PAGE THREN- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIUJ. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935 Os hawa Minisi Fine Annivei La-e Congregations Join In Anniversary Servic- es at Newcastle United Church Many visitors .ioined in worship with the large local congregation at the United Church anniiversary, and thank-offering services on Sund.ay, November 3rd. Rev. R. J. Mcçormick. King Street United Church. Oshawa, occupied the pulpit in the morn- ing. To the question which each one rnîght ask himself. "Arn I a Christian?- he submnitted as a test. St.. Pauls staternent off view' as fOUnd in Romans 8:9. Now if any man have flot the spirit of Christ he is none off His. Con- versely St. Paul vwould class a person as a Christian in whom was the spirit of Christ. Membership in a church is no proof that a person is a Christ- ian. One may be a church offic- ial: loyal to the sRcrament, at- tending regularly every commun- ion service: may be a fine bible student with a wide knowledge of the sriptures from cover to cov- er. and flot be a Christian. He must have in him and show forth the spirit of Christ: that is he must be of a high character like Christ. He m'ust be a fine type of person as was Christ. And what was He like? He was frn- endly and brotherly. He \vas fi1- ed with love for mankind: His beart was full of love and He went about doing good. So by his daily life will a Christian be known. From bis cOUI will rad- iate a genial warmth and in bis presence will prevail a cosy at- mosphere. The choir under the leadershinO of Mr. W. J. S. Rickard. with Mrs. E. C. isher at the organ. sanz 'Praise the Lord.' with Mr. E. C. Hoar leading with a hass solo and Mr. W. H. Cooke taking a tenoT solo. A male qu.rtette. Messrs. W.J.S. Rickard. E. C. Hoar. E. M. H. Ward and H. C. Alun. enrich- ed the service with their render- ing of "God so loved the world.' luioil LAI CANADIAN GENERA] Fali ( FOR MISSES' AI MISSES' NON ters elivr CandianClubREALLY BEAUTIFUL SOTNW C o n t ir .u e d f r o m p a g e 1 ) - - - - - - - - rsary Serinons determine our own foreign policy. ISFRT With the increased dignity which Bw avlet o m nil Miss Mllicent Elston. solOist at cornes of independance in the iIl St. George*s Anglican Cburch. great Commonwealth of Nations. ak ro Oshawa, sang "Spirit off God de- oeinradrspsblty Wolf Cubs Boy Scouts scend upon my Heart ' It carne cre nrae epniiy as a cimax to the devotions of Canada must realize. he said,________________________________ song and lef t the hearts o! the that it is extremely dependant on Ls eksmeig eeee sl de' an i o pvordsrof exprtetrade.tThe dependancebetter attended than the previous the sixer competition with 122 tpreae to re ke o the week. Only 2 Cuba out of 29 were points. The otiier sixes followed Spirit of the Christ of God and being a fact. it must follow that absent, and absentees at the with Grey Six 120, White Six 119, o! how it could be made manifeat on impoverished world wilî 10w-1 Scout meeting numbered only 4 Red Six 116. in man. er the standard off living in Can- out of 33. _______ Bouquets off lovely large chrys- aa .- .-DnVno' o!Pto o >:IThe main feature o! the Cub the Patrol Competitions witb 128 prgrs f1 aorthemumis ar ervieschrch Then too. the matter of peace meeting was the investiture o! six 'ons,1 ont ba o r Nofan1R for he nniersry ervies. andwarmeas nich o iteral Cubs into full membersbip. The next patrol. Don's Patrol wins vrsteormn In the evening Rev. Frank M. politica. A war brings about a I boys were exarnined and invested the monthly conteat and trophy voeo!tanks& Wootton. Nortbminster Church. moat uncomfortabîe situa ti1on.b umse etMrlc n wt oa !48pitwt to the speaker. Oshawa. made a vigorous appeal thsrn ifrn eifasr-b umseBetMrlcan ihattlo46pitwt evda, for a warmer devotion to the wt togcifrn eifsa e A.S.M. Jack Foster. The boys in- Beaver Patrol second witb 44 wereseeda gard concripion nd oher-vested were Russell Vesna, Ken. points, Hawk Patrol 442 points, bour was enjoye Church and its interests. The gars. consption a n ter lthr InMhoJii adPnhrPto 4 ons C17uich bas gloriously withstood se from an interior and a et-eImlamMbod Ji ad anhr atol44 pins the onlaugbs of he inidels Nokes, Eric Densem, Gerald Pur- This is exceptionally close coin-mawbposs athcists and agnostics. but issuf- foeg1iwon aaa ns y eîin fcring now from the Laodicean thtnk thoroughly o! this matter spirit of uearns an i- fpeaceak wso teble The Scout Troop is rnaking aliI lukearmnss ad in1 Th speker as o thebelif rel efort o stdy teir enhonoranci listruginhela blt difference on the part off thosei that Canadian tbougbt should bierelfottosu berTnr- Gacn truhtePu witin he huch.Takng s is eternncdby ullcosidratonfoot recluirernents. which leads to Scbool h we were pinlas e t'LL withinthe curch.Takin as hs 1 dtermied by ull cnsideationthetheir esiinvestitureScoo!. fuitsmScouts.e pStatesman-I t ext. A glorious church. not hav- off four imp~ortant points. Ptosltwekokup heneta 1Cb nd9Sus0 ing spot or winkle or any suchb rst Caadabeleve inthe kPatolsheasct wktook ump tbene tbat 5Cuba are n Sts Oe tbing: but that it sbould be holy iit asamanr o! setition of he Uscot Jaka nd b emo-sced 5 ormorintbe r tbe UionfJck an aem-centnxaeiations. As at least U and wthout. blemish.-Eph. 5:27 ing international disputes. It a aphore signalling. It is expected bal! o! tbe Scouts are attendingQ he presented in glowing words a not necessarily extreme pacifiat. Hg il hsrcrdi h picture off the church if only the but rather the diffficulty was to ce htwti e ek bs Hg coiti eodi h memerbi wul lveand act dfn h iewîhi drawn. boys will be ready for investiture. Public Scbool is excellent. O solely for her and ber Divine between the end of arbitration Th umaster , Assi F stantScout Head. o h edmsesJc otradLw Scout Notes Mr. Melville S. Dale off Bow- arma theeiare ofthe nwbof eteIlr adTro Lae manville contributed a fine tenor urs. The ntnedar that buan natell~ Fred Neal conducted tbe patrol Tbere are 2000 Scouts in Iraq solo. "The Voice o! One Crying in us V hthua a studies. Lord and Lady Baden Pow-i the Wilderness." and also took ture cannot be cbanged and for . -. . eUl are now on a visit to Scouts of th slointh coia iatanh-that reason, there wiil always be We hope te let you know in a Soutb Africa Admirai Via- tm, soloive thn The choir'sfrt ant- a Human nature may not be Rochelle Hudson's newest stu- e ays just whtteSotcui aooSio econd0 off ening sp Te ciwe changeable, but at least condit- dio portr~ait proves once and forfe dba teScucon Mkto atformer secnd. ws Te un sheall Se N ions %w.hicb lead burnan nature to ail that the Hollywood star is one population of Ontario is. This Premier o! Japan, is tbe new weel thte Scout census was taken Chief Scout for that country sor. wsTeSnSalStN enter wars can be changed and o! the moat beautiful in the film and tbe returns will be compiled A Scout in Blackpool, England, Mre.F.M Wotnisaol abolished. One off the moat im- colony. by the middle o! this month. Our rescued two people !rom drown- fredfRev. S. M acLetonisan otb portant pronounicements f rom a local cenaus shows 29 Cuba on tbe ing witbin a bal! bour. Eigh- n e pureln oîofanR33 Scuts. wth a Scut- ten New uinea edicaistud- b avinL, been pastors of sisteriprl economievewotwa -hbes m imoe. offas., t Ctanada by eor heLagdueAnd S HOOL REPORTS master and Cubmaster bolding enta have !ormed themselves into ______of__Cn adaini beteth ertan guc-"A- - the joint office, one assistant tbe f irat Scout Medical Troop in thesaie tme.- bd brgan i betertha a uc-Cubmaster and two assistant the world. Tbey will carry on Douglas' Egyptian Ltin i me n tcesaful vwar-", in which is suggest- DARLINGTON Scoutmnaster-a total o! 66 in- tbeir work in Scout unifor 1 el e neeyhosbl d that even if one does not get - - tthogot h id ertrm o rStops beeding at y orausehoiz.ev xery-tbing by arbitration it ta in Report o! S. S. 3, Darlington terested directly in tbe mve ent brubutea wlerioyo * wouds an preents lood the long run f ar cheaper tban a for October: nomnile e una roning. Keepa away inflammation %var. sr. IV-Billy Henry 81', Peggy i *and proud fleab. Secondly, Canada was a firm 'Finnigan 78, Jean Meteal! 76* NwateWM.S li_________ e lever in the League of Nations Norma Sexsmith 74, Harry Fea- Autunewcastler M.sric and its poasibilities. Canada, be- ther 73, Joe Wojnakoski 62. 1 OBITUARY A tumn tbank ofNernaserUnice fI or onot nwtof p t oebodur cause of its position as the sen- Jr. IV-Madeline Metcalf 72J ed Church met in tbe S. S. hall fois.r-H.W. haw. piysonboyion nation in the British Comn- Glenn Metcalf 69, Gordon Trait n cobr28hwthth rei _____________monwealtb, bas played an unus- , 66, Eveline Gibson 62 t(H, John WlimGerePdtt aea e n toer28th, with te cresr- ually important part in League Noble 59 t (T): Gordon Metcalf The early morning bours dfA h enMr. aean n hemb chair.f affir, arout o! proportion to 27 t (111 most off the month). October 23rd saw the passing of usitbe metina smbed by he ! it its population or even its impor- Jr. III-Donald Metcalf 71, At- a well-known and loved Cart- r.J . ii.Te eoin tance. In its study of the League, vin Metcalf 61. . rght citizen in tbe person ofMa. J. taE Ryinc s hedevoton-, Canada must determine as a part Sr. II - Mike Bonik 60 tj(c); W. George Proutt, wbo was born aoll ewastaken e by M rummond, o! its fforeign policy juat bow fan Harold Snudden 33 t,(H. C. S.Mav î3th. 1867. a mile east O!fotaLoed wTbepaieqrtetMes, Anycer it is prepared to go to live up to Geo.; Sam Bonk 41 t. (H. C. S.PCasarea on tbe f arm o! bis par- MesaLes an Th lade'arete, Milk we wobligtbensPofe enaedAr to Jr. enta. the late John Proutt and Ian and Bragg, sang "Has the its obligtPons so skd to r. II-Mildred Metcalf 76*,1INancy Smith. In 1905 he mar- Lord called you." witb Mrs. E. C.G sufer ase byimpositio 0f aiy ibon 74, Al!fred Featberlried Geneva M. Platten. bonn in Fisher as accompaniat, which was sanctions? If we are not. our 72, Joyce Power 71, Winnle Power 1 Port Perry. daughter o! the late much enjoyed. Mrs. J. R. Fisher basses migbt be !ar greater by 141 (f L. A. Geo.); Roy Snuddefl Austin Platten and Margaret Ann o!fered prayer. Dr. M. E. Addi- R war. These matters sbould not 40 , L. A. Geo.).Bec.o nrde tegs pak, PHN 40 I.ube left until a criais is herebu Sr. Pr.-Keith Crago 88 Rose TBeh.con ntrouce the gumesteaspeaker. PHONE 40, hos ad li uTihe lidon 92,themetedMrs.G.D.Atisnwoead I.II~2 - Thirdly. peace mils a funda- Jr. PrAnnie Moro*. Nei Proutt and farnily moved to Caes- -_________ conlnsiee norbesCakrada. -MSnudd RbieHnrrvyaen 6. u t the pning o 90,wen n.des ws"ABckarcoo- cueo t300mlso! unpro- Metcal!. cupied by John Watson, Jr. Here tecedborerbetween Canada and *__Honours, t-Failure on total he enjoyed good health until tbe the United States, it was funda- or subjecta in brackets. Figures summer off 1935; but Qed needed rnenta]ly necessary. It was nec- stand for <.Chistians such as be. who belped essary for the welf are o!f t Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. the nearest cburcb. and who al- ~U ~W people, for Its foreign trade and ways had a good word and a for many other considrtos helping band for everyone, andi That too abould be a deciding f ac-SAE so mid great aorrowtng be was' ton in our thinking on peace and aldaa olv ihHm war. ~~Report o! S. S. No. 9. Darig- cale wyt ibHm ....... ... Lastly. the value o! the assoc- ton for October: 79 Thy ev.fH unera l cnducd iation o! the British Common- Sr. IV-Gladys Thompson asis by Rev . J. el. BcktofkI E wealth should be constdered. The Nina Darch 67, Hilda Tbompson Wbitevale, a former pastor, wasMi speaker was o! the opinion that 65.5, Èrenton Darch 65, Kathleen held in the little church at Caes- Canada sbould stand be b i n d Cowling 64. area, just across the road from Great Bitain. There was f ar tee Jr. IV-Lily Cowliflg 63. wbere he restded. With the warmn Values effective Monday, il rnuch talk, bie said. o! loyalty to Sr. III-Arvilla Smith 75. atm uibaigqitYo the old flag. and o! sentiment fo Jr. III-Murray Cowltng 68,atu sun aing quwd ietslaon sheOldgeouen toasuo!the Bi-Wes. onlin848F.gently te rest in the Nestleton BRUNSWICK (Ail Varieties> shoud gt cown o astuy ofthe II-es. onln 4 F.cemetery. The paîl bearers were solid benefits wbicb Canada re- Sr. I-Hila Darch 61. four nephews: Artbur Malcolm o! Commonwealth and its associat- Pr.-George Cowling F. Hrod Neabitt, and Leonard Job- ions with Great Bitain. If the Beg.-Reree Matthews, Paul Hio eeoanolw ldfi real trutb o! these efiswrTuk* ends, John Watson, Jr., and Day- SIGHTtaugbt in our achools. there .-Failed, *-Honours. id Davidson, o! Caesarea. The CLY SA Canada would stand in a criais f_________ loa r tssoe h get CMBL' ran, witb Great Britain.flrltiuesbwdtegat CM EL' free We ail know. Prof . Brown add- -Sorrows, because tbey are lin- esteem in wbicb the deceased was -IT ,finy ed ha oein t dictact- grn guests, I will entertain but beld. N S WIT ,fnd00edb e!sns.btee that moeg pleoderately, knowing that the He is mourned by bis widow, EN prevent a compromise. more they are made o!.the long- and three daugbters, Laura o! FamilY life la built on compro- er they continue.-Bishop Hlall oo t; M r ae, M s tnodB U S ~' 1 aada realizes A Corrector o! Put meon ayoMs anc Ik surdyaTroto:? C H IC K E wbat it bas to gain from peace. it Troubles.-Many testi meo n ia 1 s and three grand-cbildren. He is H CE will realize wbat it bas to protect, could be presented ahowlng the also, survived by six isters: Mrs. and will realize tbat the League great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Ec- 'James Malcolm, Port Penny; Mrs. o! Nations must be sustained. ev- îectnic Oit in correcting cisorders i Sam Je!fnrey and Mrs. John Mc- en to the point o! taking up arma of the respinatorY processea. butj Laugblin, Blackstock; Mrs. Geo. R DO S « to sustain it. The measune o! our the beat testimonial ta expenience Neabitt and Miss Florence Proutt. M PS MADE IN CANADA ion, is surely the measure o! our who suf fer !romn these disorders N. Vancouver. B. C.; and two bro- C-5 oblLore . MLubi x with the certainty that they witl thers. John Proutt, Neatleton, and- Col. orneT. MLaugli'nex-!ind relie!. It wlll allay inflam- Henb. Proutt. N. Vancouiver. B.C. OYO L ELECTRIC CO., Limited presaed the club's thanka to Prof. mation in the bronchial tubes. He was predecea.sed by bis par- Brown for bis splendid address * ents and two sisters. Misa Emma The speaker was introduced by _ _ _ _ _ _ G olePrott __ High Sehool. and President L. MnWrc.nhm .A.o h ______________ n iaJni rut Dipel . ei. Report.o! theears, 1kELTY GLOVES Fancy flared cuff and button txrim, warmly lined, sizes 4 to 7, pair -- -- LADIES' FLEECE LINED SLIPON In black, brown or grey, al sizes, per -------------- --590 GLOVES --590 LADIES' FLEECE LINED GLOVES Fancy flared and stitched euffs and trim, in black, gun grey -and Arab brown, 79 ail sizes, per pair. -------------------7 ) XXX SPECIAL LADIES'CHAMOIS GLOVES With flare euff and fancy trim, tweed and stitched effeets, regular $1.00, ail sizes, per pair.------------------- 9 Nelson's Lower Price Store Phone 595 Bowmanville opposite the P-GyaI Theatre Lake Shore Homne and School IClub held a Hallowe'en masquer- ade in the school October 28th. Prizes awarded to achool children were: Beat dressed girl-Evelyn Brown: Best dnessed couple-Ber- niece and olive Brown; Best comlc costume -Donald Powell; Beat dressed boy-Leonard Law- Ion: Beat dressed chiîd outaide o! the section-Grace Powell; Beat comic costume in the achool bouse-Donald Powell: Best com- ic acton in tbe achool house-1 Donald Powell. Awands to adultal were: Beat dressed lady-Mrs. Wm. Jaynes; Beat dressed gentle- man-Gordon Martin: Beat dres- sed couple-Bessie Lake and Ruth Holmes; Beat comie lad.-Mrs. Jaynes: Best comic gentleman- Blle Rowland. President Wilbun Baker vi11ei opened the meeting and conduct-1 ed the business. The pnogramn in i charge of Gordon Martin, con- sisted o!: Musical selection, Man- son Souch and Billie Rowand; a *very lnteresting speech about wld horsc#s by Mn. A. D. Kean o! Bow- manville: Hallewe'en seng by the school chldren; instrumental solo by Lena Farrow. Lunch was ser- SYSTEN We'II Do It For You FREE ! Phone 264W Today. R. E. Logan Bowmanville, Ont. A well known resident o! Bow- manville in the penson o! OswaldJ Branch passed away in Bowman- ville Hospital on Fniday. Novem- ber lat. a!ter several weeks' ill- nesa fnom pleuro-pneumnonia, in bis 43rd year. Deceased wvas a son o! Mns. Branch and the late Robert Branch. and was borni n Darling- ton township on December l2tb, 1892, and had spent ail o! bis life in that township and the town o! Bowmanville. He was well known amnong the farmers and was look- ed upon as an expert mnechanlc in the handling o! machlnery. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon !rom bis resi- dence on Duke Street, service be- ing conducted by Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector o! St. John's Churcb. The beaners were Ar- thur Clarke, Bruce Clark. Walter Gilbert. Cordon Edgar, Irwln Vinson and Roy Bnanch. Inter- ment took place in the famnily' plot in Bowmanville Cemeteryý.. Among the survivons are bisi mothen. Mrs. Robt. Branch.! ,this town, two sisters, Mrs. Art- tir Clark, Hanmpton, and Mrs. W. gTerry, Eowm.anville.1 rve the Best Tea &LADK' years of union. Thomas' Eclectric 011 is armed ckard moved and against many ills. It will relieve Allin seconded aacuh ra od rvn and appreciation acuh ra od rvn Ref resh m e:nt sore throat; it will reduce the .d a social bl swelling from a spraln, relleve the ýd. most persistent sores and wlll speedily heal cuts and contus- Qualities. - The ions. It ta a medicine chest ln ;es a bottle of Dr. itself. ODU eemree- uli" I want some more cee-ree-uIl! I want it now! What kind of service Is this, anyhow? Oatmeal or squeakies Snapprels or rice I don't care what it is, It skwushes so niee! I want some more cee-ree-uIl, MommieI do! Cee-ree-ull makes A grand kind of goo, * It's fun just to stir it And slop it and beat it, And dig around in it... And f inally eat it. ea dish tastes better and is better with Glen Rae Glen Rae Is always uniformly rleh in cream. pi"le Rae Dafry ZR. Stevens & Son, Proprietors SJ ~~~BOWl%1VLe pgEp i1P i 4 SJOV. 4th, to Satiirday, Nov. 9th. 3 Tins 14 ,p 3akes14 28-o& 2 Red Label Tins 25 V2i-1b. cI Pkg. 2 Large Pkg. 1 10BusW9 lb.5 Walnuts Whole. Washed BRAZIL NIJTS ' lb. 19C Glenweod BEETS DICED Sq. Tins 5 Fancy japan RICE lb. 7V Perfection COCOA .Wlb1b Tin 15 LIfebu@y' SOAP 3 Cakes 15SC 1 DOMINION STORES Nov. 4th, to Saturday, Nov. 9th. CIF ER