qqi M I ~~..1 Rt. Hon. R. B. BENNETT Primm Minister of Canada ARE You I I la it sound sense for any citizen seriously to consider passing the control of this country into the hand8 of imp ractical Liberal idealists, irresponsible Stevens' opportunists, or extremist C.C.F. visionaries? The answer is, NO! Canada under Conservative Government bas had the most rapid economic recovery in the World. Can- ada, uxider Conservative Government, stands ready to stride forward to new prosperity, New social and Economic Freedom. The if e and future of Canadian lndustry, and the welfare of Agriculture, depends on your decision. MARKETS LOST MARKETSOAINED 'Markets Lost Under the King Governmnent (1921 to 1930) Canada wvas hit by high tariffs from: France in 1927, 1928, 1929; Germany in 1925, 1929, 1930; Italy in 1923, 1927, 1929; Belgium in 1.926; Czechoslovakia in 1922, 1927; Finland in 1924, 1925; Japan in 1930; China in 1930; Argentina in 1923; Venezuela in 1930; Mexico in 1923, 1930; Cuba in 1927, 1929. (Federal Bureau of Statistics) In 1922 the United States raised a very objectionable tariff against us, the Fordney-McCumber tariff. In 1930 the United States passed the Hawley-Smoot tarrif bill which in one blow shut us out of the American markets. (250,000 head cattle, cream înd fresh milk, meats, wheat, etc.). Under Hon. Mr. King, in 1930, 64 large countries protected them- selves by high tariffs. Canada, without protection, was a free market for the dumping of foreign products. Markets Gained Under the Bennett Government. A (1930 to 1935) On the occasion of a two days' visit to Paris in 1930, in a single stroke, Hon. Mr'. Bennett sold France 31 million bushels of wheat. In 1932 Hon. Mr. Bennett conquered the greatest markets of the world in thirty days: the markets of the British countries and col- oniles (one-quarter of the world population). Following which Hon. Mr. Bennett negotiated advantageous commercial treaties with France (a population of 42 millions). With Germany (population 65 millions); With Poland (population 32 millions); With Brazil (population 40 millions); And with many other smaller countries. Hon. Mr'. Bennett is now negotiating with the United States for a favorable commercial tî'eaty (population of 141 millions). These mentioned are the world's richest and best markets. Under Mr. Bennett's Government we are doing business on a gîive-and- take basis, while protecting our agricultural and industrial pro- (tucers against dumping. CON SERVATIVE CANDIDATE in Durham County CONSERVATIVE MEETINGS IN WEST DURHAM DA.TE, - II..A('E - CHIEI' SPE iI<EI October 3rd. - etbany- Russell Nesbitt, K.C., M.P.P. October 4th.- Newcastle- Hon. W. Q. Martin. October 5th.- Janetville- Russell Nesbitt, K.C., M.P.P. October 9th.- Orono - Ex-Mayor W. J. Stewart, OBE. Toronto October 1Oth. - Bowmanville - Hon. Leopold Macauley, Ex-Controller Claude Pearce, Toronto. IRHAM&1 Vo te FO-R SECURITY Vo te FO-R INCREASED BUSINESS' Wýhen Honorable R. B. Bennett took over the reins of power in 1930, the doors of practically ail world markets were closed to Canadian products. Hon. Chas. Dunning, Minister of Finance in the King Cabinet, stated on July l3th, 1930: "Ail the principal markets of Europe are now closed to us as a result of the prohibitive afterwar tariffs. "One market, alone is left for us, and that the British. "If we lose this market, we can find no other." This statement was published at Regina, July l4th, 1930, by the officiai organ of the Saskatchewan Liberal Association. (See Hlansard February 7th, 1935, page 650). When Hon. Mr. King came into power in 1921, Canada supplied England with most of its cheese. In one year alone Canada had supplied 173 millions of pounds of cheese to Great Britain while New Zealand had supplied but 80 million pounds. After 9 years of the King regime, in 1930, New Zealand was supplying Great Britain with 193 million pounds of cheese, and Canada but 80 millions. (Federal Bureau of Statisties). During the last five years of the King administration Canadian commerce crumbled from a favorable balance of 401 million dol- lars in 1926, to an unfavorable balance of 103 million dollars in 1930, that is an adverse change of 504 million dollars in five years. During the five years of the Bennett administration this unfavor- able balance of 103 million dollars has been transformed into a favorable balance of 150 million dollars to Canada's benefit. Such is the comparison of figures according to Officiai Statistics. The~ difference between the two administrations is ver~y clear. There isn't a person who would want to go back to the adminis- tration previous to 1930, nobody would want to take the risk. The wheels have restarted. Canada is on the right path, and the same pilot with a firm and sure hand will lead Canada to prosper- ity: Hon. R. B. Bennett. By Their Actions You Shall Know Them- Throughout the County of Durham, posted on billboards and telephone poles are signs which read "Vote Liberal and get Action." You citizens who voted Liberal from 1921 to 1930, did you get action? In the winter of 192,9 when the stark spectre of unemployment began to rear its head, what was Mr. King's answer to Ontario's plea for Federal assistance? His answer was: "I would not give a five-cent piece to any Tory Government." WAS THAT ACTION? After the market crash in 1929 when thousands of citizens lost their if e savings and their jobs, and municipalities were setting Up emergency relief depots, what did Mr. King do and say about the situation? He did nothing - and said in effect: "I submit that there is no evidence in Canada today of an emergency sit- uation." WAS THAT ACTION? In the years 1921 to 1930 when aIl the trading nations of the world were raising their tariffs against Canada and excluding lier goods, did Mr. King follow suit and protect Canada againat unf air Competition? No-he did nothing. WAS THAT ACTION? In 1922 at the urgent request of Western farmers, Mr. King finally passed the "Canadian Wheat Board Act", but the Domin- ion Board was neyer formed and the legisiation neyer became operative despite the fact that Alberta and Saskatchewan had approved and passed supporting legislation. WAS THAT ACTION? IF THIS IS THE KIND 0F ACTION YOU WANT, LIBERAL! IF YOU WANT REAL ACTION, VOTE BOWEN AND KEEP IN POWER THE GOVERNMENT WHICH HAS BEEN GIVING YOU REAL ACTION FOR FIVE YEARS. Vote For FRED BOWEN Published by the Durham County Conservative Association. TRE ANADAIq TATFSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1935 1 fOR f PAGE P'IVE WHAT J and RE-mELEOT l'riz UP"N21àjlluN w risisc lvaisisaiklui ýA ý-- -- go VOTE