. care. and no doubt pupils are of-wta Doctar Hutchison pays a very- ten preverse and ungrateful, but th ca i eberip Pin. an fine tribute and appreciation ta fe ili sa ra roeso.thleraccapaying ettr0 ree the id sehool hie attended in ýinfhtencing as it daes. so manyý Dahr de ature Boxvmanxville and the teachers 0f lcsfrgo.adîaigs erMs ~d is day. We hope this lette vi * I I Uy il: tehI hsit h jcneis ith ydeprcre tftxi be read by every parent.,. pupîl vle 0I1 f Light. Bwinil n oýeun and teacher in this county as the A sîppisve aie ail too forget- Boxxanvo iieril fln(i in t .-- sentiments so beautifuiliy express~- -fui te hanil an occasionai fiowýer ence of membrship of thcx edar ralI~rrao adJames Gilfillan lof appreciatian t. oaur teacher .enn uxla.0ite ... contaîn inuc" foo for tbought A fonmer Principal of Boxv- xxýlie îbey are xith uis in persan. TiîyUie brb oxnn frthe present generation Who axuc i-hEco adref er- II hope the presenit. pupils of B. ville.eaio, iena are accused of takinu t100 muellcbed o iin the accomnpanying Maory.! il. S. are more considerate in this ~"Yu oprto.cxe tvv for granteil in this imateriaiistic epct than I xvas. We xe a xith a xiing and checilol. age. never be sMaîed as ît aîxxaxs re- tribute of appreciation te xiibeg-cti x xhile they are alixe. Life xiiib ,. vknaxv that xvhat is oui- 1c,sxx :11 Dea EdtorJams:-mained in thie distance. stiii icade happier tberebY. bath fori-be the gain ot tho: e xhoxvl higber than any tbat had ai- iben and for ourselx-cs. w~elconie Yeaitet a niexx sa.icty. As weekly I peruse The States- ready been canqueicd. Fromi a recent issue of TheI As a token af aur appreciation! tees.I rqunlyse efrncs Difficuities hoxxexcr beset MnY Statesman 1 sec that you have a -ondestem vear lsi thand xvet reunl e rfrne ay. Maney xas a rare comimod- mnucb larger staff noxx anda- proud ta present so vtb:i to Bowmanvilie Hizb Sehool - îty and r;gid ecanoniy the order greatiy extended course of stud LADY ALICE DOUGLAS-SCOTTpiadcetfat.aînyua InvariabIs- on these occaios- Jteday. Sacrifices had (o bc its. Perbaps in a future letter I An- orritolîfeAic membeogls-ctt hid sn r it thien ied memory. xx-îh magie touch and -madAeexxr ortrai of LayeAlîeandntug-Doulas-Sctt. thrd sinary Scietyofftheenited iightning speed. banishes themaefrebyohran50tiassa smein aiteOd daughter of the Duke of Buccie-uch, whase engagement ta his Churcb of Canada. yoursthand I aramecain hident- vas up ta me to miake cood. Naxv Boss and Girls afithat time and royal highness the Duke of Gloucester, son oi King George and May sou receive mich .joy in yearsthatdseam ae mea from m in miaturer lufe, 1 am convinced, sameofa the events whîch added Queen Mary of England. was annaunced recently. the nexvfiîeld in His servi!e. at the aid scboai. Incidents ai t ha t.,xvbat then seemed unfart- - zest ta _our__________ _______the aborin ntret ad aes a tnate impediments, ve-re re-iliy J irond ictories same of the more Signed an be-alfaf lie eu fe-oiio stdet n acso stepping stones t-a bigher thin- z cfted brougbt ta the school.11 £I£A ing Auxiliary. Trinity Unitedl loneca. am teîsrugi. atme-s anyvic- v ileCiien fLong g teachrs a tthe and hncdfor citer cli it is nat the goal. btOe i-e i oS.m n~ ~ 1 Ie sO g hrh ovavie ayI marcbing forth te, meet.nie lwith tory xortb wbhile. alilt-ou- le ecaIIed by John E lo tof LShan1 e. Pe. rt .Wce smiles of xecome andl cheer. Somne of the aider îeside-nts andbyE l tt L do September 26, 1935 and as a resuit the day begins te tbe oicer Mudents xiii remember. NESTLETON Joh lit,62WlimS. *hr ane.Ferml we brighte-n for me. and the birds ta that a that. time. the- High and JJh lit,62WlimS.. Uhr aul lu iionr Mir. Haddy. xvho bas gixen, singmar sweîl. a i ree atLondon, a former Principal of and distiller. tse admreds. and fras ref Public schoois occupîid tbe samne' Mr.and Mrs. Stcnley Malcolm Bowmanviile High School, sends Spence, Jas. C.. Civil engineer. more than fifty years of serxice thee ld rinds ad fr brefbuilding, as a Union Scliool. Io- i and famivy Mrs. E. Taylor, Miss 1 us this interestîng ist of eariy Sbax, Thomas, Commeri alt Florence Nightingale Lýilge. time. live over acain (base frac- cated xhere the Public Schooli Maiiani Taylor and Mr. John~ history- Wbtle browsing among Haie-i. ..Fwaspentdih , ran. aysofyouh.noxv tands. If memiory s net atlTaylor veu e among thase attend- the rare books in the University Van Camp. Ira. Grocer. hcndsomne chair by imemnbers of! Just iifty-fix'e sears cao com- iauiî a Mc. Alberct, Barber xvasling 0î'ono Fau'. Libcary here I found references Vo Winstcniey. T. & F.. Cixvil en- ta.lig.adtefloigal ing January Is.. il xas my' Plclx- princi, al ai the public school.' Mr. Donald Emerson cccomp- Bowmanviîîe that may interest gineers. dress: ilege as a callow youtb. ta' enter xx'bîepMc. Malcolm MoIýTax-isb anJ anîed M r. and Mrs. Witon Creed 'Statesman readers as they did me. A later County Diî'ect.ory. 1856- Boxvmanvile-.Sept. 25. 1935 Bowmanviiie Higb Schoal ta pue- Miss Fairxweather were- aise on, ta Barrie for a fexv days' vaca- I <mate without correction: 6, had ibis ta say of the Bawman- Mr. F. A. Haddy: pare for a teachers cetificate. the staff. Ition.TeCnd aet-rfo a-vleCuce:De-ar Brotbeî.-As yeu andI Hoe ashih iîinme ad The tanitor wcs anc Corporal: Mis. M. Littlepcoud is nurse in ada West, publisbed by H. V. W. St. Andre-w's. Old Kirk, Tem- your iamilIy are about ta miovej ambiiona ilivîg foce.TheHobbs. a f ormel' Britisb Soidier charge af Mr. George Prouit who Rowseli, Taranto, in 1846 has the pecance St.. f rame- Rex'. J. Mc-ax'yimBx'anlesief worid xvas befare me wii.h aIl its xh a ee bo h n ~ eaern iwyfrmasc il-Kersyour Bratbeî' Oddfelloxvs have ailurement and chai-m. while joy dian Muiny. He xvas a very in-- îous aperatian. abu50;C rcs Canada Presbyterian. brcick, celle-il a sas- --Ai revoir but fnt reged i m ecîetteterestîng chacacter. and ire- Mc. Talimage Taylor, Eniield, Chapes, 5 Episcopai. Free Church. seats 300-Rex'. John Smith; D. good-bye." for xxe hope to sti11 thought ai entering the portaI te quently cegaied tbe boys vth bas rente-a Mr. Jas. Gordon's'Cangregationai. Canadien Wes- Forbes. S. S. Supi. ke-ep in touch xitbh you. but, we- a nexx worid ai adventure. xxhase baîc-raîsîng yarns af bis exper- faim. Mc. George Biack bas ai-Cu-ho nln Rv r att sueyuta o r horizon wauld ever widen. andi ences in ibat creat îcageily. It sol started %wack on the îarm - iyan end Christian. C1 c atnind-e'.D.xan 10 essui sou a ourc t wbose lasi mountain peak could isý ta b sDu ecm- bc.b ucaedfo c It bas 1 grist miil, 1 ocîme-al McNabb. îng ai ba oe tleies wmr:- ArbcSo urn. - rm M . 1tner.1ditler. Cong regational - Rev. Thas wishes ta you and yours. be ofbapteelds omr. ,tu oten rwr.1crigmcieadRe-kie.We- recaillxvth gratitude the: The principal ai the Hligh ?icking patatae-s is the- order biewr.1crin ahn n Wesleyen. brick. Church St.. many years yau bave gix-eiita, School xva' a Mr. XViiaimOlivxr. ai the- day. ifectory.i axe- factory. 1 pottecy, 1 ot$00 eas40-e.Mcvrospstosi h oc He lc.s the Cless;cal master. Hus rOta - etn iNestletoiî chair iactory. 1 ashery, 1 physie- Ciemet. 00 et 40-e.M.- and upstionariy the logpode! Business Directory son Bis-. afterlvards a banker. lýWom-ens Instittite is being be-Id ian. 1 druggist, 2 xwagon mekers. le Crsin bik iiso o iie h-ofiea ccrln and iz augterMaggie. were i on Wednesday. October 9th. wbe-n 2 beke-is. 2 xatchmeke-rs. 3 black- BSt eChrictedin,1857.,se-aisio50- j S letae ffcnd of R y ourli aI Mr. . rovnisledig ecsmitbs, 4 tevernis. 6 taîlors. 6 shoe-- Hnry. nere mini187,ste - 1 S -e ce-lied hon tou eds l-b felloxv students. As Iromember J r.0 Boni enighr1Rev. Hny xvr mnser a ays bcrleont di te LEGAL Principal Oliv'er. he xvas cather - homne fir the event. Mrs. (Rev. 1 make-ca. and 7 store-s. Mason. S. S. Supi. Iogin atesrqrncae- _____ eserve- i n maniner. rather im- W. H. V. Waikei', Janetx'ilie-. xx'li 1857. John Lovelis Canada Di- Piii- etoit ei~.~ fui decisions as xvell as hein'- a M.G.V.GUL. ..,LLB partant in beacing. and as a con- be the guesi speaker.,xhen Hon- rectocy cantcin.s these- facs:- Tempecance St.. brick. cost $1600, cehiable source ai information c- M.G .GUD .. LB eunesoniexvýh.t îincppcoach- ex-ilale- Wamen's Institute xiii he Bowmanviiie C. W. population a- seats 200. gariling ail mati cc perr:ainun-' tan Barcister. Sol.cuîoî Noxii y able.el lea. t thai lxx c nmy il-! presenit-. lbout 4000. It, owes mucb ai its tinesto ,dlowii a, Phonoe Z5 pression af ibim .This hoxverî W. A. and W. M. S. ai the- Un-1 importance- to Hon. J. Simpson. particularis- Florence Nigbîinpaie i RoalBak______ faua-,1eclcint detreetz Iroimthie unix er- ite-ilCburcb met con Wednesilay 1forme-ris'of Bowman & Cà. ~J ~ lge. W. R. STRIKE sel rctspect in xv*hi h lbe was heil ta pack a bale valuieil t $45.00.1I The iollawing ai-e- representat-j Barriter, oIicýor. Ntary bs the stuilent bodly. In a recent The bie cantcîning usefui ccli- il-es ai the xcî'îous trailes anil pro- nimtwreocineazn-' Barîstr, oluilo.ssuae of The item rc:e- is bcing se-nt tea asection of fession:- - I H ono red bihtiiyxve rejirei raiind -um>c Solucitoi' for Bank of Montreel cerulsiis n ih ap Mone-y ta Loan. Phon-1 fronu yotii ýTxenty-Fîx-,e Yearsl hie Peace Rive-r District. Alison Win., Physician. ( Boxvmanvulle- . Oaro Ag-o* colunmn stetes that Pic- Axc ner-tn al'Dy Aima Hotel, Temperance House- rganizations aitokfrteiilr. ixea ___pal Olixer dîild in Toronto Juiy- service was bell in the Pceshy- George- Mesan.peanin-mrai.L.olg L. C. MASON, B.A. 28th. 1910. teruan Churcb on Sunilay min Amu &B-hue.Barser. (oniuilfa pg antai au my ohaveL.somethn Brstr-Slcor The sýecond teacher xves a Mr. îng. Rev. W. H. V. W e I k e r Amu ehnBritr. cniudfenpg ) ad-htynmYhv onti Notary Public - ïEtc. James Millar. xvho xas the me- preacbeil and the assistant speak- rcs i-.EPiiiemn er 0fi f evcxiit eii oî xeakyut e Lax' i aI usbrache thniaice mater Mc MilarIers weîe- Mr. R. W. Philp, Sup- Metbodîst mînîster. icontinue- ta minister ta you thai ce-ptibis chair. andl hope lb et Ofieimmediately e-st ai Rayailxas c cther quiet man in biscrîntendent ai the Sundays seool. Bank ai Montre-ai, G. Dyett, comfaorting grace which vi eyumx e saei ayy-îst Ofie Theatre diemeanaur, but heebail the- fa6 - anil Mr. Ce-cil SIe-mon. te-ache-r ai manage-r. the piilow on which your faithJ enjoy lhappy boucs restung com- Phones: Office- 688: Haine- 553. uyi trn esu--a Ycm oung Men's Bible Clas.s. Music Bcnk of Upper Canada, George iii cest tili the day oifxxelcome' hortebly in it. manding the loyal de; otion andiî - a pravideil by the chair. Mccrns, manage-r. ai the Eternal Hameland.j Signe-i by a few of s-aur mnany DENTAL I the- gre-at admiration ai a ib1 Recent Visitors Bible Socie-ty, Jas. MvcFee-ters. Eye- bath nat se-en nor e-ai' Oddfeilow irie-nis an-d brothers. yJ ___________________sLuilents. o wham I bcd the eod- r nd Mî's. W. Campbe-ll Ev- Reeve- oh the- tawn, President; Rev. bead, neither bath ente-ced ia fortune- ta bc one-. He xx'c. a dîg- lyn anil Grant, et Mc. O. Bragg's, John Smith, Vice-President.; Ru- the be-art oi man, the tbings thati____________________ DR. J. C. DEVITT Iniied gentlemen in the- very best 1 omnil.cherdniWndatt, Se-c.; R. V. H. O' God bath pccpere-d for those who Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson sense-. kind. courteous. andini- Mc. andl Mca. Abert Beacack, Hara, ilepositaries. love Him. Graduate- af Royal Dental Cal- spiring. Pe-isonally I was chacm- Mc. and Mi's. Pe-îcs- Edgerto Bosxvell. He-nry J., hardware-, We- ask yau ta acce-pi ibis tek- - le-ge, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- ed by whai seeme-ilta me- bis un- and Mr'. W. D. Fergusan et Bob-caag-tmin.enoh urapciinaiyr lee Bidg., Bowmanvilîe-. Office imit-cd andl inrveliaus genius foc caygeon. Bî'ye-rs, ie-v. Wmn., Wesieycn wortli andl xork in the MinistryA nOe hours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. mn. daiy mathemeatics. Maîhe-maîics cnd Mr. andl Mis. Wiitan Creeil. mînîster. ai Service- you have- rende-ced in exce-pi Sunday. lue-rature- xxercta me tbe- moat Evelyn end Emerson, Barrie. ai CandieCnStegtsmain, Re-v.. Tinty Unteilf ftu eOfccia Phone 90. T-ouse- phone 283. întecestîng ohfcll epctmenLs ai Mr. Malcolm Emnecsan'.s.Cii- ogegtoa iutr in-lo ehua h-Ofca X-Ras' Equipmeni in Office . 5tuily anil witb mY limnite-il jMcs. R. Jackson xith Mrs. W. ediior andl praprie-ter. Board: E. F. Armstrong, Ministei', - knoxx*leilge- as I set at the feet, Steele.' Coate- Daniel, Physicien. J. C. De-vitt. F. C. Vanstone-, T. H. SHOE REPAIRS oh ibis great te-ache-r anil saw Mc. anil Mca. George Mc-ý Cosiord. Rex'. Thas., Wesle-ycn Lockhart, C. H. Mason. Gea. W. B s n _____appaientîs insoluble matbemati ýLaugblun xxitb Mc. anil Mrs. R. minixter. lames. Bat ndShe epirng (,zs nt t, eaathi cmmndýMis ut Pout.Behay.1ton Cricket Club. Ait-ernoon Auxiliary ai the- Wo-J Pootand Soe Reairin r-rs c h eitse gae bIsatoman-ýihl Mie~rutpareut. Btan Robe-rt OHara, was President o i e-ns Missionary Society ai the'- Sale-s.sewvn on by Goîilyearc xitb thucFrceklingCaiket Clset Cfax- r xcutb ber parents. B o Stitching Macb:ne-. cnted hy bis magic tou-b. Per- 1 Mr. Marxvooi Dicey, Toronto, the- FainJ.nBCricketmat Club. gnroscecan h Prices ceasoîîable. haps. býcaî ai the paucis- ai - xcîtb bus par-ents. Fubîî .BPsmse b Kin Sre-t as - 3oman!le nsv knaxvlIeclgc as comipare- i vthî 1 Mi' and Ml-s. Hacry McLaugh-, Towvn CIe-i k. folloxing aililess: IG N L M N ______________________ is. I may haxe avec rate- i u, lun x vtb Mn. anil Mrs. F. Gard- Fisher, David, Colector of cus- Mrs. F. A. Hadily, huit wb-etherIb tis be se ai' not-, Il imer. Mi. Pleaseni. toins. counicîllor, secietary ci Bowxmanville: Y- are f-qlltyslct F UNERAL DIRECTOR xvcs iouîunetely. luke miany th-! lMi-. ai Mca. Grant Thompson scbooi trtistees. e-c. Our De-ar Mca. Hadly:- The rfeunl oîî ers. chie ta make a score tbat xvas1 anri l deuihters at Pe-iherlcxx. Grammar anil Commion School. Aftcrnooiî Auxilîccy of the Wo- townii )rftlng houses, foi. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ut le-ast a nat unxxothy one-. -Mr. anid Mca. Alvin MeGili andl Wm. Petiers. tii-st. in-ici'; Johnimens Missoncry Socicety desireltî 1QIlte sall's Seviean bu. îi dy. Th bi i. nt a erasI e-h:mly Ltts.xvt M-.anl î-.Hoskin-s, 2ndi aster; Mai-y Foil1 Isoe ete sadrss me-micber noxv. the-onîy iler Mecxandax-in MaILoun. ioy r d r. tii-st hemiale- te-ache-r: Mary Climi' tÇ conve-y la Yeu their sincece- menbe nol' th olyothr;MerinMoutjy.gret et s aur de-penture- hram atm rof the loyalty you have shi F. F. MORRIS CO. nulember ah t-be staff.,xva.s a McMi s hua Williams. Toronto. 2n1 and Fleming. 3ril fe-male:1 rmidst, aîso their be-st wishîes ibat 1 Malein Mtar Erîuîîpment James. J. Gilflian. teacher oa i Lf-- ixtbh ber mot her. -te-ache-r. ' you wxiii net. the vxecy be-st fraîîu Wpe x'enti'e o bli 'ct RICHARD FOUNTAIN , fair Elle-n. bis fie-ice but triumph- D 6 minister. Christine Trebilcock, Committee.I Bandmaster Canadian Legion cnt fighi wiih Rhoderick Duh, "KN The- Star Weekly, I. E. Me-Millan. 0 * * a Band anil tbe climax where be- sum- O AN editor. Grant V. Fle-tce-b-, pro- Fe-iiow temperance workers lni "BE TRUE TO YoU]R Te-ache-r af Corne-t, Trumpet, mone-i Elle-n'a imprisaned lolver prietors. the W. C. T. U. sent the f o110w- Baritone, ete. Maie-olm Graeme, aiready doom Strachan & Sons, Book ing lette-r of regret to, Mra. Had- O 25 eas'prfesioaiexece.ei ta ilcaih. and throwing agai selers and statloneis. dy: Open for pupils now. de-ne-bain ove-r the ________________ r-evnMche.Bo nd Bwavle Sp.2.13 Residence: Opposite Town Hall i ne-ek, placed the- chain- n he otad BwanilSp.2,13 PAGE FOUR -rcady ta serve 3'au eeonornie-ailycan,, efficientl' for this winter. If it require5 repaira we are- ready to give you satisfactory and expert service. If the aid furnace-,i donc- Why nota new 'Guri*,y' ALL CAST MRON FURNACE? Il ia an ecanoinical, simple, wear resisting home heating plant. It costs no mnore than others. yeSt gives greater vaàue. LUt us quote you our Priee. E. LOGAN R NE264WV BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Are The-y Invited ? The telephone me-ans mue-h ta the- faere-'a famil>', especi.îihv the- sounger people. With a tele-phone in tht-jr homne, friends arceîways within receh. But xihout it thcy are-e-ut off from men> e-nia>'- .uble ftînctjons. 'Iephaim se-rvice is mode-rate in e-ast - oni>' a femx cents a .uc' Is tlive n uthing you cen think of whie-h gives sa liuch fuor so Iittlc'? Lt Ieeps e-ver>' member of the .unl in tutch xx iuh the world outside, it SiP n aid in c'me-gmneie-s, it is senSûthCcdat is .îlxx cxirea.dy. a tirele-sa mes- Co " u' wkL CÊeAt( Letter to the FoI k oF nanville wù kno 0 bysalesmen foi' out-of- [lance to bid, on your printing"y and to yo to exprless our appreciation tyour home printers. is loy alty has lput money into your [y. )l)ort has justified us in investing et together a modemn and efficient ýpme nt thatw'e believe, is equal to ze in Canada. Resuit - you get ,at lowei' prices than would be ýourse, the out-of-town printer maY er Pli ce on in(lividuai orders of ing mor'e business from you, but, -n p-rinter can hope to compete, in year-round general printîng re- -inting establishment such as ours. 'urse, eveî'y dollai' you spend with .0 corne back to you in some form ýfort to continue to deserive your :w ,f the times with the most modern - ving our communîty. icerely yours, - IN COMMUNITY - IT GIVES UR LIVING" ite t rect] r. Sul- to 9 equij .is si iality Of ci I10WE gett F-tow your cal p of Co dng t ry efý st o ýser Sin o [s Your Furnace O.K. ?I m m