PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN Sl .'.TESl\AN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935 Bowling I IN THE RREATLM O SPORT I Rugby Badminton I__Wrestl ng Senior Grid Stars Annex Titie for ANIMALS HEAD FOR GAME PRESERVES inbtaohrfml aeOC _____________________ VI. the baIl 25 yards out anti r Second ConsecLaL1ve Year Saura Cordick polished off an Ohw (' ut ~ Iuil~!1h,7attack a touchdown to give thc lead back to Oshawa. Bow- Iil in each of the second and third . avlebckda saakc B. H. S. Celebrates erics but the Colegiate team recover- Win by ComplIe t e y The 18 points of the frtper- helstqare ornoe * Outciassing Co b o u r g , canefrm hrenonereda e ade uartournes.te touchdowns. A forward pass. f rst nae ui. ofwritte nieoTher r Rivais Jackman to Siemon put the balilfrtln swite n h t on Cobourgs 15-yard line and three lines are compriseti of ditto% Bowxnanville High Schfool Sen- froi here Slemon circîed the endtimernas. powitn lnki Cmk lor Rugby squad repeateti their for the f îrst of nile touchdownq rnad on o ogkc, The second major went to Coimer at ht lstedit ak 1934 deetis when they handeti Co- on an end run. anti the third was ateipls the stryofthel.toperksd * bourg Collegiate Institute a 56-Oarpa oe0 tefis ihteOshawa - Fîying wing, Best: whitewash to take the C. o. S. S. oarpsseanztebilnI .f Halves. Quigley. D. Camneron and A. Laeshoe Legue SniorB Cooigs 10-yard line and Sie- A aeo:Qatr catr mon onhi. h nu rul.i r~sn Sn ap, Pearse: Insides. J. Harynykf Chmponhi. helin.d Coîdick; Outsides. Clapp anti Strengthened considerably by In the second quarter B. H. S. the addition of several of the i cixeti two more touchdowns, oniv Wilkie: ubs. Hurrie, N. Harynyk, Juorsr B. H. S. ran wtid as they ce of which was converte. Kent McDonad. Parks, Seaver, MMul- hit the Uine to perfection, So first after a Bowmanville offen- lan. Yourth. Harae. T. Murh. ed2 powerful was the Bowmanville sive hati carrieti the ball to the Y o r n anvile Flying W i . attack that only twice were they 5-yard mark. The second came r/Y Bthgale Halves, We l, Ames line anti both times their oppor- 0 h a.Slmntrwa 5 r atg: Inses, cllvAen1 able to get near the B. H. S. goal on one of the twofetrepa dovle QutrSncr tunities came as the result of yr pass f rom his owfl 10-yard Hal l: Mitdiles. Bennett anti Fa- local fumbles. One fumble oc- line to Tony Mcllveen who, after ga1n: Outsides. Kimble ant i Gbbs; curreti on the 38-yard line withJ catching the hall sprinted 65 . ,ubs. Mason. O. Fagan. Bird. no damage anti the other one yards for a try. Cobourg showed . .. -M eCotiMceesan happeneti 25-yards out but Co- real offensive strength on one oc- ..M. lne. rie, eet n burg obligingly hit the goal post casion in this perioti when they By JAES MOTAGNE on the kick anti Bowmanville re- held Bownianville for threc doens IcentAMPESs MaNANES.te coveroti f0 koep the C. C. I. score m'hile on theîr o%-n three yardCetaPrs ndi W r ELECT DIRECTORS * sheet clean. line.j By some animal wîreîess sys- -__________ATOE IG M T The first anti last quarters were Slenion openeti the second haîf teml. big game in CanaTdian nat-EE the most potent for B. H. S. as with a 25-yard run anti after a ional parks where hunting is not ... .- BADMINTON CLUB; they scoroti 18 points in the first Jackman t0 Colmer forward hati ailomw&d 'except by camlera), have andi 16 in the final while atiding'ativanceti the bail another thirty rIotifird anim aIs on the outside SvrlNw :ebs Sei _______________________yards. Slemon went arounti the of the safety o, the Preserves. So Xu . .~ Svrine ebers Bsn ss and endi for his third major of, the!recentiysoo ui gow blîNmbr Sca tuinesg n day. The other touchdown of theaticows ofth waiîoek .-I thirti quarter wrnt to Kent on a family matie a liazardous trip of If the openlng business meet- 12-yard plunge through the mitdle 100 miles to reaeh the safety ofn f Bo anie Bdmtn hadpu te alldep n oborgý ocy mtitanson hebode Club on Thursday evening is any had ut he ailtiep i Coour Roky munt~nson he ordr ~ ...4~~ Icriterion. this wiil be one of the territory. 'of Alberta anti British Columbia .~~, ~*iigs n otsceso er In the final perioti B. H. S. atit- rProvinces. Ther. path wass not -.....__.____________and_____________________________ eti three unconverteti touchdowns ,straight anci narrow. It led in the ciubs hist.ory. and a single by Roach. Amesj through te mutis n the The hunting season is opening throughout Canada, anti Alrende fls er wh elcdColmer finisheti a'meanthte cros.,:ing of two moun- frs eiesaesurigfrcvr o.wpt rek members were present as weil as who repitaace-i numerous in Aberta anti British Columbia. Be',-.v, a youlig bull svrlnwmmes h et Bowmanville offensive wih apsŽes. one of 6.500 feet antid moei o wm touch. The next score rosulteti the other of 7.500 foot above sa oss __in__for___a_ ____________________ ing was fr te prsTemeect- Afrom the second feature piav of! level. No moan task for these ing directors thpoe asfolows tUegam. Hilmn tok p eay aimas. ne f nmerusthere are nany preserves in Can- can be bagget inl most of the Chas. Cattran, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, 'from Jackman when apparentiyl This is buton ofumrs ada extending over thousantis of hunting district cf the Domnin- L. W. Dippell, C. H. Dudley, W. L. B EN HI surroundeti by enemy players but notes which have been taken bv square miles, prospects of gcoot ion. Camne pre-erves, both nat-Elot.SR.JmsM.ANe. Hailman not only wriggled loosýe travellers to show that some Of big gamne hunting are invitig oa nipo i'.1 r cte-ElitiS . OivRJ.ame, M . Nati from the pack but outspeedeti the' the best huntîng is likely t.o be Not oniy elk. but mountain sheop cd from coast to ca-t- Most are Mrs. Duncan Smith, W. R. Strike. P A Y D i whole Cobourg team for a 55-yardi on the bordons of gaine preserves. anti goats can bie founti near the within rail or nc,-l. reach. whiie Fooin thbuneseso, try. A forward pass. Jackman to, Animais are continually flockingj parks in Western Canada. w-hile a fewv will ent-i- canoe trips f0 th Fe wgathe bwsinertaesind Till He Followed Roach. put the baIl on Ço5ourgs into these preserves, anti since i moose, deer, bear anti caribou. reach. whuqe ga mes 0f mas ntes,>ne The Coach's Advice '15-yard mark anti Kent went' ihuiu amso aytsn thoghte io o asor. AGILE GRAPPLERS -yj w.. tertainiment is concerneti. The' The funniest play of the dav, HRLL 13 .J7.S. Juniors Sing Swan Song as "spot"0f dancing mooteti in the! was when Roach caught a Co- THRILLCROWD Ti. atvneetiwsaLoeoed TUE' anedt payfot bug ic.ra aot iv ars WRESTLING SHOW O h a Std ns pelE i n tIon Ray Cole playing the piano. Ev- h al for years. Hoeiiad i then returneti the kick. catching, Os awa________________inat idently the refreshment committee enthusiasm, plenty of it. But the whole Cobourg team flaf- Attendance Is Sparse But En- Bowmanviiie IHigh ScUool Jun-, From hpre untii the - nt of the 'inas teeaniscuitant offee ap- he just couldn't 11take it"' on fooftet. ranl down anti picked Up thusiasmi Runs High as Ex- e hiWarliona e icisadcfe p the field. his own kick anti was away for a 1 ilBut Aestgc ors mein er atnoo on Friday i quarter -3.H.S. hati the btter of peareti on the scene, topping off It took an understanding touchdousm uhen he tripped over, _____ousAe__ ed j when a brilliantlv playing banti, the play. lc ocshetteahapyenng woachaboust hlm iht ith a hson ef A sparse crowd turneti ouf to of courageous Youngsters from. Oshawa teani out aftor a thirty iThe cut.aei perfect con- wor abut isdie. Hre aS Cobourg-Flying Wing. Dop- wtness the wrestling bouts spon- OshawAa Coliegiate invaded the, n fmad a li hebildtio wts e a inoripoe the oachs adîce Drn kins: Halves. Newton. G. John- soreti by Toronto Wrestling Club 'B.H.S. campsat amdhog eep in Bowman% il territorymotanifo no utiery MiIkdrink itr wit eveymad ston anti Hayes: Quarter, Wilkins: in the Town Hall on Friday night. %with a 12-5 ,itoryto ive hem ed this up by necoven- in the spring, tUe former Saivatý- Buid U YO~ rsisanc an Snap, H. Woods: Insides. A. Wood Bttsofw ho ere there, 1tUe championiship 0f thig'v out'l men theirow-n kick on the in rybarcs.nwBsmn vitaity. Bt tosefewwhowe f tis -ou,ýton Cu. iirin g taks owtU sack vitaiity". 'anti Guy;: Mitdiles, Barge anti Bon- became the mosc exciteci indiviti- ianti for the second year nOs-Ysird stnip. tosseti a 15-yard for- [frcutmlanîbrtis u TsboisicolgflW nett: Outsities. Murray' anti Lee- uais before the nîght was overi awa teamn has put the local Jun- I warti, kiceot to the Oshawa 20 o aqesaantbris u and, jncidtih'payn tham: Subs. Robertson, Drewry î.hat, one would wish to soc. As lors out of the running. only to have a ball bounti p55 eter reniatitezn swell ganse!anti Thompson. these strong, agile grapplers Fedn emta aceiA.nes when ho was ail set 10 of ping pong bails. Soon too. the 1Bowmanvile- Fiying W i n g. struggled for supremacy the ithe Bosvmanviile brswn along the make the pickup anti Ames f in- ardent bridge enthusiasta are ex- e Coimer: Haivos, F. Mcllveon. Sie- crosvd ?) rose 10 its foot to cheer iln anti with a fast-moving. f ast- a11Y got the bail on his own 15-pcti oetudrwyfris Bow ma vi!emon anti Kent: Quarter. Jack- on their favorites. Ithinking backfield. the Motor yard lino. faîl anti winter sessions. when iman: Snap. Roach: Insides, G. Those who attonded the inquest Cilty squad were full value for In the second hait Bowimanille they wili take on any anti al Dar McIlveen anti Souch; Mitdioes. lin t ho counicil room directly be- their win. In the îast quarter, starteti off with a powerful of- cres P. Fagan anti Goodman; Outsides, '10w thoughs. there asa another led by Don Cameron. who con- lensive anti matie their only score __________________ W. H. Bettles, Pro. Littfie anti Halman; Subs, Gibbs, earthquake whon the ceiling he- tinualîs' quelied every attomptdothte day. A short Oshawa kickR PHOE 46 R 73 gan to shako, chandeliers bounce Bowmanvilie rally by booting gave B.H.S. Possession on OsU->(f Bowmanville Moagh.up anti down on fhertc hinsan long 10w linons which wouîd in-_ awa's 15-yard mark anti after S OT PHON 44 OR 03 mes C. olieen Batgat ani dul tuti revrbeatevarmabiy bounce past tUe holpless two pisys hati pushodth te hall V î _______________ Statesman Ciassifiot Atis. pay. tUe snail room. But it was onîy B.H.S.. backfielders, t ho Oshawa within 6 yards of tUe Oshawa N ýtUefyngmrspiaittos team., although definteiy on h lino, Captain Ames went wide - ing their ativersanies noatîy over 'dofensive, atideti four points to aroundth te endi for an unconverf- : teirheas t casii o th stgetheir total. Bowmanvllie. backed ed touchtiown 10 put Uts team in f ioor, unaccustomodti o sui c h it their own endi by those craz- tUe leati. With the Senior BChmin - tough tiesîment. llboiinkisere unable to Bowmanville seemneti away for 1 ship safely tueketi away for the There were four bouts in al 1 e going on the greasy turf another score when Ames ran the second successive year, the B. H. beginming with Soutier Crisp, the which was weii soakoti by a heavy kickotf back 10 contre but a bat S. Senior Rugbyites are iooking 1 Weston flash andthte FP13n, S otwnpour that f011 throughout snap foilowed anti Oshawa recov-frwrtoUepaffgmsih JohnyMuray bthbi, pwe- hefinal fifteen minutes. ereti on Bowmanvilies 32-yard Poterboro for tUe Senior A tille. R o y a l T h e a trehohnrry, b t bgpotwer= mnvll bewtw oin o n. B.H.S. helti on this occas- B avienStraa o BOWMANVILLE ful ellows wt hsemtseti.pThil chances by fumbiing fe ----__ _The frtgiei ceue o :bu a arycenwt odsteadyofesv a adnedBw nil nStuayt 2.30 bou ws aily ea wtgothte baIl wellinmb Oshawa terri- and tUe return engagement at wrstmn troghutani gea try Bt akngth a s a "' ' Petorboro, aithough not detiniteiy 'da 0 xctmetaMr rm woimteanso oui Usettlod, wil likels' ho on Wednes- Thuraday - Friday - Novemnber 7 - 8 downoti the alogetiary an om showeisng toUbt tratday ucil wthin tUe 20 minute limit. 0f rugby won h te rn daj.- -I Ted McKinley, tUe star of tUe lorgwn.i ufrt oi otinw an U eir 'Bitish Empire Gamles, whoso gooti urisbo tan i Ue srdtan.0w te__ oiwniny-0 h woed The M /an II&ey LC ou1lteadton0 !er fG i-otmlgmns nteebo hnJnorsanw s l» oera eniof lok aesomouwhat marreti bs second quarter. Mimne receivetid Oe tmwstUe defeat of tUe tho fow rhis arm was lent back in m ak- n he ave m vtp 1 U caliioeî,stageti a gooti bout ing a tackle. anti onîy a play or Seniors atvteoam iscoside with the Toronto Flash, Pte Rai- tvo aler Spencer xas carnietidai'srnîent yIeeai With W. Leonard Howe at each performance mon Sainioimirioacap vryhromthotieti wth om igaditons Lin person. net nhi nl.hi ottr NEWS - THE FIRE BRIGADE - HOT MONEY from ngunerhimi. j ain aTUe other was- tUaI J. Patter- MATINEE THURSDAY 4 p. m.asAhO -one, The Wrestling Cop, CaenhiseialgkckV in his encounter wilh Pe Pot- the de tiine for telU score tf erboro outiti broke his thtmmb in tor, tUe Scarboro fluttor kick tUe f irst perioti, onhy a anti in ai probability wiii not sec Saudy oe br9hsPecmalist. TUe represontativeo0f îucky recovors' of an Oshawa action in the coming seies. SatudayNovmber9thtUe police proceodedti o play' the tumbile on Iiowmanviiio 12-yard RIC RD CO TE -VIRGINIA BRUCE ianintebuwihrmas. ak savoti another score. OsU- Moreo gooti nous Was tUe uav kieks anti fiat smiashing. tUaI hati 'wa blocked a B.H.S. kick tiuring yTUL elgtn htteSnospseiat a tUecrwd n tie wtUan nsnethis quarter in which Bowman- JLyour furnace any day on Saturday against Cobourg anti - ti~~~~~~esire o take Part in it them- nue wene lucky tb holdti he o10dpietesoeolUonyr- "Shadow of D oubt selves. Severail imes, tUe dough- 1 ne point. After tUe Bouman-1 Io .Let us inspeet il- emosic ha scoreUoteroro a'ie ty PhiLawson. rpfereon.htipi i nýris teseoni pmm w.hiicareirob-gtin i indcanshpointh Vo a ro al HEARD UP AN ALLEY By I. BIcw Too TUe bowling season is mater way. EacU night oit records are being shattereti by hard hitting heaitUs' youne rnien as well as carotul. steats' oit cotigers uhose corpulencs' makos it necessars' for thomn to boul uithout stoop- ing. Olti or s'ouag tUes' are ahi Uitting tUe pins hîgU. uide anti hantisome. givîng promise of a supe season of fi-ve pin bowling. TUe 15 higU bouleis uith aven- ions are: Tai Ls'îe 243, A. Os- borne 231. S. Gay 230. K. Luxton 227. J. Martyn 222. T. Bagneil 219. F. Crydermnan 219. F. Williams 218, F. Blunt 216. C. Osborne 214. E. Roach 214, P. Cancîlia 213.M. [RDWN A product o The CANADA STARCH CO.. Llmited Prompt Delivery on Any Amount You Order A fui] coal bin wiU beat Old Man Wlnter vr limne. He's on the way now, but you can just nase hlm out by ordering your BLUE COAL now, be- cause we can have your coal in and ready for you to use the day you phono us your order-If you get il in now before the rush. Phone 15 HONEST IVEIGIIT - ALL SIZES - LOWEST PRICES S heppard & Ciii Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LIMJTED BOWMANVHMJ ~1~~~~' [DRN SYRIJF 'erYFOOD TH,. > t' NOURISHED MORE CAMADIAN CHILOREN THAN ANY OTHER CORN SYRUP .1 Je J. MiASON (1SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 50 Bowmanville Bmreslin 212, J. Brough 211, ÇW. Weslake 208, W. Richards 206, J. Caliaghan 204, H. Gay' 203, J. Mutton 202, F. Moore 201. S. Large 200. These scores ail took place at Marlyn's Ahleys. Mondas' night W. Duiloy's snappy feam 100k tUe Badminton Birdies mbt camp for throo out of four points. Senior League Standing Teani Won Lost Score PIs. Badminton 11 4 16182 15 Dudley's 7 8 15180 9 Fountirs 6 9 15058 9 Lions 7 8 14523 9 Infantine 5 7 12044 7 Moor~e 6 6 11520 7 Os on at lUe Bahmnoral Alheys the Rotanians desporl themselves in mnanis f ashion esch Tuestias nighl in an effort 10 reduce. TUe Bell Telophone girls also atit up tUe numbers anti cross tUe linos hore uit h ahi having a great deal of fun, phenty of exorcise anti fot spendîng ail thoîr wherewithall. isbmurg DRANO -ý\l h