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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1935, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CrAM~AflTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1935 marriage to take place the latter FROM THE JUNGLES TO RADIO FAME BOWMANVJLLE WOMEN'S ~I pato!Otober. . . INSTITUTE, OBITUARY WD IN TheSttema saff: s rae-. .. .. .M.The f irst autumn meetin of- ' - Social a d Personal - .M.~4~X: .~,êy~:Ž: the Wornen's Insitue as he Ua afHiitnA Re.adM .A id ot Ms agrtHiS. Catheaies and gre buead tred anttna. J Ah n uber 0f val l on Eagle wbo diae iHa Mto o n'Saur a,ptme2,byRv ~'ernv~wer guess onSunda at amesvisitd beruncl, Mr.G graes ~ ~ ~ ~ was ~ ~ "' >dayrsSeeetwemomedby thh Prew- Wenasda, SetTmbe 25th wer Wiflatheakerthetmrrheg Moo the I~~ectory. A. Edmond.tCnt. pa scxe!s omgeotenblesndte dnMs .Ticsf."h rugthr o nemeti lc !Hee om ac Mr. Tred Harwood, Port Eoe Niagara peninsula produces. paeo e Hp, Mrs. Jas. MeBrien, Toronto, you and I were young Maggié!Bowmanville Cemetery on Satur- daughter of Mr1 n is .C spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- The Statesinan joins in tender- ... ad"h Institute Ode" were day afternoon. Deceased was 76 Pascoe, EnfieldtoHgA.B- B. il. MoiiJock. nyeo nsa. ing congratulations to Mr. J. D. sn loe yteLr fg Mrs. J. Brady andMran Mr . ad Bo Storie of Oshawa on the occasion ~'~_ yr ~ i n a wc ar oo onetsno r Mrs E.E. i- ndso Bbofhi gs..ithayonSeteby e.s children by the flrst ancli tr-obnBaoBa Mrs. Jak radiy wrweelend Cicgolll, bis ssofDr 8 15VbMr. trieay o in peoerl d4 ~Hampton's invitation to visit inarriage are: three sons, ROY, water. T&l rd asatne Jack wfMr ead r Chices a o, 11W.1. ar us.s !Iî 8h r tre b sa gua o r n rs ae n is .H k. Durham boy, was the largest don- 4 them was changed to November George and Stanley Eagie and by ber sister,MisEzbeha- Mr. and Mis. G. A. Edmond- or toward the erection of the " as our Institute was too busY to tbree daughters, Mrs. G. Duen- coe, and tbegro byisb- _______ nd Mss Dngmn spnt Nrses Hoe atBowmnvile "~f' ~ ~ ~attend on October 3rd. Mrs. Pol- ther, Mrs. J. Morgan and Mrs. L. ther, Mr. JinBao. mid _______________Sunday in St. Catharines. Hsia.~4 «-.- lard and Mrs. Baker were ap- Ris second wife was lately f oliowlngtecrmn Mr. nd Ms. C W. ahinand r. N A. ickad, wo ows apointed to arrange for a suitable Miss Isobel Blngbam, a daugbter wedding breakfs a sre d.andhtersettyWestonvisitd ver.fNe.gents' rnishiong a program at Hampton. of the late Mr. and Mrs. James a few immediaerlivstth y dugte Btty Wstnviste vryfin gnt' urnshngstreMoved by Mrs. J. Morris and Bingbam, Tyrone. Service at tbe brlcle's bome, ftr bchte C e t n r Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Rabm, Bur- in Port Athur, visited bis bro- seconded by Mis. W. Culley and grave was conducted by Rev. J. W. bappy couple lfto oo n keton. ther, Mr. A. W. Pickard, enroute carid ha or ex NortbernOnri. nter 1 M. and Mrs. Wm. McReynolds to Montreai on a business trip. s'.t arritbat our m. next meting BuAmnr. ttnigte u-rtnM.a C elie br a t ion have returned f rom visiting fri- Like many othen old Durham . ~ .. ..start bati2.45 pm. and asitablf alAinong ths. e tte Wattse Fuo-rtieuon Ms Baon ends at Cambray, Lindsay, Oak- boys Norman keeps in touch withshrbuiesproanatalea!eeMs.Q.WtsFtlvenGadteAeOsaa A.N wod ad Wodvlle th dong inhisnatve ouny ». ~,~of fancy work, and bome-made Erie; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mit- Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. ~ Th Cci States- -~ ~ cooking be off ered for sale witb 1 chell, Hmlo.Sismd ftesiemtr Mr n r.Hra .Lapp, by îeading Te Canadian Stts afternoon tea. T a k fe ng who were manried on Satunday, man. .. ... Mrs. Frank Jackman b a d Mrs. Chas. H. Nix, Hamilton ial as artificilsl r en Th n = fe ig spent t he w',eekend with Mrs. N. The engagement is announced chreo1h rga:Ms . used in the mauatrrfsu S. B. James and f amily. of Vesta Gertrude, only daughten .J odgv in oo lS oehsHsiaHm ServaesIfty, an r.G.en .x aieofaccompanied Mns. Geo Pritcbard ilton. 'eanly Saturday morning, q y n d f al hayo'let rit atnth r e trorLnng Schioolfo in her two songs which wene much September 21st, Margairet Jane Dingman & Edmodst, onles. a teOtai rinn c.o o enjoyed. Miss Gnaham, P u b 1 i CDowney, dearly beloved wife of Diga dodtn'. Boys, Bowmanville. son of Mn. Healtb nurse, gave a talk on Mn. Chas. H. Nix, weil known bar- Mrs. Harry Robinson, Merni- and the late Mrs. W. J. Davidge, "What made ui a day's work for ness maken and leather goods Th ey'r He ! ton. bas been visiting her bro- formenly of Weston, the marniage a community nurse" whicb en- menchant, passed away. Mn s. ther, Mn. G. A. Eclmondstone. and tu take place October 26th in St. ligbtened ber audience, if by Nix who was in her 83nd year had attendeci the Scott-Kennedy' wed- Clair Avenue United Church. chance tbey did not tbink sbe had been ill for about six weeks bav- The 1936 Wlp er ding in Toronto. A former Bowmanville boy. a fui! day. Gnoup four senved re- ing undergone a serious openat CanadaJ. erSatne heCon en- awa nbsGuseomp Slted 37fyes-freshments. ion in Fniday. The sbock proved Su wt y MAlCn.aWdJ BeratesCnde n- t weFireman Geo eter 37f Oas-A vote of tbanks moved by Mrs. too much for ber. u tion" at Royal York Hotel, Ton-atvenvice with the Oshawa Jackman. seconded by Mrs. L. She spent ber girlhood in ono ody usa n e-Fine Brigade. He has served un- Buttery was extended Voi Miss Hampton and Bowmanville. Fol nesday of this week. der tbree fine chief s, and has Grhmad1 lltkn ati lwn e arag h ie o Mn. and Mns. Carl Billings. fought some o! the most stubbon Deta FonsYth, who fnequencly plays ti£ nole of the harassed Gaai n oaltkn ati oigbrmnraeselvdf daughtens Edna and Audrey, Mrs.fietbth'eba in saa heroine during the Radio Commission's Toronto pnogramn, "UP- the Pnogram. many years in Uxbnidge then _________David Hoopen, Onono. Mn. and din epres ta aent ze oTeMt. ea was bonn in Southb Mnica, but finds the Z moving to Hamilton about 22 s i In riityUntedChrchatMns. . DiG Cu lrti it the present time he is station man microphone more fearful than the savages addal etie H R H Skînd and lovîng disposition and An entfrel e elsc In r WMA nViLe hr Mn. adC. . eruson Ns-onthe Oshawa Brigade, o! her native country. I_______________ mdemayf iends. designs inciui~ h lr _______ LEtieton, Mn. Leslie Cochrane, En- Among the eîderîy people at" Besides ber sorrowing busband modern "Neo-lai» atrs TONGT HRDY field, and Miss N. Cowling, tending Trinity United Chuncb Mns. N. S. B. James. S.PUI NTDCUC ihwo h a lne o Bign TONGT HRDY Hampton, spent Sunday atMr Centenary services on Sunday Mn. and Mns. Geo. Edgen. Osbh- R uy Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister celebrate tbeir diamond wedding onott OCTOBER 3rd and Mrs. Water Cochrane's. a! ternoon was Mrs. John Ham- awa. Ms .H uleu. s nnvrayo ctbr1tse at very modeacot-te 8p. m.-In the School Roomn, Mn. J. Lake Mondnbsmd bly whom we undeîstand wili Mn. and Mns. Sid. Hugbson, is survived by one daugbteî, Mar- Histonic and Fellowsbip Celebra- anothen addition o bis large coi- have been ma-riîed 60 years this Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. Sunday, O S ca er thia.-io MsJ.KSuatHaion rng npcefm tion.. Old time program o!fxmusic, lection o! animals at the Cneamn week. She coiamenced attending Alex Taylor. -Th__ upr llb oetved;2.3 p.m.tbree sons, Artbur and Blake of pictures, addresses, etc. Speak- o! Barley Camp. A young moose Sunday Sehool in the old Bible Mn. andi Mns. Newton Johns, WrvBat Sunday Scl!boolanvd Adult0Bible Hamilton and Howard o! Pres ens: Rev. B. Ryeîson Young and anniveci this week fîom NothernnI Christian Cburch, corner Queen 0hw.Wer-at SudySho adAutBil o;to rnsnRoeti Oc t 5 Mn. John Elllott, B.A. Ontario. and Division Streets, and has Mn. and Mrs. Geo. F. Annis. 1895-1935 froabov7eP. Cordia wecome to rton adJc turHml Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson and been very !aithful when e v e r enezer with ber aunt, Miss - Pieston and JCordSaalt, Hamil- letonol1 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6th Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox have ne- health permits at ail the church Annie ;Alun. A very pleasant surprise was aIl. The funeral took place on Mon- Every pattr ersu.a 11 a. m.-Rev. H. W. Avison, turned f nom London wbere tbey services ever since. . Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles, Mn. Wil- tendered Mn. and Mrs. H. F. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN day from bher late.residence, 71, extraordlnaril odvle M.A., D.D., Toronto, Minister of spent a week attending the twen- By populan demand of their f id Bowles and son, Nestleton, Werny at thein home. Sunnyside CHIJKCH Wellington St., S. Rev. Dr. E. Hlgh Park United Churcb. tietb annual session o! Tbe Grand inany customens, Dominion Stores and Mn. Jas. Devitt, Toronto, at Farm, Kedion, on Saturday, Rev. W. G. Blake. Minister Crossley Hunter and Rev. D. .A.1 We Inviteyut sio 7 p. m.-Rev. James Endicott, Chapten o! Ontario. Order o! the Limited bave added a !resh meat Dr. J. C. Devtt's. September 28th.MisLueObonrgit Moir bad charge of the services., wail paper dprmn m DD., Toronto, Ex-Modenaton o! Eastern Star. counten Vo their B3owmanvilie Mn. and Mrs. Ceci! Hill, BlackC- On October 2nd, 1895, H. Flet- Ms oleObre ralt Asnong tbe many wbo attended IeLsurelY lnsecthenwam Unted Chunch in Canada. Mi'r. and Mns. Athur H rn store. Under the new arrange- stock, with ber aunt, Mis. A. W. cher Wenry, son of tbe late Mn. Sunday, October 6tb: il a. m. tbe service was a large deputation attractive hoeeortus ____announce the engagement o! ments tbe meat will be kept un- Pickard. and Mis. W. Werry, Solina, was "Reasons and Excuses"; 7 p.m.- from Ocacia Lodge. The pail- MONDAYAND TESDAY thein daugbter, Anna Mae. tu Mn. der ideal refigenation in a mod- Mn. and Mrs. H. Wilcox, Hamp- united in marriage with Rosetta "The Dividing Line"; 2.30 p.m.- bearers wene Wallace Downeyl bODYADTEDY Ross A. Pooley, son o! Mns. Pool- ern cold storage show case. Spec- ton. Grace Batty, daugbter o! tbe late Sunday School. Fred Downey, George Downey 1 qW.Jew eÙ OCTOBER '11h r- th ey and the late Mn. Richard ials in this deparment will be Mrs. (Rev) ,J.F Chapman, WIlliamn Batty and Mrs. Batty at Daniel Robinson, Herbert Mineri 8.15 P. M.-The Women's As- Pooley, Bowmanville, Ont.; the advertised in Dominion Stores Toronto, with ber sister, Miss the.borne of the bride, Foley, East TRINITY UNITED CHUBCH and Harry Shelby. Inteninent was 1 hno3 sociation will present in the Town marniage to take place in October. acivertisement in 'Me Stateman Winnie Morris. Whltby. Their brothies and sis- Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor made in Hamilton Cemetery. BOOK S TAINR Hall a play entitled "Look Wbo'5 Mn. and Mns. W. J. Martin, each week. The meat is govenn- Mn. and Mns. David Tod, Osh- ters, cbildren and grandchildren, Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac. Messrs Wallace and Fred Dow- PAINTS£ tL PE Here." Admission 25c. Orono, announce the engagement ment inispected and approved. awa. wth Mrs. Batty, mother of the Organist and Choir Director ney of Bowmanville are nepbews CHINA? GLS Plan now to corne and bring of tbein eidest daughter, Gertrude St. Pauls Young People's Guiid Mn. and Mrs. John Joblin, Rev. opportunity of celebnating with of deceased. _______________ yorfamily with you. LueUla, to Mn. Abert Ray Found, met in the S. S. noom Tuesday Fred J. Joblin, Scugog. tbemn their 4th Wedding Anni- C en t e n ay Celebration and youn ~~youngest son o! Mn. and Mns. night with a record attendance, Dr. and Mrs. G. Elmore Rea- versary. Tbank Offering, Sunday, Oct. 6Vh:_______________________________ Robent Found, Pickering, the President Geo. W. Grahaim pre- man, Toronto, wi~h Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. C. F. Werry, Mr. il amx.-Rev. Dr. H. W. Avison, siding. In devotional period the E. P. Bradt. and Mrs. H. A. Werry Misses Ber- High Park Avenue United Chur- scrpture lesson was taken by Ms. .A an oonto, with nice and Wilma Werry, were in ch, Toronto; 2.30 p. m.-Special *~r Ralpb Douglas. It was decided h er prents, Mn. and Mrs. Win. change o! the evening's entertain- Centenary Sunday Scbool pro- N ~ ~ '~' / i'U Iv e~ that representatives would be Tnewin. ment and !rom the complete sec- gram; Tbank off ering taken up ;a wo PiVVeW oël sent Vo the Young Peoples Pres- 1 Edito's Note - This is by no recy wbich sbrouded thein pre- 3.30 p. m.-Baptismal Service; 7 bytery Confenence in Wbitby on mreans ail the out o! own visitons parations Vo the close o! the happy p. m.-Rev. Dr. James Endicott. A FAVORITE FALL ENSEM L E v e r y t h in l g Saturday. The Christian Fellow- wbo attended the various Cent- evehit paid their tribute o! love Ex-Moderator o! the U n i1t e dl sbip convenen. Mrs. A. S. Ker enary activities at Trinity United suÏd devotion to their parents. Cbunch. The Choir will render In Angora Wooi Cloth,4 comfortably warm o oo al as tokaher topic "Home Life,": Chuncb the past week. So please Beautiful autumn !lowers fiiied special Centenary music. Re- and up to the minute lu style. In fail touem frst le S whicb pnoved both send in any nanies missed and the room. Roses wene useci on the member our Historic and Fellow- bloe, green and brown, at ........... ~~~and educational. any others wbo attend the ser- tables. tbe bride's table being cen- ship Nigbt Thursday (tonight) at _________ X__________ vices the coming weekend. tered witb an attractive wedding 8 p. m. This wili be a great cel- A t A il Tinmes., , cake wbich was cut by the bride ebration. Mn. John Elliott, B.A.. SPECIAL IN DRESSES -$.9 in true traditional fonm. and Rev. E. Ryerson Young will Thefolowng pecal fo Thrs, F.,Sat C e te aryCOMNGEVE TS e!onelevin th tble, wic bnng retins1T5ee0wlbe harte$150Oths go ofofspeias fr te eeken Thefolo in Secal forThrs, ri, atwere arnsnged tu seat aIl mem- special musical numbers. Visit They luclude 3 piece suits, aud 1 and2pec drss bers o! the Party, Mn. Jas. A. the historie room. Eve r y b o d y' Sizes 14 to 4212 lu the lot, Ou Sale at$69 October 3rd, 4th, 5th.l/s tor Whatever you do - don't miss Werny. Enniskillen, read an ap- weicome. ___________________________________________ the tbnee act farce, "Look Wbo's preciative address on bebaîf o!f- Red & White Tea, 1's ............ per lb. 59c Mrs. J.A. Wylîe, Miss Lena Monday and Tuesday, October 7 neminder o! the occasion Masters An efflcacious household rem- ymûLA IS Red & White Coffee, 1/2's......... per tin 22c Bennett.Mn. and Mrs. W. I. Mac- and 8, under the auspices o! William and Robent Werry pre- edy - Douglas' Egyptian Lini- Th SPECIALT YIO tavisb Mns. W. A. Quibell, Mn. V. Trinity Women's Association. The sented thein grandpanents with a ment. Brings immediate relie! Vo Gold Medal Pumpkin, large tins..2 tins 19c Fee and Mr. McKenzie, Toronto, play is dinected by Ed. H. Devitt, beautiful cutglass f lower and fr'uit lame back and muscular rheuma- Phone 594 BWIDW Prunes,.lr .e.................. 2 lbs. for 25c with Mn. and Mrs. F. J. Manning. and the cast includes many f av- bowl and umbrella on bebaîf o! burins Aso re cor nammation, ____________________________ Miss Carnie Cherry. R. N., Dun- orite local stage stars. the immediate famiiy. Miss Ber- unsrcoi adwt. Tigeî' Salmon, 1's ............... per tin 24c banton. Aiinual meeting o! the Wom- nice Werry îead and account o!f ______________ Miss Margaret Jollif! e. Toron- er's Hospital Auxiliary will be the wedding. forty years ago, and ____________ AUSRAIA t, M. ndMr. A C Dnie.held on Friday, Oct. 4Vb, at 3.30 as she used adjectives supplied AUSTRAL1AN tavo. n n Ms ..Dnk. pm. in the Nurses' Resldence. blindly by the guests it proved - Havioc. iNew members are cordiaily in- humorous as well as înteresting. prb. I 2C Mn. and Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick. vited. Among the guests. numbering per lb.aiinsTornto. with Miss Lola Down. Don't forget the Home and about tbinty, wene eleven wbo were Rex'. and Mns. J. U. Robins. Scbool Club meeting at Central present at the wedding and o! Listowel, with Mns. W. H. Spargo. Public School, Wednesday, Oct. these were three attendants, 0 Miss Emma Tabb, Rochester, 9tb. at 8 p. m. Mns. Wm. Cole, Messrs Jas. A. Wenry, Frank W. Red & White Brand Baking Powder and N. Y., and Mns. W. J. Wsnd. Osh- convener. Batty and Miss Nons Wenny. Miss awa, with their sister, Mrs. J. M. Zion Harvest Home services on Florence Batty. bridesmaid, suc- Red & White Brand Extracts Rowe. Oct. 6th at 2 and 7 o'clock; Rev. cumbed tu pneumonia about three NgetdClsaeCsl u odi airt iîa h Vanilla or Lemon ........... both for 31c Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, To- W. C. Smith, Ebenezer, speaker. years later. Nelce Clsae otybu od sEse Min.........ic............. 2 lbs. for 25c ront,, [îh h pans, Mn. and iss Leoer wl enoî5ted by After an evening spent in games L V Start. Here areyorfgtn Mincemeat, Choice parents, Chore enls soloist and social chit cbat the guests CoId Prevention Coats Littlewepn Rolled Wheat ................. per bag 23c Mr. andi Mns. Haî'ry Basker- Oshawa. Tuesday, Oct. 8th, at bade f anewell to the bride and ep Chioride of Lime ............ 2 pkgs. for 25'c ville. Miss Ada Silvei' and Miss 5.30 o'clock, Roast Chicken Sup- groom bopiag to join with theni ATTACK NOW. KILL IT EA L Ethel Mollon, Toronto. per, !oilowed by a drama "The in their Golden Wedding Anni- Mn. and Mrs. L. M. Keith, Toi'- Wild Oats Boy" by Kedron Dr%- vensary celebration. and wisbing D REVENT THEM! RELIEVE THEM! STOP H M CULVERHOUSE FANCY GOLDEN BANTAM onto. matic Club. Admission: Adults themn the best in l! e in the in -_____ Mr. and Mrs. W. Eben Snow- 50,c, childnen 25c. 39-2 terim. le dn shawa. TAKE A GOOD TONIC ines, with bis sister, Mrs. J. D. should not be referned Vo as a LEGION PLAN TO SELL1 ------t----23Stevens Fî. e r o:y . Cath n Sr cnd wpaveg'otethhrnbdiaN E MILLION POPPIES Wainpole's LGargi 2es - 4e-89e Mr.H. F. Hutchison. Toronto. four fingeis and a thumb. cmlgu MuhMitr Chocolate Drops .............. 1/ lb. foir 9c Mrs. Norman Hamley and Jean._____________ The local Branch o! thse Cari-at o Lve Asngent-37c 59 Rie ae icut....... 2lb.fon1r_ otrorwith he is the Ms.Malhycoin Lgsi eteig is ee op ub 39c- M Rice Krispies ............... 2 pkgs. f or 25c Oshawa. Bowmanvllle Dalry Mllk. bers o! the Poppy Co mmitie % .% Mrs. Robt. Holmes. Port Hope. namied above or at the store. Thsi rp ek-Cret elsfrMrs. M. A. Balson. Oshsawa Speclal deSigns can be made on ENLARGING Thîs i GrapeWeek -Corne o Nends forW Beinboter, Rvs-W A Bnuymsnv ale I nequest. The total pnoceeds o! Best Prices. MidsJ W. actrnto, I the sale o! Popples and Vetcraft Have your favortle snap en- Me cisso'St, r o nto, s.WthB. Da,,j Wreatiss will be used in provld- larged and coloured. Our bellr c ui M. a1 M s.1. . ng asistance o needy ex-service w rk le unequaed. Miss ayrd. tn, oono W. . ettles, Prop. men and thein familles, the work l x MI F. W . ees Ms a astnTrno and services o! the Poppy Com- UIE IA TR RN m' D U SW Phone 599 Bowmanvilîe Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haddy and 1<wavî A good book, like good wlne, ______________ Jack, TorontVo, wlVh- ber sist needs ne buah.

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