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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1935, p. 1

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__J 4týinr I With Which Is Tncorporated The Bownanville News VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1935NUBR5 Bowmanviîlle Stores To Close Armistice IDa LOCAL BOY SCOUTS They Gave Their To-day For Our To-morrow L clSoe ASK FOR OLD TOYS WoclStobsev TonCuclMnitra Canada Should Stand With ThewStatuteAssociation L Scouts will make ils canvass Britain Says Club Speaker -AsoitinandLeio [ Cy l wrksop n te Blmoalclosed ail day Monday, Nov-D M ust State Foreignfo distribu-ember llth, Remembrance tion ao dr r fdiesat ay Tribute to W ar e e N ust Stat Fo eign Poli 1 WDay, which lma been-deciared. isalre n n hetm sa statutory holiday by the -_____________ Dominion Government. The NE PRSD T Scosto ard to en Prof. W. G. Brown of To- ATP ER A D Committee, headed by Mayor public is advised on this mat- ronto Believes T h a t TRUSTEES MEETING Ross Strike, appeas to ctu- trt rsn ml po-otaph foir M m ra zes_____th Sousin this tunity to secure necessaY Service on M n y Canada Derives Solid A meeti aeaernodwok n itzn ofsple o auda o h Bee isfrm Emie rstes socain o Dram Ig os hy ae odoaelong weekend. The general clBsns AssochpCont it io e n fomun-am to this caseare askcd to feornging-Other Coim- cl Bsin Felowhi Cuny il b bld~f Cmmn- p h o n e Scoutmaster B e s ttor e wasithe coftthatTw Cuclwiprtcpt ity Hall, Tyrone, on Monday, Mortlock at 53 or 147, so that thrs at the las o theia____ That Canada has an enormous! November lta p .ad arrangements to call f or ate th oe tacrifi e moTw of 000jr h emmiceDyM - saein world aff airs. and chat! 7 p. m. 2 p. m.-Presideflt's ad- them niight be made. Citi- tthsarfcof6,0inheRmr il ts neforegnpe olicy. wa ug eeryA.lWBusines; 3p. m-i- wih reanbCan"dans wbo gave their - orial Service,, it mst e pepaed t enncite res. byA. . AniS;2.3 p.m.- zens are asked to donate toys ge w oegn lcwssted G enrlB sns;3 .m- i- w ih may ra1>bl e e- ilives in the Great War. and -with CouncillorW. Sae a getdon Monday by Prof. W. G- cussion of varlous topics relative paired by the Scouts andtetosnso teswolerbfca Brown of TorontoUiet lto the administration and course which will make suitable gifts e wudanwhsr- topening meftof os u schools bV. K. at Critms. clae ed their country in that timewihaprdo!soocbdei Canadian Club at the Balmoral .Greer, Chief Ispctr t ubic ralt wa ad Sou wl Hotel. Speaking on the topie and Separate Schools, and M. A. cîlfo y it n ovm !n. itens arco-prd-fohtpbieeole.hsu 'Canada andPeace". Prf. Brown wth the nierchants in the i det ering o pp.Tey "aaaadPae.Po.BonCampbell, Provincial Secretary of ber l6th. ld nlc oc-Prt ahrbfoeteCntp ln stated that it wa.s f olly to await Ontario School Trustees and the cmingof a crisis before de- Ratepayers Association. Supper anvray n oji nwt h ii cdnonfrinpolicy, aadnhe ac5.3ar.Y. ptoidinby Troneto attend. afterwihtomn govcrnment should at all times ldes l25c. p.m.Public h rbt otermmr utes' silence anabreutI- ladie orin oic s a priSekn tsc. W. m.- o lld Folks Home at the Memorial Service at pressive progra iliegvn on isdegr oreinplC sapatISekn onet inro the Ccnotaph on that morn- An innovationti erI h Peace. the speaker said, is teac cho faro townpart; In L.ounty Townl ing at 10.43 o'clock. Bey. A. S. Kerr Flanders Field lt ietYIf central problemt of our age. It whoinnersmaicoetefrdsrc Minister f St. Pauls Churc, front o! thelCntp.Hma touches if e al so many points.,camionhpal Brighton on '"'a Pi.oIirev ion lflwho on Monday night was elect- outliiie of acrs abenld and as become a very personal1 Nov. 22nd: Suitable prizes will belidPednto wm vil whwr.a matter to every citizen. 1 given to four best speakers. 8 p.Ne SrcteReain Vcoerictr Ins COpen Cub oerl arayti eaut n Theword seneof oda isa m-Address by V. K. Greer. Mu- most baffling scie nd the more sic provided by public schooî pu- H o m e Dsrydb edc sO e all crosses haebnpaedi one looks out upon it. the more pils under direction of Mrs. Pobb Fir Prsent Impsin The speaker made no attempt to ident, A. W. Annis. Tyrone; Sec- Apearance - W i il11__ their poppiesaroghecse, unravel the complexities of the rtrS .Werry. tHampton. No niame A1-mI .symbolizing teFadr ll peace probhem. but simply laid __________Open Soon No There was a scarcitut o! busi- before is hearers certain fund- hntenwUie onisRmmrneth eoahi e- V dctSg ssAc-Teews amnentals. as a guide to our think- henthenewUniedoounids Bow.manville's Shrine offRmeb an thesenoaph i Mm- derdt uggHaests cci- Sudden rumblings. and violent ncss at the metnrlh oni ing on tiiis matter. He did on oiBoa do! ofRefuge al Cobourg is' orial Park, whicb will be the scieie a mpesv mmra en Hv en'shalcings whlch can le described adjourniflg Wtbntehu.waj lined the fundamental consider- es ulig fiskn nO-in onCuncil and Ministerial Association invite the pulc o A v o i d e d if Traffic by the feelin n igthv f cing ona eterfro Jdg sugetpanea. aterACivic !st uldns.fil idTnOn ineTw C rCanadianaclneri n s L . 'o pproves 1 tario. Prsenting an imposifg attend ti service. pbi Rules Observed si editre the nocturnal passed to havthdaeote Canada. added Prof. Brown. 'bas 'front toward the higbway, il bas ts !eryscpr nTus crn o oniseulztO Aneiinf cc iisi h be ul iha y 0bat At the incaucst into the deatb Of day cvening and ferrificld those of assessment stfrFla )c not actual e til en mis A d ciin otecorvisin tepotentialh an e e o be uy'1 et f eenemies. n Th r- e rig fo It bas, il is truc. passed through upper classes o! the Public School as wcll as ufility and comfort John Wesley Knight. on Friday iwbo wcrc still celcbratiflg Hal-' 20tb, al 10.30(.mI h on ecnoicstes bih asafec-was made on Tuesday night al W. E.WreH!lo.i her2 Yca nighf. the jury conSisting o! Fred' lowe'cn. Onc bouse. with four- cil roomf. cd the wbole worhd. It bas no th eua etn fteSbo rhîc;MrnJx&Ca.. Ca- Go uuyear IIUIIU2IYe Preston, f orernan, Chaude Ives, ite inch walis, quivered a.nd Barber Shopwspse territorial ambitions, and is most Board. Ail members wcrc present bourg. the generah contractora; favorably phaccd f0 view the peaceanCarmnWP.orttr- and J. H. Turvcy Electrical C Humphries. Ernest Purdy, Roger: one o! ils rooms, sat speechless,i in Bowmanvihl r ecoea subject from an unbiased viw- sidd. Following up this decis- Brantford, as the electrical m flIfl g Bird. vrs mt. .E oti unable to move in terrr as o'clock on reghre ihs poipt. Peraps. the question was ion upon the recommendaion work: Fred Comric is doing the rsEvitSmhWE.Bo, th 'i caker said. Because we do Board will purchase 42 books onl Bowmanviile. bas the plumbig nof ta vvidtus a if mihwtoie, ! rncip al . . ovenston.the! pltastigThildinW. .EliffEbc- a G tern came f0 bis death on October 6f hi.1 quickly switched on lights;only to 1uary toNoverbreC no achurcildcnOnwtariis prcccnfl t of Ed b h nrct.Tebulig a- s1935. al 10 p.rm. in Bowmanville sec the walls. cellngs and floors week when ter 5aoid. weigas az s and because Onaweeafmn dcf gun n July 1 and will lie su!-'Many Bowmanville Em-I ComnlimentarY 1 Hospital, a h resulfs o! a col- doing a bewildering, f antastic Finance Cmiteacut do not hcar the steady marching ion. The books will lic schooh. ficicntly completed by the fîmei 'ye Ryie 0 lision occurring af intersection Of' dance that threatened at anY mo- were passed aonlgt 11. o! soldiers. nor the propagandlst and nof student property. 'the Counties Council meets i - Pvr,,wuwDf 25 0Ontario and VictraSsihemttauritoadceo 8 ware l seothse whd o u g l of Mot iesay usi nes alD-ecembeThefa or taf byfen i thvereolas- oTown o! Bowmanville at about dcath. rDiscussion cnrdaon e ' rigt be. War seemis 10 blong cation fromn Alex Colville for useineigbbrhod o!$5000 adbS tieinQatrC -3.5pm.oOt.l,19,whc Tepcuaqak hpeid!anng sa f0 another world than that in of the Gymnasium for Trail Ran- employcd on an average o! 40 tUly being given the members o! the if traffic rules had been sfricfly morning a.nd hasted for nearly a Littie suggeste ed.grqet whicb we live. gers on Thursday was no enter- men. 25 o wom wre empoyees1. Yef wthah. Canada has an en- a¶ned as the room was in use on o! Marin Jex & Co. B ow ma n v i il e Basebail Club, olsr1. minute.ina ew mmnstefrtnesi nefr aoti ormous stake in the ouestion of bat evening. Not one strike bas marred the Champions o! Easfern Ontario, Col. F. D. Boggs, K. C.. Counfyldeserfed front street was turned a cheaper aut. headtt The new building is modern in record of the Goodyear Tire andunethjotaspcs!te Crown Attorney, represented the into a. well populated area as the present tm ot 80 Peace and War. In the ast 20 Teacliers. taking up the sub- everv detail. f ireproof fhroughouf Ruliber Co. of Canada Lfd., was udRothearyiClub s iconsCubha Crown in the investigation, while da.zed. sleepy citizens, their eyes 1Councillor Edsodtn ske years Canada bas reacbed a pos- iect of bygene. will bic presented ',ith the exception o! the door the proud dlaim o! C. H. Carlisle, RtalubradLitl onda>CuNov. Coroner Dr. V. Hl. Store>' presid- sfaring. made hurrled exits from why Oscar Husn&1a hud fln>' bas been placed in our own clude in this bygene feacbing. o! cement, concrefe and steecl. brated is 25fh anniversaryaffb br t icaketpsmAravilabed fa he petd. .I.M er. Alan ro t odrv eir s us es t h n ea Te oad it.harg e ochr50 $0 hands. and wc are permifted fa Regular accounts were approved The roof is covered witb copper Royal York Hofel. Toronto, Fri- public at $1.00 eachi and may lie o! the other auto invohved in the ficial regalia for this carl>' morn- for the counr ui.Cuclo (cotined n pge ) (ontnue onpag 5 flashing and 5-ply f cît gravel. At day night. Paying tribut e fa ftle obtained from secrefar:y o! ither accident. the front. a!ording a wonderful loyalty o! the employiees. Mr. Car-1 club. Chie! o! Police Sidney Venton (Contnued on page 5) (Continu npae5 vew o! the hake and surround- lisle announced thaf the total ýgv h eal fteacdn- £ country, is a wlde verandah Goodyear service o! the 158 pre-1 location. view fromt cach corner i~ D strict Governor oif R tt extending the whole lcngth o!flice sent af the dinner was 3,070 Years. SA LY ANI and parties involved in the crash jln seil~E e t ,~ building where the aid f olks wll i The mien aflftbe plant had played 1TAhe din b>'th ast Mr li e alile -10 spend man>' af ernoansi a dominant par in ftic succcss o! ý PREY TO FLAMES Knghf. wascmn oarst U ge M o eI t r s in Binte summer. There is a fîre " the compan>', be said, remnarking i an Ontario Street. . S. Harder. Pvv. ArnulroIf11 Urge M o e I tere t i Bo s cae alt cd end of the ver- lie thouglif mosf business fook a Blaze starta As Threshglu coal salesman, Hamiilton. was tr sL!I adlanon otenortf de neeti hi wres owt i.M Harder cudgv Governor Stan. Forbes in o! service by every Rofarian toi the main building. mae teres t ai or wul hve Ful rore - c& 3 n nllghtcniment on the situa- Oe alMeetingt il f eua ud> co&- peoflan. statingoplthatLohepehadgflot seenti RgaohllyonNw easDyadrt Impressive A d d r e s S is business, personal and coin- On the top floor are locafed people oelieve.hd otsen aly n e Ask Roarinsto ivemuit y l11e. liright. commodius bedrooms,1 Seventeen employecs were pre- dtgfthlety1sfo the Prout car. whlch, had corne Plans for Armistic Sr- Weclc o! Praeprra dutn Asits Rotarians to Give 'un' white an~~~~d blk tid bhr mieted 'ithi diamnd-sfudded 25- Adig ouelngthy Arthurfwtseo ! tori Sttf m he ud vice, SundaySchoo1jna. Spihital andeachptic afroomsdvncesen of ater-barn fires inths c nYArturant of ntoaria StHe ramR theCo 4.-Th advacemen o! iter-a large sit.fing room which will 1 year service pins and gleanilng MaxiVn's barn was burned fa the give fia estiniate as ta, speeed of Rally and Week of R. Ca ftan ,rpsnfgth SpirtualLeadrshi in ational undcrstanding, goodwill also lie used for fthe chapel on boxes. eacb o! whicb confained ground Frida>' flOrfllfg, wWie Mr. Kngbt's car. Cucl e lhfi soito Community and peace flirougli world fcllow- Sundays. and convenlent cloflies $250 in silver dollars. Man>'oy bc n civte ciipo- Mr. Prout, and Abert Wcsfnuff ayer Shane, rcpreetn fi oT ship o! business and professional closefs. fhcmt were associafed ihteg,, 'M banoed y who was ridlng in flic car with In tesedaysof orldur e n ntd nte da o e- On flic ground floor. there are Durhiam Rublier wiom bnflic g r eases. ThneYliarn ownd b>'mnileMnizrlAsc-t la o ,and uncertailit>'.Rotary>' mnuiedi h elo se f0 lie well ecquipped locker rooms iBowmanvillc factor>' was faken Ex-Reeve o! Darliiigton towiis hîlp. lic Kn hca ute i f waseethlaion at its regular meeting alt anal service.Apori forth ta You Lord Nelsons signal vice. 1 witii steel lockers. There is a over wlien the Goodyear Company Mwsprfal>Poerdb ' thn- in four utilo!lthcm. Thirt. Paul's Manse on Monda>' ci- drawn up andwl i ltiu o! 130 ycars ago. "Rota ofnP njo' d-large and briglit sitfing ro a eta0sle nCaaaiisurance. it is sltuated on fthc car, ar or f ie, e almost ac- ected Rcv. E. F. Armstrong, B.A., al the servicon onamo- District Governor Stan Forbes o! the governor said in urging that wiere flic men can sinoke fa flicir1 Six ofliers present were already aînd Darlingtot townshiP, jusf iesna lcianoe 1POee> ross flic road, with tic rear B.D.c, Minise!Tint>forite Thing. o Brantford as lie concludcd his mare attention be given fa perfect terts ontnteTa orebah-holer otheyer ericepis.soei ! taîcy bide.BOW cl>suili cnte o fici. ,denuîg yar Leut rBowno cof prae wfbflc aivdol t. earestadres t th Bonin- ttndaceat meetings. NO ooflis are on Ibis f br, donc in The>' includcd P. W. Litchfield. manville Fire brigade was ca heircr d i*nbt n the icSalvafion An>' was elected Arn>' in therwrl le a villeRata>' Clb ontic ccasin meel>'b>' atendnce bweve fli sameattrctiv whif andpresient ! GodycarTireand o fli sceeeandgavevaluddas-fron rigit sne.tadehadspunSecrtan>'innsccesionstsirnpaignfor.onvesionS foeloca and hei frends. -as Minnie Mouse, was also excep- ,u,.ny wJn.-.. w"1. .------ te hrshn eui- 6 The lhappy gathcing spent f onal>' god, as was Kate Moore, cli priual uigted-mnls i ag eaao n Aypro aigcnrbtdJ hln er-wtotd moto!flie evcning in modern dressed fa play' a part in "It's fliceipression o! 1921. He referr-t- e m en , h i olare sepnt omnadn'pantinnorbe t rnglithed Pyreaset, . . in s 1ec- wiingucsin andOdT ymi dncing___muic_____inMe".ed fa flic lime whcn a fine o tc- lze bc oldcs vnasdnto r eus uln lcfaThe xeunier. R.M. m ite ilsl c. lnlng es]etL .Dp andld TymHowad ag anmusl GThe>' InMc". pporiteycurred af tic New Toronto plant $1000 fa replace, and was not In- ycar 1935 tic sun o! $1.00 or over The ExeuoftiveComitce wlan lcP. .eIl neise n ia lcfem suppianob>'Hond Hahînan at ctaon w as apropiia teh>' . .Arsrog and cveryliod>' set t Wit b a wiu surcd. Mn. Marfln's total yield is enfltlcd ta a vote at fils meet-copsd!flcoictaF.. cdis"anag"cmlend flrric a, ao>' hpersalder erawtcd wlf h Hahiow'en sran-dev . .Arstog aputflic plant info worklng o! grain, ha>' and stnaw was de- ing. ! Morris, W. F. Rlckard. M. P., A. flicclubonfifnesprtI sheri!!. Tam Sellers with bis con- lblack cata. Later n tnhliceveilng was on Monda>' lected Presîdent "hr a n bngta s n lresher or froni a cigaret te la tcresf cd parties is requesfed. PRV Presîdents. Mcmli e n sbh I P ng flic yeasps.adqepi nef and harmonica, lunch was servcd with fthc lotel o! Bowmanvillic MnisteniliAs- br soetin hti n ellcved ta bave caused fthc con- F. F. Marris, President. Conunîtee ebers are A.' M. The mast lnterestlng costume cafeing. socation. (Contlnued on page 5) flagraflon. C. H. Masan, Secret amy Hardy, Ross Stevens, W. H. car- (Coiitliudo ae

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