THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJ.O THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935 PAGE SEVEN Jideas but he feit that unless he YOUNG ANGLICANS over to a trip to Detroit whichpea e Sutt clo l 1ered a warning he would be w mine ecue iiyrn Tempe a c S nd y di0 lar*ge nmeasure resPonsible for the ATTEND INSPIRING '01 cars. S d Course pniîvîiblile MEET AT WINDSOR 'Ihis conference came to a lst y res n ie. TsîIl' . runls through al______ n Saturday evening in the da-ose___ es on11e.T Pae snainai byo aet t n h ort nu cloe to a thusand sat down for i Intermediate- Senior EZ c'il-CHlePEandALthe suggestions to IConference oortheA.glcCnooun he b n e s,T eform er Pinial RESPONSIBILITY children froin comic strîs. The lPeoples Association at Windso* 0f SE. Cathrnes om iae . wh cipaistudyItt l ohndththe rin ______ flPit is responsible for church Bowmanville was represented by O I ahrnsCleit.Wo I slti odrta h n Sundy, ovemer 0th attendants being Christian or 110 memnbers of the local branch I delivered one of the f unniest, and dividual Who drinks a little wine Pagn.nday, lOths rere among t.he 550 registered dele- yet one of the Most inspiring ad-1 or beer appears to be stimulated. Nodn et:"veb e o u Pagn.She oo xle aes gtareo re- dth isprigdresses we ever beard. Talks becomes boisterous and ac- Sponsble freih atres hattsesined te ispinîn Goalden ext: "Everon ime 0f USfor the sPe aea s f nwleliaddygesos .asor He based bis theories on his tiens lively because h sa shîlgveacont0 hmel t arns prai f korlde th r.poica ofrne n own upbringing in a pioneer On- controls have been removed. The Lessn Pssae: zekel 3: tinspre ro nsibhoe fo thea the Most impressive of them ail. tario log cabin built as he said brain bas been put partly to sleep 16. Rmn 4:2 fahoeta a Th one row cf logs. and then a row and with the "governor" thus Lesso Passge: Eekie determine the conduct of Young Tetrip to Windsor by traincffehar Hssuet snmbdiisitewoerht 16. saeOreiPeople throughout hf e. States- proved to be one of the high- oRiches iW " ithout Mo e" nd e te is any a madcaer tad We ha e ursivs he oy ormen are responsible if ctizens lights. We had five special coach- endeavoured to show that the foolish play. The ruh c te fear -s t e r conclude that a nations chief es on the Canadian National, elRiches f h f M oe ywerean- t e.boÉo t he surfny a m c ap ter bndy 0f hih te omng if ~good is prosperity. When Young and some thnee hundned dele- bomne. in parental love, in thofovicssm that lco odyi made, People take te crime others be- gates f rom Eastern Ontario, f rom cuctahi od i ec ieswsene hal hai t i ba And fijl our f utures atmos- side themiselves are in part re- Toronto and Hamilton made the tions 0f arlny dys wer mos t oes wto relx t h aclsc ph tss ereofsthonsible tnp10 i w in ths aer theew journy amusing. He told of the tiny vil- skin capillaries by releasing them W ith- stnsbine or of tes pt 1il w h m q ain gi yen ofer fo rmerecingfa- lage, w ich te him was a metrop- f rom control se that they become weaof formerl confer-ur dis and thought that the rail-quitacsloosen andi weaker. and therefore The tissues 0f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ csson the f t b Smec the captvstrhosne.t sn og, n opo road had a grudge against it be- langer and can hold more blood. We wavewit coorssîl oui' Ezekel poke rth ohtnthat teycsin houhtecr.Rev. cause they always lef t a box car lAlcohol does not stimulate, it own, ould h v tle re iionin uale y, R. ire s, foM r meShr e ctor of St.on the siding so people would n t merelY appears to stimulate. Its IV Werpa fie hav ce siow oisBbn. Had they been John's Church was on the train. see it as they passed. He toîd ofI effect is entirely the opposite. and -Whittier. where they could attend the Tem- o h hm Oprute o the great occasion when the min- the last thing any one needing a Teachrs, -9 lPle ceremnonies, they might have oncid eentl Mn. Shires fokin ister came to dinner, the onîy stimulant should be given is al- EeilToo i eac, 79 e telaxvbu he ecse orship' delivered one of the time that chicken was served. and cohol. ekisyel ook b en achn w !bee thes law. becut they excuset reahly outstanding adctresses of lhe tohd the story of a farmer wbo Knowledge and Reason seyln nios. ad bpeearitedth fithehsev b ese n the y idnttecofrn.nmed his hast surviving cbicken The brain does more than con- abytoneand was seaking to the spiitualhy helpful. The r e ah The conference opened on -Layman.' On being questioned trol tbe muscles and glands. It captivesrtoee.eRegandinghimn-thburs self as a watcbman ke i toulea nt ilei circum- Tusay night in Alh Saints as te this unusual name he re-1 thinks, neasons, learns and jud- guar onthecitywaiskeeping.stances but in their character. Churcb, the oldest churcb in plied. "aIl the nest of tbem bhave Iges, and for this important work gur nthe peitle vallsli he told How fertile the human brain car Windsor. The cburcb. seating 800 entered the ministry." certain cehîs are set apart wbich thepeole hathe aw.He was I be in advancing alibis. Some ex- was filled te capacity, and extra It was at the conclusion cf this are knownasteeisokn - unaleto ak tbm ccet ieuse their standards by placing seats were placed in the aisles and banquet that we hef t for our ledge and reason. These are very -the blame upon post-war axity. in the gahery. A robed choir ofj weekend in Detroit whicb we de- delicate. and are even more eas- Others say that economic condi- about 50. with neanhy 20 robed scibed ast week. iîy injured by alcobol or any tions have made reigicus f aitb clergy in the beautiful chiancel The arrangements for this con- other body poison than those Busin ss D rect ry mposible. Net a few blame pnesented a most impressive scene. ference were better than any wbich control muscles. Therefone BuiesDietr1thein parents, school teachers andj The guest preacher, Very Rev. previous conference we attended. alcohol, en a narcotic, may be LEGAL fault upon thein wives on wives St. Paul'sanCathedral, Detroit, the sessions intensely inspiring, therefore dulh the mind and les- ___________________upon their busbands. Those wbo opreached a eloquent sermon. and the fellowship the finest we sen its abiity te earn and unden- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary bocks may even assent that they statement "The things that are We were fortunate in securing was what Dr. Hercod, an M.G hv oneD BA351 LB. have been rading somteymoe bsngarbismpalssan Set. Pauls hv vnepnecd tn ifcl beTs Phn 31baebenmaewhtthey reb se aetepra.andste.big very happy billets with Mn. and Austian physicianfr om Vienna. Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanviilethi gln. Such arguments Ibat are unseen are eternal". the Mrs. H. C. GraceY. Rîverside set cut te prove. He conducted are advanced te excuse the in- Dean opened the conference with Drive about four miles from an expeiment in wbich he tested W. R. STRIKE ability te break sinful habits, a stirring appeal teo ding te ideal- downtown Windsor. Mr. Gracey 591 scboel children, and discever- BaSo tel oicitorfo Bnk o ta weeswtlo' epvcoyim is an executive cf the Ford Motor ed that "the best certificates cf Soicto fr ak f onrels always possible. 'Tunn ye Following the service a recept- Company, and they have a very scholarship were gained by those Money te Loan. Phone 91. from your evil ways: for why will ion was beld when Mayor George beautiful homne. Two chitîdren, who took ne alceholic drinks-,- Bowmanville, Ontario ye die?" The soul's death is Bennett extended a civic wel- Paul aged 5, and Marion aged 2, the poorest scbolans cf ail were L.C-MSNBA more often suicide than murder. corne. and rncidentally pneached1prevented us f nom getting toc those wbe teck wine or beer two L. C.MASONr B.A.Actions, 12, 13 a good old time Methodist reviv- lonesome for cun own two girls, or tbnee time a day." arser-Solicitor . ai sermon at the samne time. holidaying witb their grand- This was for, and Notary Public - Etc. Ezekiel was a realist. determîn-th t r f moeraTon Law in aIl its branches ed te prevent people from de- PrQbably te mest însprng of oter' Tyon hat is true cf them is aise true Office immediately east cf Royal ceiving tbemselves. He knew how the devotional features of the o__________ f adults with this important dif- Theatre , people used the past te disguise conference was the Corperate ference. that witb adults alc- Phones: Office 688; Home 553.j the Present. Some cf the Jewish Communion service on Friday MSIN B N SA osefc a eol epr ____________________icaptives in Babylon. claimed mornîg bn80 on epeany. duling and numbing the DENTAL prestige because cf their parent- attended tbe celebration, wbicb TRINITY PRESENT mind only se long as it is ifl nie ____________________age. Thein forefathers had been was follcwed by a breakfast in EVENING PAGEANT system (cf ten for many hours); DR .C EITgood people and they half ex- tbe parishi hall. Se great was the ____ witb chihdren, hewever, the cf- DR.J. DEITT pected te inherit the ancestral number cf delegates that al TeBy'adGrl'Msinfc ay be fan more severe, s0 Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson integrity. In Cbist's day people mieals were served in two sittings. TBand s' Taît nd iled buin'c itur tmprcse Graduate f Royal Dental Col- prudly said, We ave Abraham whicb tended to put the sessions prenda paeanitUiee b hra ditb gothei ameteand cem-e lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- our fathen.' trusting in rac- behaind scedule. . I tincfte a Oth an nvesa Jtplte deo pm sretedndredin- ile Bldg., B wmanville. ien o hehikanv rar f pl ely. if n t mp ssib e r bis ileOffice ial enigin ratben than in actual Eddie Belsbam. former Provin- cburch union at the neguhar ieyifntmpsbl.Frhs heurs 9 a. m. t 6 p. . daily personal character. Many to-daylcial President, delivered one of church service Sunday evenîng. ue a lcobol bru t y hildrntma except Sunday. trust te past conduct to excuse 'the outstanding addiresses on the Rev. E. F. Anmstrong, pastorueo lhlbycidnma Phone 90. House pbone 283. the present, but net even our theme "The Challenge cf Oppor- peie n odce h p emnnl uitemd X-Ray Equipment in Offce. yeans cf good bebavieur can tunities for Christ." Peig sendc Aoprate cbiîdp- It may be expete d.a n count very mucb if we are living An unexpected visiter on Fni- ren's hynins. "Wben Mothers cf poison that can keep brain celîs SHOE REPAIRS caeesyi1h rsn.Ou a leno a t e. Chas. Salem," i"Qed Sees the Little f nom growing will do mere per- R. PAWSONneputations may be exceptionally Seager, Lord Bishop of the Die- ISParrcws Faîl," and "Jesus Bids manent barm te cbildiren and R.PAWSONigood but God looks upon the cese cf Huron. wbo received an1 Us Shine". were sung. the congre- Young people than te adult.s aven Boot and Shoe Repairing beant and knows cur secret entbusiastic reception when be gainndm brscteBnd tit.Acolisucapio. Soles sewn on by Goodyear thoughts and motives. Sme of announed he ad found time be- ,onn hertily o the chiras- frt cn se disturbhea mesnta Stitcing Machine. the most tragic meai failures f tween two other engagements te jsiitedby embiy.ers cheirBans proicesansediscreate conton Rin icSsreet asnbe u ie r mdl gdpol elnoe rmLno.It was and thein leaders provided oddi- unfavorable te growtb that Young KigStet at- Bowma.nvilhe wbo tbought they had passed at Ibis session that Mn. Sbires de- tional music. Misses Marion Wa- people who take it in sufficient OR safely through the danger pericd ivered bis splendid address. One gar and Annie Allin sang in duet mut a ee eee h and ceuld take liberties. Net ev- point particuharly struck us in "Holding My Hand." In t ie an- higbes pow ers cf eite mo r h i"'> ER L DRE T en chuncb membership or public 1 Ibis address. and tbat was the them Mnr. T. H. Hircock and Mrs. body cf wbich they are capable. ofices ceunIt as companed witb reference te humans having two Stuart R. James teck the solos. Hwmay dutarteewh FUNERAL DIRECTORS oun pî'esent nesponse teQd. eeans and but one mouîh. whch Tliree Canadians nepresenting aet a ui ay nifnn i~cric, nyhorany day. must give accounit cf ourselves prompted the suggestion that the tbree uniting cuhe waen immoral. whe might have F. F. MORRIS CO1o sw ieohn te tbn fCrstassol lse eQd taken by Kelvin Symons. Congre- d enbigbt. industrieus. efficient us but as we are. 1 u-tic smcaandy akgtinl ut ucino.Pe good if only the poisons ef Modern Motor Equpnient uttiea uha hytlgtoa:RhHthnsPr- Ambulance and Invalid Car Condiltions, 14, 15 te Him. 1 byteian: Hazel Woods, Method- alcohol had net arrested growth Caîl Phone 10 or 34, V"2cannot store up menit. Our The Friday evening session was ist. Their request for informa- and the f ullesI development of Assistant, 573 pst* good deeds wiîî net matter featured by the presentation eof a Ition negarding Ibis celebration mmd and body! B O W M N VI LE n .c f ou' h arts are wron in t billing pageant "T he M a ch of w as welh presented by M rs. B . E. A l o o n i t e A u it ______________________ he living present and by the Y o u t hb" whicb depicted the Inghamn, leader. The t w elve The man who 15 over tbirty -ame token, our past misdeeds grcwth cf the A.Y.P.A. from its!cbildren breught their offerings, need net imagine that alcehol NORTHCUTT & SMITH need not handicap us very much humble beginnings in 1902, te itsibeing represented as follews: can de bim ne harm. It is a nar- Complete Funeral Service if we truly turn from our sins present state as the largest Joyce Richards. Japan; Eleaner cotic, and as ssîch it attacks ail Modern Equiprnent - Ambulance and do igbt. The past is valu- Young olesorganization india: Dton, hn;ralder rnaKna. tahayig and eadofening.Ines A. W. G. Northcutt- able cnly as it may serve the Canada. To many Ibis pageantiIda oadAdro.Kra aayigaddaeig tls *--Aubrey Smith - present andi the future. Ged is was the highlight cf the whcle Gee. Underhill. Africa; Geo. Rob- ,sens the ability te concentrate. Phone Days 58 our Great Contempcrary and hie conference. I ets, Indians: Eunice Jackman, slows Up the activity of the mind, Night, Sundays or Hlidays makes a contemponary judgment Il was follcwed by a birthday'Trinidad: Helen Hooper. Japan- impairs the memory and makes Phone 523 or 276. of us. We may spoil a good past Party stagedi by the Essex Dean- ese Home Missions in British Col-. the highest cc-ordinations in theî by present f olly and we may ne- ery. bests te the conference. 'Tlhe uanci ie trea naPudIa aove'manigreaoscoberTat is rans music deem an evil past by present ne- party was beld in the gymnasîum a n ed.h AI were nainsvie te pon ation copain sad trs - ~~formation. Many people h a v e of Patterson Colleglate. wblle the Imentioed lwe ivt tpoaincmaisadohr FRANCIS SUTTON been unnecessanily distressedi by general sessions were held in the the bîrtbday party, eacb lighting employens of labor, will net Mmre Mus. Bac. F.C.C.0. the lact of a bad beredity. fon- magnificent auditorium cf this1 a candle on the cake and in turn men Who drink. "Even the mod- A.T.C.M. diplomas in Piano, getting that mucb of the handi- samne building wicb bouses ap jwene given Placards wbich when erate use of il impairs jucigment. Singing, Vioin and Organ. cap cf a bad beredity may be pnoximately 2000 students. ap completeci s p e 11I e d U-n-i-t-e-d will-power andi vigilance." Piaeor class lessons. overcome by dîscpîlîneé and" the Saudyssin asm ty C-h-u-r-c-h. The whele pageant The youth wbo bas industry. Puiatepae oralStudyssso ' msl as very nicely Put on and ne-i(training and efficiency will be less Puiseared or ah grace cf Qed. Penhapa ne human business. and Leonard "iKelly"j flected greal credil on the ittle lkely te lack empîcyment. Effic- exaintios.being bas the right te pronounice Davis. Weil known tc A.Y.P.A. Ionles whcitokPart and their1 iency. however, depencis upon Phone 42, Bowmaflvllle any one else as either "past ne- I members bere, was eetdnw eae'sM.c. J Sahoad i1 39fdemption" or penmanently secure. provincial president. The statit .E evt o h by.Ms twe things - first, a. minci. clear. 1_u________ Iina po ca epiA E evt orte os and quick and reliable; and second, a RuICatnARsDondtieal po icl rpot delivcred at Ibis ses- 'Miss Marion Belîman. Mns. Ern-bd wib RICHnAstrD ONTAdin cnuc.WemseacptproIson sowd eer50 cielIest Purdy and Miss Puth Purdy sinews perfectly co-ord in ate d. BanimaterCandia Lei , sonal respcnsibility for what we branches in Ontario, witb more i fer the girls. Miss Matha Ser- These twc are great assets. andi Band i do. We do oun own sins: in the than 20,000 active memibers. iî a rmîr e hn r hs h u hi Teacher cf Cornet. Tî'umpet. 'hast analysis we cannol blame Stra leno a ie * wnplesun abve bemran Baritone. etc. olhei's for tbem. Stra feno a ie:le hr r hs h u hi 25 yeais' professional expeniende. Rsttuio 1 -j brug e usae 0ltexicang Open for pupils now . RHalltutoni1evrges theadse o ntoci an . Residence: Opposite Town Hl Restitution can î'emovc guilt. Il cannot make the action as h'ein rain th datdy and mmdlyz thougb il haci neyer been nor can ST P'ecome inefficien dy andw Car ___________________________ -it always erase the effects of the DU',ecom~~ e ine ici ntis n tie war-n .4,actonbutilmay change the J liii MUI S II ime onn amnwho dirinks, hcw- S ~ ~ 3. ~Why sould we cane more y.9 U ' II i attended the HalIowe'en mas- (Nes. plesas print> for characten than for reputa- I________________quenade ah Enflelci on Thuraday tien? I*nigbt. 'i4 Address>* Id 4. When is any one."past ne- Misa J. Ceokman viaiteci Mrs. ~"' emption"?I I H. Webben, Bowmanvihle. (Tos) eîa I 5. How may we be sure of for- Misses Mldred and Rowena (Tgovnen) Avery were at home on Thursday. The fine weather this Fail has not been ini our favor. Our stock ii too heavy - it must be reduced. Starting TOMORROW and continu ing for the noît 10 DAY8 our every effoi is being concentrated on reduclng our stock. Our Turkey Talk i8 In the form of real SHOE VALUES. See the openini specials lsted and be sure and pay a visit to this stock reducIna 10 DAY SAL 0F MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Women's L Ties1 Here's Value DlstIflctiVelY s m a. r t shoes ln black or brown tics. Wldths AA to E. Your cholce of suctie. kidl or calf leathers. $4189 Blach or brown tien ln suede or caif leathera, Cub- an or hlgh heels. AU sm ln thc lot àt $189 Boys' Boots and Oxfords&j Swziy ootwcai' for husky, ',rowlng boys. Outstafldlfl val- ues lu lesther or Panco so"e. '-"erial at Men's Oxf ords A lealng value ln4 footwear for men, bulIt in black onIF wltb leather soles% at@IulY Men's =,Work Boots HERE IS REAL VALUE-Gralfl work beoos with leather or Panco soles.- Smart Looking Long wearing oxfords lu aul the lateat styles. 10 patternsto cliGose from, et Children'a Shoes à' Sturdy, wchl buili oxfords . strape ln plain or patent leather. SUMES suES ato 10 ILteos 9Sc $j129 NABORHOO SHOIF cT(npr ICOWAN BLOCK CHEERFULNESS AND G001) HUMOR (From The Christian Science Monitor) A ciassic writer once said: "As in our lives. 50 also, in our stud- es, it is most, becomaing and most wise so to temper gravity with cheerfulness, that the former may not imbue our minds with melancholy." To learn to "tem- per gravity with cheerfuiness" adds warmth to hf e, frees f rom strain, disperses f oreboding f ears or tearful retrospeet. True service to God and man affords opportunity for joyous reciprocity, for God loves "a cheerful giver."1 Willingness to serve seldoma carrnes a long face or overloaded shoulders, bu t shows an amiiable disposition. If fretting were recognized as a sin, it would more readiiy be reject- ed. This subtle error is often under-estimated in appraising character. On taking mental in- Sventory, one might be chagrined to discover how frequently the wilY beliefs of peevishness, worry, irritation appear. One may also 1be surprised to find that these unlovely traits are sometimes BOWMANVILLE produceci by the merest trilles, petty details Ibat could be adi- justeci by a few minutes cf cane- fui thcught or a few gentle wonds. Sensitiveneassanci aelfishnesa are closely nelated, and may be con- rected by considenation for oth- ers. One wbo loves gcod will per- fonm all legitimate tasks witbout murmuring or disputing. Love dispels fatigue. neyer feela over- worked. or imposed upen. Love subdues pnide. and neyer brooda over fancicci injuries or retalia- tion. We everceme evil and dis- KING ST. arm the so-cai.led evil-doer bY liberai loving. Students of the Christian Sci- ence textbook. "Sc ie n ce and, Heaith with Key to the Script-ý unes" by Mary Baker Eddy, have f ull cause for cheerful good nat-, ure, for it teaches that in evereI circumstance they may rejoice iiý unseen affluence - the o mni-', presence of infinite good. 1 Unless wormns be expelled f rom the system, no child can be heai-t thy. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator la an excellent medi- cie to des(troy worms. ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAIN, From BOWMANVILLE Fridy NO. 15S.turday, NOV. 16 Frida NOV.15 1TO to $8,5()O Port Huron $4.45 Chicago Drad -.5 Tickets, Return Limita, Train Information from Agents. MXK FOR HANDEIL CANADIAN IC ANADIAN NA TIO0N AL I P A CIF1 C,., le PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1935