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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 8

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number of preaching appoint- ! cause he had condemrne'j the persilllI1% * %;41 111 to'! No betterpoetnagis ments. There were fine, known Ialso i w ivSirn On u d e e r fM t o M by these naines: Bowmanville. flt fhi vmct.. irigChallenge ithé uholc à.nil h' nwthilill- ormis can b o hnMle 'Rehoboth. Bethel, Ebenezer, Bxil Sunday cnooi A rpe' s,115B ExM d at C.AiifoW mPw As Related to Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, which ings, Bellwood's, Wiliams', Rud- 'seth a ers sedforgeifu: yE- oeao r lc. . .iî i~ wr odr.Te osm hedCneaySrie etme 9hadOt t. dock's, and Orono. In no subse- Jremfitahe waskedhisli tAt Trinity Church To io <hi'l i A ihiu 'uItiig Nvorms andredrtesnac hel Cntnay erics eptmbr 9t ad ct Gh. quent year apparently was the I..esson p oimhis message. Two things 1lrsplril- i~ h ~îh~ .%il ~jd intestiner neal othm The list of Bowmanville con- nes He was conscious of the ~X~n I~ss~~iub~ncifae ytea 'k Installment No. 5 I iated with Mr. Gledhill during tributors to the Mission Fuxid of TUE STORY 0F JERErMAH moa ul ha a etoingpast 500 Years. whexi such anade- -rfr i~i !tepaaie n sret'e ____termined attempt has been made f h pr ________ I'49 and '50, and during their joint the church for the year 1857-1858 _____jhis people and he had a sense of t itottecuc steps tic iis~ tf:v sM tr h tegho h hl TeDrigoCiciofteministries, on June 24th and 25th, is as f ollows: Sunday, October 13th divine commissione ta inbe a (1 % hpockes- Prmtiv e arlint Crct 0 sthe!1849, Bowmanville Sunday School £. s. d. man for God. lHe cared little 25 yeas. EffilIor t zethear now i id ihNIIiie t(-, that lias beeunrmedbte ln existence as early as 1847, and he]d its second anniversary. Mr. T. Spotswood 2 0 O Golden Text* "For thou shaît about himself because he was s ogres to ilI r tomuzze te drainv ts t] in that year the preachers' sta- Garnett remained during 1851 G. Haines 1 5 0 go toalal that I shall send thee. concerneci that his nation should church. rubbiî n à 15i,1W 1t1(, made tapon iadta hi p tindteewr .Lacey and and 1852. J. Heai 1 0 O and whatsoever I command thee amend its conduct. Canada would lI Russia, the Church with its f issues. iiiil,:n, tYic, k trîilv cratioxi is atgte elhgv W. Preston. The latter appar- I Mr. John Garner, Jr. was sta- J. McFeeters, Mayor 1 0 0 thou shait speak."-Jeremiah 1:7.b e much farther ahead if leadersgra heige nd anfintrshM t\ut'î. ently was herehontyrthhas mbeenwipedeouP.insidean_______________publicquestionsin_______________________out_______ enty asher oil theemoith. ioedhere during 1852 antd 1853. P oea 1 0 O Lesson Passage: Jeremiah 1: an atmosphere f ree from parti- oxie. gexeration. That country is but Mr. John Lacey was stationed The Garners in Exigiand mîght Mrs. J. Warren 0 15 0 6-10; 26: 8-15. asanship and if voters could maire raising Youth to iaugh at the cross._______________ Here fospao e fasbeix84 and i84 Primlbetiermethedis. ilam ofMrs . oness i o10 0 That land is great which knows! up their miids how ta vote quite anld the idea oaf God, andi to be- of eryreentvememory and a Garner, James Garner and John R.ev. E. Barrass 0 10 0 the Lord, uddbyHsiaiart from persoxial axid local haievctato reIgin s psitihe:I o! vcer ret ene crowded to Garner were ail emixient minis- Mrs. Buttery 0 à 0 Whose sons are guddbHi considerations. xIn many ways hadcpt1fe.liRsi h Durha County D a peac.hewhom that he was made ters. William Garner was Presi- R. Phelp 0 5( od h hlerahxey0 aryGtso e hv rvie0-ar rra F sia President of the first Canadiaxi dent of the English Primitive Rev. J. Climie 0 5 0 Where justice ruhes 'twixt man!polities brîngs out the worst in gaixist the Church. Il Finals wiUl be hrld at the Communlty Hall ecslo Primitive Methodis Conference,1 Methodist Conference ini 1859 and J. Caxin 0 5 Oai0ai sed0 h best. or if xiot the liMxc neaax h o'r rd y ~ o e b r2 iii184. 88; ii nd J. arintono o Where love coxtrois ini act and wvorst at least the second best. Of the state has subdued theý ain in 1859, is some evidence 0f'1871; anid John Garner, Sr. was R. Thomas 0 5 o plan; ICanadiaxis generally love their church to its will. In Germany. the esteem with whch he was re- pre.siclent in 1843, 1847, 1850. S. Heai 0 5 0 Where, breathing ini lus native country, desire her welf are axid home of the birth of Protestant- Tlhe Festival is open to all dramatic 1rusi h gadd fhsscn erlce1851, 1852 axid 1854. John Gar-I Mrs. Hoar 0 5 0 air, respect their politîicai opponents. îsm, they have uxidertakexi to, County of Durham. he was assisted by W. F. Brad- ner. Jr.. the minister on the Dar-J C. S. Bates 0 5 0 Each Soul fiiids jOY i 3as The attitude oaf strife soon dies o h~e r sin ity anti moiildngth Cntstaplyf ley. lI this year the membership lington Circuit during 1852 and G. Lorrimaxi 0 5 O0iand prayer- down, s0 sooxi that it is a question toteronwl.Frrls1vrîg h ots pl eteSceay was put as 112. 1853, was a son of this John Gar- Mrs. W. Lorriman 0 5 0 Thiis may our country, good I whether political divisions go very Jesus. the speaker contixiued. Miss Cora B. ButerNwcsl i axid great. deep and whether there may not presumed that the churclu would xIn 1849 anid 1850 the preachersneSr Mr. G. Lrimai 0 2 6 Be God's delight - mans best be found some way to uxifv ra- caîl out opposition, but xiever' ENTRIES CLOSE OCTOBE 3st on the Darlington Circuit were. At the Conference of 1853 the Mr. Jenkins O 2 h eetoat.inte itoyofCritant WillamiaemuiG aneJ.Garnttapreclurs ppoxiteetatheDarrMr.cThColmanOp26o6intisd.heoeathstaiDarfa- Mrsuavere.giosoladesaben0mre _6__have__________________leaders____________more_ Mr. Gledli's name is found am- hEngtrondCircu i chrear. Ju. Th ams sFrns O feircruyitomlexitical campaign the best prepara- concerned with the trend caf ev -________________________________ ong those who attended the fîrst cEdgar and Mr. Richard Paul.n or h ______ens._he__uch s n fr Canadiaxi Conference. He was'Presumahly Mr. Paul was an as-1.i TeDrîiinCici rah e fdc ruyhweste i-infor thosoplewho are to be teen The Church i i for a considered a preacluer of great sistaf t at this time as lue was er ini 1859 wa T. Gilbert. Helixcy0 mxy epl lo.mighlttrusted with the responsibilities ThemPoeo tie c0f dhiffiut._____ inlunc ad issevieswee;oraiedatth Cnfreceofwas foliowed by William Herridge i become capable. How of ten wheii 0f office. Quiet. rest, thought. imTe pwro tecucu sbi Inflenc an lus srvics wre rdanedat. he onfrene o who remained for three years I a persox i invited to assumie1 study. group thinking and prayer lmtd often in demaxid at camp meet- 11855..xIn 1855 Dr. Edgar was re- 11.6. 1861, axid 1862. At the Con-j some respoxisibility, the reply is: miglut fit leaders for their tasks ,xIn most instances the church ings. He seems to have been ra-1 appointed. and ini 1856 h e was, ference of 1862 Mr. Herridge was heard, -I couldx't do that li ai rather than the excitement of the has beexi to blame for what huap- ther an eccentric persan but pr succeeded by Mr. Thomas Cromp- orandadrcie shstosn e. etil ot1hs . Pexied to it. Dr. Endicott said. haps his very eccextricities er- ton. prac nd roleeiWltrvedias if tlosxd effr sm. WCeran y notlustngs. sf anid Mex.ico the churclu deared him to the people; there Prof. Squair has preserved for axid at col eague Watereid, noe ffort ias ad te a Wh e er- lad gone bad. anid represented Is no doubt that he wasgraty u the names of the Bowmaxi- name thtyaofCxfrxc the miacui was callged mnfrhsato ebega spoes NEED LIVE CHURCH the ixterests which were agaixist liked. Many staries are odf ville people who contributed in from "The Darlingtan Circuit', ta saying that he was but a chiid SAYS DR. AVISON the masses of the people. him, especlally of his arguments'1855-1856 to the Mission Fund of "The Bowmaxiville Circuit." At and kxiew not how to speak. His why a popleutais to bslt o with Fanny, lis pony, li hh 1the Primitive Methodist Church: thihdaearereweresipapoin- yuthwasinsffiien resonast wicdteteeweesxapon-yo iasisficetr<sna Continued f rom page 1) the Church? It's an important Fanny seems usually to have beexi £. s. cd. ments: Bowmanville, Bethel, Re- each year he would be a year aid- questioni because it gives us the the victor. As he neyer used a P. Colemani 5 () O 0 hoboth, Ebenezer, Providence anid er. His plaint of ixexperience church of God. Uxilortunatelyifwwee haweogu whlp, Fanxiy was very leisurely,, George Haines 2 10 0O concep to be they would not waxit to blot ad reasx wt her , coax St ay1Mel asoxi 0 10 0 The year 1860 seems the nat- experienced except by gettixig ex-!tion of the Bible. It is emsu u.D.Edct pehdfrT pitn u the moral He oul resonwit he, caxlSamel aso 0 0 raI dividing line hetween the perience. It is much more likely misused anid isunderstaod book u t. C r.tian t etrupeal orluiseac11er (opun ot tm her, tell her of the dire resuits1 William Buttery 0 10 0 carlier axid later Canadian Prim- that diffident modesty luas a de- in the world. It is not an aiman- teC restady o evten t di osgis taig I whlchwouldcertanly fhlow f Hug McMulen O10 Oitive Methodism. About that date gree of cowardice as its explaxi- ac telling us o! the thixigs ta come, lm.H todhesryeatdo e on' she did foi move faster, but Fan- Mrs. M. Joxiess 0 5 0 there seems to have beexia de- ation and a measure of atheism nor is it a meaxis of finding just- te.bey nte tryrlae and i omîne'spocet n oburt H wsknwi is arhJOiesO1 parture fromn the earîier simplic- as well. To hesitate ta attempt if ication for the things we do. hy in China.Howx inews se t'ed fY ats to i e ' ec Mrs. E. T. Coeman 0 5 0 ity. a broadexiing out ixto the heroic things because of a false selectixig verses andi texis which Chtinofa H winse d the exe-i take out the money, whatwud an unfo ies oi erment, re- Toa ad 5 0pbiaino a religious xiews- humiiity is imiting God, tacitly 1aper oapl. nChn. sthe gu were rais- I be?" turning for her after the service- Miss M. Bellwoad O 5 0 paper. the estabiishing of a book dexiying lis power to help anld to The Bible is the histary of a eM taftire the fatal shots they Tommy: "You'd be hiswie. was over. When Fanny wanted: J. Marshal 0 5 0 room, the use cf the word "Rev- turn weakness into strengtlu. great people, and a way of hf e raised their haxids and cried to walk by the very edge cf the' James Heal O 10 0 erend" before ministers' names, Moral courage is much rarer thaxi through Jesus Christ. "Down with Imperialism. Down roati to avoid muti holes. or toi J. Copeland 0 5 () the multiplication of men andi physical courage anid the source Tlirdly the church that wiii be with Capitalism. Long Live Coin- THIS is an old joke, but just tesm rub her sides againsi the pro-1 Miss E. Joxiess 0 5 0 means, some improvement ini the of. it is trust in God. The con- alive, is the church which is muxiism". Whatever we may you don't want any one "to g hu truding rails cf the aId sxiakel Mrs. Wm. Buttery 0 10 0 conditions and standards o! liv- sciousxiess of Gods presence les- sociaîîy alive. anid by this term tlink of communism.DrEdi fences, she did so, anid fot ahI Mr. Mark Prout 0 5 O ing, anid such a gexieral similar- sens the fear of opposition. Those I do not mean is alive ta the ct ad w aet dmrenmex your home. The Burglary Isua e Gledlill's protests coulti stop her. i Thomas Wixidatt 0 5 () ity ta other Methodist bodies that who fear God are not iikeiy VO Ifriendly atmosphere which must andi women who wili due witlu policy sold by this agency wilm k His voice woulti be heard remoxi- 1 Thomas Coleman 0 5 0 many people began to think that fear the face of maxi. permeate the cluurch. By sec- smiles on their faces for some- trating, firstinlx very careful Eng- Robert HillI(J 5 O union would be an ativantage. Insplred Words, 9, 10 ialhy beixig alive we mean that it tuxgte eiv.Iwxdr u odaysc os lis, ati hen asthedaner xi-Thoas owdn O 5 OThere were. of course. strong Some people speak better than must recognize tlue great neetis saiti significaxithy, luow many caf creased, li broad Y o r k s h i r e: Samuel Bowden O 5 0 factions, botlu for anti agaixist the others anti the samne person may jof the country it ,erves. It must us would die for our Cluristiani "Came noca Faxiny. come noo! Abraluam Younie 0 5 0 Project. As early as 1861 we finti speak better at cane lime thaxi an- Isuitesca iecfhfadbehiefs? Tho'llhae m of!" Off lue James Morris 0 5 0> the matter coming up for discus- other. xIn otluer words the de-'find a reasoxi for the social ills Tlue Churclu must fearlesshytaeJ i M AO- SN wouhd go, and as lue scrambhedt ! Mrs. Hopper pays a tribute t10 ionat the Coxference, but the wgree o! inspirationo may varyJ eJ e AS O N his feet again: "Ah teh'd thee some of the prominexit anti act- avctsofuinwredsie reae nraionsay ha ue Aichbstu. ms ofa-stock of itself. I must mass.itls thou'd hck'e me off! It's too bad ive hay workers of this period i 10 makie advaxices anti suffer ah- good time with a certain herdn theroantionmust be readyto er forc agains i those massingiCE GEN o' thee. Fanny! " Maxiaging hor- these words: ternate reverses for a gooti many wlile lis listeners e rmon t. olum. t itthesedisyoftr e essn ag int chu rcl . n icINS RANhoAGENT ses was flot Mr. Gledhili's fort, j "Mr. R. Eastoxi was a iberal years before tlueir object was their minister was reark sbet. hat rbhm t s thdyc uty 0f th e H d it wpoplde tr. D r xtiottPoe5mo m ni butli tlue profession which helisupporter, an ardent Primitive aclieved. a isb st.clrch and sty cmmuim deta pol xe o ha hsnh a okaehdsadas togU-Anather day they say that he scaimadcptls.It must the cluurch. We questioneti why ________________________________ had hosn le ws awormanj Mehodstandals a troig n the meantime. the ministers couîd foi get lis wings. Publicexiot get its ideas from tlue heati- the Pope of Rame, ruler of the Whooneneed ot totue asamed. onisîea veyousefl. enrgeticonsth BowmnvilheCircut weresheakrswusuhhylfel titrtheytineso! theeawsprersbutlmui harestiClristfxitchuch lx the _____but__must____________Christian____________in__the Oneean sarcey domorethandffmore n Bomanviie ircut. iese:do bst itluanaan res tlut lus reclu ls cncluionso! te vauenwrlusididnoVofunerhotvtastop _________________________________out______stop_ mention by name ihose who'ate Joness was one of the In 1863: G. F. Lee anid J. Nat- esoa 'iens, ht~i f these tlings to the community. leIainEtipa at preacheti on the Darlirin C ir iars af ilue church lxi Bowman- trass. aisenfoi put toge th tlue ay ihrough a careful anid diligent clueck the anesso! Mussohixi cut iuln te ex fw eas ibrallxIll 1cndcii cas is.fos u og ther mhd ayl a Thr aehemcku sy," hee man b gove usolni ville, a manhe conscienyeaiow ,a n li1864: J. Nattrass andi J. Col- carpenter buids a table, but ih study o! what ihey seek 10 do. inluis desire 10 resiore tlue glanies1!I a !I a ! Mr. John Garnett was assoc- 1 leader who led hy example as lxIn 1865: J. Nattrass and J. oly 1 lu writhe nidwndJere Old God is Dead' Dr. AvisoxifRmadt gv i onr asIeet.Hssmiaw Soeose .olu aoxb ie d owntile t-adtied. By this they meaxi that again. a place in the sun. ol Ca ! George Haines. was witlu him ixin i16:Rv Wlim LmsJmiaaoedlu i ed bysay. afxibiuatsm cf The cluurch's bigzest enemy are IIluis6c:urclu WirkiaJohnmHig- andiThomascGriffith.God's theohd gotif ato ai fthe lose wluo are indifferent to it. a zeS inotahou s a loalpreacher, ycar the Coxference was hled at essential and lue coulti speak with expexise cf ones brother men. The neeer 11f ttheir lucars in adorai I~~a Il~~~~ Tlu~om-. coniction HisdiMkingLasmicareal iask o! the churclu is 10 bring ion 10 the Got wluo created tluem. itr ngtscolbswnawd Thr- a coe ai once constructive and de- aouxaaîi b o naîism aoutno SNE C L E T as Hoar was for years the gified 1lIn 1867: Rev. Liliam Lamas s cie t n n h a bu th real rontehoouai afd ndthe churclu which keevs the crl fnwfinsdrn _________ ffcet edr !th hirindMnvastirciv.A oi aiiilesmefu1ram f. wcarhd soiritualhy ahive. The fu- anLefiietneaerofthncoie ade. vas time lue was ta desiroy and to împerîalism. and 1 beieve despite taire caf the churclu depentis upon year. Give us a trial. VVe kno oul loigfinsseln i iewas an active, pP- InI 1868 - 1869: John Good-. overilurow, ica buihd and to plant. present world events. that we are neople goine~ outinix the know- b aifeto naoeer y toihuc n temperance work. Ito be but three preaching sta- bution was constructive even Thwe rcl ,D. vso.reei Jesus.ileims--Rag tie."Nerve4," sh i Thomas SPotswood was a local t ions on the Bowmanville Circuit, thouglu for a time il appearei ed mThbe arhiver.pluysicaly, en- D thouht -ut i W" precher andCheser Pwer BowanviIe, ehobth ad Beed mst bLaoke paiicthe signsook cafh sWelsofthCobblesWelWelshlesNuteahWels-h ho-beruythe it was 1rpowrfo d ein oe BwavlRiool aiiB- be negative. He st.ressed exidur- taliy, socially and îasîîy spirit-D. Exidicoti urgeti. See if your the. d. PiIipJ irechrc cachterurivangana of her blood, that At the Conference of 1856, luelti In 1870 Rev. Robent Boyle was ýuly h usinimdaeyBcwet-Pa-Soe-Ce needed attention. - ~ in Hamilton, it was decided iluat the preacluer for the circuit, anti What là; Patriotism? 26: 8, 9 prescrits iîself. what is the spirit- tlue gaies o! HelI. Our neetii De *yMentdangr.caclu travelling preacluer sluouhd lue stayed on the circuit tuiung If Jeremialu was afrald ai the ual churclu? What is the spirit- a body o! people wluo wil folow Welsh Blower She fook Dodd'à adeyPi saton esiablislu, if possible, at leasi 1871 and 1872. This seems ta stan. lue soon devehopeti power to ual maxi? Crswu iîlvsrea f fnra cio«, ber e 1 ihi preachîig places on lis cîr- mark a turnixg point in tlue lust- speak uxiweîcome words courage- This difficult question is per- rminteV hi m. wdhWl l ar ingh Cannel - Pocahontas deaedaway blod mpriea Y cuit. Mr. Etward Barrass and lory cf lue whole Primitive Mellu- oushy. H1e has been describeti as haps better ased y ree rrîng ýMn J. Houldersluaw. Whuo folhow- 1 odisi Churcluih aaa lee" poetl !amn" T Clrist's beautitudes, tielivered jload. b the endtithat a betier heaach, bcitch, daaPeard. eti Mr. Crompion, establisheti a iseemis hess enihuslasm than for- People o! Jerusalem ihouglut that in the sermon on the Mount. chucu re hrlai O E I L IE Dýodd'sKidney Piis ihlgh waten mark iilue listary i mer îj- te are fewer convers- ilueir city was safe because o! the Within Iluose sentences is summeti braver churclu wihl resuli.CO EI L SZ : ofteDarlingiaxi Circuit li the ions, and ihese consitierations sacred temple, but Jeremialu an- al ha S piritual sermv nd licile M.MSic Daleorti ngo!ta -move Johf R. Swif t, President o! nouxiced iluat the citY wouid be in the churclu. TheSpriu lo ervi e n. .S. Dhoeusang ad A D ND S T W _ the Conferexice in 1870, t0 ask: razedti o the grounti anti become Chunclu must be the churclu that sol h esCou rvteiIH R N O T W O *'How is ht the sheaves are so few uninhabiteti. Lip patriots regard- is physicialy, menially and soc- a number, anti the Choir sang the andtihle churclu £0 lean? Are we eti this as treason, but Jenemiah illy alive. It must be matie up axitlemn "Let us now praise famous ____diminishixig ini the migluty talent f eh that lis higluesi îloyaîîy was a! people who have a sense o! meni" witlu Mrs. G. E. Pritchard Local and Long Distance Ha, ig * * ~~~~* ~~~ - ~whiclu gives the qualification fortasekteiulaxdwnhs duty towand both thle churclu anti anti Mr. Orville Osborne taking * * r~.e i . D * Ewinnixig souls?" fellow citizens. Lorti Chatham I10 sfevieluumaxiiy tho e RsoloE.P.Art ong_________________ m o -cnnergymh nie f re riant ore w îwth a strong tiesine ta> make the the service anti Mn. Franicis Sut- Bheclermanvillc Crcuit. hey wee denuxient le tts e churclu, the church f heLiving ton presided at the organan L I N GR I EBowanvlleCiruit the wee: enonce bytheimperiitso! Got, you have a spiritual maxi lirected the choir. In 1873: G. Clark. his day. but taday many tlink1 anti a spiritual chunclu. May God Je___W .________ jI n 1874: J. Burtige. ihat lue was wiser Iluan the wan- help us t0 open thue doors o!filuis -xIn 1875 anti 1876: Robent Catie. mrakers. John Brighut feli iluat "ohn ss imyblee A TI the ycars 1877 to 1880, in- ithe Crimeaxi War was f olhy, but lcluurch f ashioxiet af ter lis nature. mNwatixig isstowirmlybhivti Phone 173 or 98 Tx evc i n addition to Dr. Avison's a la elaiko.-o clusive: W. S. Hugluax, anti lis now lucnoneti for lis !earless splendid sermon the choir pro- aligne. In 1881 to 1883 inclusive: Joslu- speech. Lloyd George opposeti Iviet special music ai the service.______ ____ ua Dyke. the Southu African War. but wasiMs Greta Pollarti sang beaut-__ In the ycan 1882-1883 thee Premier o! Great Britaîn at til "Two men went up ixita the Bowmanville People contribuieti choise o! ilue Great War. Ta say Temlel oprywhl r.Oe 10 the Missioni Fund o!fithe Prim- h popular thing may be unpat- Tml opa' lieM.Oe B i a in sitive Methodist Churclu: noi.Cnd etsmx Nicholas iook the solo portion oh tic,,Cnad neds ienwhothe anthem . Built on a Rock". B ighSmvsngs Tlu $4, Goe Hain Unohesitate to Publish thue Mr Francis Sutton presided at EH ND EA J es $ 1, M r s H $ggins s . tts abotpic 0b stutild vCe-tn -ryHym , - ,-itlau theLE 01&ý A service te take care of ail the drudgery of washln nd-11-Coiiueti ne we roigaa rc esta o a doi thm.We neaclu aur eager hantis to take FRyE iOOKkIc-Thgivea dozeîîs of practicale - - -rI r E I O R / f O I 1eI i tio n fo r e a p ia k in g , th o ro u g l c lee a in g a n o t e r u eù m u h , r r m r t * l)oxglas' Egyptian Liniment Is "PqILE?S" I ak.orfecoyt tdad rneLlidrierA..ndUrt Oshaw Launry &Dry iecomended or oe necks. , rmtly andi fhoa'oughly Spirit divine, wlthStanard living power raa andDeive sav ns. Hemoesorou eshjEdu sfo hstetn hu: ' rm,'- t.Trto, Ontario. O h w a n t ya l a i g cls iemper, calouses anti relieved by the use o Prtdvnwt iigpwrU4 _____________________ ~ yim~wf~tishaem YPhone 152 - We Calladî l iv, Hpains. !Reat sobhd nfhale hesre uote ay, ,O'tî G E TE PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935

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