.n,~.**?T;OWMLAAN,%rI1LL, ONTPIIIO. THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 7, 1935 t of e ch w ekf oi a . oback rather than fore abead N Y T eftr feI ral otivdEMer Wiîbuc, auctioneer. ___________________________ 248 or, 525J. 'G. Mv. Bosnell in charge. The 1 p. m. abacp. 'remma casu. il -CH O L COOUG ffc i oenSAUDAY of cthmayftmiouub DEALER FOR "Grief is a species of idienes."L ERS O ESL i(B U G O n c ae . p n S A U tthe br l il n ly ea s I o iug J hn on ~ a h W e r m 9 a . to 9 p . m . G o rd o n t r lu I l l e w hole cha n o f G e n e ral M o to rs C ars - -bu so n e o s t b n o O R F V R T H P I G C N R E. G e fr m 9 a.mt r t tke easnett"Il l daug rou y b o n re; Ph n 6 athe wib et w plonlu l ae C O nes self 10 the îxrl fgifih n 14Y U A O IE S O PIG CN R o m n ii N OE. W hrnet ai naIl p i blge .k n l akapo nî e t s udt lue iek grtoint In we akeC ud T 1 Eit deprives one of courage, ad fOEWeea l osiex5mlfl atlOpitmns u adi i r weakcr.an and Bowmanville even of the wlsh for recoverY."- fo xmnton ekr To 1e continued) _________________Amiel. 4 PAGE EIGHI TECNDA TTSAN 3vmx%ý ---------Home--------E-i I-elp Wanted NoticeofSl Tke N*OldcFolks o e -ENNISKILLENAMBITIOUS AND RE L IA BLE'Under and byvrteo III IuI~~.f~UU~A otînued frm page is aes me n wanted. With or contained in acranMrgg T h ecentas l eisitors:nt Mon.i uan f omMrse.1without experience but wjlling which will be io u ed a h gîeeniit r : M r nd M s to w ork. Start im m ediately a tim e of sale there l l b of re genand black Mastic. Dumb Ji H. Demill and f amnily. Burke-buieso urwn-gafralbyP MsMain'icC1t,2s udywieslead Up front the kitcheniton, Mr. anct Mrs. Roy Stacey. risk, speceia of frs, nth Fre .00p m. aoer ofie f.G m anteeds no . rags ..Mrik, seci fes roC witS, nreeF12.0a . N mb r lit th a Mis Malo RîchOshawaHMaonM. A..B.D..Rector tebsmn.Knaa r.To.Cag spent, the weekgoodtworkers.S InahtjngsvaliseisM.cSiemone Auctnoneer.RothatsceM- en.n r.F.B oeil i-atrTint:8am-Hl on .proclucts, interesting profits for I. Gould, BownVi l,,Te sent thr. eeand s.Ca. homerSna3Nv mtSunda3Il In the bfurase meislocatth e Mr. ain Mers. To Rob Mr. complete with products $16 on- tain parcel' of landstaeih er: 2 pl. i .m.-eson nd YScmon.:' frigerator 10 feet by 9 feet by 5 wesîey Okes. ..Miss Marion AtceFo aelogue fardtilex ardcata- Tno.fDuha.beig h Nrhelpr L.anied . Wrn. . Cveln sn Danen. feet, and the pantries. The mens Hewie, Cameron, with Mrs. E.' J.Atce o aelgu.Fmle rdcsC. uhm en andMayihventtrnd DanDuraeReand women's diniflg roon-isare Harrison .. r n r.Lu-BRH ETYEET AHR tel eteSres n aecn vi i i M r. an d M rs. . eH. b u n h f i e s o D r a C n h e f u , c n e i n l r a d M s a rB R 570 S t. C lem en t S tre et, M o n - f G o re , o r L oI ÀB l c W oficr o DraflRegi- bright n hefl ovfinl ence Wearn at Mr. Earle Par- * for s le (2 l C B ay Eec Chester, Penn. ment, their ladies snd nany located in relation to the kitchen. iots. Chalk Lake, and Mrs. R.fo sae( ny BatyE c- ral454 frm d b Di MsWi.Sihadsnregetwere present at the an- The building is heated by steam Atonýs. Victorý y Corners ..Mr. BOUNSALL-Ifl Bowmnauville. on trie Model 1200, brand new. Centreforme yDsioLwn M rs.t o ,W m .i edS m it a n Mas .dW so ne wFre de wigu e sL vi n g t oNe stoerea to f S a uley gIan e c tingrg ulsa id9.5D iv isio n S al a ndtiC e n treD i Toono.viitd r ndMr. :nual military bal i ecsl n iigsn tkratc-sd MIs Irwin Wotten. Oshawa. Wednesday. November 6th, to flygaatid eur$25 J. . Rckad.Cormufity Hall. Friday night. cd 10 the fu1rnace. OSi__ _ _ _ hc wl e rdce t t e etERs 0of purchas T h e p arty pro v e d ah.S .lW inon e. w th T h eMn es H o u.eafdRef u g e is i. M ario n G rifai1iferur n i n g0ho m eeon.isdw in J a m e s M r n r . T . S m s n a d T h e pD alerv e as.l y n4 5-1h h e nc o ntain ede u g i i - ,NnaioaGric ertainho e s n . E donJ atg a g e M M e ek n o wnMa s n ase a n T hert e B unwe s ialo w ."es id r.a n Mrs . T. Jill. wSimPS n - and armîy men in full dress mili- edaspeddbilding and one th heinr . Miss Maudie Ah- SPIC ER-At Bowminancerainle H ________a_"Th dagher. ownvil. er Sn-tary regalia appropriate to their 0f hich the United Counties w tnRTrnoM.ArtTealtl.o oemer 4teH.13o-Dl'.4- day guests f Mr. and rs . Fred 1varionEiraeen The.la ilarge eQuebectheaterontoneM rireaFrîdaylNaleobero22ncr .t193535,aIhrcmailning 5ro uced aaytbe secured1 G a estI i .and M s A tu0fie, ea raMr. O h w . t r E .Aands o F R S LE B O MrsAC i eofsl t eewFredffrd prc o e P i Grha ening dres displayed a variety offb. Ior he idt f olks. with ail the . Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rahm daughter Laura ier. a kie with 150 feet f rope; one for sale by Public Auction on sale: 40'7 within 0dy u h Mc Fak are ad o Kn-bauiulgons uc s s ,edoncom t n ovnecsmx-and farnily. Mr.WrrnP reston. TRUL-I omnileHsi a.Ms J .Gbo.R . .0p . te offic 13 a eofMG.byMortigae o5 trs0avral neth To ont . v sit d r latves I s en i th se art. J St nle cm arc ite ture can desigu for O shaw a. aI M . R obt. Presto ' s . taI. O ctober 31 t, 1935. to M r. 1 saw . M e. J H . bon C RI a.r3k0e V . mouldheBoaficle, yof e t t e.ur ha er.F r ur jseen in th se parts. . tainlparceloror tract 0fieland mand appl BotoiM.vG. V.osGOULU.rtgage 0 v.îh 4-1 M. ielo.auctoner tat er prtrulrsan-cndiioslfial Mr. John Hendry as gone toi St. John and his orchestra. Tor- this type of building. When il i . . Ms. E. C. Ashton home aftem and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull. a son. 14. Nwate hn eV olBwlavle yTe otePr Kete to pulursu oeghs ouseone of the best bands in the landmiark. and an object of un- atRda. otPry M- ono- euainfr en îihdi il tn u sa-stighrduheMs tainORSL RG X1 " pare sitat oflying and i anPVilte.lictfr orga- o n trynd retaied m aIl ceiv r i-r s ual Cobt r g. e sh w isit- andM r . CEr nt T anner sud. f a- D E A T H S j like new . B ox 353 . B ow mian- in the Tow n of Bow nanville, in D A T D a B wr nv le b s celn ui.xh alws--------- ville.throfRv.J Gove,45 ~the County of.Durham sud Pro 2th day of Octe.195 charge of Winnie Rickamd. Gamnes ed u cmmr îhtexiy E mea anr r Go _____ snda in-of wr fcllodinB edsen amesic. The hllW5 -Ciaremont. Queensboro, at Re. vBAC uBomnil.o illeFO. SALE-- E8GtHo the wrhppiRýH I omnilo ISFRSL vince of Ont.ario., and being com-___ ble reading. Marie Henninga. sud c ort Hpe O ro. ora-I KENDAL Wmn. Parker's. Friday, November lst, 1935. Os- Yorkshire white pigs, 8 Nveeita posed of Part of the North Haîf woshi p pr id o anldi. -B otor o rd tHo ue tsron ora- League meeting Wednesday ev- waid Branch, aged 42 years. old. S. E. Werry, Hampton fDLt1,in t henow f om ionNoartt ronain baHnda waieRid. ar-vile.Necandvlaesud th eeroneby dd euing was in the f 0cm of a Hal- ELSWORTH - At Newcastle, oni R. R. 1. Phone 167r6. 45-1 fthTonoBwavied-1 ALL PERSO( ain n gaon Ainersud Wainuie Rik pard to n sud avill age. dithevYn e n Good cowds stnd d o iur lowe'en masquerade with Burke- W ednesday, Nov. 6th, 1935, El- o h ow fIw an ild gakave othestngsuon pr pentiyonappy aneenloyin thank offering services on Sun- ton young people as cour guesta. izabeth Ann Elsworth. widow of FOR SALE-ONE COOK STOVE scribed as follows: Commencing icaini againstthEsaefte K ingston. M iss R ickard em p as- p ct .day. Splendid serinons w le r le P Fues w ere given for the best - the late A lfred E . E lsw ort b. chesp. Pon eitio :w m a n sv ei 1 i t :the N crth E as t h angree saiTowla 0f B o mA n i e. w o i iz d he f ct th t if th ou g r ached by Rev. W . H. J. costumies. The visiti g Leag ue a e 6 y as GleRueMsinBndme yMsr.NiStwt 4751-31. 45-1 West. 9 chains. 3 poles sud 61 on or about the11 ay0 c peole lde Rue M ssin Bud et ». esss. eilSte artand E. Wright. G.McLaughin t enIlîe.ilFrday. Nov. th, at -- -lnks nore or less to a oad cun- lober, 1935, ar ei ied b fl o th ebuereuca ew C hrl dti nin the S. S. roorn on Oct. 19th. Mainles, violinist, ili the rnorniug. took charge. Devotioaredg.3pm.CtgetNetvieIued 2sdu;panst$5thrnreosadL:1erehenesiedoictrota- they must do it by worship and,'i rsietMrgrtP a n sd Mrs. H. Foster and the Maie Miss Leous MeLaughlin; topic. Cemetery.tsdU:eeti soe u e th 16gent es EsidaLogtheetha n Nemer 0h 95 time musI be spent daily doing inthe chair. After the usual de- Quartette of Garden Hill in the Miss R. Heuders, On Courage: HALL-In Kalamazoo, Mirh.. onl afrigetr sTes anred.Easth 16mitree0f sat oad3cntheer wiha dae teEsaewilb thus. 1votionai exercises the collection cvening. Two Kinds of Jacks by Ernie An- November 3rd. Dr. Norman B. jfrie Jo. MTel.Boisuvilne. Esd 8linkto h l of sai e- d3h is trwiu tesdalaiso Diknsnnt %a eeved by Bobby Purdy and Aogtenmeosanvr- derson sud Russell White; duel, Hall, son of the late Mr. asu rd J 45-el,1 givile nn inkshereNth plaegrf ee sthîbute Eectshaeio M s R o se t i - ,S a l y P ow ell. T h e p r o g r a a ry visîg toh s w ere: M cs u d . V iola A dam s an d A lden H u bb ard : M rs. S . J. H all, B ow m nvil e. 4 -* Esat 5 h an s; e Nthh6 re ceived t ie wE :1 e b rr d a cosse fa very interesting E Eas issSuhsdM-Hsoyo alwe yMs HTA udny ~Lv tc o ae dgsEas hisIhin:Sot1urecagivnst hem ed at aftecnoon tes on Oct. 301h. siated 0f ee:Mr ad r iu honor of Mca. W. Whiticar who talk on Africa by Mrs. Bern;Ea ns~mi rc, Mrs.oChligSsuandeMa rHson; duallel Ea sd ios Burks Alî-s, onlyesda r LieStNovrSae ____Est1.___:thne gintth has since re mnoved fro nt th e vil-dudt bomebodnd Mo-ladaugsteallsMisses Clama an. vocal Waunan. cisss laa ndJeanlAdarns: reading. Mrs. H. Worth: th. 1935, Arthur Stan le y FRSL OSENCW u hueNrb1 ere et2t a fOtb 95 ther'. by Ruy Gibson: M. sud Mms. Fred Soiioquy of a GIot by Viola Ad- Whattaun, son i0fthe late JameS de1re Jrsey ow, c-1adihnceot16iugn-afcr heTotoeerlrus Mrs. Wmn. Bouathan bas gonetr. b uyGbo;avcLWFRSL -HLTI esWs 6hdYo b ornt fr bewite. duel by Mary Piirdy sud Barbara TulsdEih r.Hwr m.BieO rhsr lo Watn.Ohw.adbîvdue ew nou wo Jereeks. J. L. of lain more nor essheabovace Corporation, Mr. Rs iknoni a gBonathan: a vocal duet by Nom- Linton, Miss Sache Brown, Mrs. suppiied rmus-le. A vote of thauks husbsnd of Miss Gladys West- Mew inabou.tR.2. owrksnvi.Le. popane or rt isits.Tothe aoE.- MraeJ.Hle. sud anDredngand Grace Powell.hpua sdMm u Ma Wn Ifctbiinr fn romla y c isood Cee IterPc--1 .2 Bwavlemlrey s of Cen teeEBst- J Martheo. xJu preparations forth. anul ernaVnue u GaePwlAlbert Morton, Mr. sud Mrs. Win. was moved 10 Burketon Society awai bs3thva. ne- Phone 183r5.451 rysdofCneSteBw- JY.Mh futi h ot..W.for bis aununeal deery rd lewod anil.B owMav G. Ont entit ead indlb Gr-e Po ell.lle.m n ay MM.anG.M V.ntGOULPi, hetne te o cnestinintte Captain Robert." The Rutherford, of Orono; Mr. su Miss Mae Lamb. Coutests were ton. PUPPIES FOR SALE - COCKER iTERMS: 10", of purca thewmir l Techildren of theBan eeeycnutd atrwihlnhwSpaniels. redsansd parti-colors. Iprice lu 12e paid down st bine fI irSolicito.4- one topir0f converation e an u h a xgyMr. . hie._m.S.Mc--sn-*udcte.-flr4hih1unh$8.00 each. ail thorougbbreds: sale: 401-, within 30 days sud the ____________ erhat tdak precdnceovr se t bartht terhup.of Eizsbethville Mrs. Milton served to ail. Ward. iskemakiug sucbdaMgood1Dunbar and son, Pacrytowu: Mm. On Thursday evening a number asonats. Inspetioninvit, ed yMocîgge o50rms avral ee cs F c i d a ye s e y i l e ; Mrnooc n i u gf is i m ntwa sn p e tith ev t e ticon rsud a re cn pra n11CARD 0F THANKS: people ahortly afler 1 o'clock '-loYsnehm eetoes ci Vnta elyile c ffinsfin Maple Grove weme 1-b- Igaeo tra from tersu br.to n r lookiug f ocward 10 andi Mca. L. Hallowellsud Misa entertained at the borne of Mm.1 Star Kennels, Port W b i t ba y. 10 the Furchaser. For furtber: C A U N1VE the. ir.shumbegr s ridhaving hem witb thern at their Hazel Falls, Starkville Mr. anid sud Mrs. S. Pethick by Miss Ver- Mrs. Robt. Branch desires 10 Phone 490.451priuasndcdtosofSl T OU h me r. m Shakaarriven. next meeting. M s. Langstaf f. Miss Helen Da- ns Pethick, Maple Grove. The tak ler m ny f ricdsansd Ite 1 ----- - - ---- apyt .G .G U D o - R le hom fro S akacbwa. ind esafd yesr oîd bens, sud Sp- A TED aI BSoliorfrMsuaL e e this Du. Mr. Ralpb sud Misa Mldred i - lington sud Mr. Jack Glover. borne was prettily decorateci witb Supt. sud nurses of BOWmmanville. FoOcitSAfoEMoWgITE. ILEGhHOeRN Munro and Miss Noms Hunter. _____ton il;M .adM s d i alw 'n dcrtos h v optl o h ides ad t B w avle ti Toronto, were get of M. sd NEWTTON VILLE î. Rutven sd Mr. Rutven, Can- ening was spet in progressive syrpaty sowu to er son 0- ples.A. iem hoen237r.3 . 28tb day of October. '1935. D.U gu.Pre aesand __________ to- . cuchre sud a bountiful lunch vas wald dumîng bis illnessud de-t--w--vile Po4e4-33 the Militsry Bail on Frida3y ev- Ruby, Mabel sud Douglas Wsi- A masquerade Halloween psrty secved. adfrte atfifoa r-45 --1 ening. wa held b h Young ep's.... butes. FOR SALE-2 BELGIAN COLTS. Mca. Cara B. Hsre will 1e the lace. Gceeubauk, sttcnded the League on Tbursdsy night, with . 1 1935 f osi. 1 yearling; Farm- L elocutioniat at a funiction at unasquerade party on Halloween. la good attendance sud s good Mr. James Stanley sud bis ten- rs Friend sulky pîow: cook Triuity United Church. Cobourg. I emdlk l ie ohv n tms h rz TYRONE sut., Mc. Arthur Martin, wisb 1toi stove. uscd. W. S. Staples. Ty- Mrs. D.) Alfred Facncornb Socry toi report Mr.MtchelMs Kate Stewart, Bud Stacey, Oun Thucsday evenlur a Hai- gade. neigbbors sud ail otheca I morning.I Mrs. Max Stapleton was i. To-1 good prograni was put on by the comrnunity hall. A gol nfigbting the f ire wben tbel Used to cbildmen. For parlicti- Uuitd Chrch- Re. S.Mac ronoilihlfe tbjes.sudMisss odme, baru was de stroyed on Friday lacs appiy M. C. Avery, R. R. 6. 101h:ile C uch - em a-Mo ng W rs i n eto it bec mother pi r esars. Lang sud Argue of Fraz- umber wece p e e t o rn i___4 - 2.3 p.n.-uuSY cbol:7 pm. c.Lanson Milîson ,vas in Bemnice Larîgstaff, Kate Stewart awarded. A short prograin con- Houses for Sale - 2.30p.m.Sundy Shool 7 pm. M.sud Audrey Larunci. Gamea wece sisted of selections by the mie -Eveniug Service. Toroto. conducted by Aima Bell sud Aud- quartette, vocal solos by Rev. A.- Wood for Sale Knight's Coal is ail f ork handled,wicman ýft.. George's Cburch - Rev. F.i Mca. Eb. Millaon is under the e Larmec. Lunch sud candy M. Wootton. sud recitations by HOUSE FOR SALE - E 1G H T' ______no_____or________ wi dotrs cam rei ch iwereTered. Misweenprnw s Eduws aeo. Cftran sd Hospital Streets. iu f irat Estate of William Brown, (Lance Try Knight's fuel next time youre ie on p rs. ed a urlhr e sc h nt Te e aloeeprakwerunhaa-ejyeclasa mepaîm with îovely grounds, IPlain. Adrniniastrto)will sdi 12v nd note the satisfaction of burning d a o l rove afer er rceu opma-playeci by the esmtbquake sud we W. M. S. held s sewing bee at snb u re.Wl d o ulcacino osisd2 ReueiFae iMc. Wilf red McKay s tskiug sureguIa thciil. Mrs. H. Hilîs' on Weduesday f $2500.00: part clown paymeut, Concession 9, Darlington, <good tesîrnents foc infection in bis Reent Vistors: Mr. Jas. Swsr- ternoon wheu a number of useful balance on mortgsge. Apply road for trucks), 12 acres bard- $tsC EA E o sud. brick with f miuaiIoot rilswr aefr es ar. 10o Wm. Brock, phone 114W. wood sud 3 acres choice pine. tsCH A E PiR m m ra c ,Y'. L. of the Unitedi Cbucch Mr. George McKenna in the city. W .S iime tMa ae ea aea .0P .Tri oe e~tn-$IO Reieir nc'met Tbursay nigt when the en-Mm. sud Mrs. Milton Robin- 1DuideY's Thusday afterfloon. DAtaertae aty. kthe osmeasonnColborue Mca. George ReetVstors: Mm. sud Mca I-ouses to Rent cash. Elmer Wilbum, Auctioneer. Coeputn---------------- Long Weeenci-reO.m8-12asd vsried, some Messrs. Cecil Glass su 'L. MsDouaîd sud Mca. A. W. Mac-HUETORT-ONKN ______42 Hard Anthracite, in stove, and sm co ia su ao cBel's Mm. sand Mca. Jas. Tam-1 Donald, Cobourg, with M . sud St. Es. Apply to W. H. Nich-i Lost or Found chestnut sizes, per ton $1-----00-- grotesque. Iu the aduit csas blyn, Ocono. with Mra. Chas. Mca.Wm. McDonald . . . Misa ols, Cburcb St. Phone 479. ________ - First Class Fare and One-Qitarter Mrs. Henry Reicbratb sud Mca. Thobupson. Ethel Easstman, Toronto, Mcs. 45 J* LS E AECNAN e ol e o 1 aetwee l pU.t inCaad for the most original wbo repre- uew car. Btni priga owrnalie witb their sister, COTTAGE TO RENT - F I V E: ke st padic key s u ise ailpontainCanda- eted M. sud Mca. Dionue sud Mrs. BW M or e .a .I.Mc . Coch- in sea. goo d a iln: osein, lse iaea-ttsni aiso t etinU .destinations. the Quintuplets. Mr. Laurence Mc B ron ooe a. M. . C Mc. s m omagfu diis;ed osail ion - plealate wittb 08 Fnde __of-__________ Gon Mmnt.on rGuasovi8eS aW n 1t once. Appiy B. Fumber, King fice or Fost Office. 45-1* Savecy reccived the prise foc the SOROWcaesOcno .____.__.___.___Mr._ Etae oste at Gongfrm oo FidyNo. , omr.He was on stiltsansd Rosevearitb Mm. and Mca. Ed- St. Phone 438. 45-tf I_______________ until 2.00 p. m., Monday, Nov. 11. dîs sawmn i edja Tepiso es r au a os evear, Port Hope ... Mca. FRRN-SX_____USE_________ t a r y , i f t hN o v e m b e r f ua yn a c e , JI N F O R M A T I O N WI XA N T E D - Eet.r Lnlt Ievig dstnaionrisiug the ceiîiug sud lbis skirt t-,i hy cnbaa fleJ .McPcetera, Toronto, with 8 LibertynghTesStNo.reeto, ociu b forsu e isucbebeif$sdtanpat5c.A.W00, ..MssCt Pssio a Sre. 10. -I 11up tWdiht usa, o.1,waiked in the parade astas the affections froîn sense 10 Soul, erine MacDouald in Cobourg sessiath.lgts, vebter. guras. Naines of persons at any tinte 1i. . K I weii as those who baci not tb he orejon the ratoarof Godare M. sud Mca. Rusall Victue in Appy Mca. Thomas Richards. raosbefrdetuto rj PH-ONE 173 OR 98 FOR YOU FE «11 NNMMSEILFRS disadvantage of beiug on stilt.akegooddy.iig h hat.- Pc ort Hope...M. suad Mca. W. Quecu St. 44-4* thef t at Lake Front iltae Aduits - 50e Chiidren - 25c recciveci tbc prise. Prise foc the awa, at Mm. James Dudicys .... HOUSE TO RENT - 5 ROOMS StclctlyMcoJfidenial. Lbr Taxi and Trucking Service Bwnnil Pull information front agents. Elt rginSa emy sud B r ndt.Mr. sud Mis. W. Chas. Werry, sud bath, near Central Scbool. theru Assurance Co., 615 Yigd ýtan din P cf. formed s tamwbîch drew su-:ad sou Jsck, Cobourg, visited HOSaOtEN 5RO' repesenting a f armer ou a sarl r i-.Mutns.H US O N 5 R O wagon wbicb had a rack on sud M.J .Muhn5 ouse, two storeya, watec, edec- a littie cocu. The judgea wece, oi trie sud gas coniveniences. goodý MissLaiu. Rv. E Becb sd ~Evecy csreftii sud observant cellar. Possession Dec. laI. Ap- Â Miss Caingbeli. E. W. C.Land' mother kuowa when lber chiid pîy 10 Mrs. S. Mason enre Lagles p!Myed farpel sueaig.L suffeca f rom wocms. She aiso St. Phone 266. 43-tf WA LR SS ce/' qn . 'it s, Program iTi, Rev. eh as kuows that if somne remnedy 1e WALnted S co r Î,i -FR yth ambllOchsra oclwili resuit tb the infant. The beat -- W ITH OUTSTANDING WEEKEND V L E HEALTH'S SAKE I solo, Miss Ruby Wallace; piano apiainta a egti PLSWNE NCN ffr ý soios. Mis. Adams sud Jean Millem'a Worm Powders. T h le y sigumeut No. 1 sud Domcstic - home when, with our iatest autohapt sudJean Cmpbciii fet ps that the cad soi- 1aers o.rLimied, 86Frontis k --.Thssesn' mats syes-trcicfiarm approved method. we offer t guitar). witb Jean siugng; vo- ORC DADTEE E gecs thaf e cpinlesa sur St-ater&C. Tomnt2.86 45-1 a rnlu v-E Y S .aas.nor n2 2 4 - rai uet Mm Stnle Foteort 8 satisying Olf Rivera su oter' f beaveine, Wolf, etc . Ail are lined and inter- ld.UneT vsin s1ooanbd. pies.ApplrF. .. Daw ES,. mral i-eSflvleyusol o for 49col ivr ad ter$ 16 bs.Mrs Vobuc, Rrbete. bs l 1h hîî ses î bi eriyvaretis. lsowincr p- lined. Colors of black, brown and navy. A e 45-1---- --l