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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 PAGE SEVEN Daddy likes to smoke his pipe And Mommie likes to sew, But the grandest alter- dinner Sport I know Is to hit the bottie. Sometimes I hold it in my h an ds, Sometimes I rest it on my f eet, YOU couldn't do that! But I like it-it's nice and sweet. I always tip the bottie up To see if there's any more, But there neyer is and so I just throw it on the f loor. Glenm Rae Dairy R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors PHONE 408J BOWMALNVILLE Here's Where You Save Money Continued warm weather leaves us with an unusuaily large number of Faîl and Wintem Coats in stock. We off er a. speciai goup this weekcnd at substantiai reductions to clear. They corne ini brown, navy. black, and green, and In sizes 14 to 20. Every coat ks beautifuliy made and heavily f ur- mcd. These were ail much highcr In price. WEEK-END SPECIAL Each - - - - $16.95 The EvlynLADIES' Shop YDSPECIALTYS Phone 594 Moxavle -FLASH : COOLER DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! Now you wil equire an entirely different Une o! food te satisfy the 'linner man" during the coming months. Red & White Stores this week featume many items caculatedl te suit your needs. (Check over this ist of savings on sale Thurs., Fri. and Sat., October lOth, 1 lth, 12th. JTEWEL (,Shortening 2 iba. 25e ürowvn Tea, ils............... per pkg. 49c Gold Medal Coffee, ils........... per tin 42c Singapore Sliced Pineapple........ 2 tins 23c Habitant Pea Soup ............. per tin loc Fancy Pink Salmon, ils........... per tin 14c AGIC BAKING Cash and Carry28 POWDELR.I 16 oz. tin2& Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour. ...per pkg. 17C Golden Spray Cheese ........... 2 pkgs. 25c fËux Toilet Soap ............... 3 cakes 20c Crown Syî'up, 2's ............... per tin 19c Oxo Cubes....... Small tin 10c, Large tin 25c HEREFORD Corn BEEF l'a in I 0 Pearl Soap. ............4 bars 17c Gold Medal Floor Wax .......... per tin 25c Shredded Wheat.............. 2 pkgs. 25c Redicut Macaroni ................ 2 lbs. Ilc Finest Canadian Cheese........... per lb. 17c POLK'S Grapefruit Juice fin 190 Sal Soda..................... 2 pkgs. 15c Red & White Toilet Paper......... 3 rolîs 23c Falcon No. 4 Peas ............... per tin 10c éý Lyle's Golden Syrup, 2's.......... per tin 25c Assorted Spices, glass shakers....... each 10c Fry's Cocoa 1/2 lb. tin IL94) Red & White SaIt, plain or iodized, 2 pkgs. 15c Cooking Onions ................ 10 lbs. 19c Canadla Coi'nstarch............. per pkg. loc PHONE YOUR ORDER, WE DELI VER F. W. Nelles Phone 599 Bowmanville CHILDHOOD I wbe heeRe-al ty Boardo! Ws- - W wmb During the third perio d- Whit- Have your favourite snap Iington bas made its appraisal IAI ~ I U by got their only score-a con-,M ad advised the town what it is LA N RY vrtdtocdonIfe spoilîng; enlarged and coloumed. Ilikeiy to be able te sell the build- Since 1886 t hia oly other scortag chande, PROMPT SERVICE Lanerr & Cenr more touches la the last priod, Colmer getting two and Kent one: UNITED CIGAR STORE ITo be successful in society - PHONE 207 A bit of comedy was enacted laAGNC lay in a good stock of "soft saw- this cioslng perlod when Mcfl- AEC If your baby was bornin athe local hospitai and was bottle-fed f rom the start - his formula was llkeIy ,'ruad e with Glen Rae Mk. Glen Rac is as Pure and delc- fous as modern science can makc IL. St. Paul's Young People's Guiid Rugby -Social and Personal met[ Pu'sayongPinotheS.aUS.d Schedule Mrs Foler Toont, i viitig Rv. nd rs.E. . Amstongen by Bernice Mutton, and pray- Withdrawal of the Lindsay Col- Mrs Foler Toono, s vsitng Rev an Mr. . F Arstrnger by George iJraham. Program legiate Institute team from the Mrs. J. A. Mcçleilan. and Miss Margaret Armstrong at- was in charge of Literary and Lake Shore League of thie C. O. Mrs. Bert Bentham. Enniskillen, tended the wedding on Saturday Culture convener, Ileen Aider, S.S.A. hia forced a new grouping.I spent last weekend at Mrs. L. J. of Mrs. Armstrong's nephew, Mr. and was as follows: Brie! outline This will be an Interlocking Barton's.; Cecil Banwell, to Miss Dorothy of Presbytery Y. P. Rally at Wlhit- schedule between A group, Osh- Mrs. G. A. Gillespie visited fr1- Thayer, at the Church o! the Re- by by President George Grahamn, awa and Peterboro, and B group, ends lat Hamilton. Dundas and deemer in Toronto. with Ileen Aider taking Literary, Cobourg, Bowmanville and Wbit- Grimsby. Rev. Dr. Colin Young and Mrs. Helen Norwick, the Cltizenship, by. Lake Ontario District C.O. Mr. and Mrs. John Ellenor, Young, Rev. Dr. Arthur Barner Ralph Douglas, Leadership, and S.S.A. Senior Rugby: Toronto, visited their cousin, Mrs.* and Mrs. Barner, Toronto, and Nancy Shrubb. Misslonary; read- Oct. 9-Bowmanville at Whitby L. J. Barton. . IMiss Maud Barner. Superintend- ing by Helen Norwick; recitation, Oct. 12-Oshawa at Peterboro. vistin br sstelrs.E.r. ereweeenrviitos itbMrE.Risi.Pe",gîvn y Rlpbrs AI re Wgle Widsr, s ct f BUa eMarHsptaiaBiC. ion oPidar" ues'spoes, owanvlleatCobur Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Jones, Fort and Mrs. T. H. Lockhart. Douglas; a very humorous and Petboroat BWhalty William, visited his cousin. Miss The engagement is announced entertaining Irish skit by Hilda Oc. 9 hlPteby cat Boboanurg Raynes. AfTEGm May daughter of Mr. Hall and Jim Thompson. Meet- Ot 9Ptrooa oor Mr ad r. eo. caggart A.f.Th ers and the late Mrs. ing clOsed with a very enjoyabie Oct. 23-Oshawa at Bowmanville vrsit dher s.on. Mr.Bro c-GleBwmniltoM.Nr ame of musical chairs. Oct. 26-Whitby at Cobourg viitdthi sn M. ato e-iGidrs,_______________MrNor-_ Bow'ville at Peterboro Taggart, Montreal. man Earl Black, Toronto, son ofOc.3-hbyaOhaa Dr. James Moore, Brooklin. suf-! Mrs. Black and the late John Ovt. 2-C ibur at Ohwmanv.l fereci a paralytic stroke and is Biack, Orangeville. The wedding Nov.a1 i ian etboro atBOswav - Mor. and Mrs. brl Pickard.l of October. utlth5éLI Nov. 9-Cobourg at Oshawa. Cleveland, Ohio, have been visit- The Alice Jackson Mission Banda ing his uncle. Mr. A. W. Pickard. was beld in Trinity United Church c u t e Mrs. Edith Clayton who bias Sunday School on Monday. Meet- v 'e spent. the summer with relatives ing opened witb hymn. PeggyNe in Engiand bas returned home. Moses acting as pianist. The A t Wv i tIy L b a y o Mrs. Mina Colwell bias returned Lord's Prayer was repeated. Mrs.L br yfo k f rom a visit with f riends at Wei Purdy told the worship story. f ol- Williamn Coyle Freed on Crinunali ]and, Port Coiborne and Buffalo. (ioweci by a prayer and bymn wvas Neg-ligece Charge in Con- Fiction Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washing- 1 sung, the collection gathered by ncinwt nuis ~ TeIqîir - - xapî ton. Toronto. were guests of bis 1 Barabara Alun. Business period neto ihIjre o TheIBeach omr W-lpolee mother. Mrs. W. C. Washington on was conclucted. Helen Devitt gave FranhI Alloway, Ahe Beanh's Way - MCooer Monday. ireading: 'Jesus Loves Me" was AWmnsWy - Coe Invitations are bcing issued for sung by the band; a reading by In the County Judge's Criminai Constant Sex - - Corbett the annual bail of the Durham Peggy Moses and Miss Marion Court at Wbitby September 26th, The Furys - - - Hanley Regiment to be held at Newcastle,! Bellmant told a stor3'. Meeting Ht.s Honor Judge Ruddy presid- In The Sbadow of the Friday, Nov. lst. ' closed witb the Band's closing ing. William Coyle. Bowmanviile Cheka - - - Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitcbett prayer. World friends werc dis- youtb. was found not guilty on a Europa - - - Briffault Montreal, were recent guests 0j tributed by Helen Nelles. charge of criminal negligence They Wouldn't Be bier Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A charming trousseau tea was arising out of an accident in the Chessmen - - - Mason Painton Westmount. given Saturday afternoon. Sept, to!o Whitby some months ago Lucy Gayhcart - - Cather Miss Dorotby Pickard. R. N.. 28th. by Mrs. W. C. Caverly. in in which Frank Alloway, express Clearing in the West - Mcçlung Windsor. visited bier uncle. Mr.. honour of bier daughter, Miss agent in Bowmanville. was knock- Sackcloth Into Sllk - Deeping A. W. Pickard. and cousin. Mrs.1 Grace Caverly. whose marriage to ed down at the corner of Brock Vof Iron - - Glasgow Stuart R. James. IMr. Edsall Oliver took place on an1udssreswe tuc oLvle pig-Lrrimore Wc were pieased to have a cail October 5tb. The bostess wore a by a car driven by Coyie. Allo- Fair as the Moon -- Bailey from Mr. Jesse B. Trul. Nanton I gown of triple sheer crepe. in an way sustained injuries which con- Blood Relations - - - Gibbs Alta.. who is visiting bis mother. amethyst shade. and a corsage fined bim to the hospital and te, Honey in the Horn - - Davis -Mrs. Lewis TrulI. South Darling- ofrss and maiden hair f ern.bis home for several montbs. The House o! the Four ton. aTMs.hvd ro e fieect was very smart In Mr. Alloway claimed that hie wa.s Winds - - - Buchan Mr ad rs Dvi Booe foc wthblack velvet shirt and walking across the intersection Non Fiction and f amily. Port Pcrry. are mov- a blouse o! silver metallic cloth. with the ligbts in is f avor whcn The Art o! Happiness - Pwy -ing to Solina. where Mr. Brcoome witb a corsage of Rapture roses struck. Whcn knocked down lie North o! The Orient - Lindberg bas been engaged as foreman on and sweet peas. The living-room, was rendered unconscious. Mary Quecn of Scotland Mr. Frank Mason's f arm. where the guests were received, The Crown charged that the and The Isles - - - Zweig Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Murdof f. was gay witb huge bronze dah- accuse a rilga a x uvenfe Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank; lias and other autumn flowcrs. cessive rate o! speed whilc pass-MsePny t Williams attended the Detroit- Mrs. F. J. Manning and Mrs. V ing through the town on the Mse en t Chicago World's Series Baseball R. Oliver presidcd at the tea table night in question and that it was Mistress Pat- Montgomery' game in Detroit on Thursday. in the dining-room. where an due to bis negligence that the Grace Unitcd Church. Trenton, attractive colour scheme ln pink accident occurred. The accused. "Until belie! becomes faitb, and is celcbrating its 6th anniversary was carried out in a centre o! on. he other band. clalmed that faith becomes spiritual under- and Rev. W. A. Bunner. Bowman- snapdragons and roses. with pink the accident was unavoidable. standing. human thought bias lit- ville. who was their pastor dur- candies. They were assisted by The case bas been hanging fire1 tle relation to the actuai or div- ing the years 1911-1915, was their 1 Mrs. D. Gibson and Mrs. Melville for soxne months. being adjourn- ifle."-MarY Baker Eddy. preacher last Sunday morning. 'Dale. i d in J une to allow the product- Storms make oaks take deeper' ion o! more evidence. root. Vice makes virtue look well1 Ris Honor beard the evidence to its anchors. It's oniy allurin' I f' of aIl the witncsses and conclud- ith'sdneo. COMING rEYENTS 1 I.ente ac d that there was no indication "You believe that easily whlch' that the accused had been negli- you hope for earnestly.'-Tér- gent in any way. ence. Janetville Young People wll i it r present their play "The Advcnt- V i it rsFome i-in pe ladingnthe 0Whitby ums ! rnda. i beezr Miss Margaret Wigbtman. Tom- bie stepped in a bolean feUlflt Cburch on Friday. Oct. l8tb, at!onto. witb Miss Mary Jeweli. AL Ti.l~Tbe chagrincd 1ook on "Tony's" 8 p m.Admsson 5c nd 5. Mr. John Elliott. B. A. London, At ArlnlLy S-. LF face when lie arose was wortb 8~4- p.m dison1cad2. ith Mrs W. C. Wasington. manY a mile. Dr. and Mrs. W. Willard. Tom- (Continucd from page 1) - ~onto. Mr. and Mms. A. Wcisb. to participate.gadtbe Salem, witb Mrs. C. G. Curtis.' Mr. C. Rehdem was ga ob CHURCHES 1 Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Langmnaid, present and lie considered the 46 Oshawa. at bier fathers. Mr. F. years o! bis life spent as a tea-' ST.PAU'SUNIEDCHUCH . orrs.cher and o! ficer tbe best years o! r O Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. Myrtle Taylor. Hampton.,i ie eavie I osa and Miss Vera Baker. Solina, at 1I with the Sunday School until tbey1 Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist are old and they wîll always bel H L O and Leader. 1 Mr'. Edwin Reynolds'. glad for doing so. Sunday, October 13tb: il a. m. vi Rev. Dr. James Semple, Belle-1 Mr. T. C. Jewell. a former sec-, -Rex'. J. A. Scrimageour o! Triai- lleic.with Rev. and Mrs. E. F. retamy presented the report. and dad; 2.30 p.m.-Sunday Sebool: Armstrong. expressed his pleasure at being, (l 7 p.m.-I'The Glorious Coritest." Rev. E. Ryerson Young, Tor- able to be preseat on this occas- A cordial welcome to ail. onto, with Rev. and MI'5. W. A. ion. The school gave Miss Mar- Buniner. garet Wigtmaa. a former tea- 1 DieCrfly ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN cRev. Dr. and Mrs. James Endi- cher, a greeting who was a visitor CHURLCH ctt, Toronto, with Mrs. Elia for the day. K< Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Strike. Mý. C. H. Mason. Sccretary. Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Rev. A. W. Avison and bis called for the person longest in Sunay.Octbe l3b: l a mmother. Mrs. J. J. Liddy, Toronto attendance and the honor went to -"Kndness"; '7 p. m.-The 11oa. m. ith Mrs. T. G. Mason. Mrs. John Hamlyn wltb Mrs.' ______ _____ Candestck" 2.0 P m. A.Dr. Frank Trebilcock and Mr. John Stacey a close second. Both den Cnlsik;23 -M-A J. Trebilcock. Toronto, with were former members o! the' Sunday Scbool. their mother. Mrs. P. C. Trebil- Qucen St. Cburcb and Ilcb werel TRINITY UNITED CHUR.CH cock. rcmembered wth yellow mums in L Rev E.F. rmstong Pator Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, Mm. honor o! the event and the school Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac. Bray, Mm. Arthur Worthiagton, bearty clap o! bands. "Onward Organist and Choir Director Mrs. R. D. Woods and daugbter, Christian Sold.lers" and prayer Sunday, October 13th: il a. m. Maragret, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. by the pastor concluded the sess- D7JISF -Communion and Reception Ser- Jas. A. Werry Enniskillen. .wth ion. U 1 vice; subject, "Christ la the Mm. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. To have a part in the Cen- Ca fu y a Cburch the Secret of Perman- tenary services six babies o! the I'"L eacy" 2.30 p.m.-Sunday Scbooi; Keep informcd on wbat is go- congregation recelved the rite of! 9 a ef ll 7 p. m.-Rev. D. A. MacDonald ing on in your community by baptism on Sunday aftemnoon o! Korca will preach. You are reading The Statesman regularly. wbcn Rev. E. P. Armstrong per- fBrlng Your prescriptions to your cordially invited to these services. Speciai offer balance o! year for !ormed the ceremony for the fol- carefuily studied and accurately1 MLssionary Meeting To-Night 25e to new subscribcrs in Durham lowing: Jeanette Wina i f r e d. lents. Remember this ks our S"c Thursday evening (tonigbt) at County. daugbter of Mm. and Mrs. Arnold 8 o'clock there wiil be a union Peevish, pale, restless, a nd Lobb; Glenys Esther,. daughter service o! St. Paui's and Trinity sickly childmen owe their condi- of Mm. and Mrs. Owea Nicholas: AN ALL-YEAR-ROUND congregations in Triaity Sunday tion to worms. Mother Graves' Janet Eleanor, daughter o! M r. scbooi room. Speakers: Rev. Mr. Worm Exterminator will relieve and Mrs. M. S. Dale; James O I Scrimageour o! Trinidad, and tbem and restore heaitb. Douglas. son o! Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Rev. Mm. Whiting of Japan. Bring1 Muscular Rbeumatism Subdued don Richards; William Robert, NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD your f rieads to hear thesle e- Wben one is a su! ferer f rom son o! Mrs. Robt. Stock- I VTMN tumned missionaries. 'Silver col:- muýcular rbeumatism bie cannot cm: John Edward, son o! Mm. and CNETAE lection will be taken. do better than to bave the reg- Mrs. Gco. W. James. If~ 2 ion rubbed with Dr. Thomas' Ec- EC FALL COATS Speeialy reduced for quilck sale. edjiand lîgt clos. Beautiful- l y t i o e d. J u t t h eý thing for cool fail days. Reg. to $14.50 ON SALE FALL UNDERWEAR We have a complet. Une. Ou. and two plece suits, long or short leeves or legs. BUY YOUR COAT NOW Our stock is now complete. Ladies' Coats in all the wanted styles and colors. Prieed from $12.95 Aouch, Johnston & Crydermai LEITED Cing Street PHONE 104 Bowmanville 'TIC PENSEIJ Lfld Acci I.D.A. Store. filled with the claty. Broni Syi Immelate Chesty col"di Tlght Coughs GI/I 6LARGER ON'S FAN NAIL POL LOW PRICE lce of six fashi< Givcs a starry two to four days y with ncxv mctal AIe )NS Wonders -1 for throa.t clds, cough,. Catarr]b4 a»d tonSUi Us Lrately TYI Eacli one k 500 puret Inrmd - ____ _______ - SAL A.eýe LAAIHepatica ichiai l Il A reliable C,00M ýsystem ely relleves ocene and4e '*o 29c - 57c .~ ~ $1 .09 BOUTLE Palmolive iOURITE Shaving Cream 'ISH e* 23c Sie 39c 25c Gia oapproved ciP i ylustre that longcr. Easy l shaft brush.1 q39 PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY ,x McCrezor DRUGS W ZV Values 'With a Real .Kick Shop at Corbett's this' week-end. Here g e three outstanding Specials for -Saturday: HOME-MADE HUMBUGS.. .lb. 30e MINT PATTIES .. .......... lb. 26c PUMPKIN PIES, each ......... 25c Jenny Lind & Ganong's Chocolates, lb. box 50c CORBETT'S DAKEIdf Phone 3 Distrlbutors Dad's Cookies Bowinanville Special Sale LIGHTWEIGHT 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 PAGE SEVEN

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