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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1935, p. 4

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f PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBR 7, 1935 ht1 e r d u h e , r . E ne t tass sted at the even ng s r i e _____________________ I ___ __Rabbins'___BLAKNCKThank-Offeigecee 13 n Mrs A.Bîlet Mrs. Orse Chapmn, Orono, 1SALEM ' ebarr. tos:MisAda A- I vCSO Kfrn xce 13 n ie aner a aParty on vsW. Mr n r.CaeneTop ,ln Bwavle ihMiss Eve- - ___________ Women's Institute helct a ma-s- Tuesday evening. The evening wil!! occupyte lithroz Mrs. A E. Bllett nd NLs !so, PortHopeMiss Adie Mll- Rv. A. . Ker JohivrWestfinMr.n and Mrs. . R.. Johnksst-qMrs. d duerain ee dancen in pthesnhallpeon nasapleofsantlyy Laura Virtue accompaniecd their) son. Starkville, Mrs. Wmn. Lam- sermon Sunday. takin g- ashis lake, son Bill, and grandson Ray. adMs . IkMs hr-dyeeig otmswr sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Siemon to minan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall. text, -What do ye more than 'Bowmanvulle, Mr. Arthur West- E. Darcy, Mrs. I. Argue attendedTurayenigCotmsee Huntsville and attended the fun- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Dick- these?*" lake, at Mr. Frank Westlake's . . 'heir cousin's funeral. Mrs. John varieci and original. Prizes fnor best eral of t1leir aunt, Mrs. Richard enson. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin M.adMs retWbeRwa hty Syvester. Diekenson. Port Hope, Mrs. Ross Y. P. L. meeting took the form r n r. retWbe Rwa hty Interment in costumes beinz uresented to Miss' Temperance Sunday was ob- Dicken.son. Newcastle, at Mr. El- aaHloenscaloning Cums.aMrH.ETnks..PicAleteeery. Pauline Ferguson and Miss Jean served in the S.h aS.soneOct.. 27tg,, .e.e Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds Recent Vstr: Miss Jessie Wi 1. et o4ccot me4 * whn Ms. . R Talor Soistrong. Nestleton. iss Margaret Mrs. A. M. Wootten, Mr. F.,n aiya M.Rg oe- Knox and Mr. Joe Bradburn with Mr. Percy Hulbert. Proceeds $18. whe Ms. . . TylrSolna vilesCherrywooc . . .. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ceci! Hyde .. United Church choir is prac-1 gav a ple di ad res whchArmsrong. Rosseau. M r. GeorgelIBlackburn and M r. K. W erry. i es gaea spoly idapreiated.s.Ra Lnmad n Hicks, Toronto. at Mr. W. Watch-1 PrizeS given to: Best ladies cos- r.RyLnmiad amily Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlowitiîng for a concert in the near Ma r . Wlliams adMr. E-omns . . .. Rev. Mr. Glover at Mr. tume - Mrs. Hertzberg; B e s with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Norton. and family, and Mrs. James Mr uue Mr.S ilasadMs d Locs i!. Marreo o-1 r.R i- ILtus ..... *na Ruse returned ta their homes G. Barron's . . .. Mr. and Mrs. E. gents-Miss H. Knox; Best comic outHl r e.Hg o ihM.anir.R .Wl ou on e* hi rc alera nptaWeten anda SapesatMaves .. Mss-Master G. B ell m an; Best arth, B. A.. Toronto, with his sis- liamson. Omemee. ..Mr. andlticed at Mr. Merivin Mountjoy's afe atiPt Wser and.Stpesa Mner ... isters, Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. Mrs. Caec Marlow. Toronto. on Friday evening, where they NM M RA Congratulations to Mr. and Margaret Allin. Bow m a n v i 11le, childs-Hilda Darch; Best couple R.PsoCl .M.adMs Jewt hi arents..M.adsen oileeig aI bay oy n Ot.3ls. nd rs.ThronMoutjy Hy-Mr. L. Coombes. Rev. A.M. Chapman. Hampton. at Mrs. R. Mrs. Foster Ferguson with Mr. W. Sorry to hear of the illness of Th Elyn Shop is hapiiy to dedicateis pc of bbyboyonOc. 3st adn.MisEf fe Rn utdg. HyJ CKso ..MranM BwSudlndTeE MissGret MolonTorntoI ~lWootten then took the chair and1 MKsoks. r n r. rwSneln..Mr. AI- Mrs. E. Taylor. to the memory of the 60,000 Canaiansli Miss MriGril fMoin.nTniskin t. S Mis ofi utjoy'eSale .mr.this program ensued: violin sel- Chas. Howsami and Mary at Mr. bert Gooderham. Port Hope. Miss _____ Miss Naon r erslae.Osa is- nand Mr. S. . Werrjy's.. Msesection, Master G. Belîman. Town: A. Williams'. Port Perry... Mr. Harriet Gooderham. Toronto. at Wogv hi ie nteGetW * tdMiss Vra Kers!ake onMagarthawaad eavisa-. recitations. Miss Cameron, 'ry- and Mrs. Thos. Baker. Mr. and Mr. J. A.Jhtos. . .. Misses hogethrlisinheratar ThurdaylastandattededtheToronto. Mr. Otto Madsen. Bow-1 rone, and M.F lcbr;v-e __ Thusda lat ad atededthemanill. M. . E Grffi. Msscal solo, Miss H. Knox. Hamp- es', Highland Creek.....Mr. ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hallow'en msquerae her. NoraE. KeslakeOanaw. Mrs.n:RmooertueBrooks, Johs. aF.MSmithbertBrooks.MrMissSmitrothy . Mcs Recent MeVisitors:sit Mr. M andndMrs. T e ELADIES'S ReetVisitors: Miss Greta Nr .Krlk.Ohw ttn ooou.Ms .Jhs Brooks and daughter Edith, Osh-1 Brine at Mr. Wmn. Taylor's ..E. Gibson and daughter Birdie, Wickett, Mrs. Elgin Wight. Miss Mr. C. J. Kerslake's . . .. Mr. Hampton: piano solo, Miss M. SEILY LIU Rnecentan on a Âr' Colacott: alwee a. Mr . a at Mr. J. J. Browns . . . . IMr. and Mrs. Breen, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. Marwin Nesbitt with Mr.LYJIICAL MiJohn seMn and sn Mrs râL.S i: rHalwn, atîk Mr S. E. Werry with Oshawa1 Love!! and daughter Ruth. Inger- and Mrs. Lorne Thompson W i. on ron to .. a nMr S Fred L.H a r: reaa ingth as ter R. îl- riends and attended King Street, sol, ai M r. W . A. VanCa m ps . Bill Proctor and friend ith Phone 594w na vil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W il o n, oro n o. a M r. S. er- H All: c a ta ea o fbyth e k s o hi- C h u rc h tu rk e y su p p e r . . . . M r . M r. O rm e M illier. P o n ty p o o l. a t IM r. G o rd o n B ro w n . . . . M r. a n d I sey's ..Mr. and Mrs. F. Ker - 'dren. te 0 th an watn antd Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mrs. R. J. Mr. Norman Mountjoys . . .Mr.j Mrs. H. Galbraith and Marjoie, lae r.W hrt rdndM efrei 1 a!!tose tapkingpart. MeKessock and Miss Ruth, andi and Mrs. Frank Powers at Mr. Miss Marion Sanderson. and Re ______________ P. Cowling, Bowmanville. at Mrs.. Mrs. H. E. Tink. at Mrs. Eli os- andi Mrs. S. Swain's. ..Mrs. J. R. Bick, Whitevale. at Mr.Si_____________________________ J. Curtis'. . . Mr. Man ev Cry-1 apples wvere served bringing to a borne's, Ebenezer. .. ..Mr. andi Ceci! Hyde with Mrs. Percy Ham- Malcolnis . . .. Mr. and Mrs. A!- eOmnon Mr. arry ColinanI. - lsunay.jovl th îllbe iss Mrs. Bruce McCardy,. New York ilton, Janetville. vin McGill and sons, Lotus. Mss, IJ"r.r ~ I..S IN misstent. Lo.e at r. Jhowl - i îan arSundayiN th wl e Miss- ACity. Mr. anti Mrs. Will Bray andi United Church W. A. met at Elva Capstick anti Mr. Gilbert 1V I"~I~. Mis ll ov a M.Jon ow-Mrs. Laura McNealy, Toronto, at Mrs. Luther Mountjoy's on Tues- Fowler at Mr. George Fowlers . _ SA ing's . - - . Mr. and Mrs. G. Ed- gooti programn is being prepared Mr. Thos. Baker's. day evening. Rev. H. J. Bell took . Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson k isec 5 10 z~~er anti daughter Rosina. Dr. and by the Missonary Superintendentl uikiPes--- Mrs Dvis ndfamly Oha a.Mrs. F. Cator. A cordial invit- ...., the tievotional. Play committee and Collette. o m nil ih Mr iMrs. J. alhs and Miss îOsaw. ation is extendeti toa!!l. Collect-' r reported "He's My Pal" had been her parents. Mr. and Mrs.'A .MneetPe --- ARvISTICE DAY j Mabel. Bowmanville. at Mr. H. lion in aid of Missions. EBENEZERi given for six different churches McGill. Mr. McGill is f eeling bel-crea uroer oz 5 1Wilcox's . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Mr. nd Mrs. P. Cann. Retsan du ring the past month. Mrs. W. ter . . . . Mr. and MS.RusselneetTroes ---- A. VanCamp was in charge of the Mountjoy, Blackstock. at Mr. Ce- Meat Pieseah5 Northcutt anti taughters. Bow- spent Suntiay with Services on Sunday were con- program as follows: Misses Fran- cil Ferguson's. -------------- _______ SALUTEmanvilleMrand Mrs. A. L. Pas- Mn andCMrs,. LAnnis.Toronto. ducted by Rev. W. C. Smith. At ces and Gracie Mountjoy favour- Ms .C egsn h Pasce'sCannthemornng ervie hs tee ed with a piano duet; Mrs. Percy been il! at her son's, M r. il RA O D To Those WPho Mr. W. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. them. wvas -Thanksgiving" which was VanCamp gave a readîng "Ho yFrguonRhaArturedta sh Sev dSantierson and family, Cadmus, Miss I. Stephens. Town, Mr. very fine. Good music was pro-1 Little It Costs': Girls f rom Arch- awa. much improveti in hcalth. j Cream Puffs dz 0 Sev dat Mr. A. B. Ferguson's. and Mrs. W. Molfat, Orono, werc viieti by the choir. er's school sang two choruses un- Many from here attended thej Chai-lotte Russeech6 Suntiay guests at the Squair1 The Halloween party sponsor- der the leatiership of their teach- anniversary services at Lotus on Teehsbe et"h aiofpraetsc home. cd by the C.G.I.T. on Friday ev- er. Miss Olive VanCamp. A de- Stintay. Rev. Wolfraim of J an- Cream Rolls dz 0 some record of your valar cess is a well grountiet spiritual Sympathy is extended to the ening was a«real success. School lightful lunch was serveti anti a etville preacheti. of the deeds tbat marked <IPelopment ."-R. W. Babson. relatives af Mr. Oswaîti Branch. room was beautifully decorateti social hall hour spent. Thurstia3 evening the LeagbttuHmeal Hmus be0 who passeti away at Bowmanvi!lc anti the girls spareti no work ta'o esiyevnngCninaio )ok the fr IaHlaee you d fen e f n i ea . Na du at o is er eth e t' I OS , la st - l w eek . M r. B ran ch im ake a !! w h o atten ticti w elco xe. Ischool s tud ents enjoye i an excit- art y. A !!1 cam e in m as uera te B u a oe a l el e t e-. aE . u n esi t e v e o s t o u h ' p e t m s f h is b o y h o o cl tiy s M rs . G . F . A n n is c o n trib u te t a i g H a llo w ee n p a rty . T h e sc h o o l 1 c stu m e h e p riz e in n e rs ein e C raedinterest in the '-.PiWipenSlm vocal solo, anti Mrs. Ross Pearce, Inwssial eortt a etv Mr. Glen Gibson anti Mrs. Cecil ~B K R jdeal itself, the growing Wa sculpture is ta a black iSrtale anaiteseiu reader, gave a pleasing number. ocasion tanti testtenîorsive Ferguson. Mr. Harvey Mahaffv Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bomnil accePtance of a hope for ai marble. education is toa ahu- fa!!recntl san heti Ms. isLiaoccn onuttiaiasuradte cstue. 1 arizc essc h aro ubra ________________________________ eternal peace, the worth- ma ol"-dio.Thos. Knight. mother af Mrs. Gea. spooky hunt through the shedis for best costumes were won by Mr. seetis in a pumpkin. The evenins ______________________________ while efforts that are be- Persian Balm is irresistibly ap- Claot when ghasts were quite in evi- Lawrence Malcolm anti Miss El!- vspntihgaenipe Ing made in that direction., 'pealing ta a!! wamen who ap- tience. Prizes were tionateti fori en Emerson. Evening wa.s spent was servedi. mark the greatest mem- :preciate charm anti elegance. Its costumes, anti went ta: 6 yearsi n a parade, cantests anti games. ,. orial to your sacrfice. ýuse keeps the complexion always an1 e-ail n ilRun' PCA UARPEC R clear anti beautiful. Tonic in ef- HAYDONaninte- rlyniBi Miss Grace Hoo'er anti Mr. Neil 1 PCAUARPEH IT A 1 d _______ 9 yrs.-Orîanti Braoks, Oh Malcolm vr winners in abos 1 MAPLE GROVE I J. W . Jeivell i fect.Siuae the skin anti -Î,- awa; 12 yr.-Louise Pearce; 60 furnishings contest. Lunch hw j_______ _____ Phione 30 ureti. Softens anti whitens the Mountjay anti Mr. Cecil Slemon, Oshawa; Camc-Ivy Park; Orig- Many from here attendeti the Rcent Visitars: Miss JeanS a e o t BOOKS STATIONERY ihantis. Persian Balm is equally Netîcton, Mr. Frank Carter, mnal-Art Coverly; Best pair- masqucae inr t etîtn son. Orono. Mr. Stanley Rick- PAINTS& WALLPAPER invaluable ta men as an excellent Bakt .ai Mr. C. Averys Miss Sadie Muir anti Mrs. C. Thursurada esteto ard. Shaw's. with Miss Iys Foley CHINA & GLASS ýhair fixative anti cooling shaving Mr*onBot e roi M Short. Mrs. Frank Jackson, Mrs. I y veina n Suntiay . . . . Miss Kathleen A nsa p0tnt-t OV __________________ iloio. plndd ls t potc .aniMrs. JWmn Broati t. lk Oeat r.A .RnMllUi c hr Young People Clements. Toronto. at Mr. Lloyd pioblern at îemarkable savi. the tender skin af the chilti. Violet Broati, Toronto. at Mrs. acteti as jutiges. Cookies, taris. rresenteti their Play -He's My Snowtien's. .. Mr. anti Mrs. 1 Slas Trewin's . .. . Mr. anti Mrs apples. popcorn anti candy were Pal.' at Janctvîlle Wctinestiay ev- Bert Colwell. Town. ivith Mr. and 2 e c n f Douglas Moore, Oshawa. Mrs M. serveti in abundance. Proceetis ening. Mrs. E. W. Faley . . . . Miss Jean20P r e t0 Moore, Miss Kate Moore, Bow- about $14.00. Members af Archer*s Sunay Hogarth with er parents. Mr. Any watch in oui' store, with the sol xeto innilat Mr. R. McNeil's.. Mrs. A. E. Runtile entertaineti Schaol presenteti Mrs. Ceci! Hytie anti Mrs. J. D. Hogarth. Hamp- I A ] FORu SOYA 13EANS Miss Mabel Beech with ber Mrs. Bert Wilkins' group oi thc with a lovcly hymn book. ton ..Miss Jean Stevens with of Buiovas, included in this bisae We re ayig 9e pr bshe fo Stndad Qaliy Sya ea siter -. -Mr. atndLarmer.tBurk- W.M.S. at lher home whcn busi- Friday evening St. John's An- frienis in Oshawa . ..Miss Eti- We repayng95cpe buhe fo SandrdQuait Soa ea s cla . .. Mr. Anti aMr. Bukncss anti pleasure were combined. glican Church ladies servecd a na Swa!loi with Mrs. W. Pear- 20% OFF THESE REGULAR PIE Mi delivercd Our PLANT at STRATFORD. IWaol!ings Sr.. Mr. anti M taney Refreshments were serveti anti a fowl supper in the Community son. Laklcfie!ti.. ....Miss Nellie SO A ILS IMTE gWoolings anti babe, Toronto, Mr. eswelcome spent. Hall. It was f allowcti by the play. Snowden, Lakehurst. at home . . Supî'eme Watches, Reg. $12.5to$70 ________SOYA___________________________ Cyrus Ashton. Burketon. at'M. W ecm ta aur community "Civil Service' by the Enniski!len - . Mr. Elgin Muntiay. nai Elco Watches, Reg. $10.Ot $87 _______________________________________ H -enry Ashton's . . . . Mrs. James Mr. anti Mrs. Ernie Laird Who Draniatic Club. which was enjay- School for the Deaf. Belleville. at Eli aceRg$1 - ~~~~~~~ Kennedy, Islington. at M r. Leslie have moveti rom Oshawa inota d by a!. B tween acts the youn g omne.El n X at es R g.$ 4 5 to $ .0 Graham's . ..M. Arîhui, Beech Mrs. Blake Courtice's hause. people of Enniskîllen favoureti We w.elcome Mr. anti Mrs. Hop- *Watham Watches, Reg. $45 o$50 at r.Evret Mr Prt Mr. anti Mrs. Frank XVrden wîth music. Procetis exceedeti kins anti daughter .Mr. anti Mrs.$4 ST R tM.EeetBcech's, Pr Hope. are hldyn with relatives in $100. Wieaddagtr a ur ci- Sli W tles e.- MrR.AE' DR GnTO Ey Ashton anti Mr. Cy- Ottawa. Mr. Wortien jaineti a Congratulations aie due Cart- uiy Novorîs W-atch:s, Reg. $ 4., t 6:0 rsAshton visiteti their brother, group af hunters in narthcrn ter- wright young mcn who took a Miss Verna Pethick entertaineti rne achs e.$2 1 ngî n domin tt e iulJu - a n e fy u gp o l tle onSuntiay. who is suffering pain- Miss Melissa Stevens is visiting igCoptton af Durham home i nikle nTus REMEMBER, YOU GET 20% OR -hOF We Guarantee Correctal Lenses to Fit Your fuI injuries as the îresult ai a with her cousin. Miss Etta Ams- County at Mi!lbrook. In the Sen-_tiay. Eye a d Y urPure.mater accident. bury. Cobourg. ior Class Leslie Taylor %vas thirti Mr. anti Mrs. Leslie Collacot TH-E AIBOVE PRICES IN THISSAE Eye an Yur-Pure.Dr. L. B. Williams' pictures af Miss Buchannon, Reg. N.. Tor- in swine jutiging; Murray Bycrs Pearl anti Lenore. visileti Mr. anti Durham Counly were shawn in anto, is visiting at Mr. anti Mrs. second n jutiging shccp, anti Mrs. Norman Mutton. Oshawa.'~ a very appreciative audien c c Mrs. Morris, Bowmanvillc was Junior Class Eric Cutting wm fiirst knocket i iw by as car on Fni-1 25e tube Tooth Paste 50 Facelle with each many ai whom 55aw them for the a Sunday visitar wilh hier tiaugh- in judging bec! cattle. 1 day ce-lening on his .Way homne wit a50 puchseof 300ClaningTisues firsl time. Betwecn recîs his ter Mrs. Walter Rundle. Tuestiay evening the butc îrm r Hc receiveti a gash We ii extend the saine remarkabterso Squibb50eprdctas. f 30 lA nsisfoscShtr enain tiwith several viseDois unMerarshawa,' Preceptory. 398, entertained thelon the heat anti bruises on his the purchase of any ring in the soe Wqib rdcs l o 1 hr edn il teachssue rsallen.on ladies ai the L. O. B. A. EveningIf ace b t ioing as well as can____________ %Creophos Ironized Yeast.. 89c E glish Thtirsday anti Fritiay anti Armis-uioeaniuchwsere. The sympathy af this commun- S i top c oaduuncgh s _ _ _ _ _ _____xtnde t M. ndMrs onjwateestacnt withce cuchreonayantilescroSa-eStarts Friday ,Nov'. 8-9am gurated a Colgate 's Paste l9c-33c Health SLIA eek Dy nd onday a teplentthursMaxtni ti r. anti ae stNo. . r Frltialm--- - - -theialarnosîtîvey Coe aturday, N $1.00 Bot. Jad Saits .. .. ..55c Salt 'ceen ti olia aat4t.chl *- - rhur Morn in their ssbarai'l Clss bNvebr-6 RuMa..35s5c-e9 raving. 1bs ee ESLEO cmea r__f___e. tok P25mci-e 3sto under the doctors care but is im anti impflements wcre aIl rescueti __________Mstr RePace a __________ A ___ ____ ____._ .N.ST.E35cj amebu a r y a. ilams. tock A ES MARR, Jewele Soap Rem.........57c 12 Powder h Wamen's Institute wiîî mccl in 1e -,___Campb_ eent Visitor d MJe a nthreshingmache ie, oI i Phone 463Bomnie 3 cks. 14c Pertussin .57c - $1.35 Puffs-i'Oc S S. roam on Nov. 141h, aI 2 p.m. Those taking part in the p a bel a LtM. .H.owar.iMRul-lhrshiJn acne M. Gro IJr hr.Program wîll be in charge th Bpryon LtusMr . Mr. R Muossl MisJaaniM.GroJa-I_______________________________ Ayests10- Sett' Eml. 9c 98 Baer' ofgrop 6 whI MyorRos en.tlMr"he antishonMrMs.MrCanmer. C antian Strike ai Bowmanvillc wi!l be the ther,- gave it in Janetvil!c Tues- fa'mîly at Mr. Malcolm Emnerson*s CdLiver Mason's "49" - 40c-75c Aspirin gîîest speaker. RaIl caîl ta be day night. Mrs. Wm. Steele anti Mrs. Ojil- 22c~--~ - 39c an.swercd by namne ai a membe Thererwas a thank offcring in S. rue .Mr Pte.rih.s af Parliament. A!! ladies carti- the h h Sunday when Rev W. 67c - $1.69 Best Grade Raw 98C Iiîyivtt.Parkcr preached. It was a treat Rev. J.R. Bick, Whitevalc. ially nvited tý wih Dr.R. P. Bow!es. ..Mr. Cod ive OuLvsl jDivision meets in Sa S. room who thesîngn skimuch ppec-anti Mrs. Fred Totiti.Part Hope. Ovatie odLivr ilLyol Thursday, Nov. 141h, at 8 p. .bs ign smu ppe-wîth her maîher. Mrs. R. W. Wil- reT hsV a 38c-58c .9c 32c - 63c Members try anti be prescrnt. A iateti. l s. ... Mr. Arthur Staplelon. 1 gal. 95c I~goati progranm is being prepareti M. anti Mrs. George Rahmi Mr. Russel! Brown, Mr. Chas. Me-FO TH 9 8 C $ 1 .2 5 i T h e h a ll %a s n ic c îy filîc ti la s t a n ti fa n ily h a v e m o v e ti an ta h is Gi l , M . a d rs e w n o u tF i h v nK l g Full Strength Alcohol Antifreeze -89 gai. jThursday evening for aur Hal- iather's far-m. Gu MantMr.Jms MenMunt-FaraenFORTH lw'nmasquerade under the Miss Ella Tamiblyn is atlend alus..Mr. anti Mis. Rus~sell S R I E dtetahr'cneto tPig otus 1 W eel end Corn.Fa e PHONE 49 R Cow ng Phm. B. W'E FIT i Pee fSans af Temperance 1 eces'cnetona -otMcLatighlin anti daughtcr. Union, P. R Cow ingTRUSSES Mr. A. . Pascoe acteti as chair' Hope. a ______________________________________________________ R cent Vîsîors1MandntiMrs.. antdM r ant Mrs nJam s Mctin man. andi Mi5ss Helen Baker pro- Ah r Laughilin. Burkcton. at Mr. Harr tis 25e fo 23 ideti the mnusic faor the grand .rsctanifmyaI r. cLuhns M .atir. ygav rp rtofthe willr beo a lo l, a Mis anySales, 151- v"c-pres- Ihe1W.A. Mmstanley MawBilcalm Tomatoaitat ea ou ylî Blon ve a eot in Ih cmunîinging. On behalf of! taaRaisins - 2 2c0 5 YP.cnvenion10Kingston. heWSAur.StteyMlcna-------l- bs. 2c Cî'eam ofBarley pg reati an oo hage ev ji TmaoJuice 6 cans 25c Sliced Pineal)ple 2tis«1 jCHALLIS' AUTO idnt Ien ook Marge.Devo- nHNio aonmend abesndted themlhir Fresh Roasting Fow for Weekend Fui-O.Pep EggM arelt sotte MissEveyn ink Magv- Two cante-Sts anti a social time AND RADIO SHOW ink aveconclutied a pleasant evenlng. aN R DIpaOWlper on the hIfe af Charles ~ n~e~* United Church held Its anni WresleY. A spelllng match was l I JU411 sersary services on Suntiay whenI? Sodctd ETTE UL Rev. J. R. Bick of Whlteva!e de- [H NE12 13AuoMarkers Are Here MTER VALU îrigelet n ivered npîng aress.Nest-I arry A llun P O E11o 8 Tuestiay for her hom e In Tharn- E T V L E l t n c or a as e I th m r -1B w nv l hi!!, Man., after a pleasant visit lg hl the Blackstock choirBo m viî

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