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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 4

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THE CANADIAIN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 I OF Interest to Women WEDDNGSThe jacket sleeves endeti in WEDDNGSpoint over the banti. The bride' Dotand-Oke small off the face bat was o! thi samne material anti she wore bhsi A quiet wedting was solerunizeti crepe sandals. Her bouquet wa at Trinity Unitedi Church Par- o! Rapture roses, lily o! the vail sonage, Bowmanville, on Satu.r- ey anti heathen. The ceremor: day, Octoben th, by Rev. E. F. conducteti by tbe Rev. C. R. Speî Armnstrong wben Miss Florence cen. was perfonmeti before a bard Gertrutie Oke, daughter o! Mr. o! ferns anti auturnn fiowerc andi Mrs. Wesley Oke, Enniskillefl, There were no attendants. A!te was unitoti in marniage with Mr. the ceremony, the bride's mothei Franklin J. Dolanti, son o! Mn. charming in a gown of tnip anti Mis. John Donianti, Enli- sheer crepe in prune shade wil] skMlen. The bride wore a brown matching witie-brimmed bat an4 velvet dress anti bat with match- corsage o! Talisman roses an lng accessonies. The attendants maiden hair fern. receivedth t were Miss Winnifred Oke, sister guests assisteti by Mns. Olivei o! the bride anti Mn. John Slemon. mother o! the groom. who wa Mn. anti Mrs. Donianti le! t haten veny smart in a gown o! shee on a moton trip te the States. crepe in a phlox shade. wil] matching bat. Follawing the re Oliver-Caverly ception bbc bride anti groom lef A vey pett wedingtoo on a maton trip. the bride trav lAcvrpe Stuy fenoon. eling in a dress a! brown shee plac on aturay aternon.crepe, brown coat trimmeti wit October 5th. at the home o! Mr. beaver anti brown bat with match anti Mns. W. C. Caverly, Cburch t me accessonies. On their retur St., Bowmanvilhe. wben thein only IMn. anti Mrs. Oliver will resid tiaughter Alma Grace. was mann- in Bownlani'ilhe. led to Mn. Etisahl Liewelhyn Oliver. Amang the many lovehy gift i son o! Mrs. Oliver anti the late %vene a standard îamp. presente, V. R. Oliver a! Cobalt. Ont. The ta Mn. Oliver by t.he Goodyea bride was oveiy as she enteret office staff. anti a tea service. tbe living-room with ber father. presentation o! the office staffa wbo gave bier in marriage, t h riigSho to the rd strains of the wedting manc.teTann Ibo atebi playeti by Mrs. S. S. Etisali. grand- McuerPid mother o! the groom. The bride'sI MMre-ud gown was o! pale blue suede lace The home o! Mn. anti Mrs.C witb a sight train, a matching F. Purdy, Cburch St., Bowman jacket. ,ith bigh neck, which ville. was the scene o! a prett' openeti down the back. The tress autumn wedding on Satundaý ltsehf was sleeveless. high in the September 28th. when their sec front with back tiecolletage anti anti taughten. Marlon Jean, be briliant clips on the shoultiers. came the bride o! Mn. Stanle McMurten. son o! Mn. antiMnI LeMcMurter. Brightoni. Rev EF. Armstrang o! Trinity Unit eti Church ofIiciated. The bride. gîven in marniai Heaith Body by her fathen, looketi chanmiri llea thy ody canton crepe with a wreath0 orange biasoms anti cannietiý bouquet o! pale pink carnation arnd roses. Miss Alice Purtiy. sis t er o! the bride. was bnidesmai( in a gown o! apple green pebbb crepe anti carnieti a bouquet: f ahi flowers. -4 r. Lloyd McMur ber o! Brighton attendedti t groom. anti the wedding musi was playeti by Mns. Ediwin Wood The bouse was tastefuihy tecaral. cd with autumn fowers. Fohb)wing bbc ceremony daînty luncheon was senveti. Thi Healhy r ind bride anti groom ieft on a shor donthe ridetravelling in You can't expeet your ehild to ronan us rko! tnipl be successful ini lus studies un- sheer anti a smart tweed coa less he bas the sturdy, healtby with brown accessonies. On bbci vigor of mi in his system. rctunn tbey will reside in Boy IfflI -*'-i« ---. -- nI e-.-' fon. .manvile Bce that your cblld hsPlent; of tise best - hhmen Dowmanffle DaLrMlk Bowmanville Dairy W. H. Bettles, Prop. PHONE 446 OR 703 Bowmanville IPrcvious ta ber marniage tb bride was guest o! honon i sbowcns given by Mrs. Dwigh. 'Bunnen. Mrs. Herb. Pbillips an Miss Leah Bell. She also receiv cd beautif ul gi! ts f nom the Sun shine Sunday school cass an the C.G.I.T. leaders o! Trinil Church. anti a chrome percohatc frans bbc staff anti emPhaYesc tbe Bowmanville Faundry. Th groom was atso presenteti witb beautif ul wahnut table !rom hJ t !clhaw mployces o! the Goodyea Tire & Rubbcr Ca. * You'il like the rich, fl Flavour oF Saladla Orange Pekoe Blend. Try a package. 'SALADA TUA IeuigFlat Work 20 PIECEs and Waig Apparel FINISIRHED Send pleces like Pyjamas, Bed and Table Linen, Smocks, Un- OL dcrwear, Men's Socks - any- O L ) P thing washable - only ex- " ceptions are Curtains, Rugs, Blankets, Comforters. Men's Shirts fully finished in this Extra Pleces 5c Each service 5c each extra. SWISS LAUNDRY SINCE 1886 LAUNDERERS & CLEANERS Phone 207 PAGE MUR name svas flot even mentioneti. ner !amiY, was 365 yeans aId. anti whicb is "betten farther on." !l~ f ~ /2-1h. Pkg. 1-lb. Pkg, Af ton bis deatb. bbe Prince o! lin another very intercsting voiume, Abbrevlate, discanti, or do what EARLYtb Wales, hearing o! it. saiti thatlverc copies a! several issues o! you Ilke wlth this: but V've given Blade Roaitsc m-any men hati been knlghteti for1 the Christian Guardian, for 1830,î my testlmony at the centenary of ~ iess. 11831 anti 1832. Thene were also J bb Church o! my youth. May 15C lb. M O RMK Nr4 1 2 c 2 1 "The Olti Oakcn Bucket". sung records in beautiful olti-fashioneti ber second hundreti years fan ex-qu by a quartette consisting a! Mrs. handwitinig o! tbc minutes and tcel brba aso her e dy ftepeatý! ________________________________________________ Grant, Mrs. M. H. Wight, Mssrs finances o! different organizat- Yours for Service. ry i.' Howard Wigbt anti Orvlhhe Os- ions o! tbe churcb. W. T. Cher. 1 -.-- ýTTM Fo m r299 Wellington St., Brantford, Lotta Callus overstayedl ber lJury & Lovell's and McGregor'S i t rcM eig 1F r e P so sa d F in sS n September 26, 1935 welconie at the Foots'. Cress Drug Stores. Histric Meeing as rs na F ien s 1enu Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Corn Salve got rid of her. At at Trinitv UIiurch Greetings to Methtodst CentenaryBowmanvlle, Ont. ________________ I _____ _______________1 Dear Friend:-I arn very dis- I cniudfo ae1 appointed that I cannot be with a' fu messge frrn Re. Joh Gar-London, Ont. we extend our warmest congrat- IYou for t.he re-union of the mem- W E T C M S T a!fu.Lossged on a f ormrhniser ar September 27, 1935 ulations and good wishes for the bers of the church. Yes. I would W E T C M ST "s bt odn omrmnseD Friends:- social and spiritual success of lîke to sit in the old pew. and leand added that. although those A century of activity for the these Centenary services, have M. A. James sitting behind ie early days of Methodismn were in- Kingdom of God and the people S. C. Moore. me saying that my hat was so W asspiring and the unity achieved of Bowmanville and vicinity is a large he could flot see the prea- l- drnth atoehnrdYasrcr otyo eerto.I ilyPrP. cher. I arn afraid I would want. r1y is commendable, we must flot is indeed a cause for thanksgiv- Rde ak a more than a peek in at the in- i t rCa n- think that the olden aays were ing to Almighty God whose sus- Septemnber 30. 1935 f ants' class where I taught for nkbetter than the present or the taining Grace bas been so mai- Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Minister so many years. Now ail the lit- rs fuur f h Cu h r. Elliott fst through ail the years.ITheTrilty UnitedCr ch tlie boys and gris are away, andIts 'V ke Sors w ee aiso buthtageeigfomRv lf ndwr o uha hrhIerBrte have: manodlay utIhv vr teryke t re h r r, D. N. McCamus, wbom Mr. Arm- as yours cannot be adequately My every thoughtful sister pleasant memories of those days le strong bolds in high regard for expressed in a short letter. 1 ain tC an nacudeofinha etnr mer y h adwiîapwaystcben Ishathe you'II Find the :hd his kind beip when he was a not only thinking of the minis-toan.acy0fhe eterym vr apisw nIhdte idyoung man. ters who proclaimed the truth of Celebration program (or letter) choir loft filied with my Primary nd After another anthemi by the God in life and word. but also of of your church; and, observing class and beard them singing ~ hoi.Rv .R on od0 teGdymna'dwmn that activities extend for a week "Jesus Bids Us Shine." I Must erchir Rv.E.R.Youg ol o te ody mn ndadrnd heyet, I arn yielding to an impulse not ramble any longer, but will * the century famethodist chrcd-by theirndchracers adorned thwe to attend, in spirit, t.his notable close. wisbing you ail a very hap- er inded"LiineEnstes"knwnpy time. th father. he said. started the work ide Lvn psls nw Mrs. Daniel Srnith e-in185 ndfo ahudrd ears of ail. I neyer serveti any church Please Put nie down as just one ft the name of Young has been an whose members more fully ai ftebyso h hrhabu1AneVae historie one in the progress of festeti the living experience of the mitdle of the Centenary you Values_ er Methodisni. The Young family Saviflg Grace. In ail the work are observing. Some of the thingsI th has given no less than seventeen among young and 0ld, sick and I distinctly remember are thîe St. Thomas, Ont. h-men andi ;omen to church work. well. this church gave ungrudg- foUlowiflg: September 2'7, 19351j rn His grantifather was the founder ingly, andi consequeitly lef t the 1. I diti not always behave as To the Pastor. Members de of Victoria College and of the mark of their Christian faith and wvell as I should at Band of Hope and Friends of the Christian Guardian. of which Mr. fortitude on the entire commun- meetings. nor in the Sunday Bowmanvilie Church: QUALITY ts Young possesses the f irst copy. ity. A century of successful en- School Class of Mr. McClung. These few uines are offered as ed -I do not speak of ail this deavoun and achievement is wor- 2. Bill Matthews and I- be; a brief expression of my grati-à CHOICE ýar boastfully," hie saiti. "but I am thy of thankfui remiembrance. was the preacher's son)-used to;ý tude for wbat I receiveti froi a justly proud of my heritage." Orpar is that God our Fa- pept1uhtewno tte the Preachers anti Laymnen o! of Although he was only four years ther will grant this fine old Prayer Meeting, and won'ier why the Metbodist Church in Bow- e. olti when his family came to Bow- church and people another cent- why his mother andi mine lookedI manville from the earliest per- COLOR is dear to him. for ury of such spiritual accomplish- so soîemrn. iod of my recollection, I oive n'rarefunvbr h en.Ms abt n ill much for the frequent visits o!f RC threar fu mmbrs fte met. rs. Ginaoruttand I dur- 3. I have cherished a lifelong the Minister. their fervid antiP IC family buried here: his f ather.rem ryoinorpyrsu- regard for Lizzie Young (Mis. evangelistic preaching and ex- G.1 mother. a daughter and an -igthsfeivldyan ialFred Haddy). who taught the S. ample.,pt h eaaino I ail rthr ev on~r-the days to come. tth seatino c-, ied thebrather unpleasant fact Yours very sinc erely. S. Ciass to wbich I belDnged Il the country f rom the Town ty clle th raherunpeasat at Jhn arbtt.have a photo of it stili. in whichI charge in 1869. 1 recaîl with y. that the old buryiiig grount i sJonGrut you would recognize some of theltender feelings their names, Rev.Ail at 'Walker o-under the cburch horse shed. best men the old church hati wbeh ila enEwnCe Stjs e- He was born in the North West 331 Ros e r D 2.Toono.th93re5u.1 ment. James Graham, James ___ ey where bis f ather spent several 4etme'2 . 193 remember the wonder witb 1 Hannow, George Cochran. Sam- & s. years in Mission work at Norway Geo. W. James. Bowmanville: wshich I witnessed the janitor., ueî J. Hunter. Richard Whiting v. House. WbnM. on1cm join most cordiaUy in the with a long pole, draw down tbe anti George Leech. Mter 18691Yuwl eral hrle ,hteslc t- east to Toronto, a littie boy of great chorus of congratulations big chandelier in the cburchwie this town was served by R.evs. G. lion of coats we have for your inspection four. he had bis first suit of store1 to Trinity Unitd Cburch on bier he lit the old kerosene lap:N1.F.T ,ko ndJh hsyer hycre ntevr atest ge clothes. The Young f amilyisoCetnar clbain. The anti the marvellous achievement Bredin. The iast named was weaves they are most generously ig U. E. L. stock and Rev. Young years 1915-1919 were fate! ul it semed to me when the cburcb chairrnan of the district. whoi trirnxed vvlth luxurious fur they are te mentioned the great sacrifices of years for ail the world. The instaîleti an underground tank tu a bttr lgb wib as gave mie my marching orders toi beautifully tailored and they are ofthose settlers who gave up every- memories of those tragic years to provide aI Irlgtwt gs ot yfrt ici ined writb the very finest in linings. You go to my first circuittan.British mai<e no misake in buyinareofor-i1 a tingto iveundr he ritsh y famiy nd ysef ae fr- 5. I have o! ten told folks that 1875. accompanied by bis prayerte a at loVralke in bAsk anyo wn-a r lag. It was the ambition of these ever bounti up with Bowmanville. tefrtofc eeber bold- -Ma Divine Providence everca tWakrs s ayn h a ~- eole hocame to Canada, to and I shahl always respect the; ing in the Cburch of Goti on my gud'nigat o. rebugtaWkrCatante'Uelyo ,igive their chiltiren a gooti edu- Board anicngeaioiter o to the ministry, was as 2nd wbich bas been graciously anti that in that coat was combined ail we decton hY eea utrdr-thi oylsppr ome shown assistant librarian (or was it 4th dbnatyaserd ee-caim, quality, choice, style, color and le jcatin. Tey ere cuiurein their ly a sprt us to and 1audnl nsee.Irmm f fineti ciass o! people, said. Mnrin. mn wyspevoon tb?) in the Sunday Scbool. ber well many of the leading 1price. Your choice from this group at r- Young.dotie duriiig the two years. 191719. Seltiom bave I f elt more important memnbers wbo bave long since, ie Thedotie of John Wesley that I was overseas on acive since. passet f rom labor to reward ic captured bis family's thoughts. he service. The prayer of everyi 6. I have-surd recentiy ex- John. Thomas. James anti Wm' d.,saiti, and they dedicated themn- heart is that neyer again may 'hibited to the children of my pre- McCiung. John Higginbotbam. $ 2.95 $1 4.50 $1 6.50' t- selves wholly to mission work anti we be calieti upon ta face such sent Sunday School-the pletige George Sbaw, Mathew Jones anti living the full, abundant lif e dreadful years. 1 signeti, and bave kept ever since, son John, T. Sherin. G. Haines,$ .5 t 390 afounti in Christs service. In those There is another and a more to wbolly abstain fromn the use John Percy anti other wortbies. ý$ 97 o $ 90 ae tiys there were no furnisheti Pan- peaceful note that the thaugbt a! a! intoxicants. Neyer for a mo- I bumbly senti these fewulnesl rth sonages. sometimes no bouse for aur Bowmanviile pastorate brings ment have I thought of that anti join with many othens who _____________________________ n-the minister. and the bousebolti to us. The other day when mnot- pletige as not being as mucb in wiîî senti you best wishes with the a, gootis hati to be moveti in rough oring through your euiu force as if I hati signeti it but prayer that your Anniversary I agn oe bd we swuflg up the street past yestenday. I e ftee a neciau- h hrc ni the e past h e rd emmbr-leseiServices may be a great'success "Ifthrewa ay hia n-th chrc ad hecepat he .1 rmme-lse be Goti anti an occasion of great spiritual ir broken at the endi o! the jour- pansonage. I recalleti the day I the night when I went tete uplif t. ne."M. ougsati it was that the firtspe 5s trckIaitar of the aid cburch, and ex- D. Roger YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Xconsitiereti aîmost a miracle." irto that orchard o! trees where perienceti a neyer-to-be forgotten A chilti o! Bowmanvile hoe 16Bo m nil When bis father went to the now ises the f air home o! the conversion. A lady evangelist Metbooedi4sm.anvll ie Northwest, thene was no residelice minister. aidngth mniser M. at fo i ni i aiy nite Many faces anti formas have tbwsi thnktw o the mns , M. Mat- 1855 to 1869 anti even later.________________________________ itwere forcedt ta ive in the church vanisheti from the Scen at rs. Frequent visits to the cab- d for some time. There were de- many new faces appear there. bler sbop o! Aif. Bunnen anti bis v- citieti disativafitages to this ar- Wbile we hanor the memnory o! father. along witb other boys. ad rangement for the famnily a!f five the noble servants wbose days createti an impression deep in my idchiltiren father anti mother would are numbereti bere. we pray that soul that I ougbt te give my heant ty us ge ncey sttetiwhn heyGoi ay greatly biess anti em- t GotI. Someone asked me, anti_ Swould bave to mnove out again for powerwibHspittoswh wetorad The other boys Suof r nowv bear the burtien anti heat of came along. Somewbat diffiden he Rev. Young tolti of bis grand- the day. about wvbat xve hati done. weI a fathers f ientiship with John We as a family join in the fel- .aked the streets after the meet- # SBlack. a witty. Irish preachel'. be-ictiosonti bitrcai ing, anti one of the boys saiti. 'IDMN IN-. ar loveti by the young people. His happy event. feel as if a big loati hati been if t- grantifather Marsh. howeven dis- Sincerely anti fraternally yours. eti off mny back!" 11S O E . I IE -approveti stnongly of the gay W. G. Clarke. 1 went home anti tolti mother. heartedness anti f r i vo01iit Y O! I do not rememnber ber words. but Black anti laid chargesaginst Ottawa. Ont. atdeti to the joy o! baving taken him which brought about a Spebr2,13 that step was the joy o! feeling O E SA I G V L S church trial. n itig him- To the Minister. the Officiais. tatibouhbegrtjoto self Black saiti that be coulti no the Membei's of Trinity I bave not yet ceased bearing test-O hsVausefcientlWdsayOt.1h more helP being gay than Mr. Unitedi Church. imony to it. Tes ale efetveutî edesa. c lt Marsb coulti help having a iongý Bowmaflville: 8. At ag 16, 1 left home in; F,,MS,, CI, nose. Since the Marshes ahi hati Cordial greetings anti gooti wil lo n ytad sapinter.FnySnt lp particularly long nase s. grand-I on the very happy occasion o! Sunday School teachens who were Go f ather Marsh saw the Point at your Centenany Celebration. flot of the Al! Buriner and Lizzie B e a n s1 PR U NIt E S Gooti 2 )s23 once. *I neyer thought. of it that It woulti have been a pnivilege lYaung type taught me habits they 1 way before." he saiti anti offeredtieli be presefit if at all possible ta ought not ta have practiseti them ILrg cAustralian Seediess bis apologies anti frientiship te share In the fellawship ant in-f selves. Black. spiration o! the occasion, but as At 18 1 went ta Toronto. and2 ' n bs Mn. Young remnembereti Par- I amn away in the eastern part of there met bath gooti anti bati. anti iR A IS I1N S 2 2b 3 ticulanly well Rev. John E. Lan- the province it oul be impo-s thank Gadte l ths day for heîp Asrla Icdo a'e cley's speech at bis ordination. In sible. We will hawever be with ing me turn tiown speci!ic temp- utainSceorHls Mr. Young's class there happeleti you in spirit, anti are gladti o tations that would bave lef t in- ta be young men with biblical convey henewith aur wanmest anti telible regret in my soul. . 16E-.. naines such as Peter, Paul anti kindliest feeling o! affection anti 9. There. in aRescu Mission P E6-oz.TinC Isaac. Rev. Lancley tolti o! the regard to aIl f nientis o! the con- where we bth were workens. I glaniaus achievement of these nmen gregatian aid anti new, andt i et the Methodist girl, taughten hieQat anti challengeti the young min- share in the earnest desire anti o! a lifelong local preacher. anti Molasses CcieQuht isters this way: "-These men we hope that these speciai services she walks the King's HiEgbwayP UPI No. 2% knew. but who are you?" To Mr. may prove to be occasions o! very with me stili, as she bas through Candy M PITi 9 Young he saiti: "Egerton Ryensofl real anti happy eunion anti ne- a long life o! rare pivilege forTH OYBIE i@o4Tnof1 Young, your f ather we knew. but joicing. service.TH DYBIfRTuo4Tnai1 who are yau?" The challenge bas Few if any churches of the Bay 10. Her famnily movedt o Phil- tbroughout al bis wonk in the er or more fruitful century O! coulti a feilow do? We taught Cbunch. saiti Rev. Young. anti be service to their credit than bas anti wrought in a city missionc passeti it on to us in this fanm: Trinitx flhurch. set up by workers from two city ls knew. but the Unitedi Chuncb. who ial pnivilege that I reminti my- untier the preachlng o! just a uf d We t Ig 1 are yau?" It is up te the riens-1 self o! my own fîve years Minis- local preacher. I neceiveti an ex- SHIRRIFF'S bers anti ministers o! the churches terial Leadership anti responsibil- perience in My su ha aeMe anti especially te, the young people ity in this historic oiti chunch, 'a vision o! entire consecratiofi Il JE Lona 3 Pg.~4 ta~- acttiscaengnT nIal gsomep o! the many 1bati neyer bef ore hati. It speeti- JY31

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